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BSTJ 60: 8. October 1981: Electromagnetic Fields, Field Confinement, and Energy Flow in Dispersionless Single-Mode Lightguides With Graded-Index Profiles. (Paek, U.C.; Peterson, G.E.; Carnevale, A.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 60: 8. October 1981: Electromagnetic Fields, Field Confinement, and Energy Flow in Dispersionless Single-Mode Lightguides With Graded-Index Profiles. (Paek, U.C.; Peterson, G.E.; Carnevale, A.)

Electromagnetic Fields, Field Confinement, and Energy Flow in Dispersionless Single- Mode Lightguides With Graded-Index Profiles By U.C. PAEK. G. E PETERSON, and A. CARNEVALE toruscristreclved February 19,1081) 1 te shown by numerical solation of Maxwells equations that, for ‘a gicun enorlengy the degree of confinement of ta electromagnetic Fil to the core of m geudns-inde,singlecmode, optical fiber can be ‘optimised by the proper cice of the rudiat variation of the index Such confinement of the energy 20 the core helps alleviate loss. The ‘Bers considered use aera total dispersion bandits in excess of 100 GHte-Kir, a wovelengteebetceen 13 un and 1.55 1. werRoDUETION (ur caver snk deseribed a method of designing single-mode light suides with zero total dispersion by varying the index profile in the fore In the range of wivelengll betweow 1S pn xed 1.5m Danderdehs in exes of 109 CHa: Kr are altinabte by balancing, sacerial dispersion with waveguide dispersion. However, one of Une eruus lifts with singe toe fihers in microbending lowe, We now thal the microbending los forthe case of the stepindex ange mole ber is proportional to X/4"" Hore, rofers to the operating sravelengt and Ly the eolLive ile differs which x Hen a ‘Now the design of a single-mode fiber mast be such chat ie prevents {he fed af the fundamental med (HIE) fom extending well into the cladding. In ocher words, che eleeromgnetic Feld must be tghily confined othe core. To this end wo methods can be considered: one 4 to increase, whichis « commen and prevailing method, and the tothe iso chang hidex profie in Chere. This work wil cao the lier cage by maiming at inde pile where A= Nil ~ Beh ‘Reding microbending by profile design mighe be advancageous be B= Mae = Mad ‘mse the me and 1x mode can be mini wel heyond the eutaét point oft step inden, singlicmode fier and the manufacturing toler. lances are relaxed, Nove that Ny = Ne apd Ns= May ora single-mode lighigulde having a radially inhomagensous vore itis usually not yensble In obisin analytical solutions of dosed form for Maxwell's eyontions, Hence, co atain veetoroleelromagneti eld tistributions of the Hs, mode and to determine accurate propagation thareterisien af single-mode fiber, we used « numerical method to solve the governing equations."* 4 THEORY ur method uf alvin Maxwells equations for Tighoruides has been, esrined in our walier publontions. However, we didnot consider the ‘halding fields in much deta. For Une work to be described in this paper, thin is eaantial. Thus, we develop che neceasary mihurtiral expressions Tn an optical ber having a peemitirigy € and permeilty u, we asmmo that the outer diameter ie ruck lager than the core 17725 THE RELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL, OCTOBER 1981 diameter 2a. Toa eslindtical coordinate aystem, fora postion vector Prhaving as its components (7, =), he vorrespondiag components fof electric und mgaeie fields canbe written as F~ (En, By Ee) ad HE = (Hy, He, 1) (are Fig 1). However, in obtaining 8 complete set of ‘yctor notions iv only neceasary to Gnd the tangential components (By F.) and (H, Ha} since the radial componente lin and Ly are Tinea combinations of the other components. In particaar. Za gy, Bae Faw Sy Bem, ei 3 In sition, the tangencialfeld components are continuous through the vorechulding interface axl Unk siplifie the mathematics of the boundary value problem, Tithe above equation, Z ia the wave impedance defined by (u/¢ snd isthe index of refaction and a funetion of 2. The effective Fefractve index N. is defined ly te quantities, nd 2 where fi. the propagation ranslant slong the Ser ax and km 2a 9 ia a Aimensionless quantity defined by Rb. The fundamental HE mode propagnlee in the Tiber when che angular mode number Af equals Moreover, P< Vetinet be ati, ete Viv Ine rae Pewency tnd V; isthe cwiof frequency fora single-mode propagasion. ‘The ¥ ‘alu is dined by “ The input dats, ss it the opti cove radius chat will give re total dispersion forgiven, 3 and A Th the most general cxee there ary tive posibeslutions lo Max wes equationa fore guided mode in a ightquide. A general solution ‘ill he rum of there two vector calutions. We introduce variable T {oeatablish the following relationship wth th tangential Cl vectors (Bu By) and (Hh ID). n 5 Tl en, 8 in n rom £9. (6) ve denote the (wo vliione i worm Ty aad a. Since cour earlier work gave a detailed description of the computation of land Tg, we will avoid repotition of the provedure for ive elution in ‘the core region In the elading rege, Une (ve woltiona designated by Py and Dg are given by the following expressions” Mine) veer] He o Q aot ° raewer| 8 |. o ato wore) the dcr contn in the ein and fo 0h ato wag gine ne) yuelsenienmuel |, where Kita moditied Besse function of the second kind and its prime ‘denotes differentiation will resort to & (Nate that o, i the value of pat the interface “Ths total solution can be written inthe core and cladding region separately. In the core region, Tis expres hy VeAta + Ade, o and in the cladding, Pic express by Pea + Ade fo) where A ia on arbitrary constant, j~ 1,2, 3,4 "To eaeulate the field function I, we requize basically four input data namely, A the aptinuin core zadiue ag, Nand N. Among howe parameters, calculation of has boen described in detal in Ref. 1 ‘The maverial dispersion effec i incorporated wich Maxwell's equa tions to achieve a high degre of accuracy for Ny. Tia is necded to "neque the precise eigenfunctions from eg 9 and 10 Th the desig ofa single-mode ber, Ais wily specified a an input daca, Tis rather smal, ranging from 0,002 to 0008, since che cladding fof the fher ia generally made of n high-silica glass. The dispersive ‘character of the cladding is well known Therelare, fora given 8, the index of the core conter NY, can be expressed in terms of Ns by LM aa “The dispersive properties of the Ns in eq (11) can be described by & modified Sellmeier forruls!” 14790 THE BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL, OCTOBER 1981 x ay wi where = 0.85. "The coeticientsC; are given in our previous work. ‘Por the index profile, we use a well-known formula thet is particu vata [ay] oo Finally, the diapersion ofthe index NY wail be determined by aubstiot ing ine (Eth a. (HT) an (12. "hc the cove-cladding interface, must eatin the continuity condi- ‘tom ofthe cangentil field ecmponents, Consequently, this yield a set of simuleancous equations ye Ally + Ady Adn + A Ala Awe ADa + Aly on At Ae Ads Al Alt Ades Ada + Ail ‘To compare the fel disrilations, i is eanwenient to intra the following normalized variables into eg (3. as) an “Tao ‘We bein our scudy by considering a germania doped silica Hight- guide with A= 002 and ~ 138 am, The profile parameters examied fre @ = 100, 2, and 1. Thus, we span the range from rectangular ‘through parabolic to cianguler inex functions. In Table Ie calculate ‘tha values fr the radi to male these Ldhtguides dispersion fo. SINGLE-MODE LIGHTGUDE 1721 Tabla Idi values tor siaparsion-tre lighten "The normale! electromagnetic fields 95 2 fanetion of normalin radi for thene three cates ar shun in Figs. 2a, 2b, nd 2c, Note that inal cases the 2 elds re rovch smaller than the other field voapo~ tenis ln fac, thoeo fields are lea chan 3 percent of the tangential Fields, The magnitmti of the R and componenls of the electric and Imagneti feds fir w given w are all beverly the came. This is rot Lika f the index profile hacnmas mora sorpea. For example, a profile Fig 2 Rowan ld arn Hae ilo Iie, Tc eaadee ae 1752 HE BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL, OCTOBER 1081 ‘ontnining a central “burn out" and ripples, which would be charac. teri of modified chemical vapor deposition (Mev) profiles, would not have ich simple velationship between field components ‘An intereatng observation from Fig. ia thatthe slopes of the field ‘components atthe corecladding interface change with a. For « = 100, the feld distribution near the interface form 9 eusp, but it ound progressively ae a dorreases, This ve salely to the index discribucion {nthe eore ofthe single-tade her ‘Figure D shows the normalizad teaneverse components ofthe eloc- ‘tromagnetic fled az a funccion of radial distaney for the thr axles. ‘The curves are estentally identical wp lo R= Sm. However, beyond that distance they deviate appreciably. Also shown, by the vertical lines, are the optimum rac somucmrenn i, a SINGLE MODE LIGHTGUIDE 1799 foto n) om Fes Aad hon = a 2 we i a a fn an —/! | |encoveae wn on i bo fit Mead han is he a mods ini me ei, IV, ENERGY FLOW FOR THE ME,, MODE IN DISPERSIONLESS SINGLE. MODE LIGHTGUIDES. ‘So far we have only consider the fed fn the fiber: However in cxpaviniental practice iis more convenient to know the Geld intensity, tchich is the amount of energy flowing through the crose-section ofthe £ber. This canbe calculate! fom the Poynting vector § in W/cm" ‘The Poynting vector inthe 2 direction, S, ie given by, Seo MBA ~ BIT, on ‘where *indiences the camplen sonjugate othe variable ‘We define the normalized Poynting vector I by T= 898.0, (3) Figure « shows the curves of J versns the normalized radial coordinate 1794 THE BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL, OCTOBER 1081 Ra for thnee diferent «values. "The normalised Poynting vector (eld intensity) falls off move rapidly with normalized radius for lower « ‘luce Asin Section LL, when « ~ 100 che Poynting vector develops 2 cuap atthe corecading inlarnve. Wer ne nati w nenrieity of the a= Land = 2 curves, This Une lwo have neatly the ane focusing power. \, DEGREE OF FIELD CONFINEMENT ‘Wo know that the degeee of field confinement ina fiber related co its micrnbending lose” Inthe fabrication of single-mode fiber cables for underwen applications, mierobending loss has been one of the faovors thar deverminea the performance of the cable. SINQLEMODE UGHIGULE 1735 Figures and 4 indicace that the field or power distribution islargely depenent on the index profile, Ta quantity the focusing power or ‘omfinetnent ofa ight, we inlraduoe a parameter @ defined by: | " s.ran J SRUR ‘The paramecer @ yepresenc the degree of puwer confined lo the core with reapect to the fatal propagating power. This ratio is plotted in Fig. 5, along with dp, a2 a function of «We sw that ay. increases 4796 THE BELL SYSTEM IECHMICAL JOURNAL, OCTOBER 1051

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