ruffiwsFgLE ffiF& is [rF@ spotted over town c) ,lJ spo?{ed rJ o TWO t€enasers walkrns back fmm a Dut€8 b€fole suddenty veishiDs. by podEee oo UfriTeOnd a sb ohloem ihee b sekliieevse n tr}cleiat .sra"w" a mvsten Clllalac.trokn .T ahkooD pssaown, t1h6e, corfa SJts amnudn dqo,1nd W. aI'vrl. Mjchael Conrcy claibed a tal@ cirfll,r neve. seen anything like ii before." RPQ.t.l,dlC uEn rtenpeo"e its dhli^aen tiingo :o white lisht was 300ftR io! aidh es ra ilro-o.3vsep. DIa toed DoMt iLcbhinre&l iat dwdae€ d ath pelreen no noBe so he did 6_. 7 hulc cdto,'aran shape.t utjpFpOe awreith.l IoiCrhetrs tthhen Sho huaths 66 beHrnFre a djrd feidrl erhde h UrF.[O shor a beamoflishr Dnf EsTsheer ULTeeOn afusesres da.dhd esdb oruhl eG\ ew "oicrrhldri brgF.ll rhp haJ\.|t'o..!h1t eo f ltjoh,.n 1 0p a'ilgi.hct ianslls- ,aa$".ah aire,; l,r ie1r6,i. .o""t irrho,"m"alsi ;R;o;a;d .r C#l";";r;oi,:. fI fiS&PgTk.S."4?"F, Hfrp'jmU S:{rdiHsrF:'d. 'A}irfrpi"o"n; fdJn"d clta"c Tl1. JaaTect lons :ilen! &fysfery lights abj41 nas spated th].u!h- peEsEHe Sunday Independent 24.O4.93 msr# more ffind ff*l1 iF.s sru!::t::gs tr:iB'C: ', !. .c.r fuz: e! rr . !.r\i .,!i.,,f.1 r !. L,. !iJd iLll lfr!nr.i1 r !r\ i J.r "O ,..Ir irJ,ii.l l.i't,rlY. Sh.Tr IiitlrOirizU.:iSnq r.clituhrEd BY SAMANTHA TILLYER r.einmiinsd cdin E.ien nollo err sl ir".i.rk,\e |r ll\ iri!,,rcr K.dl.sor '^R.o rd rDL virdr -rhoer ctiq lnj, .s*Arvl.. !rd ioDnor e itdlre i c_ircr. 6I *.r. ,;hdn! ir\I d.r\!ir nc.r,D r.!.1 )i1!tro.jn rd.z rLlri :.lJ:Q:id lnol.\!:. 1:brn\3i rodnr tLnel ,rndTc.t:di F,l.,d!.f\ l D.1t|rrEc..akR iri: lisrr.rLp oRir-. tb*iu,{etnh..'r rr '.:ona lruptsln$i .ds darrielhrdsnggigd eotbonuelvrs re ohrhm aa.cvhvec€e ssMoMnene urrorhic!idne. g C rhooomuubgren rot, hfoe lS wlrhaaesr ALdevaetrhteisrheera d27.o5.9 'ri\ .'1ii i,rrrLrl, ILi.Vrrl{l\.' iI,l\er.r ,ii nii!:r. (ft iLrl\lx...ri dr\.i ir- ]ltli .lri,ri Nr knn. :\ri,l .l!::a..ii1.. \ ,rn *m.,arn. :r.!:,5i.:oJs rr r nrs.r r a..ire8cr.aeu rbliioaNnr bserneoan p lhendeo nlw'e'l dlrq jci€nwshrej and ga h wraot .v hveoc ni!uo@ryl d &pndtse1tdr t jhahrahnserrd en:I {WE1U0nRh.rOa00 tI IJPa \\e .ws1.fa uoru nr co, e\n!cn,t TDeelrebgyr aEpvhe n2inAg.o6-93 ::ill.c,,.or:Nr. iij,nloinve rr €cnraoyn sb a'€! been a heLicopler-' be teils fitndrireJnn isII ErP f lvTinuetl n5r ruR.Fc5,,.. SundpaEbs'Wsy!uKae€no ztmlcrslzlki ce.esbrp:dra x, vsIob. s :tDcn r hr2aathL:in e !uUer sA osehFDe4if oan f wDDr r.naaar0eesqrsj.7. .93 iri'il5rr:'l.l,::Da J...rirr.irr,,lri!irr.J ie!.en oln .rrr, no ! Nheljh e o.i. ,rIroinlur,aYn.p,rcmr,rse\elDhcdre,s -i !a,eejn o uyarogd.rirN rs rh .S wnevo rllre ridohh8b{w6rareeunpegard!erl reecy.nilr n.pslhOaciaholsnneHAul$sdns e.iii r pion benacsngwdlolsaeo . wa s l Dvdsi egLF, beo rnJn€ rbncFoaMdunsmO.han c vNc yo. lnbshls urit sod nloor istusnn enleiro.jre j e nspirIchtew.i!aIco le.eorsI... CmLEaUowadplfuph\obhDeroosooi| d iu 6tpeFaaer ( onxbdEs.rref :i uct she-Pr rrrotc:nrJ d5 drdc U eh rrhrorruiith.n;orrcrne nelk.r sen tntbh o\rnitcer.o.nrt ie-rchi.voe. ,', l! -li, ."Ii "'., ri,-l': j:r :,.:." r sEcaverbnoinrqough .nrIr5ir.:r..,\x dr.xnu.Jirc i ,lhvi.e nrs orcbirrece li ei€Jo:ru' srn ho'm'Te le!ty Y wereNrlaen dtrs. reRloiidn!!. 'iU'oTfrao rbDs;.a v;haecnr sse .ndido cnheavs in\hg6,,id tri :,r ,,.ai,rj:, ..r irrali.- .rsr ,:I rJ :v.n,,Nrqir icu Nerds O4 . Oj .93 .fJt \rrr: .u rIl Jin.b-q l nirE wcd n lLei,le Nlelot $Jn tdh eb sakcvk taiogoa inn.e nhlt .rol Pres05s. &04 J.9o3urnaf tsIJFOR,A NtrIMSFII.E PAGF 1 T;arTHabhrlE.ehr r oFnrqogAu FsoG hvadeennrd dyC i n.pangonyorterb crrlbter.auv hrh$yag!. vtore'n@ b aqe.e nu Fuon-' Reporl by Mon Silk dBwuAT6irhlFegeFm Llsh lEeoIs wDnle-i sqmp hrooe!vplinqogn eodlnis h*perashr mwp et 6reu L ,fIirF6hOer $.beeins' 'aI th $ reiewt dm D tfuhelsdxetrm h dbi nerai isq€ a aiUritnh@e en*rvrIe ie. w arhtsdsioilcd hds ePmmeaam6 dDeed ' 'ufbfs 'uii'h!nj3ht5lq1b.forcndi4dhd.dju|. slrPeoisne bdy oPrCesr ECsa@ls oMn ao@n € Lhaen dt sAt.t ansr li2Cf6ocd tCguoanFrdosl Canendt rteh, ee Shi@ch ricsoho rAdi_n I rc &q b nijo' r! krNe€s {trracd oned pC Duffeid: ..Therc aniaElepsa ca€,I ctoivtihli ds iadir $rmefvfi ck nine wS oofft knb. .r,t:d E s. id' tr'' &y rd !E hd led us like a cb&ri'gsh th eliAadhrtsie hsrhsh tin!-!w taow ad bdisr tfl{inghqts ned the Weste; Isls ar rhai strarrg€ because qe coutd he,r n. However- ihe entres dury supem- d;qoolDl'g.l@Nd&@'cM'b. dou. ^ lFrrn$ au sa iq td, q u! uFo, The lidts faded away but the off- sor sd mttary cmfr were holdins L6+d.I@j6'ffidUyM.loljd4. lhl!F.aMqdy209FGo6.Pla<6|6 The Jou rnal 14.06.93 Adscene 01 .10.93 varcolver.B.C. Canada /.rune 1Ol93 : ui 6quotes , 6hou ld lead (1) Dr'steven clee!'csEfl of yni.h DFoRlc is afflltated ha6 acce56 to cnN-All vldeos Yl1l be 6ublitted to csEll first' (2| OFORIC Yill pEp coEpute! qenelated raeefoEs tbrougb a DaqDetic coir {Dot all of tbe csETI qroups. VANCOI'VER SI]N I{EHSPAPER / (DAILY) UFO HUHTER h'{ail sorter's not a wild and crazy guy, but he'd $ill like to meet some aliens ydrtrrlor drrru ia spda rrds changod ar r:30 in Lhe hdrniig in he plans hhsdar.h for inlellige!t drr4,d^er dr.idr l1 6lIe 'ntrrlJnk?dn d@i rLdddmtu rrqrnro(trr lDheft. mdabrekrn el9s?s? ju{hset da hbeo vsela rSedu ninsetot lbjleer niEi tah eli talrlm. (Lthhe eu nriovebreu es .!rdlnnr.0.I mtu 'p,hr,.tureo [email protected] as. iaorr iisrbo rdEid leegaq.{hha Dtoe sde eo ba i€cstlo'lawlisnes, Dausls .a lIiUnsU iheaalc tloi).dCm0ld* faind etrhaed mcriLa5tl.. T\9hee rllen\F a aulumn moon... noving very ele. Iew hot spots. I know shere th. -JtrE9 rfts irer S rly od slo{ly ado$ lhe sk/.' landing - the supposed ldding - Hephoned a leal ladiostation lo learn othels had see. rhe sane wilb lhe nosr recorded U!0 The list thirc rcusboutd kno* thirg. but he never leamed its o.i- s{iiEllhiatinngss dLra$[ eb earen din H Ceanaedya ri uLorr.n eA C[lotlted laoddde rh.jrsy bthed. b!uer _1vhat I saF,I ju61couldn t aspreo lsa.n Aonng a lrheea hao.ottuensdt othfeth cer ehaott so he esrablished his uF0 LaLes and nerr a Pickeling,0.1. Bt dar, lhe nild-nander.d. 43. insftule. Ijkins calls flon ludear ptant have also Dloduced yearcldCotdbde! js rC&ada Pdn acmss th€ co!nlry.nd shalinE r u ltipl€ sighlings. t SING FLASHLIGHT, maqnetsand aliille luck,Lorne Gold- mail so.te., By nighr, het a Uao inlbrhation $ilh hobbyist and ex- Coldaadd's summer project oat lader hopes io shed more lighl on existence ol UFos. bCrroeaaosnrmeea ddaNa { UehTs.F.tU OE*F hnORdoR e aIrsOupena asfllt ic ohnhines In Vnat nseoElon eufu -tvsbe eoo dofFi-,t l$eat$erh'Ese .n bh eeNs tAolteSteAad u or6mu icttoiha!el sih ! aorne..psdulisee srl othhviese nsdIeoiLddt hab,s eoii {naresieln al .arogrgr toreeoutcpduh D oeifshd vel no 6BUlule.tnsl gts.ei.ouFaum,lll ndItngloeg' hoslod ewsh aTtv sd os dYo n! is.rao!w laov ea sopvaeclse in Goomlde faodn ehrj ss Db€nodbsb y, ndeeavrolyti nhga 4lr0l irso pump.ohpuleFsener:red wa!e .lienl Bsides lilaat! b$ada .ikto, Coldfader. s sumne! vacarion From th.aey6m Llg he took to forms throuah a coilthis 5umm.r, 6 cod !Ept mpeatins in The Day ''Nosadays,' he says, ptoplc *on lbelikeyouaornine,ltepls beaming the .es!ltant nagnelic lneEadh Sr6dSlill'Thedsseris. don hidicule it d they used to. Moi to communicale {ith sDace !liens prlled a codple othand hek nash- aoFaUeJ into the heavens. not nrch. Coldfader says ahen spe- oftheo are vdry inteleded ir thc hoverinC abore B.C.'s Inrerior. lightnrobss and a Pdasonic Cad- cies can probably sense ou! fe€l- I]sing a nasbtisht-:{nd nagnurs bu6cuntil*[email protected] H. says no oneshould fea! rhe .p\nadra gI rUarltlrlo. Iluu..nk.0 RCeoreld.dla dtehre ifsiEn tt rcidsseloutla. pCeN Na ljhearjs ps.oimthis.eIdth toe a\ j!s tuhee tchoalst *hea Dllr efnosll,o vth, ewree !r eo tlhaekirn gp rothtok So *hafs reall' going on rP uitn sk hoouM. :r eIll low{e .eb uton afena ! ba€ "rve may onN see a liloe bitofit. HuFds are rhe aliens, rhe say \rc The forner oDticiao says hjs lile \rhilo he srn t .ay eiaclly sb€re Coldrader prodises nerby house It s Uke lmking at the ldor ofa gidt. ^*.!*hD"h..*"dF"p OFOCfitL 'o8 T!.b[&nwr.9uq6i'FJ FOR THE STRANGEST CLOSE ENCOUNTERS ON THE TELEPHONE * i' *h* r-dh- n* tr" n%dou qfl s.drdtund, Edited and presenied by Jenny Bandtes Britains only professional ofologist, UFOCALL I 6n m&@!ted r i*jud rk ! will keep you ahead ol the UFO headlines. trFd & ftr;^ ard &. L d The larest cases from around the world, Bdh!ddotrqrn.@ologl!] up to dale research news, details of national and regional events and book reviews 6re 'aou€ddnlhod'dhgI Mun h* d- rEdb ; b*rr! y& r;. r!- t$ud" all on UFOCALL ..--,-"--..J' {1.,s . r-. D 4. A, * - A-N.'8.* L" I "g' TIcorcdiePlgt!.bdDehl h"mein4 dI6 ekrr .e.p hpobboobr ibL9rk .rr car!s co3136p p;, mlnure crreap ' The Middy 26.08.93 BUFORA NEWSFILE PAGE 2 *ff 5 ! 6= E:E j: EE_r'9ci'iEE P: st;i!"i : q:I PE6: ts_9Fg i5::s; Report by Corol Dovies E !:iE E ;; i E'"; 6i !tPi -; :E6E ;; Eii€ fl EE;{E!; ddbs.Ftrcqd! rT TAKES Olrs 1o say lh.r N;6,*.,bbus,.d. o,d b" q"eisl ! d-r lbr WrlTNtlSS FIIBI ";i;*i#":iffiilli* -*tu e;d{Nud 6+N ro. h' .h' - ed rc 'h;^r-3 wNessol^lhnP{!s'Ftsiobe' F* n;'o -bh! *6 h. "iort ..-. \ o6ir lro | tuld b qud dj4 n d! j, !b' rc' "*"i€,h" lhc d Llh id tury b;. i *! $ hd! n 1 tqh i h +.r rd;,. d -, .{or r- rh$lN6mdqdao sjlna 4qdqfitt!r![[email protected]'u@dde$n4edr* bLl s' qiirA'kdE(tb,!];. rruio! *rF rd rd 6q {r hs}' rahi, Mu!,dc*.dr.h-q&,haLr. turtrrrdhEEie'uqld1' 3u nin t* r *qLoocady ' iq|ho6lrmieb!&lu.lFnd 1r!diYi{fufuryfhft,eqdhv. qd cr d rto dEd! rEd b E drv. iFtdtja.&s@bdlw!@ ^ hclqdeFEd.'a l q! s. d!4.{futb!d''fudIl6d ".; jqnlldbu!*yiddtu'qery &d UFO NEWSLINE Cd trro' Lroh\5 no.!l UFoT'nes otr 0352-i32473 BUFORA NEWSFILE PAGE 3 :t'l'ti{!t$lit irxg,li. . .,tt'E'q'Fitiss lrlt,ti. . .lylTNllss trgLfi. . F F ti! t i I { {;.1,, 4d !tr.ry s4 h s. 5ry lNd rd Ld. 1,. --"d r **si ih, i^'u b " d n t.4d bu4 td!nir! rir ! ildn ! v{ ! da. dd' de h6 rs dHa My fud{dItEg!@d4Fet(dlb 6d 6FLr i+. i tn h&di.! $d ! 6' $ce9hdq!b*dm6c!rr'el'@dbb d{F!ob}d!(4.@ldidy4llrfil Fn! o!rd! $! di4 r,ndd dc dDr ror WHITEHAII UF@s? HAS A LlhJnw!ed'du.&t!l@ll FOMftfi FOR EVERYTHIq{G r \ G liv4 163 dc \o d r hd! obfc !! oElig u@4 d. *y! hd,tsd. r 6r rc "clhLa!p J UuSpTs iPrku3t y owuh iohr oaucgdhis t o* itnihe tqrqan/ .bdaes.i id:9ri;6h' 'neFglsPyi$ntd !gsddp4 ].hr6'gnMF qsrho',h !dFqNl l,r6eAiiel ualF t0h3e, "M Stnatlds lrtyh 6o t,r tDeentdetny ct€ eilenp hwohntilset 'P6do 6i1dry b* trb b BFn ad 'hB{up ewp. lM6wb bb5 *dann(u &i4tnol:ird"iiyi rqinodd d " i i d rd Lda re r hd d r@Py do. $6 Fa b br rib 3 lorb ohid ww@ k€ ri b r.d 'o@n6d MF e;@i o dhd!€6ia3hrylEhLndu*y'ildlk r$ rerd5 E h , ilsa€ inmer s'd Mr .Edhnb,hi.hae6o'rohsd!{hid 6FiEasilhiiqwdbidsgd|oifuMF Poro - wh a nao, urc,t5or on ho d r Fhr pads i' 6. tunn o' uFo phi! d oft/m lrd ha' ba woub; o y66*he bd h MF M-i'i b6,;'d"qd "sr'ms r i.! ulrbd j! in!Brbtdisn.@3F Adscene 08. I0.93 l!xl!!ttr6.$Id{de€}LlhGLi4iq {!s':dolFer}lasdd6[+! 6der'wr60ekba; @eioc6i ljghdio5h4o5zs'@b[mdMd''*ai qr6 d, ie,fi8r loidro ;,6! iid. uFos sep!. e/e3 IrcideDt.s@day 5ttrl93 nad5'.a a d 6 hrs,. cbpion, F a eGcftl mistake- Just a or are we being watched? IJAROIVH:*#i'l TWo ., Iitr not l00-per-cent sure, tr--IFffiEtrffits] . ,c tFr i:Ti\*R$E-{#iliIf#fd*nd*t"fSfiW5fl 9"rlrcri, r,"u ' :il'*.i."0l..[ rn,^;s;i r s"i('h ' ;rd r ur:l i't:"u toci ois'o c lenc "Ja,1,:." 3!"e d ;,o:' , ;-t,, i :J.{ bUuFt OI l tiaghchinteikvr i ttyhe elegretoa ittwigoa tsot .sno amt ea dTpbh hmmaolfiGrysdc ida ssmbhesltsr 46di m&o *@'rs'd lld$n.po ,iq Slrycc- n-.$s Updir.s LONNEGOLDFAOEF Il:iLr ') rlie fFos ind Lrirdira..cDr.otrliru ,t6 4isQtramE st'!aPE rar'ofi *erc sthrcd br'rr tean 50.t00 i!o pELreL sm rrJrrDk u1n1 oSr!.[rd r4h0 nt, nqnh t pUca.rk{sc conlC Io kpte mo sone UFOadivity goirgon rt ahishereleva. l lrcrcverc,Coldladersad.lvomaitrscb ol fti!nT'rhc r-l o rt$tr tilnl "LqrI .Lrmr Li'l:iict a2Ir ryrhc nrimdm cm* ,J Irn clrrJee l(ic" Elem .$ kam nnd;r (-rl leh oAug hp airtt yis 0ufnDcihnacr aint i-( hCc oUauaiOtlaRmI CImneuvssc i;x P o) alov nr-nrs drcrrn in the seanh - tr3s aot rDLearo vhethe! the nine {cre parryirg or 3/TA!AF\GLE s l.lA[, E'":1a'lrlsic'oh" !hnadnccd"d.cLjiri;lcc:u :c:Ul._:F;si0aiiidd*iu"ilr'yi_luo,-nRirr!ic t.ti rrDehd0i.r'rcidi lliea PAor te CroouqDuoitfl aimtrd edDikoen rdocandt.Nitne$e3 n.rr E XPi. > U jun pLuck.d r rclrDr oJl|E noun!rinI l]-Jf \acsosLodnlat dredr rrhkeo rroeoproorllsh ko nr.Dyuosuen ghy b hony *phrro. !L: o: hkllied.*aarsinricll.ilnidsn1 D_l dumnritlhLo! qrodt aas nsrhn.brscoi dorf ents lo laLc rlrdlos, $lrich $d intcnd tosec 5 .: : j ! phDne calh ft on peopre{ho insisted Lha!. !c5, Uronic I'rs bcrtr ir kina U[0 siahtnps thevhidse.i nares, bur that rhey had atso n rl'e L@s-lilarnlrnd xrea r r{e 1931i,{hcn Goldltrder foundod iL. Hc oslimatos his 'I p Ncd rogrrhefanot e.!ci:ro C0l'1. records indude about 300 genuire sig inss. O - ! oii iq EHASE GAI}IES r\ Fosl, empl0ye0. CoklLder sa\e his fi6i o.e=.= ''lf,o !reDts eoLiS on at lhc:an. timc. UIr0 jn lS??.lrc*asliringinllENcnEnd, l -j- :- jj The sori.i:rd rc{r nares. he5 d. rr*o "Dcc. r?. rl0a in ltNasalargcegeshaFed Jello$sh ind s[durLi:r dsccDd,ng. objcd, puhaling, noving slowly ac.os the o..:., 'Th. !tbc.0Dj.cts(.rc ril6lr. atr hi(hcr rltilrio ar.l th.r rrni.Lrcd rL r.oinrrr :lh lle h:s since secr "tro m.jor sishtinss. tr .. Th.y dfts.d li0m s(!rb lormitoo ro ll'r.. nrjnor sighrinss and our.r slull I $on t a trlr,$rr. ionr jod 1flv | 1 r m rr.r rrlk ibo!r. Lccd6e I r.ri'sc i1( r00 ocr r.rx:ure,lrut I lrrirI rrrro r]s lL trtrnll ol,lrir Dlirsical €vLdcncc ' BUFORA NEWSFII.E PAGE 4 Focus.10.93 BUFORA NEWSFILE PAGE 5 : .li'a;;orth;?,ii;T{ -.Anedlevalpdntiiom Easle ;l i' dinr 1M56o6n (tfhuxet)P, eanddi llnin es. :i.'-li'!ri ' '-'rPlateau bv ea tdb€s r" ti,1 {above) -;bmed by some as eviden@ of past UFo sightings. lhe swis.s aurhot Erich Von Daniken nade a Even Jimmy Gartet saw moving lights in the sky - which turned out to be Venus > Thrillins scicrcc ficrion trlcs ol Anerican Dresident clains a the rcstinonY ol even the most alicns lion sface luelled rhe sighljn-s. iwcnt! !ca.s a!o, dislinguished wnness can be. inaqinatnn' ol a waFsca^. fai Jinnr Ca(er. then the golernor when Ca.rer reported the sighr- tas\isra^cd public. Co;bincd of Georoia- was \isirino a local ing in 1973, over four yeas after rvirh Cold $rrr paranoia. thc Lions clib {ben he an-d orhers the evenr. he rccallcd rhc dnre as UFO cuhurc inrprcsscd nself on sa\! a n!srerious lioht lo$ in rhe october 1969. Roben Sheaffer- rhc nationrl subconscious. irhcre *esl. Ar Carler deiftibed n. the a critical UFO inlestioaror. il has renxlndd erer since. light appeared ar a dkrarce oi checked Lions Club record's and Todat. dcspire rhc fact rhar 300 ro 1000 merres lt changed found lhe lrue dare was 6 Janu- rhere n,hsolulclv no ha.{l evi colour. noled doser and then arv. nine nonrhs eadier. The dcncc Ihat rhe carrh has elcr a*ry agJin be.ominc Js h,g br;lliant planer venus lay los in rccei!cd visilors iiom an ilien and brishr rs lhe moon belore the vesr-sourh-wcsr rhat night, cnilisari(n1- rhc rcsulh of se\eral linall! ;ovins oif I li neler just where Carter had seen his Americrn suncls indicarc that iun o{ peoJile who say UFO. Hrd a Ut-o becn visible rhe majorirv ol peopl€ arc con- thev ve seen unidenliiied objects as wellas Venus. Carter should !inccd (hrL t.rFOs exisr. A in rhe skv.--he rold thc prcss. have seen two brillianl objec$ U.rllut f ll tuhIshed in 99t Caners sighling *as hailed by \h,,ue'l r .rr Ll Drr cent of UfO believeB as poNerful sup- 'Mr Carler is in good com- Brirons morc tha; file nilllon port for their case. On furlher p ry in misint€rpreting Venus as id lls hrd seen what lhev lnveslrgatron. 11 em€rgcd as a a UFO. Sheatfer $ls diplohaL. rhoughr qas r tiFO. Elcn air tell'ng example ol how lragile irally Caflers crpcriincc is Focus . 10.93 BUFORA NEWSFILE PAGE 6 UFOs are like reiiglous visions - tlaey come at tlmes of stress f.,.rL:r:tr'. :" ri.J,n!llr , ,.I. r rlbrrr tJr,ir,.rrii(n .i\i r,Ll\ I lfil$ri\rh 'lfrbunhss.r nh.dri DDirssan d,tLui ([InrO0hr e rrrrnnn r n O]gtoorLrrrnoe..r{{dd . lt ar)T!i! ! h$iienn !rr,1r. L , r.ri .:, r.: Llr .nr )rD.(nl rlhucr i\.rrmtdc ,)!!irhh irrhhho!, urs,stnr.r.' f o., ri .ki Lk.oiiiorr, rrTr,erons s!o\-vn-ac"v. r rir ). r.i.frLhrcr l\" .0. \rxndrDs ln rhc lorcil. lhe ,hlfd . .L.di ,,hrhr;i,l hhr.. rir fi.5 inrlnilh)nt lli.!\h 'lJrcoc l ieu r!ii rihtce r!^r) ur)n lale tronnolvn oa L.lrrii' L {n{Lf ,,r I FO \rr.l- thr rrr.r..rDl .icns to no'i .rj ,in r..lnntii(r trlth Lhc obsed.r. Th. locrl lL[iir rrr .r.LLri rr. '..rr1. i1 Lr .n... 1.{0 r .nr!\\it l'i. h'.Ld] rh,ro Ltrroi\\l iUL\n.ScSrie,d,\\ri.irrrr r l.ffl ooeb.(cureer r\ooorinn dr h rrhhr.hcc sirnnc iiessihnhheerl \htil r I liJrrir trrr Ln r rr h.ri ,))in \l\ ii,{,hrrrr rrhh,.,\. .a.-N,rU,1 .\-c.c" .n, a"s" ,rh1e. /,,i \lrh .r Jlll,,.rr rrnr \uf!r tlrnr,r rcs' Iurrirrcir'". ri"J, rmr...d r)rh!i Jrlil.$I. dlu.r r LFD bc:r Drercnr rhc f.Iii r.J,L.rLn(Ji:l.l.!l\ ! i\\rrr\\rr r nr(Jr ir\uLrlrx 'n.. li Y rer hrF .rLN.t hrlchchne rrdnclnrn . r rrrLohx nr!h nrer)rcimo!nc.L nll is-\Dihrri.s.!r. L io.Lr E sr,rufui. r\J i,ilil rhe lilm. I {c.rr r,ld n.: rhlr h, .n,r- 2 r r.\ t,r.o!ur!!l ir !.n!iD! ds qrrkr' \'er Jcru!llv old \11 , 1n, \rll!rritin.r ,,.. ,Ibh,r iis!inss. hd rhc:burn 9 rr'r'.Lror' u.i Dir crsr r is t, innrll on rhi !LDi ,L !nrr ! .\thDrrklr I t('u irri. i.r brcsreA inro which oL)i irr].] ;n.u!ir Or I Dl t r:in haLl bubbl.d The h!r 9\.i. i]]! liinr tx!f Ln th. rxdirrion rerdin!s reoodcd b! I I \I/ FLl\). ,/l xrtrr( s 1i1r, ,'5/i/u rlnln.loku ocr.ndd: (r ho. uxorrrln rHil llbr rcNN.$rio unnod i nld!re.t sth.a; I "3, rirJr'r .rli, ri \...idlng () lh. UFO oqjsrs .ire clerrtv ontv .rn'rrr r,L r,, r rne njsh secu rL,o rerd\: ro suppt! J t!nciirit r L\ {,l. ur.rLir lh! LS,\lr F(;ri hx\! j \\lotll)ril!.. ncrr A CIA memo savs Itn\irh. .rtr r lrfl!lx li!hl there is 'no shred of J(henrrdr nFJn.r{r \rrn e\\i nh..nrr hr t! ri1tcrunfd lo!l evidence' for IJFOS r\.lxniriLin tor rhrir obser!r- i r)g.1' ,t!rhcrr r. !iJ!ddrr ni,!D1r,. !ln .hi,\n ,1L iI, ln \o rn. rn olb.\ Thnislo r rr.iorundsep 'i..rrdcirh'ih rerornrvy L !r.rlL Ll)rL xL,\Jri .{ii\ lrr)nr \n.r J\r.nd.l ro rh! lovern r )J r rh ,,r !d rrr t(trc\l. :!.tr n! \hirh rttc!rdt\: knoss 'rrr . lri.|ii rl{\. rur i. t; rhJ rrurh-.rhfur [iFai!. bur is rh. ril r :.. rnl Lrrce\ or .!1.riirr tr un Lnl. urxr!h rbr ' ! \l .irjL{r. r )irr )r ihr \r!uiil\ Llr. ni!_!r u; rh!! . rh. riti\ or !:, r!1jd.. \ r,, rrl \uh\.qurnri\ I'ror(rr 8lie R,DI ih. r.rm.r ]: iir! \ r I :.r. j\rD 't)L! !,i L S \ir F,,rc. ollLt ior rLL \ n! L Fr ' rit n. sere rlr!,rr.r.,..!: irul,ii.n!l (|: j !d l n! (.LA .'lL, JnL] DLn,, rn) :r! .l!furL nh! . rn\.'] rtrrr rh. t' jr tirtrfr kneN 1[ $( inr,r1n.r. nlil.! r| l-: .! rrhrr.rInlfrl( i(' i(ri \Llriiei ,Dn. .n .ol\r! rboli!d' .L. lF.O st hreh\r io !nitvi!. nv ". \L r ,rr l)lii(r tr]lirn .,rr I rJr x lNd J.r osr i.rirL Ir. i.:,r .Ll]x,r rnrn ih! L l:On,srns ..\ inrl.d bv .lulr. Jn. rlllir r.lri! !LI Jr"1 ) i\rl\L.\h1 r.lLrll,i!rx's\. ..h!.rrrr!u$r!r !inrr\l. slhne! Ci!I A h$ahdic hu \ r,, tr',r. r, ,[ .,.,,,rr L]J.r\r !\!o r1r \,r Fo.i nt r ri.N .lr'.rr.r.l r ,. r trru. n th. rbfur llu! CIA aL\ ,,ilil..d rD r.,r ' L.lrr i \1,) \ th. oi!'g tr! LS [r.olonr.l Intor trt.rorn!fLrd,: nr.,rili !l ..J:1 irl rt,rr.\i ,r !\ ,r!!rrriLi...,u:t,Jr nrrrL lr"nii. lr\Lnl lu,rr,!!rrrnd .Lr. \rl.r()od !nnl!1:!r ).II ..'',n .dr1\. I r] .u n,lIr.I . ,r\ ,r(,jjn. ,:L ,t. ,ltq ,I \ri ,,L).0\ ,.,rr .uFh..D,.O'. D.i..rnn| ..rrsiru 6! nslrhrcsee inr!\ r,ri.r :r rL r.Nr Jr,ul.i l[1! !D!,in. fr!. fu \cu[. Onc ro; .L 'L|:: rrr:rr r,i',,,..' ,:..r, -.rr.p.L r. rnrrr t.u.rrt'. nIr'!i:1 \i ..n..rr rur( .(r i1 r,h\ nrLn|r..i . rr\oams rrn. ihj rir.r rflr !J rrr r, .illLl ,l !\ r!ir. un irrir ,lJ\rri.rf. rrr) rirr ,)r!\1. r ih..! rLritrr ,.;. r ) rr!!. r 'rrriL rrrLrfr hr!i \.r'-,hrDs {,i.1 .,. i rrr ,'n,r.ii.,. ih! 011.,\ rnq Focus .10.93 BUFORA NEWSFILE PAGE 7 irn!fr\D lol rhe rhousands oI sehr- frightened and one va! sick. windine. unh,li roJd \ mivurc eriJrxor uprnhlrJdeei LctmohLcrJdr rnweod ..di rbd\ y h eUrr\.FheO ;\ cgnarrom." uoBplsvi vhaonAniselth eesrad f aeablnyod.u Ttl hhaeen ichaaonsuilerv.; ar.shee rui nIrInvFe6Od acoh f pilrdlaa \sue \l l lbnslcirc $ken xAcps nsd! nrnrlhrdei o rrt \os ree elrtmahes pt'mbbLrhohea oe.ecqo \hsreh\fui rrzl cln cbpcrso asn rr rcJ reo r.knd hiNrLA cpurla pnhmbrhededVcro a socriu ri\ln hrlan hur\nn.mor ssdeonu.r Groqlrbanorhr err ^.e Kerdrlnvaero';Des^ rer dnansriicupnsh -rrsderi wSibiDrroheieaegrtr secarom e carat9€drneouen. asnedl 0ss , hb vbD oayoUerr nhDui.Fal h lUrniOWG oas lun A oMiqahrUnm hiaT g1 vdea.te' n5 r tw i .b Scs.ewe haexamePDLensntrr l an eroDrvnsLh;i6ase ehiLr rs nhirrlmHoo hrtaensreecL gsfebdtrahriunvamiueJd c! Drlportbs .ilrne pasnSrp ecrrpo rrmeooi ero ilchor,uern) h ins r$erdLsc emr,loh e tircsrinrko . \sahdp i* b l1 ouJrepLhrs nFhhera aecrr onr 5 lro rdc braorsvc rncie hJis.o cnahttsdk \tre itrr nnhn rqeIo;jr SlreorWmcn ravr nalncld$e nhriuhs rcw slro.i3 lh$,inewr rcrn ;dp,r .inv.,inqinAe coSwnoam snti htlshleoe lwec. omictnnaineculsgsuslidyn€s es u danD ndrhdhev arst rrh crenlahirlr eecel atlrUrrsi.cFernOsr da$niifldShii cu duJcisnhltrv vin r ac!osccie coe\u lsrinrlniurn \nau rronoinn\d;oo{ rhravrh.lne\e tcsiprt:hh7yer. nodc .r a.ou.d 10 0ttock one However Professor Sdith rri peop]t scr cairird JwJ! \!irh aFneb r.nulaernv5 nei eshhr.i ricrh teio. hrlh ei;l srahwe ornvceormlomokoend l!t1hteh mfaocrs itohfa rF xSrp.anren. $rhacsrr ndrecesl!vn pslhono\r nu lb er\ e1n tRr riTr;h\hA sgrszdminaoeclccg.iuJ$lr l rr.r\eeru hnhnsTn-rd rwhdtlarr e eoib,rn rcnohnhcc vrcrrcc er rhdr eo ola sirfe!hL c :.rh er!h.hsc qrmiaiccrydro j eenrra tc ;nabntccn edd d! bo e.b lc .ad.oerbx n:ocer tcda cnTri7rsmo; hndhiireeecF;t aGiaUvUksener FMFtdeneaO upTo kdsese. i . arane etOTn ixsmcinnahditlcirceye ooerl ns l otevalz hn xociaeem€ pclD olzavtaphuiarmhiaoncns;hieluesa.b e ridntndi shlia pii detthbfi,ev eh enylor;caeafef c d nrrrfrn ichhi..orecaeref il litpcHuvhnhnihaaeec!drr i insrenrLl l cireicFr lrdc!wi\aOs! r rpLoo .ai rou\rm elDrnrlr rharaca!os.n vdch.u-s.i .ndi ee-f_a ar\rl o,S direb, rheir\arnnv lidalouprtos oinsio cr rseobnchhucnr hosioiig. aon: rhb dwxe udre-echcttsldcbror Focus .10.93 BUFORA NEWSFILE PAGE 8 f-il , 'l-. Dirappea.hg ac{ P First contactee af and her UFO that 1thems€lese!€n ln ihe 1950s. GeorCe Adamstilairove teftl. i lupiler. Had UrhFeole . I mole, Mosr 'abduc- founderoia relrgious cuh near Moudt paomar. been a reat I tions' haloen ai wasthenBt so caled contactee. thoselavoured : p€sent as $erl, si€ | night in b€d. The with pe60nalvls ts irom fvrir sauce.s and thetr wou d have s@n lsublect.otiesa occupants.le.iaimed !o have b€en.vai der thee bright objecrs J srange righrd bypeopretbm !enus.lVars aid satui:tr. includ. ; nearthemoon. J ndeorhay*€a ing "iwo incredibly lovety you0g wome6 who IhepsychEhst I peMstinding look hrm to ctes on lhe far srde ol tn€ noo[, wDrh oB eendjammrnine dS rhmdo,n II unn€ra blel} leto b medE, b.u th E Hsceoauislsoh plpu btlaslkreend upshroitgohgirsa ph$sF rnoci ha t-evieersucsorpaen oTBoston, sad that lthemominc;they dahatuh bna€aheddpn nuespsctrtea ou.h nrsoyt,nrp ','h snlIdiheokhie dses ie tsnho' d leoarr-. dts : II|lilbi Ebnrsueytkot'r a€mteeahnaulisg€nntpsensg ae Henue-nydotp nn'nanagocgpshpies,yng lLcmllheclc.ncrrsnrrn). .rfd rtir lncn rr tfr.!hool. r .iir .rirfn,rLrrl,r td lDrt1 rhrrrr:l\ r,).n,,Li , r'I |fhArL \.L.:irL\ :,. F ,.rli,,( .n.. )Lr \,r!n,.ir. ,.rrLi -L jL.,.r)ri\,.l i\nL,r rrnir,!..rj ,rrI Irir 'r..r:. .: r.,,fi. ,L.ii. .r :nl .r l:l lr\rr1,,tj.',r ,. ,-..r . .r,r .I , il ir. Lrr Nrrnosrs is oten I A lik€t exphna- ne.x, lnjtu Ltr, D.::. rll ljrj . ! ir nr. a: r .ir:i,i :i- \,, - dimlsse aeMtkadeil ll. t tohhB enrue ot vpMheaaF ltt nmrooe soni€ st lIlIVp tlhauioedUnnd no 'sdgm lteaheaeEnm ocaionnrmugd,"f 'm,dn !!iuor_r\,i.Hllr)\ \nr.Dc\ nocrrji ri'x.L \ trrri,r.,. nrLr, F .Llln lr.\n LLn :j !(-,) r,.irrr,i,,r,i., ,r'r..r, ,.rL. :rtt .i. i'.,.. rr,:: .r:rr- more anenable to I dlich Mny psde r al,\ o: ri:x! apsfaurtgeiegr netGs'tt? iondno, esO6l utfhideeen III heeasarrll€c€ yi aemllrypn eindinge tin'heed, piqn.Liqr+ s Fr ,i,cr( i!\ {. n I\ i !rcl'.l\ . uLl,r I!r r LLr!i|rf! .,,!Lr ! .h LlI. r.i,l,ip.Lir .:!r oiLr:rrr.L r :i rlL r LI :-.r 'rrrnr:r -. I ':riffiil,.::,i]: obel emxi\riinixij,.in!lr ..1 .riirrl.or no fo rri rIrr if,\rn!. \lrsn('c.\.i, ..\irt.r'r1' 1...ri.i',,, ni.. .r .13! \.r lir r. ,r, i \.i!r. r1,, ,r ,i.ri. \: rf.r i srood nduir r rhinoDrir' Iioi..:.r.[r,.lr \- i..1,L \c5!1t,I lt\r i| Jrt,n rJrnr\f. rrl..r.l irr I.L i.i ,fr., i.r .r.lju,![. . :\fi r.l, ]:rfL.i,r:|r, ,-r ,.r^. r - : horrd' l\r. r. o!!' rr- r!r nr ri rhci, !rr.n'trii ri tririr r!r, r', hx\! ir.l I \l':\rrri.l:r. UFOl,,!i\6 rrf .1..!.Lr!. lr J.rrr.rir.rrr:-r ,I. r r.. s''uernnhr .\1ni[ Lh ...lan\r.r c!lr Jn. irr f !.L,i]: |jnj rrLl d-f:-i,,.irrrl.r ,,Lr,t, r:.i r.r)rr. .-,., -l rioi i. th. Iu rro rriJ,. r ,r,, rr.irnrli. rr\ rf h.. \r n r d..j. uu,r,.il,.:n,, rlrnr: L, r..rl !* el !L !. ,,r , i-rr. .rr. r - I i!. r noi r.'{.,$ r il L lirJ,... rf r r: L r lrl: :,\frii. ol' l:f. \ itt i : f humNi bJhd,iur trirJrhrj r1 llrr Nr\!rrl.i .rLrL:rii i..\ rl Th!re rr. rirnr I Lr.L :1. b.r\.en thr ,!li ir ,:iLrn,r. brlili Jn.: (hr 1, i fL )_r,,!r \r\r\,, . rrL:ir.,,.,.: r'1.. r:r oi Lrr!. .uLn r\ rf \or!ri.i d!.nr rhi (nl,l \\rr ," ,,, b\ Alan Nendr- srr.r. ..,r:'r1fi ,rnrri Li Jt!*I, ,,i, rt i. . C U;os: The Fubhc Dcc.'ved frih\irn rrL nfr.,, r\J, r,Lr,i r, frI ,,f ,-rr -, ,i.,j : .,. Focus.10.-Q3 f BUFORA NEWSFILE FAGE ::i]JT The gerleral said, " I t 's aimos! I aughabl e the number of iakey inputs they had, It's krnd of Fentagon siniliar to the UFo f1ap. 're need to develop a release in response to inquires. The guts oi this Penlaqon lhe eKtstence should be that we've looked at an aitempr io the technical aspects of the projecis the sightrngs and vrha L Lh- I os i ca i fer as iel i the aDsgters !or them are. You cd! saeee rr:jc')sg p aa cl t-t-n eqxsp lehralst qLuinoctoeI DD Lra bM pohryi sicas nadn d cthltee FAtAh'es simi iiar lo Lire efforts lo debunk olhe! :IEq rgi!ings 'tlay incidents. Go thr olrh\ rhiee o! s . four of the siq(ingY, take eaii\ j:.r.e:ar? o: :;re Ai:: For.ce Donald one on and cEnc I ude wi E h a ir..: .ral,i rn a lelter io the paragraph that saFsthe fanLasy ot E.r:.: oi: lhe Wasiing!on Aurora does'nt exist " PosC, - r.: era ? wha- I ha\'e r-ri putlrcll ic:: monihs. The Ai: so it does'nt juBt happen to UFo lrr.: ilas :1o !rch proqram erthet: sightings ! r:iraiJ:: a: "Ar1i:ora" or by any oaher ia:ir. :rd tr; such a program Monitoring Times March 1993 e:{:ii!J:i?gwhere, I'd know about r': ai:: : .lon't - Fur:hermore ilte '1- :. - i--- n-. ,.a: :!;dLeci nor rtsi eas.c .cver stories io prctect CREAT bslls of light have been frllins rh" 6ky o\er an1 ::oE;am irke 'Aurora' . Othe: Bthuers eths€ rot6ti llo tfh ias emmysmieerio sus 'tahned rouMne rwpelanitn erhdr cpuhgeh- such as soni c boams tltrirfrrnia, the FolowiDa the UFO eusht on cmera over London t.l i::ror r{1::h a commercial Road and f€atuEd iD the Middt la€t loontE a hct of Unidenti .. I s!:i:roa shap-s ned Aerial Phercnona OAPS) i oau,rr r:r!c ,11. Fcr.e aircraft sd BaIs orl,isht (Botu)have .1 :i. - - =.:::a:ne4 and !- have ben chloaicled. ,lc; i: lun!.':::cui irlres on the *Yaff *l,H trts;#t UFO spotted : o - . ....J,..,-- : :C1 'nr_- tdL:-j Hillddrhreek;b@. Swindon mA; lookids for metror 'a.rr. ..-, ._.-,; I i:n::ulr:!: , tjsree ! spcctrugl atjorne.c ordI bSprhlmtEeuI] edcwD ihheids o odt mhfk aedihrt ue*6v e@nCdhe€l elaEn pq 6F6 rfuf oocirlr ht Cet€dhr $cep tb SeyCud ip$r @deiexn- sUIwGhanoisisdw taeoernpnrthi vieewindra gsWF thleryeobimanbt,see 2dOa0 t,bt o3oje .afc3F td0sri.6smph lbatoryod oaofll Ee si;: "r, BursEs HiU thqe r when h€ saw two rourd, Drose rii:ji r f 1:rn deI]l aj clnl:lg ben qujie a trulFr ol sichtinss. objects flyins in slDnet cal ;i.i1:.: i hr:: source il would We're havins wh.t s cdl€d a nini fornation iowards Lynehan. RAF _';u,rr::,c:-1..3 ' -lr.-i umor'ruIr:es ton asr elsa rtd. , nrAphNhlIpooel€ t doshhgwhaeldaEr epsa h ol.Uo nstf{ tOhioldcfo tl3le€dieifc d risct ibDhndceae\}sy' r. oe"ehf la. plvE$eeob ehpodlines tnyont eErhccvaemeiv enndoi nro tSghwe riAn rdedoDnvo erptosrl.ticies eharv€ ro trv to establtuh *hat he sw. l\_,:,. :r';:; i-rtr,: :i-, Ioilc'.r!49 :adi. ier& oirf. ys iisg thrytiirrgF a o d@ GELp€dile aM didodsy- 13.08 93 .irir;:r.ii_-.-:1_-: a:l: :ia! :ane to t,ne reader to help him do it "We @ : -..r:-. : t yilg td cpt togethd a nuy l:- ,'r.-:r- 9cgie piaced a phone D;rheot os wubdy ehvNideeD sce GIM pyo spibsl€.p leI pa,.r: i::!1 'j;-.nj (S!--c1a, .q1r mud he.e RD the* lhineE? l,ir-r:!.-nr 2a: :ir-cugir An.irews, "If theJ wdl€d ta t€ll u uy- AFE thi.B ee d be ody foo pl$ed to .LJ ':,-' :L.ri.r r :elarron!". Au!o.a l:@ frod iheE,l '-- ::r- a . e-i- {uJcco UAIf? yooru uhyltwh ii*gt ru asp lUaIinOe, dB OcaLl,l :.. ar::,-- e r-r ',h-- Posti rs weil as Bdrr o* l0{tt4) 2A2873 ::; :r:-.,:-i: :r:.-::I: ri ",.;ane's", The Middy 09.9.93 BUFORA NEWSFILE PAGE IO