SSeepptteemmbbeerr 22001166 •• UUSSPPSS 118844772200 •• VVoolluummee 5555 •• NNuummbbeerr 99 IInn TThhiiss IIssssuuee:: BBUUIILLDD AAGGAAIINN TTHHEE AALLTTAARRSS “I have been very jealous for the compromise, apostasy, and mockery Lord God of hosts: for the children of of the holy things of God and stan- Israel have forsaken thy covenant, dards of righteousness and truth. thrown down thine altars, and slain God’s covenants are broken and His thy prophets with the sword; and I, altars torn down. I believe that we even I only, am left; and they seek my must be the Elijahs of this age. Elijah life to take it away” (1 Kings 19:14). was the prophet who seemingly stood These are the desperate words of alone against all of the false prophets the prophet Elijah (words I have felt of Baal. He stood against the wicked- like praying myself!). Elijah lived in ness, ungodliness, whoredoms and a day when the land was filled with fornications of his day. The situation many false prophets. King Ahab and became so dire, until Elijah declared, his wicked wife, Jezebel, actually fed “Lord, only I am left, and they seek and kept 450 false prophets of Baal, my life!” while God’s altars were torn down, Elijah interceded against Israel’s and the land was steeped in idolatry, wickedness, saying, “Lord, all day immorality, and abomination. long they tear down thine altars...” We are faced with the very same The spiritual application: They tore conditions today: “In the last days, down the true way of worship! They many false prophets shall arise and forsook the old landmarks of righ- deceive many.... and some shall teousness and tore down the stan- depart from the faith” (Matt. 24:11, 1 dards of holiness and godliness. Tim. 4:1). Ahab and Jezebel introduced reli- More and more, we are faced with gious wickedness to Israel. Through- 2 out the Bible, we find that Satan has drink, the food we eat, but the greater used false religion to tear down threat is the polluting of the Word of God’s Word. Even today, there is not God. Perverted doctrines not only a famine in the land for religion. cannot save, but eternally damn the There are multitudes of religions in soul. Satan is trying to tear down existence, and if you don’t like any God’s altars and pervert God’s way of the existing religions, Satan will of righteousness, to remove the true oblige you by manufacturing a new way of salvation and substitute a reli- one, even making you the head. gious form or cunningly devised lie But the prophet Amos declared that cannot save, but in fact, will that the time would come when damn men’s souls! “there would be a famine in the land We have more churches today than for the hearing of the Word!” (Amos at any other time in the history of 8:11). People don’t want to hear the mankind. We have more religions Word today—they want to hear a than at any other time in the history word! of the world. Satan is not against reli- “For the time will come when they gion—He is against God’s plan of will not endure (tolerate) sound doc- salvation! He is out to dig down trine; but after their own lusts shall God’s altars—where man meets God, they heap to themselves teachers, and God meets man! having itching ears; And they shall God’s altar in the land of Israel turn away their ears from the truth, was a symbol of true worship. But and shall be turned unto fables Israel had become so wicked, until (lies)” (2 Tim. 4:3-4). Ahab married the idolatrous Jezebel, This verse has an interesting con- and went and served Baal and wor- struction in the Greek text. The verb shiped him. He built a house of Baal form “and they shall turn away their and reared up an altar for Baal in the ears...” is in the active voice, which house that he built for him. Then he means they are performing the made a grove where the false proph- action. “And shall be turned unto ets of Baal gathered and committed fables” is in the passive voice, which their abominations in the sight of means something or someone is per- God. Together, Ahab and Jezebel forming the action on them. In oth- introduced many foul and abomina- er words, when they rejected the ble ways of worship into the land of truth, they could not remain neu- God’s chosen people. They tore tral—but were then turned to the lie. down God’s holy altars and desecrat- ed His holy way until Elijah A Polluted Gospel declared: “I, even I only, am left!” We have reached a point when our Satan’s plan is to tear down the existence is threatened by pollution altars of God. He wants is to remove of the air we breathe, the water we you and me, the intercessors. If you 3 BUILD AGAIN THE ALTARS are living righteously, he wants to They offer as proof of their knowl- remove you, because you are a shin- edge of God material blessings and ing light in this darkened generation. worldly riches, fulfilling the Scrip- “You are the salt of the earth, but if ture, “They count gain as godliness; the salt hath lost its savor, wherewith from such withdraw thyself” (1 Tim. shall it be salted?” (Matt. 5:3). 6:5). Meanwhile, the enemy is tearing If you are a real Christian, and on down the altars of God, digging up fire for God, that is why you are feel- the altars of righteousness, and substi- ing so much pressure and buffetings tuting false worship in its place. coming against you, and why the ene- Satan is trying to get you and me my is fighting you so intensely, espe- to tear down our altar of prayer and cially in your prayer life! You and compromise our standards of holi- those who are standing true to God ness and godliness. We have reached with you, are the most detrimental a true parallel to Elijah’s day, when force to his kingdom. He wants to Elijah became convinced that there tear you down, because you are was no one left who had not compro- building up the altars of God! You mised. They had become so wicked are a light, and light always conquers and abominable that he began to darkness. You can be in a pitch-black intercede against Israel! dungeon and strike one match, and Paul brought this out in Romans the darkness is pushed back, and the 11:2-3: “...Wot (Know) ye not what light shines forth. the scripture saith of Elias (Elijah)? How he maketh intercession to God Turn Away From against Israel, saying, Lord, they God spoke to me, “Son, the same have killed thy prophets, and digged spirits that deceived the people down thine altars; and I am left through Ahab and Jezebel are blind- alone, and they seek my life.” ing the minds of this generation: That Elijah felt that he stood all alone there is no one right way, while the against the tide of wickedness, and people that are called by My Name, his enemies, especially wicked Jeze- My Church, are playing church and bel, sought his life, and there would seeking earthly riches.” be none to stand for righteousness. The Church has become so toler- “But what saith the answer of God ant, liberal, and compromising, and unto him?” many possess a religious spirit.“They “I have reserved to myself seven have a form of godliness, but they thousand men, who have not bowed deny the power thereof, from such the knee to the image of Baal” (vs. 4). turn away. They have a name that Today God is calling to His 7000 they live, but they are dead!” (2 Tim. and to His Elijahs to come up on 3:5). What they really have is a reli- Mount Carmel, the mount of prayer, gious spirit, and they are deceived. to call on God to send His power 4 BUILD AGAIN THE ALTARS upon the altar of the Lord. We must “There is one God and one mediator stand up against the Ahabs and Jezeb- between God and men, the man els and false prophets and preach the Christ Jesus.” Not Mary. Not whole counsel of God! I’m not afraid Mohammed. Not Buddha. Jesus said, of Jezebel and Ahab! I’m not going to “I am the way, the truth, and the compromise, because the only way life...” (John 14:6). Does this seem we are going to see revival is for exclusive? It is not exclusive in the God’s 7000 to build again the altars sense of who may come to God: “For of righteousness! I believe the Lord is God so loved the world that he gave weeping over our nation as He did his only begotten Son, that whosoev- over Jerusalem: “How oft, how oft er believeth in him should not perish, would I have gathered thee as a hen but have everlasting life” (John gathers her brood, but thou wouldest 3:16). not!” (Matt. 23:30). Oh, how God is Peter said, “...God is longsuffering trying to gather His people together to usward, not willing that any to stand up against false worship! should perish, but that all should come to repentance” (2 Pet. 3:9). The True Worship Paul declared, “Who will have all Elijah went up to the top of Mount men to be saved, and to come to the Carmel and restored the altars of God. knowledge of the truth” (2 Tim. 2:4). The altars had been torn down, and he God excludes no one from com- had to rebuild them. The altars of ing to Him, but He is exclusive in righteousness today have been torn the way we can come to the Truth, down, and you and I must build again because the Truth is in His Son, the altars of prayer! Where there are Jesus Christ. no walls of righteousness, every foul Jesus told Pilate: “To this end was I and unclean spirit invades. We are born, and for this cause came I into the going to have to walk with God and world, that I should bear witness unto worship Him in true worship. Jesus the truth. Everyone that is of the truth said in John 4: 23-24: “But the hour hears my voice” (Jn. 18:37). cometh, and now is, when the true Jesus did not say “God” seeks for worshipers shall worship the Father worshipers—but the “Father.” This in spirit and in truth: for the Father denotes relationship. Worship is seeketh such to worship him. And they about having a personal, intimate that worship him must worship him in relationship with the Father! It’s not spirit and in truth.” about “where” or “which mountain;” The fact that Jesus stated there are it’s about “Whom”—the Father! And “true worshipers,” means there must Jesus said, “No one cometh unto the also be false worshipers, or those Father but by me” (John 14:6). Paul who are not worshiping the true God said in Ephesians 4:5-6, “There is of the Bible. Paul said in 2 Tim. 2:5, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, One 5 BUILD AGAIN THE ALTARS God and Father off all, who is above worship you know not what: we know all...” There is no other God. Not what we worship: for salvation is of Allah, but the God and Father of the the Jews” (Jn. 4:22). In other words, Lord Jesus Christ. This is true wor- Jesus clearly stated, “Salvation is out ship. of Judah.” This is a direct prophecy The woman to whom Jesus spoke from Micah 5:2 which states “Out of these words was an adulteress and a thee (Judah) shall he come forth unto harlot, but she was also a Samaritan. me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose Their discourse turned to religious goings forth have been of old, from matters when she asked Jesus whether everlasting.” This is a Messianic they were supposed to worship at prophecy. Jesus did not tell her that it Jerusalem or at Mount Gerazim. The was all right to serve God in her own question is “How did the Samaritan’s way as long as she served God. No, religious sect begin?” The answer is only “true worshipers” can worship found in 2 Kings 17:23-41: the God and Father of Jesus Christ. After the Jews of Israel were car- We are seeing a parallel today as ried away into captivity to Babylon, many seek to elevate Islam to the and only few were left to tend the same level as Christianity and land, the king of Assyria sent Babylo- “other gods” to be equal with the nians to Israel to inhabit the land. God of the Bible and His Son, Judgment, in the form of lions, Jesus the Messiah. devoured the people, and so they Tolerance VS. Compromise asked the king to return a priest of Israel to the land to teach them the People are afraid of being accused ways of God. They thought this would of being intolerant or exclusive. It is stay God’s judgment on the land. one thing to be tolerant of other peo- This might sound like a good thing ple’s rights to choose to serve whom on the surface, but it wasn’t. What they will. God Himself said, happened was, the people added the “Choose ye this day whom ye shall Judaic worship to their own gods. serve...” (Joshua 24:15). God won’t They did not adopt Judaism as their make anyone serve Him who doesn’t faith, but they mixed it in with their want to. But it is another thing to say false worship. The result was a pol- that all faiths are equal, all gods are luted form of Judaism which contin- equal, and all ways to God are equal. ued even until Jesus’ time. This is Clearly the Scriptures teach other- why there was so much hatred and wise. This is not being intolerant. hostility between Jews and Samari- God even tolerates the devil at this tans. The Jews regarded them as time. We are free to make our own “half-breeds.” They were not allowed choices, but we are not free to choose to worship in the temple at Jerusalem. the consequences of our choices. Jesus answered the woman, “Ye God has said, “I set before you life 6 BUILD AGAIN THE ALTARS and good, death and evil... Choose ye them to the test, and when they come life that ye may live... For there is a forth they shall be as pure gold, and way which seemeth right unto a man; not as the chaff which the wind but the end thereof are the ways of driveth away!” death” (Deut. 30:15-19, Prov. 14:12). Elijah was feeling sorry for himself. All around us the Ahabs and Jeze- He had seen God answer by fire and bels of this day are tearing down the consume the sacrifice. He had pre- altars of God and instituting false vailed over the prophets of Baal and worship to false gods, but I believe slew them, but even after that great that God has reserved unto Himself victory, he fled in fear at the rage of 7000 who have not bowed their Jezebel. God rebuked Elijah saying, knees to the idol of compromise. “What are you doing here? Get up! When Elijah thought that he stood all You are not the only true prophet alone against the false prophets, he left. I have left to me 7000 in Israel feared for his life, and when he who have not bowed to Baal.” learned that Jezebel was out to get The Last Days’ 7000 him, he ran for his life! But while he sat under the shade of the juniper tree The same scene is set for these last and requested for himself that he days. We are in the “perilous times” might die, the angel of the Lord Paul spoke of, “when men shall be touched him and prepared a heavenly lovers of pleasures and lovers of self meal for him that sustained him for more than lovers of God, and haters forty days while he went up into and despisers of them that do good” Horeb, the mount of God, where he (Ref. 2 Tim. 3:1-3). But in the midst lodged in a cave. Then the word of of this gross wickedness, even while the Lord came unto him, and said, the wicked are ruling and the false “What doest thou here, Elijah?” prophets are prophesying in high “And he said, I have been very jeal- places, God has His 7000 and His ous for the Lord God of hosts: for the Elijahs who will build again His children of Israel have forsaken thy altars! God is preparing His 7000 covenants, and thrown down thine that He has reserved for this last-day altars, and slain thy prophets with the revival, and I don’t know about you, sword, and I, even I only, am left; and but I’ve made my mind up I’m going they seek my life to take it away.” to be one of them! I’m going to build But what was the answer of God again the altars of prayer the enemy to Elijah? “Yet have I reserved unto has digged down and the tabernacle me seven thousand that have not of prayer he has wasted. I’m going to bowed their knee to Baal! I have hid- maintain the standards of truth and den them in the caves and fed them holiness that saved me and have kept on bread and water. And I have been me 63 years, while many have trying them in the fire, and putting departed from the faith! 7 BUILD AGAIN THE ALTARS Paul said in Rom. 8:19-22, “The who have a form of godliness but whole creation awaiteth the manifes- deny the power thereof”—and that tation of the sons of God!” They are “we withdraw ourselves from those travailing, waiting for God’s real who count gain (the prosperity gos- sons to be manifest, those who have pel of greed) as godliness!” (2 Tim. not compromised or been infected 2:19, 3:5, 1 Tim. 6:5). and contaminated by the world and We are in the battle. We are being false worship. The world is groaning pressured to compromise on all sides under the burden of Satan, waiting and all fronts. But we must not run for their deliverance, for the 7000 from the pressure! We must dig our who have walked with God upon the heels in deeper. We must consecrate mount of prayer! ourselves and dedicate ourselves We must show the world the power more to prayer and fasting, and God of God! We must show them the glo- will strengthen us for the challenge ry of God. They must see our good of the enemy as He did Elijah. works, and then they will glorify our Breaking Through In Prayer Father in heaven. We must hold up the blood-stained banner which the Prayer and fasting can be likened devil hates so much and seeks to dis- unto a great jet airplane taking off. In annul. We must build again the altars order for a jet to get all those tons of of righteousness, of holiness, of steel up off of the ground and prayer and fasting, and walking in the through the clouds, it strains its Spirit. God’s Word declared, “Righ- engines at full capacity, revving with teousness exalteth a nation, but sin is great power and force, struggling to a reproach to any people!” break through the heavy atmosphere (Prov.14:34). and air currents. They vibrate in pro- There is no other foundation but test as the plane’s nose pushes righteousness: “The foundation of through the bucking currents. But God standeth sure, having this seal, when it reaches a certain altitude, it The Lord knoweth them that are his. breaks through to the jet stream and And let every one that nameth the smoothly levels off. There it is name of Christ, depart from iniquity” pushed along by the tail winds as it (2 Tim. 2:19). glides gracefully through the heavens It can be no clearer than this, that at tremendous, but gentle speeds. in order to name the Name of the Likewise, while one is pressing his Lord, we must depart from iniquity! way through to a higher spiritual lev- Don’t name the name of Christ— el, he is struggling and straining in Don’t call yourself a Christian if fasting and prayer, bucking against you’re still living in sin! God’s Word the opposition of the enemy and of demands that we “depart from his flesh. Then all of a sudden, he iniquity”—“turn away from those feels that explosion in the spirit, and 8 BUILD AGAIN THE ALTARS he knows he’s broken through the God is going to send a rainstorm of spiritual warfare, through the devil’s revival, and those who are not real for domain in the heavenlies, and God, and who are false prophets are through to heavenly places with going to be consumed as they were in Christ! (Ref. Eph. 6:12). Elijah’s day! I’ll tell you how to get there: Start The prophet Isaiah spoke a word building again the altars of God, the concerning the conflict of light and altars of prayer in your home. Learn to darkness before the coming of Christ wait on the Lord, and you will not get to set up His millennial kingdom, and weary. You’ll run and not faint. But he sounded a clarion call to the peo- like the eagle, like that jet plane, you’ll ple of God to rise up in the strength flap your wings and mount up into of God: heights sublime in the Spirit, far above “Arise, shine; for thy light is come, the beggarly elements of this world and the glory of the Lord is risen and the fleshly lusts that war against upon thee. For, behold, darkness shall the soul! (Ref. Gal. 4:9, 1 Pet. 2:11). cover the earth, and gross darkness If you are living right, the enemy is the people, but the Lord shall rise trying to remove you and tear down upon thee, and his glory shall be seen your altar of prayer, so that this world upon thee” (Isa. 60:1-2). will not know anything but wicked- On one hand there is gross darkness ness. (Ref. 1 John 5:19). Satan is try- and spiritual deception, but on the oth- ing to put your light out. God is look- er hand, God’s glory and the light of ing for a people who will let their His truth shine brightly upon the peo- lights shine. He is looking for a rem- ple of God! But we must rise up! This nant out of the church, even His 7000 is often the case in times of God’s who will be vessels of honor in His judgment. When it seems to be the great house: “But in a great house darkest hour of the night of the soul, there are not only vessels of honor, God calls to us in His mercy to lift us but some to dishonor.... And if a man up and deliver us. I believe God’s will purge himself, he will be a vessel voice can speak to us through the of honor, sanctified, meet for the Mas- prophets words: ter’s use, prepared unto every good “With my soul have I desired thee work” (2 Tim. 2:20-21). in the night; yea with my spirit within What are the good works? “Letting me I will seek thee early; for when our lights shine before men!” And in thy judgments are in the earth, the the midst of gross darkness and false inhabitants of the world will learn prophets and false worshipers, God is righteousness... Lord, in trouble going to send revival! He will bring have they visited thee; they poured His mighty remnant together and out a prayer when thy chastening prove who is the real and living God, was upon them... and who are the true prophets of God! “Come, my people, enter thou into 9 BUILD AGAIN THE ALTARS thy chambers, and shut thy doors unlawful sex acts to consummate about thee: hide thyself as it were for their worship. That is why God hated a little moment, until the indignation it so, and why He destroyed it. be overpast” (Isa. 26:9, 16, 20). Silence the Truth Just as God answered Elijah when he interceded against Israel, and Jezebel set up 450 false prophets declared that He had 7000 reserved of Baal, until all Israel had become unto Himself that would not bow idolatrous and dug down the altars of their knee to Baal, God has a people Jehovah and righteous worship. and a remnant reserved unto Him this Instead, they built groves and altars day according to the election of of Baal, of whoredoms and homosex- grace. They will not bow their knees uality. The false prophets flourished to the Baals of this generation! He in the house of Ahab and Jezebel. It has tested them to see of what sort became so wicked until Jezebel their works are, and He has tried killed all of the prophets of God. She them in the fire to see if they will wanted to get rid of every righteous stand up for righteousness and come voice, so that the people would know forth more precious than gold. He nothing but her unholy, vile worship! has preserved them as He did the The Mount of Prayer 7000 in Elijah’s day to build again His holy altars. We read in 1 Kings 18 that Ahab They will lift up their voices gathered the 450 false prophets of against the Jezebels and declare, Baal together with the 400 false “You are a false prophetess! You are prophets of the groves which ate at a sinful woman! ...And as for you, Jezebel’s table. He gathered the 850 Ahab, you murdered to get what you false prophets together with the chil- have, and you disobeyed God and dren of Israel unto Mount Carmel. married that idolatrous woman!” Elijah then spoke unto the people: Ahab had taken Jezebel, a strange “How long halt ye between two opin- woman of a foreign nation for his ions? If the Lord be God, follow him: wife, a practice that was clearly for- but if Baal, then follow him. And the bidden by God. Consequently, Jezeb- people answered him not a word!” el introduced all of her false religions (vs. 21). and vile worship to God’s holy peo- Please note: The people answered ple. This worship was associated not a word! Where were the cries with whoredoms and perversion. In against the false god of Baal? Where their temples were female and male were the protesters against the wicked prostitutes who served at the altars Jezebel and her false prophets? Was and worshiped the gods and goddess- there none to stand up against the es of fertility. When people came to evil? Was there none to lift a faithful worship, they committed unclean and voice to declare God’s righteousness? 10