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Preview BUFORA Bulletin2 No.08 Jan Feb 1999

ottrnll 0f lhe Dillish UfO fturanh Assodation ln TDls lssucl UFOs & Remote Viewing The Leeds lncident UFO by Moonlight Gulf Breeze Photographs g:J l*qqgj JAIT-FEB LrrIrr$ UfI UI I 3ULLEEII No. 8 Robert Moor It has been expressed to me recently that I should be more "tolerant' towards "new age" s and ideas; concepts which I have criticised in my editorials and elsewhete in BUFOM To them I have two wotds - 'Remember Jonestown!"- To that they will doubtless sayi nothing to do with IJFOiI We'rc scientilicl we're evidentiatly basad; not a cultl witt eE! die lor UFosl' ffhomas F. Mantell notwithstanding...l. To that lhave another 3 words; 'Remembet Heavenb Gater" To this, I am sure these same people will surely retort 'Ihat ao do with UFOS (eithet) I That was conbcteeism; another subiect attogether.'.". I personally feel this view is wrong. Applewhite dressed his beliefs with the trailer populist ufology beloved of American supermarket tabloids. Which is ufology to many people in USA! Furthermore, the belief that Hale-Bobb was associated with a giant spacecraft was (and endorsed) by many fringe Utological figures. lndeed, the "immanent' arrival of a "Deathsta/' packed with "reptiods" has been whispered off tor years in the USA abductee scene. As we crash pell-mell into the Millenium my greatest fear is that a powerful "new-age" may decide to "hasten" a second coming (either ot "God", or the "space brothers") with an act tenorism. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, and modern Russia virtually under of organised crime, it could prove all too easy for a rich cult to get hold of a nuclear device even a fully-functional atomic bomb)! We have already had a (albeit "minoi') hint of what such are capable of in Japan. Who knows what is next! It is a pity humanity cannot find a true "sparituality", uncorrupted by false hopes, fanaticism, and the power-hungry lusts of lhe morally bankrupt. Such a goal would be a worthy task in the next centuryl And here's a suggeslion for a new years resolution. Can some of those interested in stop looking to them to fullil vadous spiritual needs? An anomalous aerial phenomena is merely mystery, requiring the highesi standards of logic, reason and science to properly understand. lt be nothing more. LANCASHIRE UFO SOCIEry/INDEPENDENT UFO NETWORK JOINT 1 DAY UFO GONFERENCE "COUNTDOWN TO THE MILLENNIUM" Saturday 27th February 1999; 11:00 - 20:00 hrs. at SouthPort. : Jenny Randlos, Dr. David Clarke, James Diss, Jerry Anderson & Andy Roberts Tickets e7.00 (or €5.00 tor LUFOSIIUN members). For furthet details contact Andy Roberts (01484-719687) or write to: 38, Hlgher crescent, cllfton, Brlghouse, west Yorkshlre. H06 HDZ. BUFORA BULLETIN No.8. January-February 1999. Editorial Address: 83, Church Road, East Huntspill, Highbridge, Somerset, TAg 3NG. email : [email protected] BUFORA BULLETIN is published by the British UFO Research Association (BUFORA Ltd). Registered OfIice: 16 Southway Burgess Hill, Sussex, RHIS 9SI. Registered in London 01234924. Membership of BUFORA is open to all those who support the aims of the Association and who's application is approved by the executive committce. Please forward any membership queries to the BUFORA registered office. The views expressed in subrnitted contributions do not represent the views or policics of BUFORA or the Editorial Board, except where specifically stated. BUFORA BULLETIN is copyright @ BUFORA 1998-1999 and may not be duplicated without the express writtcn consent ofthe publisher. It is the policy ofBUFORA rot tq publish the namcs or addresses oi' witnesses. BUFORA BULLETIN always welcomes new submissions of material for publication. Articles may be electronically sent via e-mail to [email protected]. Altematively, articles can be posted to the editorial addr€ss. Articles can be forwarded as typewritten copy (preferably printed out in a bold, non-draft OCR-compatible - i.e. an Arial, Courier or Times New Roman font). Copy may also be forwarded on a 3.5 inch IBM format computer disc, preferably in either Plain Text, Rich Text or Word 6 for Windows data format. Contents Page I'FO NEIiIS 4 A WEEK WITH A REMOTE VTEIIER 5-8 CEAI,I.ENG ING RV 8-9 ONE PTCFI'RE IS ?'ORTH A TEOUSAND I{ORDS 10-13 INVESAIGATIONS DIARY 14-15 ..UE\'" BY I.IOONLIGET 16 TNE LEEDS INCIDENT L7 -23 A LEITER TO T'II'LOGY 24-25 BOOK REVISWS 26-27 EVENTS & 1999 A.G.M NOTICE 2A BUFORA UFO SIGHTING STATISTICS 1996.1997: A SCHEMATIC DEPICTION OF REPORTED "UFO" EVENTS. Robert Moore. Shown below is a pie-chart schematic of "UFO" sightings reported to BUFoRA over a six month period, from October 1996 to ilarch 1997. This is a fairly simple depiction, showing distribution by shape (and UFO As can be seen below, reports of disc shaped "UFOS" (running at 20olo) are still and - in this sample at least - outnumber reports of "flying triangles" by 10%. lt interesting to see whether this remains the case in the future. UFO Sightings Reported To BUFORA October 1996 to March 1997 El "Lishts tn Tho sky" ! "Disc" UFos 10.0% El "Triansle" UFos I "Cisar" uFos f] ctose Encounters s7 -o.L Total = 237 Reports ln this data-set, reports of "Lights in the sky" (LITS) - observations ot distant - remain the most common type of "UFO" experience. However, around 90% of are demonstrably lFOs (ldentified Flying Objects); observations of mundane and phenomena such as planets, stars, aircraft, meteors, laser-light displays, advertising airships, etc. By comparison, of a sample of 1003 reporls collated by the Northern UFO the years 1975-1979, 13% (or about 130 sightings) were "Close Encountef which is close to the figure of l0% Close Encounter events appearing in this ol BUFORA "UFO" data. A \[/eek \[/ith A llemote Viewer Richard Conway. It has frequently become apparent to well as the role of the other viewers. I was UFO investigators that there is a great deal of surprised to find out by the end of lhe week the paranormal involved in ulology. The how little the RV programme had to do with 'ology tries to put some scienlific perspective UFOs. and methodology in the subject. However, in some instances there are things involved that David had said that he had viewed defy reason or explanation are involved on some UFO targets with other viewers (off the the periphery of the subiect. record) but had not been directly asked to view a UFO target by anybody in the During lhe course of April 1998 | intelligence community. spent a week in Stowemarket io meet the legendary He had told David us, though Morehouse, thal, that the author of "govemmenf' "Psychic wouldn't Wardo/'. have asked them to view Having a anything they small interest already knew in rem ote the answer I viewing was lo. quite looking forward to this To this, many course but (including thought that myself) Morehouse with seminar organiser Roy what we would would agree be learning with, ll would benefit other people bul not me. signifies that whatever is behind the UFO enigma, the govemment knows aboul il There was a mixed bag of people at already. the course, several interested hypnotherapisls, a shaman (Leo Rulherford) One of the targets that I found most and a president of lhe Society for Psychical fascinating that the viewers had to view was Research (Arlhur Ellison) to name a few. the Tunguska incident, also known as the 'Great Siberian Explosion'. The course stafied off in a really bizane manner. We were told that we able to This incident happened in 1908 and ask whatever questions we wanted. Some of resulted in an explosion in the Tunguska the questions and answeG exposed aleas of forest, whose remnants can still be seen his private life that got to be quite upsetting at loday. Experts have advocated that this was the time. For an entire day we were allowed caused by a comet, meteorile or other space to ask questions and get an idea of lhe debris. However, 17 remote viewers history of the RV proglamme, his role in it, as witnessed very similar things when doing a routine training exercise in the military eleciromagnetic body signature. This means program. They saw a rip Open up in the sky that every person is (reportedly) able to be and a structured craft of some sort come followed by special spy satellite cameras. through the rip. David Morehouse described Talk about an invasion of privacyl having a feeling that lhe pilot ot lhe craft was nothing more then a learner driver of sorls. One other thing that he mentioned was something that many conspiracy This and other accomplishments theorists have advocated a long time. This were made possible through remote viewing was gleaned from files and conversations because, to the advanced, time is no longer with military personnel. Microwave weapons a barrier. exist that could potentially induce a suggestion into the brain of an lndividual. ll is The first response of a sceptic and further thought that this technology can be indeed myself is that, if this was so, then why used in exactly the same way to alter the don't they get the lottery numbers and walk mindset of many people. These two things away trom the remote viewing program with alone are enough to put a chill in most. large amounts of cash in their pockets? We however, it continues. Even viewers are not were told that. although the past can be seen safe, apparently. There exists technologies qu{e easrly, there were things that viewers that can track a remote viewer's didn't have access to; such as the future. consciousness while he/she is a visiting a Scientists at SRI claimed that the future could certain place. not seen through the eyes of a viewer because of lhe number of variables that It would seem that viewing alone change between the moment of viewing and cannot accomplish all of the things that the the particular point being viewed in the future. intelligence community needs to win the ultimate public service award, so one better Morehouse had a very compelling than this - the science of remote argument for the authenticity of remole influencing - reportedly exists, which puts viewing; he could do what he said, simple as thoughts into people's brains, etc. This has that! We saw old military files that were apparently been used in the past for remote sneaked out by many of the viewers showing death the result of their exploits. One target, which impressed me a great deal was that of the To understand the viewers and what 'gun museum. they do it is best to trace the history ot their lives, as the only viewer I have put questions The gun museum target [ras done by to I will retrace Morehouse's military history Dave Morehouse early on in his career as a very briefly. lt allstarted for him when he was viewer. We wer€ able to verify what had training Jordanian troops in the art of warfare. been written in his book. The information that He was hit by some random gunfire in the he had gleaned lrom viewing the larget was desert. During this time he remembers phenomenal, in that he was able to pick out nothing of dese.ts or unconsciousness but all the details of the museum even through he only that tor a minute eveMhing disappeared had never been lhere. and he stood opposite several people. During the course, many questions As he walked towards them, very were asked of his life and his career in the angrily, one of them told him that his life had army and army intelligence. That said, we been misguided and that soon he would learnl some phenomenal things about some follow a different path, the way would become of the technologies that the Americans are apparent to him soon. The interesting thing purported to have. lt has been alleged that about this was that a tremendous amount of they now have the technology lo track an visionary experiences had occurred to many individual by satellite from his/her other people in that particular valley, including the prophet Mohammed. the course. This involved the use of random co-ordinates which when applied in Morehouse awoke to lind that he had conjunction with methods used for RV, allow been given a new lease ot life, literally. When the viewer to define salient characteristics of the soldiers he was commanding examined the target. The other form of RV is Extended his helmel they said that (by all rights) he Remote Viewing (ERV) . This is done wilhout should have been killed; ihe bullet wasnt a the use of co-ordinates. ricochet, it was lodged into his helmet. Weird! More weird than that was when he had his The TWA incident first Out of Body Experience in the desert. Following this were a string of similar One of the things that Dave Morehouse experiences and also many nightmares, was involved in after leaving the military was which he now believes had meaning. This a project by the newsgroup CBS. This project chain of strangeness in his life resulted into he did in conjunction with olher viewers and his inclusion in the remote viewing program at the target was a plane that had exploded by Fort Meade. There he met many other Long lsland as it had just taken off. The crash viewers who had other strange lales too investigator's report showed that it had been numerous to mention. a spark in the fuel tank, which had then meant that Boeing had to refit all the planes One of these in itself was interesting. in their fleets with new fuel tanks to avoid any We were laught on the course that lhe 'theta' danqer in the future. brain state could be achieved through visualisation. This was the brain state that The viewers, however, gave a difierent enabled the remote viewer to gather account and their investigation proved to be information lrom distant places to be used in fruitful. They had gone back to that point in conjunction with normal intelligence gathering time and seen lhe plane explode in the air, data. A remole viewer called 'Kathleen'was in however, they saw the entire side of the plane a place called 'sanctuary', which can be cave in, they saw heads explode as well as considered as the plac€ that a viewer starts bodies. The coroners that investigated the off. An example of a sanctuary was that of victim's bodies had seen them without their Dave Morehouse's, this was a transparent eyes, skin deformities, elc. roomjike structure in space. Kathleen had her sanctuary invaded by anolher viewer. The viewers found out - through many This meant thal another viewer was able to viewing sessions - that what had actually enter and interact and spy on a remote happened was that a microwave weapon was fired in a test and this weapon had ripped through the plane (which had been delayed at Up to this point in time the majority of the airport and was off-schedule) . this should read like science fiction. However, as one who has done the course and has had There was a boat oul into the sea, which a number of successes with target siies, I can had been firing a missile over the land lo be assure you that it isn't. The majority of people destroyed by a microwave beam weapon on the course had a great deal of success from the Brookhaven National Labs. The with their remote viewing experiences. Some whereabouts of the boat which the navy of the people that I studied with have gone denied was conlirmed via French satellite onto doing other courses and have been photos. The whole investigation in fact was in extremely successful in viewing their targets. the palm of their hand, until the producer had a visit from some people who stole and I should state at this point that there trashed all their research. Some of the are two types of remote viewing that were viewers were then threatened. At the end of developed at the SRl, the first is Cootdinate the day, alltheir hard evidence "disappeared". Remote Viewing (CRV), which we learnt on j lltc cnaLlE]lc Ry ,*"",[il&n r;i-i"i!i:"6i'i:],.,""J, recently discovered some new fih Project Cobra Mist (an experimental over-the- A response to horizon radar system located at orford Ness). 'A week with a Remote Viewer', At the time I was in the PRO with BUFOM investigator Judith Jaafar, who was perusing Kevin McClure the files looking for some relevant information that could be usetul to extend our knowledge of Ml activity around the time of the Rendlesham incident. After talking publicly about this TWA case at a lecture, she pointed out the similarities between excuses in this case and ', excuses given by the American government "tt may be,hat remole viewing is inl who were in control of Project Cobra Mist fact lhe next stage of human evotution, loi when something like this happened. ,lind out wha, we are reatly capable of as a ilssPpgecctieasS, aaanqd uthlca.' . wwe6 aarrcc gg.rcedataeetr than the ln the instance ot Cobra Mist (a project ',ssuumm oofl oouurr Ppaarttst"s. ". run by the Americans), when oil tankers and : ships exploded in the North Sea due to high i lMrtoodoe"mr RRVV ccaarrrriieess wwiitthh iitt iittss oowwnn,, energy microwave pulses (used in over-the- mmaassssiivvee,, ccaauuttiioonnaarryy ttaallee:: tthhee HHaallee--BBoopppp//l horizon radar), the excuse was always that HHeeaavveenn''ss GGaattee ttrraaqgeeddyy.. TToo qquuoottee aann eeaarrllyy,,l there was a spark that had ignited the fuel lpprree--ssllaauugghhtteerr rreeppoorrtt lfrroomm tthhee UUSS UUFFOO tanks. This was about 20 years before the Magazina, Jan-Feb 1997, amateur astronomerl TWA incident ever took place. This can also ch;ck Shramek had found that; be read at the PRO if anybody is interested; i more government lies in print. So, as James 'Beside the comet was a 'mYstery' Bond once said, 'governments may change obiect tha, appeared to have a Satun'tikei but the lies stay the same". ring around it, and descdbed as beingi p.ih"p" much as 4 times the size oI "t Earth. Shramek sent the photogrcPh to Conclusion: rcdio /€,tk show host Ad Betl . I would urge anybody who has an i interest in this subiect or wants to explore Sho/lty thereaftet, Eerrs ' idio greater possibilities to do this course. prognmme leatured both Dr Courtney Brown, author ol Cosmic Voyage, andi I am a testament to the fact that it horrot-fiction writer Whitley Streiber,i works, as are many others on the course. lt author ol the Communion books. Brown'1 may be that remole viewing is in fact the next has ctaimed ao know a nationally renowned stage ot human evolution, to find out what we astronomer (unnamed) who has beenl are really capable of as a species, and that fottowin-gB rtohwisn 'obiect', and yes - it is tutl oll we are greater than lhe sum of our parts aliens. claims that ahe viewers have, atso been rcmote viewing the White House,l Remote Viewing seminars will be and President Wi iam J Clin,on hasJ held by David Morehouse every two to three retuctantly agread tha, there wilt be an months in either Stowemarket near lpswich olliciat announcemena of the alienl or in London. They normally take place over presencel" a weekend. Please contact the course organisers, Roy and Susan Farrell, on 01'149- I t nopu I wouldnl need to remind anyl 614765 for further information. BUFORA member how many membeF ol the HHeeaavveenn''ss GGaattee ggrroouupp ddiieedd aass aa rreessuulltt ooff tthhiiss Ii WWhhyy iissnn''tt iill uusseedd ttoo pprreevveenntt aanndd ssootlvvee idiotic claim. or to point out just how stupid itl lcrime? lf tests such as I've suggested coutd makes any unverified report of RV appear. i be passed repeatedly by remoie viewers, it The claims for RV Conway does accept seeml lwould only be a short time betore courts all no less irrational Just how offensive to those I lover the world accepted RV! bereaved in the TWA incdent is the claim that "-...a microwave weapon was fired in a test II lt tttese claims for RV are true, then and this weapon had ipped through the] viewers could retum to a crime scene, and see plane", and sick is the report that the vrewers] precisely how a crime was committed, the "saw ahe enaire side of the plane cave in,l ]sequence ot evenls, what was said, and who they saw heads explode as wetl as bodies? I lwas responsible. Where a child goes missing, i(say taken away in a car). the remote viewer As for the "17 remote viewers" who lcould go back those few hours or days, look at supposedly hovered over the Tunguska Foresl lthe car, note its registration number and in1908 and "saw a rtp open up in ttre sky" description, describe the person or persons and Morehouse's "feeling lhat the pitot o116el who took the child away, and presumably, craft was nothing more than a leamer driverl lbeing able to move al will in space or time, of some sorts'; why would any intelligenti ifollow the car and lead the Police lo where the person accepl lhese extreme and eiolic has been taken lchild reports as lrue, without explicil proof that these "viewers" could accurately report far simple, r RV could also be used to investigate air (and more easily verifiable) events? I jcrashes and other disasters. lt could be used . ilo monitff human rights abuses world-wide, Surely such tesls could - compared 1e 611 lwith prisons and other establishments being tlnhriss ttrraavveerl irnn tlrimmee aanndo ssppaaccee -- bDee eeaassilllyy ivYi,sJi,tresdu via RV. Brutal regimes !,rould fear the performed. For instance, why not use RV t; irevelations made by remote viewers! War find out the makes, colours and registration crimes trials could be transformed: the remote numbers ol cars parked in a nearby car-park?l viewer providing precise evidence of how Or lo discover the colours of front doors and torlure and killing had taken place, and who front garden layouts of houses in a particular ]was responsible What court would refuse to road? Or maybe RV the titles, authors and accept the evidence of RV? cover colours of books on a particular shelf in a | local library? ]i None ot this happens. lnstead, celebrity ; jviewers go around charging substantial sums of l'm noi aware that any remote viewer, lmoney telling wild and untestable tales that despite the extensive claims made for nV, nas spring not from hard fact, but from pre- eevveerr Dpuubblliiccllvy ssuucccceeeeddeedd iinn., oorr eevveenn aatftleemmpoteted,d immlilllleennnnliaall ccoonnssppilrraaccyy tlhheeoorryy aanndd fleeaarrss oofl aa NNeeww such straightfonvard but potentially convincing iwodd Order. Remote viewing isn't new: tests. Co-uld Conway, with his newlyJearnei although those running the courses hardly skills, be the fi|.st to succeed? l,m sure that.] mention it, it has a clear pre-history of more through the Association for Skeptical Enquiry, li than 60 years in astral projection and out-of- could find a number of universitaes willing'1ei body experience: only the gloss' the stories of test him, and publicise the results. i aliens and the hatred of governments, has been added. ln avoiding the 'lottery numbers'issue, Conway states specifically that "the pasl canl I And no, this isn'tthe next slage of human be seen quite easily''. lf RV really can bel ievolution: it's been going on for years lf the leamed, and operaled so specifically that 171 ivarious 'celebrity' remote viewers (and their ilk) remote viewers can travel back g0'vears tol iare the most reflned product of evolution precisely the same place, and thi samei lthrough nalural selection at the end of this momeni in time, why it is only used for suchi lcentury, perhaps they could nip off and check trivialand useless purposes? llwhether Charles Darwin is spinning in his grave! l*;I ONE PICTURE IS WORTH THOUSANDWORDS Barbara Becker For those not familiar with the Gulf to the Sentinel on December 3, 1987, Breeze, Florida (usA) UFO story or one of accompanied by a letter by an anonymous it's most controversial characters, Edward person, later to be called "Jane".A second Walters, I will present a briet history. A batch of nine photographs was submitted to complete account can be found in The Gufi the Sentinel on December 23, 1987 by a Breeze Sightings: The Most Asaounding person using the pseudonym of "Believer Multiple sightings of UFOS in U.s' History. Bill". One ol the nine photos, along with a Ed Walters and Frances Walters. Monow letter from Bill, was printed in the Sentinel on Publishing, 1990. December 24. These are photos 39 and 40 in the book. According to Walters, on November 1 1, 1987, he was at his home in Gulf Breeze, What do they have to do with Ed when he looked out of a window and saw a Walters other than lend credibility to his greyish blue craft hovering just beyond a pine story? Well, actually they challenge his story. tree in his lront yard. He grabbed his Polaroid Colorpak camera and proceeded to take five During the first week of January 1988 a photographs of the mysterious object. He friend of the Walters' family, Tommy Smilh, showed the photos to his wife, Frances, admitted to his father that he had been together they decided to turn them over to involved in walters' UFO "prank". Smith said friend and edilor of the Gulf Brceze Sentinel that Walters had originally asked him to claim NewspapeL Duane Cook. to be the photographer of hoaxed UFO photos and to deliver them to the Sentinel but Six days later, on November 17, Ed he refused. Among Smith's other assertions Walters and a companion entered lhe offices was a claim that the "Believer Bill" and "Jane" of the Sentinel and left five photos of the photos printed in the Sentinel were actually object tor Duane cook. The first and fiflh ot taken by Walters in cooperation with another this series, along with a letter from the friend. photographer, "Mr. X.", were reproduced in the Sentinel on November'19. The Walters' first book, The Gult Br€oze sightings was published in 1990 and Ed Walters claimed he continued to included the following copyright notice and photograph the obiect(s) until May 1, 1988. (t acknowledgement "Copyright: 1990 by Ed is impossible to know exactly how many Walters and Frances Walters. Clippings on pholographs Walters actually took, since the the page following page 256 reprinted wilh Polaroid numbering system allows for multiple permission of Pensacola NewsJournal." As I photographs with the same sequence and read that I wondered why "Believer Bill" and serial numbers). Thirty eight of Walters' "Jane" had not been acknowledged for their photos are used in the book, along with two contribution as lhe Pensacola News Journal photographs from undisclosed sources. This had been? paper will focus on the two other photographs and issues involving them. How could Walters use the "Believer Brll" and "Jane" photos without the permission The tirst photographs seemingly of the photographers? I wrote to the corroborating Walters' photos were submitted publisher, Willaam Morrow, and asked them

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