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BUFORA UFO NEWSFILE trijcGsTlrr8 rssl* N-mbq7i ST AI\'DR'WS CITIZEN uNbnoeadoq16!946I..!d lr. 24,000mph UFO Britain buzzes GoIS't StUCnS I l I tnazrng crdtms or .'rSE ngursnea crt fitt otog)rsa ',l,tlo l. I I REVEAIED... TOP SECRET MYSTERY OF THE GREEN FIREBALLS n rhc 1940s*hcn rh.y $m. ro rhe rlknron or rhe FBI rnd (h! lls Ar Force. Bur alrer dvrng our 1n (h! errLv Frlns. rh! b3nlitrr li$r gftn clob6 hdve aqrn blan s@kd iLlo\n rhe wo.Ld thc ir{ fn \r (he hclqhr ol 'rnh e cold llrr. -.i ... : .- prruno'd FBI o6 hcii.ed rhe rircbdh *c'rner cBsr1s!l .\ rned b\ rhc Sovtrr Lin'on \rr durhor N cho rr R.drern Drov6 rhem ro be ne'drcr mE$L!\ iir iarura Dhcnom.nr icdv'nq 'ie dNUrb,nq rnphcanons rbour shai lhe$ co!!nu.d slhun-qs mr! ilallv Nlerco ro dNls rhe grecn ftcbrll ro TLehcxacp s. hrs; o. .ldbarccck hIo$ r h!nc bOrgflL'ncne, no!l U(hS.. \ rAOctnrs{ ilF':n ogrrh .ceb oiUlrphSr tcsAocnlolrrfmltrcvinccr csEs nn*.ro enve Sprorl Invsrcarions iOSli. $hosc C!fr m,s'on: rhc .{rmcd torcr\ d$u3lhehs 3rsn cloudl cU F'nOvS.n b'srr lnDgrlo rrsL lelgnc dI 5Go.ornci!'llc awl crRp$ocDdrsch P Dro,vr6c'corn: rAhtcr cot3Rw,inlnon't ne krnD hgl.nMll s'iaqeodd a'e0l.rh ivnehnolb rreelalr rq ihrGil.l.d n c.cm ,d1 lnorl 9v.9eaFmsr15rhvovla30s lr ..ssoa 1lo ngs0LN_5 darrOlue sD cgrD cS$ edoIoIh d r edlMmerC mqtmDrc.encrrqonmr eclcc\nonru1oB. gri..I llrIl\t9 lraenET.Irlbbhhd9ccvr.glra li€dklo FrL, mnBCHsm Io ionhnmcroc5r mrdn .neS aDmrobrr cndl dcco gnAcf rt-mr nrdo !vtrr ob alF nr:.{rBrcriL otI ' 1 lhlordro9reLni ,rr g$ElFlIir.rclc rF.rco.r,rynsrl \orhmnc M!r.z rrn.c h3o s! l .r v ! rbeLrdsLEl tlhchrradb rJ oLablr. r Id .r. d:x:dlorottrufirrr rt\rchucn0pcarho l t Dhrrehgh . lrfircl horqen'u$m .olo crrbvr * aNFonerirow eu oMnodc c\ro pr msLahlron n'u reloLtrll )iprTtnnhhrrccco. rrclosmudamfdu ..is rn onu:a1ns! .u :0t ora0anTl0lv ! h 1emcflc to rL bdrlu tpasIa l l rxcde$rredgl nc hh(!uuLool1 nruorLgerensdd.! $*.Idhnis,n ie clEo cmDun rro$c rr neoordn(r r r mrsoFNL.ri co.Hdrtltr orl lo'\codLrr. l hrDT lrn.nr\ c\r3 rrr xitrL{l! hrs'' Sam$eu hD.@d mrhhc flr e1s9p1o8n r$hbar lDirvs rnrod. qrnudr nd(. rrh ch advicr oadlseor boeelrn lcuolmlmpoaorend. DETAIGD ANALYSIS: Or lihmli lo rDnJ Yrl$d urddvereds mrha4rc drii cd o 6b.0!d0{ J*rrr !r nrd collecr'tr9 a!d repo rns basLc 1o a bAkdbrll wrh hilrng lighs rhe P@ cnd {iopl o dRins or onc or Dx$ed dtrcqL\ o\cr h'n r( r rrp'd inlbrm3lon w h iesp.d ro renjl rh. fir.b.irr h. .q. hl vih.sd phcnofrcna rtu ensal rrlJ ''5ome nrnc sci.nrnc re!sons arc 'lr las rn vE{ r0 ro ri rconds C.'GleoTarlieR,rclcv. cni *\d 0rcr1'rlrir n'.nlbrad habe hnllo bcm rrrrebedntCL r -o\nDnhrLoc[ s5hrc:h rroLrlcrr' d€rLFlurd!! eiirnNot nsm dhdaseEno Jfk lrnocos*hn r Nnroor , ers\ .Nrr.r ncmr r rdr'hr.iLcs gncDurId.Un eoLrnrur s coP orr lunorh durr rL Nrojrrcn !l6odl{r ri n,r(rhb NehL shdl'hgo hcfrld r1po 1rn LiLrrnr d,td JrT\honhcds \s sNnou'ug dnqnddrne rio{rLroirs uoa rdd, sLortcruroa\rrL . euii!rr rd(\dd $J \Ld.h.\L.iidgdbh.'.i dd rn\ ra!!!on lcr "Probablv meronc . .ountr\ {h'ch c.uid ctr! nsc Lo rhar rhcR hxs b*n rJLn'ncr osiinc vrodOnr.toIwcr (raLu.roLn hiNrrra 'o cOlro v]nccN$rm.r !sehL(r cdloJon llfA lnl o:tsrh [hcr ETuerDrh kcqaJI rr mm(cOLr e]6l! n , mPN xrrUludrridr ccc6eoRhbn .rc.bdlssl!' L.r roT\i.lNhkrttsd om soe smi jc obs ro @ocrphhl c tmlrruhld r{cD dAr:b r myL_ Trmv h lirrs,nal Lmzdq a\A*xrectsrr i,$\rnnrhL gsrcrsh ha crdc :inlnqucLu 'roli* mnnln lg\bn,' nqc!r\hq.h i! ) Ls!irrJrrui(un!nn ! .. drNln ir,ourncnm b mdrrblr.lonclirs6r rh nhor|\tr. rrhmFd.r\'r'rmTw,d {hr c hh.nhd e!o$rn ,!r b rir.rEi!L .l\dror rdnr. L onDn rrxu! ir$.rr trcfrrsld rqthL rsarrr' lr 'L chsenLr!qmo nnnr{rh Drndtndsstrhr,cdlrrcon{ r dLchr1c!or rMr-h .odclRr n heU h..Fsnnc e'aaavbddcr rcd6loas.tdrlr !va rt nhOhtdea?l ! ADNrrnse cdowrp o OdcnMo ocemnnlorkoicbcrmncosrvn cOtrsirl rsnAcdDThcoinoanrnrclbcr sLiLee ms 'nLloot rnd^r c sodr v uerlrhb,lps!o d'unrE{rq,cd! rthhpheoremor hvonr, lnnrogcor pAAHrnnoosorir 'oFgrdhnrhai.'tsorrr ne cmgdolos er r'm\ihoccroredo ur rhtqrTcooh hmo cu!l strrrO h$wMcl\n e.oscF rehrcs n'hnloe\ sbr lre asd,llahlensn. omollnlar g''urrChhcnre hi IboG es6h hnpl ps oiha osod,i3ivbc, .sh ai. l ndnnqn cdc th*1Ebh7x , rinocb ohbu\r shrhnccecnr,R sirL daniCa ceoh.dnBr 1919 - h beer convened L Ncw rhc inebrlls. rhetr Emalkabltivlid a5snanr th'!i oi srrlf. c r {rh 8 FEOPLE I : I 'ie m,d.l9ti0s. lo'.\ampLc. rhc tndLM Idnr nud.r comDl\ i \r! \i $it pi!gucd $trir !s 0.0n5 rronr numso$un'oenll'cd!.nJlcr]j.l Miny qsr doometun! or rc r.cafr r\trLl r llnLish \n(nd\r sLnoi NIrllcr. sr\ $mcln'n! rdmrdrhN si.'1,,,n s..*s!i .,r r..;; rog{her tr rr h6 $n rnd rr. \in\,ns L. i lLrxN.JlLrd rlrrt 5o why did they {hen SLhor $} DenoDnel ol rhe rlc( rorce - /\ his 'I$ irnhdosucg(hern rr q!: r rcllecoon. lff6roo-rEE*a sr1ed9 1cE9d p roroo i 1 r9rhr5e0!D dFaorBczdI n 5bshvoo rrshyscm OrhiShrIrt let Proiect Twinkle sgridce nS ml,gohnr a8pupr. rarreiedr ahrr lrlhac. mmi.r ftoel $ghtrngs w$e iecord.d rirouqhour ''lr \as shaDcd LrIt ! soLnnrnr Nclnw rM s.(Lxvlrlpccaornlley d& ne.d hcmo ln. finally tizzie out?' rro.rpc [r,nnds ruos l]lLoo\eodr run\c r.noru Jnki'! mrcrrlt..i aU SntArmF bcr ol obsehFrrdn o*'r rbDhosish lLdn the_ wghrecen n$ he g$horp prckdo rn!!o pTr{endcu to\nt! olNrJut.c chrwooh' ducM rr h.ucrsn rlscucDosdhu car {oild. pb!lihhq.oc!nir;roor ameJrdneiO !n PhJnr rorrantjn.r .rd!r, orLhnac'l'Ln cUkdrrSdcA nrF h r!o' n ruhvc!$ .$ lgLgJhrd!!ndog rsoJ d .tLiLl lrrh Jrol nA$.mh,rrch ncDcrro nns ,r.brr, uLS'{ro6l v e0furh nrrnnr moom'n_cdnnr rnh.!nr s!ilnpol apn lxrLtonry ad l cnir holrrcpn$dpd e |rhJ. aF ul o !iL ll]rolLn wtdthIs' yn sm!r rseuons cM trtrs t$.r n*]vedlr dn{$g'nr..(lecoclnh.ecrnrop rr . torA h!'rnrNwrue ecs iMdb4rcs LroL l'pclc.nsh:h1(lc.el . u.on! rdone r1mLecor9m$rdri 0Dd x. dr rDrr hFn nrD B.rjdc sc.Ioa on.rmrosibrsnnltcdeuec dedcrlb o ro od!nr!rs soth]ohdPliachrsaAm l.ctriureco a r minhnrs Lo r Ph (lrcn'reD reorNh!!Dr& ' c oochcrrru orf h.llLcmo {eaortD srn6tLs rrir Rlnr hlTccLrebt !siiacrldf trrlFrsPtrn'iB oDa r{Ims7 c\ os,i r JLol,ermre!no"lrdrn s!ir iprrrbrmohorJrrsecDgc.s cukbc rr nln ! errLdmellrnln dni c cosrriIm C \m' rRoroh\r ee! .smo rdrn oclodLq ro oci.as(!mc;brh reoidece sr r rhsnro Fucn1brpocB3rl pnac!.Ir ccdrd D1ie,ru j 9 h hsd.TLa1aher hrr rnS f i$rnsltrh.hh\t slrFLer-cr\ remmifm$vorT! nml'hLeltarnroeoLc.snrcrLcn !orr!5 n orhrod\bhrs c rrco tilLorr.u!Ssc,roneAci .y Sd\ rt qLlrDJLhma rc.r'oonlrccn.rm dd \ xN rrd.Llskrnld Ia' rotFibisrrBrte$ci\I ,rh.0nb r rvNshccrs la{lb icleMmjeo.nvni rcoasrop. s'.!pn ursS!obLi\l\ne!1cc .d 'ril 9s're4u! r 1virl ohlcnJ,se0 Ioonrs nbaerelrde v*r ngh mrhI rdro rnhe!s ru;ecbmrLfltj^s _e ire 5m tehnccEo.n1s drhecrc dII SoApF'n 'orhr oor rnsvornmCr sLullhNDnooolr Lorrshny.c !.a dco\oavnn$rc' end'u ser. n werao er cm\hGrnInn.; n!oe usnr T.Hrrsoirrdroho!ohcr esorn. . TrqdL' srh vorwrcrphhsltuchv.rvdsrLr L. ueesE[ n didoDuioA.rht r'nos ndrpsitheroc{oedmrgS hr adnlna'o reopIcecrh\oj lm_coorerrron!ch o uo6.rn meoccr$ concs scnr ! cbnrbeoi o rnrrea r oocn dmn oTb aso lecr !:raqscch amd eblror .nonc)h.rdreb\oo encrlr r sr uJ n ednrpDscrnndec coh sc dwu {ouo ea ror osirarntP's *u Lsnn.unooaiELLlr pamcum olrdd$ (roachorae enq c(nc;nnbrnaongisrdrr\rllrrrr LrpLU!.\LhLb shhioarSfo6a,J5cTeD\vrelSIzahndrhcnhcu 6rRrLe nd emr r crcb l s hhLutUcchoirRrrmerel!hcroaIStash! oobeD rdAlCinl usmluliade'h nc oreelrr LcellazmLhlr cynirl rSr m5dc b.v. bnnpmr ,o !ow5lum.'u wer rmrnF\rlaLJ.c d splrecu c\.lhtr rr$d rrol.dmh onddsm bs rh|s.r b *e hsrra'cu*roooFltrouhrdclri Iotur ce encfetvrcnLrm,rtl n heb s5 d.h uRhr 0ri[ c o *oi!inrdL n0*o u dce.snh lJr\0u trse ihr;rrd s.lniu,chrnd*r r! !rnphethron k\rrtcctehrhhb6n,s\hhct\.r. rPmrArlrdrornnrhhhbhirua o{o.JsocBY,Aswbnq u\cjr oshcUv\ruau gcd d rm roErslhlhS oelh, 9! cnTo iLAlc,ar- onoui{ I\hok c \lflhrN9d rn 'c cctn ,erdDcfe 1eklr sdhntstcpowcik hr ceorerrn nn p e r tDmlccwMhsLMridlbnotn e ce eorrudvrr es rmm iordcoeu.rnPl lmsr.edbcnddlnocobsre s o mmc.mza S'norcu 1no Docrrm $1slrd cr ^.lcL9rjlber r,i., 5r,cda \LndFnhe0ccdodci d c riqrrNhcdsisDorr\n nuhtduceir$s Nrf!ri.r ,dao r\tim$jrh. r Ns cldrhrY,(qc.ni...l IS.dNnoPr'.NFLplt ncAu,mtrOojsi.rndlCPcdnS,c.dc*ov hcNelsqhoBao nc reo So kuh upfrooT rrlY&$nrrnr6ncrri\tsnoL k dSrrp!lCi :* .*d9$at ricll:rRnch rv:vl D hr jnr!e$ rBkei d uronsqrr\oidoc cdl$mu9.dL rroro ll.s9$hh c oErAu .l clc ( r.lutIntl mr1 nilhor 6nrlnldcOdco1o. er rdd hl.!oo 69oslp o co!JcHcF92 pniuw nrq r l9 .Brbo umPclpc\rr\i hcIanoibo .err a Fo s du'uo .Fsntlrrho'auaorrcb dlrire klor dlmprt dshsct dsduvdr 9edro m oll*eKrcaDhbbD :orsfsko.v:Irtrri, PEOPI-E 11 ROIHERUAM STAt forthe Butlerfamily IIFO orflight of fancy, I ls up thgrg'r wAs r Eallv a ulo or sG it ,"s' rb. d o clock irom gLddmctwo]chBhnsh€6dr rbe; hone slon. a road 'n ie i6cn s* b sh!tr{! b h. do4n' oi sheFdd Bph !@nd a i"i,tr^ d b* pb"d FL*. .iihodnc i ro i ssek iubnhd' rv 'qid!onw. bobkr dosl 4coddbuktr.uld{h'hn d.wlo,d WILTSHIRN TIMES 27 FEB 98 ElceLogq&rful!4n'bin ra FG ;a uihq [e t h mY UFO spotter *6 brs; .id rhe( vqe tr.h,s inTV debut wOnElED ms SsI! Xoob qob a noie io he. son'3 6cnool becaue shp *s *onied puPils would reEe himrbo nrs cttiD he 6w . UIO - ed dbcover€d s t€6.her nd ee! Now the Disney Chamd *ut to Mm Koo6. dsudreE Ssah, 15, Xlyli, 8 ud son le, 9, of Fumd hft, WaminsE , sw th€ objtct vhi.h 'E qhotri r fmr lon{. hover- in{ rbove their ho6e nJuiy. itE Koob srid: "l per€d the cu ud ee s.tched lt ror about te! se.onds lbove the hoB€. "It went tow&ds CleY HirI ud then went v€ry f6t and rhsp_ "It {B a verY 3GuC€ exPen' ence - therc es no noite dd the "l ffi6re to Yu'3 @Nher be- cs$e I wM {oni€d he would be lruded !t. ls cme ba.l( sJter i.hool md srid Ina lesche.lold his qhc hd .een the .se thin,l. Yin soid: r'It ws verr excitinB - I hsd never €e€n one before. "l'n sbitnedo8 aboutsoinC on Tv bui I m l@ling foded to il." LINCOLNSHIRE ECHO '5 FEB 98 /,taorz.lanur Vo* 36'y'u 7I HOME NEWS/II Scientists see serious side to UFO sightings mEnE ls cnfrDeilinq Phlstll BY CIIARLES ANTIIIJR when the US Ai! Force con- eudence" tbai srghtings oi dsslonedCotohdo Urves'N d.lirhkd Mli dF slotte ro Uniden.ified Flirng objecs rc conduc! a soentiic srudv oi $haed isa!p6p.edl @a edmyosct. Qd.hnor ,! a(UliFttO Se) hbadvee Dseolmdee no!a sqrrso ubD r eo'i DdBeiu'sr dPireetcetro .S staurdfo: lci k.L hleh.ee uFOs ireaded b! Dr Edwaro scr;odsts hzs concluded - rs4sreresru! nq lo gelse' sturrock s Daer exmberi housn rhev rekon aiien sDae nos :llNe6 b Ine UFo brco enoence lncluonq ohoro sch;Fabov?tf,sc 6 dbvzT nUhe;l ord Diqrtcioibiguab o*tsva sndo erw sDeDvrrcoleolv nededrde lsLec6rnel, n etrrtsu to{so eiunol cdieo c buaess sooneP nrpshorebs lDeedn Y asor_or qa{ifmdaDdans sde a oinare dparuo ms ueoDDnDoeondss e dUo rfU osFsoO. Thcy b.!rt d inrc$8odon swncohemoB u@hcn. l iaerEod n oeirh ooabi iat hbnel !a'salclu 'el.nnie u Pmsn6e.! liePnhucsnso' mse nai.u seuwcdh abvs I @bavll iDodlodadihrsqe c dos iuteoldsv. h ioramaleere oo Ie tetahnue reraex-l rrd d*v. avdE ol a di t"u'rhv; iEaDc!o t.hisa.! i nunber oi sdcarennvu so6i !toh eo em aottrhee h*eedainb ioel sundri.dbr ol.. *t . scEnl$ts nlm diferen! cou srehrngs oi uFos MoE fe OLhs rcloG we€ oaluc€d bv ards iyE€ll@ d c ii@gh!c6 tit, drEh. Ys r:h)lvc thralevse aiFde no €dPirbeiDe &ebda tcok l4ooisk dsse- clbeunr iay, nneeus.o sooiettnrngsDrsr gn anvhee s' e@! trult2n acltoes. d'e re' Mihioadmv .a Dsru.t.n tlbcs. nr *ah;lno i dnchglem rs cFaronlhe nvIstaoe wl64l ole :u/da idigatnoot .!t" th oehsi a aLdvdtaFe EGo h rmaEao aiP,rglMe@4n ueBhedi .rq dl0a' sdeoedray s biaoryiru lqaos€vnn se! onsr isi.rr.a bcvsn6eui Ec bhsde o atsb vaaa ! lb€Demdriueencmlq' oDtni eitTd lttonelnfelduds e odtfi vUd Rw FSaOdkt eursntid!e?u Ukdbe !F is "inriisclDe i nriiNeiadi! Me Bdr.ctu.lr uir eoP i.dvbc: rcrWo.ne.a. Erhvo.ry Bnndteis hc lDrcu@blEicorlnon o rM l4tho .oa owo.dd' nr pRa rar rlvhseB s doenn w6a6k iraqo dueoo th3r v.oerurvnuces aelios accorno sstDlien oTiihqe phon d has a mdmelnber oanei led some oi the ptrsrcar eLdence odel was dndced bv tle LSR ':tl tbws n paystogivcu\ WSl aad poh.dE EU D*Nenmrrv Li\ne CaJuiI+osr.t rseemdachneedrs ume\gDhrrM leedd dsdo nree nhCdo ncphnasueedd borr aRsoacokneoieoueeGr. nssuoLq:mash ertdi nodegiec tsclhd a€ erdebdepos uoY snmeaesnrqeed .s do avoryeuf rnU |hhrFheaOert lothimrisinhor qneren danoe deoUeweFin' Osad es@ indie loirvnenaqLs suer.saw dlnh oqei p:no.oePsyis sml ractihsr6sie .lr s d@ da4Ba dc hr do eNidnne deisn G. YSi olrer*en tooFo lenorruee5r-l' UFO Dbenomena sbce 1966 crsco to nnahse tile.eDon :i : r! l-ri.!i EiF:E O l.l rH !!;i=: ::ii ;!';;; '!: ",=1=i a !iaE :iE-;1 a=. . iFt z O1;rr i; !E i: r:!; ! i E!;! i: ii: e;.eli t: o-?! i . tzi ii a !E 5 z1[-ij,1;, * i;;ii,= =1 ;\i:,ii'.iiii.ii 2't zl 1i :119, Ei o:! x!i=i-u '"zlllirl:itel'ii;::E !1=_1 lri;i;;B ==*e**ilE|ii ?clEi!= tze:I1i|,tr: g::.: tri; i'it' f t!;i;lgE; I "!'! trZEe EEzz Thu6day, June 11. 1993 -r N"; ;ild the bite, just look at that light! FlwoOshtU6 arR llt ,h sieinait.re trlae€stldl e n6itt6i ohn6€m €.be6 €s *C Dor .fDD,licvrt rnlCrl e UilolhFf tOimh e R(d 8vre €llaor-.hhc lIaiip o'hs',i^otn mrdeiterw d6d ee.m rcop oferin tdrPh rno MN i!tc nrlnRdrrcl t .d nrk .i!tidhdn.. \btTehehtt rn.htr. e.*ne e *lsl\si'.;t: !. i urd hao.eeor,dlnn! c dih .il..otno strl iltgYroan llttl.hi ddiror li ni .r.h eh rarorerer ninimd tohrkh .!r' rli ihd.iar i d.asn ahneords bt a mvs chrrohutn w, Bor dk:F-Ivheelv[n st ldrr nrn. rthhee 'lt *6. rhcn .een lr'velliie H. added: li qa! Elill lirhi m\inene loeir i rhmri Prhqin.lnrv .i nsiel nn othrce Aboui nin. o clo.t on $urh w€ bwtrrd3 tbed back rosrrds tie F lmouih ljFr I thod.hr m,sht hnri 1i Stripobaomi!ut.lre lddPda devin dsPliots*ehhe.llr i ntuBhde .a'iv.n. ebdtv he oes6n d.fh brte.h.dnd. rhhe.inrh ,i i "irh ;bd;t q.ean.d r-n,n. I Rn(n rrl qhDoi vlele r.roidn rdhceie fdir hce!.rdnih.nlo. d(hor itf iishmeds rtno Ih Rhv.a ls!e e,/n\ n!y wdit lhve. if rnno. cin b. on l NnE.fuln.ry*onddUFoa rnvdir-$..:tnm dll[ l;oL do bnd. ud rv. b..n iMild tdrv. h {n br ot our turdft-dalc mrFrqrnrd and.rmha h. od.icr.h ,r I.H?l,f i*"t''JiiT ,l 6.qu Er.GMc a Frd I l' ss1:",,lff fr ,B'.rii'5 b6! b 6bei dih abl uc6 kl wlsox tu cor-w f3iil - <4 ae r, .. !'9=== ,iui == iiilr:iiic:ii i',. j, 5: !-Et;E:r+ i€; ^:.i - ;i*i:i;+a;+:; :!-;i - ,i ,izilil::i'.1 :, : i :==, ;, I ; : : rl :i I : E:il;i:;i;si;:-'== :;l r;;lrii : :1;. -=-1-,:ri,',1 = : ii : ;- . ' : i , . ; I i i ! t; ri;:zi ;i, i::! i?i:;;:1= i=;' -?!i;: i i ii1;'; i:=ii t i- i =iii,= - - i: -= =;;'-= ta Science takes a senaous look at UFOs i.i: ;r:I.; :ti:i::,: i\ : $i':! iiiri:, :i:i:'':; I Eiii:r*i;ii:*ii,:*ii 1 jI j WESTERN DAILY PRESS (WILTSHIRE ED) I I aler! Alien itt i1 mrn1 ByTina Rowe ii'!"1i -tz.ri=:E5..i, al .;1li:L*,6:+{rT: c) as i:;t E;'i i:; ci-r meteors t{-{ atiia"EzFr€ :::.!:t i:;: :itl*tiii:TiHrfl""'s$ + E; ?.: i!!FF d-o-tnetigtrt*fiT+Fr:tiTffi :i tantastrc "'{ilHill"li","li!ii'**.;i;'"" q, a r:ii:=i rtr*;+i$iffi{ii#lt a ti *.j:]'",::l:;::ii' t".s'J!':"-.,"c9T;-a"fui-il't*[,,T:J:Ji$"s:rl : ^l:,*:::l:t,',"r.1n. Y*a; :r*"l'l-l :*r1*f"t' :pl a :l;;";ff;i;i; t"'. "."., ",""'iii.ia"" .Ji;"1il::' l:l.l'; c :;e-;,iiE X"",t.":1""r::,"*:t:-.";"* 'l::::."1X'iH:f h *it+::;i,+r;-*;':;i+:$:+#,*ri$stt'i":*i{,1:t-run ! l.: aF 1!!: -'"T::fff1i:i,iY-tT:iy..""-.- :-"v:r-..Sf$j!fI:iiiii{"-*.tr i $.iliiiE;it',*i.+*i*-: *mr-*s*tt:* t+;l*+r;**f+l [1]iT4n'""'tr!ir#TF,- :1; 0) ::E.i - *rtU'*ffiruft ;5ii$iii':+*irf.ffi:"ru",': € i;;; i: 3:?i:'",'#"'*i:j'"i'';;ii'rr'*iqTT*id{'i'-*;rrH?i Jst :l $.iq;ix: itlli$li+i'.l:.11ffi )-r :- ;E ;!3 t#rffH*r,{i+,*Wg#***g; a i:,="i;r .r"HLmlii":*iiryr*'r' ii:T{*t"mr;r*t':, d-l:r-=i-i?i: liF:Hl#;l:t* i"ri llif:'fr ii$#;r";;:*- * F 'j*iffi$I#"*rr*mr iii.s :::s,.:;ruY ":r ii +=i;i.;::cE ;:i*i"EEE:E i**ls t fr**+t*n,tt* i:iei eii 'a ji*****ffi*i* ao i*,***i *iii:i i l ,4 -d i : cr;: iae 89 .-{.R EEgi Ut{ QJ i.= . t-a!;?:? i eE.t E!:,3654 " : -:d!E E : -ioE e9fe,:i:h€ N I f> =.8:=2q. i:; E: E;!€ .o =;li= ' ..4 - c i:.:=: E s- - ; a=. , =r={ . ta2 - N =: ;z::5:! !Eg!15E; :! !, jf:,,;a a .1 --^n., t :=:i!-:;li?; ! !?5-€s EEE EET J :::E3=.+E!e tii:i:E ! q) Fr. ; laf !i ! F;;1::Eb :iE t P$E E ".=:Ea-5 OumlBsvSeitEdeR rt\ioaoE ErRe hUraeFiaDOd ecsEaa lsas r esa pbfoteertriel gda in the night skl abole 0 Tbe alie! soace craft sas seen hoveribq a ve ihe roNn rbr rr -v ;E.5E! boirte thadll r0h EaibruDtees.ned ound :! -35ii E.H=i l1.5opm on $ednesdar'' 3rd - a 3s Eig* :L h sas descnbed as irianrular .- :i =irq .: shaped wirh DaDy lights. b, A-iier remahhg moironless .-^l - U !C: : =:i!E;::q, riE= t<-h lev sipnpoa:sc sesrs.btdulrvph ,sneheaoas! tdeot.inllv ga cdtrroorswesca ortondnes x ts 6.i i t6a ii !.2*;a i The Brirish UFO Assoctaiton rs Dow appea.liDE ior dvon€ *ho II bav hav€ seen lhe sJuD to con- h.;,hFm The con'rnamc eisd ,Datoeml!inc Belgn AD o! 01298 612036. li is stiil unlcear wh] .l M@field vas beins tarseied bY rhe aben sDacedaft. but resi- deEtr de beins lold not t puic € H - -€J r- (lJ tllliH#liiiffiii$il o- i;!i o giiiagiE; a:;E EE - fiI 0 - (l) - o & *€E*igli:i;;iii:ii* -!1 - liii*1ili$s''irlffi:*: .):L.,l1iil*'11.,: ll ll\ln:;l'L"lLl . r.:i::ll, .".*."*-"-",. - : i.j-',tlllil!iii5l ','i:,'i ihi -l, li:i:;, I'" tr.ririi*: ii.t':j"i;il:;jl iilll.. .*'l:ll;; "'iuiTl:l,;rt,f",i:''T. ;, :.t l"nl,xi l,f:hl":;'.ll.'$i :"''" "i"l'l*.i" "'i . "",.'". l-$f*,{fiir*i;l'l}i

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