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Preview BUFORA Newsfile No.55 Feb II 2007

BUF'ORA NEWSFILE WAI,THAM ABBEY WEST ESSEX GAZETTE 26 DEC 96 Man saw tAlien object infiltratort sPeeding Jesus ancl his IIFO llTl'fJ A CA.ITHNESS ma spot THE STORY of Christmas .CHRIST WAS A VISITOR FROM t,.erods sa nth eo bskjey. ta ss pheed winags could have originated from letting his dog out in rhe a reallife version of ealy hous of the moh- Hollywood sci-fi block- ANOTHER PLACE' SAYS CHURCH isnng.i tMh,r Koefn nSehtla A$hroov.e- bDuasy te- rw mitohv ibea bInyd Jeepseunsd pelnacye- BY AEN DUNCAN Jleeas.iulest hwiaEss ejuIJs t wDalasy ein s awliiethn .t hOesuer yPLehtaeUc eoo,wb Tjieshthu asrsoo ," Dad edsslci gnbhbatellydl" ing the lead role! pbBUashouteAeFtrbtnepchOl-hinlcaseegot hrhidaworeesidndnm hi a n C ibsoccg hyiofh tr i uts lWwaoilaidna ia tdnsthaeslreta,dha v atmcptehomtae eermb iSrndAeopt be pahabnt rhl one eoefdyatff wtwHaaidn uiMotdmemouee irpmtluo ldhytlfbr nr eecCsaery'isebcn f cser. o cieamtsfhl plrttiech ett etoeenbod rk iyli ran tsebavhuxa .epg Vsbalgiaaoue.lnln tesa o'yt5ttihi o uoBCenntCoh , ru Ptyihbrsr cau oihsattf aipUtNhlnFae"'Bo'Oc!JI 'tleusetv' hsa Rste- - Du medaMtss g be heio wkaauteEueartmlc!brss h Woe ef 2oar ,A,o oqr0 wvs0uous0sistrsel totl eielv ctednboe ii.sas eer"et colsiirofuef rion soavtu semhsisdo e- icon s aB omBr.beod risuvit thsotig- s€dneaobdr!t vsrow$hDoie€whe"du Ii s.cttDs " hhbkw oe eynaraflssloilynlp rim peead ed loidi atin. m rMe{ ellecagedrt n w if toetAoA DwawooEc umaosmltarw e Gos$a-.il asiliisTethsn'e fi ontrJh yielteroamrtoy r waJoceucseludps t.eexdp lbaiyn sucJioelno-. scaa"yrTo tlhshe ei s W vjueissFeti oaMns e wDoif d wee evoerfen tnths'te i knhi napsroksp,. utllarcr tp}€olpele thteryo rtyo pHine thsea rLdrF.O Tsouboi emcta onny swuB4eu tai th Uee FdaOisd .a lo'N ts oar,th eirdll iktMe i,'i tists' problems explaining the idea there were tbree is a sless from "Just because aapnSpdoe imatsre as nlhocaewv eotr fa caviae inlm eaewcdr o ssittsa wrt hiaen Atilhriace b eyiaaesntf tnMhaeeml ctheriuosr b Ceaarrcs Dojuefs rgt. eaBs aetmlnthdtrai,t izoaannr,d " attnhheed liaMi sU''fbPFict€rO uciolntn taot}ll )yleo, oskIk ybd aoi.rkn t,I nBthdC in,< kirv t sthr re vwrecr,'syr sLhoebMm dwe rt1a h0Ai n wyefe otBsrrksimmiD aigliea tbohr us mtshsioeadrDwee twoh-bilee- doitshceorvse -re ndo Htaablllye yC'asm Cbodmdgeet,- StaS.pr ookf eBsemthatne hMeimke wTaosb idn€t usraitiedly: "thme awnays thalnrg a ilnie nit -- I Id'mon n't obte lmieuvec hJ eosfu sa tLhhea tP FeRc daito DDo ut}elea yo.b Oja!t based Prof Colin Humphrcys sayit unidentilied flyjng object lD tne Jesus beuever at all- in fact. was a silv€ry colou and wChaHinsies staoenr oaas.tnhtrsoe nrao -cmrgoeumres e oitn ! €rrs eBcCtob.red eedx abcyt wusa'uAsa lo losfet aNoleife lnoef o otphrleieg pinhha,la vasene .sdu gegveesnt ethda iat op€oI' pAiinet 'tset h.epp reeerntsadot inooafn it .hb eem idiedafys i.i'tts's ad omwantt etor fstrlkekyeh. t 'pIata t mis:hap ielatdal dilae cdrdo isads l e iDvbeoelt cbDce i! iDteDsity or light," he said. o c{i iein Efi:sii*:i" o .IOHN O' GROATS JOURNAL fr tiE; ::[=i*:t:i: 13 DEC 96 t J igi'. : "s;'": a;E: E€ E I SWINDON EVENING ADVERTISER cd .|J 07 JAN 97 *;;;;g=safasEi;cIE b0 Page 6 Si Q q) *ii;; C) c! ; ii=- Et€ ;+E Um lflel grils llaly trl € '15 it..E"" :FI:E_a:s ?te^ ll.ly has b€en swepr by UFO d d :;;i l€v€. atler witnesses r€porled a t- ._ li Q t.,t ;i;;EiEa=$;; dEnge green rumfla6h z.., i d o lhrolgh lhe evening sky near - 9. e t; Boms's main ahport. Bui Alr ) 5:i 3 3-F:!'*9gr.&E9lnoP" :i:5rs lrairlc controllsrs said las! R nlghl's my3t€ry 3ightlng at F F Flun cho li.Pon wa. probably ?#IgEAEi38€;EEEe lh. ra lt ol.n oprlcal €ff.c! L NORTHUMBERLAND GAZETTE o 06 DDC 96 r*.- **- HOWICX. ANOTHER rcpo't oI strarrc lirht! b thc rislt sky ov.r --o jNuoltr tohv cNro .r tbmuomtbtb. aarfod,, hfiarr$ c r.r.cnnc fo lrd frcm a Howict r.sid.nr. -r sixtv-thr..-vcrr-old Pctcr Atinso; .,er wsiiing et $c Howict o- l but etoD wh€n an unulual a!l!y of - lighs p.3r.d ovcrh.ad, just to lhc lr wcstof whcn-bcwa:iundirs. Ttc ai$lins rook plaac on Mon- 5 at?iEE€*i i dry Nov.tDb+r 18 -tbc arsc ristt EB E;9E two Alnwick rcrid.rlr oh.ri.d li8hts h ll! shapc of a 'ticl" flyitrs o rrliphR lY;h ohvcur rt.hdcd.n.r th.v wallcd on And it haip.trcd ,,it$n rhc aaroc \ 3pa.c of timc - b.t$rcn 6.m and ie.Ei*jHii:*iEE: |E 6.15m- Mr Atinton rLo d.srib€d whrt [c aaw ar V{hapcd, with four rcd ,.ta li8[s alon8 on lilc and ltrE alons IaiE3i!EigiE::;le€gi flc !rid: "It wa! flyin8 at what I wbdd sv wal uldd e th.rsnd fcct, hcad'ing toward. ttc coart, to- $srds Boulrncr, to thc !outh-.a3t It tfa! r 'V' rhaoc. ourlitrcd wilh r.d lighl!, and lh.i! ws! r vaguc loisc - I:: ,or lilc a ilt cndn. at dl, Eorc of a whinidS noi!.. It w&rtr\ 8oin8 aj ;E! ! rfan rs r plarc - ifyou had a car, you l.p could halc tcDt up wirh it. E:! "Ju!l from lhc rbrcld of thc iit lilhrt. you could tcl ihar thcrc wlj c lorD.din8 ti8 l'rd budy up rh.ft." Ncwcasrl€ AirDorr sid rhfl rh.v would bc invcstigltinx ttc martc'r fi'Ilhcr. ;l:,:5Egii!3 EVESHAM JOTJRNAL CU uo 05 DEC 96 ;iii*iiiiiii Page L3 CU ;..ErrFtt llE ! Another UFO. . ? $ e1i,Eai i $: L ; o ANOTHER UFO has know it sounds cmzy, [i?:i;Ei:l : been seen - lhis time id and beihaDs ftere is an exnlinardn lor n. but rr (o !;qi:*EE:ti!; Followirs reports of re;ily did look like a 'weird liohrs in Har v'oston;nd Cbipprns ''Il was soinS verY ss e:!.E:;- a-iEl3:!E Ei Campdetr, another myv (lowlv and ae followed F€,1;€EEtE rery srshrins has been it for-aboul ,10 minules (l) i Er E aE!! e'y; iE: rLeS*ohieos r.atendd hbevr aYnvdo nhunse- a'd'l;da tbhqe vr hsea ipdo tlhicaet ha.d Garv w€re at sonebodv from Rous tJ, L:E! 3:I3i: 316 hLoamrkeb oa.ot uihgeh irF Narenw- Lir.e "nch hid also s€en FC +) ;E;c;i i:F house last Tuesday Howe\ er. InsDecIor F - F.: ;i:iEo ;BE winhge ns athuecv;r 's tahwro au g'fhlv'a- lFavens hBamro Dwolnrcr6n. i.s ao'dl : ! ie gE+e he d'd not know of uy 5 '85 Mrs Lewis said: "I G Eiffiiifii ;gE Iioo Z :.? ! EE r =:!€;!t >ts; *€:;cliEE:'lE Aviation experts are baffled by a fast- By EIEE DORAII moving, shining obiect seen by two 3i/- 32 !3SF3F3 policernen a5 it flew over North Norfolk. :i?5 0,;.i.: c c":, Air trafic controlle$ have no logical were left "mystilied" by the object, which ii5 i. $;-: : g F;; explanation Ior tha luminous oblong ghape they followed &ottl nea! Holt to the coast. =:1dg st*:;E which the pair traiked for l0 miles. The sighting is tl€ lateBt in a series in recent ;^+q F; Sgt Steve King ard PC Andy Coller stared iu weexepk6la tiXnaet dha- ve uot been saiisfactorily , g= 9F;;fq-rE disbelief as the UTO with rcd, white and :. i- 6 h!!,-jiAr- blolus€ t lsigightbst doafr teitd awchmesds tibt e hsokvye, lbeudt othveeyr : twJou sste tt!w oof nsbm:annthsse caogloo uar €dt anlkidetrs c rheowv etrlaincsk eind s;3i9H*:!; xr' !J-ri-i.ld Q! @i;"..'o Cromer and then sped out ac.oss t]le North the sky offthe East Anglia4 eoasl il*FE; Sea- The sishtinss by t}le tanlGr Conocost near a€.? The policemen, stationed at Fakenham. the Wash prompted an rnvestication by the -M hishv ofDeGDce. BUtUIO sleuths accused the MoD of staging *'e';E91gii p::Ei ll Dti( 96 aonff lcXi.aFl ileexsp sla8nlea ticoonv ethr-autp tahned m dyissmteisrys eldig tlhtse r:g d qgsP g:;[ were caus€d by a coErbinatioE of the 200ft Boston Stump church towerumd an electical 16- f-- -6; stTohrEe roeve hr tahes Nsotritlhl Sbeea-en no conclusive a! d -+i{* :-3 s6r- 6 oEJggg. explarutioh fo! the slcalled Bosion Stu-tDp f{ii IFO IIIY) E?c*f Mean$hile, colleazues of the two oficers FFi'r \per€ so inttued by the craft ii.ith bright si6.;;18:, puzzler white and rcd lights tllat they contacted Nolwich Airporl 1i3 for police A! air tla.trrc departmedt spokesman rEg;=Eadlil iL. ti stoaid t hyeest ecraolanttrr: o"lTle1rrc ya pth oanbeodu ut p6 a,1n5da smpo oken €iFi";|$s$ f *[i z ;] MreYpSoTriEeRdY s sig!h.rtoinug. dosf aa $r"hI{tt acxeltairly wasn't anytiing from the .odki :6'oP ! r- z uwnhiidceh nhtioliveedre idly isnigle nobll lj,e icnt aUiFtpOo srilg Ihtt isr ]rge.c"orded in the book as a possible 3=:C ea4@[ -tH f; oiD ihe sky above Ulversion. thCeo ltlewao€ue os trrcaet rFsa akerenh tarema tpinoglic eth seta stiiognh tisnagy i;41 Bl AD Ulverston business- serioully. o woman and her son spot- PC Couer and Set Kitlg werc not available A *99F,3 E+qi!l if r:E n ted what they think for cobment yesterday but would like to :f i & mwihghille h advrei vbienegn aa UloFnOg loow more about the UFO sish,tipg 4t 4.4oam icgfi Urswick Road at around L? H31*;* 2 :Z' I 5.30pm on Tuesday. 6i The woman s husband d FEs* 4 5:g coniacted the Evening Ma:l to find outifanyone 1r .rtq!at: l; K::: z else had rcponed seeing I{ERALD EXPRESS (TORQUA9 4H ooq:16@; : oo.i the UFO. z Ulversion police said 20 NOV 96 lhey had noi received Pas€ 3 any reports of a UFO ;+?i;giraffffif; rn sighiing. Second UFC) F sighting report l" lI,1 *1i*; l+*Es€i (,rFO sighlings are causing a sdr i. Solrh Devon ;i *ith J sesnd siehrirg of a myslenous obiecr i;3e* rgi*;ia flashinBrhroush rhe {kies. a7 z* -!,, haTdo rrbeapro Prleoltijc ese ceornngn ram cbdn grohdta vd icrhmaot nad i"hoampaend qi jg:.F obre.l soaflnE across rhe heavens rn 6jl +E =":;€ -i'i; "83'{,Ai: T!9: The wonan. pho did nol eant ro be naned. 3i: ;: lf 1: ;E *g ranS o{ficeu ro sav she and her husband saw rhe fi p@hns phenomenon rl .1.30Dm on Sudau h =; wrs seen headrnE b$ardsTorduav. g*liera; Yesrerdar rhe Hcr.ld ErDiess relealed how NB6edwlleoyn AAJb boonr nSerowreqsq ewn r neC$.codrq ren H uasmbarznDd eol!I LPE=E.+9> '!?;1Q-* ";-i THE CAMBRIAN NT.\V b.iChf liBhr speedrnA throueh rhe arr ar 3.25;; ,9ia-:!li: 3. _;si-qi*c{K:t3t ' 05 DEC 96 'cf'" tsE )age 3 SCUNTHORPE EVENING TELEGRAPII 0l DEc 96 i ;iii,iilgl?* tiiffi #iii s fifi,gfi $idffiil€,€iifi ffi E $ DERBY EVENING TELEGRAPH 02 DEC 96 NORTHWICH ]HRONICLE UFOs could 2.r DEC 96 Prge 5 well be kites Alien abductees can I AM pleased thar Mr Whire (Opinion. Novenber2t) mainiains an open nind on ite get help from Eric question of UFOS. Howeve. he appea^ ro keep his nind fim y closed to the possibiliry that fte mysterious c..ft is a kit€. ryfi NErSf, flmSI His arsertioN tha! kites must b€ lighr, need plenryofwnd !o nv dd UFO orport Ettc Mrnt hs added ouldnl possibly hoisr u araiof &othor udquo sllrtlro ao bls Ery orrr [ghE mro tle sky are quite IcD supply a Kte, rianguleof STtuhd€ tows nC3sfrotrr€.d hhl.s8..rtt dBsrntsthdb liUsFO couts., h&ving . wingspatr oi 20ft, horlzo!3 hy rlr.ur€&. woitdt fl|!t wweiiids h.isr glo 8wlb ass a3nmd pvhh i(cah n ekricll flv in a cdoruhr $!Ior nh8lE E be€utw oOrtfdtur c!t€o€dp l€ by wdlhooDs. b$spta@aEyt ilrnoac r)f'ds.l .y Trhsehugqecu hLpi Finaudesl . oloiLeff hi 6frEt0hi0i,rs gl bwk soai t uebml fditosad ks.xusrrcsh fmlt oMomrror d Mbtulhosc €drdhr l ostE,wt tweoo hrycoo€l n ltsD dtr'ldr!€d {.Wo ; ,a ishhllLae cs loB4nU'hDr|tro!€liSUoCDr8. lorvico to coF witlth€ gnwtng EsTehDed poouwse ra nodf hthaem wesinsdin gh u wilh I rinuymoilos! €kodf pethoeptler rs{{6o !oEft hsofrdd to iell kila cm pbduce specracule rcsutls. cKKeiitineetssu rwPieeesrr eeb epliffuotrlilnein gpg o [email protected] g ienflstieo hiht.e nit hsBosn $srtdd:u 'cIttr€dh ert rF*irr le! iohfltr€rr ( trhnsy bav€ Uplem tt hEoI PclafBiml lt 0E hica wM boereisn iasb cdouudnesde llbiny ga lipeenos-. hunclreds of yeiu .go. Presenrnry dosperats mod ot tL chaDcs ao tdk to _ ,|,.571111 k1i2le0sD cpahnl aom across rhe sky ar uD o ltolfm€r €ontsh smrh too a|3 F rya, fflraetrrlbnail yo rs slstbrao lto Hs sai.L wo N firdtrg mot! {nd D. Aerestord, nor€ pdpl€ at€ b€8tDnir8 r. rdpest Derby Kite Centro, "I}ey can't tall 14 rhetr GP ud &e our work snd tdea.' Main C6ntr6. ofaar worrtsd alrc4 t€llhg lryoDs of Ard stlc€ tllo ABCC - tb€ A.bdusalotr Derby. tb€lr oxpsrl€nc€8 t r-nro ewtr today, Rssolnh CouDsllhg Codtr€ - w33 pooplo El8lt lbtrl $ey sI€ trur5. Tbey iirted h Msv Mi Morris, who b s arihed byp;thonpisl" h.rs coulolled Local fh6 aUFOSC b Dor tho UKt most hl$tJ .o||n or UrO 'I holt6ts Nbour oDo fllth ofrlo pooPro lrwsdE'lq r€crt!c dlt ld M.Mord! b.j rc h.w r€8r€sd are Foplo ebo har€ News i0por$d or Tv to dI shont tho h.en abdo.re.L' lB safuL :=- $!upb nrl- Ho..t! a!€ TV el!{nrc. BUFTOSC 13 loohns foi support fmm rnd dlcrbtlon ol lho gloopb owr locsl bustn€3sB to enabl€ lt to do!€lop z mrglzho trrPadg.,|?, ts hslpbs Its work ll'mu6 lts mltSBzho snd ltEr 0nnge UtO .,6 c.ronltrrhocllos lftltnolu p3aar!|d|o. romf ldm Df ilnsd obsfhBl.g iaor orbrsoa cDtids4€ ag wd@l teDd UFO c.Dlorc.c€ mystery on rt z Winter Hitl z NOTTINGHAM EVENING POST a 13 DEC 96 z Page 8 trl Truth is out there? ' mvsre-w UFO ne EPoned oaoanbll eEBl relSbeeocrhuq neAdav neat,n sua eag e wdba reliclilnqlaehnol'l ntFheOsiUsnRegd i no rts eeuni ppPeeemroiepalnteuc rheaadlv eso wmeir. t2-o2 %ha svea idsp tohtatetd t Iae sYUa FhOiad,d w sheilne ..r""e o.am touerea ouer erira-terlesFial. accordiig ro a Researchers ihev l*hvee lr;anlo mGi nTuVl *m aeslt ahroillu tnodr The suvey by Rollinc Rock bseelrieievse df tceu ltx T VF ilsecsie nm@a yfi chtaiovne beer and the {ortedn Times iniluen.ed lublic attitudes. th€ 6uMbv,it hwaFa sC osutanvlyi nPsr imaal rat iitoisucrnoavel roef ds traarnLstoe nFsh ewneormee ntaar thoTshe eq useustrrioenye df obuenlidev .e1d4 %pa osrf iri;nd s house ln LadY' f.om sceptical about strange LIFO crashes had been covered blhricd qpeh ewnho€no enhoen srpoomne da The suvey found 41'l"of the up Lbays tc pmveomntmh eCnat rolifsfrleci aU.lsnited H.ni "sl.a.s idm :a u" slt lo hn6.quvt e.t eo3rr*hyn€r o tpi'ts6 @ntt 2hin0a1ed xD pe€oUxp!cle€rsi ebnlqecu eepsdhi eionnooemrd e wnsiiaani.de stsheedy ccttaghlacnaitE .irvemrdiai hhn e ie Mhleaidcp hacatohemicle Kainnliteiogn hsct oointnr- 6!"rai.nihoee be5awm tPnodin riitn gd eulP'' DAILY MAIL 'cigar'in 27 DEC 96 night sky Copped, one flying saucer BY OAllID TI}MIITT TwO oollceDeD wbo sDotteal a uFo tEiled iri red. white end blue AN unidentified flying Uchls lor ten Elles object has been captured barore it verished over on film by an amat€ur tHhoe ltN. oNtohr lAoelka. tTrebeer cametaman. local airport ru.Ied out weetabix worker CIifr Lin- a.uy plenes- nel" pictuEd rlshl spott€d the UIO at about tlpm od Weabe dhla5y C fotolbby htboom sb.ack .aldon of Mt Lieoll t€ldhoDed lh. The father,of-three rushed policF a.nd s€3 tot an omer iDdoors, grabbed his vid€o ca& aIld another peBoD had also Did you see mystery light? €ra abd fihD€d the ciFr-sbaDed .-r eported s"einS rbe object. Pli€latM rlr feoLsrin taabtbeeo,l ul,st a4l55ir, lh o,rf.n tt uhfiteres stto. ds-E-we UI sFHaOeFs ,.s "bauidt :I "cIa dr'ot De'itD blaeitnie vweh aint DoinuIgsD YbElOuaeUr t lhigsweheat rapd l6 uyionsmr etehrile- p€oTpleh es aBw othnea pnh.e nwohno- btlitkeiellh .a i nSshdpea .Sdke rtsinacclrliibhnecgdo nfi.bor6me it as I locked up rly prspon bn Diane Shepherd, chaimian Ducley area !t around asked nor to be identi- w€ldin8 eguipment ed Ior tlle nisht. lt wtr a brishr of the Northants Ur0 Fot:m. I lpn on Salu.day, fied. says sbe sae rhe was definirely.or a cliind€r dlish! cicar or sau;r saidr -This certaidv sounds blue liehr drcppins v.F neieorire. Hei 16 y.d shap€4 bovering in the skv. like a classic UFO ;iebtins. A mothe. frcn Upper ticauy frcn the sky 4 old son in lhe ca eidl lIrajluyF"s I.t v" @isdteauoEld dnc 'sat th bte€lti emIvll eea nn diIf wbAient otf icRhur-f Idcroo} loosuos!r .r a'elrbt€ iemo €con benjarp tttr bledia!id r snth'ota cpb.eeb braarEeee Cddms dhiodp u nda nshye DovtohUne-Rr SshLeTE hdeYrc lv iseh utp d Tisrailp sp eHNildl. her conii.med rhal he rike an ai$raff, or helicopter GAZETTE vaopiDfdl ed'leIh atoelaeD r tidsrdiEi msgDe€eh€si tcn brr.uuae trEF €dDarA sui nlrsas€deabtd @oi lv dstefo tt. isllblrln eimd -ttoobtsv;e.t alaissnhsd"eoO idctu i ahfftj aergs d ra oab]wuIo Ditutb hte b t bracsr i€eU a btrOerIc'ee.E!a rl€ssist satbin.-sd BASJNGSTOKE GAZETTE Mr LiDne[ caid -Just bdoe we have recorded about lS0 tr disrppear€d it shot over to slghtir88.i! the,county.?r..!-"" I r the riAht, stbpped, tlen shot you 6ati the obj6ct tel; stal8lt up. Itooked alouDdbr pUire Ae rri Ccty nercaet lt ]4$_ltn diiba!pea!€d."--,: '. on or5i]6 2{Bsoo: , x-l*v!.l , Police colleqe EVENING TELEGRAPH KETTERING 22 NOV 96 is bqffled 5v EASTERN EVENING NEWS (NORWICH) 11 DIiC 96 TwO oolice ofhcers were leff "dvsified" aner n lrackir'g a UFO for 10 es over !':orfolk. A.!d air tmffic conlrollers al NoNich ai4on cm sighting UFO offe. no €xplanarion for the luoilous, oblorg sbape wilh red, white and blue lighls that daned Sgt Sleve King and PC Ardy Coller, based al Fakelhm police stalioD, followed lhe fasr-Dov- ing shape Aom Holl before losing sighl of il 6 il hovered over CroDer. The officers' colleaeues called NoNich Airport A UFO eas sightcd frcm rh. By HUGH co.ti.u.d: 'ln a fom to find an explanaljon for lhe phenomeroD. Polic. Sraff College ar Atun- pla.c spotc. and I have ne\ ceAn!a ladiyr twraaf\fbic l d&eyptabninnge nbt osmpo krehsem aainry osani.d rlL " alt asliilelln t tirrtv aani ol"nd. ps.andnesn croe hD,va.t CADMAN tI.l .nap paneydl€dh inelo libkee i$Uisu nbi€froart b.en avened as $e nysr.ry ruelsecuoxrpddlaeaidyn e'isnd tebsxeipg behortihoegkn sc6 eo vais ep ro lhNseso irblfaloelle kUs Fla tOir!d siatisg lhcinotiearS sol. "f. onbiSgje€c dsu kd.yi-irsyp p.nueadn i nrEod drhiee ae".By irI hPaavs. . roc ri dheao who whi gfhd. .lhllein' mgA ao blio idblr€c $aIu .s lh.s olmungc h sata pao rrc *r!!. Jusr two moDtbs ago a tanke. dew .eporled two McBridc sood al ihc lodge H€ ard Mr McBrid.. . sets of strmgely @lo!r.d ljghts a few diles off gal. eiln Rodenck Bmks, a fomr RAF polic. ofncer, " If I did nor tmq bcrlcr rhTeh Eea ,r! cAidlgeIia.iD w @asa irr.vesdgaled by Miristry of poFlicoe rc srre ers nmaninaug€rr.ca llley clhal.l .dc otllEcg elt tsc nytiddn ogf flonoirr @of dwiroigllidbt eh.a"v. Uputh il ss defetrce officials who said il was qused by a *arched ! ciga.-shaFd obj*r poli(eftn who w.E *allinS Thc sightint rook Dh.. €ombiDadon of the 200fl tower of the Boston carryina lighrs drifi acG! rhc around 9.30pn ld +?.dn. Stu6p churcb and d eiectrical stom bu1 UfO *y. Thcy sw lb. silv.ry-shil. sleurhs scoffed al the explanalion. "ll wa Frfecdy bidc - objcct b il had rumcd ed Colleagles at Fakerham police slation said lhe th€ no6r unusual thing I hav. sa fdr frdirg swry inro thc Ilw oA or)fofiocdev^ wwenrbe ilDaftoumg arthioeD s rcgotr ncga lrl etbneo usslnl!non cMvrq Bl.ro€no, ls. s"ahid s5s+ r@alldBdr Mr Broots, eho vorks fd "N€ilhd of w a on01692 4!222. ltihs.h -rrohpa. pc.ode. .nhn Sh aad h liir8dh tosf oirn. Nonq fao lcl ocoudsrb bdu lalhryc acrdo lwl.ga. al slurion to it WIGAN REPORTER 12 DEC 96 P!-!c 23 T"__""." ll,'o{flc'rtldll(.ll.h'lchbhhlt.*l Wt:l,L^()NE Ul'O t ns onc€ csrin. t Tlis s€€[ h lht colunn. ai promi*d. li*.:Y'Trl^F"1* .nolhrr \irhlinA. thn lime in {Dpte\ Brid*r. ot rhc rzmohbl.ct rrian'.tr, -.p 4r iiinnFb tnld{b{ nlhEnaliE'inrddffb ii dqr ddjdn bj[ 'h;_i suTmharn rl€ h, $!n .!c o*mrdcss rin . 'llrr o*m!5 aa lcatd€.rt @nmishedt. d(.{-FPdltq@nn'hj.!kco 'll'in;i!.'ihi;;;, otrins nNdro v$r(mr bjuFs t; Llb o.nutd l on pyuslet lol ual nodrH ruhltn€lr Cl,ht. in Appl6 BridAe. eh.n .he or m\ rriund, \pofird a UI(t. ''\1e lll lu'krd op {nd bchihd th( trfti an uncrplain,ble objecl \larred novirn upsards. th$ it rhdl to rhe sid. in r jl,t*rd mlnn(rrnd i00ss Back I-.nE. ''llilhin . ree s..bndr il hld sonr. $eU '']hr rbieci ld,lrd lil(t a rrirn,&. or 'l sir., a l.irn,jc bt.uu\r il had rhRe !'ILE serr.h liahrs in lhcshrprol! lri.nate. I ''tjndFncrrh rhe crarr n had lln'ul si\ : rolatans red liBhts $hi(h lmkd tihr . he!- "k sls not a htli.opler.it srs tu.1@bis md l rr n6r. \ecn !n .ir.rafi v' t.'n or€r antlhin{ lik. $rs5s rhrt night,' Did anrh'xlr- €ls( kr 5u.h a cotr on Nlondat. Novsmbs l? lt qas lh"tu r.r,lr ll ro! did sft rnrlhins conta.t mr. let 2:lrr{l{r tr. errte to lltrI fpdrrr. rhe $rpun Rrpnner. itlrdtrnd Ntitt. Ma llnd MiU L5!e. WiE,n wN5 OLX. l;< 'We not alone ate ;@ in the Universe...' GLOUCESTERSHIRX ECH( El (X DEC 96 rljliorltt..t ll th.m." z Page 6 Ib!Ob.Rlnl.E.r . .lnntlr dat htm u. o.Ur !nt llP.v .6o.nP.orlt'i UanFacO oF duongr tlranldnln jgllrL!'o .m.nlod r. clc.t.loo ao..ll z Beam them lccordlng to . n.Yt r.pon. Yorlthlr. ...d ih! Y-FU.| u1 A .uw.Y 6rd.d out lor bool thlch h!. b.rn E th. Fod.ln Tlfi.l, th. .t cl.lly gltr.n lor fh. A womin ranS po|ce roday say,na \ l;q...o..6r; u !lua.mt.izd..|tnll. l. ot nddhp6nr c..r ;lor1 .n.d.cd lv . sGnc ..drl to.ty lnnr.rb ld lln .lw bh loclgl..l.hYltlvy. .nf l .t6im slh:PIt rhYhdn .c ot$Yd.o. .otrr.lrvmln.tl|hahmrr1dnarr..yrly*l _. r o hlw klhs"nloctlnorhgr iolgddhOnclu drr!r.lo ltr !iEb ho.h.$lthum n Pltt ,hM loh. nc.p.g, rFrY ldna. sdont..6.ml ttr dfb urYtroln.t.llEoc.nlh.gdnr!n!6l'r Y.PSbLncrl.olrdc..Tl.rcb wrp.oootuy.th . lhp..oknv. o!nlnlbr! .o!dn!lthn! ch f,.E rro. l b !h lvPOrlcnox.l'.nt6 lro.et. rll.nt.c Onc |s. rht4d ldonl P nh1md!r5Y3i u:nl 1.coor.9l0o.lrdhu.r55kmd1r,,r lIl rat1 mtbhaaIh'eeCTAbSudEardhhsh rm uedlste shca pheh tewuodesaoirnPm daovk De hsmieedie -rphs ea h v eiDhirbnanen vd a nL;wsS lr o nokaes y w ylordladeise m ,ea n asarnuwDl.endaio\-s dar.idsltcneh :Ldoe rrr s hn'e IEshe drtho a anu'hsfnuo ; or assd.houh;d8ooenL hnlsde!rre ecrmsw dee ha e ntairsbr kedhebae.e ,cr ,bb iaset,;,l And lh. Publlc.lro ph.nom. t d.n.ll_ .n 2ao or rrh. llth r dbUFl..lOlid.I .. l.oU FtclOort v ..l.fg !hcpo0 nnc.g.Drt. llr.r.nc.ddy dt!h.m "rTo.th chrlcolnu.h orrr.Etlnjg g.g,l q.bdlrodrl nlnlgloo!l om$nallyyt clFcnhclq.6ldl. tn5lDlg.0 ).lp oPt ro.p r Cltomha...at€n !sCgl ,o( l.lnn ctaTnlun6hddFr. wh.n r.l.d to. t oFl. tr. b.. tllllng to Yotbhlr. Ev.nlng Pr..r, .rolrn.tlon. ol UFO h.ll.v. thti qov.ln' PO AOX t5,76.86 .lqhtlngr. PaoPl! clt. m.nt , rcl.nc! .nd olh.t wdmg$., York, Yol lYN. . IVEST CUNIBRIAN EVENING NEWS & STAR t0 l)ttc 96 MONTROSE REVIEW 19 DEC 96 Ligftts in sky show Norman sees THE LIVERPOOL Coastsuard was inundated with UFO wekend repons otmvsreflos lrghLs in rha,ky duulg .alls came in ftom a]on8 rhc wFsr coasr. "rrachDg .M.DonIrDros ea nayro anrec usnde elp.am r oounn Sda stuitrrdear'? objecr in rhe sky orer ftom Scotland through Cumbria to Wales. tailAe ds pliogkhetss msawne espailgid athcaost sth teh ec saktlye, ras ds pborkeea koifn glo nugp (^aTrhaev eR esuikk.|| wqhao5 rcoolndu ucsre odf bhyi sN LoFmOa n$ gMhliirncgh,e d , dR oassearlc rref into smauer lishts. oyone etse nad a srmrtar e\perience around thal lrne. by COmoneeat seLtogorusne gbdtu osmmtai nfwg b oeuml!iea v!nne stihai eww Eawsah nsahhl' @ss htaient rgtnh oossurpaghshe tr€u ew.sads a saM* lrh eM m cyh\teellr )s aoybsje hcer. ltorhokicehd hoeu o eosfc rhibise sq ndv raonun qd inadndo wsr tvaenro. comet at eound llpm. coming from the sotrth. ''It was gtowing with a litde blue tajl. It alpeared ad Itwas ravelling ar a fair speed. but made no audibte sound. shot right doM really fat- It was maing. ' He immediately wenr ourside and looked nonh lo where lhe cmn had gone, bur n had disappeared ftom ssht. SOIJ"THERN DAILY ECIIO TALINTON EXPRI,ISS & STAR 04 DEC 96 05 DEC 96 Page 8 Page 3 Intriguing THE GUARDIAN UF0 sighted I6 DEC 96 UFO tales RETIRED busr iIiN eWotv AeoSmf biUneFterO r2Se 6siit)er d 1t .h tseoP Listeeee tto etfhr sae lPls aulbebee- Hboevs,.nJrs:y it.se rU FsOe he\Gi.nes Dd atri cyla s'a 8roeel Scientists track "little sreer me!" jibes, or those circular obj€cr wnh nnss "Ma ians". etc, UFos haven't or blue, ora.se and .ed heavenly flasher lrchB .rrcunnaviS.re Your corresDordent Eentions Thaitu nbreond.r @H€ 6 swawn dtro wrro min Bob Price's book "UrOs over PalBerson Road at 3 an Hampshire" and may not know on Fnday, Nov€nbe.22 that theE is, cMently; an updat_ tiors for them that oD€ ed reprint ot it rese@her beae r'Iking of As to Joyce Bowles "close etr_ a theory of the we€k club. caor€i;staoccrtdtuc!sueunya eDi led oer,a flal soale6 )sf,gb iewuthdhdseiae dy sc !fYo o'otrer nu9trdear7et cEhaoftt o,i f Ekw ar1ei lni9 "ttitu7bdto? f "ou uU sln(goIaiOetb_si:l D16 ADII'LCY 96 N,IAIL ,sFfA rpAloaa m\sc oehMhf iaaSnE-vU stRea F InOoaCofbbnoA tjora eNdnUicn ntls€dD.bi cd eAii ev€neinEe tdtiartssienseetaeq ietomdysf Mftiaafrralsonyvoptmiedsrn$ot s g mnstoD ioafgr iaiuletaridhcttgte!ae o. u brbr€vyUalsiyedc neDlksayDt tinrio lclao avdetta€ro ts i ss rspclvhbitonhr€suimaeedatttrnreloesess- later rtr ouf itrvestisations. told the american Geo- spheric heights, they were I r9??, ro fact, waiotre otmY om physical Union meetins in not seen at all, ud they -wrt.6h€d5" iD dY 50 YearE of San Francisco yeserday were uexpected: lightning I Ua r"oE esitaulilliyc atnndd oc'lTee". iehnocveesr,c dw haenDd EVENY tdhoawt nit ah ams ybseteeurino utos tfroarccek sghroouunldd , groa tflelorm th cmto ucdlosu dtos that has bamed hish-flying pilots for two decades. A team led by Plofessor The "UTO" was a celes- Utud Ind. m eletrical tiat usht of a class ca-tled engineer at StaDford, built NIGEL ba-,ion6,4a, ot Chol3ot "5e5l voers "6 0- mluilmesin ohuigsh r itnhsast ato c acmaepratu craeU ethd ea Fflley'es tEiryge llmnrl swln-londdq a obnnd€t, I rw6In€rco at hllosd :lC vhlanr di1b 9bt7€at2un, na, gurnodwe rto a 1 6t0h omuilseasr dacthro sosf ina fmlaesnhet sh aosf ealv edso.z Tehne 1i8B itrrcuh- ctulom36€ dt oE nth.lo 3 iahwo rac .s lSlvuord ds.nrtdv' I Other heavehly flashers bdaiffrererlesn. t epaacrht poof iunrtein sgk yio. Iat orango sph€rlcil obloct aboln include "blue jets", stream. can'flx" time to 30 mil- lock. a wellknown jazz l[sician ssltxa ltke-elltk oh lldmlabm, jeBt rr dabnovto ths efarsr oafs ll3g0h mt tihleast asbtroevtceh t haes lmioanFth ws hoaf t ah sa6pcpoennds- stoo ife lcveds still piaFtrg, cotrnrbed mY sisbl wiier. h w.3 about 50 teet clouds, ed "red sprites", in their brief Ufetimes. i"har-nseo lh.ov; oieib nrarti icnndbkces€du s $tcahtur neiPobd fis bn osiYsnup cbtterbhieseaed dmf iebi"nDllcleogtr ow avno .e tffrLfltao IFiavcnso-i HbiAodnolsa.l l.tlht orvohtlorw n6a cu dacilno3tr bocqbulosyu3 lues loaa.lcau rtlna r W dsowf:ao ipiiwho cn€nghd-a6ura oda!to dqw nct hc l tot6€dcEhosrob .ero da6tsuvn3Eurd €.artwttr coa. deotBahfxUni .ciss u eoctsr clfaoof6 oyuDt hsrddb es.awl oD. 2 elbr5e ro-s&ew5r 5 eo b tatm flr a twohliDlluehogessiuhlda egat.n, h bNdtctoht oohvatswoest- uscscppapa"hDhnncee eetarrr eefr cl,tr,e eoa rcraeniitncsks ht ueeheelq Uessvu neooelgonfnl wdtictnsie ee srsis tn oaiaFrt tlmmmiitkfhosoree-,-- c€r.rdou Dt btefe gwe bYeeraarls oapgion rIo ndi stchova_t whrhdo nd lwEos ptupms.rasdd bwacttkh othu6t aobt.ct bUeg ha tkniinndg. of arterslow from pfeowssero rb laInckaoru tsy,."s steairdd Paryo.. there rs NOTETNG the autbonhes saondu nldh.6 I onr6iqvienr ofor uthn6d saDnvt i.a.n.sw.r asT ahse ym hoamvee nbetaerny dgelsocwrisb eidn "cNerotawin w eev aernets l eina rtnlein glo twheart cskeaoen Dt hD tehoye a edbioothuuettb rts h isiisiss ubPethl eydn esothmriuaetlnlso mo'r AllA Aztlc story and ror tgshuheoc hsuU payp sephrh oesrnktoy .tm imSeonema tehl aaostft tnfhocer auaptbmpoeorsu patht me1ro,e0s p0cha0enr e lia.g fBiheetccnta iutnhsgee sspahrTowohpw, eo i brsEt i ocsbu mtosoo tlrleate tl ti sePPnriesoicc ieeotwuss Dl oy of tsfot eh cureov! es.j lbiogtio_cr aC{hHPntoooylmuaomqtpnkhlasBo tat.low on rdn.tBn J2otoh..onn9EI n9 U ov:m F fr ORooUSr Fa6o.O nrrd8de6 ldbr. iv € Tphe.t€r baesoyluleydb ybal ieiDts asisreluale.rn le o wsttbhpiteeehrye s dt ncsoae.cn ncT auahclrr€r teeuad-t sauhtarnrovoluiekkn eeads l yc tlo ohtcbehca e.uwll reoi d erDeladfacf,eh ci ctt mt osiisn nm unthatoeeyt the next move. 0171{:t6 21&L have b*n so many explana- tItNlE SEA.RS, NeU€Y Abbey. NEWS & STAR (CARLISLE) l0 Nov 96 Pub display gets our hoiline glowingwith your cails What a swizzl The were UFOs lasers SORRY folks - thev weren't alien lights, bui laser lishts. iotline sayl'g they had sRn the ,,crcu_ lp.a rm,ol/smepueescc t&t ivt heSi rsad lriw epenhe osknp eowlthtiteehrss c haaallltv sae c fbrrooesemsn trinnaeero msnrkr enyd g rCs lo!murtnr. errgoo Tctah\krole inmsmdcea u vIoi;gn hes tasniL,d p hhsoth veae,ndrdm spwe ea,nah aD$rutety terilied. IrdIwnrn ned€yBwRe unaneHrsr s$g ntpmthnd hoteteeat ty,ansebtsrklBdrvFay' e .nwsiawnsi sg e rnDeo&F.tUeal snScri unot&foxtngongrn r enctrHhdma eo angmit rnmsor et toe_ovh. fee baClirietst uiiDiwLtenolsvaoadi bcnasmekev;i gemcsoanayrlSse€-r ho bdhres e om o nmjdionaenekrd e.oe -h aafd p'n ttna hytdro poie rdaehuaealra ily.ei hsd:yn ee e- at Isoewr tr weDhcorahfesd rnea a eiwbykth do cwaIu.e rnacih ed!ta. de, udb snebw ldehtl . evilrnoenhs odctr ,wiu__,eTaohrwne r crl\k€cr eeRnsodrlaayd y, wnoiparherk naee ddla sWitesrl intLeeehwhot uldesBaeDs.;I aionvr -rw'loB auAntcnlnshdo er t.rthto oetmh re t hDhmiees , n 'wnioeinnigd hHobwool.m ufreie8 msaaann.dt s ,aw.1wew erahntr.i tlorD lne outside verand, rliother adm-n artdoya :ntr Dhdletaar tudssk}y yw l Daheseavebte rrre aybv ReenraioyBhwohsnlt d ewud nishlt at isslt ae sbic aels ervluihend sisahteevor.l: ul.-o rmo'nu€r€yys h twinoeo trueecl llho syrlp do'i untr nhsthei6ne Ng t ae ra lo,utsuhF n;& oda . SnIad tno fedlr, r entIo lr;eathaelvnei.l J:'EEEII tPInfrlc8eM .nl ool rnmt€ neyeyrhs Daearunfe.b .irb 0eJu ftlDste ectntto epsod lej ur usapprh lto'ht.noehe radect :t orrIa,'uv cei t U*b'F...o- IEe-o xlr€rCp Eltohnxregaia nu Bro.Dsrn rix wtitosaenhrr,e U dUoFmnFoecO toso ifAg ri hhsotesifn oCimncsowi.asstt itcoioEi.l irmisoaonin;r Hou loc.l UFO wat {|.f3 ltrrtad lll. iio.y \EWS & STAR (CARLTSLE) DAILY RECORD ll DEc 96 craft' spotted bobbin$ 'Alien UFO back sky along in Lon$sowerby nigfitt on the go CMwiaaPNlIDirstbeDAriElAigS6thceto!Rg l @hhl grsvtPssh Ieo abe -o&vitr hdIs tt w€gSis L Wos SrvaRtoarIvietIitlnaioBebs 4o dtaliiirOygrrddo:gid s n sRee.s h"a DssoohsorIt"t wot rateoboai3la dle0 ofbTr€d vsw r bo!suDabeTp lbvaaeswy mO€ iy3su .R nc t.ds ralr tse!so,.hot0v "psetaerta o t iiilyitdciaarlr3lroie cnig lll6s eoooDauirb nrunr}wtdoitesDesdg..f sbss"Bwrtsworc€eohuhikronSTmtieasdts'e e hyotbhl € bnIht h€.eee a . lbkee k od hnaro.snrrEteye taaru ritorobtotitbi iildhEdnEr h aiune- :o:Ean s * slf" 3nd-dhW b otMbP n ula isuwsskuawlrytntlse€s'a tl. dadta owI*s eD s Dle ttrspb vtotd F.f bhlwb irttalsoIeb€ io'csR.vnvi oe thl€ feo€ l}irlrlo.rsadtm s s€nnrta arRilt f ete lt€-.t sharsro"odvtdo .b €rael,r - r tInetd .i .l ' t mpasItI.Ish[ahlIhtncellee'F!wreGoS3d€r!ts e qtsao tralstb ooathIye ilbe r tflit. sdryefwie iRcoen ! :htdLl art Ehaee dbnDi pecsse1 sl.eps hi0Is €aaxC x eb.s i3olocrtarshiso0 cdd nrdrepr Elpshtn,cp'i:sdd hb a molo Daees srtf .s snrenA"" .seva tEtoiosraihnyeclrmsvou se hoetceeU tor rrct irisBDfarrdseti ghcal-totrlh'l bt tl ierlseitiDwMiaoeiEnD s nredla rogghnds,,I!r fSoBBcredthlncboruanSAiAo EevncntSPdnerlyBbkma.oRn b.,!En lth csruOtaudeiao4hced'beBrsd7toig deor Ede ,lneaU iavd rE : f,nFie f vrs"hrR4oOr o sISthdthsm4t Einht Ee.icdit,iw ileerauhiEIeilese Enruptdlhrfi.iBdsen nSl lhra lsaia 5shLsieGhyalsEGl Fon b.oob rn"edihhdovnae,oeeyretvddeYod,r mtEpholeeSuUnh ndg een a.sof"toavleried .da em bdooo fuftrt o t2o ts0lwac maer dtieshri eetDhe e86t napmte{otdnc. wtosdhtuaodetso D .twlto eerf rhit*screethhiErbe e oidtdtou. "trlabs De Srdd ebu 6aehr srl3ay ha ltno2itdl0 sn s t€rm€t.h€d e tivrlrt oeta'5nntl DbnlB€ ziahxust soesEle arotD sasw l ruqt tJproaed u t rosl iank wEs6r n0e t ho rm in4sd ilW0rMes1sp2eO 2lkaa 8!o vv BrsGa 4 svi8ctu.aao n uousuledtr <in ,U!id*Fd:O cW heexinpaeerne rvRhNo!n rs tiLdclhaetlinlnidcea-d y', Bhicbstre dcsqib€d a3.a cltd.a.l Sighting so exciting for researcher l- habem,^'rarsdn h6 3u5'd !) 6k s bs cr rdd ihava 4n e dscmdbM$vsqdN rE$FEFiEiiE { o ;l a- is*iiE;;-$s$ t'i iErir { RAF Neatisha FiE + Klng's Lynn NORWCHO o-t Great Yar iE*iEFi3il a F-gF- FFiTg ta *iF iE*s: 9t Mystery lights: coiocoa3r No riun 4pe ed ii$iI g€q$; I an :R5::.t E'::l .*3si i EaRF were they UF0s? l.|. ig€3€" iiEE naispoide, oi s6 dbid 3nd -tL- MYSTEFIOUS brlght J.t lighls ln lhe s*y w.rs EXCLUSIVE f,rGEL S.slnt xrnrdryd D.hno lboyd rahy. ibrrenlrn3qtr yl No$l rDlq.ta€nrceed IJ lo se6 ll rh.y posed a rhrc.r ro nallon.l s.cunry. {nY s{6r sishiiss oi r'o rturrt lnd hd I r'. nd si rd;M o !trF liqPbrd 0\(R hNq -a G.n!y'idn.]c.udqulbibkd iiiF;EggEEci o fu d,cd! di ri qny Fiiiii ? F s*F + - E* Y^qI. i3 Hi" ^E a.h iEtiXiF'€*;i lfjed dq sc qN h s. D;\', J o - !5 deqoes !p n he *y 1s iun B a i[' try jd Ni5 $cr h(od iE[EiiEiE$; rt o *lsl$i iieF E rs fi i: $e*FS le EE :islSEE;i t?Ei E= E: ;:Ei!:; i€ liiE ,s;miJ nDEPENDENT (Pl,r.tr{orrH) Page t5 o :i rc€iiEl ;:,,EEr* z =l EN1 O F II O >3 EieiE,iiffiii€ii*is cZo- oz ona9" t LANCASHIRE EVENING POST (PRESTON) dliasr nsoEl aorngiey UinF AOm sieghdtm' - -- l6 DEC 96 ings are made, or stories of abductions by aiiens told. Why we are not alone .. shiTEb,e $y yisa pRpo.nb ehn€r et ucine .H inm bpis- lpdzted UFOt ater Hanp. shR and th. tsl. a{ wisht- Files an the Unerplained. Paul Flller. co-edno! oi ihc IrLheIE pNuSbl ica riem ataskininagti oonv, ear By I ATTHEW EDGAR dthreeayn shia odl rsceveenal ilnng wpahastt Tthime esusr vwehyi,c sha ipdur b"lTishheerde Niloeeedwvoon 0r do/ ol tloirl lgulhtsi!sG. lcswcdri nncdestsien ignh icsrohGl-. with the x-Files ridins extm.terrestrials and ihe tftiimshetesD beedc aoufsbee inthge ym awdeer ea hrhaFv elr <bre evnP Amr arnhy:r sirnsipnrsp ci^t rqierMs:l el-t coofnteranin sb izaa pGle dcorr!ae !oi-f high in the television rat. Simon Lewis. of the in stranae phenonena is .ncs'. eath*ed from all over ings and the movie Inde. North Lancrshire UFO ln- The claims come after at an aU time high and rh. cou;rv. some dairns 4 rr p' eIn rdle nthcee bDoaxy oclohcneq.u emroinrge vmeusctihg aotfio hni sG triomuep , psrpcebnindss tLhiseh eEd Yae pnhinogto gProaspth p oufba. bmiozrae rarned imncoEid erenptosr tsa roef bedr kb vs F ol]ip€ lee ami ys l1l 9w5a0kss Roei tlf,nfe_ and more ol us really be_ alleged sightings in the mysterious objeci cap. flooding into our omces. lhey cledly illusfrE lhat UFOS tieve we &e not alone, Morecahbe bay area and tured on iilm flyins over cd toucb lne livcs of everyone. Accordirg to the re- beyond. Rivin$on Pike, near ircspective of Ert d !de. ' ire a4rrc phe wr ec eanrte h aa vnea etioxnp eorif mdooH$reen sctaoai dllis:h -e" WY foaeuc a t crteah nag tep taut itnl ogitt whHoo nheavveer .e xUaFmoi neexdp ethrtes tbh€ a"oTtc hmciuso rrrsienu ggs,ci sebhsubtti nanslossot omthnaalyyt wreepSotoli-rmkendeo woefrn te rhnrenrsvdce helyav veienn sbU eaFcrOne cnced or wiinessed some of peple have always be- pictltE belreve it is more people are iess willing to L emure and lhe nedia Bur thing beyond explalation lieved it, but because of likelv rlarthewhite t!ian believe what sovern. mdv no!€ ae published hcE raitnh Tve2r72eo gdspprateeoiv.gr i cvacLeitenanontngr tsc c ba liancesiomhtlieeni ri\eite€ io rs mhUttha FeeviOdney lfopnhielqlmee'o 'Wwnp sXl eeh a $..bFaw eoswihl uyeao.t n sagsh lradrpae0ve nue ana pdkec i.lonvhocgenate r vt armethihc aozgteeivrnoeiedrt gocbcinrs.uoaeMgnlfmatt i k!.eAhA€6 eoodeim omb.in tnj eoearo racsurit cttho eohai frs e fnct shrBo pF eSnarot chitttrtoeretaai.pebani anulst nehr\a' maWwoinufogeri tuncthfhtlopdso. - o r teairhsttxti cespiiesi seeat c o.scittt n eektthhe lleeame t nphnni dneeuo xmdomntt bhrlwetieesowerr-. tareiEhc€ sbslaaaCsasltraiov iduntliainuibngr -kjge qsdlr yh-oLh$ a FiPpt srOh:om €r'ieoScispne wi tip ediisnvshl ye ieyvm nsii'rnheoic:n an v*rehl!e?c' emnnlco awLvanric ioooneroGwnlcfd, ''The long patienr wart lbr U'HAIYOU SAY enlrPbtennenr may soon bc "".i Th. .l.i ..ntud tr dm"- !'h ,ns roaclos, a 6nghrn.w b.simns beckonins in the Yed :000. lf a]l rhe evidence is coF recr hisro.ims will ndk ihe 2lst c.nruiv as lhe riDc rhe UFO mysr:rr *rs linaliy \olved Md lhe hum& t@ dis' coveEd ir wd not .loc. AFOi Otet Hanpshi.., bt Rob. Pn.., publith..I b1 Eakep& pri.. t6.95. BJt. 'b'Io wlio6uvled hila mvey sbe lsl.e ew oen € lvleo 'al ed aonnyt mknoo@wp ewohpoLiehlehra nlh ebree- "rlebaellileyr € beinli eqvheos lisn bUulF lOdSon, tI 'ollr irsh eh aolhde lro. dTehceid peh oontoe pwuaby. ai ;ettri nsuepapr ocshedin o6r eb eH haallu wnlehdic ha nids lhoa€ v6 wnheov6 rb esleieevne al ng hUoFsOt, Sb- llI wwaarvc hI rihhein kx -tFhiel€sr e amnuds li nb ae cisehnelldy inlo lohkee dE vleiknein Cg oPnocsot d€-€ !.) Ei: .:: $_e;:?3^ I wouldn r say rhal l don l be- soietino else oll rhere." ' Dlanat daughtsr. G@tgina Gordon Clayron,54, ol ;:i: Dlana shaw 44, ol Prcston bo i:sii?; EI'ESHAM JOURNAL ES-:,r: o,:.o.! € ;-" o.E;€g E 12 DEC 96 = i:Ic,:5EE:Ef Page 2 I Two out of three €!:EiHi;€: r. ! 5.E: i a.:n- c!$!r*Be:; sq) l;rbFE.E:i: X-plained a UFOs (,)l :; i i:8 s: €: :-":=qtst*1' z ; i:i<; ! However. a thi.d UFO o n E TwO recenr UFo sishlings siphtrne remains unex- q) qr ! !:! d;= ibJnnTe oerhrhnhee ee rv Jxrl,pel,emrhr.i apnrineposde l.c a rmar elrYlhtoeYo ihue\ a[!elhed o'f'T Blhi€hYet r eR ionwB earNr er e Jlv6Eo NlcvKYinIlNcin SdPears! Dii n.lq:$' n,sesad ui.a-cYiedvr ollhrnoenivne stahawenr dra GB 4lrleyrY_t' ari .;'1-, 2=, 2;=9 E- 2T! E+I =A- ;!{6e:Eg " raHnweNe:Diamrroo vtaenwr.tsnrd lWrPo;ornYabolur n eluR w YnQroet ouarntduahddln c.i r cg YlBhin.e riCPradhp hflrpPos6ria r n doni='nn.f rdbitene.'Fmt'rtoTnw . ho{_iewhTeiie: hn!J ae sil!iY0kdleey 0 r$.mnr eaaYulrnoiosendrun l !vh1 cea.qow0!ruoe0yell0 d Ph u htoiseSsnaee hedeat lor,rci6bnP ul"owwd h3boniollTnlrd rir, Dih, dvhir Uewo MNC mFrlaodOarevvger s.eol h n msanlvwrs boenN eeusearorrPme itvs I e4abcWtma.leaiokYrlbl neereosendr.f g<2H. + s !;"':- it;J;E!- Es;i,: gE" EE.i:; q9r,;,9;i9; :; iE;r::i;3:: ;;il savs rhe lrFhrs rn rhe sLY comDlarnLs trom lhe Pcrish sals he olaos ro ,nvesrigare ca;e lrom r li9ht show ..";.,1 and sele contacEd rh; Breraorton incidenr Mr Mav. from Honey' wabHhoreuc lh s sraihre rn sdisah ralsWg ela ePs ruP rr nuoo'nn rrthho€r hdcevl 6ht he-e as lioDh owalrenc ded .e pcclarndn\enirdron nlqom omelfnkie-- b,lonooruekrr,nneegs. t 'ininasl ;r ddirn.: d ' lIl ssoiluln dbst lishts on rop of lhe ga.age.

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