otirttal 0f lhe Drilish U[0 fusrarlr Assotialion lsr Fhls Isswe: The Daventry Event. What happened at Leeds? A quick guide te lFOs. Sighting Statistics. ssg &fiduEaeEd ? ! BUFORA BULLETIN No. 9. March 1999. Editorial Address: 83, Ghurch Road, East Huntspill, Highbridge, Somerset, TAg 3NG. email: [email protected] BUFORA BULLETIN is published by the British UFO Research Association (BUFORA Ltd). Registered Office: 16 Southwry, Burgess Hill' Sussex' RIllS 9ST. Registered in London 01234924. Membership ofBUFORA is open to all those who support fie aims of the Association and who's application is approved by the executive comminee. Please forward any membership queries to the BUFORA registered omce. The views expressed in submitted contributions do not reprcsent the views or policies of BUFORA or the Editorial Board, except where specifically stated. BUFORA BULLETIN is copyright @ BUFORA 19981999 and may trot be duplicated without the express written consent of the publisher. It is the policy of BUFORA not to publish the names or addresses of witnesses. BUFORA BULLETIN always welcomes new submissions of material lbr publication. .Aniclss may b€ elecuonically sent via e-mail to e [email protected]. Altematively, inicles can be posted to the €ditorial address. Articles can be forwarded as tyPewdnen copy ipreferably printed out in a bold, non-draft OCR-compatible - i'e. an Arial, Courier or Times New Roman font). Copy may also be fiorwarded on a 3.5 inch IBM format computer disc, preferably in either Plain Text, Rich Text or Word 6 for Windows data format. Contents Page 1996 BI'FORA UI.O STAIISTICS 3-4 5-6 TTFO NEI'S IEE DAVENTRY EVENI; A PERSOIIAL PERSPECTM 7-13 I,ETTERS PAGE (S) 1{-15 TEE IiEmS IIICIDENI (Part 2) L6-22 A GT'IDE TO IFO9 23-26 SddE ITEMS OF IIIIIEREST.-. 21 EVENTS & 1999 A.G.M NOTICE 2A BUFOEA SIGHNilG 'TATISNCS: INTRODUCTION: Figures for 1996: It has been quite a while since BUFORA l: to date, 95 sightings have been has issued UFO report statistics. lndeed, il registered to date; has become very rare for rny contemporary Breakdown: UFO society to issue such tiguresl On an IFO'g: - official level, both the USAF and the MoD lnsuff: TOol' (66) 87%' issued yearly case stalistics, relating to 20% (1e) number of sightinqs per annum, thek causes "lntarocting":1006 (r0) - lto/". and the number of "unknowns". However, neither agency releases such detailed figures ' Total Leaa "lnaufr roports: (i.o anymore, and have not done so for almost adjulLd total ol 76 roports). three decades! 2: The vast majority of sightings are Therefore, it falls on the shoulders of explicable in terms of natural phenomena; civilian researchers to collate such figures. lhe figure arrived at (70ih - adjusted to Despite the lack of cunent interest in this 87% when "insufficient lntormation" aspect ot ufology, it is nonelheless a very vital events removed) being very close to olher part of this subject. There will alway! be a past data-samples. need to know how many sightings were made in a yea., and (more importantly) what caused 3: Main activity in this sample was during the explicable ones. Furthermore, v're Sep-Dec, with an eadier peak in larch. obviously need to know how many "true UFO" events occu.red per annum, and also the ,l: Most events occurred at around 19;00 trends exhibited by these "unknowns". and 20:00 hrs leastA in b raesgica rcdosl latoti ounf oolof gsyu c-h cfaignu roensl y- baet 5of: IAFOirc reavfet ntytse rien t'h19e9 m6 ost common cause regarded as a "snapshot" of the dataset, fo. the time the various data-sets lvere 6: Laser Light displays were lhe 2nd most assembled. Quite a few UFO reports are commonest cause of IFO events in 1996. discovered retrospectively. and some get re- evalualed over time. Some UFO .eports - 7: Astronomical bodies; stars, planets and especially "high strangeness" events - can meteors we,e the third and foudh most take many years to investigate. common cause of IFO events resp€c-tively (the second most common cause. When With ihat in mind, lel us now look at one combined, Laser Displays then become set of preliminary data covering the year the third most common case of IFO 1996. BUFORA'S Director of lnvestigations evenls. currently working on a more extensive set ot data. which will be presented in the BUFORA 8: A notable number ot events (5 no.) EULLETIN later this year. involved "bedroom visitof' experiences; these are likely to be explicable in te,ms ot hypnagogicJhypnapompic hallucinations. 9: Of the 10 reports deemed "interesting" 50% were of "tlying triangles'. Discs & other traditional shapes are nonetheless @l stillbeing reported. Discs remain the 1996 lFOs: most common "non triangle" form Prob. +po.!. % dr"edepistoeprrltaemcdie.n dAe"t itofht hise" rfs lttyoairgnmegs itotr ifa iUsnF gdOleiSfts,i c"o urhl taa vrteoe 1863 === ALSatisarecrr/ rPLaliagfnth.et sts. (((11984) )) 221731 22617/0o%/A. tmtbhhaeaeimlnr emg. l yoTs reehb€n ee'.lri niaognn glsyl eet"h€n i nshgia ntph eacdto ncU aFunOn cSbt eiao tsnea iwndo il!ih s, 452111 =:=== MHMHBao€tialalseuxlcc/loSoa.urn osba(jnt?.eio cs)nt i.sv "e ((( (7532151)) 2) 107473...6 .555017743%o%%'h 1996: tlonlh of lightings: '1 = RMe-iexnetryd 1 1.52"1o Jan: 2 Jul: 6 1 = Arrship 1 1.52'/o Feb: 4 Aug: 4 = 152Vo Mar: 9 Sep:14 Total = 66 100% Apr. 2 Oct: 13 JMuany: 61 Nov: 13 ''Projecled" explanatonsi lull case examnation Dec: 21 ne€dedi but mosl lrkely solulton bas€d on antormaton to hand. '1996: Timo (24 h. clock) :- "all "bedroom visilo/' exper€nces 01 13 023 3 1400 'l996 "lnteresting" RePortE. 030 15 Th€ term "interesling" is used lo show the 04 1620 "populataon" of polcntially anomalous reports 050 1 173 pre6€nt within lhis sample. A luller repo.t on the rctual slalus ot these events will be 063 18 3 pr6sent6d in the AUFO'iA BULLETIN in due o078 1 2109 9 course. Th€ events in queslion are 09 1 21 15 summarised belowi 4 10 01 223 1996 "lntereating" reports: 11 235 DATE NNE LOCATION FORT 12 1 002 4 Jan ? Clwyd,Wales 2 Gold dlscs 1 7 Mar 21 05 M5 Glos FT AC near mrss 6l repo.6 had a listed tame; 16 Mar 01 00 Ktkhaven, Plus, two other time-specification groups; W Yorks Darh form+l€hts 1: "nighf' stated 15 no. 21 Aug ? Sudbury.Sutfolk rumbled/hovered 2: l{o limo 19 no. 1 Nov Nght Pelerborough/ Wrsbech Tnangle "lnt resting" cases (Pos8ible UFO9): No. 3 Nov 01 00 Hallbank.Cumbna Gteen ball Shape & entily" 4: "Flyrng Triangles".' 40olo 4 Dec 20 45 M54. Nr 2 = "DasC'. 200/0 Wolverhamplon Trlangle+plllai' 2= "Unclear" 20% = '13 D€c 2l l7 EdrnbLrrqh.Scotlnd Drscllrghls 2 "Globe" 200/0 erralrc mollon t0 100"/" 16 Dec 20 10 A4ST.Abe.wyslwylh r,rangle. 'chased by lornado a/cs shape tao rt iaalncg tteig hitss , as oc osmotmdoo no itll ulhseosroy 26 Dec 20 30 ETyunllee y& E WyPeaars s Gdelfotnbeed relldge couldba convantional aircranl I tt's' Betty Cash Dies. APRO MICROFILM LOCATED Betty Cash, one of three people injured Jan Aldrich in a UFO close encounter near Huffman, Texas, on December 29, 1980, died on the PROJECT 19,|7 announced in Dec€mber 29th December. 1998 in Birmingham, '1998 ihe recovery of a large portion ot the Alabama, on the 18th anniversary oI this microtilmed files ol the Aerial Phenomena event She had been in poo. health evet since Research Organisation (APRO), the first world- lhe encounter. wide civilian UFO group to be organased. Betty Cash, along with Vickio Landrum The APRO files have been inaccessible and grandson Colby Landlum, encountered a lo researchers for over a decade since lhe huge diamond-shaped UFO accompanied by demise ol the organisation following the military helicopters on a dark road in the east deaths of founders Cotal Lorenzen in 1988 Texas Piney Woods. They were exposed to and Jim Lorenzen in 1986. The mictofilm was radiation ftom the object, which caused localed lhrough the courtesy ot Brad Sparks' extreme medical problems such as burns, eye long time UFO researchet and lormer APRO damaqe, hair loss, diarrhoea' and vomiting. assistant ditec{ot of research. Although they and others observed a large numbei ol military helicopters along with the Founded in '1952 and already menlioned UFO, the U.S. Governmenl refused to menacingly by the CIA Roberlson Panel in acknowledge the event or assist them in any January i953, APRO collected UFO data from all over the wotld during its neady four decades of exisience. After the encounter, Betty Cash was hospitahsed and treated lor burns and the APRO had an extensive UFO other maladies. The extent of the iniunes was invesligative network with tepresentatives in so oreat. she was forced to close het more than 50 countries, especially in South br-rsiiesses and never worked again Her life America. ln the 1970's with the aid ol a small its became a series of hospital stays, many of grant APRO began microlilming UFO them in inlensive care. sighting files. Eventually, she developed canaer' which As many as three separate microfilm was successfully treated. ln November 1998' reels are thouqht to exist. The first microfilm Mrs. Cash suffered a stroke. on December .oll contains reports from ancient times lo 29, during her recovery, an unusual turn of December 1956. The second microfilm events claimed her life. conlains reports |tom December 1956 to 1962' The third microlilm (thought to exist by a Mrs. Cash was a hero in the light against number of p€ople but yet to be conlirmed) oovernment UFO cover-ups and brought hope evidenily covered 1962 io 1966. io other victrms of UFO rncidents She was devoted to family and friends and never The APRO material has very litile overlap allowed her illness to prevent her from helping or duolication with the UFO files of the old others to cope wilh the trauma of UFO close National lnvestigations Committee on Aerial encounters Phenomena (NICAP) and the Civilian Saucer lntelliqence (CSl New York)' now incorporated MUTUAL UFO NETWORK wrth lhe files of the Centre for IJFO Studies December 30, 1998 (cuFos). @l ln regards to lhe microfilm, it contains engineer Mr. Juan A. FernAndez Peris from more than 1,000 pages of repo.ts from Valencia (Spain) lor his outstanding report ordinary citizens, pilots, the military and others. solving the mystery ot the November 11, 1979 tMhaen Ay PoRt Oth eBsuel leretipno ortrs t$h,ee teL on.eont zpeunbsl'i sbhoeodk sin. OUFnO l heantc oduantleet, o tvheer tchree wM eodfi taer raconmeamne rsceiaal Southwest Microlilms of El Paso, Texas' ai.plane tlying en route from Majorca to produced lhe APRO file mrcrolilm and Ten€rile sighied two strange lights in lhe sky exercis€d great care to assure legibility ol the This event provoked an emeJgency landing in maierial. A seatch for copiss of the othet the Manis€s airport, Valencia. microfilm teels continues. Several former AcoPnnReOct ioont fwicitiha ltsh eh saevaerc hb.een contacted in pesetTash eo r" UUnSiv e$rs 1ita,0s0"0 )F, ewllohwicshh iips (1p5a0r,li0a0ll0y sponsored by the Washington, D C -based This recovered APRO microfilm now iorns Fund lor UFO Roaearch, lvent to Mr. J M a library of more than 400 microfilm rolls which Gonz6lez to compile and catalogue ihe contain official and private material on UFO'S. massive, lifeiong letlet exchange legacy from Proiect 1947 ate now zaroing in on the APRO Manuel Osuoa, piooeer Spanish ufologist. microlilm frles lor 1957 to 1962. A long time UFO researcher has promis€d it to us if his The "Cuadernos do Utologia" Award eltorts to locale it bear fruit. wCaes ngtraroot edd eto MEr.s Ptueddrioo sR eldn6ten'r pplraenseidteanrito osf (Barcelona), in recognition tor having devoted Project t9a7 cont ct dotailE: lhree decades to the serious study ot http Jrwww.iufog.orgrprojectl 947. P- O. Bor 391, C.nterburv, CT 06331' USA unidentilied fl ying obiects. The Anomaly Foundation is a not-for- prolit organisation approved in 1997 by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Culture lt was established to promote mainstream SPANISH ANOMALY scientific investigation of anomalous aerial FOUNDATION AWARDS phenomena or UFOS. HESSDALEN PRO'ECT. ANOIALY FOUNDATION' SP.in. Fo. 1999 (in addation to normal aclivities at of the Foundation aimed tracing and The Board of Directors of the spanish managing archives, publishing the influential Anomaly Found.lion has granted ll.. E ing journal Cuadttnos da Ufotogia, books, etc)' Strand (Norway), directot of the Hessdalen ii has created a 100,000 pesetas Research Proiect, the 1998 lnternational Zurrch Prize, Fund to provide aid to lield investigations of sponsored by Zurlch lnsurance Company with UFO sightings. There will be 1999 editions for 250,000 peselas (US $1,670) Mr Strand lhe international Zurich prize and the heads a scientilic tesearch team that has universitas fellowship as well. developed high-tech equipment for the optical recoading on real time and specttographic Amongst the research in Progtess analysis ot unusual aerial phenomena presently promoted by the Foundalion' it is occurring in the NoMegian tegion ot worth noting the assignment lo Mr Marti Flo, Hessdalen. trom Barcelona University to develop a computer database applied to bibliography The "Ricardo Caruncho" Prize of citalions on UFO phenomena in the scientific 100,000 pesetas has been granted to literature- THE DAVENTRY EVENT: A PERSONAL PERSPEGTIVE Elsie Oakensen. lelt a tightening sensation around my head lntroduction. and thought I was going to faint. Now whal The lollowing is the personal account ol was I to do? How embarrassing it would be if E sie Oatenson, rclaling her (now well- I did. Summing up the situation I thought that known) November 1978 "Close Encountef'. if this happened it would cause less fuss if it lJnlike mosl othe( UFO w,ttesses, Elsie has happened in the restautant than if I fainted in never been afraid to openly discuss her lhe slreet. So I sat still wondering whal had experience (aither among Ulologists or the caused it and vrhether I had ealen something generalpublic). which had disagreed with me. Etsie Oakensen had been a lull-lime It was as if a band of material had been teacher since 1948, and had lived in lhe put across my forehead and around my head Church Stowe, Nodhamptonshi@ area since and was being pulled tighter and tighter. I'd 1973. At the time ot hor 1978 sighling her had many types ot headache before, I was husband (John) was a Police lnspeclor . Mrs. used to them, but I had not experienced Oakensen herself wo'i/.€d al a 'Teachefs anylhing like this. lt was certainly not a Centre", where she was lBsponsibla for migraine, I knew that. This was all round my afianging school courses. sha was also head and just above my eyes, a completely invotved in helping young unemployed people new type to me. I did wonder if anyone else conducl research inlo educalional subiects, was feeling as I did. I looked around but they as pad of the (then) Govemment's Job wele all enioying their meal and lhe Creation Scheme. we ioln Etsie Oakenren @nversation going with it, so I did not ask. I on tha 22nd Novambe4 1978: the daY of was mainly woriod fot myself as I did not har encounter axpsrisnca, want to be an embarrassmenl to anyone there. Suddenly ii stopped as surprisingly as THE ENCOU'{TER . PRELUDE: it had started. 1978O lnw tohev em omtnyin wg aoyt tthher o2u2gnhd aN ogvreomupb eorf The pain which had lasted lor only about a minute had disappear€d completely and no pTah.eeyn tws esrtea nwdaintgch oinugts tidhee itt hceh isldcrheono li ng atthee. odinsceo meflosret. sDeuerimnge dth itso ti mhea vthee nyootuicnegd m manY playground before the school day began and had been in the cloaktoom, so I paid the bill as I edged my way through io the Centre I and saad nothing to him. We returned to the was sure lhat all was well with the wotld. The Centre in a happy and relaxed frame of mind, wweaayt hteor wwoarsk tIin eh,a dth eta ksekyn bmluye caanrd i notno tthhee tfaolrk inthg ea bfuoutut rhei s- naewn dio tbh ean idn chidise nprto sinpe cthtse garage lor a service. On arrival. I heard that restaurant slipped completely from my mird. one young man had been successful in The.e was no way at that time that I could obtaining a permanent posl. What more could possibly have known lhat it was to have a I want? .elevance lo something which would happen So completely unaware of what lay later that same day. ahead, I suggested that at lunchtime hwiel Afier the day,s duties were complete I should have a Chinese meal to celebrale but ohonJ-ru t u"i"'nO to t"tt ttir l was leaving. good fortune. This was.most.enioyable, [Vf f,"O tfft" iv"i", whereby if he were not as we were preparing to leave lhe restauranl I @l on duty that phone call indicated lhat lt was the windscreen. time lo put the vegetables on to cook as my lourney would take about fifteen minutes I knew that in the time I had belore I During the day my car had been delivered to drove directly underneath it I would have to me at the Centre and at 5.15 p.m. I was collect as much information as I could about rsady lo leave. There were no in-seryrcg it. After all, I reasoned with myself, lwas training cou6es fot teachets that day so I maried to a Police lnspector and they are gathered up my belongings and locked lhe neve. satislied with only hall the facts. I would p,emises, then walked to the car and checked have to give a very detailed description when the lights. The lefr hand lront side-light was I recounted this particular incident. not functioning. lt had been a lovely day and wispy grey clouds wete jusl app€aring in lhe I looked hard at it ln the darkening sky blue sky so, djiving on dipped hoadlights' I I could see a torm which I would describe as started my journey home. a dumb-bell shaped aerial object with a brilliant red light under the left sphere and an THE ENCOUNTER : equally brilliant green light under lhe other' lt The section along lhe A45 trom was grey in colour, blending in well with the tDraafvtiecn ltirgyh tws aast Wqueieted ounn eI vtuernntefudl raignhdt oant tihhee gitr eayp pweisaprey dc ltoou dbse a mccaudmeu loatli nag vaebroyv es mit oaonthd A5 to lravel towards Towcester. Ahead of me plastic-typs material. I could see two very bright lights, one rd and one green, immediately above the road along the rToahids. 'athnindg 'w waass ecsotnimsiadteerda bllya tewri dtoer hthaaven which I was to Itavel. been about ffty leet in length and a hundred msouosnt M bzeoy oa im mve moryve eldoriwa mt-eiyy it nhhgoe uaagdirch. rlBa twut atw sthh ielchrhea w lw oteuhrlieds taoopp pearno inhagucsnh dearden dyi twa hIn edct oefu ilatlydn dfse eIe etf e anltbo oc owvmein pidteo llweAds sot orI baunidld imnges aonnd eiat cshe esmideed o lfo twhe e rnooaudg hb ettow ecreans hat ssttoilpl isa)n da fvinedry obuut smy otrreu,n bku rto tahde. Alc5o wualds (haenadr itnotldo tmheymse fa ntod pthuel nm lya nfodo ot nd otowpn ohla trhde o cna trh' eI dnroothvein gim umneudsiaulaell ya tu nthdaetln peaartthic uitla. r Htaimd eth aonsde acc€leralor pedal. With a bit of luck I would two lights been over a lield to the right or left gel under rt betore it ctashed and slill be alive of the A5 I doubt it I would have taken any to tell th€ tale when I afiived home. But it was notice but they were directly above the road of no use. There was a lol of traffic on the A5 just belote the lay-by at the bottom of Stowe at that lime of day and strangely it sgemed as Hi[. if everything had gone into slow motion. That crash seemed inevitable but lor some Now, coming up to that point there were speedy decisions to be made. Should I stop inexplicable reason I knew I would be safe. on that lay-by, get out of my car and look up I was convinced the crash would happen leisurely at that thing'? ln the split second that behind me. (ll was not until twelve years later I had to decide, I realised that if I did swerve that someone pointed out that the landing suddenly out of the line of lraffic and stop, lights on an aircraft are in the opposite other drivers (whom I fell cerlain must also positions to those I could see, so that if it had have seen it and perhaps would be in a been a plane it would actually have been shocked state like myself) would lhen be travelling in the same direction as I was and I aadnd itaacocniadlley nst umrpirgishetd oactc mury. sSudod eI nd emcoivdee da ntdo would have seen it fly over the crossroads as I reached the traffic lights.). Suddenly I continue with the ,low of kaffic and stop in a rseeaelmiseedd tthoa tb iel wstaatsa onnoalr ym aonvidn gI atrta vaelllle dlt mhuilcl hI s anfeere dpeladc et oat cthoell etocpt oelv tehrey opniceocmeln ogf towards it with my nose ptactrcally pressed on information that I could That did seem to be very important at the time, but not important background and curiosity came into focus. enough to cause an accidenl. Was it some kind of siqnal, and if so what was it signifying and to whom was it being I drove past the lay-by and noticed that sent? Was it for me? It so, why? Whatever the kaffic which I was meeting was not would something like that want with me? slowing down. I had expected it to do so "Who am ,7' I asked myselt but couH only because I thought that il would be impossible feel that lwas nobody special, iust an to lravel along the toad in that di,ection ordinary person on her way home from work, without noticing what was up lhere in the sky yet now my curiosity was really getting the ahead of them. I looked into lhe inside mirror bener of me. of the car but could see only lraffic behind me. I passed the Clarke Bros. Gatage and Had the "pilot' noticed that I was coniinued up the hill, bul still could see inierested in it because I had slopped to get a nothing else whenever I looked back. I better view? Was it now coming to satisfy my needed to know more and desperately hoped curiosity'? lcould not unde,stand why but I that I would soon be in a posiiion to be able really did need to have answers to those to do so. questions. if Perhaps I To reach my had been mote home in Church psychically awate Stowe I had to turn at that time I could off the A5 at lhe have underslood top of the hill in this why it seemed to hold such section of the road By then I was fascination fot me completely but that was to intrigued by the come later. sighling ol such an extraordinary craft. Church Siowe After turning, the is a very small hill continues and village high on a ihere I was able to hill and iravelling slop and look back. along lhe country road towards it I was able of the "Daventry UFO" Here il was safe to to look back and observe do so and I wanted to see those two lights which whether it was still an the same position over remained in the same position. ln thal hall lhe A5. I gave a sigh of relief. lt was - and at mile or so of road I looked back three times that point I was about level with it, being and each time the green light was flashing but rewarded wilh a side view then as well as the the red one was not. one l'd had lrom undernealh. lsiood for a momenl marvelling at its struclure and About haf a mile from the A5 I turned noticing again the smoothness ol the outline. righl into the village and it was here lhat I What was this strange craft? I knew what it tumed, as usual, in second gear, but when I wasn'l but could in no way tind a word in my changed up to third gea, something mosl vocabulary to desc.ibe what it wasl Then, as unusual happened. My foot was hard on the iI to lurther atiract my attention, the green accelerator pedal which was then flat on the liqht started to flash. 'Hotfl slrange', I lloor of the car. There was no sound from lhe remember thinking as I started the engine of enqine at all. The car was slowing down and lhe cat. "Why did ia do th8a7' thhaadt amlmomosetn rte tahceh esdtr athneg ep ooibnjte cotf wsthoipcphi nI gh aAdt Wonder disaPPeared into the driven under on the A5 was the farthest thing @l lrom my mind. My only thoughts at that time again and I travelled happiry along the next were far faom pol e and wingng thelr way 100 metres or so of road. towards certain mechanics in a Daventry garage who had that day serviced my car. ireesH aenred itt hwea sh ibgohtdeesrt ebdr aonnc hboetsh osild ethse sbey lf it had been serviced properly, nothing formed a canopy above the road' one which like that should have happened. The in autumn had beeo a blaze of coloua but by sensation of an accelerator pedal actually then the leaves had Iallen Even so, the touchinq the floor of the car whilst it was overhangrng blanches dalkened the area and movrng was a new experience for me l gave the tmpression ol travelling through a wasn'iknown for speeding. ln fact I had often tunnel. had my leg pulled for doing exactly the opposiG thi;g and this was an expedence I Well! I remember teaching the end of could well have done without. I took my toot the trees. Then lhe next thing I knew was that ofi the pedal and depressod it again. The the car was stationary, the natural light had same thing happened and the car was disappeared and everylhing was in absolute delinitely in the ptocess of stopping. blackness My engme bad stopped My lighls were oul. Everything was black, dark, velvety Now whal was I to do? lf it did come to a blackness. I knew I was sitting in the car, my halt and would nol restad I wouH have to hands were on lhe steering wheel but I could Danudsh a istk o Jno thon thtoe losoldke a ot fi tth He er ohaadd, bweaelnk hino mthee ntroete sse. eI thhea dc anr,o l hidee rao awd,h ethree bIu wildainsg as to ar lihl.e I R.E.M.E. and worked as a mechanic before wondered where all the lights had gone and ioining the Police. He would know what to do theoltw s tirta cngoeullyd chaalmve ahnadp puneanferadi ds, ot hseund dase nI lysa tl wouldI tdhoo uitgshimt oilfa Jr ochintc uamnds tawnocnedse. reTdh ewnh aI th haed satcitllio In bweaoaunld tsoo roena lbisee ntheacet sssoamrye ioco urermsee doyf what could only have been called an the situation, but what'? I fumbled around for rnsoiration. lremembered how. $'hen after torch, but could not lind one Silverstone race days he would always be adsukty€d anwdh a€vte thyeth dlnidg wsheeenm heed wtoa sb eo nc otrmafnligc if soTmheeonn seu, dsdoemnley,w ahte trhea tw vaersy rmeoamdienngt , mays to$rards him from all directions at the same thoughts, a brilliant white circle of lighl about time. His confident and unruffled answet was a va;d m dBmeter shone on the road to the alwavs the same; 'tou don t psnic l You lust le{i ol the car by the passenger door lt lrt up stop eveMhrng, then beckon on the tralfic the road and I could see that the car was from one direction at a ttme and eventually stationary beside the larm gate about lifty all sorts itself out." vards lurlher on from the tree-coveled parl of ihe road. and that I had also travelled round a at thaTth avet rayt timtuodme esnete msoed I aloplpdr ompryiasteel l tnoor tm teo nfhghatt- ahngghlet dw beenntd o intl lahantd s elsclaloln lonf ldhaelk rnoeasds panrc but to start lrom scratch and see what agarn This sequence was then lepealed in a 'nappened. I dd nol sw ch on the engrne (lhe semi circle in lhe opposlte direclion from rei gnitron lights were nol on) l changed right to left back to where they started . farcocmel etrhartrodr - gTeaor mloy lgirrseta ta snudr pdreisper easnsde dr ellhieef I was absolutely fascinated and sat the ca, staried normally and I was able to watching as each one shone' taking into my continue on my way. I otfered up a silent mind the completely circular shape ol each prayer ol thanks. But how shortlived my light as it lit up the road, its whiteness and rts qratrtude was lo be I dld nol realise The cal brilliance I could not recall ever havlng seen was behaving very well as I changed from anv hght so pure, nol yet so cllculal rn shape first to second gear. then up to thitd gear Then lhev repeated the roule fiom lett lo righl t4