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BUFORA UFO NEWSFILE 1998 Issue Number THE CORNISHMAN KIDDERMINSTER EXPRESS & STAR 02 APR 98 I.I MAR P^Ee Z9 '8 DERBY EVENING TELEGRAPIT sighting of 'Triangle 16 MAR 98 a UFO UFO'at ie-gg E 6 q >> t,io RNr'vAt!_S LIFO RBerch LnZ $:1"trffi1f;ii.'ifl"J common aAiFr 2ia77!- e2 l.rt h $e sky ('qTih o sbHltsieegS,Adan.utan.r.lta.d€bvl n8 i !ung1sU € .F. yF ltlo OhC bne ryCjRede .*6orbep hn *kSoishn.iia6Lcroovth uesna ir, nbbp Moire.hivredoe!e..f .I"? -taF<i-5ie3d?e?iE-i 5iiE ; €i!; oXEXI wTbl4r. l €nd1ThlMe 4hqserq h @ e g *Swrt tupbfloFp m r asr6h4hEres: l '5 b!strpcl hanenoc. = nlrsu o ckw ta.d rc mtdl!inc h . wr .br+ ey.,Id ,l ir5rn.YnL -)*6y,l unid€ntited nyiff obj€cr!, a5?*qE ! shale berws t*r hoG€, tr had issosa, iliiSSdddo pp rr.hhoIos1aakkh!!u* a*aanhpF lli€ aadd rEa hs TTeeas rr dk..bb vvwllbaaoo€eaccrrnkk t WWtth;;syy.,,nllnndd-ee- 1I 6?t F?-!ae+€Ef-:gEe A. !II aF4 !HGsoesl uLe hliltdd b0 enroh. lbde t ihde@ec nil tJoMtF owoh iDls B gsrhs€r .e"h ssh ..th.dd@ s Daot lat{[email protected] hovenne ov€r the Comnon. barl ield Mi Glhm w@id be hter- nF,naxiHMoFhermd nWa aaddul ld ldoiieee;ncdh .eE:bi do6aT'uenbbikdeh i tr nhieiscg p wd€€dsh.'i &gqoh Drt"ea- S$ouIi. Gs ltseHr tTyhh I.rNodEGvr dSLb edDon df B!bP Fdfdr tbutrlEao lhll dib. e;;dt !: st;l -l 6$€d tweo dr ht0eo1 U8h7F2dO 2 d7h6do3 d8h1 !., Iy@oD eb€ eMbe tw-rh,o ings and any6.e who .an e 9;,"-9"11 help should contrct hin on TIIE CORNISHMAN 0uS1i5s4h5ti?.F4 6d{. didsea al Dddtrbty shdid. fptoal!iefi [email protected] ; *P e o.+: 02 APR 96 mIlnetriens sl nonf t,n € Lcorc*u.rp aHi tihgeh 11n E,i.9 . StEt, Sbubnd{e, on dD W6ins@ tld Cnc[ wilh frt Mondry 4ry noniir tb. 6[d b.lEsn8 n ws a THE SUN ?+' l:; + i?P UFO sighting .oodsol wa ul.n and ]5 NIAR 9II rb 6t$rl ea slon d !g fi 5 s- ci :q e .E over Zennor Polie chetcd silh dE 4++ B6 I tsavE !;n ii';e UF6- dd rh. dliittt eho had F il 'unusual' - ;"d h"d Lhe hell <.r.d iri1t;9': @i&trtificd flyDg objct ;" "" h6 o"n lnjead I E-l A REsIDENT livinq nd curnad! H@d at ;a$ onI rhMeiBr rx6nlo( wLeEogden YstrLdrh cth .Ri w.vrP.ua&!.r PanoqU €( 2 egr: . tl ZfeedTn loh]r\€mT hc 6o ,hr wedphaoon d€d6 6ssnoalE nwg tal h _resor r.balearu ne mueddo Ft 2 poned his "LFo" si(htinq to tne Tt]m bsed '2<ch |v|d db6adr .; proloun.qd tdhEe Mo bLjd ,9,b3!:' P: i" '72 CnsohHmren qsqa dl[ q UhdIrOEs l Rehde6 sdaa cwren dd ce rodobu krpdh, ltHersht [tnuc. lnFdnu D.rSyshE tole od: lr 6.- 'ng Dtnaere n!'q'lhlhr mtw oo \te rehe[5 t o.qmoE. X LifO R6€dh Fople Ey bae. sn w6 a i3P.'iiFa; Gmro uptu nsahde rt hraetp otnne€d srghhdtjningg w a6' sulc:luKahtn sg 'nre g YORKSHIRE POST (LEEDS) !i *-5l "He $id lhat he w6 s!rc it a not a heti- copter dd sM jt wa t6 larre to be a krte. G we do l{lo*ora p€6on who tu6 tol6 at nrsnr in the&s. sddMrC'llhm -l *ould b€ imeeted to h6 tDm dvone ehewho mav hi\? nouced v1nhrove; .'rmilhts'"'lq.,q+!sioo. Airport UFOs' baffle experts rlP sa r rfr F aE roeyD;drhe{rcuDrnl hold neunrs r' r endceHll nor ber; nr Jna.]6 remded rnldr Beks anm'(hn;n -u\ X FILESS$I€ irr6ti- lllinigschblttuss i l0ee6diht hitn wgtso ao ty e€ierbhlleolrtv. fonre a srdd wthee k aDior?wo rot f blalod d:sMr emdroakrae e Bl,hi rabdtesr baoeln.v eo6 of tbhUreeFcfott li'nrrnqsT rds hJe[vr* p T?narruucc enih)vL.enb6l !d ' PerInnLd iv, Dh6eecr uoee{uaatpou. hfwfcsoohrluqdc]hde L mnminoeetl suna bnldi€rossdr d r hi&teooekr gbayt iomDO h 6e nbteheuns ilaasutsc baendd sa,i:siilte rt.cb heea Yo"esl bh-..oeiIlrcs des& sitii b e€diviei. rciec.cuaes.icY frersdo na.l n.to!u.rm c!bererbnrl eicod.f 'l:Fde.p err;d,de lt v1e"s"r'e rrd-ra"v: aCill.l hFmoro mn0ole3 Tn2rol7r6u3rcanl relephone Dav; usurr [shts *ere sr ales for 15 Yea.s' !Y but they codd lot li[d testimo!y a!pears ro itr the skies abov. a dy uidentined ai! t rf- iilldgi owteth t !t?*ot reiis @lt{a dr@ryl-- The my3terious iishts niTebde b iyig ehqrusa. Uayc csotrE&psae. csseEialtoiot nb ee xeDrpetraBi leadt llbeY nAni'r'Dino rrrh o. rfDicri.a.elss sa roef ilg soM6 dd rot ole nois. *ere calru€d on storlyilg th; pictures {hey had to b. travel caEera by aD ahateur Air tratlic supervisor efth lTo enthsia6ts ir lirc et aj!c t.p proxi@afrde Dhotosrapber at Leed3 P"Eevteer!y Baiu(rllaofut s{he swiiedE: a{br eartete tdbpet ltigo hdtsis c*oe"reer sbD€loewd o(bf e sl.hlrosd pb(.p ed The srsbtiDss, *bicb aEre of sa accou.ed Bl'K!rv^* & NORTHWICH HERALD & POST *Jtcns'ree frol y. Big increase go, {I +la it< tt' a H UFI reports ol inr o! a no[day phototRDb sishtinssl UFtl ADril T|,!@ thodrnt sh. Meko!vner be. c..ek holid.y phor6 r€Med EVERYONE seems to be lookin! ro rhe skies over Nonhwrcb. A nuUer-ot new wihesses have come forward to repon lly- saucers followinA !eporrs on UFO Scu.lty-tyT€ rv4n86doD 'sniggh tings last month. r, Si.€ os sist r prp.r rtu Crroe! pu6lib.d o d. abo( de qork of rh. Bnush Undend.d num photqEDb on rh€ .ove! Oia!q dbb rss6. . rt5.rE NnNd!im.6d b Ca.6 .*n .rRl t er rBo odUli FnDOs S*rC h.,v.i s.I-o6wu.nri6dy.d!r Eo.r6i.c. u!M.sro3r: of ihet tlFO @*oir€. bmutl @isly o otsR6 DsNbo,wu itrh.€ roEnAin.t gtBb oaUrl FF{OdoS.tdql.. Ip(ab l:o6l l! ro.hpfcfo cnti.lads,a lnE,dt+uvvlh.rr.Nd r{ sl(dn- mdErr<i:c !rn;o& trh a. by OANIEL PALLETT O*h.c o. Jduary 10. 'r A driv.r fion Noni wal6 ad brv.lliIs b Wav*- bu ro m.r hi! snl6i.ld ph.o h. eq . !tuF drrt ''lds rd r hos bur r gFEyr. i.E. websoo L[vre or hajrd G irn. ?dnc ill yR aori dm Nurodn hI phcch.e'd: 'Eighl or d.. p.orlc tr. up .r rh. m?.rtrr ro $y rhlr rhev h.d akosrns.d rhe phenomeno!. 'ADd on. mansa!.bl. rod.snb. (h.irihriDr diE(or of inedsaiioE m(h st.arer d.rrl$r! brtore I ddnt hav. M. r'no 5xaktorh.ndd ble rhetrderrhar rh. d..ri!!e r tr hbl rh(v sd h@naflhlh m.. SKY WATCHEF: UFO erc€rt Edc Moms Ti. BUTOSC B..n.g vis anended by 45 p.oplc. tlEe ler will cohe out scans the heavens for extF-t€lEtnal vis- dorc dT Mc s hrv rhrn aver su.n 20 r.en sh.ets to ihM srh frBh inlodEbon ad , p6ibL .ifra.d.t adirR I sp"W.ci.a laisr. stot illl6 ats kaint Eth a. *€ptiet md a bir of e SCARBOROUGH EVENING NEWS aut Apdl niU heteves she ss $EetninS fE6 :i"*i:H[*"T."" Voman tells of strange lights in skY recdo ardp.pde aU. Foo* rs i8thhteit rhCitst? UsrLLhrNcoJa Irmv Dcr*lrrLEu \rhgN'mnc.Tr ,honI\cFri N Iw+€Dw hy{ sru i,L nn' nrlcyc\rslirtci usPJrv !i ulhnre'$tl! v{cr c h.nri(to,n lh!hsrc v tcnr !rboi.lcL\srl r."-.,r,;',ri:..;n:!",,r ' "'-,;"h," ',ur.L.rI' -!r'!."".,h,^"'^., 'l^"*.*.,,.l. " ," \'-'"wt . ,l{"x..n":. o'.n...''*irl h r w$- *'rdc oc_Lvrl e i'wn rhrrsod n\rt(rccbP v$hcJrldus{ rrnsrcfol"tv n' rsg 'o$_onYb\oqsrrh m ''hnrrcsn[ c!',md' I'l rrhrJ\ SoDethin8 te far aEy cd b€ otrt of lffi jGr 'l may never krow ror YORKSHIRE POST (LEEDS) :] Mystery APR 98 craft over tIFOs'baffie exPg$9 Airporb i ancient landmark ffi,,igr,l,ftffi .\ HUGE trianeula. craft has been sDoned oler an ffiffi-S, ancrent loar on the edee ot Five peopte. hcludins a licar and a medical pEc! ';$ffi"h=ffi rioner. said they saw the mysrenous obj4t hover' i3*Tdlffi'S'$ ing for 15 minutes over "i1i-;;hn';l'. which ,a;;slf; ,oHr *B'S ac''ofufi$ $luf-,-t:,ffi ffi:fr#+ll-.i{ Darlv'eids t KDinorgsset!o U! riOs aepxppeeaEl- ing for do.e wtn€sses !o rhe larest ulo sighnng to ABERGELE VISTTOR YORKSHIRE EVENING PRESS (YORK) The ex RAF seftcema! ind UFO researcher irod \larrnsrown has been buse rakins calls alte. .e oofls ol brisht lights and ljtgryl""f:ai an unrdent'ned oblftr ho! enn3 abov€ the kon Age :tr I OFFICIALS st a saiglllt€-tr6cking Yr Kinrsron. said: "Il 3ll b!!. on rh6 Nofi \Ort Moorr saned wnh an e ma lre. loday clenlad .spor6lhlt ltrfi ceived from a ldend tho Help shed light tlhl €ro had tacksd a glant UFO. lteatdd whet hs abw. iag hstr ialinBchet so brn- on UFO slghting o nalloml newlprpcB cratm.d rhe skY. Thetearld I had 6 90Gn long irlangulaHhap€d lou. other people contrct cr3n kavalling at up to 24,o0omph me ro descnbe sonetbins STRANGE lighc itr lhe slv shoold beLeh.yoL. M3rrbn.c tlgp$n.bgon.e mnrnesrenshewd eors . e lFrnoeworn nlhyr lehoqh ecslopi te{seii l cqrohslp uoir8erbrrohcnbct!dsvidn. l.dg sh s o. l rTiUfssooh Flt!rsGer. hoAD'thTbaaquedhvtutf le ol$oabF n sn€ersmc ene picaa o'osdrlrk ddst elc postsalohtent btneRgrto€da A{uEa anFtrv n€ oat€nFghlnlt nhyebt hgleh ins lallgf galltrMnPdota€nnga|lrl nd6snlw€3lcdgs..h!s t:rtyn coi-t adl!.b p e_trTsd.reT.hEian mhenesPe Rhd l adao dlesio rna r ob tfdsUnotih€s .e lacskO anpt oa € p issinnuipia €doe bi. Onh.det tc.o ioentto lh B{lt bbeh. ieeonnse.l WufoMdlos68 ifsfenrds..e r*s.h.liidoo:n i_ s oTcfto el.n fodlismehpdrsee d*r eeorrtetthe Hllhnoelossroam idna:€wt lo"sWnp asl prdo€rroh n -l kiht r63o vwc.e gr$tolahl lonlhrly€o lnrot rl.rrrvrgbahhov€ntesl e ll weaPde o rsetnot nlwsan€enag.dr d osah niol adb!L e.rtdh.eteehnnnr! son ol.*rv fron rhe hill. bui loE llasrle belbre shootrn! otl on lhe pround. and rhev aErc rnb the distance. cildins n'und dnd nuid.' _wh€n I heardtboutrhe M6ln h,s al5o had sev.r.l RRIDLI\GTON FREE PRESS Lat€sr nshtinss I rhouehr maYbe lhese people hrd r.en *hat $ known !s p2dhhrhG Thesearenar ,'r:l l'!hs whrch occu. rn UFOs spotted rorte aqsla $ntzh inh isrhhe a dmoouunndts. \laiden casile E mosrlv chalk and flinl. so rhese at Rudston $ghunes suggesr n was a LIO th€v saw.' '!r Kinc$on r5 rnrore{ 'ie {sn(!e. $hr.n rDh )ls in nr: no reponr 0I UfOs in lh. .rer sinre la{ v.ar's siqhlinc o{ !21$ft'ol di.meier spacecrlft in! field br rhe T1 receirernes. B.irobdofthne. Tohv€ €r clnheir csraerc nlheenn s!teen DORSET E\TENING ECHC IUR fn s.rs she can find r [email protected] ior over90 p€r cenr ol Lrfo siehrin$. btrl rheE is no losica I € rpl...don lor rhe M6 fn\ UFO resernh rrow m.etr nonrhlt. cnd shc s b€ cotrlrded on (0U45) 86053?. AREUFOsTING SKIES .i6;1;0,,."'- TitHhEinSEg &U.f Orh p. imdo!..r. .. d.!..Fr UFOs exist Convinced l:t??trtdrl':I ;:;ll ,::.t11: i: t I)JTI]RNA TION { I, IJER {I D TRIEI \F Planet Grunt a9{B: Ftving D:6ks RON1E - Seven tvin€ drks "{- r.n"d&i .c.a v..ik,,r", lYrqh tirL@Ljnc J.ros nunh lhtv s rom n"nh .Jn Lo \uutn'w(reeqs. lnr tr!.nc\ d{norr rr.erp-rcn cdc nroqduivu otrotam .p,o..l vrn*rs.Lnde;ounhDur rlc rs \Jqne rhc ob,ecl\ I trJVcled hreh;Ned aLan.tn- rmud.ed eof lrlcbcoou rs Io u...udl)so. .f .I{r e"3.ds se!ond r.oonor rlvno drk\ 'rrnie Ir,t' rhe Dsr wek.' 'n ai o- taE€ a! H- E. E+AEF Fo 5 E 6d 9.:3 9 A =: -oF <F' Oa 6- D-'< F erHFE a e P o,6 0 Hb# Ee?99 x E gsf \I_ E9E iH:€ Eki X I 3 E:eEE 3a;i!E; f 51. o dFl e +Ft- illrEc* EeB :EE'8"' i e :! FP P6€ OH .: ia9 i iQ a*6 H? P!-s E lq Hr 5'Ug b E ffi3 E- E.F9 E3 TtgE?;p$=l"sE!" Efr3iFir. E'Efl E&&+dEEBCqa"p EE!i -o -;:! C'$ 6 Fc : 9d EEg€-.Be F iE: ti .eeEi*A 9F6F:e.56g n15 i-qBa- .E. 3 gEI6 . Eiq; - BFe 3I EF55ee E H. l'!i 0eo i'< a : frd 1 i IE DAILY IIAIL :7 APR 9Ii 24,000mph UFO Britain buzzes THE RAF has tracked a UFO By oAVID oERBYSHnE puoFpou lsaariticyh earms oinsg t bsoamt eth dee mdicrlaittaerdy 'caos absigt aosf a BbraitttaleiDsh,i pm' oilfift athlye Science Corespondent dueFloibse raas teal'sym rcolekeassec rseieonr'i easn da bthoauti siaIarioTat n uthcthd?rkeec. €dy0enz 0so s0a afomlrcyiemdcpin vehteeehl ed aeoir nl aveom etdaeria dlzst y hislgieoeiov-sz w etNa2e a.gco1r drr,rpa0diaha0isyt 0t . simweLeapmhahse- tmbmbrheaelauellseodicer aeswhU sss deFeistnhu vcofaahneo n er-rrssn. ml edltthnhmca goeo b i unoaeliLdgcbntaaa ih lsusaiirtts ey byiew.iroo leluco hsihhey aiyieohe vdfeefe srs t var -beap m edledoeaaseony,r wsbesrbeenheTriptdaclenhLlr Dsnaeeeo eclis w hedblsebda,aae xe csl3sptc keh6c ehi eno0aani nEl-rdelnd ge ieRser ! ygn\srtAtsle.etateatFeeia eil cm Al aals r y,tkllialdr eticdnesgdlgaseaeh drel s tapai.brnlnyaergcks.s em tn oghliohdpaowes--lf The Dutch ai. force also l.acked the reported to show r2 UFOs chdgjng The base has con.enirated on UFO. but two F- 16 ltghters scumbled t.acking saielliies and pieces of ikoe einpt eurpc,e priL itsh ec laojmbjeedc.twere unable to likwehlyil et ot hbee abna tetlsepsehniDin eunFtaol iesr mcroastt sDace iunk circling the Earth. byRtAheF oobfijceicai.l ss paoreii esda idb yr orh eb eM biarifsilierdy owr. qar hsFrsrh tcrntfBe .cta uUseFdO b yw aal crhreeersk Mystery of ol Delence long range listeninF sta believe it is turther evrdence thai the tion on Fylingdales moor in North EarLh is beinsnsned by ahen daft. liqhts in sky The populrniy otTv series such as 'It was deiinitely unde. conlrol, ihe x.Files has rekindled DleresL in judging by the various manoeuvres flying sauce.s and conspi.acy theo- eLsioxz eeb ceou frtaen dab,na'sertauleildsa hra i pas no(dud rbwcoeaz.sr I9ai 0rao0pu/,pnloedza 9rtber-ed riAm esiD iohkee rsomurannd ldoerv othieed toF ourFleoasn. 'nNliriRnr.cduliE.hDg isnolhrr.'ns kfyorr!o cokvirn toF ,baed dp.r ereseconrtedds otof lshceie cnrcaef ta nadre mduilei Dnosyrcmhrrcr pshr:den oTmheen ala asnt dm tahreo npisvr ao_l twahryo esxiplle retsx afrmomin e& ohuonwd ttoh ee wxPorloldt.l sai rmanosree doobjwecnt-st os-eeeanr tihn eLhxeP lsaknya hhoavne. ,Llcd a;t.naP dtnr sDace lor milit.ry pumoses ai a con- Ir"r m.st IJFO rnvesircators would lLeirnecnocLen sahit. eR. A!nF J uCnoel.l eOqetb, eC. riaanpwees Uo,t bt.ep evesr.v' Thhteer els!rtcecsir r!dh eaoeeryrn Ee aihrnetsnes i'.^""m'^d rir- M-d'" ,*.,. i':l,.* ,, "*.. "r *-. 'ii:ii,l'ilj;)lii" ". " "* id,ruF6crb!i'"n '- f':i:sril illll, il r li;'l:i" li, -,.....","'" *.." '., '" iiiei!r"- i!i4' r ::i:. !::::: ! :.; :-B"-li:;:iih.; -lilT"*,-*. a- .*e"- a :i.=i1'.2 -ii;i i;' $"*.5F. rtr h4 i- ! experts probing Galderdale'sightings' UFO Arb It may looklike a flying blob, butto ;il::ii .i i:iEEilj:i:5ffi l. :;!; the peopleof a :==ii;i:=iiii1 r ;:,::: i i a:.!! small Scottish Irrlr :ii;i::i:;;ii: ::;=:;iiii:;rii '-.1:a2:r21 tovun this is proof ;3; !i;!n! Iiaiii!1= =t i .'\- r. z t.3. being ;1= 1 : i;::: ? F;; lheyare -i:!\ .:.I1 -t:::r: .a:-4":-i.:!a -;!iJ:E: ;A iiil :! lttii buzzed bvaliens j:l=i;'-r'iitit ; i:r!:i : ="lit.: ,1i?* ,!i:i=: Eddie Gibb venturcs into th€ Bonnybridgc Triangle: 1t'1-: ttii=.il.::1Ei. - '4= At tl spoolfl sctting ot BBC! netv :=:=: 'i-ti l=1t.i;;l= big-budget sci-li series 1';ia= :;1,'".t:1,L;+ :.ii1: 1iii'iiei ., . t: i :-tii' :1i'1ii' : i i,: i : E F,iL'it.:JrXi*: l,::, t nL-q{d q! br *, Ise"idt'ldDws I $ru*Nd'Nw! tri. AlienAllev ej i! ii TIIE TIMES interface section ie !5 05 MAY 9E E ,ii3ig EE:l Ei t€9." e;_ =;: FE :,-E-.*:T:r F\'- !ri;e+iii,r: -: .==..-. Ei ;i:i:! ci;; i: ! s! i e ! EE E =.j*E o0 :??:;9it!;,;*r +"5:i:5<:i:Ei;! , 1 != tEE = LIE :;i !9cE et i:; :!i:E Eii +.q: :€ii-. ilE oF r?:. : J".: E!. ;Eq E:3,t: :r: ;!P'* $e,Ii;iE" 3t " i!ii;Ei: :i$E UFO. ! : laEst UIO wat lier Davrd Spooi $f igFE :Es .B aint T€ lheemii clonaesbrUr lv.f r olsimEcl hpt$hE€ calannld i *nFhisa.Ftflyr fgLraoolm$o€sw l orh'fni€ , oeuaSrtud6fenfon *Bo. rfo Hhaeids.d bniduenanr-l iit;: gl: i awbpei[pxe€av reb eainn ys 'a€xsEuhrak -dirk€r ireot.stnr.i ano.lsEe i,r sdria!d. f6ht lemp l fagli)bn$tetEm bnlaaen !m l6oahvnrpd8 u olthLa,err. :j 'i :qA :: E e EEEiS pFs'fhyFfilliiEn z,sg meoloea ndalee sn!h afrlon,dIr cnn{ o 'nnn€raehB ! Y.cR oilArrlFi-( -N'D oollaulny.hotiE suSu eewiarl.ut@,r nrvo i-qs diMts L , FbFyeO .a\ o9 i!r:-i;:Ea !:jra= !iy i:!li'fEqi: =.EE E."c ifA lEli! .iEFeE;;ii:;i So ciul servanG manlunc qroup q.iled Jom Src. Thetr t(hOe? lw-2nlEti€h 2a1rl, {OUl hF.Oav € hotrl€ilm! e shmiop ldele n seul}nlosd @o(r cfmlrn hhga ;;: E; :?:"iE$E 3E rebuttah ready. "Ir musr esErat€dthousaftlsofLrFo htPhaeaE p labanees rrs avce rbanautucsoh. o Pn.en. rsh iart.p qsO ritrr s*iudAlrdidnc slo fr omna ta€ toau dt EthOe 'l-t .:: ;:E: :,l.! :i E; sEIleo-wtna8rse urd.. i-Aa Attrnhnsa8e dbac oaeirlob e adj€.wrn!sd ao ?! st rlh3"aeom v wk$ E lyu€ddpa o adafrsi dhdpthcaom.ntgadstelboieeuerrw,n uf-darc.oe ommsmno ta a.s hD'rrter dnoo!t ula dzno qcndD3e ata.r xti :=-: . - ti'!=;.n: =5!aL6Z,*.Eit 1r- ; ;i:;?i:;Pz' =,)ti '.-.- FylinEdalg. "o it w3l|lr The aDpsans raes lo vcom-nlF6ro ls.o rjd uad ssoicneBsfn tiibreyeqd ily h@ leeu !4rl?dl4sn6.". caohuf iaUqn-trOsy,s ap trln@s eelpnlmremm il layingodnui@e r@rvicer li?=! - EE :i;j ;E; +-s: E aapdprteuanreedd. Ltohe bme inEiriaEryB. u"b!tr aein ss .En-Da$al ,Anelia ir ould b€ -4 -i <z3==, .-l<,zia1E:rE9Pr'-=2' an l '8 rod ft! 3E dt r a Visit Un Gellt* *b .ne b{rle$up (abou $ atww.ui\elleL@n -fi ldTlgrc. "D .l.d ( -!i !rt: .c-i ;;d:=*; .UnnoE L GEIeIalt-e Lrst ppuboli6shoed aby i: :aahcd r-16 frqhErs ro in- H@mine ar t994 - C' sighting of THE CORNISHM,{\ o 0, APR 98 a UFO lIO Rstuh l/r!URNWAILS trI r - dLJ raoD pu hu6u aelp ocnyelindd ar tscpahlobln} o- x r(l in rhe skv ovd L,hon az; @Tnie 0sohuops awv6s schoen tsaacwte tdh eb vtJ iFn b.th@ 4pn4 lspmvrurewrnnc 'Es:;;:E-; :i:i: r nerc ror hsson rocomeout;r Es,;Ei; Eii;FE nL rde @srre rshawm rhte -btti awcakc ran c'ntoducd;v sta " EE .a:,,ti:i;c !A€ii: q;;lF" nshoar!€ tllibne M&&dn n eookn h*o,.u i€.s rdl r Dhaadud ciuhM or the llFo Eedh ftuD he sd rhe komo s son had;k; 5m tne ob<t frcm the khMt rmr, =t .EE ;;alicE;?!i:E6s a03;;6Ii'Ei#€t;:i 6rbaatw€dX Ifhie€ rlod .Uh tru{dJ Cs,rdioU nhh fare nw6yoq uebt € de ctb5o€ !n ,wrnihd;o- edonrl Bi21i63.ql l5 ]tAR 98 by Rlchrrd 8rugg6r and ldt€<l fo! tFo minur4 It *a e in@dibie night for UrO RESEARCHEnS beti@ the r6€4heB who w€E on lT's th€y had r clGe encoute. lhe wry ba4k &on Fing a Ehen they sw bridr liehrs lrw in Bmol&Fict who noafi8 Mr moorl{rd cbiN he wa abduct€d Aon The pau ree stoDped in hrs hom€ by sFege beina3. thei! F4ts by tFo brtht lilhts .{.6o!ding to RllsU asimi- hov€dn8 above the hills ld colt Fa slotiad on FeE b€teen Cowliig ad Urley. .urry 2 by p@ple in Yorl€hle weAEn oEnl gdlye,il rwhzev Ehoemde( hAeosm asido rt atlr@e thrDt€.g terOyn o ebaj.en to cs@a- A'L' *ing r han who claftB t haE ben ebducted by sE nse He stu: 'We Ey lo w if w€ b€hTlghe n€mber$ ot the cdaenn lBin .ka tdog eptrnced! icret lowdh€de Ei rrcnie- INnererwmoarlko nwael eU !jB! rR do€aurrscihde nn@ei openoep Ple iwll iubine8. Troh ebEeu @4€ Skipton when lney Duiled rh€u E de th@ @d ro be, d c&in t rhe side of the road to w€ de coBt4riy comi.8 get a betu.l@k ar the sE nte aols things which we hwe lrptsih*tRd€ hrc pLlihedeedt.sf F sA tito,teh3 <el tl RlboatnEan EraeelE eUo ;ro€ f ceKa(eiu, n lErK et hrtotit.e_f rhfho!Se,i !U EmhRFe@ &ldrhs sFee n neDum.huo dEdootr i mcin eaeK@ Eceaer gn.wohrutoiertnhyy F€ OFA otenrdir€ it drE& kh ulureh cbla 6ttt Ehelnw rb€dd- .bep&otlr st oo f 1lJ9F0o& a Sgormdex !e uMiru thotlueg hetx pitla ciroEu: ld"A hta nveF rb ewen. be4c€[teiilei tnyt lhbecu eiar lt s3b iieeo. f ldihnidkihe .dU!e rtapo X swrhwoe mo 68 eoowtrhn rcitny i! oe blfir kr eiedt or@t n ril iw{6thieA6i 3cets or.mu. lWdflt )howhe;n! wr'sMheh€ d€Eye gr L8lttohfiEoeu EEsdf igt e lrbO ii€rrt€!rhi & er@Brit6 l .binonefou 6tw€vo epnn- O uFo Fhlt we outd se rhe @i from bas h tha norh .r z) mu* hae ben rwie rh€ size Englrnd by the Bridsh ed z=- Amticq g@tmenB. q.Triho.B e nocbojudre rr owokiU rD rth@€ htris lwAen yFonn. aE h!To 0b eqL iec€ onrhsecyt wRlr€d.y, Apnl8, a ll.r6Dm FlB€u on 01274 601463. an-n :l 9be9 iP By Susie Kelly KEI(;HLE\'NEIVS i- -: -: q"3 E A 39 YEAR-old woma.n was left trelrbling in teftor after a close encounter with a UTO iu the nighi t3t skies. rE:!9i-r BEnda Hushie ltom Greenlitls wst hed \.ORKSHIRE EVENING PRESS (YORK) :5:!i: flashins objets whizz acloss the Easi Kil- !3 a E brTidei. hdonrmi"oan uin'L tlhdee fdri s*hdterdn inlosr {inoc!idd €nBt.innd iP as tne &ivins iNtdc- straDge itrcidenrs 3i tor and Whiiehills report d la3t north. :F !*+!41 lelmer Tricia Mcl-an MMay FAn David Base accused (46) trundled along Comes {59) spied thr@ StEthalen Road on a miLitaty j€t3 chasing a of UFO cover.up aa 22t Tl€shsuorsnd- ay evening falclslohcinkosn UtnFeOe vaetD entsgohlt BothwonerwaEhed Jaola.y25. THE BAF s rop.s€crel Lrslenhq bass ar . i! disbeiiea as two East K]lnde is iasr Fcavulnqohor auebs n'n a Nborznahr eY orrckws horvce rh aasn b€en a:E ? =pY7ti pclhaeued aa.wds ya thh€l€ icmopdr€r !i- ethaem ninesw aU rFeOp u.ta5ptirotanl aosi unidennlred llyinq obt€ct. z coloed light! b€lole S.otiand. Milirary soorces havs ctaimed that radar records lrom rhe bas6 showng agEanic Th. da,zling lisht have alEady Nport d UFO llyrng over the North S€awoutd be sbos prcnpt€d Brenda slranse objects - revea ed d a conlor€ncE on saGllirs t b.ake anri set ou! ol includins pancake- recon.aEsance rn June. The tap6s are na grey vauxhatl shaped nying sguceE sdari1pepso. stehoe rNoo rhtah vYe obrk6 Mn omoGad rea d6ai rFvling, i; d, *s s : CoSFhe fto rl d6 tbheeiNt€r eals@r -kl . -ro whn.owrirs abde the nont believe rn ';fO- FO hunte. Iieqn : s00resdasna aol i he bas6 0en€d th€ bur aft€ruards I rh lhomas 128) li.€d dfa Ll3rms H€ can I comment on any confid€nt,al letie. to LJFO because I canl conmont on any- '!zi z t nvlen I goihomerhe lheMi stly ot Defence rhrnq rhar doesn l come trom this base whole rcoh was spin- Ln Whit€hdl tvo weks However th6 sook€sman did coniirm a"n njnq. Everyon€ rhnks etDen irom Fyingdales woutd be ai a Im .razy, r,hey doni Bui an MoD spo!.€s- conierence hed d lhe RAF srati college aiaEF6 man told the Neas n Cranwellihis summe( !FO inv6srga- 'llicis McLeaD Ircn oficials were unLikelv rors resoonded by crarmmq lhar lhe bass whitahius saidi 'l saw to prcbe ihe East Kil- ,as at lhe cenlre ol a coverup, sixfl ashins Iights 1n rhe b'ide rrcidenis: -we :-omer ooLceman Tony Oodd, who tives won t uodertake an lear Skoton. sard: 'Ol coulse Fying, -Tro cde rdgeln€r rDves.rsstion utLes3 dTahiee so oktneocwi s6 asbtiopupto sthelos 1tloF oh.a"ve been rr adnirde rceiinotn sin. dBirfeenrednat thhrde ao bdjeircetfst cLomnpcaecm! eodn angllarand trav€lllng at more lhan notic.d it ort the r7 000 mpn. finrlscreen nrst ad I "lve aLso need as much der.il as possible The bizarre €:.e, belore we wiu I@k iob Fitn*sscsuhBnslch EASTERN DAILY PRESS 04 MAY 9E Prse 22 u.rnust remai i ) \ ',! i ;h"-;rtrmi*l :r#ffi""fisffi1E#ffi-rTl#:ff 1 *e"': Mr sp.ot i"fiI#. *0."*;* 'Sdrhtlti. tbtllc o4'{r': l6a vrdeo tlota8e of i"tl*tr aldw Ur l"mo at <rurr-n:8 iirriqd sr lr[€cto& 3eaino 'ro€lourEr {l[-t- LoI hrs etFri.rcs bad -*-8ffi;-dFd--: gel.e, 'f1qre*iurrnlarrtoaee" Ehltrj,#; ^-_,il 'firflsi"i "-*" e**n*4"yiJf "*wmiruWj{tHF#,'# ". sffi$*-$mT;ffi{lffiiftli:ffitr $$ffi ii's.#ffii ffi$p;ffiffitr ffi$''trF[# u5r ;:t#Lit w:ooALIrPE RReHiA MproN E)cREss & srAR f"S,:1t::ft:t'':t:#ry":; .U.1-? and it seems to be drawo to ar 'unusual' Prqe t'r",x1'ji:';331rj,llo#"'.':"",*" mysterious crari. said Io be the siz€ of a A RFIIDENT livin{ n@ Cudd s tldd :r Zoo's spot of lootball pitch, hovering ro rhe Nonhof Zmo. hs rporied seds a'srture udenr Mai.len (]lstle. .uside Dorche$e. fied llving obt(t pds ovdrh.l'@ baoliethnes rh aosv tehre rcr,l .dwonabneTnni *hes rosa .su lnlewsddshh e a rd"cnn€rhoroeo nlh heoo edvosre rtia oraet8h dglbeo entcerba e,r sdl pa Lcrnjbio e$mvter gisrntyhsouime otb enaessa inz.Ll .ed n eAoenlduil ni.tteahled..l pCliln4oogrhTH mrtheiehnw edeqs a &n hnl idiEis qL hrT'hh.tL O awtt r wrho Rmhoo'se d edw s saaieqca rhEkvcnb heden qtacd q@rodtooobo , jqDt&th h.erti o t*eT fb tteshl nr nirl d sbtei!q4 dherte. d dd!ue The crlri, lvtrh *nnes oi lights alonq ns Dave LiMm oi rhe Comwali UIO R4eKh F sides, is sihur ro one seen near Gla*onblry Croup sad that the s4hbn8 B a6ual s lh -An "alien sp&€shrD' reporred b be hover' .1 inSome6ettbre€veasago. David Kinq{otr.a dd tunher repo.red heam8 a "sclkhinq rd_ri cIoBOvepd . R dh€soeendu ctooh l DMihueidd liBeevla& .Z ko oCm..eun.rbw€6 hw'se bnre tno L':'F5Oeu ,rnes ei)a,lrc\hcer! .a.rndd lbnrdmreJ. ri,{A,.Fri .!I.r^ 1ncrue moeinen. .oo:tle'srd&d. !srrd n1tr w sad tosu reld tre w tao bneorn rl nhreet r-r\ r-s.le nili drer rc50c .oou! r nuco lroNhs Hrsrw nnprn rh. t!e{.I \trlrienCNrlel ne oo hos or a Ersonwho di6 hr6 ar n'.hr bairrb36w.o!w isuehtne isdoa h rhs uarhlhndd ehe ths ieweUe veFnse!wOlqorah ehlw.n n psqtdkoh y ouo anatbtceboj6t out.trha eaei nlliybs ht i ehtt€rthe eht eols*l kwimVnve,s.i r bsuu!sr! .;l cejllrloae*undope lrleleoc no p i.n Atrergcn elroh shnr ed rnqralkob ..n . $f rhlnr9esd9C rBid hrrn.vnt lhe.treoh.nc xus ls oet - robacr6sio repo c Dtcohitveer---r ipCnl suteHm'hI ewwe& shodddous@ d dmrr .hlae bavsa€ t ud hr dnpat tsvleMd ePo s snrw tcoteeotidilk.l 4ehstdp om a 4eh3d4@o .h't ihntreqoq mobvu eDvroende StourkcaFhndrhe,h' ;6rbdlrd ll osrnRo uFwp; hsHr@ha khEeq snwho.uwn illrluemvoinra Wr€d 'ldea,t c\liers.nU a'rnp pK{e.iawrrqen*do. innD . toiDerladc sGh a.o{lloeduic tor*dna bne6 Ftorr nhHeo* ulmsen. ihhoelTdih dem rTfst rhrue€sim Ed*reen ddP e'nrn rlcdsucprek, w*whlUro csne.o htm bFeehv;bn.ie,niBlon d, ''I d$. adnn r! l@ks pr€ttv corqnci.s rNoneelse*ho mavhN€5€dn de hte$ UFO. ilrcaov aclvele inv*t14allnq sqhtinqs dd ho lrcn e dBioce. but there s noibirs to Ies. z ,'hrchrppealed lare l!$ monrn. rnqsktrarcnd m tie a@ codd not arlord ro h's a fiendiy c.dt-" joked Trevor. ased 116. tle sald leserdav: _\Yh3t $as especFiiv rent a v.nue rn Pe@ce to bold mernqs an€ E€upmsustqVssb6zgl[ilhtc ls s .e Bsrdi$ee.o 'nmdeAde .dre a s!orls eoau tdsdhsg. aen:hs t ieow un! nbue[Lse bli EulbO ne e uut crosn sa oinlrcnlsyeiia .n n plbebsefud€N oi wpd wSlieeerboe hwnciihiaeothov3reeeeti 9:a4I L(L'o6€rnnn€ 0gr \ e'2ho1r1u.cil ttn3s(p il onien:oqie r r trcsv.iae oDob'enhIohnsetuprrr edt(rcs hcear cend o -n ivlbo avteltsqi 'p tac irhrsheo.rroil gsemeeh Droll onnnhetd"qoesr lr vennsidd e tao.tht nn$EldrOg bc$tlnlo<($eFeTa,iHlill.l hEFeor o Cmn0oOlF8 R7'n2Nlo m2IS7a$lHoanlM. r€lA.phNone Dave lhousn! Dudlevcouid be rh€ landrhszone Ior

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