A PUBLICATION PRODUCED BY November 1994 lssue No:2,1. !1.50 The strange glow of St Elmo EFFORTS to $l up I IFI UIO m.nilorio3 3roup follo*inr 'slsh{D83" ln sln..sl K.nr Even more alarmingly. their Th€ cottonwood trees in front of JohD Diro., 48, urged p.opl. Drtat ulT SRAimNGonE sthrncs can hap' haowreelfema lrrdooehss re lttew merteed trl leie ueh lnitboe hauaautsnhrr,eyrl ,ndtl ihs sslilh nnthatg .oa u aYgenPelohodt w P nttPihohnienngeYge.t toaahnflmIeidct h eonC.sso ht vt irpcetcoralPe S a<stop hesp neaaetiernarFdr dat onhaNpcn osevr,rr.e tchbrdy'uW itsn eta srsatte nntroghnsee s3dnhdr.oorm .unott4i rgr hoho. ;*ce &oprn tlr .l nlt{cot. lu. s h1sodi.rm eosur.b tcjrthth. rerrr oD!cl\1iYDean9eA?n h. e6he tt nsa ansdrpm at.ts o h.r ttrdush mrdntgeuradl a soaYventw irgorbsoi enuetcnosgrfa ort h mrD.woae e cfr i pirrcsha aae c slcrmlaash,kn enbultde hens e,rit done abvergn2urerdsle'tr sorhccneoharafioai hi nloldremfdet.iidsrne ne a l nidsSbokrE efeikllz n slsaEs tithht rai.hrmoeu teei cnN fo . ad es'esoreliaeeE ler aaF sbdcttitpteoar r€ hhdrrmcmea in-sadtsv on s. ma a€ baupelesl pn wfudoitonahairsngeles-- eraCttxnhnbhTr deoisrh su iorsersicf et mhaeewpstavao ece$israhrnat cr ttest wrw aheeaei eiemsannl sd odto e saenotlt ehc cneopceov artm ierashsirtcsmpyiaeoa oadtn)b n rsrik soa,f p hf nwtaebt chaarluhdkesst pep*bhhh.ayo.NMo.ei.pq..ro..lre d. v.t lDdt nn hpoc1.lietryitt2r on'' rst ! nlrEp . whD $. $hodib.*k..ipr.ll dd e hbt m:roB o hb nrr'rn.e.n..vcAld.flh'lvo v". $g. r.l .oRy tsroctdihY l.!e.od.e.y-!.f DThoev eprr ebfeoctvss s eerraem Pmlaayirn ss chthoeoil.r livr ffrroomm itohein sterodu nodb,j eacntsd sfilrasntd riencg etaxktitergnu isahlerad.y b tuht eif thsep ahrakn d. ewaap_s lh.! l..l oret rilt g.l .heir l.es aDnual footbal march agalnst sonrsed on the masts of sailing "Bur $c 8rup dG sn ro ilhieeh ttenalnchce arsn.d T ah elererr rwfYasln ag ficalasph ooff Tie M€teorolosical Magazrne feAltD rDna rheantnlyd litnhesr erh wea lss nieo ss hTohcke b*..' rB. .ndb.alt dotlel lIyn .3 torlu ad l osl dot $tthw-euo n hpdareei.fr e.oc ftP st htaarcnyed soato fttpehpeae cdph labeveec!a .swu sa-es o.,te' '1O 8^9nf? S Jrtea pFnolulmratoer dvs aF4nir eoth:thee ra biirz swrraes lblioeuobtk twe dad sra dqs nuiioft eta wsctaoevlaoednry y.o o"rT f thrijeerem tlrbleieleess. pshdGp l.ll E*lhr o. trDuEr .it.o!c b 'Fl ad hF.urrv ladeb wrth electricitv, had setued upon them." Folkcnonc & Di.tricr Guardian 0l08 9+ Rtedalc Slar 16 09.9+ Herald 2:l 06 9r encounters Glose CLOSE encounr.rs glghrlngs ot uFo. u.u.lry prod!ce t dosn-lo-orrlh..- s''npoonn.se€onl..l tron rMePoircne'endg op. roITgVra ms Tmheis. ba. .oabEled irroi. nd iiar Ewlo.t*rl ds ubch. clioonnsv,e snuticohn aasl esrlpalat npaa. around ?00 people nng Dr Mack. lis Phole 6lysis, A lor of d. trne orE €lvaetinv eii am crldoe* srurcichn da ipnh oon.. lrinh .s sthoo utc sll rrhcelci-r wdeorvkointeg dli ft€ o hmaask bl eon! rwhaeys .a pn.eoepple. O*er rrch eiyn sn,o! cpteiop.ronr b!rtocae nbsrhlie!eo lrndye cc worloomenrm Bawen ondadu o aldda. m.alDulser. dMT aoa.r k md eee ynnsu n:w baI€r s * .!ofs-i cabliWdnuicciliiaolenl dcinaeevc i.sshiirosgrnoasrli einsog n- eBnsTtehleeesn rdwycaFrse modra sbus y.ht yor hn€e nmins lhat lnis is as all frcm individlah *nh aur wh.n a rcsp.ct d vide-sptad a pb.nom.- ditee backsrounds ' Dr ''These people I htle pScirorcoouhmrlm.ds sl Hboearey R soua idnr dipcf fs eMyvEcehend'at icr,ar ayirrl /UEN ADVENTURES: A .omn !o.- i M .n- irnhw .tln\$.er whsE.i rtto hsn n.a d-b ahdesur e.f.l taoasri Mrahrac.c kcl ehl.mass a dro$kclso bveelh! . orceuodnn tdesarissr' osweraehorad rd roTe hnlueovri c kcdnnyonw.e T chfaeocrh_r rlawcii.snnom iDdnlnac pvrnal iJ$'nhetio nc odtheaog .dn cs @P Er ain oMll luDdiisbta t.eree.clh-hcrnkmoe o-rPm iwoMnn! hee'zehi oensdias. ht$ph.aooeolnnnnu three8bhna0et. d sinpvFs aa{ ochn oEpo ttflknf .teu hEdn*loulh uocopynrrr a .. rrdeBor o-tbetArFarnshorsoe eo mp |r9rl.ece i tnnxh dEo Fhh lerwr uiie a.slhlny..aa e cdsascn ansEsr s.k blako uneadbf<e btota thletroerc no$'rsl$hohioe!dnSa..icr8rc 'ii ,Mosenwnd ls lg$yoeor a ywfr ws$tlp: oce [email protected] rrrdi.cr.@ pn ra *lpe n epSde nd sio rIemcybf f. c yb ciwbfn roarnaohtlnyoos. cdjg6rg.hcaincE.Arr..atskyo rtl c u.rarooby.'nEsnn ..stisrmons p. p oreoa*i rrbshnocaw ie obltswi mn. srdamoiehh lprhd nyi pnw s esi hmhsp.ssru euo auasrbrnelnero-l l.c''hn''aaeeyDubyrxh. rddpi anu,Mr egc.ar a rbed.creuio.k i n u .€hm sbcacty$sieo ns5tbsn r .h.srn y lya ran *ort^yeo.r *.annhoobo,nddrmeu .nsmc Elba!nk!nu edrlb n yacy ghe h iala udleviEpepenn o srnbhw e'anehelginoer b*s,N6iHidcoi.eh* s h. h doA. t d bna.odElwieuil srcw leoo1r3cnn o s.un,ten ra AneMurAcmadnnccs d.kr.h 'tacrcrhs oas, nr t rdndwcuoeuhr c prreohe.denrdn.l. yo hD mhii5ne-r wwo.i.oh i,snlp crsI h by.avcas hbs$rl eaoE rfnr eocEn peecoxo pdnkhiidnnirnsd- rcmelnaDl.inctreys ,. M tkooa..f cp akw eh.syodeimndxe usIa : 6l h aaM nveyrlt EhpvinbA crnboisurdh u.led.chc rnb oW ynF i:st hMmH A,uocldntkea n&n,s\ rets He concludes lnar sys. Wh.n he Pas in And if abyone should am ov€rlookinE more -{ FAMILY are barboozled bv UConn UFO ert cites the r mystery light rn the nLghL forsbout iso wet!, nebb€E of a rMi.ly in Coundoo. ned EEhoD AucklMd. have ben puzled by ; $rMgE glow n the sky frco rheu Alking not to have their ideD- 8yC Ia&t Sra Kttlnf.t,,Mf.tS S MeOnAtEice : .- rtJn?pOb ypslita€'lolorgoieslte Maicrh€ anealh P.raelr soictrcruernre Mncoe6st ttBhiiieiEeyi l ses eyloe lear d B bitno5gr, hfaet pewr Eohfis tn€ diDilcis urhlhete.. "lif€d pftduats of tbe sEesses and sE-ains sky norih w$t of CouDdor, As many sardie.€ hae€ foutrd -exDeai- .ofth€ Eartl'ssuEt ', 'rlt's ve.y strqgs bRs@ ii encers' of UID sbdu{ti@s ad nesri€_eth This geologicel eDer$/ has electro- bov4 Blowly. It'o dot 6 pl&e or vtgpChahIIiyhJaieisloss eeqvow'o iBR,geoy rn/no9abu i nlhneb ag:ntos osg cse2dtl tol rtoeb €de aildmcEnogs€y ffelut sef .i€putcsa6tieb l rdcaabdyDiynpvyrocul - iop esab elsa"tms.male €d Tbdecedv lhfbrtee eu iaeloeol lhelaosznt r.r on,e Oy ge"ta tN"o. rjrm.d rs a$ae eNohitesnbaut sroossnc-lm vXec eottcae€ o.d,ae cs utpmpriniaeiatunUzs rotrt,eyErtoroeedhrdcd.e rciuiveh es e( eomv-oitmecinjrfl neaostelsbe""rrcig.nte tr lvitivi'o- e,cti va6nartiioelnoei"-l--f tlcamtp"6d)ihgooepielteamlrneipreTTv iglesrait aithenoetn rnwytucts€tvmcoeh.its ca€B"nherat p hl .Phtotno h ehprese reBm .aeefruer rtnule€d sflprvu obt€ kl ile A daolsoeoRrevbispttgrmetheiei€a retnirUcci 1.niacsg"olae.esgcf f l o r eiottws rhih hubn raatenieeo€mngn! occt tbhde paceh tsr uro arnaRknsb-rneei. paeeaiignpss l r gemnot,dbi..noc tnel altoe.dlheta eblrldaulT? tteei€ htnclhh te psgiaa,inueees svan onixienena----. hclUnPwwDlN&ieon@gee"Aos'luyl8'ihot'Wvc nrfplritlcuouyo,e yhtl"e pleFo.€r oorehn 'ty vF u eoano4w@kei r iDth de n li [email protected] o (ililn0v tdRcyihe*hlk3ethihe heDh 2nodowa 5gh ,oiu ltDt1h rl hhn 4 tlo*a toetei3'adb tt rii@r '8t hhoseseihi c1nte g rcd 6ii3Uarc4Eni s1o.re'u0 Fe 3l gtels s"eOie.r ysb ttDd,h loa e lwait ubsfcsLd ytih.e tw3 ee D@ llbdllub totrhsuriwtd.re-ett,, physlcql and hental changei, he *rote. Theyr€ also more sensitive Dhtsicallv may "permit a higher level of human na- Many repon that watches andeiectncit tule io hanifest." appiiances stop in theirpresence. Manv The experiencers maybe tapping into are abnormally sensitjve to brieht liqht: some higher intelligence, a global mind.', and approaching tlundersrorms. Ifso, aI th$ activity portends an evolution what could cause tlls? Rins oDted for of consciousness, lhe -shamanizing of tle uew of CarEdian psychotogst ana neu- modem humenitv Thc Nonrich aonn€crrcul05 06 9+ WITH UFOg r€port€d to have been seen Siory by ANNE.MARte ebwanos ov€r the area recent- Plctures by Andrew Oavies S.lry 8o... t.om Wtrr.t ly, are their ihings *out.t run o mlta tt!n. = hdubt me allrhe trm€ Bur out there wetus! can- mIveo nh €qfr"dr prrc os poluot reto c o,mee Her host sp@ky expen- RavDr{ r€p.rt r. Arne, gno\rs ol th€ir dead ..1n. ence shc.eveated was a Ma.ie Edwards Look ro dresm !bout her husband rhe stree!€ ot Rurhin ro 'lV€ sllyed ar a .ortlge oa tlihnad to guto w bhuemthepr rtnhr nrAhes irn elonrdosf boan@n Furn!dn dtl$erued s*em vcSrhv€ ucpo\enrtlrnrnu(e dh:e c"nl!u sw.a rst arc nn.r vrsrr lmm came true ,\bour srt !It'Ip',r'jaaiA prnushec.!tootcau enor e o roddorf i rhmrublro dsab !lyodli b.i.eiosqr drrh s .rrrlpmr-nwu r r 'nrin€.res[- IIr'lvcL'lhrion o. rrk,.h oni<Srou pw.lho{o> lu uo ldhwrk rilyhv urs5eJltls kbh r€eaonnvureL {wnlbJrlr,.J'crconAkrk,r.[fns t.ao*drq rn rhra 'd rteLh yrwe*hi rl hr.r.dstlrnr. 0nhehs!meoh r n hoaw teenurna. of rt5enuL hrhr r .ujJ.Let.anih ds,.I svlrp.'l!reraEc.ey lrll sedohhn ra rthpEhlo.st ct t Iss. b!w s teohnwsui rnrlddarr€ e sUbs d s.F.hotonhou.he.-r ! Lnll erh se! 'dp:!p Ielrrb esh see .ns rishh's! b€lrriouvsaend Stmhaalli odfn Iy{urhthrnrgn hro'Fcr rhLcx hldardu hdrrso bn.Jers.r,dir!nr 'A lotoflhjngs hlve b€en ot Shu6s.a nnl EShmtmaall rasaa ldc aomnso l':l un f.ll', hcl cqcq.hc proven to bc hosr€s, tsko mJy hJ\e >*n d Ut,(r rr0p.rrclrs aor !xahple. , Bur ,l s Ut,O dropp€it 'uSrh l€ Jysa hld!:m Wr es nwde Ir e!c 0wn Ms|oewnn o hno wth reh .v'l Vc .ehdalevde vou, *oulan I *e .e tu. 4s r.whrrrLs , n rnnl fr f.rolh'. b.' nuWpl! nelr cLthe,ho rr uLLs nlht rt!sh rr€r Alarm"d?e"r lights t,ut wL c0uldnt mrke,nv thrngout _\\,f lrukft rrnund t s.f T,rH0 Etr Lcpqhuonucr dc .lEhc .fjov.hd wa . bighr he t&. e ..\ q6, a:-1r,r ,,rrrhfrIL . r 'ti\l u, ru\L rx,h Lv.!r ht{r\rltr r,tIi ,r,ure qrce*l h$niu r Irtnd nnr 0 thrs.c',rJcrs!nrnr. aph .imdoTn pr*.clo .. pnrs*a hhrdcoo re ws.dhrED s |cu. rasncuh eS* d.$it u b.rvy;- ooIaa8tmtu'ag'Tf3.. tdnb.a .,l rDllrlrsoEl Estfah slf .riurehr... h n iwIIc r .hwdG tiiasdz toE!8rn,<-.t ,l,l-d .1r r!,r\1 !, .llr$! ,I ,r,rrrrl r r l !,i,L(-nIrvl,.' rsl .r,irLrr! wR6.Cd * rLaoFll.lnh Ais iqheuo.f et4 ,3 rHb, vr;ro lEinn, otbhro i.cwEv . ndq uhaas tUt FnhO awv. .sT .l tsr.G cwdoh moiot.rr Frank Pascoowrlh hrs pr6s6.iwrt. p.r l,r:r.l ' !, -li. .cI -_.rlLs " '!nL l I rui.t.- .v.snhrn. ge iodur, wIri e;n"" !h*., .edw cliSoAdht r8s lpuworadtcs s smclaardio! snf.o dsr aDbdoy E E!r I lpm ed in $. sky tbcE ftGor [email protected] fbn sFa, Folkcstone & Dislncr Hcrald {)2 06 9.1 Pete's close I THE GRgt - this is rhe most common a.iien, accounting for up ro 50 p€r cent of cas€s and E€ts rrs na-rne from its whit€.srey ,krn. lrDicai]y smail laround fou teer), of Gr€ys have spindly bodies, bisees-shaped encounter headsard huse, ineecGuke eyes. I THE NORDIC - so-calledbecause of theb lone blonde hair and blue eyes, rhe Nordics are tall and attmctive creatues. Thev s€em to be one of the hiendliest jelly vdi;tv of alier dd often advise wiiness.s kind on€c6logical man€re, [r€ fi€ abuse of a \riens: Th€ ftial Srory bv Jenny Randles, publish€d by Roben Hale, 16.99. HE CAI-LS them the Medusae. Thev look like iellvlish and Ow mos.fanmus Iathian alien sponet was rhey 6ave been visiling hirn ior Bob Tdlor uho @ ctutua tiom oLbt neaiy 30 yean. spue thade a laadine n tiuiissron Ihe No{ rhey have start€d lalking to him. redrcA furetif utotket claimt to haue seen a lf it sounds out ol lhis world. ihat tp$ecnf in Dechnon. Iau ia No@nbet r979. nlnurPhoeh t(ethirF eVro atson .D Atn@rs im ebs @isst k lt mhoankt r;i!ss s fworchr ahar dsMtnei rtdt .i oTofoaErnyn lrEo'ytn. cuarlhnehedao h tculnao-kn.u.. pl HnlneeL@t etfultevydd s s ttihoabe tn PralmenftifthtL btthu inui /,aln' -t eleHryeon be eelrlse€ vecasl sa tihle on.revious UFO Aos\ .hcet tl @drkczpd founm. M tht eT acvnlhot. trahue rr rwcl lespdtkey \poneu have been wmng about whal toMtds him dnd dbbeared to dtuh rhemetB to hB ;o:en. E Thd @me a stmnse, chokins lmel, similaa E# Rorv fulccarthv he sap, to bruk linings buming Mr Tarlot collapseda I the nexr rhing he ftMmbeR i:t rhev claim to have s€en. But then H. u^ alo@. hh bodv M btuked- ht; Perer, a6, from williams Road, clothes tom and his do| L,ard ut&s batkinA Shoreham. dcs not iust lhink rhere Mvst;rio6 MtL. wrc found t^ the tuL"n m.raeHne y i ndhf ;liveresc trt hhhoevu degih satc llri€nkose . b seh as+Doa€rD.c e!sw hihr'poicsmh, ubUalFuuor c lieR wrhpQe nnri anlatEu vtb ussrau tpgdo eltisNrietee ada rdhcenn ilftotu dnh a wAni f4bie e\wrle dtA "bafibd". Eanh, others visrung from SaNm. Uranus and Neprune. The ds. k in fact the toD of lic iellvfish shaft md has a ienes ol E\ctung News 05 09 9{ ientacles hanging bene3th il. He has chrislened them Medusac, sraDdins for Man'festations rnd Elacrro-maeo€ttc Discharccs of Unidentrfied Su'Derterrestrlal ' Pot.r Van Enllt.s. Ah,.o€nenc Doorn The unemoloved marine cosl .nd,laft, esrmaror raw lui ltrsl rsn of the :.r isllylish, Mb3t famous UFo shot down tn whrt our srhhHdinre.k hrsanamsd :af t"bolom u* arH s!on vwyeat hlakiinnndeg Ib oawuca!ks not oti )i avil3i.into.s f lames by US 'spy balloon' tale ,-rNE of the mosr .eleh.ated four child siz€d cofurs. And the \'rlnooknoi'rn'vvdeIee b ld'haIoa i wnddbols roiwln aoviasndenb . o eomrvhuf etvi ri p r ncmseIa1 yc$mf edlha .leedsraah .dbw r lTtarhfhcsehre okeendu lriieiafrnlfash eBah qc lre}anntodest,f SCairm. pI Ubw.loFl'usl Odc lla .itsm. i gbbsh uhet .ivwncitg h"sl osssuotrpvk..pu doln,i,kseed y\ltNbSonJeaeorauscl0vltteoF e ie cMorocdtBne l aansx syiihlucsra oo-cw€duld,ld enheidancseet hr nhw 1de a9ta et4dthsi7 s n ,tettvhh soan eR, usr do r oSdsdeabs t otesealeMspcuirttrt. rcdRsbelpalao Tyslscism htwafbietm seaJ e Uuatrooo olsofnl o hdnty.fwa.lo, i voer*mo€ c anemafsss d erEa espins ealon ourfot tuhnn nteior n g sfssa tePohyu i.strlwow o apt hjhnsd,oeydtt sr,,eel dlDl;ornenldee;md. h tbteorel hibr'le llsel rnhsru srdh lPi3vnpoeses 5as! .imrn bN ltlvhrA.e S:rBksAvhuu Inw gaisns tlniUnn(isFcreirlOdu*.c dD'sl,naniuogsgfdni, cete'nnb.rt$ uoe r@hn (ant anroo rfrac b n senpa o.arrl ueou2rlpv.ati .obl S duDookirh;d;n!n' Fd eorkl-orf MwtsoreoRruuenur. sit n otwr hnWlher ao o,rd1 l 4khe eta lrxao vinercno a. bu Wl iud?Br c ahtnln hisnace go h tflco i.vrR na€lr,oysrseh. NiAol uoT'wIgshtaru netc.s Ihrta i r1lsso9cet.4 or 9iaSen, soss2 vodo5irefe ibenrta €dtor l elbn@sottrmhhn rsbsev. a uasbsf teeeDsdrl ol ePlrrehsrkonrng s awlkiedh: o thI ihsa mrbd eaf o iDree€.vleectrlv beralrneo!enadl (aonuoIn rfs ittiraodsr a.n ll tUrd FfblOvlc unrohe p n,oocna sar. isqh oDrwlnle. v afeocr.r- WshJoeiwIs seoedw ltvnhleaerd cr evihlr, eewk ha.aossneec thloit h rhneEdr .ur,nre'vode sc aflsesera.d tt ehDedo mna oBosedr r ilhainouert.oh ueosnlthhtrl€y. -BuI I now lnhk we dre oi rhe verge cwpl€. his ctarm in h6 bodk lhar son. then ased 11, stlll nrsNrs !\lnd lbr UFO Resedrch. He .ru1e nrrhlhec hlrbcrJoLrvesL brerkLhrouuh ,n wBhoebn TheJ ywlaosr 'ws itehnrnc oau inerwe r teI rt9 7691r.i huea sl a. wth mthn$e vre trhy est raanlusem nmLrtueh- dlhubebuedc t hew aer lebrrcped treepdo frth e"py dd .r srliicLtli oPne.r e5r h;o ubldo omk.a kseh ernlrheerers ttrrncgt !\lrrla ncognet.a scot lMid rohb ljweor oandd€r shnahd .pnh.y?stts bu"tl hroFo slr.r.ornlg rron tdea.dro.k. ebur riri.rll lbi.slllncro!! eP.s.tootrNy ! wNaslo tshlal.t rTt hweaus reading when he tlnds a Publisher. on.s, €n b{ explained as habn_! Jrys he gor an urgent c.ll lor resulred f.om a mrae. of Venus. E\enrne Aiqus o: 0') ,-l Rotr Hr dty ]5 FOUNTAINROAD ERIDCEOFALLAN Watch this space i . eri;:-.zl: - it lS a Utll : I !i:=;!tEe: i=? E;el;:;iC!. ;::t.aE; *:q!-!it E a 6:i!:::!;:=ie: ; i lt::= 9 i e€; i 9; : ? say slgwatcherc iitil:i!ffiiifr I SR$ Wty b.IDN dDo ErorlN4lloN'So r 3Allll.qd!8wl.hStni. i.l.hr.r. ll.lMdllpba.lrr6 klid!i lPlEnu dopPior..,b Bsinridsr' 3Uti.FYO w PuIE_l' oh!hdd r.ib dreold?. Eobsdo E bd3in! Fab .E6rnth d8i Prsd Pw.iM!h iifncohgt ;- ! ira:"{ : :.i sdoulldsht6r 1rp1r0q6t.r .l'8radhls tl trlohoorru" 8 btt hot.h!ir. fi!N.1wi,4 d b[r. sEiFd:d $_ fht.rFE i3la dt !o fi9 lGpFo{il*l Gh .sri d., irni n.F l,L &r ovf. nuPl €Eic,iiiff;€,Eii unr yd b.nrvd. tbl.dd oPytt!b.ai Vo.b!Gjdi qv.E.6tj dr tdF mc Y nndiltd d tlnE.t liil b'a $.T*rlrs eu6d brltiun. sr ll!.dl. dr h.nq RrntY ieai:i3i:*?i:ti Tt.y rlr4dy bN. l@ dir@ ns1hrt E@ in! nrt E lnpSt hEl pdllYc vtrh rEh. md l e iniE h ipr obbird.da 1ld.9 jldF i!e3il dhl. ii:EEiri! orhnr nv ibdo.{ p. .in osfP rjr dUl.m T @sn c d.bl.rw 6 "l F*rinn tbu.b $tlya lbilad r bt nldtl t .Bi!.hutlD' lord.F hhd.iho .r! i&ir .ll loold i bo fr, itul g8dHur E:esF:E!:€5F E E.rs;ir'! AFid3irItTs.yG nt uo o{Ldo l .AwlGOivc!tq..rfbniMn. dEglrdL .L idn!locL Eb @dEc.. f!lbth0.nd e.tt b 6 .a sc MTrlt6iinh.__l driiIrdfhMmi.nr {GDi1d0 . dU l FefdrOro d.o f.- . *ll eh"l!ro d hw rrhsfq.t . e ,h.dt.h.dl*dd dbi n'-8II!'o tD todc ,q d rrivhn sidg.i,la"ab drsoui dl{6r ElkmYEy6r, i tl isr!- r. Bucks tl€Irld ll (r8 9+ $rtnh .l jamcc d.li6r!a.d. r.hd. tr cGF Gm ocf "slr.M' "rIh l nrrFvh .t. B btUrN [email protected] p .fnndr v shi$i.si d sVb o.l nlmdr6 ,f Etddl{, r delq .!l ii!.t E6q $rhLL itoL $a.! wEwl4rt rlil@i! f*udmciBonusdrr. ! d .w[dh .tioEmnu vmt$l.l nm R.irtCnYir. r .3bdQ t mE&&irl. Y dl d qrrd.h'r. ddMr"f rB6.Mrd rth .twDtF .m hoo(rr t U rhrO. svron rn@d fto rddEY. 'UFO' sPotted vi.cd rh.E it r loirol 6lo'ou'&Ed orfn tdtc eoltblEds **da oh!itui_' s'*lilT?.:'ilH*:tril i# f rfi 'flTLHif'Jl?J; rihn@ TdDrkh* n,o.t ri drfUcsot hFrr rOoolo@ t$is !idit!fdi.l.i..ad rrQ.i ttgs Rdmr lyrs il 3*DE c! iTwi &rsl.tahfcYt. 8f!i8i!nhn'RwSrq r o !y.bh l d$&w. F v td.Fd *snT iv[t o ifctrmuc ld tP.ufV i lYmcl6 libtkinrri.s ln 0,@g. va,t."o.r _Yur ^91".i1r."I"t::S:d'':lH-" T: "::i:':.i'',.--"ii;:;l"* f'"T,-:l ;."T-;;^l-i :-i'-T;-;i ri:;l ;':;;ij;P*;l;;;-i*:'.;;"l:;:r.;..Te:;r;";id ;*;' .-i u.:; t: r ,.Sr?"o ;kss;nuaHio edvo B rrYH BhNaheU€m6 b'tFM brtobuh tRtuA'' [email protected] .nnrdod vr rooe cDrdsuoser dsddrdaei s rsnnboacohe''r' s wourdse uY u''dr obseNers ;i red llghrs 5urmo6led & A\on Adcnlscr ()i 08 9l Somersel aliens' 'I was kidnaPPed bY sPace P.liHimOTeOd GtRoA bPeII ItCb .e ofidresnl cot icotfu .ws boaIt awn'eren By All6n Snhh b€ings was b€ilg presented 6t a conventrctr Daily Posl Cod6spoidsnt t-. st dar. BbeeAliccBkieeisor ristdah ondw is papahlareavnnes dow rhnPoai clr teurge.uesleasar l{rvch bvrrec3rbr l Jtonhne. drralALiosine hcd; atsnoad t bktheaevdne hrboemctulenm, .hadeb dlotuu cmtbteeed d$ wdtoh€ ilPesh Pooouttct F.idh to ten@rarilv krdnap inhabitants Ior sraph the..earu.e which was apparent'v lol_ n.calaratTeridnmahcut€ u awtrlo eD; Crsihlc,dra towhuvpeerid e Ceb io eeirleocdvnvld e eaa er bC nmddoeeuenc caftnteeidnardeegs tbn . bhvoev .f o d pauth tdt_i elpoGr alli_elowaw suiwontrorghtlndhso- rrneircn AMltduhnr eo € a Bttoh eAcfe okvarrer noibor urrcradrdirvn cu.bs l.eelWeel'i seiPshvttehhasseopb nseiiorrsd.m s-aefh .nniaona wt uotsrbt erJt h eihecne t haaiern tcar odat rhnnoeo'l o -crha.w*.ran,.shteivhmr"ni"u.d.f*'ho l . a r IrLw,rDh"nl a moir.fkavaa .we€a llt caaue .resTrnriudre e;a ena ss1h dtou 9o ad ff8mreka rhe0,reori t nrslntTam'rlv eo heteoi r nves oaefo tlr s hrtqt athc,hne aeaeoa et ani d 'oGrctElapuo nbrtispern i 3neYihhbsth oe eeo ant a sroop1h di8smep0a€dree0rsao 'r a pauEaErhgtss ha'rel t eelhrortYsso_il a.e.dAhdhinmh a:noMih ibtrGtlreeai a.aa loxrne..Be.ave skeemvd ec. ha r kdioeenv,le ohdLadaeroB on ddkctrrco. i noon!rhga v.usunFr Den aN loseosdDphoe rruhe 8tcas ralaIs i oesnU.o tsselfm aFr As naiO'o nntodth n he Edesrrrenaultni vce gcs uadrltoea rnc anurnraoue ntddnmrssp d saupAao rnulnanLrcn ttda l@eesd L nrDr ' o_n arraesn'' rUnkT.l.h.v r yrMa rkoneo.lrnu. dYbeov ra ka ssnhn raurpen oninfa na1e 9l8od5n ep oaDrmce€dm acnr eoan- "sb.e.aolrietii!v;anet detd.h ente B celraer masb dtuhcaret dt Rbvo a3lrre'llnn e'rneods_ trETrthome...6 uitarI€stl t;oDwop@h€arrcsdh atnrroae nhwsaeuv€ blabtreh drhe aeena edda utThsheaes.e ep l'orstl eica.e'rrmsno8a _na twuride€ s rcnl asDimac escirhaif"ltaHru nadbrdeud.st ioonl sPeopre worro' '6pdYe cdnrlng THBILIED: Anlt .lcbh.<l th. uFo r cn dl...r lu.l.bov. ti. L.. tll! Sloltt Clora ancounLt A THRILLED Southend wonratr Dade a sketch of the tttrO she spotted out her wh- dow. And a.fter her clo€€ encounter duriry a storE she hop€3 dut Isth8eh tbnajqin ewdil l as hv-iidlee otw icca€ mbeercaa uosne tc night the sky. UIO rvitiess Adta crant, 23, said: "It was dernitely a nachine. WaE I tightened? No, I was excited Eore than anything- "I'd never s€€n sn].i:hing like it in my lif€." Anita. who lives in Fortube jn Ste!6 KUIsaal Way, Southend, bad her sighting at 3.l0am early encounlen on Satuday moming aiter going to bed after a spell of latentlrt TV. Coincidendry, she had been watching Doss in Spae - Do tale of canine cosmonauts. but a ffin about hippies. Wlen sh€ saw it the UFO was I lm Yards away, hoveriru above a larse tre€ in nearbv Amold Av. WITh UFtl It was shap€d Like a teaf(lrop, and was abour the srze of a smsl] plane. with a black-grey hlll and ii was slistenins. AstoDished Anita watch€d the Thing for a minute and a haI ''I believe it wa! a physical He said: "Miss GEnt seems a beiore d$appe€r€d. objst and Fobably some kind of senuine, down to eaith youg The 'Et cho put M-r Roy Inke of fiJing hachine, thoush not a lady. She has nothing to gain by the L,ondon UFO StudFs erouD in conventional one. However. that malring such a story, and Drobably He saidr "'there is no doubt dDo eesx tnroa t tenelrc€seEsbsja rilsyp amceeacnra .iftt. "was Mr I,ake ur€ed anyone who tehxapt lathi!js s w aa sn saotumieatlh plnhge neorem ceanromno.t jecMt r oiaf kUeF OstSe s$se/6d tnhoat ltahues hsiunbg- sweh€s ilea Uit FiOs stoti lct aiun ovthiee*r. waihnde stsheesn "I wouid b€ inrerested to hear matter. Even in Rulsia and Japan, relort (iat a s soon as Dosible. lmm anyone eLse who saw this thev were now beins tairen seri- He b€ r€ached on 08r 594 thjnc. Red lli( ,\/vT:Y o^/€ wi rH 5X]RF TESIIEJ'3IAL admiral I rlas merAred to le.m. from ir I Monrtay s curnbd, of steltr I cuDbeu s rhsry thrt lros de no.htng bore.nd "dlr noDical mi!as6" @used by the disrortirg efi€t of the eanh s athosphee on lisht'wavd fton soa@, I haten€d rcteleDbone A:dniral of the Flcr lrrd Bill- Norto!, a folmer chief of the de re.e st3fr. with tlus excitirs news, lle is a veteru ttFO bu.6, sho hs bitteno refsed to denY rhe exist€ue of fLvile sauce6 util it is 'publicly disDtuved". CenUaaals.eEloda eotrwhb sahe. FUtsg r @r siodh aw6 ' twlt CettEhrdMyep. rItd&' dmaeidmkl seda.l ia srod'tp fi tcrhsI@l eetD {suo?el avde'rltr rND-borAfsrasrr coyite! hiscr..oo p TnpAthelliieb6eDu. teyuI dkee Dlceso wn aa ,B wdoa mb Hbaii@tnU bl-alis b"shouIocoIohkn wl6wd ttap td.is ndguF nsriler. Nalniaoe b€inl tloeo "nnt.o lowt wmpr teetvl,eantt r *it,,,Whathe$ysisdL sblc! claibed tlrt tbe US Aotem- nstr ftom tdring suprene mm. byoisS''ubNor. es w've Aher,arr e tt'E hsye ionynuo ? l u 3"w!tY ihltleha .@at IUD rMFyyO? t. !"b&elrieyve. tswsupuarap tct .6erh-atns di[Et y €pdtit rudbtta isrdtlclel eslnres tcbbuvoFeedO rNiaesels va"" aet s."trnaaied! tfhgtoa@rudt €.Ddf a owlerfo onhE dlailn ynu ltofSitoloeirmn Ps €tisvet hdu. e lafdte lUdq.c tdd!re.irlnger is," his lordlhip h6nudDb€il b6 den", wit! tle assistatre of tho tle ineffable Bienvenida foE sr.hming ttre pbor dogL tbeir exEa-terEsFial DUots. The Buck, he Eisbt sti! be in a job. Guardianll059l BOOK OF THE DAY/Michael Cunningham Encounters of the invasive kind UPPOSE you r..d i. a Su.- dr*aryc rta brylo ids .tDhesrn fl oPme.rrd U dN. Abdudiod SHimuonn &n ESfcthouusrtte€rsr4 33f,pitpb. Af1l6ie.9$9 biyn JUohKn E. Mack. lsrOdK o, fh @s bn@ouk lrdr.6 r [email protected]. fr*ohn. ra. Cuclld hd bcn abducr€d by ,variorul /rq,r€' moordiiG and EiN.tror,i rrles rdl it*roarne ra 8aa inn. €rbNvc xr Dwlacnkc,r Jaonh en mMinac.nkr -o rnool eqsuar cko fh Drmssve(hllbrluryr wpirrrhi eanna osp .sr nn i.dto. Bliuet oifutthsi6dec .rxh-c edrcaBayndrriemcc e a* biOllet 'a .ushtrso.. h DMahlaaicmnivtoh nm !d Eoxfnh lriahKel ,w.mrior.mlrben.fhe ii .€rOclri rldcp1 erhMrhochn' ten dw ri niidhs.ni sandi .duc@vvr ,alho.u aB.rd n l6l.loa;eS bnp voucDc!r.lobias6i.h!ndt scb i.yd emlsafy TdiSr rb r c6n i!hla dvstri;urn.en ..hc.r k..n2ilr1sa .ilkt.Mv. r:ilh ci lr)elr oliTdon n.u d s veerrs1srh. us.o.aba id c rao{lk c", ilunl r.fhib k'hBrdn.ea-- ah/ssbtrnroDeatuaDi sHhqnfHmrefrc6rusdh abn n snoBo.,blor rbahnu@"vtnvr er.o d? e' mowko6 rnu he Mhqf asp earlablarvepyr rhourel. dloDxcuocscb,a Lnvru.crac e l spl tra u E s$l.vSrn-ncra?h dc neenh shasnnnom n6 eerepdhlht; d aot!re-rtrhn hn.rn rri eec6oarG rnuu$hns.t esrh;adsi+-./!- o5nhwwellheocxnhemcownpYlicoiatre .h dlucarno aica ertsrch cndn ce- r ecrht aw Goaqe i€ b na amdahsb d.uerddo ea cau atlhnntcifihod.u€wl eeanoal coresalr h!ls .sanh *oh@ ayar eBne wh u VmotliacrasE 1.frochtti u.narl6r"n\yc ov .houB ? ei 1pTvd r.h'!rhi!T1.i c ibme l.I-birhin,tes.-r lss8zPnHlh9onYoirincros5or sba ajr0l.(sil b yelrsbioe oqs .luoh wymosr-ber rhc o srrr h,ho(d6a m lhrnel. cheo o ba seMrnheorh llaynr'M.cesc cser r d cl.maD bhsch niarra$ hssodl nyerd iqbDCsrn.iocr;v riobnro'fnit lciiddunho , n .ibrrsc w. *a'e ntrhdabhhdr(eo.r.. mwv.w*otea*oqainxesoh N$uAu lrcuDercacrsos.li sdu sh v trw,tpp sle ih rnitu vanur.el h6r3t! nerict r.sle r ostiN sn1 i r-eeiu lh.sdbonap ol.e.€sto;ifa nvk .a l uaFDlelSac hnl4Enaolnrlo avd. l caddfaf ne Tis Dx fiaaerostclye.d abd€htr ;ao Ycr,iln.i oi1rks.sya..enlo r c s Mn s ,sitil4.hnaeuqnhop 3 ndmeetM ,sg 6n ovriofp6r?nrho.sclo nrso p rks d.o.w as e€i hnrnebiualhamhcen rsonnaac.as,aauddneillsli-l Ilbpl(brr"H$o6shc,lhoeenHmDiilnylod idcsnesr i.nds 6r o'iy cc,arrl .sln ar ,a ran lonmn{lBhebl doLd .coru. iLivB s ,GnsutFs' i i@ nrd nmhh,6tuhrr.se.ume'sd! ne6 emo bffr e*(o'cRlrhwwdcbny aaudReh'n c- dnln*orik uca n&nsef'hE *!neat ;6oricvbonhinaek6 on ravrds. ErAe duhD h.o hs ce :*leiblsrnvi .in- cmuario se.dre.leoae'-se8etanlr.l'l ada'nrdsbfe'wrvnlltev.oeirlcccde4clncaeaBnl irly.en la6sec h ss ehn,wb u b r.!svlerts n.fhr n 1tisiqdabuiao.df 6a t n.ch tieschraeas ek rue d8 o lrry.Diw!s.H l lo ;.snkatt.id aehz,h ea?ahnrelaeinirionrusnvsn*aiLu cbc D.if:ssil bdoiAniar€ n!.iru..o.ee lItslE'idathab- leMt; Lh. h aa.u nsa'ltEtondtvnjrc Go.a. d.e.kN 'ruxnri BksbnrahrsDc ua i.oto rrbii.to nvorou-.6a-t..rir rcaducimrSwcrnothcubonra coYdmUn.op symnddayqruadc ne .o dranr nnt l.'vhl'irsoynt*oyrBlcs.r .ec hun-ra }i ubs1niuw p.s.l@unE5tltEhl|na..ty.cnau ec. v m.r) t.Ac-b$ rn, ni.evsD ill.o{dnlvahnul .ia rr.l ao .tl hvb a.ih amns!st*s ocsbEhad,rc vd fdn olchaiu 6orh!d'osus- bfl' cr4i*r tf r* cdsohn encya.oupkrcEx. h,.nshn c! D nRnd a..Uci.ea <it ldno ntEdFno naiRd.cl.Omir TGle. 6 D liod@d elaa:nt ahe ntnhnn!o.y-F..6neddv-\,rr ranra(oTchndhanrhYec ferreinaiyne.s.ls.si .at n e(truath oounhoabc!n(oecrovintebueran.sc ll ev(r y enerinac n.modld botc rabssb eolhrcj. duuaey eo s.onrrmnlf dts h ch 5 oahloaaioDhnatnuv edredtone hme t eeieir6 a amd Dsebed$ip mdnqr roluealaaDlilnd nt.lllieirbseee€.nssrdesc.-i '=i::r: --.:;2,r-_-4t=: :!-1:F1ciii! :i-.=-:i2= ;;i;= lt:ri.ri-=.Ed-:: "=i.;:_i: :';iE4:a:a :i ';i ::1::-i .;i-t:-: - :1=6t i==a-; :,==-i'- -,=-_t-: i;:;?'Ej7iLqQ1-Etr irArarnln.ilbn8iTsgoos h nlu vn iw sseDs- n fi oshaosDa .prrlr, hleh.l ne cirurso h.hl rasu.coT trr. uii1onmo!as€c sn nnpublDrdac,hr onlanu wwdbrla o a' ln.yDhmhsbsr rh @ .$ ocosrh.fle[if o .la s wlnav&li(rr '.enthar,dyne-,/ Shrprinellyb errng vkdrinred . pbMueld lunruensa: ttihsiisr8 i,s =::;.!-:, ?':t--:; iT; i.:; =i,:= yii .ji = 1-;- Eai:= i . i-,::i1:o1i - IrPk, iL mav be |fe.Ini. but nor 4 proSphoe ras roer ilhun.sa.ri cDsel oADclceo rvdicinri8m sto. =a:!?:l:artizi:-:i i li;ii- :;la Mt.hael Cunnnzhah I ah lnh llsh Trnlcs H 06 ,.1 ^--- -=i -<::i1 ",: ; -: i : -E.=. = -=-. = Thc Booksellc! ll08 91 N23IO-vNca1rO-n lVdi laBsra BToilaiasn, a iT S not so east to eet a slrarBhr answ€r rhe mu iatron oi anrinals. cows mosdv f&me!, was ploushing Ther. ilere hundreds in Le€ds at rhe 'Pafrs ol thelr torsos *ere diss@Gd rbe 6elds in hr. irador \rcekend. srth as man! stshrinss and therr flesh ivas renoved. but there one Ocrcber nrehr when hettleeD them 'ahev were gathered tbr \cas !o trace ol blood. The cuts rve.e a br iqhdv- lit crin rhc Lgg,llnterMtionalUFOConference. a cxactly the sam€ they had been made aspwpoeoarDede dind rohMe srkovl 4mdd '{non d wa!; rek!s!hrao\oaPs dozra! aonl iztaelkds bdYis pLlaFvOs '1nd !he.e in a lor ofcases rhere were besidi him. Temfied. he L:!O siBhrincs a.ound !he tide thev were iMum Direwd? vd obv\urnrw flaosm s r$aeb blelad cbryo dru ede shtaunmeadn r-o enBcouutn taern yoof nanev hkoinpdi nnsis hior rh aav ec lbo€esne s'T. hLahfsa tt htreo sa ueeosinuso no nr?sn t il'we don t like bernqs wearrns helmers who had left a little disappointed. know sard Nis Olbison rone and onlv pmFrq..inom rhe iraft. Boas was forced into askthemwbat ssoinsonoutrhe.€and UFo srghtins ai slanninglev Leeds llle sD"aceship, where lne aliens proceeded rheyll reply: ftd's the qlesrioa is4? rlaor crar lae sbnLaoo.ldl csaamriDirele sw loromma- nh irm4r.t hS bomlo€ odo mreed d:T.Lp one oI the conferences rop !ellrng AfAtenr da lhl.o lwhi sa sbuonumi tehro ssaew c .ao pq uciarcnlteusm? bodv hair €niered the room and had s€x videos. srro4,_e lt4.resr 1993. bv an leap rn the vanert otcropcrrcled€5igns MAEhdenrate eicwair ra mohbsrie em ldiIent. lBeuisa p 8sa l€db vsy e. onSar ydna i deSt hlbauaeldtlr oeE€owd ueb ldrduo t.tu oha aocrvefc € rotuhrbredne i cn€rIrsoar fcht,is {ra\"rhvd:ten1eFensnna ecna a € oltniDaloO rae.PLre ebdsornzs€aftoL rlvtncna .he .-eme rxs lD drtsnelloatra murstnkuuaeilmrnsde sm s- It ie nesrlt' doorrbi tsooi houre,lt amccro'c6 ooN{. odLo tonrt rneice ilr reho ausNmsteeNev!€ enoreAhloosleut oxnesadvrnae dPar€r h hbrean$elefhnf io ntchsiaespumh€nBethdt orofessronal u{ologist lenny Randles, actual Yorkshire Elcnrng Post 26 09 9l llose €ncounrers with exua.renesllia.ls ar€ .nnmoner than \0u thinl ln h€r new book Aliens: The Reai Story' Randles - Director leq was covered li blood dd wenl to inrelti;qhen r liJe has del€loD€d elsewhere," he oRf elnsveedshd'EAasusooncsr atfoiorn i h-e Bloroitiks ha tU cFaOses of hhoe-asDi diradl wdtizhi naecscso. mThpeo yeixnagm siyr mtqp todmocst oorf cre,vDro flsorf uif Fwous laonodk tahte d [iere n u{umpb teor 6o00f a a.Filense;d, a. l.nli€nr hec obnotaockr dseinsc€ eothth€ enrwmo rolfd tihve wha,'sm a-mlftaezmd MIod sse.e Hheerr bsobdny aclosov erreevde ainled viaelde din atihieen sU Xarae. lsoon efal,r ciri ndaetfeieds bbre luiesf ht€rhea t osno benss are credired with a wide ranee of unusual ouncouP marks d a strange rash. eanh $aI they keep conunS back to observ( beha:viour, includins abductins humans tso' rhe Doliae were called ard found the door ol , z rled close encouniers o{ the lounh kind ) , heriehad been welded shul lhewoman " There is no doubt that some cases are conducu nq bizan€ qeneric experi('ienrs, then became preSnant, which was duire deliberdte hoaxes. Take the crop circl€ cunns cdier and siealns household pets connrm€d bv her docror. ;henomenon, for exaFple l p€rsonalv Severt women h lne USAeven allege rhat she ihen bedan (o sool blood, a Dossrbl€ lnow oeoDle who have ctealed croo circles thev have had alien/humarfo€tuses smobm oaa soonrmeous abordon She in ord;rd confound the UFO expens exriacted hom their womb after being ;'(ii.'dtv seni for m uhtasound and on Indeed.I susoecl $e whole crop circle hdnaDDed. Elen scientists haw rcponed lhls an imise oid abnomaly developed phenomenon N one giant boar" seeini aliens. ln 1947, seoloqjsr Professor foens alle&dlv aDDeared. The doctor rold RrhaaD hddni eio hmaomuinsG winass wtohoekni ishe f osru ldodceksn lvinsaw hin€rs istrheadt tohn; rdeo tplae;r aioti obna btYo acflteera naxh earnodut AIN T AHIEI EANPP IADREITNTOTNIK -IT Isiehtings involvinS a 30-foor wide, lens- shaped obiect on rhe Sa€ral similal phanlom preSn cy cas€s nhanrom-Lke aliens are raft and usuallv sround in ftonr of him. 1\,,/o sua.nge beings have beenreooned in (h€ US. ;ccu on oDen roads. Evewitness€s often iielcenr h'btrb Mrotah. he€dx uahoirmdi n-a dbho thla rwceer eh eritduse eand PAcrrc,o-rrd.innes rdd aRl aenndlceosu, l$reer aclroe r beef fllactrs. of ro€odoien .rss.l€eikies wIahels eonrr isrye $praisws tfhernocue8sh' asnodud Ei$.hoeealerou n uo-iDr!i€siden n.e -eeOwdd ne aersen k odihnf us.t shhTeeuh. t ef rilrsiorkt elumle d.sb 6uarsotnhhud'sic hPwseielludlrsem a as' nblidelslt rq:oenefaetncinruhi iernnhneca-c. ww€ Ai tnrthoive oosliwnvse€ses wwhtohiot ohwa l noht hrain e tchstrrepea edrmneibts a(lte rtohhfee$ yewiirth sere filer€wTeliucHmrhEseq 5osRns O awB-reaiOm ctTrec es-oqs u€su ealsnb atolinynu dvt a o6sclvvnceeidm mPraoeplbrsa ocnoeieDcdr obty rrl h e ws weaiie and a f,ash ot lchl shol from liv€s is hadlv ever conlured up bv them to .;.'n' rcs. Thev seem to have the tuncuon iw*r'o , ra<cn r..arl,h 5fhhrli oirin rMlnos h"t tohafel ;el nhswieso G usinnroo d(tuhu eeadh ix a drttmhedee. t fatwhhirEee c y 'Psn Tct ciihtekse n hoti€sMr siftrh.ehrerwuyin rshreorsau tgrhin.ged l eIhi e ebtwoe s sacDp oloafmteplieis€im h1roe s ir hscei nrn m soma scy €nsoMr.am "dl Fp ievwhneehsUaa tatison mosdrhe€n ld niaarv;lrsea b.l auTollhi rc des v;eir nreai €nrc etios5 dn, L€ssicEttsnlueeb cneetrd viot iodn e.arne5 cFseime tvhoeao rioh bt hiaeencydt benes l}len rerumed to thelent-shaped haDDened. I have seen mamases end I THE GOBLIN - these creatues ar€ crafr-and shot awav uto lhe skv, c @adne a .a;eic laish and mentai Dd phvsical described as havinR very prominent ears hla{ of air lnar senr lohanrus roUits down brealdowns result because, on€e a witness md sreen-tins€dsbn Goblins often se€m yiAno sAuDusanr eoi raooNfl e ashllse isoihendea l1a 9tpi9ee0nos p e-len caboleul tniwnt€revso€n lvoiln8cq c3-mndd lbre'i'ePtds eif coothirolce€dle€ ,g dea bnlmsaieocd kh o tauihnvte eo am;ie atDahinieho o.rbbtoyiat t lleaa,bb ooituu ctt mb9e0 r nnpegevrer ra€6;ah€@6ihl iqsas.sr. i -vDceans.r cesh ESnieo omvwt oeadu liruse J nudo sv ldoaiscn iitdsso otrslsvh hbeaoettUm eaeenvllei's o bvlnu pal ltaa tvrha' 24 A lemale nurse. tor example, clarmedsne .pnn nfall alien contacts de never reDo(ed acdns lrl the guise of aliens as pan of th€ir ha.t been takenrnside a UFd s'here sma[. oursid€ lhe filesofUFO goups lndeed l am nheranr naushdrcss. sev+btred b€in8s took bodyfluidand odwro acouDleofcas€s wherel M swom ir TlrE DWAFF - dese ustv_hair covered 616;.1 sambles from her. Anotherwomd ;ot io share the Irulh e!€n \41ln a pe6on3 bein8s de sunilal to Soblins in said she hdd been driviDshome on€ dav remnPramen( and some evewmess whFhteonres hseh es laows t ac obnis:s hcsiohuts nceosms.i nlsv hrotnw dsdhse her FBruern oiha j$a -oas+vfc-choonlolseis5rl eDdr CschetDistriocwphheern it adcwcadruf nsrsis hsdvnoqlsv ewPahs )r€iceapol rteads sahu istso. uAu rrash recovered. the car was in the middle of a ..mesro clarms ofUFO srs'ttdnqs and afen Amcn.ain thi earlv L9s0s, but sincethen fhieeLr dwaanyd r ort sg eetn 6geilnp,e erhde wlicohmls dh arde rl.alrsileedd hOern apLbadceu cmtiodn ist .i s Tqhuei t€ uncivoenrcseeiv iasb ale v ethrya tbig thev have become ierY rare. E\cnrng Nclis 05 l)9 t).1 d: i:<i:i =l::: :il= .-.lli:.; ::J1i:'ii : € :?. =rii-:E+= ;;=ii4:' - ,=,:z? iiiiZ: 1=',:li, ..',.1-. -- ::i""t::i, i1:=:i:;i:7:='-riziit:ti=-:.:'j; ;:11i :;ii:::i:;=,=:;lj: : = tu :::1',:,::; i i : f * ? : , * -i i 11=::: : : ; i ; i i ; i': *' i * i' i i = = and lather oi the uto aDouc alrxos! eotueiy a us phenone tuio nJ amnouvaerym e19n9t.0 .w Hhoompk hi$e thoeldr cbheihidin hda da hbisu sFha nbtsy r eadtoievnesdi nboenca. uUsaec kth sea vcs otuhnisr riys shimaDj l;v hiE oi mo.e than 2oo peopLe Jenny, who gave birtb to a large number ot trujned psy- ooul t tohne t bIe0 1b96e0ns..s ReleLricnns |!b, ofooutsr aecnrotslys ,t hbee UeSn wkhidon baapdp, eadpp abry. hwubEoa hr aadU eann h yabli.eidni awnidfe P ienre ra, c"rbeomtheemrabpiesrts". tBo uhie liDh epreeoD iles Euch controversy at p.esent Pethleleer eni neonDnc o€sthr,te aDisietpsyi roiotfu fna ieloiafvy.re,d eaaaDnthdd tsiooM!n$a tchwkina rAse ct$ba'rialosnir gt"h Mweyrite hf i nrh'suimts r tea albrcde- pseoTlvhseeses. AtaoJre tse aar vlibeeen usin sws fitrtohapm ae dpo uuorr,- oethnvebreaa.p. cEamrgss g tortee c"srhse.$icvoieuu,e" sme vueesmner{osi .i.vv;- saPlosnysc ah.iec sp raonliied. aprianlgm iasntsd' tcilhnoaents tehsem. wpBoauf!tf ydI e famoliernogt lwhoeift h rpn eseoonpmrlaeel etdtexllsaetErdoiny eiondgn, athhboedy u/ec atmertehas_ * atinrneads lee scis,- itrtraeAuy mCbaai.dlfi ifcbo €erbntb raar etcp,o reausDdsp ldra€e.retrntiivly. wqe\4vueeeienSns b atdtiyno€n dnym linwraggso r brrie0inhneee m a agoFrotri ylcos,lce eassuto uamstE€e. atsecnu"adTirn chtgdhe etoihryl e sbwitr€ione $.rsieeo sno neiwds s iecrorueeulleu dsdco .hm nsitinmiyd,i., svptbaiavrsnoet suna s loeebiai tsthcb eloeafr n pptlleo auslneuceptrte eaddeth jnswicusaa rttseleylrog aoow.rr aoaiawfd tcueeodltrne ddnwa [hsguo5 smb hal,st0ce {cObru u si(lnelrm3rd2o l9a t,h..0a.qrefe1fDlJri[c elrrsm€dolr;- bapprness tbrousb woDder le, and totd with such inter- liDg. b€.i!g:' cbildhood incidenb of dfttbtpswaihoiintenlefoeoierIiefremgstrrotygne se r dsv hsi eonhn da t ansStywlifss svau l od ypietlctjeonlrlti hlahinlenlgbtsi ey eo.egbetsaec mnv l staaeesRa ro e rone Pbnb netardtros jae coued€ecuwee ztndcn ttyja.no eetiectscLbmdtrshol f y team etuloa,lopnDe drfMme d s bitsodb tiouu mhrpayeoenco rti!eeeskya-i!i snceIbsafixpaeo t py.hsliti l€nt nayaCa'ebssD.nnu e d chl1lr t €.sf9ee d ure9xaec0ilep stl oa.Tiaoln auitnhqllSi,il dna dnht t ett bas aradosaeabt bnyt d opssEltuyLo sh0tck yhe at bichyaerEhe? temec ei "sa oor l eiruu.bHrailapilny-des.t mcwectehorohefMuefiyr ylsad lt tdbac msedk riem o leeLc a[tsaupl haoedineesim ney nh srte soode nt htt ioihmnotivtbue egrsamy i p tnoteha opfcu ro e€areowsbsr.ln iae oeng, r.gg trdPUwe i rcteheotatlso!eoft,.f iochtbwacenhobicbrcsrdMaDrceide rtts unasesua cet€sricsc itteot,ktt h h udih toiourssh,atvrd nhig tavAooe reein tihssvo slsae Eeeg" a ymusylcsai nthabert!ehriDel € mdxie}lls clo 'n oqohueEsdouruapltiyte stsrd esh tsto tisoasidnoesf. ifee rl a hstjy HodoaDaeeob nendyrrt' .hloAawDveeedr isc abxDy sill esacidntude e fsosp racocinne gse hcriophlsoe,g nyf o.tot Hathrvaat rlda rgpero-sfecaslseo r( owshmoi cb erlaiepvees a0lrrerta sdhwyis €et passum bajielwicrta swy wistheur s€ UretDsrOteioo DoIttse- It world be easy to disrniss has been taking place on earrh "These are .eal powerful Ardrcnlo, (publtshed in the UK meMxadcce kpU, tS ift sob ry6 o4Sn-yoeei bdanere{tlardsi l).a u4Drrb ocJrra,o zihysn irrnteenrvtaiet wilende slasv eo .s oemlleec ftos tuo I oaf taibgoiuotu tsh epire noppuleta taiornes wsoo rrrhieedy ebhthmveeeiornnutigtoo ,Nnr"e e h,hf reoo& mreise artseh ye Isia Lc.reo c rW ethp eahott y. c stIhaic\enrai'.lrt aaroabLdwhonenuabeObold wrd. kbe oPrlrpb)om ce. uss dotcniyolAesnoicucl -edlanbb.eleoD d jre.raa ( m t tih1 rnHspHeLb3 alr esai ury.obtaMr soe sevau.l ur ae lDaiseeOorhwpdvedrana€c b dw by9rDv a0 uDcet M oi hpnnls pfie beneu eTrrst€eor nehmc.sopnnEnoaelf ye.r.. l thhFtoAhariooofxatba I wpmouodnrue rvtue argnnyeoc bn:eh h drtdidrnqstop .ccon cn briboorTbtse[.Eros hyd douoso esoa.kmsu er.nfucr ips xrwbwaalsceyelbleh![yi e se l hsdnseg;b ei -e rgaeay xdtnloebgadc;ui dtoei vnrl ubs sitaD rcoo arl-lsensa;.t drdlbdfpseteteeodroaaHvkmnnshmseey o€ o€ tt ad, nn i lata t e h.hvtadg"daIoat da.uts t ew sb Waronrbiai ndid€eD e"ela ntt I albsb wr atnh ae.noo tdavdari f elrvtt d fr ehes eoigd lenlBe;oDree iaa.ode a nd.eWdotletiiie iedv rtee.sine 'e vvnt"aoasseis'r,tf fbaovhllpB€siaabDhtiluihecosdcetd ne uinenrniisrcot.io r, ogtwh i arsossepe .nleinln pbe as-.oo@obHp d ntlr loece tafs fjuaeaitna!s €nbdt dDohs esomd,f .u. dsa ycsurA:hso . oI.ldtticcO.errol co,irchDlalsatrodeol ny duro!biuDgDs l evl atuwu i !,errlt ckniahhwtos{hd€er...t sMswpra'rdtusbexsg a a acm bwyuooasmoerdotierr ssDf. u ibnlIol xCo nofaer htara bbMnnosdaulgecsedke. noonodro odacd rth asuoJ mtty . bo eotuur e osr ho.lgarjo l-wtu ilhosgifhl et o it$tlhiaser b brlw.eb au"a"tsn"l tdfbboruerps iCuoseonpnsa€cgsttrr euaesmxdse . ca,uott tohtivh eeean. oeDLt ihrcoieuhDrn..li"ennevDenstl eroemna"T d oycht uehtlo etpu rarr cc€,p cbtelaesD,rftbnf tit chsihse. OiEisdte ihtjahue s orv tf ecnlsuilotel--t wowasneink eesJdldrslce . abylbu loaeaun{llrkd r tmsbLheaDo rw FrasvIp s6Kle tia!rOsnrp.nu pclbl[raeIeas - bifsnl matIosan .h latai n sglgpiaea rccyspo "sbm breiDopir.ougntse, rw Lciirorehdd s loqalrelclsh€, ccbaeoTstuehw erewt $rafyi srr s eiwtan .k liittnry9ho 5w a?al Ddi n afn ibBncdteriuoz cdilt.lii .no Ienar talbeunerdGce oBsm ,uw edli irtkslhhoe i s taltDi,rs rado.ot ginBva'etun hitA awmrvheeea .!iltrca oapybDee- tviopnlv Fbt€l ocreh arsseet ttlohnsg ]oren tao tell rbh6ed asb daurcdre elo nancd a rlm.mso vuen &heaairs, cthaes eU oSc, ctuhrere dfi risnt d1o3c6u6m- eBnetetrd! dilo ncto nvt/marlt. tNoo t bojtlhll(e rw pe€o aprt€ e noi!t htoooi cwb rebaeli epdloresv.e din trlfcfsne ss.t€pllreic cisoh€- sFihkelrrnenas lena anatdbed dsu ipareenedrsm ih a"erae oi opoelferteusns. apinlre dt l eeBr haWom hleiatyed HMgionot, l rlaota srtiel lotsinr eeod tn Ncisoehdwt. tbtetrne€ creh soisof t oodtrheyen ryo iilnn tglen Uaoirfek €dticbD€.e"d €xhisag hFrevrApr?.ece .cMn ooearndmecin t.u dswl taasoosn tA hbamerlrr roenludcDbaur.lecoisesrc hdobe ur,ron'qs. stra aelriMmeeaDr ecr kbew mbso eoEbvro€dsao. rk a tqa uksoiinlrveges FaEb dlso. pnq€robneo Hskexiiasdpm nearapinespdnbpc ier"ecrd e, i meubdney dEt eoabr welbireeoenoldstk ".s h, bTrfeihl]nmiensigsr esinoyTegt sb e awantnoe dswa ahrsiida lyt.yh sheo: er"ne I,r "urt obbb€fs io!t }hEh e by o mnbul'oeuvveelt- the phenornenon by Budd Hop saBple from hin insiae a interview. Even aliens. it kins. a Nen York-bas€d artisr "pod,, while at high schoot r,o Abduction aplears ro be se€ns. need Dublicitv. Financul TiNcs l107 9l SERIOUSLY - I{AVE YOU SEEN A UFO? o A ! c t m researchinq a serious book on srqhtinos of 6 o o :. :1-.:z ia.:;,;i:' 2-:Z ,,;=; -= !E-2 -.:!= 1ij = E: a2 1ZP -iti . ty:i 1F; Ee;t g"J =e_j5 € o; E -iF i yUrrnrlna'taorndrtyme rnh/atvretliir7oye nmdb eecFlsaie tntvr ineecag otd noOet rabbscei et o actm r ssTei Vs (aUh cttF ienrOhlseSe.b) anAadtniieddysro e wnshe6sa nvwbede e[hhtroaeu(i =o o :z' 1 =:1 :-- :ii1 E!? -:. ;'i ; =-:; ; : -;>, ii!ii =;Z iZ zi - =!: . =-e :2Ei, -F-: r !i 3. ;ZE u!P; L i2 F: a6i PuhFiotip R Measnetalerc. hD ansescotocra noof Hntn.e vate tsewtvi6g Loaadtnihoean. ts!B . DaBunetvivt;i.,sh o 6 {, giiia=:+i3;p;;::::;:€:i::€,\, nc.i,,',', westYotkshre wFiTTs lot o '= 4i lE i :="a Et z E z i t\ a a. 1 -, l" E 3 E E F Something fr^shy Mystery of UFo in the night sku seen at Williton a wtuToN rs'd.nr,.eo4ed: ur h. ltv ioRri ds..ndrq tAbhe eliC€vveO sU:erPhpLpeeEr d ec yooeuus ltde hidneolonr bbld.'rrroofn,",B uc.d\" 4rrsgo n lblrosr Bss mr.,c^tmrhh pc prpxp.teodnwnpo-nsc r"t" o,..ua ean oJn oevux"r.n o n-u\ .lriEhoh"ih'nr h*.'.* '*h';l,h ".-h''ll therr back ga.den ro see a out ro tod rhem and one rcacn.nr ng iu.s Ir€ne Smilh a g:nra"dD r rbou rtarliaeT dvs .Dnhoo... o- Lssh p a" ao,o.r s.S.couhde. Lsno-mnt! mFaacshhinrLosnl sw. iiihn P.€sBtf tuieeldi oolj,c{.rt " w4imsrroron, aroswa'ao\ b- .,,beuvrp €vmee dnodo dsvo mHehdracn, -I 1eD0viv eesue, gtNr le€ iwnda f.o!ko.m Dw1a sfo orle! :tdlar€v; Srrwt alrot!oh LKo heL.dLd lLi&onl.e. abrnn. nea oNRLuaotD.ahs6 t amtuksordr "u shT rhnee ;u"s;e i6oer kr l.rbnr ov.. bdrhi,wsod . thP wa.l to sreooy myee.I Howevc' on- qorl rSrhehenMTte iiwrihiiseh a€nb d,sS a. s nn.hhkito. rhhuhge,r€r& €dgr do eMt Dh.hN r€r.s i ccbwLLhatehoprnsol€E atdoihest l.frollh€:o Tr"wa hasetth kcUhlg Wr iowta enbbsoinpcrreode.n s cw! rlahse€ sra urvr; l.€ yNrn.N chaa$lrb a.anoUrluke<Fr O lAiaer. de npF\aaDcpnUm.o aewsnrdch{efo da 1s J p2, so 0afb9iner di9-l.1L Ihweirrcirownr spnoroh..v Ssidoor.mJ..o'crhhrns. r.Ll. nuCt.isho.u,irdnritu nGdaozncl ubc nltlrrrr tni t.l Place, TDdord, eid: ,,rr wrcasu udb €lciai(slbele w. ithIt wcaRs na rheP hpoorBicae Uasn dr oth teh eM R€reAcr'. Mystery ait.n dT h,vee nisoiwd eit hetsss rlioleb da rbc loqgpralai Oir fnthee asUrp lhatiilnesd object Tne Dght was wam which is ofi.en rhe rase Photogmph when supicios sightines 'Thde w.s a Rd and i@nv 6ntr5gdaeto, Fac cforordhir A to seen in night sky yelrow ligbt in the midde th€ and wher it b6ahe vivid Lr $d€d t e! au tre Evenluauy, rhe VFO- spoltere wert ro b€d but tUhrTTohOu€ g@ hfu dDlo l€ wtwews.tlocuh l€d h NoauuvRFy rnMe rbsn ghSl !mghit!h w srr osl tdi! osAh[\ t cMecrY' ShrloTa\EmeRn nbIO€[es U rnSt ur hanc'.nr aan rtqhfohcrr sbeuet tahsi sI b6rmighcr bllascnkr imn rIh @e suktd\ an award-*inni.A Nonhun 'h l6ked Llc J @DDer dome srh a t,shr u;AeF The spp€koloured daft nearh. It notered around was €en bv PererNelsn. oI oTHpE esonvc htdoe nut tFno.ima Bspeelleindg ahat nr.h aes bna cmko ovetd h aisr arnbeIotv \ewr etahse norfrn oalivbn d ad bmaonut{aj l nalbcmo urinrr open-mindcd or "srEng. The tbmer S*an ttunr$ tsClTHawhck€dweo6iy nd ,udc .a8yleD.db ssm "o!eo srTamfwcfu e.ddpahy.rc npi elcaoyooTh dnuco Mcm r abvy.'piilWix .ridDcliMtcr.ely.rndcP sd. aernr Eir S ci.€ nhrat nh dnrlohaoaderlfy. solpvtso.hbriiuggeeiMrp-lcrreweevccre ada l r.aNfr lin dtodw eeg n&rhl xws biiphoci1oloilhnea5lrva k.nd e.eeml a qrmrrcrcec .idtnoudcr{ ten hnreware od listaJt r oh o Emflnrianln nsr tdtte !heh: caireaasrr Iwcor hofhc'uPf'vll dto or nlootor esluve r€mal denfu. ln lnobhrlod nllelefohrsBra nc hireo.raa dsn\e ad, a6n {l'ho"adrnom rc*"I lrrsirnhhhceeeo'-m' T l r gt f hirwoomOoeflalerfm r etc cac b horwiue rtuabdrn o sewrhnh d n eaa'monro r selovwncversoa rerpss b e aheaene efrroocrcdoer oera n$x anrinnlll.l Scoll.nd on Sunda\ (J:r 07 9_ ll'thh'eIeem h bTaaatynecnd le aals hnpdedae s wbs$oahvvinep ryn aar ltirasdm m.s cs sr\ .!iussdpoi ir.mouu'sp'lIrod snwbibree liensoe.tre ei na tnnoti'dr hrnhr"regE hsa!rrl dR.en^ndr AtourMgaulrlsv tN s2eell spionfincc iadsle anodr l: oUIl F wOrhaSes Tfic Journat 01 09 el UFO fever strikes Alien ship hovers overhead UFO lever has hn Nonhampton.hh€. Stnc!lhe Her.ld & Post l€atu.ed a spscialr.port on rhe sdtorzaenngse ostu bpieeocpr leo, l ouln atdtt .angttetlee,d h aFvtyet nwgn nOebnl cinls, A GREEN nri!8 rau.€r claAimrei nlhge tyo stuufvlec. lnseg€n lro$mm oetvh.lrnrqd,tva tmsqtn!- E*b.ot oYlter€pdrt.fdic rdba . ritdbo4r t rohjee .4tL3c 0r-3t llons.lryhg to stan. hoar, or hrvethcv qenuino- drivet *bo s!.d ly Whaed a are s tprralnngtlen getlxvpe€i €nocl.r?hc letters seni io us. Sir .tlhileb euard rr bhlionc rctr 5ottr ttihr6o. I n.3hback: Th. H.rald & Post two w4ls ago ft.oeD.ra.ddrt rtld6 dd h Wlltd I rnn Snith. of Chtrr.h xnd snw a nlare ol brighr ''Ir wrs J sruceF\hapc! not rhc onl on. who sa$ ir. Road !t llotl! o! ftort grcenrsh lighl. which hds a objc.t. orrnge rnd vcry ll wasrhc rill dl rhc bwn,n day !ftE .poath8 th. I \rw r UFOrcd.lclrlv \hlD. cl.rn edg. ro $ cir bright. wnh r whirc unsh,ng $(a arp6dcrt h Etd. !,n_ Ahu{Lrus$ ltrt"r.r l9lll I W Dtrmrn. The (;r.en. oclq.. r"hlt.cr dlult *ulO.U0 DTGOr 6.'r' r.L fh''''iTlxornrl vhc\pu dUvcncF ni!nOecy do r hq dseirans sd y rw fhdra encgr rhodsn lk d{syrr h'n oleav unreoedrl IsB ec''r''TCoIr nhsnadcs$r * lo.y.adb lnjl Sd€c d rh s uon*d reftdo cmr(n .al.gydb Reo irru o oltw . l2db)ae0,s. wlIh a'e.'tJFhcr. ho cwecnkadry s irHijnuiw€d osoft bo bhi yoo!a.v.n e.wL srwinh. i8iaa.l e.elanl oinrn,€rnd gr drI wdtorno'. 'TtIhlr on hwdfoa.l uskmd f Prrttyvo!ri dr pkwc!i vanLI-sgo uIss idnhl3ns a* Lnpl onyp*n.ed hdnh oeruandrrr [email protected] d. tkt!hrh v lcu Ed .ptE. trt d6iAal'rl.d srdl.t.l.bbsod . l r dhrgttrrdwb|h! . .l lld!r tl!tEi qtohr!!6.r.r.!-dr , I A SuridE€, of Roe Rod, ''I did s.. a vcry p.clliar r7.armve. lliIo gw aasl og.oei nihgc t o4 5w noerkJ.r looked like a ciglr shapcd @It u Ud drt4l rr thlriuohLr tt.ir \ov'Oemnbecr lc,1l6cl nI irnodgk m,nv ol.bl jA.du ginu s$rc. Mskyy omnu Smu nrdlsaov lrk'c'l lo qhnlcsc rr .5lroefyi wd,udnch. brncdll o!rbr'j'ceI drrJ ibgiuro ginbheru iqi lu rmnhe.l srscl l ohwc* lyrr . hnior lr!h.Ac .pl!coortl eb udFt lEtthco@ t oD etl act!t@ etor Lng8lalu.o'rn'g Fwtdburs .r m.oorlc ofw o ktauhNcllek do S$lf riccreh$ahalcdsomo onrpwl ntlhoinge.ndlcrdw es. NFwineat'oo'lsWk tdirrnh.v3h ca h !lsdh.dk do yWpmj u,tchnso ctdI n n bg Ie l wacB\unncrd c lrdl.woode eo rnhu.lneypc tllNhhitic os'u'rl ncprw o *hba.ac syrs idJdo eudpd eu nnIrki od. r wiclrnncapgsdrodi cdnsdoe eNl Oodnr0r cirwrt.c .dmrdso rpmpoap'n'yeTs a hhralevlcodcnr rgeho€e rnhhw ee dscwisdrrhn..'sd hooatws pis crh d oxlrtr EIhdrtaaaualcdpctel . hS.uoraeh . r.td.nh lri.h!i dl tudrr. yhrn.lg.r. .1al.da. t er tp!.@ b.Utd!ae.. ''By chance I looked up stopped and said Quic* ''I \oon l0und .Lt I wx{ ''I ried ro rell dy m e- bur rairsbun Timcs 210B 9.1 Nd hrms Hcr:rld & Pon 20 0E 9l the Watching THE Derbyshke Oales by Paul Bull lhPn I w.d t. l6k clos* out reglon could easlly ot dy b.drmm vindow ir hnd at night slcy stake its clalm as lhe _tjr.r UFO capital ol griloin, mrlnary bass o! anyrhing l,ke I hedrd oJn .s arrr aanbgoeur *IhLllrorpinmg. accordlng to local Th..liin( r.li.w \.v.rrl noi*. $ rhough eddrhing wds r Ftom P.sG On. research co-ordinator sighrinSs o!er Ashbournc. passina ov€r rh€ house, and hrve evenbecn link.d toa sp'nnc Om6r Fowlea. Crich and Amberglr.. dunng when I l@ted I slw No !e 'rhon,. .o.mi a,rn'crn. dcdaallend the Crays a !ruAunpd ohie r\laLrrsn \ lhratrr rPhreo bs.abnlve RdAnndds iina moniley .o ol rlh Pc rcldke Isl€a. drh.e bn's'Ih t .alis*h.ixs ascimrillyar lroh .r h\.r mdnee wno€l-lt T hhrlrk. ero grhd esrrrm rc oahull.n.virrnche ebsr e't .hnfit eosuveg1.hn.o cuulls ld roahvlelv .wr thoEr'n ldsg lnrwn' d?o -rR ' !-qirii.c' ,. rhe -ea ore, rhe Clisrihchrs. roepno dre$do s e.oernnsge sctuanriBvee rwhhinegn lhrch .f oalnlocwrrinn gp rnsrsgehdt - o!vnedr f@Orbthaell r or ccehn.l sidlings ot lhe G .rc_ulr iwiyo uglodin gsa oy nt h,ne rcrh es Dmrolcres On lhe *cond occrsion. rhev rsheee mveildla tgoe 6. oovn.e doofw lnh .bli gsheri sa ohnoev i.nln Dse touvye, r rhlh.er eR oa llns_.nR olvecpeo ntc.sd l'en"8'n bg'd Is'B Dorrer rriNrk\h\.!:d uph a_r.hbonFnwn onto!r h u.rs*eonw m ..titlP ecg hh hsUraveaeb6Frr nurdo Orro rh nrMnh ncr& ceorernc rreo.Fioorv d onsnrthcwr l) vr.Rrlvsone deeerJs re.f r enm robN aduerrsrhnncoh erhednvl.o s.msIrrn hroasvdoeCosd v whncosber a.neidrlrr inov r sr*cene!hahnae,rte rl clr vo phsRr !pdrribrln u€ain rmegibrddee neshvrdt . rh caserll :v hi! s.eTse ipr phva slrh IaslrsrooP.i d sulh*hr:tlS naroei.ghsd'dnlI src,rnoro y OB mCsihcn umoeoh rbn n aoMreotnen hrg ohrgua D tcF mennr ohodic.n ewna rrosglnleoiine odr U nh aPssh$Fan ae yoC al sps reh nprrr rerv.hn5orspiro swoer( rhdeile\\ WhDwoliHRaMlMJvncek;.oo .' r rsrrornMbF..rv il..drb{hRwr an.Fdlf lmhaeosndd.wraei norllcr.isniarldlv .ohsci dsr flr s eaauw nrrdodhodmn l vDAo T shrseahh hiestl b.d3r v novn td u.rrrhmn ec.u,6gn hevncid.o e uua onsm twcf ub o$anh'y"uvlih gnbrllh io'v Cd r vklu h'inU snb'so tnrl lioaw'n3gx 3sn r'orlnt honrleoon' D!l.s Trrdcr ol 09 ')-l KctlcrrnB Evcning Tclcgrrph 25 06 9l :i::;;::',; :i€;:;: ;Es'-l?;Eli fiiii*iiia igft *i i:'E!*igi, Sundi\ Mercun 0l (r7 9l