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BSTJ 60: 9. November 1981: Transmission Cathodoluminescence. (Chin, A.K.; Temkin, H. ; Mahajan, S.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 60: 9. November 1981: Transmission Cathodoluminescence. (Chin, A.K.; Temkin, H. ; Mahajan, S.)

Transmission Cathodoluminescence By AK. CHIN, H. TEMKIN, and S. MAHAJAN (Monuscrnt resived My 11,1881) ‘The application of transmission cathodoleminescence fre.) in eal ating the quality of tuminescing materials fs reviewed. Thi sean ning electron microscope technique ts particulary useful in imnging localized nonuniformities, such an disioeations and inclusions, in semiconductors Understaniing and analysing such material defers ‘are of practical importance since they greatly affet device perform ‘ance and lifetime. After @ detailed deseription of ten, the advantages ofthis technique in comparison to defect etching, cathodatunines- fence imaging, and eleciron beam-induced current fEnic) te pre sented. Since 7 te simple to perform, tia technique San be used evatuate anc moniter material grauth and device processing proce Alares. hough re may be applted to any luminescing material this paper demonstrates is usefulness for the GaAs/ GaAlAs and inP? ‘InGaAsP materialesyotems which provide mos sources and detectors for optical commnnaication. |. wwrRouerion Diode lasers, light-emicting dios Wwe), and photodiodes are iniegcal componencs of the curren! lightwave transmission syns ‘These deviors are mainly based on she Ill-V materials ystems, © 8 GaAs/CaAlas nnd InP InGaAsP. Both muterial and device develop~ ‘ment are recent, relative co the highly developed Si-hased technology. Material defect analysis is required evaluate and monitor material trowth and deview processing procedures, especially during the early ages of develope ‘The performance and reinbility of optoelectronic devices are deter mined by dhe quality of materi wn abriation processes, heading dlislocations heve been shown lo ineroase the leakage current of bath TnP nd GaAs photodiodes? thea dialocatious are also eourcen of (cruplastas in avalanche photndioes" Tbe quantum efficiency oF GaP and GaAlAsS$i Lupe i strongly senendent on the disiocaion density" Threading dislocations wn inclusions are known sources of Sark line and dark spot defecca in degraded tars and slid sale lasers fabricated from the GsAe/CaaL.As und InP/InGaAaP materials aye lems!" inaly, stresses from dvloetre eaatings axe known va induce lefecta and aeotlerate device desrdation." “Ghazacieriation techniques are required to ascess the effects of rowth nnd processing provedures on material or device quality. Be fuse of the vatiety of defechy materials, and devices, a number of harucleriaation techniques have been developed. ‘These techniques te listed and compared in Table L “The purpose of this paper ist review the most recently developed (echninue of transmission eathodaluminescence (ci) and to compare ie'vith other defor analy eebniques curently in use." Trane triasion cathodoluminescence is performed on a seanning electron tricroccope (ses); the magnification and depch of Fild available in an Seo are exploived. 14 Detoct analysis teciquas "The technique with the highest magnification and resolution, trans miwion eloctton microscopy (TEM), reveals the nature und origin of ‘Table | Comparison af various characterization tachniaues. fowmincrasinacenes yaw ts SORT, SALE a dese of ok tan “le serie nino Sete hair ‘BURSIE SSUET ataneteene f tak of ‘pclae “ ‘Bepeedastn dace sense, = ‘epndet on dean ety fs ching i ean in on ch eet ry epee a edo alae wl args 2186 THE BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL, NOVEMBER 1951 material defects However, it eanot he une! routinely for aeneening flefective materials because it is destructive, the sample preparation is very difficult, and the volume of material probed is small relaive co device dimensions. X-ray topography is relatively slow, has limited resolution and is Limited to small suraples because of internal stresses generally associated with devieo wafer." The evaluntion of wafers by oleetron beam: induced current (uaic}acan, cathodaluminescence (cx) seam, photoluminescence (ev) scan, photocurrent sean, and in- Irared microrenpy have alo heen reported™* "The electron excite tion techniques and cx acan—are more ueefl in comparison to ‘he conceptually similar photoexcitation cechriques. Le. photocurrent v1 Pt scan, hecause of the avalabilry of an exacely conemponding fecondary-electron (au) image to iolete sulaco det, Ryen wht thin disadvantage ia overcome by careful experimental design, dsl tations which are responsible for poor device performance and rein bility cannot be readily imaged weing tho Lechrigues alUhough sme specific examples may be found. For example, dack spots in C iawes ‘nave been idancitied co be ditlocaciona only fox the care of GaP, GaAs, and Cae" Additionally, itis dificult vo observe dislestions in GaAxSe." Moreover, dsdoca\ions have nut been imaged in GaAs. ‘Etching isthe simples and, unui she mest widely wed eth for revealing defects, Once the identi of etch feature haa beet ata Tish, evaluation of material qulity hy etching ie relatively fast. ‘Aaditionally, etching haa efficient ranlacon toveraalnafse enety fe high ax “10 cme’, However, site from being destructive, etching” is material material orientatin, a dopant dapendent. Por exanpl, the kom ich readily reveals dislocations on the (100) and (LLL) snfices of Gada" However, iteannot be used for the (110) surface ‘which in the cleavage plane and, thus, rans the miznor face of soli ace lasers, Huber etch works well for the (100) stfaee of InP but tno forthe (L10] surface. The AB rich reveals diloraions or he {21D} surface of InGaAsP, but no etch has been developed for che echnoloielly important (100) surface" To eatimate dstnation dlencities uf InGaAsP layers in @ device seructure, the InP confining layers had to be etched." Finally, the HUC wd ALS elhunls are sceesefl for che (111)D fave of GaP but cunnot be used for vker "The interpretation of etch patteme i often dificult even with known, Aefeetetehanta" Figure | shome the responae of an InP erystl to four ‘iferant etchants reported to reve dislocations (a) Iluber ote, (b) fd, () RRE, and (@) motifed A.B ele" The sample be he {200} eurfice of eryaal dope with Sn to 2 210" em and ie = (pial substrate for device walere, A bref comparizon abiowe large differences in these etch patterns. Dislocetion and seucer pits are well delineated with the Huber eich but are noc discernible with the ‘woditied A-H etch. On tho other hand, growth siriations, which are periodic variations in impurity oomcotrition, are particularly ell Actined afer A-B etching. The eich palterns of the nther cwo etches ‘2190. THE BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL, NOVEMBER 1981 are in between thal of the Huber und modified 8.18 ecches, Therefore, {he ase ofan etchant to reveal deeets i often unreliable "Traneminsion eathodoluminessenve revenls defects s+ dark spote, Similar tothe ct and atc veehniquest!" The characturstie images of Aolocationa have heen identified by’ one-Lovne corsespondence with ‘a known diloration etchant.“ Dislocations are roughly the same size And have a comma shape. The comma shape due ¢o the dislocation Inuerecting the surface ofthe swmpte aan able angle, Inclusions ‘whose contrast is due to nongeneration of. radiation have random shapes and sacs. The improved collection efficiency and measurement fgeomonry of Tet in eamparison to CL allows daferta to he readily {Eaged in many more materials. ‘The materials to which Te. has been applied is sted in Table TL 1 EXPERIMENTAL 2.1 Transmission cathodoluminescence techniaue A schematic of the Teh technique is shown in Fig. 2 Transmission ceathodoluminescence is accomplished by placing alight detector un demeath a sample. The ci radiation generaied om the lop surf provides illumination which ia cranaited through Ube simple am detected on the opposite side, Both sidea of the sample must be optically smooth to reduce murfaceastfaces fa rc. images. The Tet rmothed has an efficent light collotion goometry and no modification SH the aeae de requlred. On Use other haw, alin opty are ‘quired inthe cu technique to guide the ct. to an external detector. Tn Wig. 2 aurface defecta with ther lower CL. efcieney are detected decrease in cl radiation tranemitied through the sample, Volume Aefeets, i. defects which lie beneath che electron-hole (e-h) excitation ‘Table —Ditferent substrates and device watera examined by ToL ‘Gel Gullts Tanna BEAR ara water ee Devinn GaAlAeSepaalnorixn Midd ii CATHORGLUMINESCENCE 2181 fea 4 ain ty tk Zoe decor art ees late aa Ty sae Slt nsmiatay snc wl he vans Sis Some helo eo the (etc sacs solume of the elctzon beam, un detected by their interaction with the surface-generated radiation paasing through the sample to the Geveclor low. Avoid in Uhe aample volume wil increase ligh: trans- thission beeauee of ruluoed absampcion. A volume defert will decrease light tranemiasion because of incrassd absorption or sealtering. Using this method, defeets deep within a thick sample can be observed, ‘Although the tewrsparency of @ sample to ite own cx radiation is Inaterial dependent, in the following we wive TCE. data on samp ‘whose thickness i comparable Tht of substrates and device wars 2.2 Experimental consideration "The data given wis obtained with an RT'RC Corporation autoacan svt bat any SEM with similar capabilites may be used Two solid ‘tate detectors were use forthe ToL mensuremons, depending on the Spectral gion of inerest. For wavelengths less than ~.0 gm, asiicon Photodiode was use for wavelengths shorter than ~LS ym, a gorma- rium photodiode wae oolected, Those detectors have lot noise equiv- tlent power (sem, fase reponse x! rer bias, and output linearity with Tight input. ‘The performiree specifications of the photodiodes are ated in Table IL "For typienl SEM parauelere of 20 keV and 10-"A for the electron 2192 THE BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL. NOVEMBER 198% Table Il —Charactritics of photodiodes used in TCL experiments Temoowiity Bey tel beam, the laminesecnt power radiced by the sample is wpproxicntly 10-7, assuming 1 c% canversian efficiency of 10” This egnversion sffcieney is typicul uf Gude hut iow for thar maverals"” Mist of thia radiation is colloeed by the detectar in the Tet. eupfguration fines ibe plac 2m from the lamineecing source, The wld wee “tended by Hh phoxadiods inthe teu goometry is x, where he tolleetion angle in the usual e1 mode ix W's, Siave the alicon and germanium diodes have an wee of 1! Wy ‘YH unl 10°" W va, reepovtvely, the electors are capable of cene ing 10 "Wand 40 “W, respscives, of rex. power at a bandwidth of TIP Hs required for sue imuuzing, Avprosinainly (wo orders of mag rile greater power ie required lo easy inaye material defects ‘rithowe the uee of dificult oie nuetion techniques ave 25 lck- tanpifieation eagpled with beam banking. This power inveadilyeval- tle from the materials Liste in Tale I "The resuluLiou af the we technique i limited hy The expe of defect ‘gored. The somteast tom dislocalone xe ly nanradtve eco Twiratingehenetre eilimited bythe rir erie ilfuion lenge ‘The contrat at inclusions x on minty ta nongeneraton af ci, and ‘the resolution af these fers Tied by the electron beam condi- tions as in sa imaging, Finally, vuuine defects ean be reeolved to roughly the ot. emission wavelengeh since the defect ie effectively ‘observed by uplieal nen ‘Bure J shoves an raaimpe ato differen defers appearing inthe some TnP'S eample, The large dark spots are sve bo islocations inerserting che murface, whuroas Ue cle smaller dark spots 30e inchwina neated within an oh excitation volume ofthe surface, The nication of devel ing 1% wil be dizousted in Section 2.4. The dislocation img is lacy estan he large minority carrier diffusion length. By imoging there dislocations, he minonity easter diffusion Aerts mil estimated in chia aample co be ~8 ura. The mares of inclusions show (hat defect aa aall as 1-2 um can bo imaged under the beam conditions of 20 keV ane 10" A, Figur’ tan example ofa volume defect ie liy nena igure is the 96 mae of atv wnorualfeonure appearing in aa InP /TaGaaP CATHODOLUMINESCENCE 2103, Ko seb lbigrnod el att aca done nl uso ropettocy, wafer, A et picture of the aame repion, Fig. 4b, shows the area to be onlumineseene. It is only the Te kewge, Fg. r,thot explains the ‘rign of thin dank area, One can clearly see righ spot inthe center Of the dar ragon ansocated witha void in the epilaail layer. Since the void doesnot appear in the c.g i Ties hoa thee hexcitation volume, 124 Inerpvstation of TCL images Tin gener eels sppene aa dark apots in a we, imago. To interprot mates, rk pole uouet be Sdentifed. ortho techni, dark spot fnvimages of GaSe: Gal, vl CAT were identified tobe dislocations by demonstrating an exact one-to-on> correspurdenve between then dlrk spots and dislocation reveled ne etch pits produced by a known ‘leteer thant 8H We ave followed thie procedure for Ibu TC. technique and applied it xo GaAlasSi, GaAeTe, InP-Te, and InP: soe "Two methods weve used ta ahow that dk pols oservl in Te. 2194 THEBELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL, NOVEMBER 1081 to ga Secnday ero nae te eae a ag le p/Eikehtiaenee mato tie soni ee kt ‘mage represent grovenindielocations, Inthe fzet method. axe. image fof a aample waa taken prior to otebing to reveal dislocations. iy ‘comparison ofthe eich pattern with the ToL image of the sume region, fan exact one-to-one correspondence was established. In the eecond ‘method, a (00) wafer was etched to reveal dislocations as etch pits Subsequently, the sample were lesved along the (110) cleavage planes. Ry examining with vu the (110) surface where it intersects an fetch pil,» dark region immediataly below each pit was found, Thus, teach dislocation intersecting the {100} eurface erresponds to a dark spot in a Te image. The technique of zee stching the suave and then showing dav spots at dislocation pits i aol usefl since ure Features always appear i either a CL of TCL image. ‘in Fig. Se, # TCL image of a Siduped Ga,ALAS layer grown by liquid phase epizaxy (Lex) on a {100) oriented GaAs aubstente is shovvn The aluminum concentration varies from x= 0.00 onthe top furfuce to x = 0.30 a¢ the subelrala-pitaxal layer interface. "This tradient accurs over a thickness of ~250 jm. The simple haa been Trrosiine-ethauel polished to produce emooth, damage-free eurteoss, Only dint purticlon are observed on the tep GaAlAs surface when x imaging and no feataree could be seca in normal cL Using an SL photomultiplier, This obwervaion iain agreement with previousmesrurements on similar material’ However, when examined hhy er, a number of randomly distributed dazk apota appeur. ‘The size tfchece dare spots varies frovs ft 10 jan, At high magntiestion, their ape closely resemblee commas tha ix Une central dark region in Ccnmacted with afintar ta, The average density of these dark apota fs approximately 2% 20" ey” Figure Sb ehams the sm insye of the region ahown in Hig. 6a. The tm) ig tein atin: tam of Ca rn uty: (Secu ecco ea of men sow fl eer a So-t:anm erhone. Poe cndes euro the sal et» 2yon Gases) loan in Tae syur sine Sheage 0 Wa oct ie 2190 THE RELL SYSTEM TFCHNICAL JOURNAL, NOVEMBEH 1981

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