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NEWSFILE NI'MBER 6 A BUFORA PUBLICATION ocToBER 1991 Extraterrestrial scoop cooes dom to earth. STOR}I IN A SAUCER acT' oPbhneoel uttlrente rvga isl-ltD eaonatfisv o enUnh FpaOcso os enuptaL oDddtet een erho3test. r ah Ita hFv€ € l,obr€esidntaa r cJ oleomaf raeLrti:hs its " pwrewhsoesae ekce atnadr]dr-ses iOcuttnhhonvsaenlocvtmt aleavorrle nsud e wtyoun?niptot acoFl anlnpeo iolc rar s owel,nw n attaechsmsera r a nintndoro ee iatu.nmb swjceotae ourf krorrtneouctredaon vg pii tlaah"ttboo"nal ect ;s ilnanoni"gaf.e; - - if;iai.;r"i;m".i";t-i";eJa .i,p la- ioiiln"ft g" rthaoF€ ,.o trhw.treu"o ,n rnaldsat€! erd..wynce, oh tnihhcdLthihn s ad l aftidi wtnh n litenneeookdft to bs shom and no on€ fron the Sport newspapers wj-II be Auanlsldo ewresatdna nednaetrbxale.nercc. eisA € t op utbhinl€ lc aptrieocsensn sctohoranstfh etsrpFp, neccjel-at. l"i swlet sa ss apiinirf o.bsaubclyh peTthrrho"se.ct wla9Ihin.:miytre=esr npitawsrtieinh-loeef nn na ptlih noeil-iU tsesFtlceyOir e -nCotfoi"i jenc.cirgre erneaash-cs-ear,aa." r..wt i s;h;io6;iic;. -"h--i. g; "rsa ersoe;sirteletinmia; b ilneddrutsishlitei.r=rry e."E 'yirlecl;cso; tine:ceIradi iaravyR, eboxmclbuesri voens thaes Mthoeo ns ilsg htntnogt thoef as noirst sinogi seJcoounrdn awl ortlod wbaer asu wbejeeck t htaos gtho€ nea bttve nfotior nt heo f ptahs€ t ulBn fmieao nrtn.rsa-t-iownitstr.o runt Belg-"iimgi.t ;gw,-h-iei"rc not wwseeorlrlclodou msoe]f' yd. UwFOaSm alyn da vniosnitga taio gnast hebrlyn g' aollf- etnh octere wathuor etask ev ethrey GtBarpeeoparlgbrteioaadvcnha els voea frir nio iotufswos r lycci'ne,o.s mlhsaatsns d be€er_tnh1 ant=_ "crhu"it*etUrf.e :. "lpaton'' oef.na-onr"rl"nlni i ;nof idc.gcoarerss": .eo" nxtsihs taw nita hn pdtr henesui sdftue ntbret On the other hand. the edltor of Florlda Home and carden CoecsafFooifxloodi uepnnrenS nefg €rdhsrerol e eenohnsfncfecfs icaeree, sen ,lwtde dhM lh..ei fins c ttt.hro ht ahi wKn sn€ ioa hsstti pwechlahcborbeuye ereontnsknleon hcetdkHrgnehe. d o hc .wThtleahaoilwrgal€ fmd teh sn ifn,aSo t ytuatlot-xtnb€nht tdwohteh ivoo h aen devy I oerntes mhtbeaeee-lrmft ase on ta- oE etanlaaotab rhlnttfdthhethauee lcr topiencrtd ehUl tsebFaysOny;r mHwT9pEtoh:o*vie_ tfep€rhr: h t€ u-as:aa"lov"a dh,sevr viy inelbeSscctelteo eeee vAwc rnlittc aehoima1oi,t cd 9nawhen8,sn e o9shpywml, nMar soowoesprm fhi .a .i e npiccStnsea oo ecruafrnsisoben s ranUrcicdetccFho€ epOhee reso edwr.vr" d pt a ; ,"wu sh ntbo ni.oa;ur";."inrr -ps"aeid,oohl rr ;bllii;fi..-k; ;taij ;e-;"a''uJhi'=irJiyrne"ruJi-iu.r otr"r.r.oe,,oge. rnray".r= lvbty ooe sr Thooatnwaihbncstevideiesat€ uhznuln ch denet,sse o dtca d hltiaatl eroiete uhn ncacbdrksucenreo isn snsnws timeealfaieonentilhc-nd.r spacecraft, she had finally, she said, declded the tim€ wMysllLaemasvrsgs.iant eelrgl j rH-.dg oavbhwSiyetl l aheatterrohgd aer,e gt b csoaaho rpirlmenleeur el db.te llmisxcbop eieeut wsirtnslh€lieftlg e.hnn m cgehL e enrtSir rsna sisdsapeiptenddoee dernny ae,.y dnwoa ig hnoae bl raejogt1 eces9athr6 ce9h wve"Lnear,iessk s a€ sterha le"id.naa ;uTrlO;tnhs:-e;l tf: - @"cu"toaot:i-rn" tra.cla"olldlc" ge*: :Inr"ice.ib;:ep^e" ol"no;r:#tgf:s :s.;.U , ' FJtIohnI a .uslMtlnlg ioiht:onh.tig.e:n.o: gt=uiLso.a :" ,"l ;af';":,no ;'d=3n "ait";[ha=;*e"s.: *;-:ac;ir_-oiJo;l-$;lrraiye :p e;st.els:n n;rgo,as :fs hi "tcsth.oere:nmtn nfuu s*enpn-vl .iaes;:rn ;*!s,r yp1;;;h"es"e; c;ar t;eao..ilt sBrEStaffhieeagr9alefsnoiu!trdt cu trr,hteean iw n sidnhtal,h hn tesehylgm dor ewl uoewniesgf b.itis l h thlyh se hhahsarrieahiese ggc. € rh hgtpl .htw rrr,ece ehsaru aisinatspalhetddat€ronson rIwd ut si enowaefIfre egtn eltneet fednoedhLl s oeaei,nwwh slnr g ai khabtsa flhaleefet .oortt sn errra ue yemanas tndhttaanh deyso1 h eawnthiceb€s?rnuaur.l e m "vrWe feaetit ntoheebl n erteL. av hel,citna elepIl df wae,f nfol eigtasephehtlneLele ogtesaatdF:hh:uriitte:ovtetta 1hpaecre to eemcm seKiltrrho tGv u pphegaenBotedlis nssl.w nbss tmet rseeow.ewta ar no xp ekq daKstpearq GittaranattwessBrhretti oae euobenodrynrsrursofir lt s dtieq -elcbo tstlnch hriaintrssaoiaaoi t arDlttttro.oh f mpa. o eacttnathnaSsinr rreesatetdcmr s? l lo lemppociii niatseuhyfe e nH i_reyiicoraraern ei=etr ;vooi "nq"pr e- rongatup o wrjeiueu.lrmcox"tisttri r g'htyoa1iai riI .icz"rIrb-iia-ore-ee,oi w r.rxn uti-faIiitltora"o;; nar;-rt;im*rii, v t".tp e.e et rrhs.t rnite,euni{ "ace sni"ithwrslt.wi=eriouoi l"l;dafntppiiat;e"elsl;e€ in;ant,;rh,g;rnc,;ot l-ehayff;o . t t_iunlrnss ;rcu.;wareha"eenvtiohl"ecst eiu!aocl.rirn" lrivh dnIi enT lt iiernitnhenhbasisddseev it- " MdHt"hUeos€ lfw.eo egcloHvoagentoeyrgw."s r.s aetrsadsga .ii nnswdg h uicanhs dcp ooweunaiblflket eerderlsnhy,c a eav eocc ononu vUopeFr rOfeionS rg 2i nt6h a0etlh . l eoin rlgaterasrannpdaieisttcleiootrsnns aa loolff UnobsAeeeafxsF arpt olysnola iuiscnlcen seaoonau?lnn-cta l geolUsr,r.n se eF cosAitutssho r. en fit Hhea ywAiba gtm sohhtb ouee toh trt o iieecKmkah n eenteentres ndar f-relso thd;-rtraay n abvedaied " es urpb-bs ciueaa.t=reUitsi.etn"os-ii i i-incoitn-"h" pn-aaiebr oir"l' yUo.n".f in.eiifri"O r .sai-it ina ..p- =aat. o.rsnn. t d=.hbp -ecpar.=uea e .ora.rd.vof.k.otenin ,trntatolm"hy tt'= e.wei hidiccof ooii siatinnlsosv ulppld-eunl r bactitchnoiyce;f news "silly season" of August may not be the wisest of mdeonvj.eegd . coRveearadge€ rso of f theth eco oSfeproernt cen,e bwustp aitp erresm maainys w teol l bbee The Tl.mes 16. 08.91 seen how the readership of Florida Home and Garden receives lts edltor,s "out of this world" exclusive. The TiEes f.6.O8.91. uFocALt 0898 121886 FOR THE STRANGEST CLOSE ENCOUNTERS ON THE TELEPHONE Edited and presented by Jenny Randles, Britainrs only professional ufologist, UFOCALL will keep you ahead of the UFo neadrines. The ratest cases from around the world, up to date research news, details of national and regional events and book reviews are all on UFOCALL. JUST DIAL AND LISTEN cAl.ts cosr 34P PER MTNUTE CHEAP RATE & 45p pEF MTNUTE OTHER TrMES ABflN U.F.O. NETiSETLE tItO NEI.ISFIIE is compiled by the British UFO Research Association. Conpiled by Michael Hudson Assistant Compiler Steve Gamble Director of Publications Michael Wootten l,4aterial contained in ttFO NEIISEILE is distributed as an aid to researchers of the phenornenon and unless othenrise stated does not reflecL the views of BUFOM or its officers. fl0m]Uion studV of;! fI t****,*** Spotting they come here? the UFO THE idea that circ{es in cornfields,are made by some intelligent extra-terrestial visitors is bunk lnadness and those who promote such ideas have really no idea of the yast dimensions of our'galaxy, let alone the univerce. 'IT IS curious tadeed that When one considers thepiles of iunk left,on the Lord Hill-Norton, former moon it beggarc belief that highly intelligent Chief of Deftnce Staffand beings cross the galqxy to leave an imprint on: senior NATO com- 's ome farmerls field to leave before dawn. mbealniedveer , thaacttu gaollyie rsnememesn ttso or- tWt lsc kas steimepdi eP talrskk, btou ts tcorl bpee'arf ocrirmcl eth ien as aqhoern tfaiesll{i. over in'"a field.of 'bnow without leaving evidence of 3r;O'covering-up' fooJprints is a more dfficirh operation. 'apwoOsaf irateilol nope fto opsl ueh,c ahov ntech tiibn iegnes na, an-lUn .c oinndcleuesido ni ltl{-rinerfeo ramree sdo mpee oveprlye .n aAivpea, rgtu fllriobmle' Bumper. tshhuimrae- tlyY tehitt ewhreoe uo'alldar ienh lav-vd eteh pbtanrirk6ts-n. 'w,Btieoernamsth ubederal o vnTogrrit aitcone gstlt eoa snaedr d th.hotahatex me Mrasak terhi eea Cmo4tyhlseetsret reey.x pTolhfa nathane-k' ments who know, not goodness there wa5 a ship in the vicinity of the onlv of confirmed sldrt- Titanic or. God alone knows what would havp to bumper lng$ but of. even rfiore beentheexplanationforthat.. 4 drarnatic evidence- Unlike flies, whidr we know aboulL whererd6 A UFO expert.called me ertra-terrestials go in winter? up the othei daV and said: '..: ::... :.':'.,- JOHNSHELTON on space fi*t;* got b'odies you 52 Northumberland Road,'. Would the distin- Kettering. guished Lord Hill-Norton" highway Iormer captain of the Ar( Royal, goblong wlth that too? SPACE scientists are Miracles bafiled by r mysterY obiect . Michael Harfington, a ttat was filmed flooting reviewer of the- latest, past rn oibiting sluttle. plainly daft book on the The object, rbout Sft tUhu1ouo9lptm5wilmc9 , iC noaA atfte lrhiale eS nJ rheu eLcenlfridlgaeci tiitso"s o'oou. nfros e: km cveTaoa hdlcilnes-- S(tFoOpR Tri, g1h9t J)uly 91 IbUb'oeuSntmwg r peseeefnrnrdo, ntw1haa3eus st ssf6hr l[aumlistnet ligdet sbaay icleadr er'nIn m aonu.r world mlracles ??:lrl*** Lz Julv e1 ASitmhnilatirs"o abniedc tpsl anheatv eEarth. do not haDDen anv more been seenon previous and-;e TeEi-ihai;;;: shruttle missions. thing simplv must haooen *Everv time the vehicle wanhsiCwehr doiril shporowv iad 6w'aany E12ve Ani€urrsg t Te9l1q r(aapbho, rKee)t tering- cmoismseinsgb; ascol' wteh ecraen's't nothing out .. . it is, of course. thb really say exactly what it leno)oIirnfpt, e tLtcrhotuaeretdnlo' nHwh oioellfw - hNa aobsdarle tvobaienoktu .to erIn.rf' T(n-oedahyt,) 6 August 91 iPOshn,"ei ls Etdhndeg oferlivtga hidst. tdhilrte cthtoer his mountain top. debris was-rnaterial left bY rround crew PreParing fulantisfor lift+ff. INTERNATIOI{AL CONGRESS The major UFOlogical event of the summer was the International UFO Congress in Sheffield, j ointly orqanised by the IUN and BUFORA wi th 'support from MUFON and ICUR. This generated much press coverage not. only in the regional but also national press. Below a selection of thesL review are presented. A BRIGHOUSE UF0expert will be among enthusiasts from all over the world gathering in Sheffield for Britain's largest UFO conference. Ufologist Andy Roberts, of Elland Road, Brighouse along with other investigators from all over lhe world, has organised the 6th International UFO Congress at the Ub,rary Theare,-sheffreld. Speakcn and delegates from America, Australia, Spain, Bdgium, Nor- way. Francc and Africa rrill travcl o Shdfield ncxt rirqrrh foi rhc 3day oqlSrEss. Ir will be tlrc laryest gathering of UFO experts and witnesses held in Britain, rnd the intematiqral linc-up of spcakcn will prcsent papers on the most rcctnr sighrings. rheorier and cvcnts in the world bf UFO inicstigation and rcscarch. Many rpcakcrs will bcprcsenting papers forrhefirst timain thc . UK. Also appearing cxclusively at thc congrcss are a numbcr of "close encountc/' witnesses who will be giving their own finttrand accourts of actual UFO cncounters. Andy's intercst in the urcxplained started when he was a ctrild, reading any material he could gcthis hands on about the subjecc Then in 1983, Andy, who edits the magazine "UFO Brigantia" became involved in rhe Weir Yortshire UFO Research Group and later rhe Individual UFO Nerwork. Ufolr'gist Andy is now bchi;d rneny rcports on rhe rmexplained, investi- guing. undcrstanding and cx.plaining the iiexplicable. His lucst book 'Phanoms Of Thc Sky, UFOs _ A Modem Myth?" co- written with David Clarke, traccs the dcveloprnent of rhe UFO m-yrhology from the time of the first sighting in 1947 o ihe prcsent day. Andy has also held several courser on UFOs and C.alderdalc folklorc and rccently held lecrures about British end Amcricsn aMuaiqrr at Bradfond. As an added atraction durhg thc Sheffield curgress, Scouish rock band CE4 COosc Encotrntcrs Of The Foudh Kind') will be apearing. Firmea in 1984, rhe band's music revolves ircund fte'0FO m-ysrery with the musicians performing againrt a futurisric backdrop of aliens and fine artwork. CE4 will be playing for thc fint time in England at the Sheffield UFO Congrcss. The congress, to be opcned by BUFORA's prcsident Major Sir Patrick Wall, will be held over thc wcckcnd iif August I 6 I E;9.3&dr to 6.30pm daily. Entrance is f6 per day or f 15 for threc &ys. Tlerc is an additional ifiarge of f2 for the rock oqrcert on Augurr 17, end rickas for the ccrgrcss dirmer on Ufologbt Andy Robers A'ulfgcuksett s1 6c aQni mbiete odb ntauimnebde rsfr ommly A) nadr ytl rca tR 8u4tl aEnllda nHdc R*:!o,a Sdh, eB!r5ig.'Ihdo, uasee. 3o9r. ?b5y. ringing him on Brighouse 721993. Brighouse Echo, W. Yorks. L?ttl July L99I. g giiEi;E E H iiiiigilsi iiii, iff:3,*!i;, Ibncaster Star 16th August 1991 + 'ECi.c q r ; Otr bco gl: 5o q>r 'c(r'' H eE dHi;E H.3iEE - EEe H r Hll.g€ EE.E#85 o t-{ iitg. "EE GIU scours 66 t-{ ;EHFEgifg€ CJ 6sn- Ee! I $:8' Ee[ (F 'E€,gE$a lor the skles F-.t i-o(l) {Jdoo UTEE iD:-+5i: =F C) 6bEF 6hoa E EEre EgE* g =P H - lnuaslon ot F{ c -) ;ffi=gilu'i Eo--, i fif s Ii = CJ FggEfr s / Fg EEF spotters H UFl| C) :E:E;fl EE C) By Charles Smith of the UFO "kidnap" ol pilot Frederick Valentich BIZARRE tales of over Tasmania in 1978. cCn invaders t'rom outer iIii,;iufigc hspuamcea nwsh iwskiinllg barwinasy oUrgFTaOhnei s Cesdoix nbtghyr enInsostre thrhn aoastf i obEenneagn-l t-{ EE r Bs € q,r X b.6 Close Encountrrc--o? land.UFO investigators and the Third Kind to American UFO research () ;f:;E gEFcg Sheffield this week. gfoups. " UFO spotters from all Gathering o over the world are homins E6EE# fig: in for the country's biggestf Conference organiser ever congress of enthusiasts Philip Mantle said: "The on Friday, Saturdav and congress will be the largest Sunday. gathering of UFO experts Delegates and speakers and witnesses held in Britain ttt{ from Britain, Ameriia, Aus- with many speakers present- tralia, Spain, Belgium, Nor- ing papers for the very hrst J ilggiggiEg way, France and Africa will time in the UK. swap stories and theories at l,andnim from Ame; :a will "The international line- the three{ay conference at be telling the tale of their up of speakers will present V) toll'-- >8:> E-H=oE :T;e5 FEoE$I Eac AShmSefpfeieerldiac'ska Le'sibr rsCa rayin tThcheleuraindtreee. ha aUOirF-rtOahi.seinr gU eFncOou bntoerf fwinitsh sepvaigepnhetrstsi n inog nsth,,et h tweh oemroldor iseot fs r eUcaFennOdt F #A=E 'E-ss f=. taf ;X8dl awHnaodsw Csanhrdaatr,c lewhseh dHo i bcckylsa oaimn .Us wFsOhhoe, siBnpucedlaudkdi neHg oAapmtk itenhsrei,c caaonun ftehwroernirt ceoerf finl5vTe iscftkoigerat stt ihocrneo seat dn€6ad y rase sdaeanaydr c athnh.de" will tell how he was taken Missing Time and Intruders. conference is open from -tLt { aboard a flying saucer in Australian Paul Norman, 9.30am to 6.30pm. For 6S $;F iEe;qHfr: t97A3n.d Betty Cash and Vicki dUiFreOc tSoorc ieotfy , twheill Vbeic tteollriniag tRicobkeerttss o nc o04n8t4a 7c2t1 9A9n3d. y' t_ H -t H The Star, Sheffleld o 13 August 91 EE:giEi;EiI F $s:EilgEif;i :cfsgEIfigHs IJestern Mail 16 August 91 tF--|{ l1d o The serious F mission of H ;the IIFO (n ") H+ o6BEagiox1oi9qo@d$/Deg+s3.t,FtP'ilitl,i5+rJ0@dets(se9J!DE9P.D9ge,otD=dPFE)F 3 r?s2F+vir9(EtrE rrqi l!'XEn'(o b .tSo'.:'iiLt)x(d+5*5<.E()(38og<EDq rar85s D D!ed?$.FYin Ys- 5g(=. b oo(-<t'rt)ll,soPo-0Go:<(-55srDFr@n;5(,Di@ E.<<aQoD-(Pioo.DZq lF(l*(g- 5l(:.l85-D-+D!6'<Eel'I't1l:;J9!.iEX:' (rFsdx-aq,D0to5B2a>,t$ros,CEfta,t.'D.t3Oi"F1Oroti:t-ooEoDd=8'E9l(5iAa-l(Fo8;1a-D8gDUt;+Dl)rQ+di,.iE5(aP9t)o9DEl>5E'd>oxiOgo!i:le o1o3P.'Ss+tlxo.lifI5F'.5otosoESol0s?2T=gSsgg&'Usopp 'ai _<taYFc grsBq i 9 oHgP+HoHiHo.alE$,.: .P!arFoHgeueE6 rtiriit(tE6;t(.9ode!po9thorQ:9!!D'P,,r')-itEa O50oldr!?>J+5oc('.>tiia'Oci6Pq!AoL*ro9o1orirdEoP-Zld D'@R9EF*?f aso 9o;oE.'c. HtH-Zx;gEu-FoF Focq95+ ...,''', ' Tnn..'ssahcbCnmI hHpoeodnaoae,TeoemnnE wvtmhwtlcgiovieoew eiirnebstfinei tnin nercoeespfebcanr:vssrdn s eagi il"f.n ta ofaPk"rpoaomgwonunrrttafeeie eimgi seosio twterhthdsehn shr n enist teac phh o twaate l weoreoruaroaolydfi c stnsc bistfh'a wSslg Uleqfloett oao oh uaFramo6u tnebinnebhOtrtleeiddyhestddr' rhsmUbttdsHsheae^eaDuuteoeTutyrlyNupek t w o: hgcrcme Mio tn"nolamrotoWttaemrhsigrb eoeyd ds eeee,rn uH'e b u s s.tfflsbbceooio ur"kheo fe wpli.eleltofmnliiho. a-nrrsg l.rebe.itrssge asiad osol sciao'imtntfy s.n o siwow( o yem bgPcupoa annerd elfurlcecyo r kooa a"wodir oicuuaaznutuMie binnbbsgtoel.thddedi"s-,,-f . additional distractions. that is what they always .. Reports about little are) has chaneied her life. Sheffield In her words: "Before the experience I was not to host :fnm BUilIGR hr a dul awBaruet owf mhayst edlfo."es that ryssagcfuwvm, "mnil nd dfld m flre me"aIn ?was never aware of UFO forum thepowerof myownmind. ,.plile{ Earh Rden m I was walking around like ovUerF thOe sriDoorltdt€r ga re ffrlovmrn.g ainll ":ffitd b Fs it on. mtheo sfat cpt ethoaptle t,h euyn aawrea rmeo roef ofoonrg ntheses coofu enntrt5bru'ss iabsigtsp sint -bgormebeenrs m one nth ea nmdq )Bn,- 5a2s tmhai"nnId sthd.eoirn b'ot dsieese a pnde othpeleir Ausust. froS-ip etahkeer sU aKnd UdSele, gAatuess- ,pccpenherreeffeeeeccKktt ee ttddaa Dbblyloo tirhdoe,, twwoenegrreeu eccieenrr--- mseaei nthlye fmro mm othree ofruotsmid eth, eI tNwthroeairlowllir aiaeiv,ei. o SFaortpa ntahcsieent o,at hrnBidreee lsAge if uradimcnaad,y 'gtparri""oniIIaulttypt eww'ns,ooo "tsuu pralleddosq ksubbeieeerserm dtiienn.adaanpp ,t pphMrreoor isbnuusItpti d ihtseh .ee"ua nsOoyerf g taocaro nbtuhiers slegyerl -isbm oaaftb teothruest Y27o rJkls.nheir e9 1P (oasbtove) cALbuifbnwsrfnoaes rrtoey f1n t6cTh-ee1h 8esa.Datet raeSke hrb€ eefwftrweilelld ebtnse '-.S--JSGS o hhhlThoeeehnssbfffe uuafffiiSi bbleee tp--lllhVddedttiirintt ellecttteewoooeddddddr a. a-aaIIy IIyvFF ..o OOcYYpossneee::gn ssrTTstt€see hhsirrnee-- cttsahoocoune sgpwedrt eihwciseaahsl,on t Sawcconoieudllut bh,pl ed aY rlpeoticcrrkoutusvlaahreiirrnr leeyga Yorkshi-re Post America's Catlierine Howard" day's Press confenence was thick-skinned. S115 hJ rAuoutpygs uh9si1rte 9 (rS1ig ta(hfrat)r right) wbHwsahiaycuokec se acotrla an iki,nUm e weT1nh 9O so7ah 3,bew. oaiwlalna rtsdde le la nCh ahoftlawcyrh ilneehsgde ''t'dwctwo hieph Iaisalhaniltet et e naadtsehrf od.elv i tithstheouiet noog drfifsavr ee raced saas sn o ut oanreasf xanotpecnfe feteocis-rtf ttaMootT t"rrrrU haeSofcecopfot e ligontmnhngtcoeieiessrr reetn.Us at pFhtaeOiaorote-np w wlaseaelt,t "ac d mhrisrtiaienunycgsgs-t be fascinating, from organisation MIIFON, Mr flashing lights in Norway Walter Andrus jnr, reiter- Express & Star, tJolverlranptqr to corrr circles in English ates the point: "Our 1 JuIy 9f (befon) fields - the star of the subject is probably the 'show will inevitably be Ms greatest mystery of the Kathryn Howard, from 'Florida, who is attending sgpoainceg aisg et.h Wath darti vkeee tpos tmeell the congress to relive, for you and everybody that UFO encounter tehxep feirrsiet ntimcee oinf p2ub0li cy,e haersr tehvise risy immpzronr,t awnot.m Ita anf feacntds ,'Ylo".,ffi ?#-'11,";f; : ag-So.he was then living in Ychoiuld hoanv teh eb epelann weta Ernaerdth...." Sweden and was taking a leisurely stroll in the O The 6th International HiH#-ffi wbshooeoo kdw-slao swn ghw ehsnits o-kr eyd ts ouh poc ruitn tt- oa UhweeFledOk e toCnddoa nagf rtae nsthsd e io svC eebrne ttirhnaEgl space, given a quicktour of Library Theatre, Sheflield, the solar svstem and between 9.30am and 6pm. ( DENB|Y EIIETIIG TEtreRATH 16 July 1991 thder the title 'breetirgs frm the pianet Qsilm via ai* Haflm" fur lhmda volley interniess Fosler. TiilI'ANIS REAII{ Ire article rerrcals t}rat fuarr forre{y 25 Jtm 1991 frm Grildford tnt non living in Kirk This Yas a full Page article W gallan, Ilkegtqlr has( bhec€Trs ?ttdyinlg Ctristirp Elrans atd Sea ^int preceded UFOs f6r oeer 25 years. interest W a full page picture of a cIoP in UIrOs bqa rtren te had a si$hting iir=l". It iai' uriter ttp title nls (his qrly me) in 1965. He Points ant tlrere anybody tlterert. itrat atart 90 percent of reports cm be erqilained. fte article cmtains intervieus Yitfi Director of Irwestigatimst BIIEl0RArs futr star:ts W antliniag the case of Jemry Rdles f,d vitfi Tony lbdd of the Yortitrire ltm Scietlr- It also di-scusses the relntts of lflsie Oakensen frm [brtlrrytmlhire and Jean Ford of Alfred hrrtoo rtdctl be iwestigated. Slreffield. One night hrrtoo ms ant fi*ft€ til-ren he sry-a li.ght descd betrird a neaty Mrs Gkensen describes hon slre observed bidge. Ee Etlen encontered tro beirgs a &dell object about 50 feet rtro -took hin onboard m object. After across abovsteta tPfteed road in frcrt of hen abdrt five uinrtes hrtoo sas told he car. After a fs trer ca Qm to was too old gnd infirn for tleir slos dfin and slYiea r(nlso ticed a Pool of Irrr1pses ad released' green lidht (rl the road i.n fTmt of f,er. As ler car st@ed lights began ear tlrcn discusses in mre detail tle circlirg the car. lftltrrav eorl€. tris ford the basis of ttGtdif,s tris toot Of tte u -thtt- fte l{r's Ford describes tror she observed a raSce UpIrtI€nrEabOye-sr a a1tr9 e85B a. a- cgIHuS4eofltret tnbyhafoo t-hsci tar(l txerllr aesvtiddfi pitsltrmrofa€h c oalaqb rol,qe dgo b srs€rtueidcrevore s .t*mtap ePde ooPblej* ?in.s i*d9e rcIfnrav rerealed that tlre object ms piloted- by the qqrardi^ms of the Erth" ;d was frm a galanY refered to ast Qlsilct. tre article cmludes 6n t^tkirqg, abolt fuarrs iwestigatims of Gorn Gircles. REGIONAL HEETITTG On Saturday 18th January 1992, a joint meetirg of BUFOM and the Northamptonshire-UFo Research Centre will take place at the Friends Meeting Houser^_We{ington Street, Northarnpton starting at 13:30. The speaker will be John -Spencer, whoi topic will be the Role of the Witness in Investigation and Training. CONGRESS PUBLICITY COMMENT Comicliriks with Ttre C.ongress articles (above) are a fraction of those received. Sme of cosmic forces the press pa.rticularly the rqiorral Yorkstrire press had not so mrch a field day hrt rrore a field ueek. Tlre By Jane Thynne, Medla Correspondent good press coverage was the nork of a CROP circle makers, weeping early twentieth century rnmber of people, but special mention icons, and alien invaders who "iconoclast philosopher" and should be made of all the hard mrk cwoemeek ifnin dpe tahcee irw milel sfrsoamge st htios AmBeurtic aacnc noerdwisnpga ptoer thowe npeur.b- prrt in bt' Hd[ip Hantle. earth gain a considerably lishers there is now a vastly wider audience- increased craving for infor- Fortean Times, the official mation about what, to them, conduit of mysterious com- are everyday phenomena - munications from beyond, UFOs, ghosts, spontaneous has joined forces with the human combustions and sud- company responsible for one den showers offrogs. of the least explicable phe- "We've always known we nomena of modern publishing had a wider appeal," said Mr -Viz magazine. Bob Rickard, former paste-up John Brown Publishing, artist and founder of the €2 which changed Viz from a magazine. tiny, Newcastle-based cult "People are tired of hearing comic into one of the top sell- experts put down any subject ing magazines, will this week they can't explain. Conven- distribute 45,000 copies of tional science doesn't hold all Fortean Times, which until the answers but the discus- now has sold only 2,000 sub- sion tends to be very one- ORGANISERS of 'the scription copies per bi-month- sided. fetc chamPetre celebra- ly issue. "If psychic research got the tions at Stourhead on The magazine has been run- same funding as those who the Somerset-Wiltshire ning since 1973, started by routinely knock it, we might border found devotees of Charles Fort, the get a very different debate." themselves at the centre of a UFO alert- Daily Telqrap*r RoPveaol'oNlea vcaol nAtairc tSetda ttiohen 16 July 91- at- Yeovilton after seeing lights in the 6 night sky. 9{ Ttre lichte weFe se€n from aJ far afield as o0 tEov:errlc reMecah,i lenet ar SaheriPd- a HILL ABDUCTION 30 YEARS ON Wanstlow' near 0, Frome. b>1F O{\ Lookirg at the cuttings cmirg ttrot€h frm ttre But the National F8r>t agency ard the willingne-ss with which they Tforuurs i nwighhicths '- roafir uthPe; pxrblished articles about thirgs tike the market Picnicing had o!oF\.) Streffield Congress it is, pertrapsr sua?rising the angwer. coN that the 3oth Arniversary of the Hill Abduction The liehts came from in nid-Septenber sesns to hane sliped by ut- oiiot wueprf ut'hi ela seekrvs winh icahn noticed W the tK media. This was ttre first temeaitritciholnlg btso ff o1r9 3i0tss aMuction case to hit the media in a big nay. silver screen tbeme. UF ocALL 0898 121886 FOR THE STRANGEST CLOSE ENCOUNTERS ON THE TELEPTIONE Phone UFOCALL, edited and presented by Jenny Randles, Britainfs only professional ufoloqist. UFOCALL wil-1 keep you ahead of the UFO headlines. tire latest cases from arorrnd tire world, up to date research news, det.ails of national and regional events and book reviews and much much more are all on UFOCALL. JUST DIAL AND LISTEN Calls drarged at Bf, kemirm Rate (ctrnrently 45p per minute peak, V+p all other ti,mes) CIRCLES ROUND-I'P crop circles continued this year to generate much interest in the press, with approximately 50% of all cuttings received relating to Circles. We present here a selection. ITV OMCLE 27th October L99L Daily Telqradr 112 Jnily 9L- CROP CIRCTE EXPERI AMTSES HOAXERS A leading expert investigating crop circles now says all but the simple cireles are the work of hoaxers. Dr Terence Meaden, director of the Oxford-based Tornado and Storm Research Organisation, studied over o 20O circles this year. He stands by his theory that the (- circles are made naturally by a lIrt ttvortextt - a miniature wtrirlwina of electrically-charged matter. lro o storY An unripe tt I Ariadne's musings on croP circles a reveal that he/she is not in full - oossession of the facs on this matter Q9 June). Circle making does noi iust o&ur in riPe cereals; o so far thii vear 29 circles have been recorled, most of these in o Ft -) o lde Ft o o unrioe cereat croPs, as have been - manv other circlis in Previous veati. One of this Year's iemainine circles, C 63-foot bY faio 64-foot eflipse, visible from the A427 east 6f Husbands Bosworth in l*icesterchire, is in oilseed raoe. There have also been others Fh in'the same croP elsewhere over o' the last few Years. Ian Simmons F Leicester - Dbw Sci-entist -loJ 13 July 91 F. tt r"n E F$ trFt 0r< al -F lJE FoT Vt gl Cerealkillers ofthe questions that Doug not@ D&D) how come more and Dave Erust nnswer are: hoaxers have not come for- O Are they seriously sug- ward? One of ttre characteris- gesting that they have cre- tics ofjeters is that they ated all 2,fiX1 circles that need to reveal themselves. This week's revelations about corn circles have been documented in the O How do tlrey explain the IIK since 1979? many difrerent swirl and lay- add nothing to the debate, reports John Vidal O T9hat about the circles ering effects? reported in 29 other And so on. In the meantime countrie in the last decade? the few British, American A stmhstoflggl's16o Doug and Dave went out at O Reliable r€ports of corn and Japanese scientists who lI or more British corn nieht after a Bint with their circles wete made in f909 arc trying to research the I lcirctes arre mown down rakes and ladders and rope (Kent), f 934 (Cambridge- phenomenon are dlstraughl and the serious debate is and pulled a fast one on shire), Gilycwm (late f940s). Doug and Dave, said one thi,s shelved foranother year, the everTone. Iloug and Dave Overto you D&D. week, have set nesearch back smalt, brick-bifing, intensely were widely believed and O lVhat about the snow cir- years. In fact they may have jealous world of cerudogists will dine out for several cles reported in Cumbria in done the opgnsite. Fewer has been stnrckdumb bythe yeans on their tales" 1979 and the sand circles on photographs will appear tur claims made tb,is week of Even cursor5r analysis of Broadstairs beach in r98O? the press from now on but two elderlymen. tbe jotly pranksters' story O Do D&D question the the publicity may attract Iloug Bower and Ilave reveals it as incomplete as dozens of eyewitness reports mone money for proper in- Chorley claimed in Today dl the other theories that of com cirles being formed vestigation. The growing newspaper and subsequen0y have been put forward in the in broad daylrghft number of amateur and pro' on world television that they last decade to explain tAe O If they are suggesting that fessional cercologists may were respor$lble fop the lot. Ilattetns in the fields. Some all circles are hoaxes (slbeit have the last laueb. Qrardian, 13 September 91 (top) Yorkshi-re Eveniq Post 13 August 91 (c.entre) IJestern Mail, 1 August 91 (bottm) animals. They might be aUouU ghosts, legends, sea or lake monsters, anyttring we presen0y consider strange and- mystei_ ious." . Mr Whitehead cannot prom_ !"9B1t- tuot uIs e walti lml amteorisatt supplieO. ce-rdainly acknowledge every letter, ani keep potential contributors in_ formed." If you can help you can write to him at 60 Grang-e Road, Ilford, Essex IGI IEU- Westgate Mystery man on for course UFOs PEOPLE sPotting a smnge hangrng 1,000 ft in the air as he alien spacecraft hoven{g By GURBIR DHILLON walked home early one mornrnS' above ttieir rooftoPs finallY When he awoke in the morning he hhaevlep somtehoene M toid ltaunrdns t' ov eforyr tJinhove.ra "OdreeEgdsis o bnpy e alointpddle eh tahgsra etae lwnree ma aderyen 'rneoats sbueriendg fnoaDun"ad"v "aeir .ra a2.s1"hi. diestvt eFaloO pimn geN noenbt wehiros rohkaf, ntdhasen' own UFO buster. One case being studied took Place ;;#is;tid *hich catri"s out sci-e n- Unidentified flying object investi- in Kingstanding last month' tific investigations into UFO reports' Sgaottotorm D oavf ee vTearyy lmory satiemriso utos sgieght ttiong t hine ""*"?ffi? -ryq g'5"ffdo*'uH IIe said his cmaomset tmhYresete rYioeuasn ; caagsoe when two women savt '--- a disc-shaped craft with two shafts of Ught coming from beneath $ighting Nesie's an it as tf,eY drove home' ali'Gn= .fire siehting had to tINo OaRnDy EcRo ntofu psiuotn a na beonudt baes cDlaasvseifi ecdo uasld a cUoFmOe the yellow disc seen flit- spy says GxRGrt up with no exPlanadon' ting in and out of the However the major- clouds last weekend. iw of cases are not so This was, in fact, the 'FHE Loch Ness Lochasasoftlanding m-vsterious. A'netallic spascthyauhnsiustnseoe emo,ntd hb. o jbeeNmaycro tn t eahdlnea oprsimtlniag n nihnsoete itenfqt rdgauo irbmtoyeeaf asc-I op Aoavmoicicsleooei tn r-odas rittn e lllUgrro o wcSamon .uc loiodnu l lbettoeeg r e t.*otni;.sb'rhlisti; eJr.sr.;ev- ;caUfntti ioo."n,n ipvo -fioas i-tfirh tttttsehe oe htL oufSo m chtchoaetetntr- chcsoreeau-lOasiutuft cmtett'e ohr-sr f s epwbi'l orel:he tr tsadea vdesbre imoai nPlPt'luf ollaiYWrYonn-ni-eoen-.srade-, uhanrlmikleeslsy atno-d raen-yawpapye,a irs Iier"cutu.r eUr,' "N"ne spsiue tm inrg a.t tt r-a cSeo. saYs George Raw- sMaotoenlli.tes and even the much this summer. ;11"',1fi l""i*g SecretJaorny aothf aMn /ScGSrool acUrntieoFentOyy.,, iII ;',"J,TY!;'; #iUJFp"GO1uei :toe?*rxg":P"eH"e.t r,t: 5.Ta0n,: d5h aa* sn: o?ntoetwdl nevaDeturayrva esl i gethrxidpenlsag n traoet Pifoionnrt defod a.r writtenlo Whitehall and "The evidence sug- the United Nations to sests we are dealing urs.e the serting uP of irith narural Phenom- a \4rorld Alien SPace utl*"r" Contact Unit. is also a the- l{etro Nens, Birmingtm tte said: "A-fter manY orv that an lonlseq 26 JuIy 91 (toP) unexolained UFO sight- vo-rtex of energ/ can ines.'I think aliens maY descend from the skY' hale aheadY landed and apPearing to People tletro News, l'lanchester b- e observing us. as lights in the srry''' 5 July 91 (above) wa"Hteur mfoarn sre htuarvne suPsaecde landinss. whY shouldn't Srnday Mail(rr iGglhast)gor a-Glen"so t?go" thhaes swarmitete?n" 30 14 Jury 91 books on UFOs. tdorth Western Evening Mail 2 April 91 (bottm) Was this a UFO? nHrs*{#L'.lh: ween four and six circles, shape because it was still glowing red with flashing a moment, until it disap- other readers report see- light, but it looked like lights, flying low in the pea,red from vi'ew behind ing anything at this time? neither. south-west area of the sky some houses. As it was still I have always been scep- Perhaps someone can and flying in a westerly Iight it was not so obvious- tical about flying saucers put me wise as to what it direction. The front or Iy noticeable. but now I'm not so was - maybe the reflec.; hleiaIg dhsienagrw tchtihracinsle tpshheeee nmootehmde ertson. obne baonId yaytm ha insndog uh nardev esin en mmevibenlrdi n sagene dint sethulsoreue g.m(HI'um.s t shuarvee ssopmotetebdo diyt hititoa?dn sfroomme ththineg setott idnog wsiuthn iI from Abbey Road, iust for before. Did any of yciur Could it have been an il- ur w,aarrow. I

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