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CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS ISSUE Vaclav E, Bened, AL, 1950, Harvard College; M.A, and Ph.D. 1953, Princeton University; Bell Laboralorive, 1953. Mi, Bene® hat pursued mathematical revearch iv tal theory, stochastic procera, frequency modulacion, comhinatorie, servomecheniams, stochastic ‘control and filtering. In 1969-50 fe was visiting lectrer in maternal fee at Dartmouth Colloge, in 1971 he taught etachaste processes al SUNY Blfil, a in 1971-72 he wes Visking MacKay Lecturer in clectrcal enginoering at the University of California in Herkeley. He {nthe author of Genera Stochastic Proceses inthe Theory of Queves (Addison-Wesley, 1951), and of Mathematical Theory of Connecting Networks and Telephone Traffic (Academic Press, 1985), Member, “American Mathematical Society, Ascocation for Symbolic Loic, In ‘situte of Mathematical Statistics, SIAM, Mathematical Association of America, IBRE, Phi Beta Kappa. Melvin A. Brewer, B.S, (Engineering), 1080, MS. 196, University of California, Loa Angeles; PhD. (Hletrcal Fnginecring), 198, Uni verity of California, Berkeley; University of Southern California, Les Angeles, 1065. At the Cniverity af Southern Californin, Loe Angeles, Mrs Breuer is Professor of Bletrical Rngineering. His matin interests ‘rein the afca of switching thoory, computcr-aided danign of com Datars, faule diagnos and siulnton. Te wlicon to hip research Activities, Mr. Breuer has heen a, the forefin uf developing courses ‘on design aucomation and fault toleranc computing at universities and at a number of research insicutes. He a tha editor and contr of Design Automation of Digital Systeme. Theory and Techuigues, Pen tice Hall editor of Digital System Deign Automation: Languages, Simudation and Data Base, Computer Science Press; co-author of Diagnosis and Reliable Destgn of Digital Syeteme, Computer Selene ‘Pray and editor in-chiet of the “ournal of Design Automation and Fault Tolerant Computing. Meranr, TERR, Sigma Xi. Tau Beta Pi, Bia Kappe Nu Shih-Joh Chang, Diploma EE, 195, eipel Institute of Technol ogy, MSE, 1968, Ph.D, 1972, Univesity of Southern California; ell Laboratories, 1072. Hay in his carecrat Rall Taboratores, Mr, Chang worked en the No. | Automarle Mesaye Accounting and Recording Center [AMARC) in the area of aysteu architecture, fal cognition and recovery, He was instromental in the early phase {sign of 3B cache and memory mmnagement system, He alo worked 2a73 fn the aren of a UNIX” base ruu-time eompoter system performance tly and improvement and as a UNTX system conculant. Cur ently be is egaged in No.5 LSS maincenance sottware design and evelopment and maltimodale offi vftwnre evelopment eaording- tion and integration, Member, IEEE, Fla Kappa No, ‘Aland K, Chin, B.A, 1972, Brandis Universiys MS, 1975, PhD, 1977, Corneil University; Senior Research Engineer, Honeswell Elec: ‘u0-Optios Center, 1977-1078; Hell Laboratories, 1978—. Mr. Chin is involved in the design, processing, and chaructorizaton of light-emic ting diodes for optieal communication systems, Member, American Physical Society, American Aagociation forthe Advancement of Sei nce, PhiBeta Kappe, New York Acute of Seience,Elstrochemical Society. Kai ¥, Eng, BSF. (aroma cum laude, 1074, Newark Collage of Engineering, MS. (Floctseal Frgineering), 1976, Dr. Bug. Se. (Bee trical Engineering), 197, Columbia University; RCA Astre-Electron- jes, 1974-197% Hell Laboracorie, 1970, Mr. Rng has worked on various arate of microwave transmission, spacecraft antenna analysis, tnd communications satellites, Hoi presently a member of the Radio Research Laboratory, studying ‘IW lsamaiion Uhrough satellites. Member, TREE, Sigma Xi, Tau Bout Ti, Fa Kappa Nu, Phi Bua Sigma ‘James T. Flanagan, BS. (Electrical Brginesring) 1948, Mississippi Seate Univer 1980, Se, 1865, Maseachuselts Insite of ‘Technology. Bell Laborscori 1967. Mr. Flanagan ia Head, Acous tice Research Department. Ie has project respansibiites for digital voice encnding, speech recognition an synthesis, electroacoustic ae tems and transiscery, Fellow TEER, Acoustical Society of America, Member, National Aeademy of Bayineering. Ralph, Frazee, Jr, (Hloctronie Engineering); Western Electr, 1960. At the Went EleeireRnginecring Research Center, Princeton, N, Mr Frazee hs heen primatily engaged in resesrch on ‘manufacturing process contol and inspection systems. His current interests include measurement, characterization, and conceal of optical ‘ber manufacturing processes 2274 THE BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL, NOVEMBER 1881 Allen Gersho, B.S.E.B), 1962, Massachusetts Insitute of Tech: nology; MES, 196, and PhD, 1963, Comell Universiey, Bell Labors tories, 1968-1960; Universcy of Califores, Santa Barbara, 1960—. At ell Laboratories, Mr, Gersho waa a ineiber uf the technical stadt at Ue Mathematics and Statistics Research Center wher he wns erage in basic and applied research in digital communications, data tan mission, quantization, and signal proces. At the University of Caliternia, he holds a professership in Flctrieal und Computer Eng neering. He has aeved a2 Raitor of the IEEE Communications Mag. seine and is currently an Aswociate Editor of Communication Theory, LUEEE Transaerions on Canununieations Member, Bowel of Governor ‘of the IEEE Communications Soci ‘Yoohak Levendel, BSE, 1971, Technion Taracl MSCS, 1974, ‘The Weitzman Tratituve of Scenes; Ph, 1976, University of South ‘em California; Bell Laboratories 1978. Mr. Levendel has done re- search ip fal dingnosia and ie currency involved inthe development ‘of logic and test design aid system. Member, TEER, Fa Kappa No. ‘Ton. Lim, AB., BE, 1973, Dartmouth Colloge; MSEB, 1974, PhD. (EE), 1075, University of California, Berkeley; University of Pennsylvania, 1976-1978; Bell Laboratories, 1978— Mr Lim has ‘worked on problems related 0 radiophysics and radar and gona sigoal processing. His currencinceresta rein daca tmnsiiaion and graphics ommunication, Member, TEER, Sigia Xi; Amociate Editor, IEEE. (Comnmaunications Magszine. Subhash Mahajan, BS. (Physics, Cheinsiry, and Mathematics), 1959, Panjab Univeriy, BE, (Metallurgy), 1961, Indian Insitute of Science, Bangalore, and Ph.D. (Materials Science), 1965, University of California, Berkeley; University of Denver, 1965-1968 United King- dom Atomic Energy Authority Research Fellow, Atomic Energy Re- search Hetablshmens, Harwell, rgd, 1968-1971; Bell Laboracares, 1971. Mz. Mahajan bas done research inthe nucleation and growth cof deformation teins in metallic erysaby wwschaniams of pase trans formations and plastic deformstion, al in the role of deformation ‘rine in che nucleation of feccion. The central theme of his research Jha buon to establish the correlacians berween stmuetire and prapertios in materials, Most recently he hus beon involved in understanding the interelationships betoonsubeuccure and growth parameters in T= Veompound semiconductors. He is presently a group supervisor in the “Materials Reseurch Laboratory. Member, AIME, Hleetrochemical So ots, Sigma Xi, New Vor Academy’ of Sciences, ‘CONTRIBUTORS TO TIHS ISSUE 2275 David Malah, B'S. (F-R), 164, MS. (K,), 1967, Technion-tarael Incituce of Technology, PhD. (6.2), 1971, University of Minesota: University of New Bruttoick, Canada NB. 1970-72; Technion-lemel Inatitute of Technolgy, 1072; subbutial eave, Bell Laboratories, 1875-81. At the University of Minnesola, Mr. Malah was Accistant Professor in the Flectical Bngineering Deparment, At ‘Technion Israel ho is Associate Professor of Elverical Engineering. During 1975-1978, Mr, Malah wa i charge of the Signal Processing Labora ory at Techrion-lrael and was volved in reaearch on speech nnd iinage communication, and redl-ime digital hardware implemonta- tiocs. Additionally, he bos done reweareh on dseretewime syst, Alisital signal processing technique, apeech communications, und adap tive filtering. Whilen leave he ie conduct revearch un narrow-band communications a eigital agnal processing techniques in the Aoous ties Research Department at Bell Laboratories. Promachandran R. Menon, BS, (Flecrical Hngineering), 1954, Banaras Hind University, Ph.D, (Elctrical Engineering) 1962, Ui versity of Washington; Bll Laboratories, 1963 Mr. Menon hax done research in switehing theory ane! fal: diagnosis and is currently involved in the development of «logic simulation gystom. Member, TEE, Markus 8, Mueller, EA. Diploma, 1970, Ph.D. (Blectronic Hing ceri, 1076, Swist Federal Institate of Technology, Zurich, Slee Grin, Suviss Federal Insitute of Technology, Zasich, 1971-1976 Genfad, Zurich, 1976-1978 Bel Taboratories, 1975-198). Mr. Mueller ‘was leuhing aid research natant at the Swias Federal Institute of ‘Technology, where he workel in various feds, including filter theory, data transmission, and asptive elgnal procesing. He was a product tpacilist with GenRad for computer controlled automatic test sys- tems, At Bell Laboratories he was w member of che Data ‘Theory Group in the Dasa Syteme and Technology Department and his incerest wos in date commonienion, digital signal processing, and adap systems. ack Salz, BSE. 1956, MSF, 1956, and PhD. 2861, University of Flori, Bel Laboratories, 1961. Me. Salz fet worked an remote Tine eoncencracors for tho ewtonie switching system. Since 1969, ne thas supervised a group engage in cheoretical studies in data vominu- nications, anid he ie currently @ memaber of the Communicutons Methods Research Department. During the academic year 1987-68, he was om leave as Professor of Electrical Engineering atthe University 2278 THE CELL SYSTEM {ECHNICAL JOURNAL, NOVEMBER 198% wing, 1981, he was © visiting leenner at Stanford University. Member, Sigma Xi. Dhiraj K. Sharma, J, Tech. (lectrical Fnginecringh 2971, LT. Kanpur, Indi MS. and Ph.D, Ulectresl Engineering) 1872 ad 197, Calforsin Insite of Technology: Dell Laboratories 1975—. Me ‘Sharma has worked! on effleiont encoding of video agate and identi Seaton of structural parameters af ul Hilings His current incenest stein scroen-hased! human incerfaven, coramnication and ayicroni ‘ation in distributed aystems, and progeamming languages. Metuber, ‘ACM, Sigma Xi David H. Smithyall, B.S, (Electrica! Hogincering), 1967, MS. 1968, Ph, 1970, Corel University; Western Eleetrcy197U— At the Wester Flectric Bnglaviring Research Center, Princeton, Nl, Mr ‘Smithgall hao been engaged prisarly in rosearch in process chara terization ane control Since 873 he has heen involved in Higheguide fiber meamirement and characterinstion of the fiber and preform brication processes. Member, IEEE. Raymond Steele, BS., 1999, Ph.D. iLlectrcal Engineering) 197 Durham University, Durham. England: KK. Cole, Tal, 198 (Cosson Radar, Hloeionits, Lt, 1967-1062) The Marcon) Compan” 1962-1966; Hoyal Naval College 1985-1968; Loughborough University of Technologs, 1988-1978: Bel Laboratories, 1979, At E. K. Cale TL, Conor Rainy, Blevtrones, id. and The Marconi Company, all located in Essex, England, Mr. Stocle was engaged in research end evelopment. As mmaber ofthe Leeroring Staff at the Raval Iaval College in London he lecrureé on tlecommunieations for the NATO. tnd external London University degree nourses, At the Loughborough Tsivenily of Technology in Loughborough, England, he directed a research group in digital encoding af speech and television signa, in fsdition to aerving aa Sesior Lecter. Before joining Bel Labucataries ta fll ime bass, Mr. Stele served 38a part-time eonaultane to the Taburatures Acoustics Resesich Department. Present, be ba mem ‘hor nf the Commaniertions Methods Hesearc Departen, He ie the Authur of Delia Modutation Systems published in 1975 Tlenryk Temkin, MS. 1071, Yeshiva University, Ph. (Physics), 1975, StavengInatitte of Technology; Corel University, 1873-199, Bell Laboratories, 1977 —; Mr, Temkin ie working on developing lights emitting diodes for optical communications, Member, Amoriean Phy eal Socery, Blectzocherical Society CcoNTRIBU ISISSUE 297 Diane Vitello, A.A. (Mathematics) Brookdale Community College; Ball Laboratories, 1962—. Ma, Vitelo is with che Communications ‘Methods Research Department. She has written computer progras for radio research projecta in antonnn design saelite cracking, and fiber optic tanamiasion, She his slo writen several user-oriented programs to aid in the design and analysis of terrestrial and satelice ‘iptal radio eyateme, Ms, Viteloiscurrenty eontinuing uniergraduate ‘work in Mathematics a Moreaouth Call On-Ching Yue, HEL, 1968, Cooper Union; M.S BR, 1971, Roch ester Initine of Technology! PhD. (Information Science), 1977, University of Califomin at Sun Diego: General Dynamice/Electronis Division, 1968-1977; Bel Laborutores, 1977—. Mr. Yue has worked in the ares of underwater acoustics and microwave imaging. Since joining Bell Taboratories,he hasbeen a member of che Radio Research Lnboretory, studying ti offect of incerference un digital communi tions systema, including intersymbol, adjacent eatelite, acl multiner interferences, Member, Tau Beta Pi, Bta Kappa No, Phi Kapps Phi, Senior Member, TEER. 2270 THE BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL, NOVEMBER 1981

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