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BUDDHIST STUDIES IN HONOUR OF HAMMALAVA SADDHA TTSSA Editors: Gatare Dhammapala Richard Gombrich K. R. Norman 1984 HAMMALAVA SADDHATISSA FELICITATION VOLUME COMMITTEE University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Nugegoda, SRI LANKA e the watermark Editorial Committee: Yen. Dr. Kamburupitiye Wanaratana Yen. Dr. Gatare Dhammapala (Joint Secretary) Yen. Dr. Labuduve Siridhamma Yen. Dr. Bellanwila Wimalaratana Prof. Wimal G. Balagalle Prof. Mahinda Palihawadana Dr. Mahanama Karunaratna (Joint Secretary) Mr. Russell Webb (Joint Secretary, u.K.) DF. Chandra Wickramagamage First Publishe.d in 1984 © Buddhist Research Library Trust 3~ Sorata Mawatha, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka. . . -Pfinted by Lake -II(jiJ.se _Printers and Publishers Ltd. 41 W. A. D. Ramanayake Mawatha, Colombo 2. Sri Lanka. We, the editors respectfully dedicate this volume of papers on Buddhist studies to the Yen. Dr. Hammalava Saddbatissa Sangha Nayaka Them foJ' his invaluable service in the disse mination of Buddhism and Oriental Studies in the East and West, for more than four decades as a Dhammaduta and an academic and a writer. Colleagues, students, friends and well-whhers of Yen. Saddbatissa from the four corners ofthe world have got together with unity of purpose to houour one who is worthy of honour. ACKNOWLEDGEMmNTS With deep appreciation and gratitude we wish to than~ all those who gave their assistance and co-operation in bringing out this volume. We oifel' our special thanks to: Ven. Dr. Hammalava Saddhatissa for giving consent for this publication in his honour; Ven. Sri Devarakkhita Sumana Nayaka Thera of Tissava Rajamaha Vihara, Ven. Medagama Vajiragnana, Ven. Polommaruve Hemasiti, Ven. Mala gane Atthadassi, Mr. C. P. Jayawardene and Mrs. N. Paranavithana who participated in the inaugural prepal'atolY committee meeting for their valuable assistance and encouragement; members of the Editol'ial Com mittee for their advisory assistance; our contributors for sUbmitting articles in time; and Fefel'ees fOF theil' reviews and at times for revamping articles, Mr. Russell Webb, the Secretary of British Mahabodhi Society for his painstaking preliminaries and excellent job as a Joint SecIetary; his wife Sara for translating two papers from the original French; Mr. Karunasena Kodituwakku, the Vice-chancellor, University of SFi Jayewardenepura, for his assistance; Professors Wimal G. Balagalle, Mahinda Palihawadana and L. P. N. Perera for their constructive suggestions and proof reading; DF. Mahanama Karunaratna for his valuable assistance as a Joint Secretary; Mr. W. B. Dorakumbul'e for his constructive suggestions; Ml'. Sumana Dissanayake for designing an attractive cover; Buddhist Research Libmry tl:ust for facilitating the publication of this volume; The Staff of Lake House Printel1s for their excellent job in printing the volume; and all others-too numel10us to mention by name-who assisted us in many ways in the course of preparation and publication of this volume. -Editol'S- CONTENTS Pge Contributors General Abbreviations SubhasaJPsanam Eulogy, Tl'. Ven. Balangoda Ananda Maitreya Russell Webb, Hammalava Saddhatissa: A Tribute 01 Mahanama Karunaratna, "Revered and Honoured": an Appreciation 04 W. B. Dorakumbura, Publications ofVen. Dr. Hammalava Saddhatissa 10 Harvey B. Aronson, "Buddhist and Non-Buddhist Approaches to the Sublime Attitudes (Brahma-vihiira) 16 . Sures Chandra Banerji, "Bengal Buddhists and Sanskrit Literature" 25 Andre Bareau, "The Empire of King Re:t;lU and the Date of the Mahagovinda-Sutta" 34 John Ross Carter, "Beyond 'beyond Good and Evil' " 41 L. S. Cousins, "Samatha-Yana and Vipassana-Yiina" 56 Lily de Silva, "Self-Identification and Associated Problems" 69 Gatare Dhammapala, "Towards the Definition of Saddha and Bhakti" 77 Uruwala Dhammaratana, "Revival of Vipassana Meditation in Recent Times" .. 82 Jotiya Dhirasekera, "Poetic Beauty Reflected in the Buddhist Vision," 88 Richard Gombrich, "Notes on the Brahrninical Background to Buddhist Ethics" 91 Ratna Handurukande, "TriratnabhajananusaJPsa" (romanised Sanskrit text and translation) 103 Yoneo Ishii, "Modern Buddhism in Indonesia": 108 Padmanabh S. Jaini, "Some Niti Verses of the Lokaneyya- Pakarm:za" (including romanised Pali text and translation) 116 L. M. Joshi, "The Buddhist Perspective on the Unity and Diversity of Religions" 123 Tissa Kariyawasam, "Devasthapanaya: An Appendix to the Sariputra, " the Text on Buddhist Inconometry. .. 131 Phra Khantipalo, "The Highest Goal" 138 Etienne Lamotte, "Problems Concerning the Minor Canonical Texts" 148 Trevor Ling, "Buddhist Ethical Concerns in the Work of Martin Wickramasinghe (1891-1976)," 159 Kogeu Mizuno, "A Comparative Study of Dharmapadas" 168 K. R. Norman, "The Metres of the LakkhaI;1a-suttanta" 176 Mahliida.Paiihawadana, "Dhammapada 1 and 2 and their Com- mentaries ' , 189 L. P. N. Perera, "Canonical Vinaya Texts-the Question of their Lower Limit" 203 Walpola RiihuIa, "Pali as a Language for Transmitting an Authentic Religious Tradition" 211 Shanta Ratnayaka, "Is Whitehead a NeD-Buddhist? " 219 C. H. B. Reynolds, "Buddhism in the Maldives: Excavations in 1958" 228 Genjun H. Sasaki, " A Note on the Derivation of Pali Anamatagga' , 236 Fumimaro Watanabe, "A Study of the SafJ1skara Chapter in SafJ1yuktabhidharmasiirasastra" 238 Chandra Wickramagamage, "The Origin of the Buddha Image" 249 Nandadeva Wijesekera, "Sinhalese Buddhist Painting, its Styles and Tradition" 256 CONTRmUTORS Mr. Russell Webb, 15 Stedham Chambers, Coptic Street, London WCIA INL, England Dr. Mahanama Karunaratna, Dept. of Language and Culture, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Gangodawila, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka Mr. W; D. Dorakumbura, The Library, University of Sri JayewaFdene pura, Gangodawila, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka Prof. HarveyB. Aronson, Dept. of Religious Studies, University of Virginia, Cocke Hall, Charlottesville, VA 22903, USA Dr. SUI"es Chandra Banerji, 77A Golf Club Rd., Calcutta 700033, India Prof. Andre Bareau, College de France, 11 Place Marcelin Berthelot, F- 75231 Paris Cedex OS, France Prof. John Ross Carter, Dept. of Philosophy and Religion, Colgate University, Chapel House, Hamilton, NY 13346, USA L. S. Cousins, Dept. of Comparative Religion, The University,. Manchester M13 9PL, England . Prof. Lily de Silva, Dept. of Buddhist Studies, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka . Ven. Dr. Gatare Dhammapiila, Dept. of Sinhala, University of Sri Jaye wardenepura, Gangodawila, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka Ven. Dr. Uruwala Dhammaratana, The Maha Bodhi Society of India, 4-A Bankim Chatterjee St., Calcutta 700073, India Prof. Jotiya Dhirasekera, Postgraduate Institute for Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka Prof. Richard Gombrich, Balliol College, Oxford OXI 3BJ, England Dr. Ratna Handurukande, Dept. of Languages and Cultural Studies, Univer sity ofPeradeniya, Sri Lanka Prof. Yoneo Ishii, The Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto Univer sity, 46 Shimoadachi-cho, Yoshida, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, Japan Dr. Padmanabh S. Jaini, Dept. of South and Southeast Asian Studies, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA Prof. L. M. Joshi, Guru Gobind Singh Dept. of Religious Studies, Punjabi University, Patiala, India Dr. Tissa Kariyawasam, Institute of Aesthetic Studies, UniveI'sity of Kelaniya, Colombo 7, SI'i Lanka. Phra Khantipiilo, Wat Buddha-Dhamma, Ten Mile Hollow, Wisemanll Ferry, N W 2255, Australia Mgr Etienne Lamotte, Place du Roi Vainqueur 15, Boite 10, B-I040 Brussels, Belgium Prof. TrevoI' Ling, 14 Clifton TeI'l'ace, Brighton, East Sussex, England

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