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BSTJ 60: 9. November 1981: A Fault-Collapsing Analysis in Sequential Logic Networks. (Chang, S.J.; Breuer, M.A.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 60: 9. November 1981: A Fault-Collapsing Analysis in Sequential Logic Networks. (Chang, S.J.; Breuer, M.A.)

te args how an A Fault-Collapsing Analysis in Sequential Logic Networks fy S.J, CHANG and M. A. BREUER™ (Manas cated Seotombor 11, 1680), Although a sequential circuit Mf reduces to a combinational ne work Cu after all fesdback paths have been cut, an application of ‘Bovsen and Hong's checkooint inbelimg procedure to Cus does not necessarily yield @ minimal solution. The set of checkpoints a0 ob tained will ince ail feedback fine, In this paper, tia shown that theve feedback fines are nat necessary checkpoints under @ “delay equivalence” relation tn addition to this, we alzo shove that nat every Janout branch is a. necessary checkpoint. Any “inpular fanout branches” can be removed from consideration. The results of unr analyse lead to a minimal checkpoint labeling protaber for sequen: Tal lagie networks 1. INTRODUCTION Becaute there are 3 = 1 possible maitiple stuck faults in a logic ncework containing w distinc Iocan where cignals may fil (each Tecation may aemume one of the duee possible etatee normal, stuck: fn-b, or stuckeat-l), test generation and simlalion prooedures often reste to fanz collapsing techniques reduce che number of faults tthich need to be considered, To date reported results in che iterate Meat only with combinational loge, This prompted nur interests inthe research to be dizcusted inthis paper. "Bossen and Hong introduced fvul cllapsing technique for com binetional logic networks called checkpoint. labeling. procedure.’ ‘Checkpoints as defined hy them, are." niece of specified points in the network such that any mleple Flin the meter is equivalent to some mulkpl Fault among thee specified checkpoints! The cheek pointe defined in Ref. area minimal tof poines having the property sone, tinny 9 Southern Caldera, Le Azgalor Jost stated. A navoral question iy What ara the checkpoints ina ‘Sequential circuit? Te ix weil known chat by cutting all the feedback Hines, a sequential network can be mapped into « combinational network. A reasonable approach wld beth apply Bassen and Hong’ labeling procedure to the zonltng cominsrional metsrork. ‘The check inc abained would then elie the eedhack lines In tis pape, tte alow that in goneral all thew fenlhack tinea need at be check points under a elation enlled “Aelay equivalence” to be defined later. ‘We mill oe that the nober of checkpeins can bo greatly reduce for a highly sequentil logic network if our results aze utilized. This, in tum, greatly reduces computational complexities for multiple fault tnalyat in sequential neewerks. A possible application of our resus tan be found na paper by Chang, Si, and Breuer: 1, FAULT COLLAPSING IN SEQUENTIAL NETWORKS ‘The checkpoints in a etouit axe specially designated signal lines, (Checkpoints sre defined wo Uni fur arbitrary stuck-at-faul «there feria at least one equivalent fll defined on tha checkpoints. Hence, itehere are w 1 checkpotnts, we need only conser 3 ~ T multiple faults, Boseen and Hong have developed 2 labeling procedure for secifying the minimal vt of rheckpoints ia a combinational circuit "Their resulta seem to be an extension af che work of Shertx and Poage2™ ‘Por convenience, Bosse and Hong’ procedure is as follows (i) All he primary inputs chat do noe fon out azo eheckpuints i) Allehefanoul branches ae checkpoins. Gi) NOT fate are considered as lines. “Although a sequential cies ¥ rcws ton combinational necwork Crafter all feedback paths have been cu, Boasen and Hong's labeling procedure does not necessary yield % minimum number of check point for such ieuit ‘Consider a synchronous sequential recut M represented by Huff tmantmodel ax shown on Fig, where Cy ithe combinational portion Of My and Dis the eet of delay ehanents. We assume that faults in Cyr tte reetricad to euckeal yp aa Gute in delay’ elements (D f/f) recut in atuck outputs, Gules and ip flope of M are eonnectod by ledges, An ee of Mi either line ora branch. Namely, iis either Primary inp, » primary output, efanout stem, or a fanout branch, ‘leo we shall axe the following: ‘Ascupion [The outpat value of w gabe «function of each of ex inputs “Assumption 2: The number of edges in fis finite, ‘Aavumplin 3: There are no "inaccessible" edges in M. An edge of 2280 THE BELL SYSTEM TECIINICAL JOUNINA:, NOVEMBER 1021 Fig. Halon! of sential _M sail to bo inaewessibe if cis not a primary mpc and, moreover, Fes not driven by any gabe or memory elements of ‘Almost all practical sequential circuits satisfy che ebove astump: tions. Figure 2 shows « Hlesidous integrated creat chip. Kage 8 is nacrenible ‘Restricting our actenrion to snciontfnilts, we dofine a ingle fal fs exactly one edge stuck-at] (68-1), oF stuck (wend), and a ‘multiple fault an a collection fone er more) of single fully each fwociated with a diferent eege. Ala, we shall not consider inform tent fate ‘Be wpplying Boaaen and Hong's procedure oo the combinational euwutk jn the ant af checkpintao nbeained wl include all Teedbac« Tines denoted hy the vector ¥. However, we shall show tho Usa ibeet of checkpoints is not neeostary under a delay-equivalence relation. “Later we aball consider synchronous sequential vires 1 SEQUENTIAL NETWORK WITH D FLIPFLOPS. “Two faults wand in M are sid tse dela:equibadene(d-equiva ent) of order &, if M with u is equivalent to MM wich v efter an ‘application ofan inpur sequence of lenge a least & Tete specific value of Fis not of intrest cys we shall wey say Fig 2A tvs mig cea i, ‘that wand wate c-equivalent. To demonstrate this concept, let us refer to the sequential ereuit shown in Fig. 8. The fault a ad is d- cnuivatentof order | to tho multiple fault 9 a and e s-4. emma 1: Any mauttiple fault ime delay flip-flop is dequivalent of trder | to a stuck input. Proof, Lat y and Y denote, respectively, the output and input of a delay f/f. Then, xiq + 1) = Yq) for all g. Thus, a stuck output is de equivalent of onder 1 to 2 stuck input. Also, a stuck input and output in deequivalent of order {to 9 stuck input only, and is hasjivatent of onder 0 to «stuck output ani. Because of this lima, we shall consider a delay f/f as w 1-input sate under the doquivalence relation. etton 2 i) A sequence of edges of M, denote by [sy Si +0584 22+ Bb where 5 forall t= j,i anid to be w forums path, If for each Ee neither fs) «ie a fanowe stam and 51 isa fanout branch of 8, oF {t) there este apace of AF sayg, auch thut sand se: are, respectively, ti input and the aucpu of 2 Tray = sand a= fi tho path [sy smo ald bo be a forward path from a taf ffs 8 primary outpat, the path i sad to be a terminal forward path of ii) A sequence of edges of M, denoted by [oi fu oo. === tds ‘where s,s fr ll be said co be a backward path, ior wach Pe either (a) sis. fanone branch and its am is, or (0) there fists gnte of A, suy Bauch that and oy, are, respectively, the fusput and an inp of = cand s. = 8 the path is aid to be @ backward path fram « tof IE Bina primacy input, then the sequence [8 ==> 184 == 5 So isan tobe w terminal backesard path of I | 4g Aopen det 2262 THE BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL, NOVEMBER 1981 “A backward path from lB donated by i said to hea backward oth of wi tere exists cge Tin Af such tha a backward pach roma oT enneine every element ofp be path ail o terminate a8 Glealy 8a primary input uf M, then buclowaed pals Fon or lo A isalto a terminal buckovard put of ‘Th path (8+ fy) Read to paws throug wach 5. Conversely ‘each 5 id lo he contained in the path. Branch fn alka said to be an element of the path [31 s+ Sa: ‘Asan exsmple, consider BF on Pig. 4. The sequences [12,15 6.88 411, 20] and (12, 17,10, 5,8, 9.11, 30] are forward pacha of edge 12. lowover, the sequence [12.18 6,8 20, 12 16,1, 18,3. 9, 11,20] ‘nea forward path of 15 becmse wie 13 ae A appr lsc nthe requence. All backward paths of edge 29 are shown in the grap of Fig 5. Note th this yrupl is tn with edge 20 as the eho, ad che Teaves are echer primary ils or Fat Uncles Detinton 3 “every age of M pocessaesateat on terminal frst, he (Mica fo he a regular sequential exci, Otherwise BY si bbe regatar. ‘We wil for our avin om repularsequest ial crnit A sensitized path from an edge = x to un ou:put fin Fis 2 terminal orwaed pach from oo f slong mith constant signal walacs trsgned co some ofthe other edges such that charging Uhe hie vale tall change the lagi value of 2 kraut fee 2 Line naan no inary In the itcuit chown in Fig. 4, we can sensitize the odge 1 wo the onipul 21 hy setting edge 9 to sat and edge 13 to -t. Teonma 2 Let g be agate in Ma regular sequential creuit, and x1, sy cov od be the input tog Forel t,thone bau eaten mali fault in AE aghich wil semstise x loc nd Proof: Sineo M is ropalar there existe ut leust one vermin forward pac foe. an usp, Using the conve uf Beutler, ‘the condition for sonst the output of gL che ing: bs given by tho equation Me a0 ge = gabe bh Be moa mb+ Be where HOE He Be Dt eet and Bem lay oe te Botan tah Now select any minterm of oor fg tis mintorm specifies, snewhere mie ithar O or 1, thon leche x input cog be suck ala, Nowe ‘Soume thav for Un: ternal forward path from ilo B, he tout of {gi an inpul iu gate A. Repeating the prove just devctbed, can be Senstizod tog. This chaining pros bs entinved uncle reached. etrton 5 Tet wand ff be bwo eyes af M, Bdge a ie sud lo dominate edge 2, ithodh » rac and wa! will cause Af to become independent of the Sgnal on vegerdlos of whether or aot other alges are normal ‘2204 TIE ACLL SYSTEM TECHNIGAL JOURNAL, NOVEMBER 1581 ‘To dlustrte this, let ws consider Fi. 2, Buje B duminabes edges ind 8. Faye 7 donninates all other edgea. However, edge 2 does noe Mlmninate eget, Recsune sehen edge 48-1 and edge dal, edge Tis ts fuoetion of edge | independent of che state of edge 2 "Thenrem Rage a dominates edge ff and onty if all terminat faruard paths of Bcontuin w Proof: Suppose all forward puths uf 8 pass Unrough a. 8 stuck « will bloc any sign on "Thus, Af hecrmes independent off us sel. ‘Therefore, lerrinates f. Suppo there exist one terminal forward pra of f thal does not cone ‘hen. by Lemma 2 one can alerape find a suukiple fault on 4, whieh wil enstio tne signal on # oat leaac one ofthe primary oucpats of M. Thus, M's dependent on and se daes not deminate Tie proves thr only if par "Theorem 2 Dominance relation inclaces«parlin ordering. Proof: Bvery ford path of a passes through a. Thus, « duminales fe Tel ay deainate a ad og deiinese iy. BY Theorem 1, all forward pacha of as and a: Fa55 chroush as and a, respective forward path ofc also pes throngh mT pen Liat: a flominntes ay Suppose a dominates # and f dominates «Hy Theorem {yall forward paths of pass chrough «and al forvard paths of «puss ‘ecg Thin ean that fr fone of « and foe » forward path Thevefore, « dominates {and ff dominates a implite a = 8. ‘Nan; dominance relation is veflexve, ceansitive, and antiserametzc We conclude dha it induces a partial ordering Tia combinational network, « fanout brunch never deri other fanovt branches ofits stem. However. in sequential cieuit favo tranch may dominate other fonout branches of ie stem. Consider, for ‘nag, the seuentalcneuit Mf, which inatiown on Fig. 4, Branches ‘ant ave fanou branches of stem & Since every forward pach of 10 pases chrough 9, branch 9 dominates branch 10, Detintion & ‘A fanout brane Uhl dovsinsother fanout branches af te stem nid toe stuewar, otherwise, i sa vo he mesg orem 4: li) A sfem possesses of mest one singular branch i) Beery ningudar Branch dominates a atherfanout branches 2f Proof: Lar 8 sem which ponnaos singular roars le dna by tnd ie fanout branches be Gerioued iy er, yoy tm, were a ik singular. By definition, cy must dominate we Teast one ar (42). I ay seer Lor i as singel Hen oy wl eaten ne Tora rath chat does not pass Unrash es hecaes every forwenel path af fontaina the fenout stom 2. Thuy, wll ew longer be dorainated tin Thiseonieuliedin praves (- Suponse senue as oe aoninated by FAULT-COLLAPSING ANALYSIS, 2966 so, Thea, ag poseosos al Tuas one forward path That dows nov pass Uhrowgh ay. IC follows that efor ull # 1 also possesses wt louse one farsa pi Chat dos st ps Uhrough oy. Par a) of the Uheorem fellows asa eault of Theorea 1 etiiton 7 "The ferme sow edge a of M, denoved by Kia), ia at of edger of ‘Mauch thar 1 every backward path of » contains exacely one member of Kd, (G) members of Ala) are either primary inputs that do not fanout or nonsingular fanout branches, and liiyevery foreard path from each member of K(a) co a does not onlin ny oer nonwingula fant ranches ‘Let ud consider again (eee Hig} All backward paths of ely are shown on Fig. 8 Each underined edge is either a primary input or forwingulee fanout brasch Every starved edge ia an element of the kernel sec of edge 20 [Le K(20)}. Prom Fig. 5 we have £20) = (14,13, 14,36 17,18). "he following kornel acts an be easly verified: UU) = UJ, £2) = ©, 10); and KGS) — [4 16,18, 17, 18 “Lemma's: Let a and bbe eny poirof edges of M. THA stuck ai ceayuivaden! to sume madple ful emmy ite eral set Kis) (G8 1f Kio) ane KE) are disjoint, chen any muttipte fault among a ‘and fe sheouivalent f9 some multiple fault among Kia) UK. ‘Proof Pax: (i fellows jointly from the fact that amy mtipe feuls of {a loge gate ee eel multe ules searing che nat nes tly he deiiton of Ka) whieh requires thar every backware path of « contains exactly one member of Kia). Part (fellows part 1a) of the lems. emma If a does not dominate then either (there exists no Forward path from fi to a, or (2) every forward path from 8 lo @ ‘contains at leart ane nonainguar Branch, roof acaternant (2 iat, thou a doos aoe dominate. Suppose there exist a forward path from f 0 a, denoted by» = Irs, +++ au: that does not contain ny nonsingular branch Them ss cher afanout fico stem ora singular branch, Lt srbe singular. Then, 12-4 fino! slo. By Theorem 8, a other fanout branches af 8, fe dominate Dy se Therefore, ll forward pats of passthrough + Thus, all forward paths off aleo pace through a, This implies that tt domtinsiesf. Suppse every sy ika stem without fanout, chen pis fanont foe pa, Bul by Theoret 1, Unie lo ineplies that er doin {Tho contradiction proves the ler. “Theorems 4 Tf asues nol dninute ond 8 dos not dominate o, then (hei herned wet tre inn 2286 THE BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL, NOVEMBER 1881 Proofs Tat 4 ¢ Kip). Then, 0 falls into exactly ane of the folowing valgus i) He in a backward pall uff which does nox contin any ee in common with any backward pach of {i i concn in» fran path fom 2 (Gib o @ enntained tn a bacicwand path nf 9 7, that does not contain «hu paid a backward ph of, say 2, eins common Iaranches Clearly, ite belongs la caegony (wn Ku) fo elon eategore (Gd, hy Lemma and category (lof the definition of Kel, 6 Kio So, comtiler only ategore i. Lat p= [2h a, 000 Suh and g = [ects v-+ tok Catagory (id) implies that here exists w anv such at, =f and af forall <a, 2. Namely, (ort) iw nowt stem Thyra! &-, are nonsingular, by definition o Lies im forward path from hy c0 that by ne? Rta). If «Se sguler, by Theorem & Feo snot. Ph, brah fia dominated By yp, and so 0 Is 932 flnninsted by f then 20 #o. This eonteaits te assmption. There- fore, ao tt slontinaced by fy Loria 4, there exits =~ 2 uch that oy iy 2 nonsingular branch, This implies thet « i Therefore, Kf) at Kiet are dso. “Theorem 6; In « regular sequential cirexit, every singutar branch is nota necessary thecigwint, but al nonsingular Fano branches cre rneceseary checkpoints ‘Proof lit fine fanout sem wth funoul ranches ay ++ dy whore ‘Brig aingulan By TTheorens 3 avery tc wy i dominated by oy Thus, lohuck eedgs is cLequivalent toa etc ft ege Aa toa stack a eee, for any ## Tri i not chequivalent to either a stuck 8 edgo, or stuck fu edge, or suck oy edge fory 1, Therefore, all nonsingulur faut branche uf fare necescary checkyuins Theorem 8:Ror any iregular sequentied circuit Mf there exists a regula sequential eieuit 0° such that Mand Mf" are equivalent, ‘ead furthermore, M preserves janl! hebaviar of M under shuct9>e Fath axsuanptin. ‘Proof Being iveguley, Mf poasesees to wets of tyes, donated by {and 1", wher each member 9 dots nol hive any terminal forward paths, and enc snember of &” posceses at leas: one termina] forwuel path, Tfolloe thar no primary orl of Wis fanetion of ce signals pr any member of under faul-free or any auck-rype fault eandilions. "Therefore. omuoving all members of & will not alter the normal or normal fneionel behavior of Af Tha rising ceca consists of only edges in S* and ia ropa ‘Forlluteate chs theorem, consider sequencal circuit Man Fig 6a Cone can wnslly verify chat @ ~ (4.5.8 11, 18,14, 16) and 8 — {L288 7, 8,8, M12, 16, 17). Afr removing i fom Af, and AULT-COLLAPSING ANALYSIS 2967 Hg bn a Tern Ss a) Che ‘labeling, ane obeaina che aoquental circuit Ma, shor on Fig Uy whieh ie setnllyw eumbinntional ee Theorem 7: In sequential circuit M, either (i) the hernel sek for any edge in M exists or (i) M is erequtar. Proof: Suppo benn edgeot BEL a ackwnrd path of be denated boy p= [ey se oes sto here 9) =, Then, 2 belongs la one of the following eatorories, Tip iva ternal Talwar pth; sony, 8 primary inp of M. iA There enita +< w auch that 6 and ¢, axe fanout branches of + (See Fig. 7a) ‘ih 'Theve ern o gave g uch thac ais an input of g and sy is che conta of g. (See Fig. 76 Ie) i nnocessible, Category it) never occurs because of Assumption 3. ‘Suppoce p fala into either entegory (or Ui. Then cvery backward peth ofa contains nt lest one nonsigula Cau raneh oF a primary Impat. This implics that Xia} docs eis if ease (ii) dues nut wpply INow consider ons (0). Soppan there exits no a 1 © that a, fant ranch, This reson il very elemento does 01 hav ‘ermal forward path. Thay Mi ieee ‘Suppnse there exec some I= £2, thot ina fanout branch. I, 2260 THE BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL, NOVEMBER 1981

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