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BUFORA Newsfile No.48 Nov II 1996 PDF

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Preview BUFORA Newsfile No.48 Nov II 1996

BUFORA NEWSFILE lssue 48 November 1996 SCARBOROUGH EVENING NEWS & MERCT'RY 11 SEP 96 Page 9 DayIsawaUFO North Bay over A SCARBOROUGH woman is hY Slmon H.ld.llbY nrv b. hl!n$.d in tne c@, li{r chcshiE, wbo is s.lf_.tplov.d rssUrthyrFaeiOnn bgg.e et olsii ivgsheotlsivn egm taihnye thmheay vssektey rb ywe ehonifc haa ohsiscdIsdn. n eTtloidfhi cisrndcdv serfclytyeistiht asisD tiiongsbsl tji i@nnucgBti,d. .4cIvnl.rlnsit cCindhv oa5lvdi8iqDhcEt-t atH.ood.fodrd;r .r. M.lc tEooiBn .rh cf iRoDd.lro.odn ud t!Endirdd ss fh.ut wr.*lydi hE hRotmcoo $Geoa lld.tr un.sa pgBn sFldnh drcdw!l idMinll g o.lrvouls.nnno.t TwwzBohsaHho'svrom r ihasutenrdsaEsea n; ow ygaob ciiffrwm lesof hst neEsoe s lnu$ri-oz tes wsahh hboseack,e rYP fds twe ipdnadCo s$ tthhrhoeca€nib dnd Nj gwctto hcwiocnetnokshy sts*dhlh;ii.d3sr' r'3O dDlhDsk! y.hn do c.s! bc rs3w or .irrbbdm.wcn.t: d c rnta ' lcTdlqurc!nu h! c o2nd.h'.br4.. d . 5rl !heP l {!hBmcdr. r ..ito.ss [ csrEhh krtoscwcytlrih.o, n d ol.gonn.r bdd'.@l otolhnu3nc8scnt!' hldn9rodaMH8Br. tctmcr Cw$scr6h;hd dner. bol:rdI'o tt i !lvFnrc$.o c r3h*t{ l.. oiyr nDs'ltic w hlw hhti incinEs 5 &_wltPir 5coarothrif r .!icsc .Edi lpnds lh,iwtd [email protected] F knnOiynso 'A vM.rd!. .c hs!sidd:w "'I. kd. d5'r6 . rocrtj lNy ob€l ih.vL. c.it! rvm;y; ;srdho no d( kotsr !@no wohdd ,t hF.n.v d.llsc!d d fiso.rP a- nD''I t hyrvc.6 b ucdd iIr thcsEvs?G ddw is.F U bFO.liS.v fcodr tslhipncTt6nch. ..c-lh hpl.iirtsdosh sbMt,'h obg.gu [email protected] omoNn c f rt on wf mitrE s wrB. Uer.ivkFdc lOi*rnh .gU'.lnoF nOs 5e'M lilh Ew. mCs b dr.dd bw t!tihrc.k .s Eek!i;.ds s s ntvo.o ruhla pcdoo unul d v hdcnl es.r'!ly lNo.cAwrIl3 tr.. rc lbono.l pjygr iotoBunpc, wsirrcaylk ua dolhnf gao dd veZ.r 0nE spvi.no.grPr Bilnc orrbhs lilc lhm b.forc dd is cuioui Mlnyn Chc$r€ Md Dcidr. Dodd. !o find oqt if dydc .i5. 3ha!d h.r .4+ Alvon. itr..r.srcd itr ioinins hrv. foE.d ECUFoRN - Ertt Corsr ECUFORN ca! cono.r MB Doddr o! UFO R.!!cEh Nct*ort, 3 souP d.di- Th. n.w UFO gtouP i! BridlitrBton 0126261236. rm mrd i! i &1 ri. Nor@ .d d sldtt .l .tqr spG b.. Gdtt! oa W6Al .l Th. ,"F--"_tr lil. r"q wrcAN REPORTER O.rdr rili Tdt Dodd i. S.i!S rntutii* tt6 E.jLr i! -th. 26 sEP 96 I dd'r rut to d.rE . arlo rtitrdid oa L&b - Fd'r dd p!!e j2 lhn lnti's Griq b€r tllr tt. .iG rtat in ti&6htr _ P'uis ro bc r sr.e. a r.trr Is @ r. gi'lad Ly Dim brr Td! ptuis u .ItlsF If deib.d tn. objet s cid ddt ld UFO drhurirqs td4 v.t hq, .. lasl r5on Vido aoLaLlnc rorkC rhir.!rl oyilA v..y lor. B. tu Ptilip M{d. o{ BIJII)RA lod sieh of n a dE b.6 xa t66 rn. en Dcdra rhi.n rjclhtl.r 8pE .1 Ib. ORC| d Di.l yd s &fhbg? lt i$ M..d.n S.pt6b.. L M6rhiL, Bi[ E tat oa It t@ di.l c ttit peniir Qu6t rrr.furidll aitdt i! r .6in d ilrLql .!r oilr6 UFOS *id!r ro ult) Updd. tni itrit .r-.tot qJ.€e Fit ro UIO Updrre Wku R.!dL.. llcft6.NrbE MrdDd if[' Mrdst Miu tardli!: o . hB i! rrr. Inld.y rra. Wisu w\6 OLrC -rl 9+9f;rEieEk I Ims +g E 3e FSF riE; rll| ?1lii *i ? ?+F.9*e3q +9 II o I E* EFb : F.'A H CD Er a998s v, d+ :a 0ai !e. 'r UFO ir :,8 E.E E: rEt :d Fieg?i i* n1 :ai*':q; -;: -EEI b"TWy& eHA @E RA cTnpHooEtr r6Rcl tcBn.I"S H.laOiP! b4qbd B.ed&rd tbphoeEHM ulelridlc lVestlti esalrBr bldtdhLaee y"t ! .tE.Io su I d!cd!oo: i llalUeie., riqIdDr$E!Ma &,e l ;Nl1tItl E:gt-ehnlo Hbuauebtp tI. iaotl sutoa lui lrslI EI A&TE;r f i at ?F I-D losbiIjdreleectn sBt sEb adavlnoeer rrbl €ea.c nsu pivasstpeleo orttrfe duo Dl hTido\erwnst riiTtnrheg€ d jXtnr.y Fitnbilg6e dtsaotAAkrou€lh€fi ilvliHgEisni l6 !'dEph5thoh.33n6oEo!!!to 6to IU6tc{Itt+FnhHaItdQODhpe aahhieil la5'bb.inB n rroo i bsilrrDhh ec.tt o .'ss:@@ m uur Eldsddo4rtirni b ci-ry'iin n cc aaMMii NNwWAalla"".lhuyrr'nu eieoors sbbrellileeele!lccl trIi iadn ddcui &d.eu bbsnrE gu@rsdety u lidaichr toosbl Ewjetcnit a@obv€rd !te t hsMeti daWidhyj8kn eg3 lgDd!lEws,, 6!'trLtd b rtsrj i.! Elleoe rrm.v 'dl Edv d.?dirl tdTbbiEoE Us kD! atLw , I*t ade nE )i6t tilfv. L Ld f,ben b. sr e hidtly @lourd @n WdrItc@ S"blilbltst n€vi*r@re eyyu d, r3 l nVidssnln5bie d 1$or0 u olcathb r3beehei ildyL!iww3 f $ e3u jD 6! i s,el lh htaw!eoI6 lh u dseeP krdyraa! D .oo dstnvU ehte khoerwee nnW nea i nbsy sickeDcue @dt&e odHFeiwi !b sol.lt.I bEMv(nrHI'y4i r€ ! t!dl.@eelhosr!iBr F!ilyLt d Pdw!rf.tf. t iloobtrq nusd.e lie Al!tlEbr llao€rFtrE a !tiDLdrbt ltuado.t"nb bn eitl. a cu-tLbbt Ft l llt@&_lii ol',Ql voded da ftb o orwl e'el63ldett dddr -ah.6.diMtor R€gt! lad3l!nytg'"d.r l o dlvtwer reEouif oktFwl € bd,b 4Don . yu'€uEI tnl{t li f erdT@l 6lrorsce6fdE zr$ti dhrthEeelbo"yl tlyees t ,her"soear e.nc eha'rtl ol sdalittulnDyee s mfoeodfd dp ruth hraoi)stl' NddtrrlteBd{dtrdtr rl.ld@rctB - | lRl&El-ls"Es- lhd d-l€4 ,l.o.l Idfi *Ett!d:3'6-a:Y b.iBu*rE ,{t.."l&1!tiu ld. _o l -!tr bd€tht ig ltlt!-3Fte-t o 6@r r "s' F3blul r:l--vab! tll Digest X-files Est Aldla's UTo Dvsrerv deDened lasl rLtght *hd e tade! crew vbrch Eacked sEu,ae Uahb in the sky Tdilm:lTsed: Jof:ETid ffi :rs*"m:r,;r#: tle 6how wbrt h6 b3li@r su the udeF fiffi,T""::J"* aids or &6 obler b. se E rbo ER[t sky lst G.ai6r- Ymouth co6uuard l6t satudav wek atber risDes brougbr e ilt€EtilS 16 llia s€lud elcNtar. wllich he ).Uu6- two Ist3e ligbts weE seen hoveling in the 3kies iBrB eith tb€ brg€ su€r,Uk€ &od6l t6t d SieB€ Ugbr€ ir tlE .ky w3E th! lei pl@ iD daylight dx@g rho !€EE sEo* 'Ihe siSbtiDg! prordpt€d investieltioD bv (jo'Eon Epotu to @ Ey By. M6t €y+ twhReE rM dbian!r.i oset.F rsi €roaBIiDd €fleaatrletr .RwAeFtr Ntbeaat tirlbleea nd,F ut er!v! @aqnl! €3Eeornpsl rd.radwlr €Ede irfeosrr tfwut be adt th La€vb u.vlt dEs dqfD .bdD r6 ilmogn r-! 6bo4Hu rd.l e E|pics ollpatahnr!t . arrrgicf tEpil siAc tlbo1t er F oaff tehe aal.t A-hy@F; uwuyid*-, @2edtHtelEt0iiuelu se0 t!cl5sip.di$b ikhc rtByebD ao oledesnli sgoed e6lnto hx ht conipetltol! ln a.SalttId ihIbAIno ,Uee tevI hD'tde6s elD ml @ bett Ehnbyc Deeg vhr Pao N6 ulr: o yco3co".sno lehitflbttn l it 'owbt slsohanM de we,rs {ou'eh [email protected] et nuo l ioosgDdcbfbo ao at yharsii€endt! oblbNisoade twegTN@trdhsh@lpee i ra . U atSpoerdel€cupPoiFroidJtc hea sOsgdepytf os.fe iftcltieE ieoeg fdn.dsEh leisoEEtCt .v . pgAFh*fMshi tgDut obtmrw 8etci bs.tMDihebreD @t 6eo td&or!f r M€s ct@sAsq xrtDlicrllB1Fe.ur rv_a; ipolainhrniai i.a rlC h&itlhriiloo etsee rl d.sddsok! D yhtwb h,i w!hjew ee @bbtinion c otolhs!€.( d.yu @3nrstp u roh1dreodtgdt fdk L ae spt€p €rr@l i3bac i€ tibo8&r€ BD, ts to rl6tlbpv nsr sde Eou il6 !Nrt nd rleohadriwtyes! ttho"He lte s t kcesoeoauc .lrldsdee snttshso eto & fh soacevomewlo b.uR eewondch hotlehi gsewht eetBsrro, € sflotiooernn nI oSttu,hr rteEl ribmar c !wkn."eavdey desRkloo!y y! o aiDDrl oOurhbtbetjs *meabr feaohr e @o Csvoeryr r. lF tenhs.€ sdb tual4egs ! Eoys3@bpd*o..tl iu€dth ! .mbE 6 trdbhee- jeurtuii€EMe t D.iiluogjs w Ellliacilerier :,?D.r eeiaer.i.6$ yD9t 6eoo lnlhlt ioe0s .1bt 4r la6ls 1die@ e- Eeri,oD 2wAv4i 1tulh7de eot.or Oren, red. white dd blue Evo\,ine l8!tr Tl'c aDale. oe he ia h.rd.ng iD tu pic DG12 sRB. Walcb ilu sp@l could !e sed tt'toueb nornal birocdds dnouMT lsih!nt egoll ulbdotc paihDeyi rlrtta$hhtoetio, n@n aalts ooa t3 !t'hraer6c tk*hd et h.the@ li ghhadi! bIe]aes. rF'.l wibtddRlc.rt.l$Ulna F!6hnow:m U @!c'.d.l! 0&th6E..,.rLcl.j4tolodLGh r.q!d. d.6j.. l h.nrEn idht .l.. drdndr! ..b FdF. r.dbbr nlda lrdrnitrdlri@h Tl' hdd ddlrlFa!r nob hdi6a- csEp@nagndlanirdea,d t letS dac bo!oyt bi nrlvador hianenodd ut httheh ep6 dael3iaetgs,tu dcotlsa sdl odf !lrrt foi.hDT'bildN6.lmb(,ldlr.dsf^[email protected].' .ihdluiY5A.Lni!..rG ,d!i!S6.o. !. rrcp. !9: o.{arrrL"l dBbbl6l codor 4{pl.nb .ssh dF.r* Eoat @ln ofAN smotarg.fLiorgulk aUnU FXI!-O ESi rleeinuetsvhtestl esh tat@vgedv aEoc rcu lrDps.ead vtihtel DMuoDe ze2U; 6Pr'bLDtollldrl!'r.rddl.do.in6Ml..oib-. 'rtcldt d.'-r !r-!b.1ob.u rndnrh! dbl@b. !v ldD &enlodu gthhe t oR aAcF@ exuDt lrIDoart raon wwbdol en orat rgh@ odf sdi..r'lh.Flqddb'.lr.{.|d rN.tm*uttr rd'ua ! . r*dI 4l9 6I F.ir onre bt olnt 6DE uDdplained siahtinF ac.ros the on D.?.L'wdrallb6Ehdlt{ ABERDEEN PRESS & JOT'RNAL r0 sEP 96 WEST SUSSEX COIJNTY TIMES 20 sEP 96 Another Fife light of uFo sighting Pi:':"s-gllb'l spin a circle of mSzstery AN.rHERF,FEnanc,aimsrohdes"sa,Lro m oDnulivd edeav sa nadf teCrl ean rsoimthielasr s'ghting was reponeo RECENTLY. rhe werr sus\e\ counly rr cbp romanon\ *.rc dl ma. bv Fotrr.. b. Ma.k McRobbie ,24, or carden cdi,e Avenue. I'T:::iq1'X'St;""lt"g:.1":,:i l1"il"'.i::#f,:lT#,i.Ti.i:Xili';""i; ciidil'r,d'3eEnd'j"e;n:i. s1a'v":silhEefwinastc snpeeeddr wacorodsse 'd*,c a:r'f'ni:a';nig"p!.i;4;i;,;iF;;;;r;..;;ih; i:.!,ih,,;,:H;;, ;"."' ""h-i,, ilH,;i"di':;.i.T,n":.:*:.;.T_?^.:"t,#,r:f,f,i-imi,jil",:"*i*r*u**"irT*, Hos'v'r'rh'Eq'w"Rob'nsndwEk'a(fr'ob'dnnspFL'out.v_$'c.sreolnBtncbrirr.. ,s"oln.n: ef*'*hf i; s n"@uioiuu:Bt' h;lrl i niDivm- a ianine;dn- tIii olwn; s*o u;s, trtni!n;eg! c1 3o rl n-h1eo1r d1oe1r ;*::;*"l';;;Ty;:f:lTi;";j!5,;;;':',,i;j:,:i:Jil,[";;.l:j:: ll'".j .'"y:"*;H",,11.1I.":lJiT11T,":""JY;,yjl: nyeye.'sildMar&Th.Dohtsh.iJR.:agr'nJ'h owro-i moftdaesdr.e Is hwceheovro ebl Moarnhod l oorhboetke ecodtts h.ide Oer nnwuecd awl o6v eor vcelru nrhiee hru.(m m dplo&d e \*.Fd cl.r,v w nrn ft. u'.,*sh . mmco*nosm* cj ,a" n..rnt.r Tr..it .e.hs."r.. *o nrr,rnr "aJr";-r 'lw!o'"ohikiltiee"d ts -a.rnooo"w"u' tu. rd*h r"reuyed rea cnhoe s loounngd .b vuits uthaeuyv w!!elirYe Ta**-ci_'lr,''cl:::5':f _sf1r:":n-i!l;y'd(,lrrT* oTl p"l5ll;'ld."::cl"linM ,o:*lt 'p'':El,-lle"eloin:rrtl }:(h'h,.noi.'oh"*.: p:o zt.rjr.asr k cmE ror cbD c,(h srudAicNt, DsyuT;H;;o;;M^l ''rranups,ai6roserabenerrookandwa(ched rohveehr rhhoe vsacrn rooorl adbaonuetd 4 a0c sroescso nthdes sTkhve nw rrlhheo uotn ae **"&,.,,,r('." t'ui.r. -i,";.h .^ ,s-o*-* hir, .s1"-;i;"ii;.";:li;l;'".l;l:il1- sound. travelling what must nave neen orres m hltDranB l{ddoq,"aer.r;.h-"-., onlv a couple of seconds. and jorned tne ol her one loctrdi kkr rhd rEk fi. c6p drk$ my$.;"r- ove". the v;oods. "The ldt I saw of then was when thev both TINIE OUT .disapp€ared dotn behind the trees." &t sEP 96 Mark, an unemploved general labourer' cdnnor exolain wha. he saw our would like to belPve nc had a ciose encounter sth an unidentihed llylng E.rlier this week Clenrolhet mar Edward Prerton .eDoned seeins a lieht in lhe sky wh'cn i.riiiio ir tt'. rod ot C Periecr equdateral r;;n'r. A Dddee md also reponedthe s'gntrng ora situse lisht over the Dougl6 &ea of the citv An exDh;a!'dn "srvv"e'n* for rhis is that it mav nave 6ii'i!,i pi.""t *i'ich ws berns sishted None of the reported phenonena have ever beeo of6cially expiuned- Lght. bur lyons says rhat !Fo DORSET EI'ENING ECIIO {t sEP 96 PNgc 4 mysteries Investigating Dorset's UFO f.m:: ::::: H#ffiRT"ffi f-,,*T,:rif# ru,""x1 lr":,n"';:*tr"ffi *!-qry"i :::*.::' sublded .ExFns crash on DoF4 lhe Fhenomenon sener.uv krNn Jorrrihe rnromaniL*",ff'li *r**. gF"f "" "g:"1;^;:*;.'1"'e$T'5:S:'**l#tt.:t".:nni"i,-*tm#F:dffi 3tr""'ii"H *:*-'ff* $#ffil,ffiffi y ffi';p$;iff# ffiffi=gffiffifr .-*g+,Sxl:-* ffi*:i$*ffff Hilg'i**'ifl;* ffi:#ffiiid 16 Pi riD Malde. Dtetor ol Ir€tisadoB. SUFORA r Wodr_ hdl DrI1e. Batby Wet YorllhiF. T#tt** {ir tbe! 6Ii4 *tr"ffi,s"i*ia"x B F IIWLEAS. Et'n()lA. TONBRIDGE COURER 20 sEP 95 Experts closh on Prg.8 Dorset sighting Is UFO AN unidendfed llying objeq seen bY dozens of West l)orset residents could have bee! the top secret Stealth llgnter plalte. national researchers clal!'r€d totlay. Invesffators all over rhe counki are rrl'lns balloon? ro find an explanaEon for last wPek's slgnEng near Dorchester. Nos erperts !t the Blitlsb UFO Research Associrtion (BUFORA) 6d4' belteve tlials ior the invisible Ahericen iishtd THE MYSTERIOUS hoverne By Anna Barden pldE codd be at tbe @t object seen by a lunbricte WsthigeHrheIaItseze e dwl t iToimnem aeRatshnue. srr,tte hhocaefe i lMn Ctnldoyo o uhl.er aisResso r b atbbde lnnisa pxb.ihn ead'HRlni oloiokdrEnesfloate 4 ll dhreihi kaeerRe. l @Uo 3UsF etrP Oetw s awooesndluev4ed.e€n e doPrkhles b erMWYct eB anocbyusoo@ysdct h tdecB bqrE ydolc'eeouenklant cLttbahleEwoRi @rtal -ce einot rs$ iwaor5o dr fM syatrii t dniTlo{ iineei. nlY eut'ao oe fttot s.r AsfCil hat E"hiR"!la oo,eot utuiignto@f ceotialosrtr rhe viltaee, revealed ijrat on se!6ar rs acuuUv one of hi5 dorheis sold' eraBpie the Srealth occasions she saw the very see cn helib ballds whrh acideBllliv gHoeMlledBn c PiTlcaeduadl$aeenrr ,ib n?u l3ba,bs stle aw idde esksh'scer ilpbdaetpd 6eb-sy .dssEd-FhD r;4€dfdh lr f FbceEsto rrthere 8trnh e9a 0-mtsho rbdRt rbt@hurbbdbyl e,P 3w-ftsY ODooEordccehhd€s ote* !l tohff facicEateillsYs a Ewlt!aeor le_a I}A\/TD EINCS,ION. "ihe large, p€rfedy circul*, hor€!- Disappeared ted seils a UlO hq€rilg adiiited publiclY bY lh€ itcwiarnileUcisnyI'' t dI ftotroo@ hsbehrwtr jaeedaa Ec eae1 ite.0ia wo0dp{4s ioc puytdE cebr*n aaoid onaEsauistus id io tefd tnlfNas ieenres o . dh eetdoh airsnde c obehs h ys o Eoe tfllev iiraimea seeyhbdehrb te ,g steh&irpn u ooo liti.tto kh$ oEeeit.3r .tdD.bh. enmHmodAdeeu id fh siu odwtidrtl dir herld c ter Etbesvhr€la oh oepsi urtpnecE l€ad forhrP eoMtL<beh mlke lse rs eh hrotwwd huu"d tesI w yo t@ Eh sf labptothtroov eid rltP Etladet1d(dd@_ e .yI rsta$e'scr e doaI' 5tDrhoh0rro tnrdfedr;edc rS blt te uL€shPtslrodwbesumo d LsE shddsh aclltal elhiFe slto ool*d.DredB tlY r@ i D aqc!'uC ToeotEhlteoneee [email protected] sa rwiaoililnc ihiie reaohelrv !s sw ine 4asviwhl!uer€!itet4 r hYsrso t€mdherDeil vt e €!iltvt€r8_hitd!6t ttiehhbeep letti€d me ev €rroyI tfaolkuiegn dha tpD,hv o stchoasaE rsaeap.iahd . bi"lu lth abdtt oIr?rld lH e{tthtr.auv.y d wdPeealns!a. eaBo i aFfa t a)Pl@@mo hwnnPdr ePcrh€$ErbiilsGl ritLd d 4wen nmdt co"Etnil@e is! itarUa t hree tPimoelt sn oalEe BAUNEFoOeeRr iAch',eas !cE b bicGoME ttlbleEe{t g.t rhiges [email protected], trudwo t bwfe iteorrdcsnh t@r ih shsjd Eeivg w!eht-pa i tnrsaeao- w ddlrda ccuasiYucit.f .et enirnJir,goe ehhs nntww.t e,aT aeesttaah€dtiehd .e Mrbt.h areals. hnwfeiol EeHst strwhcc oea nnarno vdsbrr lnhaokcew]neIr@ond es s nsruto . s bcwdHloehe cua tBl dwtDa aalh nrd ac@UErbeF 6tst o ikbe yrel lroee*ona kx 3as- osut,t4! btlote lh! . s@ltbsuilclddbi e ews€U soi t itDmboet @t!8H''or\e u r sO 3hwYa tirahd3et: 5"EsT0e thfdoeen t. eSluldrYed I.l!l hlSbiet Teather, who has Iittle itrteRst in lbe htddetoM to Dorch4ter duEt carrraaewaY bur Another IJFO sighting rhN ws no ddt8t. "Everyone sd ttE cEfr recorded in Fleetrvood Gmu ldsr lednet6 -d tetlhy . us}l€s!l lba ANoTIIER Fpon of a cr I'd s..n sonc$i.g I oih.r l@l nan, Ma* MEnch*t ls JodGIl UFO lr.s b€cn Gcordcd wasn't suppos.d lo e.. S{.I.s of Rydal Av.- Bdls hod. o Bnl.in's "lt was $ cl.ar rhai I iuc, rcpoa.d a bd8hl, largcsr l.lcspc a.d a Al@lFan giving his kdo* th l didn'{ ina- ho!.riog obFct lo lhc lo- @nllt @llating i.forna- naoc a David J.sp gin. it, and il @uldn'l lid on nov.n.nl in th. l Ei Fr said tc swa silvcrdisk- hav. bc.n a plrtr. or h.l- On $ar @ion dc sky, had Fponcd a auo- shap.d obj.d in rh. sky sighlirg was .l 5j0ao b.r of uid.ndfi.d sign! Thc objeci hc $id, aod oerGd ir lh. di- MiJ.ssp eid hc saw appcar.d v.ry high up in B rlrholgh nonc rhc objccl tt 6.45arn on rhc sky, lhen i.ll sh.lPly Thc darc of thar siShr- *GF n.ar Fl.ct{ood or Tu.sday Septnb.( as u.ti! n was hov.dng ing clrncided *irh con- Barcw, .lcnny was sill hc was *alking alone fi6.ri rmtu of fiEball inlcrsrcd in rhc loal E $. prom.nrde betw..n It th.tr shot off ar an d.tco6 .pPelnng ov.r Rosll School and lhc Sh. eid: "It car\ bc 15 Mr Je$op, who said Blr the latesr incide.r Aft$ his sranling cx- hc liv.d clos. ro s iar app€a6 ro be .n "Many Fopl. who do crFri.ie p€rcncc Mr J.sop was Amoundcdcss way. ex- a UFOrype k... r. kn.w il an!6.. plain.d how he t€lt Ie- Int matiooally phcnomcrlo ac disoc z hd wnn.s.d ! si;ilar Iudanr ro rell anyone oowncd UFo exp.n Jcn- ie .t d by il and want sighri.g, about whar he had s.n ny P6dl..s, who livcs l!.gBn@ thar oth.c a N.Hwsc: r"ohl ds hrhmck wocc. kulpy, ior alnost the ehol. dqoil$!. irso dw h.cth Mcr ol.bsjp.c! "Il could bc that no His sighting con.s eid shc had bc&rl of no onc .h. h6 @nc foF "l didn'r know wheth- just four wc.ks attcr an- Pensioner shoots UFO in dawn'spectacular' .'lMldbrorFdbj6euFdeuofud+od 'E'i6ffihifuior;[lqhudlslrl ;; i;ib' d.- ;" h. -*"; r qd '.n! qhb+ d !me. ph.da dc4fu sG]rtrdoffl&do' .a]Io;bEda t Ei cq EgEsiE DIJNDEE COIJRIER & ADVERTISER ii 2l sEP 96 WESTI,ANCASHIRE :ga?iEig€ EI'ENING GAZETTE or a- Athi nDksU hNeD hEaEd am calons ew ehno- 'UFO'may DuAnd ese pAoirkpeorst wlaoremr s.naid a ar ts *:E#iEfi:ii count€. with an unidenti- Dlane ladded at the aimon -a- fnieiAdh ftl yminagy ohbavjeec to oEnr aFknedra vi be right on in a.l6 pm on Friday. 1 fl! etlE iE.E $l,EE= sDcuhneddueleed A fliirgohtn l anfdoi^rs aanr schedule sAelSrd9hieoc .set a liadfnr. od"eTbdh eiE nSd aiDnEubbtur dr3ge4eh0 T-oI ir:EEE: :i Ai 3:: ar :9 !a?6EEE.6gE€ AlbRaincyh ;.Tde fBrocwe.le sh a(sl eb)e eonf said Richard. an archit€c- assakt yyas.b Tohhueir s st ah*wes taim ali egs .irhth eeidr um tleahtedr r#-a- T" o.ef aUdFinOg soigf hrhrien srse sruerDgoefnteced ture student a. Edinburgh jflsisth t awlhteicrh 8le fpt mEd iqnbruhr-sah Et iisi: l silaaAnnaeli frBmg"tTtrNeiIphavutosyioi act sstw na leitt ds nh doeoeideer nf x ra h aIoantF rtbidwmhmdi.nio dealFusyi asni Eft y Se gcws.d 8aoo iin.inoaYirtnibh5ebnfc.u ig drh3rrth hshe4shieeh0sst JidnrwahnhEnoge€eec''Kg''whh rIrI suI e t wtd ladto6anhhn6i lrbeiinad es lxiv lei s ifnireglt o o i i€rhntwInuodoe ota erks wtis shadrse teeec ondsdjd rea ip l birrmkkast rehb ieeptdnywaaen€. s n.tsiaa shb diw unrrEu ithbnsetas!criiei.ogsks--j jalllbibooinagerbuoci'Oneg'hoTkmldohuttuehhs t edtd w ee ayel w1i( ht ns2 ophrahrd r ielhtmethra o naot;wnoe h vov1e ise6irtne5s r o w rgsq c ds hDhDuoaiplnt6matuuooieunnluwitedrr g deAeb e wdislhhnonae..ea s, f ve'vh orienkoar.f T-oE;--Cstt =ezEEge ;!REt€;:; *€6{:5e 8E!i!';.;*3- :E9il:E ;* E i inXiiPitgi:;!e*.9EE*9! 3l?e:t E€.. E:! EEtiist Ec;jc!g:Egfii maF yc.e eliav lilunyg pr.e ovaoeimlryt tbcwarhiUsehny r If hrsoEarhwnt ulrihknee@ awe la oa!l nddiet d ibmde on@voetr dslo oudkpr ttDlroiun..d goefle € a abotrvridseh rrt h Geeql edutredosarchtneeDisr-l u#Lit F!::;- S;i!: o ?' o'1 above the tre8 oNide. ed Cardenden in Fife f,i iE''Bi! EEE? xjE E SOUTIIERN DAILY ECHO 12 sEP 96 YORKSIIIRE EVENING PRESS (YORK) 0? ocT 96 mli6t@i!LiDl$hiF EinXgFE vPiJ aSl eaor ef oeosatarogine- By James ChaFEan ttahieHl ecb aess!a ti bdUe: Fs"OSe onlmo.o eItt a ecsxoelu rarldao krbedeni naamrYo ngdse_r ;ndddth. NdlbILod "fh. rIFo butr uho took the friE. which apPears to show who does not want lo be nded fao ucr rIoIFpO sc icracrvlein gi no uat theE iSt oiust hs esn ucrlnoep. ctuhcel ems )cstseirdy [o'f telolEl.dd 'lM itr{ A! ttro!d ntdbwises& {etiehr'la'i'll bhve haa tdn bluielgtr dn6m.dithrdh.dlda wheat fielal. nallv be u$avelled -.. aIlF $o But alreadv tber€ e doubts over nisbtl,i€ut !.dK.ith Haropshire_based circle t*;.0**" rro.o Andov€r' theM frr lAdr xsu aeuwthse Dsalicrdity: .A number ol s.t'[email protected]!io4s'TFh.boE. nEiedt enthusiast Colin Andrews sEkiDi aom co!.lectiolt. sard rne leadlns lilm ealYsts wrll shortly ;'$d rh.. rd.rudtsd hwtaaihstrh oi l otbhwYe n aI ioU.luElUt tF owh aAictcEbhe ewlric aaast dwshlh6ntpe e s.shl Daphwaeeletdes mrcor eurna. lislneEgs slar rlsh aenrl orr.!rr'@lcc' tfafai.blttds€ l€ d aI-t o:a l odIoteoksl doa$il {et!n Yeif sEtbbaokiusel d hu ePaas so ibllv e tnebene 'ir'[email protected]!L:r!.d!ddl.t.d.dt5.t.l0pr@ ..dD ilot l! Olivets Castte. in Wiltshire. STIRLING OBSERVER rr sEP96 LANCASHIRE EVENING POST (PRESTOI9 Jravolta the 24 SEP 96 bright light UF0 watchers probe 'lights n sky'mystery FILM REVIEW: BY NICOLA CALLAGHAN ONE word ol advice il vou're going to see By I{ATTHEW EDGAR PhFedn oumnleikn. omno n- lfailskse rah .rb. othrc oslo rtyls ssu geivs' nw Nilahv y ion u$.c MLaYnScTaEsRhYi. eli C-t rtjsu shta vaes bUeFnO reepnotnheuds iaosvetsr l6rlct,Phenom.non*itlhkcyouconpl.relvbvsulpn$t hns Calhered for a @nfeence. iadi obhlnt DT.nrgvndalEnt .npdlrinvSs poDrlr smrtl b*n .'htntr ocorqc ErCoarUt esrtsE cno3net ascist€dh thtghse oElveer nUines wPeosslet rton vrLv lho luds a nomrl lifc r.volv,nc .EunJ h* irirnds' At ropd on Saiurday.esidents olthe r.rhrPP'ns C(orl'happilY LaEhes e$rte weE stuDled to se a ci!. plodr[io6dayrodryunnllhen'Ch(orhi!36lnbinhdrvrh'nhu cle oflishts horerins over the estate ..E'wdn'hnr'.|! .!q pq1rd ol.lt ,onc$g hbhr dDs)molr rtJo' mrmvd drd olP.r!.mrmri)n'F eGhnt-e o*b' s€co'[ nmtgrAu n]grure c gkw 'bn$Y rn:' nIiseAhatrn lonhfs owouhl !a Gtla ohtle{e r C,t hoaou unrsgaehn tw hwaisag lbhkatin lhbgee d ha i ismn dedotees l.ir. . ",*p " ror' c-'en.s r'odm ndn duDs *h r'h J\l'o'dnr *ar'id @ry Ssinhta iMEfi @ast r J thePerae rUhk inareihvr eeH ccoitoryrnc tacokcf lsC€d .eOnbtrsael nLaaon-. Bafaiknintee rhtoB nd oms aatn a bAoluatn I IpLman.g '!as out hk'ncF!$dintllrqdcc.heisahoiblcbnoveobjdswtrhdut Anita Ward. 14. oi Ryelands Crescent. H. $rd "l sawa liqht eoDs acrcse the cuvF.no r\o lrnhdm dgl '.rnh acDmdu (rron: and b.ioFd $ nogunGd 'orhrg'r'\o dwA' 5oe\u''r! LaAlcnhietas .s awida:s "vThitehr eh were rme aMbo uJtu rlsie c wirchleens sitk iTva hnteois whreaebrddo srb testhh eain rMde 5tb5re eienisno.rt oidrywasvu saanrde dlh ebnv f-rt' " cirrh.i rtir."nr.1r.r,a. r.oa *uI -nr.rd.c u pl.rn"ttr*c .nB s r. urnF'c. o nrrs tara hsn'cdn Ddr .onr ouru.mn'$o a'dtn bb voa nrhhd'c L apFiBlnI Lviikd"eul ta@ lf o!b uheoeawadre llodi3m hutissn 8hin of nrrcheIen a sonkndte aiotn f dwt haaesnn hv.edriy- mwh€nob emre;oi tl asrth en iLcahn! cfoasr haiEaq UnfFeore sn@cet etiYn dstK!;sddgcy'clindh. wochildt n vho keP $'ns'lvcs brn.msl\csar rh.rr our ot ro*n frm r,oidreLi ud.h Dhthsu" ie" Ih' Ir'J;-rro.o *tngr. cr '$ro* crrqoru' d lt\mow t ns" u Rth'ur vrrP ' lrnh uelr\arcr,orl mtCbcn.poso:n r g-n .\*$u o.nnNn fr -iq nqr'l}lls{v r ''o1d snblrr' 'o BOLTON EI'ENING NEWS DAILY MAIL (SCOTTIS}D l6 sEP 96 21SEP 96 Radio men spot UFO check out a UFO mystery Andtew is A RADIO t€am was aleted eariy yesierdqy io a mystery obj.ct hov- enns hish above the studid at ttrst ihey ihouabt it w6 a hou but nipped outaide io lealse ihem- 'Ihat is when ihey saw the multt- colo@d odhilg xghts hlgh Ii the sky over hvelDess-based MorEy Ftrih News Dresencer JonD Murchison. not al0ne! soorts rdporter Aje Guues ed trwel @ J6on Bdk.r eued skJTrds ror h.! e hou 6 the mysie.J, object siayed atEost siaiioluly, Mr Murcrrison. 33, said: ti wa a sobenc.l shaped lgbt which cbsged colou Eom blue io sreed io red ed then io white. we ihousbi tbat tt mirht be navisstion Ushts toin a ptee but ii rNvEsrrcArroNs By ItlaRK LollGBoTIoM **'tg:*t*U:":',** dl'dI nDoht omn€do vet uso rsrea .r6ucle dco tDhiarot lo uatr. Dal- crcsi alilort. ned rlvehe5s. sd tbey p*tit"''"n"9'r iold 6e rhee w4 no aircra.ft &tivihy i! L;"ili'"qtjUh?ili :iffi Hr$#r'T.ES; ibhe'eIs nad.deuea*r ea dsi a ih-vba vwt ettbi $deee .s lss.hll ibtnesd. slEt dc odudld lfi$:'ili.*l' "tv ff$'"""ff$:1,ii: gff$i'5,5v9 gs have been a UFo. There doe! trot appea ro be sDy othe! explllatloL Quelten Taylor, r1, ol Crahno! Ave- *#:T?;i"$hfl#Hi mri** ffi"""H''fi3$#d* . Dat u5. .I0lv5€mee sasle, riewdh oih es pboL.Ltteod mth4. o. b. l.et "m*"rm Sundav-evenins has been 6d oi ihe coslry. Iu be had*4ndelu rnetrenen e!cin"'ol'iis-it,oe-q-r tdb"i'vnr ;aa ltiontrari.i;o r tU;;Fi O be-u"s"h re-o- l"l"o- od"o-" nth a-,tt r-","" rF 3'tsisse tdne $ seb rdy ehb rr6se h IsBt'phse dI ;;--A#;-";?!.' ;frr;"ei*f"aoi .o;;.ini.,-eA:*djti,- ;" iGlt!tG t "ths";e-na iBe ;r,;Eh f'Nwit" - ;aH.s-!u hire,.i; d rns;'6.MieEi'mJvil$, isrq;'.if!ei rrdhgoite;;ieni;4 e:go. tihh oees;dru a ysuo rnv po'sIowe sd lw' ldil"neve e 9dd"d tiet€ reaeje$ro,is '' ed nIa itle aendrrosavyr i o nor' tn,huoe n 1bee0 er I s to!nio8* y I8 robere arsg It9S sLEIPN 9G6TON GAZETTE S;;ahti.wnaiye i upemariet nca. deAurnd.lew has specBl UFo louci sth A'dne @ csll _ iJ'ioi . tou"it Mth the .epori sheets a!a!a!le wherc hiE od Bollon 7e4444 UFOHUNIERS DOI'ER E)CRESS & EAST KENT NEWS ABE FtYIl{G IN 19 sEP 96 IJFO HUNTERS c @mrrg !o ktirno.. P^Ee 3 R.glsreEd of unrd.nrrfieJ flvii! obFc's w'll ta'kGec u*ps Gsd.ne rn a h6uie ,; Hall Moon Crcsc.nt. tst,ngto., ro kack n UFOs: The proof is out there sircs ol mysrcrious trshB. *[Pha uLl aSnoduolnh sUr!F Od 'RS-tduodrr .so,f wrnrv cbsdre;Ea ohnisr rurr rnvesngaring lil rncludrnE a vrdeo:am- UFO.rc.nr arc $udyinB vidcoloo' v'dc. .nilyKd bccrle n could !nun,!l ohjccrs s...!n rhc .ky in era to rhc hone oiTtercsa Lvon\ Itrgc *h,ch courd pnrc co6ln$vctv She sporred tig\13 rn lhc ;ky nrghr itrer lh. por.nri!l brcak ihr.ueh arc''iw bec cmlus.cv .rhvc.\ic hloslhd nrn vlr's 'rliuny rlhE. l.aEdrc irn.d Ncronn innsg?iE.n .f DPllronw.inns, n.ncwd cnarng nett.p wlJnrnrc.n noone. inctudins rhe Dotre. .oion mrsr c rsph .o.6 p tlc!i r,i'riv .cidr {'!'n sF!oOro rpyno bq.( otfzon lLrowu*or' llh9c7T ({n]ic1n 'll irglouhls c\c o wumetrircs[:hrai'iend snhs n.b'.t rhb.n dirnhs. oErovR hrhr. ocum.Sd. .AarEkrh aFs o-rht ec d oS.bsrFcp.cnhhh. crbhroi m6lisbl c.6blyv. prMomrSrsohugr.h cwac . wo'{iOis'adv S rteqc.l, sfoarr ds: ttto tnogo sts 'dm(liU'sFJyFhn.OnOr.i., Moy .un MEsA K oirsnd)d.s c bcirnrtocioonc enraoss.sr d c,rn.Ehdm i .hryldos .uia ripdr c pK.!w.,ra. hEniordr.f lnEniENaethwc lrleimaadpsassnB.rj.t ilrninegThOsroK*lnno.. *. s-ohiw -n!lihhs .shr iin.. dphgmcssr o. chnn!s. btdc .bEd1he 7 launkasa.n! dnrd, n.d3h d. iun fg ogN.nF dhoc.n'' 5b,nv0L s2!int 6hsd pcaocnauo c[p:Ucl eFB" JsO uhj snoSr t ucSbldacrercmcsp. eu'hcds m*cl o bb ahe.oeran.nl c cS {toshan*rirnndaa c ntN e!i,dsi-, rbov. hiFwirshu horur( 6.l0am had ro chrns. rs coD* bccrq of AmDrd Tony Ederni 41. pr Sr m'dcrnrEd n dosn I hean th.E aK,t;ns Ladi.g r.r.nig(o. Chds Rolf. rMha. no<ncoonm o'nfsf i.oiahkl.c !h. arvid. oslrcyd R oAuF! rMhca roy rhs cCr lGsi.l.h iNnoEn:i n,r.rtol nw. .ds.s Ic ri vh.r.dy ndsd lhk could b. rh. pml th.y firhr.ricrpo'nPro 86r!. :-.runnlurt Id snv.ort a {lv.ry'ishr. H.erd: w. irc gomgro g.r rh. ]\ F..ad\cur 'o l sl "r{h e* D..ro., .. nfroprra orif T(\h cr dnnnlcyJ !.hro. I lould oicl od Eas 26 A""."d","ob"""", F :c; i3!iE ii;i;Ei z lrt hdoiftr'iliih6kaiobi z € 5d!.irDircin,h! Dd' !ct) Effi- kl Za 0 <1 (g o G N.v.'i'Er @NmG I cr 6t by AIRE VALLEY TARGET l2 SEP 96 sbtsdrllqQiq.dhhryl ufo truten nav te *aaug ror v*tlt***"lr&El ffi;r ;iiis"-.'rsqg15: i.&i-idn qliYef ltETl gS: pifi!i,F-it-;t*t1,$Y - o" !i!S""iiaGii'-"t"'u; ;tu*rt. iisix"vsodto.d atlo't *01 w;;F#iBio*lt"t*ir;':"$ lot;li'c''.' f!'.Sfgf-im ilffixffi*119 rh. Codt prov.! to h'try ii"riii rH,ii iin'r"* '" n"va I-ights ibre'-.in.d veE nfil.r3l pblea,nn...! Eharv h. Margaret's f-.f_i',*r s"" -e rvqt otwriglvi rtalYcr clcita a6n€ l alEo{ since fln. bcgs, tii:ri":qid--il^yg.*i"l',Sx ill{ ;i;id"'$r1}311'.}tg, fiii6 -*it"i"a r-i'i!""n " brush ffi{{sup,:f'F$i+, tfo r*iit"t 591.13.Yf1i9 "3'; F--g!'l.*,,'tlffi iione. stetta "tr'; with the lffd"'rjfr:q':lHlr ndlDhr ied' tr sd: n{dr unexplained LINCUL;\SHTRE ECHO 05 ocT 96 'Sllv€ly balls' 'Ut0'remried RAF inle{rCarur:rc rodly tmtrns jn6 repon\ or r UFO r.n over rhc 6umv torsr. Tnc bnehl *hire obiecr wai \pod.d '. soson aid skc!rcsi { h,n lhismn,ng, $llbddh''htutEDhbbdl!'" Alien sightings :ORNISH TIMES I SOP 95 are such a gas --- Another UFO seen in Liskeard nlE Epon rij !.ck,s o'! .nrhn. .EInr6 h 'anof pl roUmFOpr csd6 sr.ard hdy ro conracr rha. ---E'L'EcoLVrN tl.r ro sat rha 3hc r@ hs :::lI,l:l,'--JL';:1,,,1 Rn a rmsc obj.cr L rh. tli|?HJ',L"J::,T"1?i,,"i,f"':*l r")avo'aa"kto"tseei ndnd ee bamv r iyalrhlsioeeten ,urs*i io lwtuirhhose on.l 'i.elh^heltlii sL. arr-u"uh*mere r"dbn.ana"rsi.aJn JrrmL ih hhar;"t oo;ii;re;roe;i;nc,;i a rhicr,pnf;rie;s.;- o;s"; 'n;I;ir ,ci:hi :rr,!,e:-idv1 i.ro,r:a!LrE :(e,n:(ela: :nw,c,o:otr.ih'nr:r.ro:r:nr u,r.c,";rn:o:rr-ee:-\Joall, \o{toufurhspdmr. u!h'dnpd r yh{.csr h* *.f.. ir *o,tyqr .rd4i o;o b,o6nob tunj.dEorr fh. lky *s r bri ,lnr ;l;s1,i.q":;tii"q",=f:jlf"" fBl",';.,;r*:;,6+:;# -ijii+l:FlsS#liiiii,#.;{.'i,;}:;";#;;-ii,i;+;i;:;':: "*Te."":t_{*lrr :i"+j,:l_f"* ,o'ulr' o,1"ir* rrot,r rl,'mtknF 8nsf r c EPlua.agi h lhrr d@nn cyt,. d .wl iyrus..o. 5!;o mT,hnf.,i-;., "l"St-::"i:xs1 u" "-,,,. ;1"";li":,.." i""",;"1X"1111* ^l5i'iJ#1.1?lT;l'"l"ri -",," l6Rondqd usan na d. ddm @ulyn dfd fjtu.b *(o u;tvr !1.;{-l ii:-';i##i"-slifu arsr*:i$#fi {*f*;l*-"rru',-*,*$i:iil:"r 'h.. -c n-rrr,*!dr; "r r;i ";l;';-"T h"gwteq m uslaporoalse !o roc"r pee bren ogerrTrinJcL a'.nTot;h[e:;r :n,Joc#iu"r,n:iaill ,vt,fsrrt afdfti fmlhtr.mnD cti..t.dr' rty. . n ocdbro inrelErd&n ymrh dbdr jtdO bi JuhcF.c.scri DTJDLEY E)(PRESS & STAR bI6ilr rr..d 'n inK o inCrshodconr rwior.. u b.!u ro ,Tr. v1rhR.;. 15 AUG 96 &qnrm dso.TMh . fioll bdiqc d*rr o t. -ih;: Pag. 23 ir drc viciniry of Mrdd.v.r Alien abductions aCE.&.n r, {u*3 r(.! 4s . &tdu uifl dd hi:. rall SCOTTISH DAILY STAI' in the mind' l4 sEP 96 A hower *ft"i"","*\""#"?ii: Sa4 dreams bower bla-", ",,ll""i""Bi*,#l:'":Hj^:i#; to i'$!'l?"'",:l#"}ff :nf',t:[ift^i,r*J.,:tii- for kids y",u,#l"l ays exp ert pn$fu"*lt';"fttfu s ; rmeDro.uwr.e ihlrhcrr.rr_o aenrnpa-."re'je",xnr,ra@tr"aa "[email protected]',ur r"neetois;ir!;dh;,.aii[m$ri . ^Sn'uj^.s...E; ba!,tim,i."l,fn fo*i,;t;ril l:bic:, bTrld# b:,vS .D:ir "",d11'jJli.,l,jflll",fi",;",,$l."liy,1li1.i"T,"":]:f:ri.,:-j"; swohin.!i rDo .Mb. yib dauricg&g!d, lblY. qj**rg*ffi ;1,*-,"':l{m-1,tffi sqf*it:F.:'tfi iq* r,l Neop vrrhceefmlenab! reLlrfh ehq (o hlurowrsleoo r[ seTpschunudordstehdvna-lvvhF.i. ailrceiih:ieirlel'scocheo.fruincnsy o(iDaerdciraor)ud WESTLANCASHTRE lhe{ lit uD r bl.cL. flrt_ L\rKorveo maad ns{ d rU:nr drtirotns'vhc tewodb.s le rcalh tspo.r sotroauwsb ronrf r tiih,n.er". haIv ew ahsa ds uhree wlhsec obvcerhdseem rqhoeu brdexr 24 SEP 96 day blr ifso ldtdn tse n . t r-orourotbed. wehrtolhowm . EVENINC GAZETTE Euraon rpev r cnrooA :uo Tlbdhsaeel.!hl eos bsbytreemdrc &arranndne dsihos phdv.dd I Debnean.amney Do chdhedn ttshfatormtb crFhhe.@b osnn@oBror n ulroopnno rm kviryhnh Bcrp e!e d ntwm oaa\ynns dah hun*osarrbc adtwneeada-t Ichh:hmr nirnhEc. .I tlrnnmracemt ebpo hutnh be Il n ric$Ch eitaosav sdheu arobvnfe htt {ehhrt,nfs oti ssronhurr aeo lis't otsebighnt.ar..r !Ahioin{o!unq . !iorlri .6i . btou rs rth9pi!. 5eerngsrmrgeoblecDlhe*v rre rhev !FOs frcmel*where;. NAME AND ADDFESS SUPPLIED MERTHYR EXPRESS BRrcHroN E!-ENArc ARGL. light thrown 06 sEP 96 ":i:: on UIO riddle rerowd watches WAS it a uFO. oril'ttdi.@ UFO over Troedyrhiw lisht ? gishton polict op.n.d rtair lUlystery of own X-fil. .rrlv rodrv .ttor r.divins two c.ll. f.om mcmb.rs ofth6 public rsponing unusurl light in th. *V. ono c!m. from publicln G.ry Lawk,39, who.tid h. .rriv.d 3t hi. hom. in aatc! Rod, [#h!q!!skv Hollinqd..n, at 1,20am.nd rpott..l th. lishis tow.id. H. iaid: "It.s wtr.lwo circl.t of liqt !h!p!t, on. imid.th. oth.r, lnd it loo*.d lit.th. fidm w.. comins down ihrolgh rne clou&, ndt going up liom th. * *::'*1""."$. ;., .",j?"i " 151tl"u* [ili"?"1,"""i1i:;'J;]i.=ll l; 'l thouqht I w!. soins off mY h.!d, but my f.mily !!w it too." ,*dl1l1,*i**,t* .*, rff**", - nEf{il+:i*ffi Pbuorli ctah orv. cc.oivu.ldd nt o!!. cpornwdi dro.P.norl arrw.r io th. nYtt.rY, i'r!r:o!ri L&: :n:o:u:r* e"d "a *ha*rr.c r ,",c"r . .hlolu:IrLr blleo1lo ok;ree:d 'su li:8k,e1r .s: wnn:h'ntps L"1il.:,{a: r.gf e"rflMHrryt ,bignlt;ei,h, k "r"r a-*i ' ni,r i', ;i"i ," ";'":;-"i .-,"", 'i ,,j rCshhlu.ob oA ti!ir Kol!!i3n. lscr. owbrr.l!lycm,t ..dH i ontvtto.., lwhltlh.a icnshldY. ,#:id:;,'"Jfltil.iJ,iT _ A.por.!m!n conlitm!d th.ir , ., p,,|jlt"ff;,"_;i:$-j;tl; llqhtr w.r. on rl lbout tlr. tim. ::$!.J_" ",, " ol th. .ishilng.. 3ft6r:;,ii.".,""" l;l.l,r,:rm""*rl;r:: l*'^. H! taid: 'lt w.! ptoblbly 0t. Thc lloht3 c b. !. frcm ! lons I#ig",1;"i.f" f"1i1 .,"..1;.r" wilv off, o3poci.llywh.n th.Y hit :l *.{iiiiti":r Glord!." l*:"".u*l,* "*'.T-l*"f;."j1*,1t. DUNDiAE COURIER & ADVERTTSER BOLTON EVENhIG NEWS ll sEP 96 rd!tuokdr(.Fitui Eruerts sis UFO UionuFgs O rbe rpeigoxrhpttes rootsbf jaea crmet y inpsrt oethbrie-- whwaobsr izEgoeenltt inllyeb, acldleo asb€rt rmsT bhfeeohdri n idt. b saoh uogtt l o43E0 hAtlaoltrrmwitoosdit l,gll siloGli Diseewo.d Atwbe hP oli oeahrlskto na lati vate6bo ouirtf skv over trorth Boltotr, s. etmhned so-"b-iselcltti ewnads aiso see! bY erid sioilar sitrtngs .ee sGo Sieciaiisrs in the paranomal AndErts 6 thq edked Eported !o a UFO reseslcher in w€r€ ca.led in afrer Harwood be{ the Safewrv sup6lorE. He Bndnord West Yorlshic about Eve bmth.aeiDl isa kAnyn to( lnwle S$h,ui treLd aalnyie dhewvti eemnsi€.on gv.isnasw itar sad 'she !ET oroe iwfa sbsoctt td b'y it, RFsoEuFndhe rG obfu Dth eP hSn ocrawhiechra iUl dFrod nqF cllBd 'Er rnL iEln bsAkuytr dtdhrdsN a s9i daI: w"aI Btd wawa a lkqpjnurtAi t-e ha cliolron utshd eyI' bn''e.Tvnh.ed ra €'sb coo n.rvoae cln htAro4nMde l t ipdt boc!noe'ttr, l Udi td btjtaul wsit! m,ol thA js;le3de rstsrier .b ebodDb jgei sir t noboUuFot whirev ash t6isg qsaipetohske eoair noticed r ealy bnght shite liEht. It could have bee! a shootilg stA .ecent uDe:plaitred phenomena doPt be.4e bieser G thoush il b@us€ it moved of i! a p€rf€ct sFtted high aboc Bollon.

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