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Preview BUFORA Newsfile No.57 Mar II 2007

BUFORA NEWSFILE THE TIMES 28 FEB 97 Palc 13 film Pentagon'UFO' site revealed on THE Pentagon is bracing itself for €lh 'move oul to Area 5r. Th€ aulhorities Claren.e Kelly Johnson. who designed fmm onspiEcy lheorish afler news rhat have never acknowledged the site, and the l,oclleed U2 spy plane. AE 51. a tofssel sile wheE lhe often deny ils existence. The refusal of the USAF lo conlirm or Americrn Govemment lests slealth 3ir- The fooiage was uncovered by Hugh deny anyrhing regarding rhe site has @ft and is alleged lo have held @ptured McDaiJ while shoorinB Robol warno6. fuelled speculation lhat it is a .over tor uFoi has ben revealed on cane.a r dm'm.nr,d.n trnmrnn.d,irentu somethin8 moresinhterthan lestinE.€w (Anianr Ahuja wires). Aco.din8 6 Mr McDaid. the film Ms aircEft. Som€ believe the US Govem- nanl h.e ..crN4d tyiaS qlcea ard details of lhe sit€ but shows a scientist inrelligence p€nonml. The scienlist lsed lhe base lo onduct experimenls on chaDing otr a blackb@rd lhe phrase shom Miting on lhe blackboard was rhe vehiclB and their inhabihnrs- CHURCH TIMES :lt 0EB ,7 UFOs are 'seldom beneficial' Gordor Crdghton, aootber nen- beconi4 conviDced that UTos were by Helen Saxbee ber of the group lnd editor of l'rling "under salatric contlol". Sancn Ret., (a Dtqazire devoled to At least one meDber of the group exposing the sitristcr asp€cts of UFO lpp€ired to be less corcemed, how- A NEW PR.ESSURE GROIJP is wrio- encouniert, stid Lis readers hld er€r. Tle Rt RcYd Prul Burrough, r ilg agairsl the sat.tric nalure of bccome increasirgly concened witb retired Bisbop orMrsbonaland whose sUaFOyS .t hThaet faoulin€trd ersi notef lUigFeOf teCso ocserrrn. the "UFO problem". They were nearym,e r raipdp eoanrs Wone dtnhe€ sgdraoyu iphta ts.t a\trihoDile- op€.ating increasingty amongsl ^li.n inntretrc€r w.re r (euse for mrnkind"- and that conrrcts \{ilb worry 'a few yerrs ago", hc did trot i UFOS "tay€ seldom been benencial". f€el tbey were topic worth coF HiTuh-le{o f(ooutn- dte rr lotlfE thde Asdro4u!ipra !is o Lf olrrtde sidTertien gR a€vt :lt heD mro Dmrevnitd. Wilkinson. r Fleel rnd Chief of Defellce Stlft He Metbodisi minieter .nd m astrc has writt€n !o inter€sted parttes claim- phyqicisi, vhost book Alon. h the t392 ins .hat "the subjective innuence of Utrivs.ra? {Motrarcb. t7.99) wat pub' ?et UFOS is esenliauy t r€ligious thk notrtb, srid otr W€dnesday matter". H€ says in the letter tbat tha! ChristirN brve trothing to ferr :> quite otten UFO €ncoutrlers {erc from alier life-forD3. Dr Wilkinson "defiritelv rnrith€ticrl lo orlhodor (wbo is trol . menber of UFO Con- christa;belef'. cern) thought it "very rnlikely' thrt 2 Tbt Revd Prul Inglesby, co- there was irteligeDt rlieD life in our u ordio.titrg sKretary of tbe group. s.id galary, or eYeD the Yerse, but eYen last seck thrl respoose lo Lord llr[_ if therc were, "it would only add to the Nortoot rppcrl had be€tr goodi the erirevagotrce of God's creaiivity." z sroup tad rReived 150 lettcrs or 'HrYe you noticed there't UIO CoDcem can be corlected at: support h lbrce morths. He ldd sonethiDg odd about tb€ wsy the The Old Storg AthelDey, Burrow- 3everal churcbpeoplc b'd erprc$.d ftw vicrr look rt You?' b.idgg Bridglrt€r, Sonerset TA7 2 inter€st ircludins hvo bishopl. 0sE, .t F clcl F o Q rl8l I z Gt otEii*ftftifihiiffi p ol tJl I*E*$gHFFE rI1 BiHl EEiiEt:3E?il'i:iei* F 'AEE6E-NTffiSS & JOURNAL CHRISTCHURCH AD!'ERTISER 15 MAR 97 06 MAR 97 ,l UFO'inclease' Page I I Hz plus TEB nlmbet of UFO Music Fz siendngs i! s@dlnd has e in@dcd shdPly inr@nt a vears. u ilv4tisator frob intoi wilt ctaio o w ocxt z 1 vil m.ake nve< eario6. leU rm.inds rc EmDid\ w. The JurY lrl n'.s;tme hc h6 tried but H iai[d to fiDd a romal erbldaliotr (or d6ual crop a rffiEgs UFO sky ?e, wdch ot a:9. call€d QuesL for Conlact which LDgi quarrv sile by David Haith r-,,^!vre hls Ee.r.h wnhthecir- des. psychics and utos. PARANORMAL itrvesti- CROP ci.cte r€searcher AndY He claims: "Working {ith these 9.106 POPI rE boldiDg r TAhdovmeratsis ehra sh orwev ehae leadn dto e Tishhet eeixsbhet rpieenocpeled ovbeur tthbr eDe hYeenaoNo,e wnae oDet and UFO evdiDg st Deoole created a formarion in 'nil"ains O.ll" oitieht nr.ng o"". They Pill Deea ofl wh;at... by sound 3nd i}lought He added: "Explorins d idea O85a4k1a7h oino rC Rheosaddl eo tfr. othn€ awDiotFS T,tcnhhc nleebs€n ,.rohit d€.maBss ;eepdd.lne ,ieoexaxra teDaprdEcaniuctastvtes e tmadhGn o .dawitn nc nsc thstou€a erS6dd er',e.nlaxdg.l tethmhodoDa uwries esiittc hohl ein ko sefnaoo sutatuyn hfand*et,td i howC€saneEls occe shrrwee'i aenEtEe€tlnth d cos docontueuhnnrdteetae€EciDdt aqrllorupeDPsmutOiidco P lBl3 oI tqmneaub ie lSoodl ruea btsS te lnmnl n.oddtdp aas eyhy.lrr .evttoo. Thesk!ryatchb.cult It was the clins ofseven YeaE "V/e had worked outwhgatsthDee@t ol ntrmerotrs .epolts of owpnflehraeit'cDisnhe gtaao (u ohalnh oiBMnrt oooAnu dttFhdaeeYv B ,D eoh3vueretn,hn owi nmP8iellun boelnixc' spBh€Dldouwtinsien isn pschdeeelnl uoclhairec. Dlecoshn,a ningdei cianl€s t hea nnEDocyit .le efAoss @aNeso Pdau ylddfwo trlhheuiecp arbr te itoi*wsdnua taa3 PtetiusPx eeadac E eYdD tbel0re' tUh€iFTr hO€ye fqr*uoiilvpl €nmae.lsnnott sbt oe s$otiuynde8yr hnfitayrokDc eodlee isfrt ohD;seenra! e,aE3A rn0aino0sz ndsipnsiyaev t- nett-eah nokosuebr b €luiiuleniPcNv i tetahyas e E c scrbitrc&hocPuParLst' wmilnotir'IteIngahtlnls iteaa temtnivs;Dcmaem(iavae a r nb bstultD e htsi nenristtvr eo doeaBsl cv twes eetSsdhddt uion " gangege 9lheteo1esi5 netd es_&oe sbhea"Atlpt*n€ esdonurr' sestgh toaesf lttlhshd eudt hnBteeuliEdd en isishn hasddoo Ewaded ! a lbitn. baL€.i srtwnhnhdFoei cow shrBhb othlaulul rl ledt!oh -fe2bB rie5c o eicpmn l€ap.linl.oe ldycsm o dwm vuiiiossd.ttif.-r,, He said: 'The sher size ed vit"h €qd€n@ thal it appesredin tbhbesPe ;iCtivheufLth'v iHngsGI, m72u PW Bstt AC6ti_ff' c01o7nEtl2c-t3 1G43f3!2 .Clr idge on citibo6emnwiD,o lrrelhdx,er lvipa lcoutfAl htmhaetei hrliae@tve' esF i sf*Uot rtoulvhae_r terAyn, dhya,s ssuottbhoer ro tbFmiekl dosu t oifn MMY qsY' R?,3@0 dp dW, easdibDoisuimone 5o3n 5M0.onday, whats on section KENT MESSENGER T,ANCASHIRE EYENING TELEGRAPH 07 MAR 97 It MAR97 Page 5 Beaming smiles ouff UFII BAFFLED sty-qa2eF lear.d th. X-Files to see if -Th6 huth 9jv6aways lor the new .ar, aliln lcrivity was aloot when G6neral manaqer Tom Rob. on UFOs th.y sFotte.l a nystery circl6 Th. myst.ry sou.co wa! inson said: 'We .eally did it ol liEhts .bove Accrinltton. trac€d to local Pelqeot dealer iust to se6 what tind ot atr Worrisd rssidsnG within r Lythqoo MotoF, in Milnshaw -lt UFoKENI 1997, a on+day liv.-mil. Edius of the town r.allv lit uo ths 3tY. Ev6n canrercnce on UFOlogy. will cent.e saw the lasor-like GlYeaways th. police cane down to seo b6am, twirling and swooping To promote their new 405 'W€ had a lot of peopl. Th€.e will b€ seven speakoB. in th6 da.k sky otr two con- .stat. tnod.l, boss.s decided .inging (p lnd quitc . big sialls. and Kent UFO gtoups to borrow the light trom wilr grye ntomalon on Even the police w..€ ssnt gacup-bassd Valley Soun.l "lt eas th! ti6t tin. w6 slghbngs, crop cncles and on a special mi$ion to ch.ck and Lighting to dr.w att.n- hav. tri.d ir but w6 will deli- supplyinq inlormation on lh€lr tion to th. lhowrcom, nit.ly b. thi.king ibout it r€s€arch- 8ut thero was no ...d io It w.. th. hishlisht of fo!. .gair lt certai.ly did th. Dools op6n 9.30am. at h€ callon Muld6r and Scully l.om day! ol cornpotation. ..d clltt Rmh Th€ Udo. Clilton. vlrls, Maloale. Tickets €1 0. 8in901843221015 or01227 d€tails, 364291 lbr . I:VF]i\INC STANDAID (LONDON) The aliens are coming, but don't panic, don't panic Ihd46verddEbd6lqrfu 6r d y.c. hd Ne d rh6 us 6!6_ rbur a, bier deuEab co,€i M;d@D ds bb 6r odof6enrh 6ekr;ew elgsboafiEoaHoftlufu_$9 66rEq d&ry, ior b oqm tuDE6 o. u:nyone doldr d{ 6e &xd b 60€b ! In :[6 !rps,r'. E +,l( td l:d [ft-8.cp FeWolnlhrbuldel:n' chuck slffi€k. d 14! rhi r Thebde^el4hdtsptsd NlllennlIE!lA'ocalvos i a3 rhar had pro;pbd Mr gnonnelhdN6hldans fu!6mIlR6du!4b P4hM16eFtrdd136i uF0s 0VER r"ro "|)('Illx""iotr,r HAMPSHIRE! An out of this world offer su lffifii!$ji , The truth Et**ffim*$ ! is in there. . . : ig 5 gs:;iiti;l:r !I ItFo. o\TR HAMPwsrrrlRc rFf. la N.n I i I Tt4 8ts'fl-tE& oFjl grom I ii;iiiiiiilil! I E O iEiiEifil::!i *;.@"i.l*.l I e,,, I ifiili,li,iiiii ro!.......rd'b I *,brtb I d;t I i EDINBURCII EVENING NEWS WIGAN REPORTER i: H-i,v"**.ll;L'.;' ;.* ;;l:lit'; *:,* *- - ';.:""1,ii.'i:tiH1T* l:llJ$;*'l'll';"i'k-Xl.if :':x'iil; F*t F-s *. _,b r-.':,]i1;",.d iiili'#,ii: 15'.:if T,LlT.,fl1l ; ,.:;: ifl;',::lll"".:.:#"'l' il,;x.,'l ; 1l _ii iir. r -'t.. t * *''"- -iii. *' r- +"r--. _ L -.a. u' 't llu**ililllfi ,$r'r+,:lh;:*, *,-i. Ill::,:;-$l::i;',. -- -- i{#ilTir$fiffiix'*i:: t 3Y CRAIG MACDANALD r v.uNG nud hEds(b.d how rh.*.kh.d A,; .d *. uFo rire.ntrb.llho{d in GI,OUCESTER CITIZEN lan set for city destroYet lfi:1ifl*f**r"sir"^l f:,tr:tfii::;!!itr;ii :!i".:;;? r::E -::; 'rHE DAILY SPORT & SLNDAY SPORT a 0 -Ic lN.,l -q. j rr-:.;;; ;;.; ';.;:;-,=: l,,::r;:;.ij 0) tu (! P E :'::i:,r,ia;'.9 ::.ti:=:=;:.::' L f :ij;;:-:1-!l: .::i''"".:.r'':;:i r = ul I i:;ii:;;:i:i,;,:{i+;;:ii,;i, 9Iret9Thr4Ier o eFtssYhy eeg,t@ao.. o u4oD.Eru eu tu ch.+n€r!df€r ctce.toT hr de33is s?l1 b sInrnqEoohtttlnlrh Lslyln noeggt u aF ore€wn 4 !h M..!res.u'!ds. hxv. ruls s lep d€! .bduiG; hotin;; sr..pdr cooF ddo l@by rbbetrrn eFo mr. E!h .ior ubbd asDaae eho ri!'ndl.r !...{E! hfr!..r*, !.i;ffi uFo qgdd qsffi sfl*.Hffi lf"#i*d,ffi f .t'-ffii:*hffi,* LH,"ffi [i.ffi fl &{:,H;ff"''"'' lfiql'3"T,.'e#"j tlbte rob 6-''ii; pft q*rf..f:.$ f ffit,:r** T: :*l€". ' .-*. 8"8 ",-+ trjc"airffifi!f*1il,i",qgiH#"f*ffi Spi-.,,u#fl# ffiffi ffici"r.H; HJtrffi +*lsf*i *::rl9t ol!!a9ei. ,orx r c@a iii& ilffih#ill! #F"t'#ftSJ ffi:#if$ns SUNDAY WORLD (IJ'LSTER) Z3 FEB 97 Page 2l C) O giiiii::laiiirliiiia b0 Bv llrf,flll O H GIX ?aw n t --ih -.d that hs M! abd@led bv ahens has o ^ltaeru a .ll lit rrac;r o;i1t "ad ,t 'n la"-t.t uvp m'at eo €dl uiols tes''sl dr eV.dv'nlegs uJrooh NhM'la rsold U) d.SCR e!td* lr*lgE John cl.rmed l^e .nd h's doq s@ z (.) O *"u iirir;i." rab"-Ja nin;a'.l €dit"i''t liEti rrtmHmtr s .or"o"v'* ar1 ' b6u.b 3loEm mwe adalk .cabdoo alr@vdr. o onsEde nhrsat.@* tvnpuS.r v oB r npcgdrrrnd'! l'l ;i-w Mr-.td"* 5n.lslonic @'lw wlh trE Lo'dd N !;-;aj;id*;i*. ;".*d !,@aJotn orp,dErtv 3er- :*$; lir€ffE F (a Eii€E[i;E; ;$il ;E hr;t * * o-'-t 0,.," b.o*kast# *rF tB1 sdt'd ld L) li€EsE9 #- r-E i Aa,.lia;t oJd; Erc$; FMe ria'Pdioe onr € lbnr,k. tr*lm. udmi{ bo@ frd6 li rri"iii,ir w cqdsdN s(;t' * rlE Ydi(e@ b€s.d oar rt'!€@' F (a) bodrdi ltof NlEslv: iin'v#6ha#r. l;rmTffi*r# ffi1#ffi :c G.m. O::-F rX! C) gEIEii;iit,ii;;'g;*'€€ h-' '{.r itr'' t, t'E"- *dr i .sthit*oi -J$tttoFi"tnmc n l&ml os*Eo;vu toot€6 I tbF.rkbE n.wfEf v lb bhra€ Mcw baaebsndM cbr€de arEbvd turbp .) rr r 6i*, s'!rs,'My'€ ed. 9. NORTH WEST EItsNING MAIL (BARROW IN FURNESS) 05 MAR 97 I -;ol ,1 Fl 'Aliens' az spotted by ol -rl Thwaite Street folk ^zll ol .rll RESIDENTS ofa Barrow streer ar€ all- Sadly Mulderand S@llv arenl aveit- a-bu zz aJier spottns an unusust obiect able so we ve thrown op;n !he,X;r' in the sky. challense to ouramv ol rea.ierc "r,, slNepesig ihnb Tohuwrsa rwree Sretr eoeutr aodtt etrhoenie. dsoooort- asT hhea qunngrdaegnret'feiend b ogbhri€c ar roiusn dde ishceriobuet.t- al ted a promineDt reodist green gtow s'de and a red elow rn ihe mrddle. a The residentadded: The btoke nerr g]FF:i16=EF; Alihough theHale Bopp comelis suD- doorcame in and sa.id what s rha!. it "i3lfr adepeoin snia etpcsdae srrttaot a oybitlne ht h evteiiirsm ihbd€ eilseaoc vofnetvehneaserr.y dBiaslay jc,n k t ahC edoi.temi-se6rie-- hllaiea''nIsv anevl ei tc in.nm o ro Uti vdcFeeoOdau S ilnwd b habuaeette asiIt .n miys.i hDI indoosi n.a Int! d taiosloibekens- fii rsg;Fig*:e;! :li;i';;;: i" $r ErEi:i _ lt s more rn lhe drrecr'on ofCranse lrke lwo stars stuck together, trom where we are, reported one res Anyone kho thinks rhey may know icient who alerted lhe Evening Mail. can contact our newsdesk on a40 tso : ;i:i ee;?rtF*; ; 6 :!'t;9:s.- I I 'A]-].,l+]541?.],:{13:'!!tE.iE'!a:*"'".\ : s' 3i;;. ?fd -1 .: o9 .;#:::;aj:3;i /\ >9. o g* 66 3q{ ! ;r-- a (o' gI - . 3oa-a6 s 563 a ?3 ':E-Efr;^IL .: .t o< ro;o: c=xD =o :3;=- E;d ^E9# ?r' -r -b { =xg: o.; :g>9: -f ":: t,i" Er {eodc q=+ o= '.: zJ iEl!9 ii!i Ii I E 3l! 6nl i! IIl5 !i :1i!:rER (a iFcs€-;;*EIlaE+Elf I }E i{ili 'raE+Eiilii!iriil* I:E o I rc trIr8 -h i:1il oc ;;i att'. l:iile;elAir sru1t o- riri{ c E9; 6 5:9; ?i ii r =-: llris:!!t.s irEiSliIg at *:r l;Fa;l*c ;s o, itEil 1l ! t{g r ,ttl. r iii lig iElFils Frr [:', ;t taE' tl r<, j IE rt .i7 Ir !t 1; 1t i;:Fi:;;ii*;a rlE It r;E r* tifI,!tr6'6 iit i:;:i:i r:id.:f fE! t F Tgi::=!9 i;.r;-:, iri"- E a r: iT f;";c ; ;= ?- t =;aa=!l=:3i= ia<:7 T'OLKESTONE IIERALD !O MAR 97 lag€ 5 paceships, hlienS S E 6 > ts2E.i E H "zz and the Home Sec l.l;.i ; g ?'-E. iE;;gi ct) :48 <+ o 9=-, sB-lfte lUooFkOrd'Se stDoor tHtevodm aoedv edSr c.Sch]e!$Prryv,a yM ciocuhl!d€l bHlveo wbrcr€r4 wDoartk sy ,S.rlacldds o t.hlyc ssiBahidl yrioonus lhni nisk q ouf irlh...a iym tpo lsiorc. B? r-F*', ;E5 ese'i'6" E experas hsve ''DonLt Slrccl is t "l *ould love to tmw myFs;rl.lroy*,rinnasf r, .psoigrhrrsin Sost By Sarah Hall vrp.royn lodnide n lool rsdta La nwdh i(chhe wrhihnkd o rr h! cs faCnosvee aninrccFnn{ f,qF ieEEq z in Ne' RoFnev d cnd rh. ufO*6 scen ar - bline spoltcd n.d lo th. hn BurmaRh in ldt ;at 3 "Thir enainly oak* il so ir s..ms very odd rhal hon ot one ot ns se.ior o }I/dl4 Chds Rolfe.6_ sccn lit. ii hld t putp6c rhG. clo* ro Mr Ho*:rd !eE- o.dinaror or UFoMEK ,nd h6 lcfr mc vond.ring ak ady krcw rhtr n wd sophie wadl.igh. of -H{Pec;i-ls9+ r hnSrh.hdsecs p hoowiglal dhryhl iegML hsyrPimseh\dp h hnlChoeesm Cc.b lsno rrcshlae.c-. irfh intnl os8w pcbuv r.trG dMo. r hqRidon li$hc m *Md..r UseFAo.. Md EsnoKow nw Mcoru lRqdu oellisfkrli eot nnlsdo vSih.hoh 6enrpc hh s.iea nsrw drl syhr h .We*..h rallaiyllkelg , hl dHooruyibv6rhij n.ecoS,rl i-e- 4?-d- P" a' EaL E9E d'F1 1a3 poAsnniodn ohlerh cfesarg6h trinhgasr rhics aHtnmo.wwre adarl ld ba'sb ol.puata !$nnc y ihU aaFros M...rr wh''eI thw.nr rrldn yloiLnc t os pkomn.wd 'Sl'aTalhrguccr d Uitvifa. onM gIau rslcarhwr 8 swh st6p,icd da: c F*=9B6 !3 se3I4i' e+ noM.r. Rrhoalfn. dluurr'o nccddin: c"ill HFooHlvker. srsdatoi\d n:p e"r ln apynh oadng c.adns tkM .idnt aaanfbtyco eusarr rEdansro8 ouc .n mdw ehtoch lhp.co .ka inMreBr! co- rnainrh in* saw a illhalo buboovricdg h$nie \ l igcfidhet8lsd. ecedEn;:I i" ; E qog+ *ould seem rhe UFO was whethcr Mr Howatd had llo*ard\ s.curily rystem which lrls direcrly oppe E* ror ly disinrcr6ted in s.cn anything stangc I w6 acrival.d i. rnv *ay, sik lhe turn otf !o Donkcy srcoPpohni.ed , irt haned s*airrclh ewdh on w6 idn.diarely dkcd ifl ari'n'Tgh ea wlohio ol. r silnolrcyE iss lc rael-l .When you hrv. se.n 5{5e[;i ''Thc story in lNr over England and vhe. soncfiine lik. lh,r you hrve ro as! you6.lf why w6 il 1h... - and nayb. rhe Home sec€hry wts wh.n $c taad on- hcrcd Mr Howa.d\ offi€e h? sas unavaihble for sleakers wiU cover a ralge UFO fans aae set to inves_ Conference visitors oinibjcrs ndudne uFas 6rer' tigate alien activity in the ubs. recent UFO siBhirnBs in , county. s;nt I and and P hotogr a Ph s I'ir coTnhfeerey nacree astt aCsoingse nah odea Ya'tl otnhge take a galactic view Tclhaeimree dw tiotl sahlsoow bae csiitya loisn Mwoarrsk-- shops and book signines' zI iqsleeTdhd e b Tcyon anrt fbnesreekwnel€ yrs-hf oaNsrm obreetehdna .ogmrr€2oltFuonp mation, especiauy in this time pemomal for oNselves. t€ Ma sto Di oillw tEorrtdh esvaididen: c'€ Thsehroew nw ial]t i which also aims to investisate ol great inteEt in the subjects of "We een't frishtened so we shosts and the Parmormal. feet othe. peopLe shouldn't be 'Ihe doors oPen at gam for a I] Sue Dilworth. 36, a NorthamF .To mdy people the 6es we q road siad d hck€tscost!10' z trnneoeitswenel 'yabs r.aaconbsuoepetrh, d ews raa hjsdomi:d ie"saT ttbohe eeiuihfrerein .\d Ud FtehOlet. s;Leodsuteieewadke b aoyae fi a aTIlrr rediuh Getoosnroe@e stdhkt i€nenbBcryss eu . beee S.kianuoutmtcsheer, taohnieTl d htc h€ Nleeci nsoAvhn4itflcesle rlueo nbnsc CeSn oeuw.nafieUdrr a eCbynoe,c eheMee nalHdhr ocaaehltl nblheFnnonvrFi lhe soo lrb6eo0 o4rkn int8og9 rlomOtrIa?cte2r ooonnr o telrh@leet' ''Peopleneed up to daie infor' some ol us have exPerienced the 23. ?86666. 3E g 153 €!!E':: E;!r i:!! :cEgg! t:€ :::!52 EE;: j; ! Eq-!-L t" '-= !tit;: E=i: 'Eii I;iE?t iE: o E Q o ;!:i:i :Eig,!;:: ;!:*i: ::i ; trl E:#:i s=€ii;rEls;i!:!! ::: E o E b ir ill'::i; ii =*gl; :;t ct* ;: ;i rq l3i P PLYMOUTd EVENINC HERALD wekerd sectiotr Aliens -s*, out .., there - .i mother -*;. -Sr A woman's claim that aliens snatched her from her home are being probed by X- Files style investiqa- tors, Officials flln rhe Bntish LIFO Reseech Assaiation @ inv$tigaring claims by rhe 35,ver-old womd th3t atiens ;bited her home n€d EIleshere. Shropsh,re, IJD tothraoth€.sep&at€ s'eht'nss of struse Ishts'n the sky in Shopshire have it ben reported to ih€ invesii' was a PerhaPs The hoth€r of two. who does uot Pmt to be ndmed. sdd she spotted bright lights jeltycopter . . 6dG,de h€r bed.oom Pin. dow ed then sw the face of e Sbe savs th€ close encounler'bappened e&ly on De.ehher 15 . minutes wffii$l*'::' after she Dut her louns dsushter bicL to bed after she had wok€n at 4m. ''I w6 v€.y frishtened. " she said.'I saw fl Bhinsblue dd red lishts goins on and .ff ouf.side the window. I t.ied to vake my husbed but I could not move or 'I co,ld re the ali€tr so cle&lv.lt had huEe sletine €v€s. a l&se h€ad and w3 weding a 6ilvery whiie't hel ''h was noi hostile and. it sounds .ea,llv comv, but ii "The next itrt&i dery- thins had son€ md I could rust see its face abov€ de, I lel s thoush I ss tEhen She added that th€ experi- ence leli her feelins rcvi_ talised for about a wek. lI1 F F ti N ibii lFe oY se n@.'6 EX?RESS & STAR z WOLVERHAMPION z O? FEB 97 ti <o ol ! Page I I iE Eiil- -9 I-ei HF : E E; E'I::Eq f,,!*ffi t o! t, tt!i;t;!illEii e ?ti! i3s!lEigtiit ;E€ /;).' I iilE itE ':l rl trir B lel?.;${ 71 I g E;$iE$;s liit: rt€!: t 3 I EEi€gr*\$ I IFEF :i8 ! ! I :i:#{:rs E I : i FIE: E-; " :E-!ficE:El F 8 c lEeS!5:E i : :i;;g:":! : !:E:R 9:i; ;-: "; "9i 5; 3 iilatlErs (t il35{{Eis o t :! lE; g J "8i= z :E a t.u i\.0 t= *, ffiffi;ii':iil+i iiiiiiisi :ffi*tun€ffi#$ffi+*iffiffi* gff##ffi*sfr*ig*ffi ffiH" ff EEE ffi*#ffi #i EE I gHHffifr$tr#*sfrfffrEfii#HE THE OBSERVBR life section 02 MAR 97 sceptids Gofner saa, sb.""s,*..,.n0.* rr **oo rrlahbramhe pIFoTssHibEleY WioX feReEl Nso'Trr ys Liorc.h sbcuelplire'css.. iTt rwaoppueldd bine hyoogma,o epospycahthoyth, earsatrpoylo, grya,n tmrice dsiteaxr iaonnd, rleeyli sliinoenss, g;a g- 5-e .35 ;.' a sodless universe withoutasoril. unablero (all of them) are bundled together in the gE::€:* detect the laintest rwinkling of rranscendental dumper what unires these disparate subjects €i*t rineBalsir yo.f frinhde agnreyarhr rnmg) srrnicrrsig. uonrg ernn jotnye ao uSrhpiaotusru iesx lphearti esncceep tiocfst hheamve, lai(nlde tkhnaot wthleedyS ceo annsdti ttuerses CH a!! EE:g :!F.: massage, a raflonalisr musr find trfe borinsar a threat. Admir a grain of truth in rhis accumu, beTthr ea npd.o abrl ewmo rsisr, lLohnaet isy ahonwds tchaeryy .want it to be llaalteiodn satlo'w.eo roldfh uvmieawn q ul€aicrnkliyD sb,e gianns dt or hcel 1bnrbinlele. qo) ;g:;iIi; €!cE for rhe ren ofus.8e.ome a veseGnan, rale uD Ar we krow, life on pleeteanh isanr'thins Iarchiorsorochu(honSundav andvouil bulrational. Peoplesee ghosrs, have propheric >i iiiE!;t;:ig;f; find yourself on rhe receiving end irf the meen d.eams and receive messagesfrom long lost of the scienrifi c esrablishmenr's policemen, Auntie Mavis. Smu€sweep, ftogs lallftom &e eager to ensure you don't escape from the sky and hardened military prlots swear rhey prison rhey ve builiforrhemselves. have been waylard by nyinssaDcers.In shon. w'AhnTi lheine svyuo,l uro rafo r ccso ciui enrneucene,e ,r I,vr hebu einnsdu reihl.6edR AbiAcirehu opdfeBDEeaawtuskoo,nnns, shsculuimeffnahtniaskptisnpader enh sain,s bdaeeneedpn hddaeosnu inabdle. .eTanhn efdo thrs ceae spc rloiocrsnn sea .naisds e) :" =g:e :E,) ;t:s! .! =136?. at the sight ofatr asrrologer_'The flishrfrom where&eybelong-scowUngftom&esidelines -F) ; i;li!fti; reason,' shrills Catherine Benneu. conftonied whiletherestof humaniiy getsonwirhthe s5it by 'Rtheea ssuocnc etsusm osl rohuetXtoF h,laevse ananowremit for Eame oflile, played with asenseofwonder. qo) i ;:stiSEE €€:*i sc€ptics. Acupuncru.e, veg€tarianism, UFOS, Robin McKie is on holiday ir € lFroo;9o 9_:!; DT'NDEE COURIER & ADVERTISER DAILY MAIL (SCOTTISH) .|J :3ir,Ei cE Er*gEri *F!. g'iEs€ I8 t-EB 97 2li IiDR 97 c) sr3.E'€ q) Pasc 6 l'n-!c 19 :i :.9! c) iieeE;E g*:;=-::Eg 5;51 Professor to tell Big siink CB of aliens in Brazil as aliens ti;:';iffiii:!g L{ zapped I AI-lEN sDott€rs from around the world are landing in Scotldnd's UFO capital tomorror'e q) iiffiEeisfiiffe FxDens Irom Brazil and America will reveal in Brazil hpir _close Encounters al a IoD level conterence I:iE: ri n Falkirk-close to UFo hotspot Bonnvbridge' FOUR al,iens got s :4 EEE E; S,rt hortle,Renr l riiAonaiimlgiz nisllao"ihazeu'nror.e n.rP'rilaaireongnf eesroas swinuonvfro ourA enc.sro atJ s.lMha Oesatdes vyalaehzeaeinrrrd.er swopfai ltclh ptesen*ure pti hrrden uwcrnlraholrseoihepn-nsl ad tnlbhvdo eoekrrde ro c inenePU tliotfohOonek c(a! E:;".F.i -:a:€539?;E ?EF o -;!sE:Eii.$ie ; !:-F,r *iLT"heesd Desro l*ets'oso rs acwla timhes arhlieen'es alrarec kmedo Fd otwhna na n3d0 ahot mthede rh ebaidss emveds sahnodt bo ;;et issa; 5? Li qF:3cEt shot by Brazilian soldie6. Brazilian Professor 55p;i He described lasr vear's in.ident as lhe mosl A J Gevae.d claims iamaD;rounra.dn ra t5 !inhc"e R aoli"ewnesl l wmeirliela arylle 6gaesde tion lhhaev eU nbie'e"nd twhietnrees asees mtoo leth ehh wane 3[d0 > E States 50 years ago. eveh,i-s n.Peratr!2 Vl sBrsrhziinl.a 3.l iE=i!!igiiiE;FE Professor Oevaerd said the ETs seized near "i'*i-t iL ''iiit".r" -ei"ne I dVaaTrrhsi €rhebinr odwh canrv rievk irbnne, e ( ane nnndto rsa msl tBerdllrneagdz e o wlfi teadrmee mnboaronkwiea.nd dmielhn me.onnocrreeor uednleecret a aiilnsi aoF afU lktFhirkeo 'Ji 0) +Ekt iig"E;;E Eit,t :"E--i3i9f sr,Diio,"a Fodi ii'n tth'""a B.eoanni.yi.beriFdgoen eadie as.'s h' ivinests B ouirw theeirrde Bonnyb 'idjcce 1) aa iE 9E-- = i!: craft in th€ skies over the area. t'ssUIFO 'E5A o one of the most famous was captured on video I E;.frsi tasi SeptemUer by SteDhousemuir grandmother (t) ;iI$EE; Mrs Margaret Ross 9En-;rE E.!9;EEE H.r tabe shows a snowball_tvpe object brighter l o i aiin-O-i iuilie. ie. ,t iL"n d aranyi'. a.traicr airnlv t hcehiaknjegess AsfhiearP ea baonudt oBflu t bsoym eP mraoYf ebse sPourt :i;€ ;i EigeE* 5E9E,i;;;s ; svtarnoiwshs etso ufrro omia tghoen astk yb.ars bf bright light. lt then Goel vtaheords es t hdeastc nlMPdItoend d4 Ii -ce**4 3 E5 4 9.* r E-*e 5 nnhckv in Brui! lle at TFoamlkoirrrko wT.o wMns H Raous,s hwoPillibneg atom goentg athne a anusdwieenr cteo cwlaiLimh sdiheeky bwreoreM n as.kKedn whateve. is out there.

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