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Budget 2018 - 2019 PDF

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Preview Budget 2018 - 2019

Shire of Denmark Discover Denmark – South Coast - Western Australia SHIRE OF DENMARK 2018/2019 MUNICIPAL BUDGET INDEX --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MUNICIPAL BUDGET Page No. MUNICIPAL BUDGET INTRODUCTION A-B MUNICIPAL BUDGET EXECUTIVE SUMMARY C-G MUNICIPAL BUDGET (Statutory) 1 to 34 APPENDICES Appendix A Detailed Statement of Comprehensive Income by Program White 35 to 88 Appendix B Capital Expenditure by Program (including Funding Sources) White 89 to 90 Appendix C Capital Expenditure by Type Light Green 91 to 92 Appendix D Plant Replacement Program Pink 93 Appendix E Schedule of Grant Revenue Orange 94 Appendix F Contributions and Donations White 95 to 99 Appendix G Subscriptions and Memberships White 100 to 101 Appendix H Schedule of Fees and Charges White Shire of Denmark Discover Denmark INTRODUCTION It is with pleasure that I present the Shire of Denmark’s 2018/2019 Annual Budget, which was formally adopted by Council on 31 July 2018. This year’s budget is a balanced budget, with operating and capital expenditure being funded from income sources including rates, grants, contributions and fees and charges. The 2018/2019 budget contains a number of highlights and is underpinned by a 3% rate increase, which was influenced by a number of factors including the Shire’s broader financial and asset management position, and the desire to continue to provide a high-quality service whilst maintaining and improving council assets. In response to these challenges, the 2018/19 budget is based upon two key elements; 1. A focus on renewing and maintaining existing assets 2. A focus on improving our ratio performance and overall Financial Health Indicator This year’s budget lays the foundations for this by including a $7.1m capital program, with the majority of this program directed towards renewal of existing assets. Of significance is $4.25m for roads, $2.1m for land and buildings and a $650k plant and equipment replacement program. Highlights within these programs include the completion of the McLean Park Redevelopment and Plane Tree Precinct, a new fire shed for the Ocean Beach Bushfire Brigade and the replacement of the Horsley Road Bridge. The capital works programs include $3.6m of grant funding, including $1.076m from Regional Road Group, $1m from WANDRRA funds, and $320k from Department of Sport and Recreation. A significant portion of the capital program is for the replacement or refurbishment of existing assets with the renewed assets capable of delivering the same level of service. This underpins good asset management, by focusing on renewing and improving what already exists. We continue to provide considerable contributions and donations in this year’s budget to support community, sporting, cultural and tourism groups and events within the Shire. Council recognises the importance of this investment within our community and the vital role these organisations and community events play in the everyday lives of our residents. In closing, I wish to acknowledge the way Councillors and staff have worked together to deliver a prudent Budget that supports our community. Council has been both considered and responsible in their review and adoption of the 2018/2019 Annual Budget. Further details of the 2018/19 Budget are available on Council’s website. Cr Ceinwen Gearon Shire President SHIRE OF DENMARK PO Box 183, Denmark WA 6333 Telephone: (08) 9848 0300 Email: 2018/19 Annual Budget Executive Summary EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The 2018/2019 Annual Budget was formally adopted by Council on 31 July 2018, after consultation with relevant stakeholders and a comprehensive budget workshop process involving councillors and senior staff, which examined in detail the various budget issues. A full review of all budget submissions and projects was conducted and the budget is based on recommended project inclusions/omissions. In some cases, projects were supported but due to financial constraints have been identified as future projects that will be reconsidered in the Shires draft Long Term Financial Plan. This Plan is considered a document of vital importance to the Shire, ensuring that the decisions made by Elected Members are demonstrative of the long-term impact that new projects and services have on the long-term financial sustainability of the Shire. CAPITAL WORKS PROGRAM The 2018/19 Capital Expenditure Budget is $7,120,548 with the overall Budget in excess of $22.4m. The Budget contains significant investment in a number of infrastructure projects ; Description 2018/19 2017/18 Capital program 7,120,548 5,700,000 Table 1 – 2018/19 Summary of major Capital Expenditure Description 2018/2019 Plane Tree precinct 614,810 McLean Oval redevelopment project 1,143,000 WANDRRA Funding 1,150,000 Denmark East construction 600,000 Ocean Beach Fire Shed 285,135 Road Construction Projects: - Reconstruction McLeod rd, (SLK 1.4 to 4.6) 526,403 - Reconstruction - Parker rd, (SLK 3.41 to 5.41) 185,000 - Reconstruction - Scotsdale rd, (SLK 31.5 to 33.34) 210,000 - Blackspot - Reconstruction – Kernutts rd Intersection 68,000 - Blackspot - Reconstruction - Kordabup / Fernley / Scotsdale rd Intersection 110,000 - Reconstruction - Happy Valley rd, (SLK 2.0 - 5.3) 350,000 - Reconstruction - Kordabup rd, (SLK 7.00 - 8.00 & 9.00 - 10.16) 210,000 Road Renewal project 400,000 Horsley rd, Bridge 450,000 CCTV Installation 30,000 Parry Beach – back toilet block re-flooring 30,000 GRANT REVENUE Description 2018/19 2017/18 Operating Grants 1,097,972 824,136 Capital Grants 3,665,350 2,480,325 Major Grants:  WANDRRA grant 1,000,000  CSRFF (McLean Oval) 320,000  Regional Road Group (RRG) 1,076,666  Roads 2 Recovery (R2R) 753,334  DFES (Ocean Beach Fire Shed) 285,135 Page C 2018/19 Annual Budget Executive Summary OPERATING INCOME AND EXPENDITURE The 2018/19 Revenue and Expenses budget is shown in the table below: Description 2018/19 2017/18 Revenue 11,448,674 11,066,471 Expenses (14,425,656) (15,214,938) Note -The main difference in expenses between the 2 years is the reduction in depreciation of approximately $1m. A breakdown of Revenue and Expenses is shown in the charts below. Chart 1 – Summary of Operating Expenditure Budget Expenditure by Nature & Type Other Expenditure 6.2% Loss on Sale of Asset 0.6% Insurance Expenses 2.8% Interest Expenses 1.0% Employee Costs 41.3% Depreciation on Non Current Assets 30.6% Materials & Contracts 15.6% Utilities 1.9% Page D 2018/19 Annual Budget Executive Summary Chart 2 – Summary of Operating Income Budget Income by Nature & Type Reallocated Income Other Revenue Interest Earnings 0.0% -3% -1.8% Fees & Charges Profit on Sale of Asset -20.1% 0.0% Rates -42.7% Grants Capital -24.2% Contributions & Donations -2.1% Grants Operating -7.2% PLANT REPLACEMENT PROGRAM Description 2018/19 2017/18 Plant replacement program 658,000 654,810 Note - The 2017/18 budget included an Urban Tanker for $569,100 (fully funded by DFES) RATES The 2018/19 Budget is underpinned by a 3% increase in the rate in the dollar: Description 2018/19 2017/18 Rate revenue 6,419,313 6,187,580 Page E 2018/19 Annual Budget Executive Summary REFUSE COLLECTION FEES In order to ensure the Refuse services do not unduly impact on other program areas, the fees and charges applicable to the Refuse service has been calculated with a 4% increase so the service is cost neutral, with the Fees derived from the service paying for its delivery. As such, Council is now able to recover the full cost of this service from the users. Description 2018/19 2017/18 Waste revenue 1,400,760 1,343,679 Waste expenses (1,315,691) (1,212,415) 85,069 131,224 Less: Capital expenses (30,000) (55,000) Reserve transfer (net) (33,205) (41,743) Loan payment (49,154) (50,989) (27,290) (16,508) FEES AND CAHRGES The schedule of fees and charges has been updated on the following assumptions:  Fees set by external legislation/regulations ( i.e. planning, building, dog registrations etc.)  2% increase across operational goods and services Description 2018/19 2017/18 Total Fees and Charges 3,056,873 3,182,754 Note - Total fees and charges budgeted has reduced, mainly due to the reduction in the proposed revenue from the Lime Pit. SHIRE LOAN BORROWINGS Council’s total debt position as at June 30 2019, will be $2,410,005 (including self-supporting loans to community organisations). Total Self-Supporting Loans to community organisations is $448,966. Please refer to Note 5 in the Annual Budget for more detailed information regarding the different loans owing by Council. Description 2018/19 2017/18 Total Debt 2,410,005 2,694,191 Page F 2018/19 Annual Budget Executive Summary SHIRE RESERVE FUND PROGRAMS Several Transfers to and from Reserve have been included in the Annual Budget, summarised below; Description Transfers To From Lime Quarry Rehabilitation 56,215 326,447 Parry Beach Camp Ground 73,937 (44,000) 201,092 Cemetery 46 2,066 Employee Leave Entitlements 9,837 437,514, Land and Building 108,197 (600,000) 459,561 Plant Replacement 463,823 (466,500) 598,314 Waste Services 63,205 (30,000) 607,334 Kwoorabup Community Park 1,733 77,066 Aquatic Facility Development 2,235 99,388 Lionsville Loan 8,374 (58,000) 314,471 Peaceful Bay Water Supply 26,555 94,164 Rivermouth Caravan Park 11,666 84,095 Peaceful Bay Caravan Park 10,833 47,047 Recreation Centre Equipment 21,154 (10,000) 61,309 Denmark East Development 90,884 (600,000) 5,758,742 Total 948,692 (1,808,500) 9,168,608 Council’s Total Cash Backed Reserve Funds exceeds loan principal outstanding (excluding self- supporting loans) and totals $9,106,355 as at 30 June 2019. Please refer to Note 6 in the Municipal Budget for more detailed information regarding the different Reserve Funds held by Council. The Executive Summary is designed to provide a snapshot of the major budget projects for the benefit of electors and ratepayers and queries are welcomed by the Shire administration. Mr Bill Parker Chief Executive Officer Shire of Denmark Page G SHIRE OF DENMARK BUDGET FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30TH JUNE 2019 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Statement of Comprehensive Income by Nature or Type Blue 1 Statement of Comprehensive Income by Program Blue 2 Statement of Cash Flows Blue 3 Rate Setting Statement Blue 4 Notes to and Forming Part of the Budget Blue 5 to 34 Appendix A Detailed Statement of Comprehensive Income by Program White 35 to 88 Appendix B Capital Expenditure by Program (including Funding Sources) White 89 to 90 Appendix C Capital Expenditure by Type Light Green 91 to 92 Appendix D Plant Replacement Program Pink 93 Appendix E Schedule of Grant Revenue Orange 94 Appendix F Contributions and Donations White 95 to 99 Appendix G Subscriptions and Memberships White 100 to 101 Appendix H Schedule of Fees and Charges White SHIRE OF DENMARK STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME BY NATURE OR TYPE FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30TH JUNE 2019 NOTE 2018/19 2017/18 2017/18 Budget Forecast Actual Budget $ $ $ REVENUE Rates 8 6,419,313 6,189,424 6,187,580 Operating Grants 1,097,972 1,482,897 824,136 Subsidies and Contributions 319,151 321,474 256,150 Fees and Charges 11 3,056,873 2,987,738 3,182,754 Service Charges 10 0 0 0 Interest Earnings 2(a) 277,420 292,293 289,336 Other Revenue 277,945 342,378 326,515 11,448,674 11,616,204 11,066,471 EXPENSES Employee Costs (5,991,979) (5,984,659) (5,772,182) Materials and Contracts (2,260,720) (2,137,187) (2,410,456) Utility Charges (268,688) (260,792) (238,404) Depreciation 2(a) (4,442,692) (4,745,239) (5,471,763) Interest Expenses 2(a) (141,032) (154,529) (151,723) Insurance Expenses (409,908) (240,398) (236,509) Other Expenditure (910,637) (894,117) (933,900) (14,425,656) (14,416,921) (15,214,938) (2,976,982) (2,800,717) (4,148,467) Non-Operating Grants 3,665,350 1,915,176 4,980,325 Subsidies and Contributions 0 0 0 Profit on Asset Disposals 4 3,600 0 0 Loss on Asset Disposals 4 (90,300) 0 (86,646) NET RESULT 601,668 (885,540) 745,212 Other Comprehensive Income Changes on Revaluation of non-current assets 0 0 0 Total Other Comprehensive Income 0 0 0 TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME 601,668 (885,540) 745,212 This statement is to be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes. Page 1 SHIRE OF DENMARK STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME BY PROGRAM FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30TH JUNE 2019 NOTE 2018/19 2017/18 2017/18 Budget Forecast Actual Budget $ $ $ REVENUE (Refer Notes 1,2,8 to 13) Governance 87,160 14,167 23,204 General Purpose Funding 7,229,303 7,499,861 6,955,658 Law, Order, Public Safety 450,668 471,408 257,775 Health 39,000 43,029 42,305 Education and Welfare 63,642 42,309 42,609 Housing 4,147 6,013 6,304 Community Amenities 1,564,510 1,490,914 1,534,789 Recreation and Culture 449,676 398,563 418,899 Transport 282,884 317,330 336,178 Economic Services 1,128,684 1,126,434 1,286,781 Other Property and Services 149,000 206,177 161,969 11,448,674 11,616,204 11,066,471 EXPENSES EXCLUDING FINANCE COSTS (Refer Notes 1,2 & 14) Governance (747,957) (630,443) (684,573) General Purpose Funding (576,019) (459,018) (472,320) Law, Order, Public Safety (1,844,953) (1,639,826) (1,491,449) Health (223,893) (292,224) (298,462) Education and Welfare (277,855) (245,697) (234,738) Housing (58,246) (23,511) (41,726) Community Amenities (2,674,544) (2,411,605) (2,427,103) Recreation & Culture (2,794,663) (2,632,426) (2,677,391) Transport (3,847,440) (4,689,254) (5,384,543) Economic Services (1,120,667) (1,030,235) (1,169,126) Other Property and Services (118,387) (208,155) (181,784) (14,284,624) (14,262,392) (15,063,215) FINANCE COSTS (Refer Notes 2 & 5) Governance (1,151) (1,632) (1,783) Housing (36,743) (39,567) (40,214) Community Amenities (6,437) (8,337) (8,914) Recreation & Culture (62,410) (67,074) (62,432) Transport (3,272) (3,648) (3,706) Economic Services (31,019) (34,271) (34,674) (141,032) (154,529) (151,723) NON-OPERATING GRANTS, SUBSIDIES AND CONTRIBUTIONS Law, Order, Public Safety 285,135 502,115 569,100 Communities Amenities 30,200 0 0 Recreation and Culture 520,015 164,445 321,245 Transport 2,830,000 1,248,616 4,089,980 3,665,350 1,915,176 4,980,325 PROFIT/(LOSS) ON 3,600 0 0 DISPOSAL OF ASSETS (Refer Note 4) (90,300) 0 (86,646) (86,700) 0 (86,646) NET RESULT 601,668 (885,540) 745,212 Other Comprehensive Income 0 0 0 TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME 601,668 (885,540) 745,212 This statement is to be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes. Page 2

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