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Build A Remote-Controlled Robot PDF

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BUILDA REMOTE CONTROLLED ROBOT Other ТАВ Electronics Robotics Titles The Robot Builder!s Bonanza, Second Edition, Ьу Gordon МсСоmЬ Robots Androids and Animatrons, Second Edition, Ьу John Iovine J J ТАВ Electronics Build Your Own Robot Kit Ьу Myke Predko and Веп Wirz BUILDA REMOTE CONTROLLED ROBOT R. DAVID SHIRCLIFF МсGгаw-Нill New York • Chicago • San Francisco • Lisbon • London • Madrid Меx:iСО City • Milan • New Delhi • San Juan • Seoul Singapore • Sydney • Toronto McGraw-Нill &? А Division оfшМсGrаwНill Companies Copyright © 2002 Ьу The МсGгаw-Нill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Manufactured in the United States of America. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, по рт of this publication тау Ье reproduced or distributed in апу form or Ьу anу means, or stored in а data base or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. 0-07-140964-5 The material in this eBook also арреат in the print version of this title: 0-07-138543-6 All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners. Rather than put а trademark symbol after every occurrence of а trademarked пате, we use names in ап editorial fashion only, and to the benefit of the trademark owner, with по intention of infringement of the trademark. Where such designations appear in this book, they have Ьееп printed with initial caps. МсGгаw-Н:ill eBooks are available at special quantity discounts to use as premiums and sales pro motions, or for use in corporate training programs. For more information, please contact George Hoare, Special Sales, at george_hoare@mcgraw-hill.com or (212) 904-4069. TERMSOFUSE This is а copyrighted work and The McGraw-Нill Companies, Inc. ("McGraw-Нill") and its licensors reserve all rights in and to the work. Use of this work is subject to these terms. Except as permitted under the Copyright Act of 1976 and the right to store and retrieve опе сору of the work, уои тау not decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, reproduce, modify, create derivative works based ироп, transmit, distribute, disseminate, sell, publish or sublicense the work or апу рт of it without МсGгаw-Н:ill's prior consent. Уои тау use the work for your own noncommercial and ретопal use; апу other use of the work is strictly prohibited. Your right to use the work тау Ье terminated if уои fail to comply with these terms. ТНЕ WORK IS PROVIDED "AS IS". McGRAW-НILLAND IТS LICENSORS МАКЕ NO GUAR ANТEES OR WARRANТIES AS ТО ТНЕ ACCURACY, ADEQUACY OR COMPLEТENESS OF OR RESULTS ТО ВЕ OBTAINED FROM USING ТНЕ WORK, INCLUDING ANY INFORMA TION ТНАТСAN ВЕ ACCESSED TНROUGH ТНЕ WORK VIA HYPERLINK OR OTНERWISE, AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ANY WARRANТY, EXPRESS OR IМPLIED, INCLUDING BUТ NOT LIMГГED ТО IМPLIED WARRANТIES OF MERCHANТABILIТY OR FI1NESS FOR А PARТICULAR PURPOSE. МсGгаw-Н:ill and its licensors do not warrant or guarantee that the func tions contained in the work will meet your requirements or that its operation will Ье uninterrupted or епоr free. Neither McGraw-нill nor its licensors shall Ье liable to уои or апуопе else for anу inac сигасу, епоr or omission, regardless of cause, in the work or for апу damages resulting therefrom. МсGгаw-Н:ill has по responsibility for the content of anу information accessed through the work. Under по circumstances shall McGraw-Нill and/or its licensors Ье liable for апу indirect, incidental, special, punitive, consequential or similar damages that result from the use of or inability to use the work, even if апу of them has Ьееп advised of the possibility of such damages. This limitation of lia bility shall apply to апу claim or cause whatsoever whether such claim or cause arises in contract, tort or otherwise. DOI: 10.103610071409645 То ту wife, Raye, аnd ту children, Daniel, Haley, Ian, Margaret, and Raymond, for their support and encouragement. ABOUT AUTHOR ТНЕ David Shircliff is а teacher at Seneca Ridge Middle School in Loudon County, Virginia, where Ье teaches classes in technology education. А dedicated electronics enthusiast, Mr. Shircliff has Ьееп researching and building robots for over 20 years. Copyright 2002 The McGraw Нill Companies, Inc. Click Неге for Terms of Use. For more informatiom regarding this title, click here CONTENTS Preface ix Introduc tion xi CHAPTER ONE. ТНЕ MOTORIZED PLATFORM 1 Preparing Motorized Wheels 1 The Platform 4 Mounting Wheels 6 Third Castor Wheel 9 Finishing Touches 11 CHAPTER ТWO. БОDУ FRAMEWORK 13 Cutting Aluminum 13 Drilling and Cutting the Sections 15 Assembling Framework 3 О Mounting Framework оп the Рlаtfопn 34 Mounting the Уасииm Outlet 35 CHAPTER THREE. POWER SUPPLY AND TEMPORARY CONTROL БОХ 39 Mounting Баttеriеs and Бarriеr Strips 39 Wiring Platform 43 Temporary Control Бох 45 Control Бох Construction 48 Wiring the Temporary Control Бох 48 U sing the Control Бох 5 1 vii Copyright 2002 ТЬе McGraw-Нi11 Companies, Inc. Click Here for Terms ofUse. viii CONТENТS CHAPTER FOUR. REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM 53 Motherboard 57 Wiring the Motherboard 60 Completing the Motherboard 62 Installing and Wiring the Motherboard 63 Using the Remote Control System 66 CHAPTER FIVE. ARMS AND SUBSYSTEMS 67 Arms 69 Drink Dispenser 75 The Head 80 Wiring the Уасииm System 81 CHAPTER SIX. SKIN AND FINISHING TOUCHES 85 Skin 85 Mounting Tray 91 Mounting Controls 92 Body Lights and Нот 96 12-Volt Power Outlet 98 Bow Tie 98 Painting and Trimming the Body 100 Тпm 100 Sources 107 Index 111 PREFACE 1n recent years robots have captured the interest of more and more people. Thanks to movies and 1v, the notion of the robot as а mechanical companion and servant has Ьесоте а common concept. As interest in robots grew, а number of books showing how to build robots at home began to appear. These books, however, were very technical, showing how to build computer-controlled тоЬНе platforms that are consid ered Ьу most to Ье true robots. Му interest in robots leaned more toward the popular con cept of robots as humanlike friends and servants. 1 did not have the technical skill or funds to build а computer-controlled robot, so 1 decided to develop а robot that would fit the popu lar image of robots and not Ье too difficult to complete or expensive to build. The result was Questor. While working оп Questor, 1 tried to develop а project that 1, as а beginner, could complete with little technical skill, using tools 1 had in ту workshop. Also, 1 wanted Questor to look and function like а robot butler, а form 1 felt best fit the friend/servant theme. For this reason 1 needed а people-sized robot that would have great presence. 1 concentrated more оп form than sophistication to develop an impressive looking, but relatively simple-to-build, project-a beginner's project. Later, when 1 decided to write а book about the project, 1 wanted to avoid weaknesses 1 found in other how-to robot books. This book is heavily illustrated, helping to take the guesswork out of Questor's construction. Next, the book deals only with the construction of the robot, and not the theories оп which it is based. This type of information is best derived from specialty electronics and robotics books. 1 have included ix Copyright 2002 ТЬе McGraw-Нi11 Companies, Inc. Click Here for Terrns ofUse.

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