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Build your own backyard birdhouses and feeders PDF

97 Pages·2011·55.352 MB·English
by  BeckKen
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BUILD YOUR OWN BACKYARD BIRDHOUSES and FEEDERS Edited by Ken Beck (MBI) JJoobb::0022771188 TTiittllee:: BBuuiilldd YYoouurr OOwwnn BBaacckkyyaarrdd BBiirrddhhoouussee && FFeeeeddeerrss ((MMBBII)) Page:2 0011--9966 0022771188__CC33..iinndddd 33 55//2288PP//aa11ggee11:: 33 99::3344 AAMM Contents Introduction 6 Helpful Hints 10 Birdhouses Wren Birdhouse 12 Bluebird Nest Box 16 Butt erfl y House 20 Open Nesting Platform 24 Purple Martin Gourd Colony 28 Wood Duck Nest Box 32 Red-Headed Woodpecker House 36 Tree Swallow Birdhouse 40 Chickadee Birdhouse 44 Barn Owl Nesting Box 48 Job:02718 Title: Build Your Own Backyard Birdhouse & Feeders (MBI) 0011--9966 0022771188..iinndddd 44 55//2200P//a11ge11: 4 11::5566 PPMM Feeders Log Feeder 52 Down Home Bird Feeder 54 Th ree-Sided Family Feeder 58 Suet Feeder 64 Canopy Feeder 68 Good Ole Days Feeder 72 Soft Drink Bott le Feeders 76 Barn Feeder 80 Snack Bar Feeder 84 Prairie Feeder 86 Preferred Foods of Diff erent Birds 92 Bird Sighting Record 94 National Organizations for Bird Watchers 96 (MBI) JJoobb::0022771188 TTiittllee:: BBuuiilldd YYoouurr OOwwnn BBaacckkyyaarrdd BBiirrddhhoouussee && FFeeeeddeerrss ((MMBBII)) Page:4 0011--9966 0022771188__CC22..iinndddd 55 55//2255//PP11aa11ggee ::55 1111::2288 AAMM Introduction You can always buy a birdhouse or a feeder, but making one with your own hands is sure to increase the joys of creating a nurturing environment for the birds that you love. Plus, well-built and well- placed birdhouses and bird feeders can bring homeowners hours of pleasure for many years. Th ere are dozens, perhaps even hundreds, of diff erent birdhouse and feeder designs and many look quite spectacular. But the truth is that birds don’t look for something decorative—they just look for simple structures that work. Never let your decorative touches get in the way of good, sound design. Good birdhouse and feeder designs must consider the bird fi rst. If you want to att ract a specifi c species to your backyard lawn or gar- den, your fi rst step is to study and learn the needs of that particular species. You need to fi nd out when they arrive in the spring, the specifi c type of habitat they prefer, and what their feeding habits are. Most 6 (cid:2) BUILD YOUR OWN BACKYARD BIRDHOUSES AND FEEDERS Job:02718 Title: Build Your Own Backyard Birdhouse & Feeders (MBI) 0011--9966 0022771188..iinndddd 66 55//2200P//a11ge11: 6 11::5566 PPMM important, you want to learn all you can about their nesting preferences. Th is knowledge will aid you in deciding the type of bird- house or feeder that will work best for your chosen feathered friend. Armed with this information, you can then decide the type of structures to construct, where to locate them, how high off the ground to mount them, the appro- priate size for the entrance hole, and, if you make more than one house, how far apart you should set them. For example, bluebird houses need a 1½-inch-diameter entrance hole, are best located in or near clearings, and should be spaced about 100 yards apart. You also need to consider how you will place your birdhouses or feeders so that they will be secure and not succumb to the forces of nature, such as heavy rains and strong winds. Always place the entrance to your birdhouses so that they face away from the prevail- ing weather (wind, rain, and so forth) in your area. If most of your weather comes from the south and the west, for instance, entrances should be mounted toward the north and the east. BUILD YOUR OWN BACKYARD BIRDHOUSES AND FEEDERS (cid:2) 7 (MBI) JJoobb::0022771188 TTiittllee:: BBuuiilldd YYoouurr OOwwnn BBaacckkyyaarrdd BBiirrddhhoouussee && FFeeeeddeerrss ((MMBBII)) Page:6 0011--9966 0022771188..iinndddd 77 55//2200PP//aa11ggee11:: 77 11::5566 PPMM 8 (cid:2) BUILD YOUR OWN BACKYARD BIRDHOUSES AND FEEDERS Job:02718 Title: Build Your Own Backyard Birdhouse & Feeders (MBI) 0011--9966 0022771188..iinndddd 88 55//2200P//a11ge11: 8 11::5577 PPMM While fence posts may be convenient, nest boxes actually work bett er when they’re mounted on PVC pipes or freestanding metal poles. Th is allows you to bett er adjust the height and discourage a host of predators. Bird species that elect to live in birdhouses are basically searching for a cavity where they can nest, lay their eggs, and raise their young. Th ey are also looking for surrounding areas that off er food, water, and other kinds of shelter. Among the more familiar species that will nest in manmade birdhouses are bluebirds, chickadees, fi nches, fl ycatchers, hum- mingbirds, kestrels, nuthatches, owls, purple martins, phoebes, robins, swallows, titmice, warblers, wrens, and some species of ducks and woodpeckers. As more wildlife habitats fall victim to progress and disappear, your birdhouse can serve an important role in conservation since it provides these birds with additional nesting options in an ever- crowded world. BUILD YOUR OWN BACKYARD BIRDHOUSES AND FEEDERS (cid:2) 9 (MBI) JJoobb::0022771188 TTiittllee:: BBuuiilldd YYoouurr OOwwnn BBaacckkyyaarrdd BBiirrddhhoouussee && FFeeeeddeerrss ((MMBBII)) Page:8 0011--9966 0022771188..iinndddd 99 55//2200PP//aa11ggee11:: 99 11::5577 PPMM Helpful Hints 1 Th e preferred building material for most birdhouses is redwood, western cedar, or cypress; it weathers bett er than pine or maple. 2 When purchasing plywood for outdoor projects, use exterior grade because it can bett er handle the elements. If you use untreated lumber, it will need to be painted with exterior-grade paint. 3 Hardware, such as hinges, should be brass or galvanized, and nails and screws should be rust resistant. 4 Birdhouses need ventilation and drainage holes. Feeders also need small drainage holes. 5 A table saw, hammer, screwdriver, and drill will be the most use- ful tools. For some projects, other tools may be needed, such as a jigsaw. 6 For drilling circular entrance holes, spade bits will do the trick. A countersink bit will allow you to insert a screw into the wood below the surface. You can fi ll the hole with wood fi ller and sand it for a smooth fi nish. 7 A speed square or combination square will come in handy when you’re measuring angles. 8 Measure and mark all pieces for a project before you cut anything so that you use the wood effi ciently. 9 Always drill a small hole, called a pilot hole, through the wood and into the second piece of wood before you screw them to- gether. Th is makes it easier to insert screws and creates a tighter fi t. It also helps to prevent splitt ing. 10 (cid:2) BUILD YOUR OWN BACKYARD BIRDHOUSES AND FEEDERS Job:02718 Title: Build Your Own Backyard Birdhouse & Feeders (MBI) 0011--9966 0022771188..iinndddd 1100 55//22P00ag//11e:111 0 11::5577 PPMM

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