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Preview BUFORA Newsfile No.58 Apr 2007

BIJFORA NEWSFILE !$$mlEmnsrSS EAST CRINSTEA! COURER (NEWS IN FOCUS) Something to hide E;€ 39€ { a Mr Soames? o q-'C!6i4€ week was supposed ro be an ffi-'..ts ce ;J;€ =i ^5 :3 .;e dr 1z5 ii:*1T,[:"rj;-i:'[i,-"i5."""i:;:::l;tj"li::; :;rr,rF"r#:aij1il,t"',sf;*ff tra: IaE*li i*tid"']ii''*;ll"i,Hl*:il ta z ,i:dit""f. Ir-$,1f9 iJ#r::T:r:9 T;1:,*:a::r t€#lar"u!";i1 .;isI.E^'iq,ll$e+J l "iiii$,[g",-*.n.*$'J, ;11?FT ! (D z rgj:m ji:in:i. * *! ts dir!;tsi [f$f Lrc," l [$:1l;!*;lt6 E f 3.1 E + ln lH'ifi 'l. rirl'"r";ri**:l;:ti"iv iTfi.lirl"i.,'+: $LHilf ;# {a *a ui&r 6r W - / l! rcn'! uDdf sn! F r*tgl"l*;l;iagr:lr "i'tst"J$'J:t:t d :tt!.!'' !i"}.-r! :.;A=a 4 -{ E: t a2:?? a -+^ : 6 trl A h. MoD &Ddi nlF d 6v rui ID o iie: ; e E (t) Lr dr,n n$ dr N d.b. du4. n! dr6 doD! " l| ::!;;i:ii i,,i,ti:iii:.:i; i i;li: ::: i;;i!:r:,;;;:ii:: Iji;i= !:itr: ;E: 1i r .1tzi2 !=* ll?iz ia" z =-Pii=' aEr ttt !. 7it- € c,tt :? i::i,;ii zit;:;:i ra:t q:t .'a: .lE : =: j a: j t=r:! -= "" o q, i : ;ia=^ ' -i =a;i:.ii 1ii2 =,: : := Gll Cqt' (Ct5l il|,1,E:t E; 171,1?;iiilt ; -et rEE:t aE ,11:'lj:;Z1zzi;i?,1iizi,z, :::! et i; E e-ii i.- 4iE:d e r;Z: ;==:F -: = !:t.ri' !;iiaa !:t1 : ;- 1i:E jJ =ilft;;iliEii;i; h:": :a!. -:;:::g;!i;*;:::si? =5:i 1gx; ,.?::; ':"ti* F:-3:E!E =;ei;j:iFiiiEjli::ii=:i:ii;i?:€;#lE r:g 3E.!=-"-! NEWARK HERALD & EXPRESS t*- ro g ii i E.ii oli,tAr_ 97 -?ii; c;[iF;r a Strange lights i,EE:Fl:illE I q ! o C e; E ',,E spark €:5,!FE;:!E UFO r- 59 61! A.P 2zn investigation -E;tif;EaE:i o-Li >6sc3 e= !5:E: !: .! a BAFFLED villaEers ftu"e.il.a in s,t ries, UTos, suinee dels. thsder' i{ing! +E9: : IJFO exoerts t; Drobe mysterious bolts. fireballs dd things that 80 trump $Esg:: =: t"t-t" t'.r."iirr i" rh;ollerron in the nichL U 9tE?38 E-' 5 ;il;i.k"'." !" 'l m keepins the ploErdmEes_-as.seri- t-i-r il;EFEEeEE?t liil :: o:'*:?ffri,:iiiJ:i;f:if'f,",i:,ii:i'-i:j.6i:.i:ir6:-a: ,:"i-:i"-,i.i?-.- -s*?r*"." i-na - on1b-#i:e c;-r"- le-a-b-;oi-@ obaaburlesa D taocs emd la ov-ksiees witbhdetedir. wIb hunotp r€ trhurneisdrtse€n e uwEp iotlwn b4 €-r adb€' boEr!;H;iE of Newcastre issr€. the.mDoe'€ @bEt ee th9_g '..p.e ne.nctg rii E qS'htreenehle fetkwothrde .s tcr,aanss ew iariskihngl, sh is doe vrcf L8 €Epr nuei . progll:m€ na5 .d.:_1E a.i .trin L 3i-gfie6?Ea. 3. ofH r€ l ooD€otDatser eds anwe is-thhbeo uorbai eacnt dh ao Evr;onunDi phreoadru cfteodm d sdc hMed!u Wlealsld .wrohne tns hito mpDIg bloe sdE$i*F;!t" ioon *'e go""a erLe atappearl aired on Ractio 2. (l) irg 30" 6m"invui tes late!. Anyone with an irteFsting story can u lr: :r tl He sard: "lt Iooked lile {ive or six conE ct Mr Watdron on 01777 822396. pos€rtul lishthou* bearns above clouc t€iEgff$g leE' l. wtdch $,€Ie rctatinc &om a c€n!-al obiEL Similor U i 3I+ I.E s iE F.El "I ha!€ Uv€d herc for 15 yeaE and in ji E2 i -i: E*iEE=Lr.l!c tiht altt twim?se oIb hvaiovues n tehvaetr its ev€nra s an$o'ttsh hnga tulirkder :9 isEsii :Ei >' lisht." :j:: - -r:i .' nE:;EEEE!:s AJtff dneing a UTO t€lephorre lirc, he i: E;s::iEii::? 5 lrieaDs olroleldd tih!a St oaE seimrs€ti lari ns i1s9b9t5in.s had beeD €ftEEEEii:t aadro Droduc€r Mr Roeer weldron (45); ^f will;w Holt- Sutton.on-t€lrl. ls appealirg for people wilh simjlar ecperi- f,;*-f iE::E;e ences lo contact him. He is curr€ntly *,iiiiiiii?iiii; Rtqls produclDs a series ctlled Stml'4e f^r RBC Rrdid q,hi.h witl deal with the >.ieil€i i;a rcHrlde osf attilde: p"al nnaomm laml.kine for Ehost ?i q;;r E: i:i !- :: ;;;, 16 ie ! .: .E ;a{^lt! r*6dE€ € t >:- .: ::Et r: !:: !: *E E q; IffI:Ei? ii*ii*ii,rii:fi tt) .?iaa s:iZ :; !:!;ii:;E5glE;E:: >i€Fi;i6E s6 1:, EEasEge€;:aj iiiiiriii::;: !!g!!? ii;iF i; o) 1=ii+i. tEi_ii i\ :;: !:"ir q! E5i!!; .E i e;:Er1;t9;=',= .c a L o a EFiig igi Eigsiitsii isg#Bgii 'ra ftfl.'y t'l 'UFO' wos on oirshif FF. ri N 'rHE M\STERY .r Chrnehrm,s TDmlJ{Tt cw .eno\ ")h or.j" ".b,.€en.ni-'\"o,r tv"g.e,$i" . *.rh ho i .iD; ,rhi.ri ,,AF h.O; .rq" .,tr;-J:-n;..e r^_ ::-;i l"';r',l'nr;.-,".1 " "-...j,:",,,,r.":n'"r,,r.:^. '*-"\m*'JI....,! ,'"',L" .r. ' rrenere'!n,*.," r |r. .dp,rwe.Buf.uryol,,ru.Dh drolq!,o i.{(n:vh0J..e.i,,ef'}nhnr,rtn.J,br.uendre rirJEd*hJr,i oh.e,)l tvd w rnrr.1rnltr.h'p c-litJ..,i,. . rr'!.cr'oid r'nn raile\ .Jrd. 3 ,.i, .I pn\culr ,,o!nr, i,ncwiofh.h itp'redin \\W; nA,.nttxehJr hAv .mA1 er$pn,cf,lx n. .r,"t';^;;t:,,.;:. 1i ;e;;;..: ,.-.",., i -j',ij0 r','" :r"U. l,ul't- i,,'.,j,"i.-lul. ,,", , Jfrjt, ,,"u,,t, r"l,t, '"I,rr e:" :e ..o",c". .J\", .1' -: ,:"l^i:":,*p;'r"rt.;"i':" vZ6)elr .,,1 ,iJ ,il,:*., _;:,i"-":"""i ,"f:-:"i1,:,;1; il;"ilj];:: ;,:l: :'r:.;q ri i:T1:.. .,y.i B:i .: ':il';l rr *I,r"",iT ".,, ".,,,"" .i,.,'":,;;,i;,j,;:;j;",:l;'.j;. li'i;:,i:J;ljli,.h." a c.) c.-. +) (d € l:aiii:?EEa,t:i ii?:iE Hi;;;Eii a,) .P G) € I-{ 6 tr Fcd \z-l (6 ;iii?sici iEiiE EiEiEE= EEB= EgiEiE .; I 2 I FT t a F { r r lrl sc()1 sNt/\N STROUD NEWS & JOURNAL 19 MAR 97 . _ PaSe 40 Brazilian New UFO sighting UFO expert UNIDENTIFIED ftyine lhe conet because of the _obJec$ hlve again been noving bean. Throush sPorled over Srroud w'rh bineuhd we could k bti,. boldly goes to reporls ol siAhhnss over on rhe oubide and it q4 fie Rodboroush Cohmon tasl "Wt ve had nollling flyrng This eeek an objeci {as over here tor monds so n,s Bonnyfuridge seen ove. Minchinhamnr.n cenairly rcr oun.', said Alan Common by a sroup of;ore Pe..son, RAF Connander rhan o dozen cuslomers ar mubymjbqbd(h'dlJp ''we wadhed ir ro. .".' plaInJnFiOns rnav neissthret awtoartcsh ainre! etudelyd h,oresp rnlt i'hlra da bli$4n i nc orhno- launl iahonu .C loausnl ntioalhdr ,t htea nldr'lcow.dr arhrrre sr krieesc eanbt o!vig€ hRlinosd.b oIrnc urheei sntbherr'eln$yyno sh ln iirrm aotu 3u€ndt .'seIlui n n lmodh l {nb0wmor lc{daplmo sadhs ge.rotddc? n Goubn afihrdotludmston r Morwl iarocrLndny ac dleMorrnrdLe bi as srsdntEledist mu *".eN0ldorm , suliannfwsr rseathhhaded'ii"'n d Ilb.rwilJn. aa hwwgcuo kaanlbwse\ae h. lrida rudeommesnnnn ecagSrnn ono^ dw toi oevnftkionlds'vrhB^e. Lyoan;;..t unrrrdh:rcn. sie.o;x, sFrlRrorr.€cooeiododmakcbn.iy noCd,C gri oMro cuscuuerckncthyrrht rwyr F F2aro8onrD rdrvaru er rmfos8rrnu okl;o snid aD Dot ontoahrh.sde€r 'houghr 'hd n wrs loo high ;d i r,as! CoFleo ro nd e01b2,t4s2 c5ont6ra2d 9R b.-b1in . ri€nmaorl {dh 6,DqL bal 5mn rrhx!s ! qp. r'hqebn 1\ ('A:* RI1PORTER $.led $e rLi€6 dom ud ror ir6 hous li had Ur! blen kldue u Fo ruaafths *dl kU lrol c*asd ssid rhtrt uFo Bomybadsq sodands -l F0 lda€r who E€d d worl ror Just what is this nllha. sho bLd rhrn h€ $r1r\3 liEr eiveslry of rhe 'ne hr.ld.trr. z0 Janofiy, hs "i,-d"d,i" ra.,umd rmieo,rnnms reos rrs o.I dl0 'lh hdavbe sspso,le trb arr dledn sbd r' nb€ 'black triangle?' hu"!h or nd relow ru€amhc6 >rdiedrru mmonns. whlk rbour tho upts. ot $o aler k u.-iii^ e*db"d lc' Edi* ho hrd I'ead shob froh ;;*M.mnb d$ idsa hsbe& hw,ahhese c*hs ere'a-nd rosi$op-t sllldurdu o6n b r$bhee 'rhu. h!Mo€ hr1d3 lirntimEklre-Nts,fiontn sor nr'edcr (Snuchtuscio nmnqrcrr nhonrn .n.cu sa qrr.ionu, u.t{h ibs tBdc.ekk. riih .!rle.,,3rh rinr Prolcrldd sdd rhar aubp. rh8 srrdctrBbio! 6pMd leadin( ra$oloF$, Dr radrn d6! b d,€ oN orv4hln! o $N rnr seo hold rhe dotur wn nal.d. wi$ ddl brcm d.insd *irlrs our sny surh ' ih^. .."1 ;*h h-d hd fte Prorcevserdsrld rhlr [ernd 6nred Bnd uev had bLs €!6 rellow uroLos66 hrd spoten b ua erdr pro'ubnanes on !r led 30 $rtrsses, indudhs rtur heads which lool.d Ll€ $Ldi€B inrot]ed in lne ope'Nn tron. Prcl celaed added: lI." TDh.my osmne'alle dre obprlds ..d. ci?i$ b6r nin^! raD heahrs rllne ftolcevaed c om orsvsrd L.r dhF b Pmrnonal uri oqr E stri. objed entnns $! emo $m mila toh Bomy .{rJib& s Drhr.Gzirp.lhr *hqd hdeaadhiensd bb. peoDb h&ve relotud $ris LTITON NEWS t2 IEB 97 Plse 8 ii; lieiigll;fi EiEiEi:ii ;g g i iiiiiiiiiiEa iiituEi sigEEii ACCRINGTON OBSERVER & TIMES l,l MAR 97 P!8e 8 oBearn Scotty' me up Rf,LAX, earthungs. Fouowins our revelations that an alien space craft had circled over Accrincton last week. terrestial olrces have released unclas- had nothing on town sifred irJomatios r to us which have auayed fears of an Independence Day-style invasion. Special asents from the Observer were detailed to conduct inquiries after Mrs Mar- motor firm's launch jorie Clegg, of Whitewell Road, Accdlcton, contacted us to say she had seen a UIO circlilg above the clouds nearher home. However. just when it seemed that Martians, or some othe! aliens, had been corductils as UFO mvsterv solved their own investisation into Hyndburtr's everyday life, staff at Accrington fi rm Lrthgoe Moto6 got in touch to solve the eniEma. Janice Guiroyle. who works at the Mil- nshae Lane premises, explained: "We had two WIGAN REPORTER €c t $r loauurn Gche nneirgahl tSsa alets oMuar nnaeswe r pTreomm isReosb. inins own hhicahd r0 t'Ea 97 aarh) i E the idea of hirins some special lights to mark 9.r; E F !:E Jl['l WILKINSOr{ boldly el boE closes X.file case .t E E "On the Fridav nisht Mrs Cleep saw some- thing, the lights were set up along thefrontage abJoE of our ne* showroom atrd the beams were !r E;.4 going even {urther than normal. "We hired them from a Bacup firm, VaUey -t>!P, E?# b: Sourd and Lightinc, to attract attention. so aa" you could say they worked!" Janice added: "I can understand people ecgBs'ne i -a t2h0i'ondkdi nbge aimt sw aansd atn esyp amceasdheipc,i raclse sthaella.ero wuenrde rFr I l!E tlle sky." oriti t Revolving (D e The only uncanny element to the tale is that oOJo9 iEa Janice used tobe partof thesamenetballteam I e, e as Marjorie's daughter Barba.a....o. is it? -_P !!E P Because, for one resident of the area, the E "visitation" brought back memories of a simi LLiiE '=€ lar ctose encounteralmost two d€cades aso. +U-o)aAge.s93b E lBt. h;;hFe AnsaecJnwcdal trm awitD hecaces.sat aocBftobn rapho tdpouosivtclh2deear0 iwunofesne, ee: 6 ta"Na2bl*,noo aovv yeef1 a.m9Pn?ebd7ee ml!I Poewavrae€nrkstinh sAwa vnaeoalnknnuiedne s,I budred foothigh, withlargerevolviDglights. "My son Martir and I co ld hear a faint dronin8 noise and watched ittravel acrcss the E9 5: ai fields, over Burdey Road and towards Acc- A PUBLISHING ) 6().)E ar,=* ''Two years later exadly lhc saEe thing IJ NNNNE5EaaE;E.9: 9 t;2< :L leuliklra eBmrarad sshh:own lsy $anfk ruonaJrdosn, ubautel ihyr sd fiaetdh eorf has no doubts what he saw. € tr EE !i:;E3 ar"tiIct lewsarsi rare sdp ac(oem c€rrha ft.i nnco idno mueb,t baebcoauuts ret . irY woausr .r. E seen injust the same area. i?d ''I came the Obs.r\cr omces on Edcar r, ((ar) 3E Street to re'pnoron and rhey looked at me like I z GIJ3t was go.mless. Bu'tt I know what I saw...." en Eigt exc..d 1500 ao.d3. a 5 entmtu mos! b€ ov.r z ttt , -4i 6 l. llFn..d sefdti guhpt tol, n9. 1 oofn $ t€d o16y. dthl€Eia ise nilol .nt ar!p dlFd.. z STROTJ9D NEWS & JOURNAL d. ll sa sbo{t 200 rh@ nor included in kl 9!! 19 MAR trw&clGdgsr n tih nel hrro.rnod n rrlo! .sgn.or.idndsa rmohl if.vi €L€ . n!r *hosohrkolod . gdctn dmhqo.!r*. t9 *); .E Page lE roro.dr Ch.q!.rs n nighr b. impmved. 6): 2 S;. erl.i6 ol spRid m.fir 6J What is going on? fill b. o6id.r.d lor ) pFutublmicl toioln .m SotA.nEa lr oi3r *CrL+ qE t-E GMftlaindcs nfr c-m T6hre lo"b tlsnte oEveer ttrlell icom smpoht€.re "on v..r bridr. ' LrFt5Li:.6l!S8dPb €n rttldoRl& rrlo :.!Hy.bl.dEopm. $n hi ll lts.!osdh.r o rns& 0l 3 slCm0DlGor6. le <fcLLEt-rJ);s9:olEE.E5€-6a ,:Z5E; Meisisisri-hnhsr''.€r r li. JmLhtiusoa€n lmv;vLto.e l i nSPhllsioeni luriochthtnbh ar io !nE wtFh ottslhvhooveo.dre uvcMa t hc aOseiod.sDspme t,ro e ehdA.r e irsrll caerrsolrocpet rlh ic oDoD.aEnnrtlorv€ h. mio0ed*.rrD h ? eCswditcro rhmh'ouni tulgeedrt <i .E Highcrclt, South Woodchester l.l\ tlRl(X)1, DAll,\ P()ST nrcrscJ_si{le editron The caring counsellor in who now specialises abductions by aliens - EVERY day, E.ic Mo.ris receiv€s a hrndfrl of letters that read like srori.s from the X'Files. Alien landinss, slorinc spa.e c.art and unea hly encounre's arr among BLafle E Dolrl IO EARIN: UtO .rp.d Edc flordt ,lth hB leet llmly on lh. gtdid ond .t .Dsr.an b. r.ason3 'Dozens of people {h!i had hdqorn.d rh. call, claiming to have lost hours' E ALIEII o c) *) L L L o cl gg** I N q) o .- ffffiffiffi ffiffisffeffiiilili' - FE .aJ - ln the high desert of Nevada lies the holy grail of UFo-spotters, the top secret Arca Sl base. And right next to it runs the Extraterrestrial Highway, a stretch oJ road that seems to link Mulder and Sculllr with Mor€cambe and Wise HOME ON THE STRANGE Stoly: Richaid crant Phoiography: Tony Otmos To get ro Nwadat UFO 1989, a self-described astrophysicisr named country, you drive nonh Bob L:z:r c.ane torwud on a Ls Vesar rel€vi- frorn Las Vegas for 150 sion show aad claimed he had wo.ked .' , niles, duough a remote, captured alien spacahip ar rl, e bue, rrying ro windswepr expanse of 'reverse-engineel its technology, which he high desen. Dusr devils described in precise deail. He said he saw nine whirl acros the road like of the saucer-shaped cra{i, srored in under, miniature rornadoes. ground hargars, but reponed no live aliens. Tumbleweed-s rumble. A The srory made a briefsplah in the national car goes by every 20 nbloid newspapers ard W shows, dren faded mils or so. You drive acros d'" l"k" b.& th. out when Lazar failed ro prove his credentials as sil olsuncy. $rougi binen mounnin r:nees a scienrist (he claims rhe governmenr has ard d*:rf for*rl ofJoshua trees - wend. soii.v. destroyed all his records), and pleaded gtilry ro derured'looking ptanrs thar remindej rhe m unrelared crrminal chuge irvolving a broth- earh Mormon proneea of fie propher Joshua el. In rhe UFO communiry, howeve!, taz,J's rarsrns hrs alms to heaven. Soon afrer Ash claims created a huge sria and, ever since, rhis Spdnrs (popda on 200), you rurn nonhwsr lonelv desen highw:y hx been r magner lor a'11d. ,un enougl. thae is ; officiat sqte hiph_ ufologisa. abducrees, conspiracy rhio,ists, *.rt ,igrr with picrures of flyine sauc.^ nn"; aspiring cult leaders, religious prophets, and a: rlr wor& 'turrarerresnial Hiehwav,. chancters such as Ambassador Merlyn Medin {$ t,,o"n a5 Nerda Hishd l7i. ,n. ET II, who clains ro be an alien from rhe srar Hictl\r! pases Jong rhe flant$ of a mililrs Draconis. Rurnour har it rhzt he is aauallv a s brv tnown.;s Croom Lake or Arca 51, a human being called David Solomon, who ate s.cq{n( end afcrah telting faciliw ro roo roo much ISD in his younger &ys 6 seiNr rhrr rhe US gowrnment denies rts Nearly all of rhe vrsirors have seen srrange eN.rrlr{.. desp,rc.rhe arrned grlardr prrrouine IIghrs and flyrng obieca over Arer 5l a;d ib$: tf.\{ l ri''mcrc ras , nmedrb ryh em hocur nrthaarrn y orou pc.a nIn s eAe prrhili hundreds of inrergalactic conspiracy rheories -: have sprung up ro erplain them. Most of rhe til6 ri li! ut{. a'k lii n.l6 ItE X-Flr6 loot lllo &sl&deE 0r'6 JG {al t !) lnd Psl (n.in Pic) Idii .dd ny rbgy riib6 rlary illnl.r (ahm) n vr . hlghly *n-:1onsltial hGLlrt ls have seen wend rhings in $' slq' a5 w€n, so, on Aoril l9 rhis ver, rhe Nevrda tusembly esublishmenr\ heavi.lv-armed owners, Joe and rhev rend to aftribute fiem , ' the eardrly uaanimouslv oxsei rhe Extrarenesnial Alien Pat Travis. By the cash register is a nrss of :ons ard aircraft being tested r: tle base. Hiel'iay Biil.'The he-ing wx a lighr'he,:rred alien-demed rourisr souvenirs T*hirts, caps' ii, i' *l'"'" the Nonhrop Grumman occarion, with nrny proninenr loc,l poliri- coffee mugs, fridge mrenels, figruin* - a,rd a .lth bonber was devdoped, fot example' cians wearing alien mark anri poinqv erls on small librun ol UFO books. I prck one rr ch looks like a clarsic ilving saucer rvhen the ,Acsemblv floor, and handing each orher rtndon The Abdurnans Of vaht which rd 6om rhe hont, ard seem! to come out copres ol rhe KJ;ngon dictionary describes having ser wirh a shapeshifting alien owhere when ir flies overhead To a b'ckground ol elhereal sound ell:ecs. on bord a rprcerhip. There re Alien Buqer he camprien rc ger Hishvar 175 olici:lly Asernblvman Rov Neieth:b ours said rhat rhe on th. "'"u',n, menu lrhevie out oi rhrs -iy*" dA m* bthaes 'Edo;rra rM.'ree'rtnh,in l liegrhlin",, vw'h'xo "-iai.s .*a. iU..r-c, 'ie.fl' idi"ren to*ispr -a'a roaic trrhoen trahr r, .yn wMoer lUdlo') Smcodm r t( Sthcoer cbh:,r livmou B cearmn oarndde r7 -aU Bpe)am ever rhar Jien sp:ceshrps fror the plmer Nevada.'The eovernor, Bob Mr er' waggirhly Deiprre rrs pl:1t,1 rourisr ItrPPings, rhc ha Cenrauri will be l d;ns hLre in 1999 a rumo'i' rhar th. h,ehwav srgns would Liale A tt'lnn is a haven for true believers The : ambassador, who looks like a Young 'bpere padla ad flrr on rhe ground. so rhe alrens wrrress, Mrv Murrer, a lery sweer rnd verv ahem Lmcoln. made reperrd tr Pr ftom his "o;ld be rble ro see rhem lrom their sprce' odd woman, cbims ro be in consmr relep;rhic hr(u in i \,lver C,rv lra,ler park ro rhe sh;os md knorv where to land. wifi space aliens Ard her Lll- e c:prt,l ,n Crrs.n C,n ri'ele'slv huangu asla. f'onr ,h. Fox corporation, the main fininq wi"", l,rd tinv st;ure, biz:rre oudits md rhe lecriaturc d strte q,\'r ment on dre benefactor has been a Lar/resraurrnri morel gLirrerspmgLed cheeks, have led ro spcculrtion h'gh"*,y s'ue. ftrhrpir m"- inlluential called The Lnde ALe'lnn, in Rachel (pop that she herself n not of rhn wond. UIO devo "h viw *:s rhe Fox filrn corf atjon, who 100), the only senlemenr along the 99 miles of tees flock here from all over America, from rred r oublicirvsrunt for rheir Lmlrlerali€n rhe ET Hi$wa1'. A sign by the door read-sr Ausrrajia,lrpan, Brian, Germany. frmce rnd ,Ut*i, ha,p*/,*, oa\ rrnose climatic 'Welcome uF0's and Ctews Sourh Afric.a, ud frnd a place where e"en the :noexsa areg rseeer din rao rcepolicna rorfrAlr"era" "r tuldisdosea KneEeApRsThHeeLpIiI Gl{Sk nWocEkL ClPO MNEk.h"ook wthieldreics rh erhueinoeri.e sl$ r eIcoeeiv eT raa vsise rpiouuas aitn: d'A s ylmorp ao-f rhe srate.offen and tund r big The building n made out of rwo aailers our custo..is have b.en abducted bv aliens. r"s"h*v" c,oe, emonr ro namt rhe hr:hwav Thg joined rogether The walls are cowrd wirh This is one of the only places they can go ,,i.;..-.,.,,"',L5ush, rh.'laigmtion phorognphs of flvrng srucers, and Posters where no-one kids rhem about ir." ght attract more visitors ro rhe uca' and rdvocaring rhe frr rrghrwing views oi the fts hard ro determine whether Joe truly J taq 1e,J7W* And on lilghIly 375, ln. touri.r. nod( lo mli tor tn. lhno !@n !e:l.t b rnm up. $dly, nobody h !sydrnnrd ln . euc6r. tn $6 botton ot , bd srt$, thouth, w.ird ttin$ l6nd lo o@r believes in space aliens, or jur keeps an open nanuf:cturing diseases ri$r now ro bring the like any other rural mailbox, but h reputed to mind because rheyie good for busines. world population down ro 2.5 million. Lives mark Americat premier UFO-warching spor. He rells a srory about a thirs!,y al'en marerirl- mean norhlng to these peoplel We've gor ro Some ufologisa contend that an alien space- ising at the bar, a 'Grey' about four toot ta.ll - fight now while weve sd1l got the charce and ship crlled o1d Fanhtul can be seen here ar "So I told him, hell, ifyou can pus through the goddann weapons ro make a difference..." 4.50am werv Thursdav morning. lt rurns out drar steel door, vou can open your own beei' - This n not an unusu:.I belief in nr,':l Nwada. that Old rairhful coincides exactly wnh a bur he tells ir wirh a rwinkle in his eve. and the local ranchers at rhe bar nod along. Boeing 737 bringing workers from las Vegas ro "This alien busines hls gor a l;ght side ard a "Damn right. \fhen rhev come ro r*e a*av our the base. The plane flies direcdy row:rds rhe serious side," he say's. "None of uJ really knows guns, th* gonna hoe a 6ghr on dreir hmds." Black Mailbox with irs ianding lighs on, 'vhar the hell is going on ar rhe a;rb:se. ft is this mitture of UFO believers arC pua- appearing ro hover mrrionigs:. Lrnpenurbed, l because rhe government woni tell us. This is noid estern gun frerks thar gives the Litde the faio\firl are now insnting that O1d laithfrrt America, goddammirl The government k Ale'lnn its special character. Somerimes the is an alien spacahip drar rurns into a 737 jusr suppord ro mswer ro r-he people, nor ro riese vo strains mingle and a theory will rravel before landing, for disguise purposes. coddrmn banker ,.d ,;.*, *.;-i-,",1 down the bu that the governmenr is cloning Tonight, there :re abour t€n peopl€ ar The internarioml communiss..." aliens at Area 51 for a mock invasion of Black Mailbor, lrirh binoculars ard deckchairs. This is Joe Travis' rcal obsession. He believes ,A.nerica, which they will stage rs a pretexr for and rhe atmosphere is chanv and relaxed, firr r elobal consprno hd bv a shrdo\w@bJ stripping cirizens ol rhcir firearms and other .venone enjoyins rhe anuing show olni s in ri rrrernanonal finrnc,ers, rs plorrrng ro tJ{e rights as Irce Ameriors. And someonc else wlti rhe high desert skv. Residenr expen Chuck rway his guns ard enslave him ro a one-world respond rhat whatt reallv happening is rhar rhe Clark poinrs our interesring asuonomicrl phe- police state - rhe Nerv Vodd Order so feared governmenr ha.s cur a deal with de aliens, to nomena with his relescope, and calms down bv Am*icat militias. As he gers on to the allow rhem to abducr humans and conducr the more eager warchers: "Nope. Thatl a px- sublecr L,md ir rs hud ro keep hrm off ir), his sexual experimena on them. scnger jet. Nope. Thatt a car coming over rhe berded hce rurns brslr red. Vcins pound in Ar dusk, the rednecks cany on drinking. ridge. Nope. Ihar's a satellire." Clark comes his temples. He swigs and puffs at hn ever- One waker up bleaw, "V/har am I? Vlu's na across very eunest and scienrific, a nu$'and- praent beer and cigaenc wirh new renom and beer? Oh yeah. Slurp." The UFO-watchcrs bolts man trying to conduct some serious slams his fist down on rhe bar. 'Totai world leave the bar. climb into then vehides and head reseuch among the wackos. His UIO sighring domin:uionl Thars what rheyie a{ier. Thev dom rhe Lrtnteresriat Highway to irs mosr is very precisely dercribed: "It hovered 20 fcer rlready conrol rhe US government. They're famous l,ndnark The Black Mailbox. ft lookr above the ground and then suddenly shor to llrrt [Em h bo .tt - b lt alLd it6? 0r. Dasim lodtrs? Pr.habt H4.r., i!.nditt Clart (.boE) !6E lhlt 3ndt b€n.bdlctal. Ad notl h blndl.rt gwim dll ot iho .l.h ol t.t tu d hr es tnogphpr.e dlt owne rar dr.i8m em. r.Alst itnh al t7 s speeceodn,d rr hmerde dwuhroin cgh ahryepesn o$s1is0.0 p,e rfohromure dJ nbdy srp rchrvaplrnseosri srnt i.sU hFnOp: i bwevlwie.iuisfo ma iknidn.dco omi . toLLfky oreul igreioalnly fionrr ;trh)e. hould have been a boom but there wasnt." retrievinglbduaion memories. Lt Jl mrles for echnological age and I consider myself a folk- The anrhropology of UIO believers is a ,ome cuiious ea"esd-ropping. ve thinlt rheyie lorisr," he sa1's. "l collect thae srories, circu.late ledsine science bur a fe* crregories may be on rhe b:clside of r generic curve Theyte them on rhe Web, aad do my best ro assess -.'i""1" edvmad. Chuck Clrk rs rn exam- rmhh m rcoroduce bec.ause of some kind of rhem for accurac,v and pbusibiliry Trying to ,le of $e uaditional sruarisr, r devoree of rhe nuclear accid'enr on their plane! so whar dleyte muck my way firough aJJ this dri"elm'd keep a :nlii hudw:re. rvho believer in sightings but is dorng i5 rrrding hrdwue urrh rhe government levelhead is m Inr igorr u ng chrlenge rncomfonable with abducdons and aliens right rn renun for ouJ esgs end sperm "Ever her CampbeU n nor wiiling ro discourr rle pos of a man named Jefferson D'Souza? He\ a sibiliry ofalien cnft rt tuu 5l '99 per cent of T}o-, r linle tunhcr ouL there, you h:ve rhe hvbriri mutart from Brazil, halfhun'n, half wi,a' yor heals nrn:rnr ' but irs wrong ro rbductionisr-s. Unbelievablv, there are now 3.9 ii"n..." "fn' is all bullshitl Theyve onlv got dismis everrdus on dar basis. l-u.u\ srory ts million Americans who claim to have been rhree frngen so ho* $e thev going ro burld a imoossible io confirm bur ir is inrcllisent and .rbducted by space aliens, the vast majoriq of flvine sructr? Hui? You inswer me fiarl' precxely derriled a,rd wonhy oftunher invesd- rhem women. Men get into hardwue, women During the lour d:ys ard rwo nigha I spend E*ion. Ard now we hve aro$er soulce, tr 70- rend to get more inro the reiadonships; the on rhe Exrr,rt€nestrial Highwry. I meer only iorold rctired engineer who chms ro havc Jassic abduction story centrer around a mind' one UFO researcher wnh a sense ol hurnont worked for l0 vers on : simiJJ projecr rnd lowrne sexuJ encounrcr with rn alLen, *ho His name n Glenn Campbell, a 35-vear'old mer a live alien mmed ltod. Personally, I tru.st oprcalir t,r shape'hrfr rnro a greek god or I forrner computer progrrmmer from Boston, him and find him convinci:,g, but who knows? nrunerhack or a rock ssr. who has led the fight againsl governmenl secre- I eo back d lord.' ' Then rhere ue the hudcore, beetle-brcwed cv ii rhe.:res, primarrlv b" srorising it. He ihe srarge$ si$ung J c:n rcPoft Fom the consprncisrs, and the prtenrlv unhrnged like nr< nrr rhe witrv. sardonic Area 5t Wuo, Exnrreresrriai High*av rr a bloared dead cow ,\mhxqdor Merlin or the voune man here 'C,;1", *t'i.r'' .onit'a" *" all the sighdngs in on the rord. witn dl lour len sdckine straisht tonight who claims ro receivercligious proph* rhe arei can be explained by weapons, flares up rhe air. L rush sru rhrough plar* olFood rnd edrlv aircr:li, a.rd is banned aI the Lirlle rowards r ro set iin hx Ihe rbductionisrs are repre.ented by A tr Inn for ns sctpricism Campbell rLso posa been zapped by space Meredirh CLark of Sar lra:rcisco, who 'recov' everv f,cr, ru-our a.d theon emanaling hom aliens. Bur che evidence ered the taumatic menory of her abducrlon tuea 5r on the \forld \7ide Web (the address suggesrs a uuck tr

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