BUFORA NEWSFILE lssue 46 October 199ti SOUTHPORT MIDWEEK VISITOR 06 sEP 96 sightlng UFO leaue$ witnesses stunned by Graelre Goundry We must have watched lt for about 30 Obiec8happd A UFO skhtins over Birkdale has leli slomtteed mbyys steervieonu sp ewobpliete a os biite cpta sws€ds RcuoTavrdian. ccwyeh doM aathllasaoh ta\ {tlihl6 ee(2s sro)€db ojefct itCe il saUl etermox,to rarLts. ielIM over the orea two we€ks ago, The smuD of witnesss wd eDjoyins She said: "I thousht at flrst lt mrsht s€ries of 3tlange incident! the a c€t tqetlr€r in the Guildlord Roa.l have been a satellite but one of my Southport Visite! has reporGd ir the saden of 2&yeir{ld Carla ftost, when fiends is into UF0q ard le€trt me a last sir Bonths. theC UadFaO tronaldd et hites avpips€aiitarnrc €."It wasnt bpiocotukr Easb oinu tt bthe ebno.o k'I hthear€ t wwe€rt€ e vtewrYo CuDt rLiva€rsl r Eii!p oMneeodls sC€eoinpg R oaa dt raiannde Nulea$r oflyfl ntsw voe rhyo huissehs, .o Irt y caabmouet thheo hllel igthhet simBoiltahr Ttora wchy aat nwd eC saarwia tahdamt nittiegdh tt"hat UIJOe nbonvye riRnga nadbolev€ s, at htleeld eind iMtoarf ttoLf dlrEction of Waterloo Road and headed lhei! experience hrs been met with "NonhErn UFo" magarinq said that otr h tlrc dir€ction of Ormski*. scepticism: "Mo6t p€ople just tau€I she beiieved the cran wEs a s€c!€t ''My toysrcld daushter saw it ftlm when you reU them about ig" said Sb€lth airEaft teina der€lop€d by her bed!6n window. lt was very British Aerospace at Warton, ne3r brisht and was shap€d like a jellyfish. Tbe Rirkilrle UFO is the latEst in a HALIFAX EVENING COL-RIER r0 sEP 96 l Pa,!e Just what flew over Calderdale? AnlinlBiiorngaoocN8chMMrfohi tlios &chrr sso urdo.hcrrP n uconrrabriarwusdc uedwsa c cll errn ndF dsbvao*rpcclcoi ehdnaf dbrireccscd .rs .kdtin g.Chayp nbht. dlfauso.ratld ny! ( c llcbo iitstg.na€ r. dop hbwgaamGurol eoes!dsdo ,n e to brwsvt9encdjie.p.soe ckeida.r-t- cc*oolafol MMosurhud Brrcrn ywoJnwa orhun Nrhirdycing Ih Cifn arslwy Kwnlfienlier trEf cwwiu. e6psoaa u lfoluc nnnocHedqcna ..tvw urbsinsehcpc casEdu ns oiedtf flcbfaoo@oer'Mu' emIn2 tlr 0ls isd.n Ksr yiugos.Mtd.a nr6ynpildrhip n.crto.gcahn N mn idstdBelcd l uadmbn fnw.st.ulog i ieHsnctoht .v apif.hno dhl m.cif rvf nabuiH.olr c .cenmh sbEc. .hb ncGdatlaneos. ra€uctblhu$smoag o'HDk'tllAu hdl dhrgcp. w e s hmhlthd. dase ecracibhar nlgkko eeu iocsnad. tBtsr hac T noct .hiliryrthIwn lnu E odhbcaohn sE oyui.ftpup a rgl hctp aitchha.Dst c oc pis. sl odn u Ecs eocotiaid f dtrmn oEta dh ntbs c.s-ialbn'$radoerbhu agas'lias.sl-.tll Iodrelt Scicnc. Ceorr , co'r'lIdt hlorovk. chde 1.., 0h0n0cfth lomnogr cb. uYro uit Cinbce sohifr cn. cstcaoidB a bnamd bbccdr odfa 3di8. bit!' us@Uy se. shmiing s@s at this $; cald*dalc districr on sudly tim. ol thc ycd but lhis wd a tSom. of rh. d*qiprions M'o'Itu lhToarb osrn uigdh t oavccr.o b$w afrrodns or 's'Ior hw.64iD dg mif o$Ec pEa dwodn naa lc.ot tbhlucy.. aThc. y& @t r csnpruiult yu ps aaptp hdiEy sr@hosiur-n8cd ecod i vluoesoruy r ldlpvl l4ab.$. isbTelhcnc. ifrTi lblBicSs hcIt Thc strugc objcs wa sap or somethins and a lons tail tie bur I haa. hc.rd thcy e sn h. c. sh.r thcv N 50 to phiF blu. dd bnuie. qhite in which w€.r'tbr a dilc o! two @olably populd in Octob€r. lm nibs abov. tbc Edlh. 'Spinning qfr EBEEi T rP-?5 FE vA-\ H ^ez UFO'has c) \J ;E[iiIq;ai3HE; fircmen v t-\ 13.?1FF 9-g3E 3 g-'ls 69 -Fl. Fo lorl - mysttfied Bi: o , +; n iq="s Ar ;HFci5 *e SFEi'g rr{ a uddebt srghring of a uFo - Tfl hovenne above Bradford has Ft eit;rE;F?e;3;a )oJ BaFoiuuor lDde CmebnerFr aoi f sat aciEio\n{ fsrpoom! i ii: a ted l.be mystenoB ob,ect in rhe ';? v qkv rfrer behs caled out to =;i,e *E a a de;i with a car tue ir Wa9lrns lr;sA r ,-\ Road on satuday rushl ;FFiqEH :.{egEl*$E 6' h;Avned sa ewnrl srdweno EUaFnO cSia iinm st hteo l+! t! villaee i! the lasl rdoDlh. itr' U rorodr- tshtea hwoariD aDuDb co$6ecltein! sH' 4BvreaYd' -l.iii-Fr E: :e!?_i 6E- r- 3 sr.Brn said: "lt sas a tububr Fq obiet h the sky sonttlne oaer i:.+A ii F'P* B q ttri' rgi owtto..n hnsorbalela nloar -d loe ssda: al'$ Fe vr-\ €-.'o sa eschoond{es rb oeffosrpEd td'sis.apFlfinc itr e*eEi*s*sEE?a;*air M"uTohne Eo l\ rewash anto lot bPvai(E! eedxP tas_o c) w€ e conwced tt lrsi have lrt o r{ cI The mYsofied flre EehieE ud thev would like to hear Ft, |qtmw tahnev oonbei eeclts eo sr hwoh eo lheetrr aEucq;,ffiEH#*ti .r9 lJ N' uMddew dt uelrepl,a nr3€briJo€dn. lorry itriver Thons D!f,. 11 was dEhned bv a bruhtly{oloLrI' ed craft sildi!8 s erdY b tne skv above Wilsden. ^iidleti ther I2e(|3 Bradorn As' dm nor Wst Yorkdlre Pol'ce ;,n ri.d dv €tlbtradon lor the ErshtinF, wtdower M! Daa Erst spotted tnbiqe hot vtinhge obwjE€ekts @augod 6 r unde' st;d outsde brs houte in RoYd a oFo l..l hr6. lE ln ;d.hl wld th. x Fll.' e ;!;. o. 6Bcl .r I olspn' € (DC - El ^az -E. c 6rt 0q g i?li o ?inuiiffi iiie xieiffii ffin FI a) Ftii;i;3g?F;F ilei; r5E; l. [:gE':E:5 +?; o-a - ts t-? FF - trD- lrl rl -T. -i- id o o FI gffiH'truffiffigff$ffi$ffi ht tD 4 llccnnrcroN OSSERYER & TrMro 23 AUG 96 CIIELMSFORI) 12 sEP 96 Plse ll cqELMaaonE But ah. Dtu F.! .otv.{ - ii !e.. the h.€r i lichk &ob ctr,L i i Dfcllto.h Fitz crll. oE Fddr; !i8tt toh ..yrns ah6Fy€o DhLid : BEr Fc rrh s rotu,r bdr A FORMER markei hader By SHELLEY wnlGHT Tlee Drive, Oswaldtwisde, who was c.aught uP in ?rn X with hrs wrfe Sue, has FloUoeks-itsrtYgl ef oar-t ieont hseigrl tPi.neogp iles asnhdo tt hteonw aarId osf Ba usufndideeyn aonned abtetefomreD. tebdu tt ob ewliervitees ah eb ohoaks witteh llurexplabed stories the otier headed off towards sturbled on the Perfect sub_ to Br.an Tomlinson, who Manchester. " 'ie cHt et hsras. idti:m "Iet .s one in whicb qed to nm the home brew Perfect a lot of people are intercsted sbsttearalcl naosnEe Ae Dc tc*hlnroeintn €rgoetmosnet neMada arklteeintr' a,nb Noihoueltl la aBrDervii. a slsrBa wdvlaiannrgt s n lc tbdide ehlienevatser ,rnhd''.I '.dh.a vraeerne ol lD:oyrt nhLioe]rDre s l,tiole b feoliremves s''fploytltrrgq-n dsga :u cers uIIexPlarned lEaars th lo-at.nscPaost tufoer isU aF OPa srtitccuh_t' oeeuttt inthge crico saerr dto otn}lee twruatyh oisf Ir nHbedeh e1ve0 0w'l eowreitEh laeeslisree ndP eswohnpiparesr ingB...There ale so many tsoj eAinbtvrtyeilosgnt iqeca aetnev iscthios nhatba nscgtto sB.ryri aonr r€Poned the sighting at the rneoD'moerttr!a othf ast irhaatvrey e[ ePvhe.r' on aA ccrington 394092. "Th€v were just two ben exDlained' I tlink BRIAN wonders...is brichi liShts in the sky over iet3 Yti.rnocu ltdo b ge evte trhye iEnt earl'l there anybod(yP oicultu teh:e rTeO?}ry Ro"s'sl'ehneday. Iew. ere stationary toceiher for a book." cRoss Q4481) g[' iii*riiHiliiiii{iiii;ii;€i:isi iiEiiEiiiiii a KILMARNOCK & DISTRICT LEADER GLOUCESTERSHIRE ECHO 16 SEP 96 30 AUG 96 Page 8 'IIFO'lights probably lasers YRSHIRE is ode of tb€ UFO 'hotspots' of tte world. it Madnn - I irvrite reF{dins the rece spate w€ek! ! r: 4'^ l of UFO sighlings. Micchoane{ii rmRoebdin stohnis, Scodand's C-hief lovcsd'tgrra'tio'lr] 3fro.r| th. Brilish skI yb egloieinvge rao ulonrd o af ntdh er osutnmdg we itlhig hv€rt-sv hl otnh-eq Morc lhan UFlhlFiysOi nv g.Aa Ors.s.bojecdiasr isoe.e, rs iaoid l hteh aSt temwoarnc otth aanl t2. 4h arcvp. obrc6c do rfc PUondieddc rstoii iefadt blLaeosmnegrs lMiwgahertess t wofrniot omoun t t hFae rs i&hBauyd lol AwDu oogfgu ds oBi ua9bs th at nhaedt A;onE the wimesses who hav€ $en a UFO io lhc sE is Colin 24repofis Chisholm, a eience and t€choology studetrt al Klmamock Collegc They werE sdil goins round zan or the H. w6 waititrg at a bE slop in lhe villagc lal. onc niSht whcn h. Sa$rday. I musr admit lhey werc u eerie saw a long.igar shap€d cafr lhe size of a oil lankcr nyirg d low sight a! ftey were .ight over the roof of received so al"trINl dw. da baolnuro $10 0a bfeoevrc amwya yh.3d. lt madc no souod but th..! ws a !i€ warchen them for a long tine- r you ' lJf ll m-r. E f€Or'qi;.f'e9.li1n! ;wfh,r#h :I fcain, ,tb#.e;in: lriol d"c"sdtifb;. rbcul which mad. mc look up. dhaidve n fotor uksnhotw th weyh awt etrhee Lyl FwOesr.e you would w.i!ii:iricdriug you l0p J Mdi4 S$YS li'-XllfSlil"li;", -",.r.i.*iyi*i,.i.i1i?:i ;*"uy MtI Aveouc. '-o Broadwsy. t lhournr rrws a UFO bur lelnor.xplain r(" h. said. |,'ve9ngg/iof srchincs in AvBhirc so r;' $is is th' dix' Gsur' sid Mroiorh€ 'Bur ;ii[?tl fi. iishaibs:b;rorm ro (_iIRONICLE convcDrioDd lyPc tiro"Il.-hc said. ESSEX ,.'J:"nl?J"l**;:f ;,i"#f; 13 sEP 96 MAIDENIIEAD ADI'ERTISER objccrs lhcy havc sishtcd..rcs.n"b:1l., ?a lp0 AaUGg 9e6 3 .l--ic.fiyioc.siu.c!, llrhcl l*,y..!o"p UTO sightings '#f:i;'l1illliiJ'j'.U"*1'*'" 'Th!rc's also bc.o cvidcncc of balls of were from Zets r'-""ffi."1r##ill.[*P"*i;:: I AM NOT AIONE :rw!E chftk wilh rh. rirrEn .uthorirics CTIELMSFTiD oot'cc had to Ea$uc moDl. ih SAYS U F0 S P 0TTER rr:;:;"".fr,!ri I'iil""trri: Iwftnl.cpne ntndaeyn rLFra rDv.adt ah .sd@ nEo ro af mov c.O f ra.rh r rilch *nctc.r c!r, T$*j tEughr rher ird s UFO\ ' A COOKHAM m.n who sys h. ew a UFO floa ne above hrs -you do Bcr bisid.ntificarions of ET.hhe lignls n66r.nty lal6 lo be sirns ofexs,! k hehm*soo.r"icmEvMAlltE;lsn .n.r € dha nltDh" ogdcairusa a l mn$uvw to$doohuad rn. 8E ko:hbhrcrnd.my ll are cmc rs.ilnml e eoeoian.neidbdd ,r$s.lnn: ( k;gwsr li ,h *soUhmo r FyrM \d. O.hoac d brt b ea..'hs,ocltiao.enFvnn4h cn\ ce;phc c- uo,dd hfi(vrnsieadngi!n;il see_losv. kne,Ri dcModd aoe.rnd ( e.Ed\ adlwd m pc*oernD rlicnen&,lr,dnbgi E l"vnlfh h rtram.65 :rr)!lch.Offs :lr^t.ruilvcct_-.l p'i aoro o<.of tlr n'rfat-_hhs ipcc i_i"rp irdro1-ccc- s{l"Ut lo1crFon_r Os oltD c lJf.liuogollbEr:lv -9lltcui:hc:rsc, t.rt tPiEidgSg r:rlsc:lr!ot: ryg-r..:!ssr,u. t:'! n-8i:sijut s1 rma "rsb'h .ar. .ceh Ur-.ooE A Lm I.rt dool pYsppto e9$blorroecf'.4r per eZnk r rrt sL'a '!lsj\h-o,nt r.pornEc*c ldt; n.na@{d rliot oNo cumrtl -ruh s brrcsZo caoe l ldbnruccc: so R ..ltrli.tauhlWihicsontcrr6sr ii.oh 6 twanlbnsr lct . oudRaFf Em s .rDxie ea;bp hEe o$ rouoJ pLirFn t cfco m rru\r $ 'ra'n; dn oI r t-hr.n"'.d ,o" nhol;y n ily,;i n,m"a of"tr .r a"pb*€o oppilr.. .o pirsrca. wso vn..i rrd @at. sbruo uhr"ha v cs dacc' id6cdw neor, ,nS ittd!!ratcs $a"r rs r' "n M. t hRivoc blaiqfi oloa r- 8r€.&!1r*d AEori rh. bth.r UFo hoEDors ill Vr ElJ.nrctd. 64. ! aucd rhc Ftre q hen h. \poned lnc ob(d ," Sc,lrUuOl odr.z Bouvb.i,tic .i! DAILY RECOR.D trh-gN. osokw y odvc.rs pci@r. krhhacm $ einp urchics.m& lyo ih oinu.Bn dosii heed m nocnirrnhsb.o lu0sd. M,yr. S.S.i_dtw,-l_!if"l:Fo-!-!'i rti!,c - t_s|.a"-i ',Lb, :4- od?-ri"tri-*U-r,' _=d,i-+L-t1a.gd -] :l sEP 96 Eld.rfi.td says hc hs ben vrndicared afier sonconc @ld hin !h.n Page 17 fJdEr had r.en dr. \ameobEcr on lnc srm. turnr rn. \lv rbov. Sudbd^. suru 'n '"Io iomc oi my nei-qhbo!6 n's . big joke. A.d lhouBh I havc UFO makes 'nll not eor r cruc.hut trhdr n nr8hr *. I lno* I sas \om.rhrns eh'chjus unnor b<.rplaincd, h. sa'd. radio waves ar TAfF ar a 1061 6dio Dststion claid tb.Y MoEy firt! erke6 s said tbey ser. mded liiii:iiieciiii:stiiliiiiq+ii[$FFFE€EF?i*l?i ; t6 s. aoBteR obiect ho"dio! for halfu!_ hour a-bove their p- = Inv.nstEs€d st!di6, 'ili**i +:r*i HiE'ii**iaiiii*alstlF*e MYSTERY'TRIANGLE' SIGHTED Police haffled MAIDENHEAD potice op€ned up its very own X-File this week when a UFO was spo$ed hover, ing ov€r Cookham. A l{3r triaslc. don d.virh lighb, ws s. m dE sli6 $orc thc villagc bv 64-v@- old David Eldcrfi.ld in fic .ely ho6 or T!6day mom- ''I tuB lnc polie dd eid: 'I m nor ma4 $upid o. jcr our oI ! l@ny bi. but thd s & objd noarine !i dE sry', n. ''I cdld Dor b.licvcmy.y6. Yd couldrl fail ro n<'ri* n bclus n wd e bnglf eid & M!z.d Mr Eld..6.l4 who . ''wh.n Fopl. say rhcy hlE sen. UFO I nav. said: Don't ii i::r bc s bloody f@lish. But o0 I !:;" Polic. ey thcc wcc also Srii 9il :; l! oth.r unconlim.d rcFB of UFO5 in rh. r.a on rh. s. ''ll ss r l4gc d'idgl. dd it TtlE TRUTq ls o tbe $wh.E . . ri+iiiirii *a hl8in8 tn lnc sky. I [email protected] a*h*c.y. I lilmomk dr hag. aqini .Id wow6 3bruilll :i;;l;ig:!FE thcc !n rh. samc plae, hc ''Ir sas rh@ for rvo ho!6 unnl abon 5.l0an wh.n n light - I lust could not b.liBdo.r iEiiii;ii:.; :!:! ha'v'I. dbo.nn\. kI nhorwv . wnhcavr rn s .o.D lda iE Ei:€; E UFO b.loE. bol if it *s onc I ;Ee! l: !;r rs : wish n bad conc do,. a{l lct d. tnN what w6 on,' Polie admnGd l-hs.oyin gh a! no iEiIiIEiiiE rE ''TlEa. h,v. h..n orh.r EiES;;s!i3E FsoPnocntsh isn8 rharbEo uwt ab uot bwvio.u esly !tli!it,a ;;:!!a { u.abl. to s,y wh.t. said PC Bur onc of rhe counrys E{ lcadinS aurhonrics on UFOS. .:l rit eli! i wnt.r lennv Rnndl.s. sid fi. :;.tIrr chanccs ol M! Elderficld hav- t- ri!€E"!-9 5 in8 s..n a UFO werc snall. ha' 'gllolr !9 9co.9n vF. mr iocneanlt .lripk clldy .i-t !rl!'-= :eq;! ''UFOS do nor hans {ound lor iso hou6 and I would sy n eD ptobably a mis-FE.poon COOKSAM t@ Dlvid Eld.rfcld eho deiN n. sw. UIO. ''Bccaus. ol thc humidny o! thc p@md. Strangc Bui c.nr ol tb.n but about 20 or 30 :ii,;E: ii3r i &d cl6 skies ih.e cd b. Truc. Falcd thar fi.E c cd.s rcnain onsolvcd ev.F gi!:i5ti dthia. 8scms .r na r hs. is.lgy, Imt siE.-xse.sd iyn 5in0O B tpdolitru da shig hyrirdgs boof rU FoOnlSy v' .'r'B. usrh I. ediod -b€licvc thcE c ?i!! ihc dcs.n.- she crplain.d. on.h!lh@sndcF!.ndal' C.ruinc UFOS, TheF e nay Mc Rantll.s. .who is rh. ly ql.ndr6rirl, sh8. dings inlnc sky and vc i:iiiEiiFiii ' mif,.dlisor ro rhc ITV sis ''w. fiod d osv.r b 95 pd @ lmking for dc dsqc6." '!tE'Ee':*:i' t35!zz IIiiNNBBRRIIDDGGEE WWEELLLLSS cCoOuURRIEIERR € E_?g I B I ;sEPe6 €63^E?E+ -gnE+ aiie: tl -1E= Lge6 ; >'. I Fl +! 6* E r i.:;r..."-:. .- i*F9i F=t;lE5.FleDi XEi g--\r II !: Did "E-;-_ 4 obi6tf'Hffii**$\ u ., vyu wJ ; a '.r[ ii{ii i*?ll ftflffi come ir ?tffi*i outer sp' Ofl rg*?r.5*; s: : ,ilsA:n"-j.. fTiJcai:*r:cT'€ #"o::fini ^','MSilo:1"n ld.a*l :",t"^*:B:" v- .,s""o ptihh"e e * bKaIock rq *oaf nhi ;e:; r'. s,;w{i:ts#T.}**;?i;Sn},Hlt;i.*3: ",i lF" ;:il"#" TiE AEA i? EeF ggi EF? li3 'FEE Ei ' .f- , ,iqi ,' -,-J. lisr,:tlg""*uho#ift "" ""o_, = .io-""o;'a",,*+t}#F**;;+F"*#l'iTiee|iliEig,po a:i?:$i,ffil?i",#JFmpffi $ffif{iffi ,EEi€sE?F+'iE Tffi ffi6;*;il ',iJl'"',"illt';,,".* i$Iffi :*,,, --,.'", t ! 5 ti Eef i l, I i*E "g w-rm:;* i1m,'r-""Ti*id,s[ ffiru,jil-r:+*p iFiu? e 'ulsitrs light" hoverins thr"g orir thefe. -' jr '" iniiishdbl1rardcqlanldto'"?" _ Ea ",*E'l ,: C I i+ F'i LEaEfl *3epgEe=;=sg; i"+i?aA lE ffr€ .H+ i; € E* ii B :;;i1;q3+:E;?et;era?icgE*aiiEa::f;iaAskgil:ii6El? ilEE \ i'*B i??EE;is;'*'r*!F'ffi+u*?ii := !3E=F 5i.EaE;3,-;6:ei*jA t li l r ;: i:iFi dcra ; i?:*?su" ??qgi3 ii *q; H E i?ge: iaiti= GaEH;E;ei E F +?:;e;Fu-i;*ggugFifu;E*E?c H ;"'3 lg:li#il:.iil=a'i?iii'En* frHiill*E ti?r ?i 3 $ ,ffiffiifiifffi ? TE gi iEilrHfiltiiti ilii ii:i.igt3B 'i.i{ffigll!ffi d X lf -r,etrtii3ffiiiil{ irl. EtiIi;cEEsqaE*iEE]p=E*EEEi3 1i{,1,:!3i*tr,i.l',?,3gEiE;:Ei$ lE 'uiE i gB, s$tffil$lffiffiffi VALTHAMSTOW GUARDIAN : ,\UG 96 ll RADIO TMES rue ll s[P96 a ,;' C 15'O Drcamland a,00pmSky1 Derp in the Nevada deseft rs .UFO MYSTERY:R e 89.000 acl e ar base kno.xn E|t ROYSIOTI as Dreamland. Its work is said maEmso to be so s€net that the US A MAN who sas a Covernment deni€s the base light h the sky I even exists. But according to wbich was 'as brisht this two'pan docurnentary, as bbrning magre- :l the govemment is not only developing top ses€l .py sai ulmor"g is l ithree laoife sI'tF iOtr, . prcl"bnueisld ainnsd tfiislohste $w hbicuht ish aavlseo spotters in the area- ct"shed in the area. An UDenDloyed desigrer €x€mpioyee. Bob Laz-ar. SiBod Riches, 25, report- - clains lhat nine capturEd ed the object to the Min- t FOs have been tested there iusDtrlyik eofl yD eefveen!c teo, bfiuIitd h eo uist .tu1 tlllt he has sen bodi6 of elactty what it was. . aliens on the site as weil. llOD sDoke3Dd NiaEl Othe! t€chnicians and SatgEalt told the Guadiar military pssonnel also that'En e all sightirF ar€ confirm thei existence. Palt checked out, iDv€stiCatioDs arE dr€pp€d oncFit is €stab, ltuhed tbat the object is uot a th€ai to laioDal s€cuitY - suchaafol€ienairs'alt But Mr Richesi nho lirEs near the Biilet mundabout nl ChiD8fold RoaG said the obiect lre saiq, at alolrld 3am last Frid.ry, was deflitety Do aircrafL "lt wa.s a .e3llv bridt. round lidt *hich cird€d amud tor tbfte or lotu sa.. RADIO TIMES - r----r.:!!q :l € sEP 96 J lfflEleii E l= l*;l !!:H, U:8i!E ldnrders 9.00omSkv1 E'fiE.gii A UIO ispicked upon rhe i!tiiii; .adar scrcens ol a Colondo IE: rlr- i! ii Er al! - iE:iE;;! Simuhaneouslv. a $!man m \ebmskJ rLndsh€Feltinh.r flghtsovn i0nites from HTJLL DAILY MAII, honeNrrh no id€ahoivshe gor there and a Catifomian wotr'an i, \oken bv bnohr lrghrs. Under hvonosrs ior, Brightlight recall being abducied bt, iinie gr€y creaNres. This four.pan inthe sky mm' senes. which is based on real life cas€ hrsrones. shotrs launches h.!.b4@b!F. now a psvchiarisr lRrhenl Crenna) hetps $e lvomen UFO group unravel their experiences. THI,IRROCK LAKESIDE GRAYS POST IE SEP 96 Printer insures himself against abduction by aliens IIG AME,FRllM , :, ::2 ..- 0ur TER SPAGE! A FEAR of dieds h!3 nde B prlntcr Lkc out a[ i,lslrF By JULIE rm! pollct 6g3i[3a beilg RUSSELL ldrlrrpp.d h ootcr sprca Paul Clarkson i! takirg no "W. w.r. lcrually dri. chues - hc t$ bsucd hin- osing which acrres had rh. *lf agins. abdudio4 imFg- nicar bl'n on lelevision wh.n nario!, or corsumprion by wc noti@d rhis ahdi.s snid- @atuc frcD @lher plarEr ine lieh in rh. dicde. Paul, 26, of we$fi.|d Road, "lr wasr't vcry big b!! lhc Dag.nliain, will r.c.ivc light was npidly zig,zasgirg. flm,o@ if ali.r! r.tun hin ro Th. tso iii..d! I wa. snh ,r. E3nh aner abdrdion. al$ onsderin8 Gi<ing our lh. s!Iuf ch.or!w s.vr.ur,o lwhc nhi n hu pf,l yoirdg Th. policy, qhich cosrr o2hf0e P'0tsba0 lr Li*sr wr ilS lh o.rsv @c*!!s i vKlls.g ir $lsi'tmsIr ,, P,shoriimsdi :rn. co"tplr !otF1lf3i0 6Go4l 5r Pi0cp! o@ flvmnocsnmrus Dha Mlne clln r.ls ausCne.drlrsdsv-,bi lcirp%.oarrn.it b.li.v. in all UFO! dd .licB agT.tircn cpoomlrpclagncyie's5 ,spok6Dlti iIl crr uglyr cb.c!l i.dvc. nrh a.lr .o ngc odailyi lirto- aJned TP.ssllaienoidrn sald I ."vW.seri srabrt8or/' @n 'k'dI . tjuulond D iBta gl l'ierodn hrhldoe. b.c.flitc.v . urhrir-r tH6hnc. vFw€rla!li.3or s!a .lissolro c@ao vvecqdrc .rdPo ofaolsrf afaninn.4t vbc.Pi!r!gacrl. l @ T3rh ttych!r. .F hm.c" ohsal !b € alowr'hy.sr vIctuM llpe3ot'Bhlic''mv B6'rug w werhc h ehayad d wr mrcor cms rra./rrr/' b.li.v.dir lif. in er.Fspae, ruPlB. ' ard 6.crm. ltulv convinc.d Mr Taaliarini srvs rhev d, vhc! hc $w a Ulb on holiday rtc fiFl oamormal insunnc. 18P .ionln r nbh.i! gh i.e bUdFuO.i emde bgya rrlni.en.sn-d g eir shE.tsEo. e@ pvo.tircdy sitri HdSc!c osintsldi .drl: i ."t hl nEwig ayhse rs siwn iainlghgo . or:wuro- crlihooehn wp iaonnrslydu rr!anond oe fr,fh eeMr oarn liTelyna oeanltreraur. cnrl'' fri arBck by poh.rSeisr! fricnds ldting !p ar rh.5d syshe isaerear X Fils tan iAsLEq& ALTRL\Cnar\t NTESSENGER truT The -ffimvfuq!pi.n@htr H ?f *5; -iI.3 Eg 3 rT fgE .,83eAE P 'l FXFt "g I { -El! o ; i ir iiF aE3 E:; gt i ;E-.in?iii:g;i;; i*lE; lr no i o $) ?fs : 1i ii i:: r fo o 6-3I€ { 'r-[ iF4 -'P:t'F"8E-c-* ::I, €q- i -ielrB€: o E Fz rl: := te ,iT:al ;'l,i& ;,3'A o z o x o lii { :?i ru';iir; i;*Ai' r;:+= irE oq lc.t) a hi ) rh iiiii .a ie;i,iieaffiEi fiii?ai fro LE r{ lo a t o t{ E I o I i: rl?E;-ii *{E;a;! iqi!ri i$ [ lto P o. e. , \i{a,2= ?;2 a-.; . r!t:'i.-.{ 1 oq .l i" -o_ji=, i; :-i ":.;;3i :-d:ar--"^ I : F} r tai: i? :1-;:r !E ; o o S) a g -a 1ildi: :i.i-5l s:3^ 16 4 5: t::-: i z: r :c *=iE '9ii;:;;-: , E i iil O< ) iLE??iiiiEi ii ?ilEE{ t< *Eqg lo t.D incias.?E'=i; +*l'i; IF figiisEi ;i iail Ei*3+grigf? ;"1F E'* {? ENFIELD TNDEPENDENT ISLINGTON GAZETTE 2E AUG 96 29 AUG 96 Pase 3 l Pase ' Calls pour in after last- week's UFO story E'*li :i*"f Hff *"u:s IndcP€ldeme Dav or is th'r' s ainrmO-OdreD flSEf io|,-afs stc aw"lels:€k ',sh tafvInefd Detop"uernfed"Ae pnint 3a"iDl"m.;"ii r*u," rhm. tF ornrb tsoh R. pinrc rrrh hes resrvt a.s;.h d. iydscs carri bacbao u&ts 9-.b2ig0 pcr4iE fte6E o$f ULsvho"E ds{vrs. lstmnoD€i Dariel nlchn'orifr.i;;*- .o-pr uuF*a.c.L.r lh.cydcrgp. td$liagg ib!no fltrr i ieudn -uedoirt*n "rnrn irgfoSht a r! .D .s.thhra.cs. emHerc amtsrrbt . rMorao$o, .or tnbc uCpr onetsihfctc cntror rsht€esc_riyifo 8;ar.ohnDey' seopoo€a.r x€cs r€esro Duig.D t"dt waso:t. e.f ad: sitilo ;rmr qootjvh--ieu rc .w !" irstn,traelrrs_-st sirk 'Fto; l*l-od,l!o_ llu.SrT.!,ri trhh!dr .n.!sx r Ds.irpladonrdoic twd li mbc:dt. .ei ao- ktrtrnntor .r.etbsardbt a. ra thvFoDs.cito cgrrcc cphot rhl@sDtdr t8rDmotr! c.r iiwctDgbodtuu.o lI. lated l tt- shn ui rMo.Fwyk s Oth @tcIsL t.saJ r;rimot ru s6 uitsrte po blt c o*rshnr ghi ceDlionk rts dp !trmohhorre r e bD!volurher.rrr, ;d.y"ii rDru;_€oc r,r DALEo# i&€nvlwssh-a.E" ge slLt saasmoEa clctZrttakicoDu$sy s€rgce-, .I lig hlm,[seod ia tff .ws gboJ"ke vfeo i ",tgT r c"1bEhtEoledio8y €cet.sna t 1T rCswcbrd.h:ee ee"yetsr ti .w.s Tpet,ha ra.e& ri- bni.rTrai*-::* A tFte3m*1E bfolr: Erh.: pjgotic]er ys.Ikjthr ."Tdhc compbiDr r&s irve #::,s.frff ff a.,ffi"T;H#iloi"': S_. :* b", ",y rish, on i r" 4li .fie!" I cou.tdr,t say wbai it B"dsl d> l. - o z o |. JOIr'RNAL SALISBURY 05 sEP 96 Pase 9 they Women say watched IJFOs for an'hour A woMAN who rYatched brighdy Ut objects for trearly a[ hour above Breadlre tlouse' J".t io"ii"guriaeu' is conYinced they were UFOS, By Roland Baft€n Jediler Hart and a woE n friend lYere dfl' vira near Woodgr€en 'At drat Eomclq a sec' ond onc 6Pp!.red ard CoE-rso[ at Bl8bt wh€D (,b. towlI(L u! bcfoG n th.v law a[ intense too ru.ncd drd wclr !i4"!hl'tl iHn atbtre (5s0ky)' aohf eIstldS'I u'ts'Ihd.d .3 ailitdo !c lothuidrd.' l€hr Srrlel. t oodSreer' sdd appeaEd ald 3e.ucd to rb.y 8ot our, usble to flop $arir8 ai tns r8!r Mt! Hait said: 'Tho whl.h *E€d to be sta' whole rbbr btted ,tclrly d hou uril we 8ot cokl I 'r.; d look at an elec' d.|rc homc to EY lo gei a Elc bulb €asr€r thar lool' clos€r Iook bw rhct had ina sr ttal light but it.sE! sbou tb rsistuhdrv si€ q"c o$o€ rd 3naoidt .h€rP e{M t;h € Halicnh at!n do nh eAru f8riu€nldr t Mn Han raid rh€ Utbr but r€re ieluct!. & raiL ..d€d to coEe fro.n a rbout tb€lr sithtlnS. lo!8 cylin&ical obiect' sbe said: "I zrn uled to drich tlmed 3id€way!. si!! aitcGft d w. d6 she ad.le4 'Il ws iat on a fuEbt parh dd I cer_ blsAet rban a! sirfittt taiDly klow what hex' copted lool like. {h'iIlet , {tsh ens rtiuUrn feodt qquutictek l3y ab'oI uth ta Fco sa nb uotp Ie !@ mnDoct dl3spp€3ring inro 3oE brie.ldiefvi. what w€ srw w€rc or helicoPreB."