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BSTJ 60: 9. November 1981: Adaptive Equalization and Phase Tracking for Simultaneous Analog/Digital Data Transmission. (Lim, T.L.; Mueller, M.S.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 60: 9. November 1981: Adaptive Equalization and Phase Tracking for Simultaneous Analog/Digital Data Transmission. (Lim, T.L.; Mueller, M.S.)

Adaptive Equalization and Phase Tracking for Simultaneous Analog/Digital Data ‘Transmission By T LLM and M.S. MUELLER (Manucernt recived May 14,188) “The general problem of equalization for date tranamission where one of the two data sources produces continuous amplitude date imple i sluied. There are various ways ta configure a modem for such a transmission scheme, and we deseribe Row standard quad: Feature amplitude adulation structure can be modified to qperate in (his made, Tis solution eam be spectalized to include various linear tmotlolotion scheme, euch as single videband and vestigial sideband, ‘Theoretical analysis shoun that adaptive equatization and adaptive phase tracking can be achieved with wiilar quality owin Ove fiiar thigital only modem. We provide extensive computer simulation re. ‘sults which eonrm the uality ef our theory. 1 wtRoueTion cently, considerable interest araso in Finding ways to Lens ani receive digital and anslog dnta simoltancomly aver che Davie voice band telephone channel. We investigate a ayer wating quedeacine amplitude modulation (qa) whore dixie and analog dal modulate the two quadrature channels. The same scheme wax independently proposed in Hef 1, The wffwof various channel impsinments, a well fs an imbalance of signe] powers Ietween the digital and’ analog ‘Sqnata,on the ertr probabilicy of the ayatem has been studied in Rar, "a thie paper, we onalyze an adaptive equalizer for this type of Dbybrid modulation using a erese-voupled transversal fer as deseribed. im detail by Faleonor in Teefs 9 und 4. The diffoenec here is that-one of he tve quadrature channels transmits analog, ic, continuous am plitude, dats, I the womminieaion vtgnncl be tiene invariant, i ix possible to toxin Uhe onwaliver sith gil daa in ot squadentre hannels and freeze the equalizer tape aller convergence. Analog data ‘om ten be sent: However, posible change i channel characteristicn ‘warrant the use ofan adaptive equalizr wo update the taps continually Sinoe references forthe analog daca are nut wvalable, especially when the recehver i in a dackion-dirocted mod, the wpdale algorithms reported in Ref. 3,4 az0 not upplieble inthis ease. We propose a todifeation whieh only minimizes he mesn-aguare error (me) in cho sfigital datapath, Thus ony de error sigaal from this path i required (er adaption. This nnolysis ix stla co that in Ils. 3 and 6 ‘Reaults dram compute sinulations are given co verify our analytical resulta, We abecrvod thal because the analog data doos net sd in the ‘equalization, t otnilly acux as an incerferer. As auch it would sem ftdeantageows ls resuc Use analog signal powcr hus, unbalancing the fystem On the other hand, this would degrade the analog 3/3. There fore, there fa ead off in allocating diferent power level che two shannels depending on which signal core important. [nthe acheme doterthe hero, we astume that data symbols aro sent every Tsooonds, Ths the nalog signal as co be limited in bandwidth to 1/27 in order to avoid alinsing, Alteratively, the to quadrature ‘channels can be unc to transmit primarily analog data with occasional figital data for purposes of equalize updating. Then we could have fone high-rave analog chanel ain alow data rate digital channel. MATHEMATICAL MODEL ‘The general Qaw tennamission acheme af Fig. 1 considared, Two data sequences, {an} andl (2c), are applied to the in-phase and quad Tnre inputs of the eress-coupled cranaaiscion vere with impulse reepomes £3) and (0. Their output signals are modulated by sine and cosine waves of carrer frequency ac 0 form the passband signal ws = FO Fig 1—Model of curated tana ‘2040 THE BELL SYSTEM TECHIOAL JOURNAL, NOVEMBER 1981 sn-ne[pr.cu-atrotia. os ou a4lt) + Ja @ Tm the above equations, (Dy) is the complox sequence of data symbola and G0 i the complex impulse reyponse ofthe tranamiasion filter, "These parameters can be specialized to represent any Enear modula. tion scheme,’ og, amplitude/phase modulation, single sideband (es), vestigial sideband (ven), and Qa ‘Throughout this paper ic wil be assumed that at least one data sequence, for exumple (oy) is digtal. In particular, we sill report sulle fora sytem with GU) real ad ehare (ay) and (8n) are digital fd analog data sequences, eapertively. These scenes are nested telhave zor mean and the flloving correlation properties: E (data) = Pade (4) a) (eo Afler passing through a noisy. dispersive, and phase-jitered channel, ‘the signal atthe input tothe receiver enn be expressed az aorta gosta) = ‘where Ut) ithe combined complex impulae response of the trans ‘iting fer and che baseband component of the pase-band channel ‘dO with respect to the carier frequency x. The noise proces) it independent of the dita soquonces while the phase stift #(¢ caused by the channel ia mune to vary tach more eowly than the channel Impulse eqponte, f(t, a is typiclly about 10 degrens peak-to-peak. {eis mutually independent of the additive noise process, ax wel a of the dara gymbola. "Tho genoral qau receive ashown in Fig. 2 The received signal ¢(0) 4s bandpeoe filtered by the phase splitter pair with impulse remponse FU) = 10 + iF where /) denotes the Hilbert oanaform of 7 DATA TRANSMISSION 2041 ifr “The pair of ont af the phage splitter wt line RT is written asthe somplex signal sale Meath = empLilak? + ONY Das + Nas 6 ore [Ife = Hie + 1) are the samples of the overall complex Hbesbund equivalent impulse response, and (Ny] are the complex samples ofthe Eltered-noise process. Tho later process isuncorelated ‘ith che signal and hus an aucooorrlation cy, Thus, we have (NNR = Rovl ln mT] (6) (NN) = (oy) R(aNu) = 0 (ee) EfBnNy) =0 (6a) for al icogens mand m. "Tie complex signal sequence (%s}iapassed through a ervescoupled pussbund equatizer with 24+ 1 camplex tap, the outpnc of which at time nie given by a where we write the complex tapas Com ea+ jy oxamd real and define the vectors LETC ao Cad ® Kh = hoe oo Xe ® 2042 THE BELL SYSTEM TECHMICAL JOURNAL, NOVEMBER 1951 ‘We use the * to denote conjugution for wslare ant coniogate trane- position for vectors and matrices. The symbol ¢ denotes ranapoaition. "The eignel Q. is demedulsted lo hasehand by multiplication wich exp(= fe — jaan), where dy is dhe estimated phase olf (or jer) fat tine 07. renlting signal Y, ean thon he wrieten a Yn = Quexpl— J, — jounT) (atin) owt ihe om) ‘The demodulated outputey, and jy aro ottimates of the tranemited data sample, In th following eacton, ma optimum equalizer ap vector in derived which minimiges ihe nse of an appropriate cose function 1M. OPTIMIZATION OF EQUALIZER COEFFICIENTS 24 Anatole of the minimum mae cterion forthe i-phase branch In Refs. J and 4 an oplinwm equalizer chat rinimis an mae citer was derived, The mi wa defined 9 E{\¥o— Daf ~ FUREY, ~ Da) + la?¥4 Bal] Five ad] + EUG bk (a) which isthe rn ofthe mse in hath branches ofthe equalizer output. Teen foond thatthe optimum equalizer cosfiienta ean be caeulated adaptively provided the copter ontnet ore Vr— Da eral tha recsiver, While this i the case for a canamission ayetom sith algal data in both branelos where rofernces ean be esimated easily, tia not forthe wystem considered here. In this application only one reference sequonce is assumed to be avaliable. Consequently, only the ‘error signal in hisbranch can he made available for updating purposes. Tn the Gllowing dicussion, we dafite an aprimuam tap vector which toininites che mae in that Branch whars reference signal i able br ean be estimated easily. The reeulting ap vactor will be compared wvich tho Teeult for the case where bath referencts are available Acouming we have e reference for (ty). we define the mee in that branch aa the cost function to be minimised = Bil. asl coy wih B= Ref CK ex fa— ji a3 Wis convenient to express yin vector-macex notation as follows: ~eTaIAx., aw where we partitioned the complex vectors of che passband equalizer DATA TRANSMISSION 2083 ‘cotticients and X.exp(—/0, — jenn7? of the ideally demodulated received signal fo set ren veciors C and X with twee the ovginal Sinennn = RCH |IMCI] a5) FRAN expt ~ jenn] = [TX ennimse— fae (16) B= be an neq, {14}, T(AM) isa transformation matrix expressing the affect of the demodulating phase vreor AM. and i defined as ° Te- a) o [Note chat this matrix i orthogonal that i, Pea) x Ta) = Ta) x Tal =F (8) Furthermore, Tea) = 3%) (a0) ond Tha + Bh = Tay x PUM = Tie) x Tra) (aR In order to ael the mee 69. (12) aa an explicit function of the even sect ©, we icroduce the autovozrelstion mitt A of the demod Thc racived nigral AEX) aa) and the crss-curelacion vector V betmeen the demodulated recsived signal ana che reference V = O60 @) ‘With ge (4,09), and (20), we van express 09. (12) a fellows: A= CTUMAT(-ARIC~ 207Q0IV + Bla, — ca) Secting the partial derivatives with repect (uC ls vero yields the ‘ectar equation for the opemum tap veetor Cae ATIM-A9)0.u = V. ) ‘2044 THE BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL, NOVEMBER 108 ‘The definition of A in eq. 18) ensures Ural i x positive definite, Consequently, the equation hn Gay PRIARY. 3) Inserting eq (23) ino eg (21) yields forthe minimum mse Gp = Bla) Cy TARIV = Ela) VAY. (20) In Apperali A, we ahow that, for stationary data sequences (ax) and (G.) uncorrelated with the nose, the qulocortelation matrix A and the «ross cortelation vector V are independent of che tie instant n. Tis important eo note that the mininim mae i independent of the ‘constant demodulation phase error 34, This isa consequence of ey (2) and indicates that even by minimizing the mae in one of the (eo ‘swale tpae, che optimum coelicent vectors can tako ene of any ‘hase errr, in the eame manner 43 ina <rose-coupled equsliver which frinimis the coal mew ut che opt "These facts have been reported in Ret and 6 for vsu- and ss5- mudulated pute amplitude modulation signals. Our analyeis shows, hhowever, that thia boda in gener] for siationary sequences {a,) and (2). Thus, the independence ofthe evinireum mee an the demodula- tion phave iva property of the cross-coupled equalizer which is not adversely affected by thy parlicula selection ofthe cost function nor by the nature of the sequence {@) ‘When the power of the te data sequenoca ix balanced, Pe = Po jeune ace fram ea, (0) that the resling equation for che optima tap vector coined exacdy with the cquation resulting from minimis- ‘ng the total mse im boc branches. Tw thi case, bath methods wil give the same optimal coefficient vector and the same total mse. “ivall our analysia wo have assumed uncorcelated daca ax described by eas, (a) through (4c) [fiesta of eg tb}, we have E (babel = Rata — my, Aten the expressions for A.C, 2) and As(k ©) im Appendix A would be ‘more complicated but they wowld remain stationary matrices Then, ‘asumaing correlated dala, eq. (24) it in general stil valid, except that ‘Vand Aare more complicated than the expremions derived in Appen. din A “Although we have lel our analysis ona symbol spaced equalize, ‘we can also handle fretional sparing and derive similar rosuls. Asan ‘euample, we can view the 7/2 equalizer aa two parallel aymbol-spaced ‘quallzers where che fist ofthe two data samples during each baud is ‘proceed hy one of tho equalizers while the second is processed by the bother equalizer, Let ws denote the two equalizer tap vectors as an DATA TRANSMISSION 2045 Cy and the input vectors as Ky and Xt: Thon we can define © = [Re(Ct) iC |Re(C2) [mC] 7 (REX exp(— 78. — jo TY] [Xs expl— js — fonTY] [RefXsun expt-j0, ~ jon) Himidtheya exp(-i85 — jan) noe ‘where 7) is givon in eg (18). With these definitions, al the previous etl foF Coy nd ey (28) and (24 follow, 182 Mean squire eer in the quadrature branch ‘We now analyzed the mse in the gecond branch of the equalizr. ‘The ourpar ofthis branch a ofA expt — jenn] (5 Since (26) using the transformation properties in eq. (18) ~or(ss “Therefore, the ime in Use socond branch canbe expeatd in vector rats notacon as fl = Elie = b0'D (28) )an(-ane3)e 207 (u-3) onss+500. en er (um Using eq (18) and an approach similar to 6g (68) through e.(T0) in Appendix A, we show that 7( 2046 THE BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL, NOVEMBER 1981 (sh) = ViPL/P, eo) ‘On subsctuting ea. (90) into eq, (29) we obtain -or(au-3)ar(-s Py Ree aD Fert ned yc Ps Ps Aen A hows that r(-3)an()-a sot ota PaCTWMATEARIC-20TIHIV4+P. (3) "Thinis exnetly the same expression as for ein eg. (21), Consequenty, é oo ‘Thus, we conclude thatthe mac's in both branches are equal. In this special ease, minimizing the mse in one branch aleo minimizes tbe mse inthe other branch 20718040 ‘3.3 Anatai of an lnfintety long equalizer ‘While the formal solution ey, (24) forthe minimure nse sleady show the independence of a eanstaephaso orto, ic does not rovenl anything about the inflanes of channel parameters (arpliude, or phase distortion) or of tho sampling instant, To obtain further insight {nto this dependence, we analyze nn infinite length equalizer. We shore in Appendix B hal the resulting minimum mse for an Infinite tap equalizer can be writen ws 1, c Pai) + 26 — aa, (35) co to 08 a) he Fun tr spe np y= 2000 (oa) (snd Fale) Ft (: a 7)oP Paks, (a7) DATA TRANSMISSION 2047, and |) is the baseband component ofthe noise power spectrum 3B ResikTexpl-jla + aNkT (8) ra ‘The forrula given ia og. (85) can be evaluated for all the diferent ‘modulation schemes which ean be modeled by a linear transmiscon system. The only frequeney-dependent term appearing in eq. (85) ix Z(o), the a/n of the sampled rosived signal. According to eq. (37) this ‘vill, in general, depend on the sampling instant, ¢, apd the phase characteristic of tho overall channel transfer function, (a). If the ‘ampling theorem is stisied, ie, if H(e) = 0 for all w outede the interval [oy 01 + 20/7), where oi arbitrary, combining eqs (37) and £08) shoe thas the minimum rae e only dependent om the amplitude characeristc of the channel tranafer function and ofthe noise power ‘density spectrum. A qaattranmiasion aystam with no excess bend: ‘width ia en example; @ system tranamitting only ono data sequence tind sing vab-modulation with les than 100 percent excess bandwidth {is another, more realistic example. In case of balanced pawer in the tronamiod data oquenesy LPs = Pv or for Z(o) symmetric around soeke, Ze +o) =Z(-w + othe moe given by, . TP, ("7 de Son Bf «Weert (= {In eq (100) of Appendix B we show chat the partial derivative of ey ‘wich respect to Py ia nonnegative. Therefore, an increase in che analog ‘signal power P, cause an increase in ey. So the analog signal act as ‘a inerferer to the digital signa. IV. ANALYSI6 OF THE GRADIENT ALGORITHM FOR JOINT EQUALIZATION AND PHASE TRACKING Tn nn adaptive receiver, the equalizer is assumed to know the reference data for sartup and lo operale in & decision directed mode ‘when random data is being sent. In either cas, the tap weight vector {5 being updated continuovaly. Similay, the phase offet, or jiver, ‘would he omntinuouely tacked in order to remain in synchronism, Ax FFaleoner di, in Reta Sand 4, we asuame gradient algorithms are used in these updatings aa flloms (C i now time-varying), 00) ou) ‘2048 THE BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL, NOVEMBER 1981

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