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Preview BUFORA Bulletin2 No.19 Jun 2000

IL r-- Yt -ll-r t I-rU7 r- ^ tr.- grttieh UFO Research Assoclallon :- BUFORA llulldin #19 - page 2 ntents Co .JuJl 1ll Slr\" Cnnrblc lscd thc cdilorinl to sny 5 Peter Wain R€membercd ''firc$ell 'last limc. hopcfutly 1ou l ill forgir,c mc By Lionel Bcer doing likclvisc lhis tim. to sny "hcllo". and exlrcss . fc$ thonghts. I irheritcd the. chnimanshi! brck in January, and noir hirc laken or rhc editorial/ 6 lllYestigatiot's Diary pllruodlludcie r. roM|r) (,li $h1o ptch oolng hat stc &nt{fo troa rcyx btrgessissJ rfhofrln kdsrc, Ity Cloria llacther Dixon on behall of all lhe council and netlbcrship, to Slevc. ftr all ol'his ellofls alld achier,erncnts tlo$n Itis nrany ycars of rvork lor lhc assoaiatior. $llich t,t The Ozark l-ll! Conference his ircluded ni:rny roles a d o{ficcs on coun0il. I Bv Norman Oliver rl[rst sa:i thanks .s r\cll lo llob Digby, rvho his also givcn flony lairrs 10 rariolts council ollices. most rcccntlv as 'r'rcarurer - lloh stood dorw lr0rrr courcil dulics at rhc AOll. hut hc is still lookine I t1 l'I''s l)rplained? conmercial arcas and adr'isirrg council. ln temls of lhe Bullclilt, lo{ shollldn'l sre too many changes in contcot or stylc, but plcasc do t8 An $S lrhani gge l 'llblnordosunler in snllcrttrrar,dnl ,hranrc zlloiiorurnrc o ulfoh nlhitscn rlicn.D:\cutrstcr g axhlltenrors n :srsl lc,I )ctihntin rt lltsjuc rj to ruct,r.t by f;loria llealhe!' Diron k cP !ou !ll ul to drtc an \(hnt repans :lrc corrrg lo llUfORA and its inlesligadons isao. \!,e arc 20 Review a3semblilg a nerv editorial board. and sclconrc l\tortsg{c Keen's London back sornc poplc such &r Nonna0 Olircr (a Leclure fnrmct nltF()RlJout,t r/ (rlrt('r. antonEsl his nlan) roles dn bdtoltof le zrssocialiofl)- ,fyou ficl you ha\! ?uthoring, editorial, gr.lhics or DlP skills - 22 Space & Asroronly irnd \r3nt ro gct ill\'olrcd. lh(n plca\c do gct tn By Brian P James lo[ch via herd omce. Wc arc looking at possibll rcducilrg tllc otnlt)ar ol EullelinJ lo six lcr ycar (lhis \rill relievc some ol thc prcssure on tlc 24 UFOs, Behind llrc Vril production lcnrn). but s,e are planning to re- .,L Rc-examination (parl l) isrorrnro odufdcac tao tRhcast era|erc hu sclJdu tlolc lsinc,r lion tphrco vJ idI Ac Plhg sane By Brian Allan ?erhaps I can alro t{ke thir opportutity to think nboul ho\v BUFORA might devetop inlo lhis ne$' nillenniunr? Crnti[ly tllc frst fc\v mo hs halc I9t-V -- -.CY t* -*tt ar&u sAcrcnno lcdh n\Ynegscst, othne ne obuontho ilS, trevvic$ a nlhdo l lroabd rleotsirair go,f ard lhcsc rrrre thrce peoplc rvho had beer kcy to lhe association ftrr so niroy years. We [ow h{ve sone nerv faccs, rvith diflcrcltt id.as, and hopafully BUF()RA Bulletin #19 - Page 3 !\t i\rll continue to stccr llUljOI{A it the tossihlc ofl why,/$herh€. we should changc, and it d;ccti.)n llrat thcse paoplc starlcd. so, to see \rhat !o want front lhc associstion. Olt a prAonrl brirs, I ciln scc lhirl th( rol. of t(\tl)l I tirsl b..a$c inltr.sted in UtOs arourd ?7 ,ears h:l! cvolvfd Sreatly $ince I first joi0ed ItUI'ORA ago lln.k thcn il se.med sinrple - lJlr{)s mu5l be in lt?l. At that slagc onc lrad rojoio tlUl;OM e\lrir-lrrrrsldal in origin, nnd i! 1r,al OUly a naller (o. sinrilar gto!p), or s!,br.ribe lo |SR to gct to of Iirlle hel'ore \re had rhc proof, hotv $Tong I k o$ trJrat r\ns going on - \.ho hrd sctn lr.hal \r'as on both cou{ts! So \rleir has U!_Ology and rlhere ' *ho ll.d trhieh theory etc Nor!. ill drol\.d? Ceflaiily in llts pasr $e had ltorc lhc dats of thc lntemcl al]J \r\!\r, tliis son of \.$.!.hipaeoltnhcsc! rco rtll .i teh'sli'nh! gc$s !nsruecem 0lb, firnfrss t,ho' efl lsyreiknl!og - ll ssla huoec le lrjafsao, rsioa,lr BriooUlleo lniaOns lsliAlt ido idnd oias* sq qunar'lni ceerkc dlol ftaao ldncea r\ltlutolldnr)nc. l'nl.h geao rc.a \lialloac\btr leesva. crslre.o ollccts being reportcd to orgaoizatiors such as \r! slill have a reasonablc lcvcl ofncnrtrcrship. so lJtlfol<A is genlirally dccre&sing. bul I s stxct oh\rouslr' thc a\joctalh)n. aId r luhlt!.lttoll), ris is bccausc lar tiorc arr bring retnled ovcr th9 tulfil a siglificalt role lirr int..csicd l)roplc. It is fllt!.firrl, arnongst uh l rooms etc. llor!01{r. tlllg also plarsing to sce lhe ilcrr:asing nl,nlbcr o{ ne\v vDcixDo nc l.sa r, /{rr.crn'edt, rkas{r di.crnno Jn)Jrldariytt*c,d i sb yth Daol li vIlcca nthoswr $\\crhrnsbi(ccr s- $so'lr \o! ca r$c ilclo bncri nlogo kk)ln lgls a\ li arh lclr c. l.allrlkl:c({)iRtrgA, rc.riv! rnany more high str0ngeless cajes .- lhesc ol aspccis oflltifoR-A as a rcsearch grnup, a: rrr nrcludc .lai&cd abducliors, inlplanls .0d niglll- balarrcc tlrc requirtarcnrs of thr nrenbershp line visitalions elc. - maDy of {hi.h do nut illainst oor pote|tial gbb l ardirncc o$ tl{ $eb. any sightiog ofa 'tJfro'. Rcpor$ also go r'ng!horl vtch rough lo fiidgs of J,sXhir atd para|ornral l}ian I'Janlrs oarure -.lo lhcss inve ?u!y relcvancc tor lhe slud, ,'l Llj(ljt Wcll. lhcrr r\n't s!,rc!- r thri unL nragazire lo lilly deb{c thil thorght! lt har ehvcecro nttrco rnel odreifl lacpupltn rieol lla tltoe orlcpsl etsor .hselurds y tjhua$lt iot nies :tL., i-r-t artatr* ----i rtder;a&a-l suhjcut. su.h ti lJI.()lo8y. r\ithuul straltng rnto olhcr arcns of 'ovcrlap|iflg' plumrnrcna. Ccnainly ntin],, iflrot tlrost, mertbcni ol"council, md irrdccd thc tl&l leams, hev€ conclud.d lltat $c do nccd to niden our scope of .iltc,csi., in o.dcr to cnconlpals all lossible r.seatch alcnrc, 10 lrt alll gcl u$ ncaref to atsrvdirg quc5tionr olr $lat incrcasingly sccnls to be a hutllanr'othenrorld' intgraction ., fnr rvarll of a h(ll(r lcrnl. lhir rn.r) olcijn lhdt 8s rn a(lociction, \rc blliir to sludy 't[c lnralortllal (ilselt a soDle\lhal vnguc lcml!) nruch closer than lxfort, or perhaps \re lvill $ork lnorc clos.ly rvi& olh.r grouflJ r\ho alacady 3ludy &rlects {,f ,tlle parnoormal'- thcs€ isslrcs !,ill bc erplorc{l ill the comillg t!,etk and nonlhs. I hop€ to lee/have s!'c (drf'..rding on iust rvllen you rcceivc this lJollclin) as many of )ou as lossiblc ar lhe $tmtegy & plaoning Corlercrcc, as !\r: do vatt lo hitvo as nuch lledbrck as BUFOIIA lrullerin #t9 - Page 4 A ll{lfa)RA collergle ol long, standing. l'rlcr \\'aail di on.lth AJrril- lra\rrg hrid his SJth birtldal an 5rh l,larcfi. Ilc lrnd a slrokr al 2pDr on I April and died thc follo\\irg d!!,. Lll records sho\r hi as a nl.Irbcr of llUlORA ill 1965. although his o\\'n roles suggest lhal hc ry hlrcjoined i'r 1962. l-alc irr 1965 h€ joiocd thc lixt'cutive ('orrrnrittec lrolding thc pos! of Lih.ariar and Archi\,cs Olliclrr. Ir 196? hcjoined i!ks. l-ee l-lo!'d $s an Assistanl Sccretal}. 'lhc S!nrnler 196? llUl'OILA' Joumal, rvith ncrv gloss' cover, calried a half"page a{.lverlise rcnt hcadcdr lV. 1,. C. lbllo\wd by: This docs nol nrcnn Mcicors, Ligllt Ycars or Cas. In fnc{ it lils norlrirg kr do rlith tllc (iri\3rse ,1 all. ll $rnt oD to rxflain that Pcte. leter lavc a n mber oI talks on UlOs, {eg. to \\'ain's conrp;rn1. t!r.i, G. liadilg l,td. soid Rolary ar.l Women's groups) allhollgl his lccture plyrvnod and chipborrd. elc. Rclating to this. lro{rs stlgg('slcd lhat hc sonlelinres $lipped [p on I'crcr donntcd a f.ir of plt'r\1x)d Irble-top lolditlg detail- lle oncc sltolc lo over 400 scouts al a lxncl{ lhcsc r\crc rcd b! thlr n s),rcritlton it5 mccling in llilnlmorlnith. llc er.en gnrr a tnlk as fuhlicitt ltoards at mc€tings and ethibtions. rccerlly as Afril 19991o I he'frcfoil ctlild. Delbre Anlstr{d intrrdllccd thc conctpt of the lle was l"esiden! of the Alouell{, Fl}ing Chrb at chcap home comprrer. lllJIORA had donc a pilot lli!€in llill and rms still flting ir reffrr yrars. In Iroj.ct Ising a dnta-card systenl. To select an lact hc liked ar!)1hin!! fasr.'l hat inchded cars and ilcnl ofdnh. a roilor lnikilg-rrccdl{ $as insr(ed tnolorbites. So tou nrigllt rcondc. rlty lc also irto one ofthe holes lrncllcd arotnd lltc horder o\mrd l\o Siiclair C5s! I'erhaps hc lvas sta(ing ofthe cards. Ctds eontai[ing a conrnon lactor lo slorv alo$I!? Tlvo months prior lo his derth he \ould drcl drop-ou I'clcr oadc. donation to had llrd a calaialt opcraliolt. rdvance lhis proje(t ard h! \!ns lnderslandablt rrrrll'crl \hr:n thc l(a.rirrch Sc.trctn lo)l i lctast rn p{l,li lixpg!i-9!rc9 ir. Peler $ns a kec[ adlocate of the Christi&t fsith, llt'resigrcd fiorn thc l:\c(uutc in r!,iorning and nloolcd the possilrility thrt some UFO events rr Il lqTl lollorrtng lvar Mackay s' 9te6s7i.g rr.rtion iri nright hare Sntani. or cvil inplications. Allholgh Chaimran. llc corlinued lo scrve ntil BUrORA nol dir(lly rclated to this, he desqibed {he lirle be0n,ie n ronrpany limited b)'guatartee on 2.1 hc \\as driving $tth hts \r1fc Kay. to B glttoll in Novc rber 197.1. a \,ful lc call.d l.ucrclia. possibly ir 1975. $,hilc (Conidt .d M rrre. z l) IIUFORA Ilullctin #19 - Page 5 issues iDvolvcd rvidr rlrc UfO nllJltry. (/l.O lrrcstlg.,tion i the 2lst C.riary - vhere lo *,a ga frcu hereT \Yhar is beconring incrcasingly clcirr is rhc lact thal *.c nacd look d ano$er pnn of lhc cqqation ''ll lhlvel lllass.r Invcsrigations Diary r!1rs caried in UIO alld exflore te relsolls this subje0l cxpta,!,ates tlr llli rtllne litnhi selso uboce kg4 i5n{ nhpiuc,rbg lp isolhaefcd .l 9inot 8lO cUtohbIeieO rB oUTf|l 'lO{1U9R9S7.. ioarnp.sneognci nitaaorti ioasrnur .o$hl i lifnh,rdo itpvhildcc,u appla onbt-icpc[ollailclrnlf]i's no.nr icr lu*Dhroecic sl llr aainsl wt hri.trtecfno raa,l tlhnivse rsytiiglla bti€ nrtsh cD fiitrtsyi tfiotnr {t htch altir sI t hta$yoe anepel^d. afor\r tb!'o sthu nreosuenadr clhJcl$() asndu thrijt!n rlsirlcltsil a,rllnd tdnonacst )t.lacr ss.t aI tlel( lpocf thpitlal Iy c al!v1 iblhriilig tytocu NutIt Clo {dNdatct iorvnia$l luhlidJc rc\)timJ,lJaiinng w ohry rdndecrecd i sa anc lc.dc kto o uf nr,lu..ri. tnrcnn.il lircsligalioni Cornuittce) rvith r€8erd to $llal these phanontcna are nnd nlearr irr tenls ol sighlirgs, &c I'ostal Trailing Cotrsc and sollc lrurrrar issues? Many arotnalies h{vE bcen inrrrrretation ofllle UrO sulrjc{t al largc. drmpcd into lhc t-1[0 pot du.inB r.c€nt )cart lhc llUfORA NIC no$. hls lrrlnlt-onc cinxclclutcdnin.rga s,r eartlirror$tc. rg,iheorsvlsil,g y, isciloolstse. ernircr-oducnltrhrr iNc511g61uo $nsisting of $ine€[ .Accrcdilrd axf'ar;08!:es lrlrd all manner of $hnl uscd tr he ln\ estigalors and cight t'.ovisiontl Investigrtoa. underllrxld tr\ paranomlal or anomalous cven$. 'llri.r ,s r:rtatlllg rrrolc crurftrsrorr arrrl eontrnurng l)rvo l,oi|lton. tle Natiolr.l Co-otdilltor ol th{r {ivides rvithi|t the tJfO conr ru[i{}.in g.trtral ard Pf InCjl )h' aasl ihda idv otork sct(opn dnoil\nuttc ntiotsn.l lfltois\r rrvocldr .d lll)ea \,tao lthllr:r(e)f osriseh tlrlongl aoctl uea\ll'y. tis ollslclitn(g'\ \rLv haatr ce gol{lsl trnttust crnst ua slill flmains in his rr'rlc as l).put) I)ircNlor ol' \rtfy slotnly lr'alers. llvestigotirrns lat us lit\t lool al lhc \r',rd Itl(, nrriltl With rcgard to llle lt'lc and ns a tcnrporirry unidenrilied i)-iflg objoct. Unidentillcd that is8, $casure I ha!,c taken oter the adnriristration of llr|ril it is.ct[ally irivestigated by variouJ ltfo lhc PIC loge l..witll Judy J.al'nr, rlio har kindly rcsearrhers and orgarisstio s \\itlin cxccedirgly agrecd t0 lrclp lrlor this coursc \villl $c. Judy vsricd raso$ces. This is !er,,si€ioifica t bccnus{ also nmains a5 Sgerelnry to lhe NlC. lha ttmcturcs nltd i vcstigativc pror.edurcs of thc individual UIO groul arc very dcpcndent upon ljelbre doculrclting dctails ofsone lhr si8htiDgs the bcliefsystcrl of ths investigalors thanf.lvcs. conrirrg into llU|ORA d|ring lhc l&s{ y('ar I 'lllcrcfore rhis \vill diroctly afl-d.l the r\"] 1hc *ould tike to give ollr ntrtbers and teade,s sonrc t llro srglnrns rcporr rs fulli,scd up and rr,licrhcr reido ritnging il'formation a|d del;*ilion rclating lhr tcport tvill actllnlly be c\plailcd in rllional 1l) sightingr alld {ltc UIO subjcct at ia'gc. lenns. 'l'herc is no doubt lltst thg high prolile ol rhis Nirety-liv. ler ccnr of all sigiling rrloft c.1lt be srbjcct las startcd to slirie ald it is &lso e|idc t rxplaitcd: how olicl have we all hcard lhis dtrl rrrorc irnrl nrorc nurr\ensc anJ lsck ol lo!t( ts crprcssion alld indecd usid ir ourselrcs as dcvclot, rB around thc suhjccl. ,hrs is gcrring us invesligators alld resenrchc'rs. llllforlunatelr, all pre.isell no$hcrc il otlr wdNrslanditg ol lhe although $is nlay bc lruij, with .n e\"n fiighcr BUFORA llullctin #19 - Pagc 6 percentn8e probably bei|lg lhe {ase, it it rarc that las$ light disflats. as tle ligh6,otatq turd we can acrlrlly d.Iniiively exlldn lhis high a ,nove ivilhin lhe clords otlen ilith inner and parcefllage of repodi 1h.11 comc inlo B(rl:ORA orlcr .irclcs this \\rll Bi\c rhc rllll{ior to .rd orgn isrtiorls for sorne of lhc rcnsons list€d peotrle ftal lhese lighls arc aclually parl ofar bclorv. object al rouC.h they n.!cr rcally obsct!,s an -llc obj€c1 only thc ligh{s- ljit he.morr tllesc I l) c&!e h.s bcen reponed a long timc allcr displays cnn be sccn rvithin a tadius ol many thc sighting or c!e!r lcrcfure it is dillicul! to miles (ltling out the p{rslibilitf of being able liih check the specilic agencies thal cr)llld to locrle lhe sourcc oitlle sho\v. A ca59 lionl hcl!. lrt addition lo llir, lhcre is thc problcrr 'Llclend on lfisl yesr clearly illustrntes this point. ofrvitness nrerrory being accurllc a long tit[. lerson conccmctl had capturdd litJgr alicr lhc elcnl and $crc is itlso the lighls on his camc.order nnd $,as (otlvitlc€d hc considrralion of horv thc erer prcrcnt lll.'0 had taken lideo footage oi an obje* n{t of irnagcry has bccl absorbcd and uscd in 0lis €anh. Of course l1e had trcyer obscrvad pcrceptions of sonc long ago renlcnlbcrcd an ohJcct cithcr on or olT c:rmcr,t lhis cas( sightings rvas follo\ljd up try hro llllfoR^ iflrestigntors. .rudy Jaahr an.l Maholm (l) 1hc various aganaiet, slah ns nirporls, Robinson, rvho a{lea vie\ying rhe fooragc nilitary bases, polic., coastglard cIc.. $ho cxllaincd ro hiff thal ftese $erc lnser ligllts. coxld hclp identily llrf sig|ring arc oncn Unlbrlun0iely lhc wilness did rot \tish to h.rr unhelpful or disinterested about cslonditg to that the lighK hc bad cnptrrcd on hir lidco our cnquirilr. 'fhcv havc tud more rarncra hnd a I^-tlcdly mtroDll cxfrlrnatin corresporrdc cr ntd lslrpllone ralls from 'l'his has becomc a lairly mmnor problcrn. 'UIrO irresligators' o!€r thc list fcv ycaI. $ith lhotographs t6ken tly pcotlc, \'ho arc rbar ihct are iltsrcsted in dctling r\.ilh and in convinced lhey hele caught a tJfO on carnera. \onle cascs |ic!v us as urnnks Nhtch iq. i m] 'lb give a lunher illustrstion of lhis lighb in vierv. lotally understandablc- 'l ho Mi.isrry of lhc sky problen I !\,o$ld like to menlior a i)cfcnce sends r:ut their slanriivd lelts 10 mosl lvorl;ed call I rec.ived from thr lolicc io erqriries m.dc by tJl.O nscarchcrs so it is Clcvclald d$ing Dcceniber oflast year. -fhey oflen a tilnc *arli'|g exaruisc r\.he[ 1rc r|lite hitd r,:c€ivcd se\.cml e ls fronr people i,l to them. Middlrsbrougl rcporting UfOs o thc tstiin Ilills. from th€ descriplion the poli.c gave {l) We lhen move on lo a signifiaart probl€m tltal lne drc reporls *crc higJrly in.licnliye of a is |lol r! derstood by so rc invcstigrtors. 'l his l{ser light display, bu{ they infomred me ihat problcnr encompasses refcrts of unusual lfic! $ould lavc !no$n. aboul this snd ligh{J in thr sky (l.lIS},'llese Aceount fo.a insistcd this i}as rot dlc c*sc- | cxplaincd it largc lercrntagc of ell lji:o rcports aod havr rvas probably unlikely they lrould kno\! atxrut to bc v.ry carclully cvaha(cd in rrying io elicil larious liglrt sllorvs and i{ was approachirrg lactual i[ fonrlalion frorn tlrc itncss. h sonrc Chrislm$ lyhrn lhere $ould l,c many lighl ol lhese casrs, \yittle$es have aatually o lt shores on-going. Ore olfie tvitness€s called otrscrved lvhnl thc! lernr ns unusuil ligtls, bul me and I *ked wheri thg neares{ pub. or rvill go on to talk about obiecb ae nrll as nigltspol rvould bc. llc suggesied a putr in ligits. Careful quEslioring \vil! fslablish that Cuisborollgh , sc\rral miles to lhu sotlh ersl lhe! lave not actually observed a slructuNd ol lhd llllon llills. I .lrlkcd him lo get in rouch ohjc.l bul onl] lrghtr in lhc sky. lhc rnragc with them and chcck orl wtathcr lherc rvas a oiln olliccl lo rlhich {h€sg li&hs a.c altachcd light shorv going .ln. I le callcd mc bnck to t.ll eflergcs only as lheir brnifl complcles thc mc this rvLs irdqcd thc case. Missi{n picturc 10 ndd definirion to the lig$ls a.d accorrrplished anrl the police \'ere none the create a solid inragr. An exnmfle of this are lvisar! Simple and nlundtn0 anslrqs to BUFORA Bulletin #19 - Pnge 7 perceptions of spncesh ips ard llying saucers.. tcpon. in 199?11998 {tc morc cxtraordinsn ,nngc of lc['.rrA \r'crc logged at ab.rrrr 107. ofrhc (1, qSnonoeutimnets oinfv dsttrigaarfrlrisc arct€c nhoot laolvgaircea ollly i,he tcoolnnliln luiB€s urloe .r elc}{lc.t\rcc ai sd tn!(ors dco supbct ltlnhlmd BotlJ tt(jOpuRflAs $tronoDictlly and atmospherically, that carl thal lic rvi in n.o! arc.s ol cxlraorJinary huuan be secn it our skieJ, hrnce som€ sigllring erpericnes, reporled lo oul organisiltion, duc il r.poals rcnlaifi rtrrexplained, *lleD rlith lhe parl to a perc.plion of lllcsc txpcrienc.er as b.ntg co,rect knorvledge and qonslltation in dlc lt*cd ar rclatcd to lhe [Jf0 nrysteiy. spc{ialisl arcas, lhoy $.ould harc an accuratc cvahttlion or at lcast a rellislic possihir (arNe Ab{rut tl}irly reparrtii ,iom l$9 lvcra ,la,t nccnt oftlc rource ofthe sighting. $ightings ard sorne oflltesc inrhded reports fionr the 60s, ?0s and 80s, n[d it is ioteresrillg to llot( pI rhoohplce ntrh itsh agl i\prrsc voernrrl in tr€mclbia€.sb le assosrlctses nidlcc,att ooff thlhee lthhirrtly p oflrp floen y\ v)iclld lstl-li lilelii srd cpaon( sb € thvsetr yc apnr. lbgloem banlcick IlliAL tigure$ coning inlo orgsnisalion!, ftal fo, lhe invlstigator to chcck ard lhey a.e tinle Icnralr as Ul:Os, \thtch of L{rlrJc tr nut consunting, so tl ioritirr llarc to be msde as lo srnon)'lDous lrhh ar alicn spacecrall or flyi {l whelher $r liise colld br crftliirntdl cnongh to saucer lJlO is indced a rcry [nl]dunlle Gmr *arranl lhis l!?c oi invcstigllio, and research. Io aancd(u ahBllys lceodn stotj iumtcusc ha n{itsfinot.e r'pllrccl rttciomrr arstp ar€so clnvlhslt $adidsit iarrnv iqllr c&stiiosn sa dshdo llsldo lhree s\s.kilcluda absl cto o$rh crtihlacrl ,rlant lhi g* to ntrny people all.l has becollte intbmution ro our knoNl.dgc ol rhis subje$ Iir ihntctsed and nbsorbed into the culturc ol alicn rescarch purlxrscs cneourtcrs. lflve car sttutd bacl srtl iook at llle subjecl r!:ithout prdcont*ivcd notions nnd rvith ar 'lhc major fllpri( tbr tjt)O stSltlings slill urdersmnding lhnt UfO a.tually ntcars an rtnrairs aJ aircrall, llolh rivilim a d nlilita ,. Ir rriderlilil:d fiyiog objccl or or{)rc sucljinctly thc casc o[ mrlrtury arr.r.rlt thcrr: rs nu tloubr th.rt rnidcrlificd ac al phenomena, lrt .ould changc somn lilic) tepons arc actually sccr.r lesling ol rc rray *t ri{\v our perceplions ol dre $ord ncw rnilitary prototypes and there is no dolbt lhal uro. lhc govcmnlents and fiilila4 cslablshnlcrls iue quilc con{cot thnt thesc tJf0 rcTorti nrd follo\r.cd ll.$et9 u.s t.Ik ek na olorovk l a,tl slhocmsec shla.tvis.t icasl reloaldgyc db ef.onr ufafc lb Il $dolcu kvlo lsunntt athrye yo rcgnacnoiusraalgiocn sth Niso.r ldIl 9w lsJacc.o nId do(unltllted in the ACL, lnvestigati!n$ relxtrt, bul bigfJst culprit lir UfO sigitings is nsaroronrictl lstlccigpahoiltricnB g b frr'nrap. o I \ntrxsitr h9l,o m\ ,Btle Uc.Ih Ol tsRuhAloo irdlsluA rair rtrgolc glrlgrseelud st !2nr trr7_rr tnMlrecisnliedoncorne,lsi lia-c ainlt niloh nes fla'i rcr.mqt u ioitvf abllrehignehlrr cos kti'vr s{a,h slcl a ar.Ce' ths:l _lr1al1nj;.Od, Duriog 1998, lhere rlrre 293 rcporrs lnggcd. th€n tlla tolr tcn tisidenli,iralions could possibly $hi!:h hdrcntes a N\r:nt).fi\c [rcrcLnt d€lrea* in rul ir lho I'otlo!\'ing order. rclorrs lo llUrORA for lgg) in $omparison to 1998. Many of tltcsc lrave br"tn cxplailed but l. ltlilitar! rhd (;iviliro Air.rsfi Nithil the r$outrics th8t \c havc thcrc is s 2, Aslronontirsl plcnnmens, brigha sl|ri, rcsidunl that do rcnlain ul}lno\\rl al lhis tinre. planets and meleo$, lrolirles and fircbrlls. J, l,rser lighr disllays, rhi.h csn b. sren Of the.s€ repons 28 can bc deliocd a3 high trilhitl a tIirty lnik radills of lhc siow, sltangc,rcss or (losc eflcolll{i, expad(Iccs, !o {. Airshipr tfiercfore \vc nrr lookilg at abou l$"clve and l.l1' 5, $at.llit.$ rnd spe.e d.bris re-.nlries. pir c*m of r.poris lart tcar as bling p€r..iydd ilr 6. Belloons,r.r{lher, nl1lnL, heliunt, clc. t'Ihleis m orc exotic framcrvork of alipn enmuntcr:r. 6 R€lle.tion$ .ba[aling from gmund lighb, indicares a sicrdy increlrc rr this tlle of Itl€ son, $indows €lr- BUFORA Ilullctin #19 - Page 8 ? illi.sgc stfrcts cexssd hI temp€.rlurc c {lleJs inlbnrlrtion on the snbjcct vi{ tho intcmet inlel:ion3 ard tlc variots ptbliaatiols alld I Fl4r.! lrhich sunound !s- frogranlm€s 9 llirdr -l hc grc! alie s of today ltilt to doubl blcome tho 'llrerc art ol-couwe rar€r o!iridentifications, snch folklore oflonrorrorr as $r slrlrggle 10 understarld ns {hc rnoon a$d othcr ufirlsual atrnosphcric cxtaordinar)- rxpcricrrces rnd bclicfs and !\hat fhcnonrcnA (U.,\l'). an cxrnple of whieh is ball lhey mear in tcmts of hunran issues- [Jl:O snd lighlning. e!,er controvenial. but certainll, therc nlicn e,rcornltrr ltn\'e lnke olcr lronl traditiolal arc a tirJ' pcrrenlage rrf reports to llUlrORA, lalcs conleining beli€fs ablut ancient ti es. And rrhich ar. ccnainly i[dicalivc of b.ll ligh$ing. so lfte nloabm day nrylhology has fuen bom and lirrlhlighls c(|trld rlso be resFrnsible for some in some i!?rs thcse belirfs have fomrcd tltc b*sis lrl0 r!'ports, ollrn sccl p.ior to scismic activitl, lbr nery age religions, as u! lool to lilir lloot 'lb mudd!' llrc rvltcrs fullher \!! noi! comc lo ihe o|rl,hee hr &flvaen elr{csa tloc dh.e l(lJ uusr {iptlp lrhcihse nbJraiovnes nAc$nd * .fo{'arlrds close range sightings or close enaou[ters flhorl l]rr enl/ironn]€nt, nelt fiediaal tcchnology, expcderaes ...or alicn &hd clio as thcy h vc cloning and gcnclic rnrnipulnlior ive €rer e\iden{ torrlc lo be kno\\.i b) some in lhc IJFO ard no aloubt nrany of u5 hav. rcal rescrvations comuuniry and ntore olirn ifl tlre dlcdir. 'tlis of nbout thc nroral and ellical implicitions ofall this courla mnke! rdrlly good coverage and and rltrrrl,ing con.,ems aborl n i!(nristic r!.orld .cnsatronnhsnr in thc lahlotds and laflo0s sacnado Irlcvisiol lBlc iigfit disc[ssion programmer rol*illslinding sone very rcal ctploitations of Is it possible lhst solrlc of drsn erpcricnces are ft. wilncsars the NelveJ, \\llo arc {9kcd !0 nppcar an cver chsivc cotncction trith an cxtemnl sourcc in sone of thcse Frogranlmcli 8nd in the pressl npcrltirg jllFl helond thc paramerers ol our r rcr! lilrlhcnnore it adds 10 thc evc. lm$".fu| ,nd ol reality, or car th.sc inaxllicablc cvcttls ir9 pcrioasivc imagrry of dtc realiry of alirn e\plain.d in tenns ol thr un€xplorrd polential ol' atrdldions. Of co rse the big question that the llmar consciorsnssll Roger I'eflrosc, thc .ennils to ttc ars$ercd is $,hr$cr thc high Ilririsl I'hlsicist in his bsst sclling book 'thr s(tJralon8 !o rcgssn [aisansclsio rres lohralcvde tao rt]l1UlliOrgR Alo adndo o${hiteht Iolnfr p$eordora'sm N secrrie Mncinr dn'n laol o&ktiJ rctr ttsh el hraast t ffbarn oaralln iltas Ulros ol all or bclo g \,cry timlt ir lhe po*er and richnass lhis knowledge co$ld nol paranomrat ficld of study, folklorc afld possibly accourrt lor lllc ultinr{le nl)'slcry of nystiaism I'coFle who ! dergo rlnllsual existencr.... the humar! conscio[sness. This of exlerien*s med to explore and idcotily *ha! is coursc raiscs ! trholc host ofolhe. queslions, b l I happcnirtg to thcn! bul their perceprion of these believe lhere is no doubl tbat tho richncss &td erpeicnc.s, r.ififorc4d by some investig:llors nnd v{slnessl)[the h0na[ cxperience (nn nnd does in exploited by the nredia does nol cresle nnv .eal tnmt fnys lrtu$cend lvhlt ,rodctu scicnrc can und(rsuDrling n! nll of r\hat thesr e\pefie .e\ explain. Therefore il o.dcr to addrcst lhc nature arc - ln othcr words morc qlctlions than nnsrlcrs ol thqsc strlrgc erpcranccs, ile nacd tc isolalr 8nd nrc n$hrlr extrRordin:rry huntatr axlc cnccs lhc resl $ysleries {io $ose thal .an br go on ard ilcrc is littl! that is merurirrgfirl crplaincd ryilhin lhc lorrcct rcsourocs and enl€rging either scirntificsllt or plrilosophiially. scicntifi c disciplines. 'Ihese pcrplcring arrd proloun{l cxpcricnacs arc all n q$eslior o, frcsenl dty inlerprelalion of Jurping ahcad h.rc on (hc issuc of high anomalous and incrplicable phcnoncnn bcing sl.ang€ne$s evcnls, I \lould like to lalk briefl! per(leited in today's Space Agc ard oui view of about tllc lrre of h!'pDosis, rvlrich is somctirrcs the ewr c\ptuiding ulivcFc, 0s rlc look to our llsed ss a lool to cxtaacl infomralion aboot close skics in lhc hopc ol an ans\r'er .rd go on to access enco! ter e\rents- l1 is be€oming i[crcasingly BUFORA Bulletin #19 - Page 9 eaident tvith thc Inedianl litoroture to hnnd on fe-(ttltttu€tive prcceis itt \ehich o ly soae r(-€n\lJrcd and falsr'msmories thal thcrc lrc nlajor ele tanls of /)sl dtllerience are sttrad axl arc lroblcr s ivith lsirg hmfosis to clicit ac{urate reftievhle. l.i,r .{ron beitg rc.owred aod objecti1,e i[formatjon aboo{ close ancaunter nntlntn!<el, ht denton ralkl h tnenk)nes n(i. erFrienccs. l'bcr0 is slso the possibility lhat fiis bt rcconstractcd ruJ etuboi. el h atl kDLt. ol c$oiu! ldis c$auhsye dprscy BcfUioIlioO8RicAal NhaICnl l hlool dthse a w cilonenslsil ljfnlngd suhr'.eq uer! i ll ue rats . mor.lorium on iLs use by all inl,cstigators. l'hi! It is ot,liously bcrotning more rrrd llorc altarcna hns been in ell€c.t sinc! l98l and rvas pioneercd drat rtt nced to lnderslard lhc ltuclions of by Jcnny R{ndles. mcmory lnd mctnory Nlrieval itr a ntuah rnorc 'lb conrpf.teosive rlay ilr ordar to rralise lhe givc you some insight ino rescarch by unreli&bility oi h),pnosis and rcoumlc nremory psychologists studyilg this erea of lhe hunlsn r.{ricr,al specilically ill .clation to an rnird, I $o!ld liks lo illusrrltle rte restanl t*irg al0derslanding of €losa ancoInter crpcrietrces coltdrcted i[ro tle lilllibility of hypnosis and nlcorf'ry ralricval. Dlring lhe lasr few yeus tllJ|ORA and olhrr tll:O orgatisations lltve reccircd an escnlation of ln ar aniclo irt Scicllific Arleriean in 1997 I)r. rcfiorrr of in(\pltcablc srglrtirrgs and Lurirru, tUtloi?ira.cbr(stihry l-oof0wuas,r hIrio fgetossno srt aotefs lstyhN h.o.LloeJgeya racrh ethrse harrrlsnrryacnr etox ptelrrcisto\:c qes)f ipfrcolnl, rgpr oapnlde psreoafroDlnbidn gc fvoc,l tasn. arc sharvirrg lrorr \ugg(\tton arxl llsgilatxrtr crl lircountcrs $ith ghosts nnd p{rarorrllsl aclivity crcals 'fitcntories 'of et'ents thal did no1 acluallv are ollen irteqxetcd as alien con{nct, as poi\lrlul Julrocliuu?umaaba !alf tno d!f ' .in P eaLano rla lrCrllsico laclln fder( nnSnlat crtvhte cai l nln1dtc1 mR. aeCtviuliaellrravlil,. rcrutotllatrungrpco.rl)cl.y ! (clrldi,st cu$rahsla otn ru$urd+ c(icols n ctsh\tca^ri- orrvucc'n ris(c!sc: crtsluc: dirin .ltrDo drnug $lot corlnlcnl that 'it is Dot surprising that thc nrrnrber ot tbdudion storiqs hal increrurd ar an And so to some of lic sigllli[gs lhal ha\'o b.en expooclrlial ratc !s thc abduetior m}1h is rr'rar.cd 'clii\cd b! lllJIiORA. I \ull r'ontrnuc lu rvg. dcepr{ into ltlr crlht.rl fabric. docuuenr sighliigt io firture issnes ofthc llullctin O\lenc atdlces qaufc srtciosne aor.fh holpin uhstprsn olhtic&)l ly\u iirtuclu c..c..d irinne lpcoorrerdtsest rin atgso diBrr iev$yci s.yo oinslts tusi eoi lLolcf ctlIlo ct lhlLiot ytugeitshylli goi.tnrt ilo$liriggr hhDlliin ngbr'sc. m.:lkatfy feveal tat lrypuosit d'ses uot resu in to look al somc of tlrc rnore ltriolls reports alld itcfeqted nten,ory accwaq) but netely increosed have chosen a randonr sclcctioll of tlnJe- tb .rulpxl. ll)pnoti.all! ittduced te$tirtotr, tktr btert begin tho{ghl, I rlougla I $ould givc d.lails ofa tulei inodn*siblc i, ,nost co,rts, becorse it cas€ iMsligated lasr year by Al Miek Broad of gtedll)t itrr&lrses lie wttt..,ss's ikhterubtlily k, Shcfiield. Thit casc dors i dccd add a norc of sttglicslion nJ\l beca8e it bcsed at aft se tlrco4, hunour, tt'hich rnay bc ilhererrlly fanritiar to some BUt-0RA irlcsli gnlars. Alt qxrraet fronl tle British Jolln}at ofpsy.hialry l.oralionl Doncrstar on the psychology otmentory statgs. D{lci dt0lh SeDtcmbrr l.)99 lllr.. lli.k Broad It is poprlatly hcliev.l tlat n*rnt). optrates as a ,idco re.ttdq with e|',?rts beihg ttcotded < Ll A rcpo( was nlade b) tltr. R. to lluli0l(A o[ sktted, a$aitiig recot'ery estetltidlll $ lhey \rera l51h Setlc'rbcr r.lating lo a sighting offi\€ lighls tlaoindp dlao.ttt ttrtr. ll tclreto,lr yq nisi,c ih.nowt eptrecrc, eqs nsu. cBh a,r\tolcrtct linik rch !s tsakrys,, rvbhrict hn lhrco rveiillnges sl \d'teicskcr rtbierd\t rarsd bceriir rga shawe<l tio( biographic.l ne&4'is esse ielly Q qursliomnire ro llrc rvihess alrd nl the enil of IIUFORA Bulletin #tg - Pase l0

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