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Building Web applications with ADO. NET and XML Web services PDF

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Building Web Applications with ADO.NET and XML Web Services Richard Hundhausen Steven Borg Cole Francis Kenneth Wilcox Gearhead Press™ Publisher: Robert Ipsen Editor: Theresa Hudson Consulting Editor: Donis Marshall Developmental Editor: Kathryn A. Malm Managing Editor: Angela Smith New Media Editor: Brian Snapp Text Design & Composition: Wiley Composition Services Designations used by companies to distinguish their products are often claimed as trade- marks. In all instances where Wiley Publishing, Inc. is aware of a claim, the product names appear in initial capital or ALLCAPITALLETTERS. Readers, however, should contact the appro- priate companies for more complete information regarding trademarks and registration. This book is printed on acid-free paper. ∞ Copyright © 2002 by Richard Hundhausen and Steven Borg. All rights reserved. Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana Published simultaneously in Canada No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rose- wood Drive, Danvers, MA01923, (978) 750-8400, fax (978) 750-4470. Requests to the Pub- lisher for permission should be addressed to the Legal Department, Wiley Publishing, Inc., 10475 Crosspointe Blvd., Indianapolis, IN 46256, (317) 572-3447, fax (317) 572-4447, E-mail: [email protected]. Limit of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty: While the publisher and author have used their best efforts in preparing this book, they make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended by sales representatives or written sales materials. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation. You should consult with a professional where appropriate. Neither the publisher nor author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to special, inci- dental, consequential, or other damages. For general information on our other products and services please contact our Customer Care Department within the United States at (800) 762-2974, outside the United States at (317) 572-3993 or fax (317) 572-4002. Wiley also publishes its books in a variety of electronic formats. Some content that appears in print may not be available in electronic books. The Gearhead Press trademark is the exclusive property of Gearhead Group Corporation. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data: ISBN: 0-471-20186-3 Printed in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Contents xi Chapter4 Designing a SQL Database 95 Features of SQLServer 2000 96 XMLSupport 96 User-Defined Functions 100 INSTEAD OF Triggers 102 Cascading Referential Integrity 104 Multiple Instances of SQLServer 104 Access via HTTP 105 Analysis Services 110 Creating a Database Structure from Our Model 111 Executing the DDL 113 Verifying the Physical Design 118 SQLServer Enterprise Manager (EM) 120 Adding Objects 123 Stored Procedures 123 Database Care and Feeding 130 Database Maintenance Plans 130 SQLProfiler 137 Summary 140 Chapter5 Building ADO.NET Components 141 The ADO.NET Object Model 143 Some ADO.NET Classes 144 Connection 144 Command 145 Parameter 145 DataSet 147 DataTable 148 DataAdapter 148 DataReader 149 ADO.NET Data Providers 150 OLE DB .NET Data Provider (System.Data.OleDb) 150 SQLServer .NET Data Provider (System.Data.SqlClient) 151 Introduction to the Hutchings Data Layer 152 The .NET Framework and ADO.NET 153 Design of the Data Layer 153 DataSets 154 DataAdapters 157 Building the Data Layer 158 Graphically Building the DataAdapters 158 Graphically Building the First DataSet 160 What the Other DataSet Objects Look Like 162 Looking at the Code 163 Building Our WebData Component from Scratch 164 Summary 174 xii Contents Chapter6 Creating Web Services 175 Creating the ASP.NET Web Service Project 176 Coding the XMLWeb Service 178 First Test of Our Web Service 180 Understanding the Files Created by Visual Studio .NET 185 Summary 186 Chapter 7 Deploying Web Services (UDDI) 187 Registering as a UDDI Participant and Registering Its Web Services 189 Adding Your Business to the UDDI 193 The Advantages of Web Services 195 Public and Private UDDI 197 Summary 198 Chapter 8 The Web Services Client Business Model 199 Who’s Our Market Again? 199 We’re Tired of Pushing; Let Them Pull for a While 200 It’s a Matter of Effort 201 It’s a Matter of Trust 202 It’s a Matter of Standards 204 Partner: HutchingsPhotography.com 205 Partner: Penguin Photos 209 User Interface Integration 212 The Search Page 212 Verification Page 213 Contract and Billing Page 214 The Benefits to Penguin Photos 215 More Partners Are Lining Up at Port 80 215 Partners Who Want to Stay with Classic ASP 216 Summary 217 Chapter 9 Hutchings Photography 219 Creating a Basic .NET Web Service Consumer 220 Using the Web Service Locator 222 The Web Reference Files 224 The Discovery File 224 The WSDLFile 225 The Reference Map 225 Objects, Properties, and Code 226 Form1: frmImages.vb 226 Our Global Module 229 Form2: frmArtistInfo.vb 231 Implementing the load event code for frmArtistInfo.vb 234 Filling the DataSet 234 Using a DataSet Array to Display the Information 235 The Truth about Embedded Base64 Binary Images 237 Displaying the Data 238 Contents xiii Form3: frmShowPhoto.vb 240 Adding the Code for the Other Searches 241 Testing the Other Searches 242 Two Features that Make Building Web Services Easy 244 Web Services and Lesser-Known XMLSchema Validations 244 The Inline Schema 245 Building the Code 246 Test-Driving the XSD 249 Building an Out-of-Process XSD 250 Constructing an XSD Document 250 Writing the Code to Use the XSD for Validating XML 255 Adding the Web Reference and Testing the Solution 257 Summary 258 Chapter 10 Penguin Photos 261 About Penguin Photos 262 Conventions Used in This Chapter 263 Borland Kylix 263 Consuming XMLWeb Services with Kylix 2 265 Web Applications with Kylix 267 Integrating Kylix and .NET 268 Consuming Hutchings Photography’s Web Service 269 The ReturnReferenceTables Web Method 271 The ReturnThumbs Web Method 272 The ReturnImage Web Method 274 Creating the Web Application 274 Apache Shared Modules 290 Summary 291 Chapter 11 Securing the Web Service 293 IIS Authentication Methods 294 Understanding the Web.Config File 298 Laying Down the Code 300 Testing Our Web Service 303 Build a VB.NET Client Application 306 Build an ASP.NET Client Application 309 Testing the .aspx Web Form Client 311 Testing the Visual Basic .NET Application 312 Allowing and Denying Users and Groups 315 Summary 315 Chapter 12 Testing the Web Service/Performance Optimizations 317 Performance 317 Web Service Clients 318 Asynchronous Service Calls 318 Callbacks 319 xiv Contents Web Service Servers 320 Error Handling 320 Scoping the Results 322 Remote Dependencies 322 IIS Server Configuration 323 Component Services 328 Session Management 330 In-Process Mode 330 StateServer Mode 330 SQLServer Mode 330 Performance Tools and Monitoring 331 Event Viewer 331 System Monitor 332 Network Monitor 332 Task Manager 333 Web Service Stress Testing 334 ACT 334 ANTS 336 Hardware 338 Memory 338 Hard Drive 339 Central Processing Unit (CPU) 339 Database Optimization 339 Summary 340 Index 341 CHAPTER 1 What Are Web Services? Years ago, in the Dark Ages before XML Web services, getting disparate systems to talk to one another was difficult—sometimes very difficult. At first, that didn’t matter. Nearly all applications were meant to stand alone on a single machine, and if they needed to interact with another program, doing so involved passing a floppy disk from one person to another. Even after computers were originally networked, the majority of computing was done inside the confines of one box. Sure, data was passed from one com- puter to another, but computers didn’t use each other’s processing power. With the advent and popularization of powerful database software, things changed. When you accessed a database, you asked the machine hosting the database to do some processing and return the results of that effort. This proved to be a winning tactic. More applications sought to take advantage of server power. Those of you who’ve been in the industry for a while will remember the shift to a client/server architecture. Of course, to communicate with the server, the client needed to be able to speak the same language as the server. For instance, to communicate with SQL Server, the client needed to understand Tabular Data Stream. This became a problem, so harkening back to the wise words of David Wheeler, a layer of indirection was added. In this case, it was Open Database Connectivity 1 2 Chapter 1 (ODBC). This allowed any client that could speak ODBC to access any database server that could speak ODBC. NOTE David Wheeler, a chief architect for the EDSAC project in the early 1950s, said, “Any problem in computer science can be solved with another layer of indirection.” Wise words! And written back at the origins of computer science. This worked for a while, and newer layers of indirection were developed, such as OLEDB and JDBC. But while this approach proved very successful, it served a limited audience. Providing these useful indirection layers took considerable industry support. This meant that as software developers working within a single organization, we had difficulty creating servers that could easily interoperate with numerous, diverse clients. If we wanted to create some code with functionality that could be invoked by another machine, we were in for a difficult time. A few technologies evolved to assist developers, including DCOM from Microsoft, CORBA from the Object Management Group, and, later, RMI from Sun Microsystems. These new technologies were fairly good . . . as long as you were com- municating with other systems using the same platform—and even that could be rough. How many of you tried to make DCOM talk to CORBA? How about making CORBAtalk to DCOM? Or DCOM talk to RMI? And how many of you tried to make CORBA talk to CORBA? Yep, even that could be hard. No matter how you sliced it, getting a Microsoft Windows machine to talk to a Unix machine in any meaningful way was a headache. Thus, the introduction of XML Web services. Like the technologies before it, XMLWeb services are a layer of indirection. This time, however, the method of invoking functionality on another machine is done through plain text using standard W3C protocols. In one significant way, this is a step backward—binary protocols can be much faster than an XML Web service. This disadvantage, though, is more than made up for by the ease with which different platforms can communicate with one another. This benefit is simple to demonstrate using Visual Studio .NET. You can create a project that references code running on a Linux machine in some guy’s garage in Peoria in just a few steps. Literally in minutes, you can cre- ate a meaningful application that is actively running code and receiving data on a machine running an entirely different operating system. Now that you’ve seen what XMLWeb services can do, how do you use them? In reality, Web services are nothing more than code running on someone’s platform that has an entry point allowing you to activate that code using a special XML document. In the most common case, you’re What Are Web Services? 3 sending an XMLdocument in a format called the Simple Object Access Pro- tocol (SOAP) over HTTP. The server has a listener waiting for a SOAP packet. When it receives one, it opens it up, and if everything is in order, it executes the native code. It then takes the results from that code, packages it into another SOAPpacket, and returns it to the client. That’s it. So, what’s the fuss? Nothing, really; it’s very simple. What makes it exciting is that this is an industry standard that is being adopted by every major technol- ogy firm. To be concise, Web services are nothing more than code that has been encapsulated by an envelope of reserved words written to a Web Service Definition Language (WSDL) and a Web Service Meta Language (WSML) file. The WSDL and WSML files describe the code, methods, parameters, and data types available for use. This chapter focuses on Web services and SOAP. It discusses the back- ground of Web services, how SOAP fits into the picture, and how distrib- uted programming was accomplished prior to Web services. The chapter discusses the background of Web services and how they are more robust when compared to their RPC predecessors. Furthermore, the chapter dis- cusses the pros and cons of using SOAP through Web services and pro- vides you with information as to what types of businesses can benefit using SOAP. Last, the chapter discusses applying security to Web services. This topic is also discussed at length in Chapter 11, “Securing the Web Service.” SOAP (The Web Service Protocol) and the General Protocol Pecking Order The Simple Object Access Protocol, better known as SOAP, was introduced to the public in 1998 when Microsoft released its Microsoft SOAP Toolkit 1.0. The objective was to find a simple interoperable technique to receive and transfer a wide range of data across the Internet using well-defined data types. SOAPwas created as a collaborative work orchestrated in part by the fol- lowing companies: Microsoft, IBM, Lotus Development, Userland Soft- ware, and DevelopMentor. Also, a well-known standards body, the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), recognizes and endorses the effort as a protocol that has already received recommended status. Please read www.w3.og/TR/SOAP/ for more details. Before we delve too far into SOAP, let’s discuss the order of nature in the protocol world. Only a fraction of all protocols that exist are listed in the 4 Chapter 1 next paragraph, but many of those that are listed here are well known and require no explanation after their introduction. The Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol, better known as TCP/IP, is ultimately responsible for the creation of other TCP-backbone protocols: HTTP, DHCP, SOAP, Telnet, Rlogin, DNS, FTP, RSH, IMAP, NFS, SMTP, POP3, NNTP, SNMP, SSH, most chat protocols, and most X Window network communications. FTP, HTTP, and SMTPare three of many widely known standard proto- cols that are generally supported within an organization and that rely on TCP as a standard transport mechanism. FTP, HTTP, and SMTP are inter- active protocols that can trigger events by either programmatic contribution or encountering a manual user transmission of meaningful information. We will focus on these protocols in this section because they are the proto- cols with which most people are familiar. In the set of circumstances surrounding the HTTP protocol, program- matic contributions offer a robust way to exchange information between a client and a server, and Component Services are committed to processing information in a very efficient manner. For example, the IIS Server does an excellent job handling HTTPuser requests and responses as well as inter- preting and executing ASPrequests. Because of the special relationship of IIS with MTS and COM+, known as Component Services, server-side resources can be pooled, including connections to the database and COM+ transactions. In effect, the SOAPprotocol overcomes the barriers discussed previously in this chapter regarding earlier attempts at creating custom TCP-based solutions. Because the SOAP protocol uses XML and the TCP protocol to bypass firewalls, it masks itself as an HTTPresponse or request and is eas- ily passed through virtually all firewalls. Hence, without TCP/IP, the HTTP protocol could not exist. You might think of the SOAP protocol as a third-tier protocol and FTP and HTTP as second-tier protocols, depending on the TCP protocol that provides for physical transmission. (See Figure 1.1.) The TCP/IP protocol negotiates handshaking and RPC (Remote Proce- dure Call) across an intranet and the public Internet. Handshaking is sim- ply the method by which two programs, through their interfaces, determine the type of relationship that exists between them. (See Figure 1.2.) RPC is a way for the programs of one computer to actually execute code on another computer.

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