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BUFORA UFO NEWSFILE OCTOBER I998 ti f"! E! ( i{ilif'=T: a;.> I E;a & + ?:i.e;'E:ce:!:!6 ;; eEtissisE E!:e;itc!E:i;: E c€ o: !3!i €#F " CHARD & ILMINSTER NEWS 9 :24F:etzEi::E:ri;cE 18 MAR 98 E iEFqf i;edsi?.Eeb F^!i !tr*Tils E reEIi;-iiE;:;fFiiqP 9r q: ?i H:5=€ :3i:: qa;I it€t'in::l:€E3ij;E iE; a g;f:E!qF; UFO sighting report I q !Ei.E.:i *i :5 5 3:t:::;e 5?{EIr38g C,lS-rhs€ snerhrngI ho:rdd .r herer A5 c0o uaDi'tee r Lrq.ni"s. "rn hD ;E Ei;:"E:F eraoonuo.nouddr nrrrr eiv'5 €ro pnno w betrrd( ns' eridsndd arehvne t tt +ady{'hr qLhaneb]oei ,t. Tchdev s.;omobrced r ar 3$EiiEfEi*ti€essiti3 EE.EEli;i6E._ ErE= ri -q r.aE5 gd c ! b- I!+ ;; rr t E=:-i*EZ- E I f."T E i oi: .!EFs tteS ";P; Eiii:i;j iFaig*sii :iE EJ FTF 6 ::Eiil:E:i i !-22 t#;3!6; i 1v; ;- -: p! o; +iti;r'$e i€€iri;j i;sa€EEiii ;5i g ! R rsi;€:Ei;f I ri;;iF+ EE€ E;'#!E!?E ;iiiEii€ s; eFg;iif;: g Ei E€€ e* -s 5 3o:SEdg:: 35 Efe€ $94 lgtlg;fuig E€iecft+iii f€g;i€E*E;t i; t:l ,.1 O z g€€i$if,€:i€ji igigiiiii$ igiiigEffEij (, €E€ gta;E:#FiEi i:;E$gii3i iiE€ FEE€+€EEE EEi =<- "lts very likely they arc here alnady but I aholutelv do not fiink theyve made contact lhey're watching u5' > apparentlv tbund a iricndlv alicn ishingin suppo.rcrs. -l do not rhink that this is con, (lntarnr in June 1920. lr is ourraueous. I \incins elrdence lor conracr. srid pike. rccept that. srid Good. But thar does nor - lndeed Idonl think rhere has ever been anv necessarllv mean it is nor rrue.Wc have pre .onvncrns e!idence lbr coniacr.' conceived ideas abour how alienswould be lhisdoesn r mean Pike doesn r believe in- hrvc.who crn sav wherher thev \!anr ro so xlicnsTalkine ro lir.(r- hc sad he no* thinks it llshinsorri lhe stoN is rrue ornor.-Howclcr 1 eR likelv th.t lhere is extra teresrial life: (nud admns bc dctiberarcd 1br . lons rimc 'I lhink thcv.re here rkeadv [on Eafihj.but rboul whethcrto includc rhcsroNin his book. I lbsoiutelv do nor rhink rhey have made {'ch Nr\ hisconcem at thc rrurhlulness olrhe .onl.rct. I}ev arc probablv wathing us unob- ulness.\!h,) hr ncvcrnel {scc pxnel.pdge.l9. rc ed - rheir rcchnology*ould be so much nnAlber Coe ssrory). more advanced lhanouE and i! is ridiculous to Cood conitms rhaLdcspne thc hundreds ol susgest the! arc crashrnr rheir spacecrah .nd thousrnds oIUFO sebun$ and thousands ol treeding to do repa;s. Thev are probably rlien rbduciions. thc !e has srillbccn no real nillions ol!eal! morc .dlanced than us' proolrhrt UFOs drc annhinebur nomrlphc nomenon.rnd thrt alicn abducreesdonl in- Sandwichcs {rilh a Venusian couple !cnt rhen dfumat'c stoncs*lt F cerramlt rrue Otheracadcmrcs ar{ee. D.Tobias Owen-p.o- lhat Brirish cirims oldlien dhdlction increased l.sso. ol lnronomv .r rhe Unilersirv ol xlterthc!slarled showrnq l/rc ,\ ./:i/.r on Ia' Ilawaii{rnd rhe iirn pcBon ro identiftr rhe hcre- sr\ s C ood. Funnv rh.r. '.Conllctccs lre 'I:rce on M!6 xnoma lv ) has jusr written a quenllv arc crven scemrneh ludicr(rus poinr5 I'ook .nt'tled thr !1\ttch lat Life h te olalien orilin.Nhrch lend to devalue rhcr ie. ltr,?rs.. _li N clef rhrrc could be lifc else- NUnts. \\'c r. !,il $ri(rnq lor prooi ro.ont \hcrc thc Llnl!.rse. hc said. Aut aliens rhroush !nd Im vtr! hrv€ no'nr madc tunr.cr wirh us- unless rhey .rnicuL.bour us iind hrve dissuised lhcmscl\.sso wellwe canlde- llot alone. . . r.d rhem- which Nould mean rhar everyone The norcs arc dis rrcund us. includinc vou and me. could be an ' missed bvsuchexpens .' hc n. obsen'inc our rQcrions rs John Pike. Dncdor In A1i4 A,r?(lood reports more bizarre ofSpacc Polid lbr thc \rones oi so crlled alien encounrers.such as eminenr Washhct{)n- th.t ot Shropshire ncws.senr Hubert Lewis. based Fcderaron ol Nho had h's insr alien.ontacr in November American Screrrisrs. I 95? Thc same rtren sroup trom Venus. aUeged $hich boaes 55 Nobel ro lile amon!r us. made contact with Lervis laurertes rmone ns rqain in J!lv l9-i8- rnd he travelled to !l rlllr r r:.r.r,;llr,{r r( I952 HamDu'qer e eman cerge UFO sightngs @!n€d eM b€fr'€ R(trll, ard in d€ Adamsk inds a 1l F0 .hais to rhe 2an0dth c eonnteusrlye rdnrte ym hr@a€ Ede xechrtaende €sa poini €rttrutel dilatrs€ro nactloitnute IorMe eFr Ba nladte 5r 4di€se n ioBr at iandte lins taog sepna6ce. t@kAdarok s ,r '.O.,.,....-..-.Ct 1S47 Rosr€ll, New a@ountof hrs sffi*"ff* .. MMo. slne eene ior '. ", ,rda rEet,h xAete mmnosonws8l 0cU1Foeo fw ts@h gehBst€€srnd ga inoadt SlSto5cdl ts€Dli/ ausyhaece En aa sdlar€ oi1 ,j 1-1 \.t €sMte$m 21Ei!fo!€ the uFo cEsh sde a€ an Alr Foae al€i mtrs. lle Msrcls h€€ mator and an a.cha6rog$ The a€ sltpnsngt ahlsic. bu1 18r, F2n* iamer AlFr Nam llnn et€stns acmunts ae brer :t€rfhs tapped nto p€6no a b se€s a 3COft oqaFshaoed cEit obscu€d b7 dre 6ntro€6y orer 'i€nnqaLc€nLs oafl€ be tootaee ofthe alen aLtopsv . After abductng one oi I 953 l lorlw.od s --a Fl€n non s cors. ( ir6ori. j<> 'Ihe go!€moroi fansas lgt[ hs ofnca: mav el€ dre . . Jea'odAbenC€ indsan np€d a en !rcbtem. .. near the MattaM nler n , ontaio. c€nada. cG and . €5 trealren. k oM as ZEt, beSrn ;1113i;9"*"*'"*" .,.lG I I 3 I Paddmston St.ton ro neer a lenusim couple -Latc! thc lno drcve Lo Wanslcad Flals rnd then 1() Forcst (larc where Ldvis had a meal dnd the othes rer dnd san.iw'chesl ' Mires Oood chcedullv How loll! pleasanl F(r rhose $ho gcnuinelv beliele rn intelli !rnrcxrfu rcresrnal lile.thcse stonesdo noth- in! bur hdm.Good.$ho hrsncvermei LrMs h,:licves h. !v snccle $hrle admntrnlr _lt is f.rrtc(L\ | \\'hle hL mJJc rh.non uP lir''lto"' \lLh,,u!h I nr'n rrluhrh !hos rhJL n',Lls ut Lo hJll ihL f',pulJtron rhrik rhcre rs rnlell mfileled alien? , cnt r cl*$her. nrhcUni!eE! Jnvoncsho i clms ro ha'. me t an alien or $cn a UrO is st {,biedcd ro ndicule.while 95 percent oi suP- red U FO rnd alien sishtnes crn be explNed i" naru." t . nLs. p'uit'otogrcal delusions o' siientiric rea""s onrng. r signrlicant numbe! oi rncidenls sllll deN rational expLanaton For cxrmplc the Arnencan governmenr B niil vet to Droqde a convincinq explanaion lor sh3r hJrlpcnrii rr R,)sqell iLr l94l uhen Me.k 'oe.lr\drn* Lrrlt $Js LxrerdcL'ned. b! the;rlira .ro be a seathcr balloon > 1dgfr$€ fte ,eh ,!'trh Drsv oaL nq litlee€ l gIhNerxmFrplsn: 14.,,,.-..,.... 4'cn. ! N'gtalallerssslr \oor€.sopsoe.€rD .,.,...."rsgo,-"r""***t 5uwas ne,an _..... Mrolva t\ysror z" -.. "' wEror me 40^4n0's..t edrr tollcllinar€ar al en mNes afradsl a so ht big ct t" ., I sfi fte war ane6 mav nal€ Aigljst and Nov€mber 1973 llFos a€ sLghied h 11 stai6. On 17 Oclober, i!€ df€€nt dd ergtungs Ln Fa kMlle lGbana oo ce chFi Jeifery G€e$aw tak€s a Phoo ol an €lEn $h ch c\tLcs ms6t E a man h a NASA f€ sriL ln Leht, L\rh, h Roach clarN to hre been aboucted wli heriour r.Er37 -t .,! irelns nreull,.,n rDperrance anddanauiar Ewn fte MoD admitbd all ii nupc. i pfroxrn re iv rqo ro th.ee merers thewitneses couldn't .,eros dnd rpp!)xrnrarelv rNo mere6 hrgh... have invenhd the story Ilen rhcre rs rhc n\srcnous siqhtin!. wn, nc\5ed'n Bnra'n nnd lr.ldnd tbr30ninutesrn rheerri! mominsol -tl N1d.h 1993 Dozensol > Sinilad!lhe lvllninnor Delencc has rribd t!ilccnren.dn RAF\ccunr! parrol anda tam ro explain what happcncd ur Il.ndLcsh.nl ih oi l\c \ere rNnrr hundrcds ol witneses Foresr. Suflolk. in 1980.{'hetr a UFO \.s ri \ho reporrcd secrtr! cithc. r$o b.iehr liehts legedlywlnesed b\ Un'ted St.rcsA! Force .Lnd one Irinrer onc.or r h uqe :(x)ft side dia- IUSAFI peBonnei rnd orhen nrond-\hrlred.hicct Il!ine ar low levels Floodlghts rnd radios lirlcd.rnd accordrng rndcrnillinq r nran!c hummrne$rund- 1.5ome accounrs. in I rctorr lo rhc !loD. \n i\l()D jd\cn,s li,)n admnrcdrhere*ere Colonel Chrrlcs Hrlr. rh. D.purl l]lsr no d,rcr.lr,n th. der rtrd ir would have been (lommander.i lhe t-rs Ai. Forct hrse iL idrposlblt lff !li ol rhc $ nesses ro inlenr vDdbndre. qrotc: thc objed \ .s dcscflbrd rhcir nor\: E!cnrurll! rhc rnvcsngation rmo thc inc'dcnr {as quicrl! dropped when all I c.nhtv possbrlitics Nere exhrusGd. ';;,;;; )el morcrcspccnble wnnesseshave admit- tcd lhe! belicvc rn LrFOsAsronaut!nilitarv T .htls and pohicians rll sav more nvestgFtion is ; needcd.J Edld H(!r!er. the lbqdcrof ihe FBI. rddhisdcput! nr l9-15hesould getrothebot' tom ofrhc nrvsrcr! rlrh'lc brerdentingthe llurcau.\crin\cn,! tcd rr).RobenGallevrhc L qch \linislcr ol De lcncc. si in l97.li lmus{ .r! thrt illisrencscouldsee torthemselvesnrc figr 6!ss ol rcporrs .omrnq rn l()m fte doblle 8cn Jrrm.i,c.!.d lrom rlr. !cnddmcne chrrgcd sith rh. i()t) olconducrnr inveslrE.tions linlo FEI bos Hder told his deputy he sas (Ll nFlOvsl l.rh.\ $ouldsce u 6allp.etNd$turbrng. I going to slve lhe UFO lhen he n nronrh an Auenlian MP callcd on his It denied oer mentionine' ityhset e$rbyi ecr lolemmen' (oopcn irs X lilcs to the public. ...... ....... ........ nle ichtin!s rfu not jusr limited to the :.tit1lltl rl tz r;.i prlpo(ron ot tliem concemed € ongared €!es. Th@ she G dclpanls. abauclons and c€rr ihorouBnly e€m ned. fte ai€ns n $e Un(€! Stares. 1973 snirng on the g.!nd. ftLs u€s n thar €laied u.der hvpms s bv lmk sk n anl e M emp s, mad@d a s fli€d chan9 h :na.p ontEsr ro ortrous wa€ suFn Ramstead oi Co€ ano nonno€d hertnoughBMa jl ioinel v n@ao€ € aoni ellF.oOm ^so qutsu .g.*usm. bN;eorr lrf s ghtngs. trhe'e oe $!ce6 Ramstead c a he she uas hrilphn oas cso ba .md ep6rll bteudb eh. s0 nd@v llre !i e.co!me6 €mneo butan hone llje mcr notonous taken on board a domed rr e !r siu.iv Ms comp ete. s,re MS _\ / JnD€ceoenttr PimL'niec.f rhP lq73\6€ c@atucs sth pastr, iacs ano 'l*l / ,*l ,l Jii tyio I ix' -tl J ..,- | \J/ r sl rllm/Plr0lo )( abducuoni .aEr Was ffs lllde[enderce oay? .,) conua ln 1973. UFO siehtings $ere ,tsui{ll!,?!oto flv3t so common in America as to suggest the ariens midt * have staged a miniin€sion moucton ogllt NEE n T{o t,iFos x.e repo.red tohave hovered r lhe B.rkonLrr SPrcc Ccnrre. b.sed in Fishing with an alien zakhslan. tbr l.l secondsThe Rus'ancos naur cM Ulnako{ who was rn orbrt und lhe Errrh rn thc Ru$ran Mir space ''0h help re, hellpe nyee! alt$r{alds lle ltk t{d steps, sw€\€d ioobn.jeonccre.. dnaNramscad :g_rl eslaLwn alvn e!t usdpehnetrie6.e fdte nrve- lAyu&rnbae€rtl io1n9c2 e0in , w Oa6.ndt a otnio as €@ith hinisg nkilnerdwe pg n€boob.meed a E0m an rag@oduo ntMod. liLrs iectean-cldrsk!:Ilisdl cuhroderemrne- @mpanid Rod.Alon€attne @6t. lle linally gave n rhe obrecL \rs rr | !fu.t.lrrlude orer thc tim. ce head tne muined bln made me E€ mv $e rlh.perhafs:r rlkm. cry stile clanbering too f e emn @'d that ! rcuLd top of an out.bpping not dulge to €n!! re \rt tr3rca7h ns leolocr oi .nrE)dru \rsLri.gt.r nIheacllrilcrccl.{tmnhe n SlA amlngclietnhtc|d!aeunnisecde rMnm@g€,atIkn ts t ahmieMn hde RemMaiqsd t. eh a s @tcleirg!c.h4 it'nloyh too n h htehislep aprordaaMiLclnie .a'r.un mAgaegt"drral e.ttheohen a gm-d €kCa,ednone. ?n d s.necled eqlences on y rTI) has n(,t h.en r contlere larlure.ln 'r h.d M kea ahaLrr 25 lber rn Fully exlecnng n ro be eme ,:ust l9r-7 a \.icnr,st $ is checklng lvough ihe dtrft1ron oi Lhe $rre v,'1ren \!e ol conwntronal plane, C@ reamsor prrr\hl.honpnsed the resul$ cameo acenn$e baserc.k, ras astou.ded bv$hathe ew erpla red that hG €ce had m rhe Ais Eu. relescopc atOhoSrare ed C@. "lv€deed dcM th 5 A 6!nd s hd .rs zmln 20 on4nated on a p aner ca{ed denio hOe \br\\!clnnm!!tcr'dtrh nL0) .r9n .1or rhacs SdErToIp pprronlc!scrg 5s 'L$erghs e€€ n M$.t unaulmlvot iheed M hS m. lleehne€eat nmel e,d e wsa,m. pwestlh eoorr r ,tt(ru €ssp lraosAp€need.l l eAinsg Non yNmftroril outno, usnr .tgn*hm tyan @ss.m !noadr o etTuranthLq a c8ne5 rE aianh. ,Locadnecde:rlihomr$ .r nuarrccs hhnred. l( ,n.ko€ttchdrn g.Lahscr cphowrr-l lnable to stnnd. fte 6lstthmg aopl psmmaac[ hse odt,s ianooutnedd i hae nnu.mi. baenrd so'uaBra.b Foouu f1te1n Eblrto YlseanGd iio\€amc eds craodpen.r slru;nrrnlhrred lbnciemn ,nthrcerc d.prtrecdc rlho)r rhocl gam'liee fmt trnea ra nh acaa da ss nNe,€rner €Voi s Lk oI oS mOpeeO. liuapd tio. ad urcclkn otoe dM clkewftlnil [email protected] yN, oncq ob?ebgMan tdo ethhe! !e€lnr€nct rRrr.arnliussn !d nrdh L.a :!refrdo n(trt tprr..ccers,.ilvr .trh7 .n i.sor!nndasL. rsom fta. lurN$ wunmoee.. t$ eoa cnhele. $S }aeSr acd he gms ,! naldtheomug6h0 rf.t Mbse sll lgsh tlthe htoa ptd€.erdr$ei c laae o6nc eM. sE wnrdyeMsms€rgy rlcssorJ!m lnmr. rhc s..nrrr rcidrn! :hdfisny- The Norcans' breeding with earth 1,ueh Ihc fltrr. \rniihL.d (Losn rhc \ord \owl jn rh! n,rr!!n li'rhsd!\:screnuni :ffii"Jxi' people cteaied a blond,lair race \e been unrbI r(i.\rLrif nir\rncrn!lv Ih. .ow sonaL r\ r.\rh1ng orher drher r j!mvreonuosnh our ad rlsdolr.rrocnd sxg5nrarrrlPr'ohhamvn s riunlo P'hheer maoLlmo1m oas ltnr egg .N towe nhd oe! pns olnrmeo epc eni seohdrm goqeL.tt tr Hnmeg vd ca ohn'aHr€wie i €eor ra6nh9d_€d oo mn Lath bea blEtoorLcnnu. n rdoanfid a and o,,{,i r61d (ee$hded.d E fttooe o cnoon.u rbyf utseto Fnllcrotlrr hof nrne 6g e ffetocb .n isation 5 ETI hrd 1rs Iundtn s Nrhdfu*n ,n answenngye 6lrke a mL€cle, d6r Mng down w$ $6 ladder m gE€ to anovEr e ar 96tem. r93 but h.s b.en succeed.d b! l\otecr By nN. dre crculauon Ms tungs mo! ded on ts nner roenix t nlorrunrtch lor those $rntrnQ slrfa€. L clasDed my hanos E\enfua t, atur a suc.€sstu $oarelaegvaidrnti cuee rPh.u tc !hr aonnccc rsno al tninrdih$o!n .rhc sdme ctn@e ms aonn asL Lcy o€immpaocs u€ nC @I'osm pa n, uhovnimedr e nvr 1.h eEi len gm Po o€eodi€d Lrhoeo tdo aDMned n bargot o ma$enedd .b,r"npneiacf.lhya lowonrtyhL ancaGn s.MMmas g tenoso EEna bnn isru,h mdeaudninsg, Yet lh.sc \dtnrllrc lindin{s ttrc,anored bc- asron sh ng. An ofe. to heLo h m sad, w L n@r rnEertou rbr nre e&€ndon €tumed to NoGa. ,ulvsein go l onnroer eB ndurasnhr arudcm cflatl$rmho\s.!b.hrm.s st hohse ch'na-s bda€lncke dto. lr s"H Pe a dn ed nw r6 s ?atf tl i6t0rl Lptmis mdaey., Raenmd e$maDnde r ctloe akre eMp e)no uIr $r @1 d ooe co dnerde LEtaan nN. o2rc4a3n.s000 rt an aircn c.ilcd r\Lan. lnd rhe case ol Air mpo* on me and said I sho! d rake ofl,- c.e Gtr€ced rr s sreDs locns eft uie r p aner m 62 ljrmrsmhNNlnSdtrr r Pin.t .lri rHcol,6)Ll eS\rr nrklrec l(olLmrmcmrdaendp.u t>! dol'bFtmedm tthhael choen cdonuont moi nlr sM le gk. tco elahldlesn tBtr e$a€ae. df .a ttu tLrme'ree @de dtnogm er e€toc€rr h t,h€neee r\rrlcuosgMhe enso ooAancl^€c rmManaa.d 6e. BnkL.n Enovg.eN n1 .oi3hn0ee0n , o!tl bePan to rN w, At icr ( Paw ofia @ {hE! ng sou.o, loed Slcceed nC Cene€nons. Zet erp aineo, ac€nced 10 L're a hFi pdcnen Mr ne. ina v renflic oocntra of aunchng prcbes to venus ano Eafih. bolh cpab ftrs oi tie ear Ar itar ot {h(h 0-a€ subs€quenUy tme expenenced a Ltrclbmg ..ron6ed. n the pnmary $ag€s sensalon. trh[h Ms ielt dn€r ci r,rs eraansLon, ba*s oi .lgrch v€€ escb shed o. comp6 me sl]] n m6ef. As r'enus to srldy lls at_nosphee. itrlftedai retabo€the iblnl the mam coLon&t'on gend, t paus€d wth a sl$t flLttenng, tie legs iolded mo (C@ and zJet a€ to be tne €ces6€3 as I srtuv rcse 'i4 sa.tneecoonEmn $ $ the erion es ease or in sr e do^6 €lcm n an lpoJauerror roel $e m!{norogrcar conlnenl oi Lemlna Lar a oomt about c@ *t olf back toMos 1,m0 m s ea$ of tiie MalsliaLl €mo n a stae oi b€n demenl s atus): noM€m llb€t and fie "lia *med l eaoaniohme ilmnof. Nor€N eDrcducea ofln€a ts, he @mhented. ftr nat\€ nhab ants, zr€t IE 'It \6 an ep s.de laslinq nor erplaned. lne ndLgenous Eanh much mo€ tian an holt Ltat rr:op e a Lha tme liad b ack or 3 may hav€ clned me a thousano ooM na r and e\€s, and Lhe y€aci o Lte inu€- and !€t lelt ntelbc€ong led to a bbnd an unea$i€ ngorstnsng 'aL€d, larsknned Deope. [email protected] ren aa* E Se€mg is disbeliding no actJaily ens! an mpNonol luDJitted byoena4l4 n6,99 hasYetmanagedto@NincethecY cs raf"f3t t*',1 The debate about UF0s desperahly needs to be saved lrom ih supporterc > $hos!\s he mcr.n aliencalledJlnus ir 1951 i hrl s rn (ed 1() make conracr lwrh the rop leveh L,r rh. Btrrsh crtrbLi\hmenr Howevcr rhis$rs noorlrtound lJkenrcrc!ourlerdcrsituallon. l ltFl.\i(h.n ! \qurdron Lcadcrandequer ,\ r,, P.n.! l'h hf trtnr ro nrrer | \lrs \l,irlhrnr nr,r rlrr Ln ( hclscri. London.Whcn Ne !.r rircrc Inus 11r!1:Im Pnnc. Philip rsr I ! .rrdrL!. er r rhc rcrrn dl rlildl1Ie.nd rhe cn- \ronm.f r' lsrhLsr|clmrexrn1ple 1 ,,r e\lir.r!rennrl pollrcrls.rrrr I ) nr. c(rNcr\doon fun!ed$idclv (nar a rrrii\ Jrrus e\tL.'ncd rhc s.d.rs ol I Jico \fr.cr \.ir hur Horlc\ nc\er : !.( x rr)rur r(r)l r( lxnus. Str.inr.l\'. rhcf ir! ]trr.lltrn!v l)fldll\ nrcn I r .n.d the nr.ct'n! n r r.forr rnd (hen Alien drops in for soth anni!€rsary of his last Msit to SiodEll. New rorr.nrL\ l(tr!or rlL,rlnul rl lor m)re Mo@o. Pity the transporte. lets him dolvn aeFin IIJnl,LuLL\ nrrlhcr,,r rhcsc cNs 1s hlvc hecn abducrcd bv rliens and r.dL (ni.! rn drrrrL h\ ( '.(\l rn thc subteclcd r(r rhc $rt olmedrcalcx l/r.,r /nr\d h,r,l. ln\rriJ rlrc he\r sell, pcnmcn(s lhc\ scc almost ever! in! rulh(tr o.!le!s 1o llcscnhc (hrce Sund.vn,!h' on ?lk, .\' Filzr. i.N.s$h.rr rn\sr.nou\ncn rn.dr(ipre- E\en \r)rse rre the credulous \tnt L FO rnd rlicn srrnc$cs Irom re UFO ol.ests who claim rhatApollo \cJhn! rhcr.\ rdrn.. ro rh. \ttrLd:thc ll rlw r ll.er ol .licn ships on the llcallcd \lcn In tlhck llllB). noon in ltr69. Hcre s rn enrad liom a (-omfNr.d r(J rh. indcnrucrrblc rqcnts tonvcrsaron b.rween Apollo il rnd tLr\cdb\ Iammv Lr.Joncs rndWlllSm(h in Houston\lhich rou can Undon the Ner rhe bl.ckbusrrr .1/."r ,r tsi,r.t. Cood s NIIBs \lisson (-{)ntrol: W'ari l/lere? re ludr.R)usl\ incll.ctual. lllcv rniled t(r n- ,\pollo ll: Ilt!. bthic! erc huge sit l.ncc rh. rulho.ol th. bool hinr\.11 rn,l,I.:h Oh (;)tl \t t rt tldn I btlicrc n! I t .'nd r\tn $,hcss \or do rhev $err rhe slme t!ll! q \. 1tre rr. st\tcccarh. t lt.tt c.o n'nslasscs as Snr rrh rnd Lee Jones l tttl rt, ut tlL tu r,lt,'t ttt Lronr I]). .i\cs (nn)d de\.fihes rncLudc cLcan- lhat thcrc rrc:_man! Ludicrous lspccts ro \llegcdl\'lrped b\ ri)mer NASA emptoy (ii..l !i.N.n L(r)krn! \llB s ho rhrcrrencd thc cl!rinrs rhoul \.llBr" ec Ouo Inndrr rhs mrk.sAlben Coc s ulicn rLna!uucnccs r!.rf\l onc $rrness- or x 'Ihc wholc dcbatc xboul unid.nrlticd iting r.uhnssror!sccnr l]osiri\el! humdrum. i.rndrnr\,d UlB \h. L,nda lU.\i.xn UFo .biects ,ind nlicns dcspeft .l! necds lo he rcy lL $e &)uLd ilnor. nruch olthe tcslimonv ol nrrn!s\ for ro trLk 01 hrs cxt)encncc. lt is Ll .ucd lrcm m)sr ol ns supponc 6. prrticulrrlv rhe !hdLrct.ct. pcrhrps sdence could gct on hL!hL\ ,mpLruibl.: c\.n (lood $rll .rdmit the lhousands olAmericans !vho cLaim rhev ex.mrnrnullre Ntr. f husible partsof $esub- tcct. Allcr rLl. lhc rrlumenr eocs.lcw .c 'pecr. blc s.1e nrsrs *rnr to be involled wilh a subjcct domrna(ecl I'r complere nutteB Susrn Bhckmorc. scnior lecturer in PilchoLogv aL rhe UDilcrsity oi theWest ot 1 Allell3 and lJtos are t Flh sincc [ley filst saw onlr sighted !t nutbls En!land rn Bris(ol.pus rhe storiesolalicn ab ductions down ro necp prralvsis.which can happen \!hen dcep step intrudes into the shal I \\cr lrr slr!.,n nunrh.r.Ilrceliectis.lieel. :'! r\,1(..uurrrir! r nriicvolcnt prcs.nee. 4llt0s onh appear to Lrur bcrns umblc t,i morc. lon€ lnmel! in te mid- \lichae L Persinccr- proiesor oi psvchologv 3 People onry $e UFG rnd reurosderce rt Lrurentian Uni\€Bnvin ! Peopla hsat$ar loendl yseeinq {do on lno gnr! iiain: SudbunlOnl$o. hrs otlered lnother solution- P.olessor Persinser hrs csrablished a Heaven lnd Hcll chambcr $hcre iaint pulses ol mag- 5 tlto Ffiolograpls alt ner. .nerg\ rr. directed inro rhe ohriody hked: r uFo EIatAsco{ photogEphs €ally wele lrr,rns ol volun(eea.!i!ing rhem bizane hrllu- nag in cinarlons rhirtcar remtvrnd excire thesubJecl Pe6rnser conlrovesial theones suI:gesr > s ![@ "Fasbr space tavel could change ouruiewftatwe are alone in the unive$e'n > ihe enerq\ crn caus. rhe rclease oIa itood ,)limaees liom rhc Drn \rhrch arr auromarr- crll! madL r. \ecnr r.r nht! renl and rm.dr tant'. such r\ beIcl ri ,rtr;n rbducrion:He bclieveseanhqurkcs r hchind mrn! abduc !ons bccau\.."hcn te.!)n,.ttrrcsrub asarnsr 1,ncr.o(her Jrr!trL L rfe\ni$rtepressurc is placcd on c^sral!' rn rhc n)ck!which rn rum p.oduccs rhe sdmc r\pe or etecrromarlDerjc |,elds cenerircd rn rhcHra\en rnd Hcll;ham lrcr. He srrs rh()r tr\rn! around lcr1ve taut( LLncs ull suicr nrore rtrin olhcK (hcnce rhc numl'er oinrhtrnes rn Crtlfo.nra.l). whrch \hould h. \)mc rnrllr.mtofl ro rhose ab dLoee\ $h. r.rrlhc\ r.1rornqnrad. 5o trh.l l(j lh. ollj.Lrl\ thrnk I Downinp Strecl sr\s hr\ ro imrn.d[lt pohdon alieni rcremn! alLr uenr\ lo rlr. \linsln.oiDeren.. [esumabh hrcrust i t . ,ttn rs I rhrear r. nrronrl \.cufr\ !n. r ,,,n\ Ilt rr $.rrched ()ilicirl\ lrnn l,rdd\ .\\hdown s an.i $ijlli r Hr!u. \ orrLc.\ rl\() sur!esrcd askine rhc \loD. ehrrc squ"a",n L"oA", ro. pRnonulrnridhs stord\. c\ \\rh .lr{h!'ke rionlu()r |rttlrId tcFteOnlcs;hsthina;oc! $LaSnArEin fa n(od dGrslocunsds CUrFlOciS t rsohmo urlhdc sUpSeA.tF lsod rih(tc rNhIr rL cnornn dm,ueulne\o narrei p\ao\i\sr bqlec \rlolur entercad- lelor eDs.ron!c, .cnbrrblohihoaensauTcvectfhr!entknhi wre tr dc h-lrbe v u aoeCrP raps cpeyPeIcsanhAo n nec\culr.acrh nsbn isccsc.toosc !d\oce nbi,h.Idnnoo Tcolrn.ercnr(hf do)lndn arh lsnro nrm.ech mcn!roo o\ u 1 orulnkr'lrnu)$ihndcn rq,r.r no )\lhrLtru{.s s...qlturt lhicrcrlIrWdeendjomO spnratKcl.s."ts , iDntactr winhtrnakrnre haa".;a te "ctrnvfaN! iv edn"no iAvnroornUohoeSer| Fe .vn nA,!oOoe"nc,ri \cU,l'FrL(1'e<dW) rFc mj oAJ l,Obimr\!ndic en eSradr dcvno dE 1ae oepeuf9unie |nomsnn:rlrUeCsrlLiedr s tlclrii er9nriLn ba h.06e!c nlr eeet 9dxchta slr .pfr\alceillerr.iellste war^n (d darslrsa p.ell$ Tt8easnosChh nna c ooU( vnee^tu o r DFr lrsntcIhhrp Or ooraonlpr;lrr aornn jlckatwti cierlo.eane\iccnn i !ditncadoae rs qrrinB.cI e ustt a r uLcn hnrhlheiciovNeofr ue emnqBOAn h hoool pSr\7esh:roe.1Ac ar.tnrr.lr cos.rmIuarerrocouln$aam anllirkdrrtivd vfc .c\ccr, hll! tteor€ f.i isot_sJ*ricpnncss l.r rslorh aecomr toSr c . cuod- l rxiwnl,urf( idsclt,of6ve rc,o .teb ,c! reT rl rotlsnrMke!htkeelarsalr cclr.artn.an!nrn lrsteprek .e. Tnm tr rehanhrrcserdcceddson ic n e srnlio!lnonreitarhn\ dx !lsam eoor h tvncu toboeh*oetsiwneqedul br lSstnodtsheip f fE$ieeaa nctiTc qehsce I sevio. jfi.sns aaruhyr clsnelsleeoed_ll- []t Unidentified Flyinu 0[iets d l,'',tlfl:f;:-:T:lffTei::tflii,T{,*fii,, p rat-,ttlt Last Updated 5:19 PM ET September'11. 1998 I UFO sighting captured on videotape? PARIS (Reuten) - Franc€'s National Center for Space Studies (CNES) said Friday it was investigating a reported sighting of an unidentified flying object in the Alpine village of Voreppe after a witness videotap€d the phenomenon. The vid€otape shows "a dark form that looks like it is ''':=:= '. ):E nn.' i1;s lloating and then moves away in a curious way," CNES expert Jean-Jacques Velasco told Reuters after viewing the i :,::r' r: roLd, the videotape and conducting initial interiews with witnesses. :.. r-: :La:? There ];j::]].srnthe He said four individuals in tfuee different goups had Pr.:j:t.. ':. ti.:r -' :rr - .1,,i:- ::: - : - :,i'rr ir:r .f reported seeing the object over a period of several minutes. .i ! ..r ,, Ii :: i ir.rTiirlio.at They said they initially sighted it perched on the top ofa tree at dusk on September 8. ', .'1' j]| j..JeIai :: r: !. ! )tLe'trus Iwo ofthe individuals were quite near the tree while a third, -:l ic!rt rra s about 50 meters (yards) away, had the presence of mind to . : r::clt'l L li quickly run into his house, grab a video camera, and film th€ ' r-l |:'t "r ih{: mysterious object as it flew off, he said. -- :]n:enLi rie rr !'rtlil _"h'r- :rr; : i.ansrr:inq the Based on rhe videotape and preliminary wimess accounrs. V€lasco said the object app€ared to be "a round disc, four to five meters across, with a few Fotuberances coming out of it Lir'eLs' slch J- r... ':rrl. :::r-:r::: :-" :rsd,l P:sses and a red ring around its base-" r r.r-i.: r: .: :ij:.:s :l .oner, r.:rlrF:,.s - L :er./ rte moon, The space center said in a statement it was beginning its r tll'ctrDn 'i investigation by attempting to verify that the tape was J!:ri:r,.r :: ,.::rll.:. . ; ::re PLrr'' !f genuine. , ., i a. n".essiLY r._r...phrny, It was also trying to check out the witnesses and examine the . r ,r .f:r:riL,il ILY ::]:::]i.r]:terar tree $4rere the object was said to have perched, whose leaves r'!raliY or would be tested for signs ofelevated levels of ':, r' ii is !r-:!rt a electromagnetic radiation. _: irt r a-_r .lepe.ds .n Asked how many LIIO probes op€ned by the CNES had been ;r :.::r,,j.--: .: -'-; ' rnlnq I" ea'i closed without an explanation, he respooded, "You could count them oo the hngers ot one batrdr i.r -a lj::jrr.l .i: ...J. i ,.!i:-nem . -rr role that ,, -i li€ nr t rral ,a TIIE lxPN&A€i TI'ESDA! SEPTEMSER 15. 19AA ----t,) llo, Juli 12, 1998 L7 E.TENE Aliens, Lights in sky we can leave Britain OF SKY now take in grip of IEITERS your call the'Z AIIEN cont.ct wgs beli.vcd Files to h.v. b..n mado shon BY MICIIAEL HII{LOiI thoB.n& ol peopl€ wil- n43ed giant rett.E of right SCIENCE CORRESPONDENT TqE r,lNES ar n@ By LEo SPAtt {oPbo li.cwea ahplle od vewri tBh rcitrrlilr! tlEIliD "Z' shap6 lighting Iron p.opl6 who saw 'Z' tlsyctDiegn tltaoi 3c otnnbl!c *t euk& us;Dd ktheed shkmyd oEv'(elsr oBfr ittaalijns anadn 'dQ 'l saand6 n0ufm abner E'2I' .inv+ began saniDg the i;l x Fil6ttp. dde sion w.E tu€iled wh.n a staB lor a nesgr larse .xplcion wa3 h6ard troln atry rctthlouf! !r Pmole tromComwall to space. They ar u3lnA scotlaid reporled the huse whTehn€ tmhoF t0serypa drt€6mp6enrt. dot TraGpon Eported tho phc teleeopd to det*t One airc.aft pilot called non.nt wsro not riE6tl+ ianpp r@or esda- rt oh bee' dd s @exnp lwcobant ii3a i€dco, ma6d jtinroBm: "oWdh lanto v66.r" n rn th. skr abo!€ the Isle gut it wae .olwd wt.n.n aidi.o pilot epon.d . l.rgo JdItordtde rlil.egnl €n PBcueae nrkto,le CRbblsceeo6,dh ira€,t cNreoeTpAnwoe rte.tr6eDostd slee Ii ad p uetsaop igrowsthnmi te.iT nreYg,(nn ..et!,n f feai.lOasorf nMFraTia.hltnloeac nrps id,r ho35tit, t.iirAna.1gnird :pi tnotlgtu r di b df6rEmotarmrcnt Dr Ia[ lIorlsD, wbo TraNport sPoksmn$ld: bB.ring !p .nd lelt a lor4l kP mn4Jteht tPheh ocehnel's, hstaEiat lt "dWvde eh ladn sdr swhteinsFt st of rBcme ltfhs€l sh"aWp@in dw3h tiochtn t6@dk 6itd ilnikto Belfasl coastguard Coastglard aungy wll- teleicope6 \rlll plctr up Rowlston Willim war.{erl lian., i. B.ltast, s.id: "l'Ya for more than an hour no$r sn anything lik. it. ' wh€tr th€ sky lit up around \rlshiDg to brorrt@t He si(L "I hate never tbeir di6tcnc. would sao atr}'thinc like it. Whm *rd a {beeou' siSnal" we fi.sr sw the objet, it .aylig Bllrlpb: .We ar wa! not ompletely dark. "Whatever it was, it apped€d to be movitrg very "lt $emed ldger th{ the WHITEHAVEN NEWS moon and highcr thd che 05 l\'rAR 98 \ r \ltl.()RI) \lt:R( t R\ UFO.esearche. Ro! Barrett sdid: "The.e have =i ".=i,=, ;t i;tji.\a iz i;=i tji_ _;y .i i=_=. "22 i:g7 2i bhnoaecvn ei n n stmehe6ener ot hsuo6sr et p odlfi gpshlhetas p wb6hu. ot' - :7j ;.1 ' :, ;r:, : i": 1e i ',1t'1i-t7 iZ. ;rt:: ;i. FbayDsliendf se@draclelY6 o,- wftfhidceii anYleso rasktt saRhti-oi{F&F =liit="2 reported no udue actiYitY 5 i:iii;i;::j:r;i!i::rE But a oilot {lvirs from :;: :=t-:=..:a F.,nre io the Midldrds (--ur' ica ;€-::: -!:1 7!;-' =:_; l ;=3ai i i.e::r= ;€;i I_-: _;Fi ;-==e -4_eei ; -;-i. : ==?:: ;::/ lEzi6':, :! : 1E aoE i:-6_i i!::: : :13 ; srC''eoIllpoA vowe6 rdttss se ptudhvoe aek arrmyc d msys mspAeteaagtorcneytr raictvfceoyhu. rmh s ar bhihudee:t Ej.-.1 ;1 .!r.';:!- a-a. ==!;:-- = ' -? ::" i'.ta- 'Fjr::1'- EEES - .=-:::: ...1: :-: i; 5 ' t t i1.' t' i.:' iit:::ii! ' E'rC aD em'Toeohtleeeo slarisiwthe trsbe rtrehesa kcli n{eugs eEudPo b6!Y .= 1.=.i =,. :lZ! -: +! iC encered che Eartb's 95 a ili,t i+liz :i;:; E;E;IE? w"dT hhea bniggi n'Zg' vthaep.oeu r oi.ra ial 3:.;: - r=t:::. :! E :!:Ei!i:i; i;ii!=+i:i; while. It 16 a mlBiery at the tim€ - bot it w6 noc an Fn;:iizilltit;teiEiir=;;i r3 The borftter disirteerded 6 it ent€red the Estlls * ; abtrmigobsap th.eariel , olef asrtirnrngg ea IE +:i1,;iz11i ": l; i i: i ; : i i i:ii;i::!ri;!:i;gi:E'ii e 5 : E;r"5 Hia:i' : Ei€E;E:;l:

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