T he graveyard is cold and still. Bright moonlight deep- ens the shadows. The silence is disturbed by a throaty moan. Breaking through the soft, recently packed earth, a claw extends, sharp and grasping. A sickly sweet stench rises with the corpse. Desperate hunger is etched on it cadaverous face—a hunger for your blood! Buffy: Alright, I get it. You're evil. Do we have to chat about it all day? —3.10, Amends No we don’t. It’s time to slay. Get ready for action and adventure—Buffy-style. Now you can join the Slayer's world! IInnssiiddee tthheessee lluussttrroouuss ccoovveerrss,, yyoouu wwiillll ffiinndd:: • An introduction to roleplaying and the Buffyverse • A roleplaying guide to all seven season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer • Detailed character creation, including pre-constructed Heroes and White Hats, for your quick-play pleasure • Roleplaying specifics for the entire Original Cast, from Buffy to Dawn, including their wild and wacky changes • The Buffy Unisystem, streamlined for cinematic slayage and sneakage • A primer on magic mojo, for those who dare • A guide to the hotspots of Sunnydale • The monsters of mayhem, all stat-ed out and ready-to-slay, and the skinny every season's Big Bad • Blow-by-blow instructions for creating Buffy roleplaying Episodes, Seasons, and Series • A complete Episode to get slaying fast and easy • A guide to Buffyspeak to add sparkle to your dialogue Written by CJ Carella Foreword by Christopher Golden 0 01 6 N0 ED5-10- 0 S.) 9331 00 (U.BN 1- 40.IS $ BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER™ & © 2005. Twentieth Century Fox Film Coporation. Visit www.btvsrpg.com All Rights Reserved. Used under license. for more information The Unisystem™ Game System © 2005 CJ Carella. The Unisystem™ is used under exclusive license. © 2005 Eden Studios. All rights reserved. T he graveyard is cold and still. Bright moonlight deep- ens the shadows. The silence is disturbed by a throaty moan. Breaking through the soft, recently packed earth, a claw extends, sharp and grasping. A sickly sweet stench rises with the corpse. Desperate hunger is etched on it cadaverous face—a hunger for your blood! Buffy: Alright, I get it. You're evil. Do we have to chat about it all day? —3.10, Amends No we don’t. It’s time to slay. Get ready for action and adventure—Buffy-style. Now you can join the Slayer's world! IInnssiiddee tthheessee lluussttrroouuss ccoovveerrss,, yyoouu wwiillll ffiinndd:: • An introduction to roleplaying and the Buffyverse • A roleplaying guide to all seven season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer • Detailed character creation, including pre-constructed Heroes and White Hats, for your quick-play pleasure • Roleplaying specifics for the entire Original Cast, from Buffy to Dawn, including their wild and wacky changes • The Buffy Unisystem, streamlined for cinematic slayage and sneakage • A primer on magic mojo, for those who dare • A guide to the hotspots of Sunnydale • The monsters of mayhem, all stat-ed out and ready-to-slay, and the skinny every season's Big Bad • Blow-by-blow instructions for creating Buffy roleplaying Episodes, Seasons, and Series • A complete Episode to get slaying fast and easy • A guide to Buffyspeak to add sparkle to your dialogue Written by CJ Carella Foreword by Christopher Golden 0 01 6 N0 ED5-10- 0 S.) 9331 00 (U.BN 1- 40.IS $ BUFFYTHE VAMPIRE SLAYER™&©2005. Twentieth Century Fox Film Coporation. Visit www.btvsrpg.com All Rights Reserved. Used underlicense. for more information The Unisystem™ Game System © 2005 CJ Carella. The Unisystem™ is used underexclusive license. © 2005 Eden Studios. All rights reserved. CCrreeddiittss PPPPrrrroooodddduuuucccceeeerrrrssss:::: MM.. AAlleexxaannddeerr JJuurrkkaatt,, GGeeoorrggee VVaassiillaakkooss DDDDiiiirrrreeeeccccttttoooorrrr:::: GGeeoorrggee VVaassiillaakkooss WWWWrrrriiiitttteeeerrrr aaaannnndddd GGGGaaaammmmeeee DDDDeeeessssiiiiggggnnnneeeerrrr:::: CC..JJ.. CCaarreellllaa FFFFoooorrrreeeewwwwoooorrrrdddd:::: CChhrriissttoopphheerr GGoollddeenn AAAAddddddddiiiittttiiiioooonnnnaaaallll WWWWrrrriiiitttteeeerrrrssss:::: TTiimmootthhyy SS.. BBrraannnnaann,, CChhrriiss BBoouubbeerrbboouucchhee,, AAnnddrreeww CCaaiirrnnss,, AAnntthhoonnyy TToodddd CCaasshh,, PPaauull CChhaappmmaann,, MMeellaanniiee MM.. CCuummmmiinnggss,, RRoobbeerrtt FFlleettcchheerr,, RRoobbeerrtt JJoonnssssoonn,, MM.. 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FFiirrsstt RReevviisseedd PPrriinnttiinngg,, MMaayy 22000055 SSttoocckk EEDDNN66000000 IISSBBNN 11--889911115533--8888--99 PPrriinntteedd iinn CCaannaaddaa CC OO :: II ’’ SS ’’ WW ,, WW JJ PP HH 88 HHAAPPTTEERR NNEE TT SS TTHHEE LLAAYYEERR SS OORRLLDD EE UUSSTT LLAAYY EERREE CC TT :: SS AA RR 3300 HHAAPPTTEERR WWOO OOMMEE SSSSEEMMBBLLYY EEQQUUIIRREEDD AA 6666 RRCCHHEETTYYPPEESS OO 9900 RRIIGGIINNAALL CCAASSTT CC TT :: RR ,, BB ,, EE ZZ 111188 HHAAPPTTEERR HHRREEEE UULLEESS OORRDDEERRSS AANNDD AANN NNDD OONNEE CC FF :: PP PP FF 115566 HHAAPPTTEERR OOUURR LLAAYYIINNGG WWIITTHH RRIIMMAALL OORRCCEESS CC FF :: SS AA DD 117700 HHAAPPTTEERR IIVVEE UUNNNNYYDDAALLEE FFTTEERR AARRKK CC SS :: CC NN 118844 HHAAPPTTEERR IIXX RREEAATTUURREESS OOFF TTHHEE IIGGHHTT CC SS :: EE ,, SS ,, DD 221188 HHAAPPTTEERR EEVVEENN PPIISSOODDEESS EEAASSOONNSS AANNDD RRAAMMAA CC EE :: SS WW 223366 HHAAPPTTEERR IIGGHHTT WWEEEEPPSS EEEEKK AA 225522 PPPPEENNDDIIXX II 227722 NNDDEEXX TM The Waiting by Christopher Golden “This bites.” for her. Plus, unlike most Slayers, Buffy had not accept- A strong wind blew across Crestwood Cemetery, whis- ed the idea put forth by the Watchers Council that to be pering the dark secrets of the dead as it passed among an effective Slayer she had to alienate all her friends. the tombstones and whistled through the cracks in the Screw that. walls of each crypt. But Buffy Summers wasn’t listening. Nope, what was bothering her more than anything on She knew each of the thirteen cemeteries in Sunnydale, this warm spring night when a hard breeze was blowing California as though they were her own back yard—hell, in off the Pacific was that she was stone cold bored. she spent more time in the boneyards than she did at Buffy slumped against a granite grave marker and home—and being among the graves of the town’s dead thumped her head back against the stone. Bored, bored, had lost its ability to induce even the tiniest shiver. bored. There was a lull in the wind, and somewhere not far “This really bites,” she muttered to the darkness and off she heard the creak of a rusty hinge. Though she the dead. knew it was merely the resettling of one of the crypt Sunnydale was right on top of the Hellmouth, a place doors or the one on the maintenance shed, her imagina- where the barrier between the human world and the tion filled in so many other images. A chill ran up the demon dimensions was worn thin. It was a like a mag- back of Buffy’s neck. net, drawing monsters from all over. Nearly every night ‘Kay, she thought. Maybe just one itty-bitty shiver. she patrolled the town looking for trouble, and most of Buffy smiled to herself. In a freaky way, it was good the time she found it in some form or another. Somehow to know she was capable of a good old-fashioned wig- she managed to work in some hang time with Willow and gins, the fear of creepy nothing. After all, she had dealt Xander, not to mention her Mom. with so many somethings in the last few years, ever since But there was no patrolling tonight. Even though she she had learned what she was. could think of a dozen things she should have been or The Slayer. The one girl in all the world chosen by would rather have been doing, tonight, all she could do powers beyond her reckoning to combat the forces of was wait. darkness. Chosen. It had its pros and cons, no doubt So she sat there with her back against the grave- about that. On the plus side, there was the whole super- stone—feeling the engraved letters of a dead man’s name human thing—strength, speed, quick healing, those on her back—and she waited and she stared at the fresh- things didn’t suck. On the other hand, being the Slayer ly turned earth of the grave across from her and she meant she had a duty to hunt monsters until one of them wondered when Sasha Kopeki was going to come back killed her. Given the hazards of the job—being public to life. enemy number one as far as the nasty ol’ forces of dark- An image swam up into her mind of Sasha in her ness were concerned—the killing thing was pretty much cheerleading uniform. The girl had graduated high guaranteed to happen sooner than she would like. school the previous spring and had been attending UC Buffy figured one hundred was a nice round number, Sunnydale, but Buffy only remembered her from the time but she’d be lucky to make it out of her teens. she herself had briefly been part of the cheerleading Even that did not haunt her as much as it might have— squad. Sasha hadn’t been the prettiest girl on the squad as much as it had when she had first learned that she was and she had certainly not been the best, but when it came Chosen. Like all Slayers, she had a Watcher to guide her. to smile-wattage and team spirit, the dead girl was sec- Giles was tops with the demony knowledge, and had ond to none. given her the combat training she needed, but he was more than that. This was his fight too. He looked out 6 FFOORREEWWOORRDD TM “Was” being the key word there, Buffy thought. “Those aren’t your memories,” Buffy told her, a horri- Sasha’s pretty much second to everyone these days. The ble revulsion roiling in her gut. “They belong to Sasha.” girl had been killed by a stray vamp who had wandered “I am Sasha,” the vampire hissed. into Sunnydale to check out the Hellmouth, and to find “No you’re not,” Buffy replied calmly. “You’re just the out if the Slayer was really as tough as they said. Buffy thing that’s living off her corpse. Like a maggot.” had already dusted the moron, proving the point. With a roar of fury, the vampire lunged across the But Sasha was unfinished business. open grave, fingernails hooked into claws, features con- With a sigh, the Slayer rested her head against the torted with demonic ferocity. It leapt at Buffy, who spun tombstone again. Her eyes began to flutter closed. out of its way. Sasha rushed her from behind and Buffy Almost the moment they did, she heard the soft sound of took a single step backward—toward the vampire—and dirt sprinkling to the ground. Of digging. shot an elbow into its face. Sasha’s surgically recon- Buffy’s eyes snapped open and she glanced over at structed nose exploded in a gush of blood and a splin- Sasha’s grave. Slender white fingers jutted from the tering of bone. freshly turned earth, clawing at the dirt around them, Buffy leaped into the air, spun around and shot a high destroying the dead girl’s French manicure. A wave of kick at the vampire’s face. It staggered backward and sadness passed through Buffy for the excitable cheer- fell over the gravestone Buffy herself had been leaning leader with the blinding smile. But the Sasha Buffy know against for the past two hours. The vampire’s legs were was dead now. splayed, the hem of its burial dress hanging like a curtain It was her fingers that bored their way up from the over the front of that stone. The Slayer leaped over the dirt, her hands that burst from the ground, her arms that marker and landed on the vampire’s chest, plunging the thrust forth and dragged the rest of her body from the stake into the dead girl’s heart. grave. And Sasha was still dead. Sasha whimpered once, eyes locked on Buffy’s. The corpse crouched beside the hole it had burrowed “I remember you,” she whispered. up from its coffin, clad in a simple and elegant black Then she exploded into a cloud of cinder and ash that dress. Sasha’s blond hair had been arranged lovingly in was swept away by the warm Pacific breeze. her casket but now it was crusted with moist earth. “No you don’t,” Buffy said to the night, to the dark- Buffy thought she saw a worm dangling near the dead ness. “No. You don’t.” girl’s ear. Then she turned and strode quickly from the cemetery, “About time,” Buffy told her. “I thought I was gonna wanting to put it behind her as quickly as possible. She go gray waiting for you. And, brrrr at that thought.” would go to the Bronze, where she hoped to find her Sasha whipped around to face her, rising up almost to friends hanging out, maybe dancing, depending on what her full height but still somehow feral. Yellow eyes band was playing tonight. With them she would laugh, glared at Buffy in the darkness. The girl’s face was not and in laughing, she would begin to forget, and she at all the way Buffy remembered, but that was no fault of would fill her life with the things that mattered, the memory. It had more to do with the metamorphosis her things that reminded her what she was fighting for. features had undergone, the way that her forehead and Buffy would talk, and she would move, and she would cheeks had become ridged and cruel and inhuman. dance. She would use the time she had in this world, and Vampiric. she would not be bored. Nothing about being Chosen The undead girl grinned. Instead of the perfect smile bothered her more than those times when boredom set Buffy recalled, her mouth was twisted in a predatory ric- in, when she had to sit in the graveyard and wait. tus, flashing deadly fangs. Nothing was worse than the waiting. “I remember you,” the vampire said, voice raspy from disuse. The voice of the grave. Buffy stood across the disturbed grave from Sasha and reached inside her zippered sweatshirt for the stake she carried in the pocket sewn there. “No you don’t,” the Slayer said. Confused, the vampire frowned, lips curling back sav- agely from those fangs. “Yeah. I do.” 7 FFOORREEWWOORRDD TM 11 IItt’’ss tthhee SSllaayyeerr’’ss WWoorrlldd,, WWee JJuusstt PPllaayy HHeerree McNamara:You telling me my business? Buffy: This is not your business. It's mine. You, the Initiative, the boys in the Pentagon, you're all in way over your heads. Messing with primeval forces you have absolutely no comprehension of. McNamara:And you do? Buffy: I'm the Slayer. You're playing on my turf. —4.21 Primeval What the—? So, the cover image caught your eye, or your Buffy fanaticism compelled you, or maybe some college freshlings knocked a pile of books from the top shelf onto your head—whatever the reason, you decided to flip through, and now read (of all things!) the Buffy the Vampire Slayer roleplaying game (BtVS RPG) corebook. Isn’t that special. You have just embarked on your own personal roleplaying trip. The roleplaying veterans among you—those gaming grognards—know most of this intro stuff already. And those familiar with UUnniissyysstteemm games will find very little new here. You folks can skip ahead to the other juicy bits of this chapter, or even straight to character creation in CChhaapptteerr TTwwoo:: SSoommee AAsssseemmbbllyy RReeqquuiirreedd.. Nothing for you to see here. Move along, move along. Now that those types are outta here, we can fill your heads with all sorts of nonsense about roleplaying, with no fear of contradiction. First off, it’s an easy way of making major bundles of cash. Just send a ten-dollar bill to us at . . . Buffy: Spike, what are you doing here? Spike (between blows): Same reason as you and your cub scout here, I wager. Wanted a spot of violence before bedtime. —5.4 Out of My Mind 8 CCHHAAPPTTEERR 11