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BSTJ 60: 7. September 1981: Effect of Echo Canceler on Common-Channel Interoffice Signaling Continuity Check. (Fang, G.S.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 60: 7. September 1981: Effect of Echo Canceler on Common-Channel Interoffice Signaling Continuity Check. (Fang, G.S.)

i Asan ch Effect of Echo Canceler on Common-Channel Interottice Signaling Continuity Check By @ 5. FANG (@tanuccrint received December 12, 1980) [Annoying echoes generated by imredance mismatches can oceur in Jonge distonce telephone network An echo eanceer contrat cho By “pnthesizing an soho replica and sublencting Ut rom the actual echo ‘Gmthe return path, For the coho canceler to cork properly, i! mus be Atle to distinguish between desired signals and echoes. One instance tuhere this can be difcue is during the cammon-channel interofice ‘ienaling (ects) continuity chech Botween four-wire auitehing offices. ‘On ects trunks the voice and the signaling are routed separately, To ensure a satisfactory transmission jah, a voice path continuity check Is conducted before atl setup, The ehech ia performed on lop basis ty vending 1 check tone wnat lnoplng i Dock at the aistane office Since the cha canceler addantice iter memorizes information from the last previous cull, may partially cancel the logped- bark tone. Pe ‘his paper wwe stu the effect of the echo canceleraaptive memory ‘onthe cots continuity check. The analytical and experimental resulls Idiente that he occurrence of continuity check failure caused by the presence ofan active coho canceler is s0 infrequent and insignificant Compared tv the existing ttatistive of ell other pertinent failure mechanisms Thus, disabling the ron canceler during the es eon lanuity check ts unmeceesary, | IwTRoDUCTION [An echo may be produced in tansmission system whenever there is an impedance mimatch, This impedance discontinuity cun cause « signifcane portion of the Uatmuitied signal energy to be reflected tomard the sgn souree ver an echo path. Noticeable echnes const- {ute one of theese serious forms ofimpairment in telephnne channels Tis subjective annoyance increases with both ocho amplitude and ropution delay. The increasing wo of satellite civeuits for domestic ‘and intemational eal has made che control of echoes even more important, The taditional approsch of echo contzal using via net: lost ‘or echo suppress it nol aeoepable for fl-hop antlite cireuit, Le, ‘route exrryinghoth directions of transmission va ali A better tnpronch is Wo uae echo exrelers (hat cntrol wc Iy syne Feplica of the echo and subtracting it from the returned signal* The realization of the single-chip invagrated echo ennceler has made its ‘widespread deployment appealing” ‘Figure I modcls the eseential elements ofthe echo path to show how ‘echo caneclors work, When there i farend epeech (bueno near ‘end spoceh o(), the internal registers of the echo cancer adaptively ‘update the estimate of the echo path impulse response Algo form an echo reple 5 tha is sbteneted trom the real ec 9(0). When the ‘esr-end speech in detected in the prosonce of the far-ond specch {double talk) the spooch deterior inte further updating, but the echo canceler al trea to eaeel the ech contained in 3) by using the moot recent extimate of the echo path impulke reponse. This property of continued echo canceling during double cal is a nice feature of the echo canceler. However, its effect on the common channe!inerotfice signaling (cx) contiouity check between four-wire ‘itching offices has caused some concern (Common-channal intcrofico signaling is n system for exchanging information betmeen processor-equipped switching systems over & network of signaling links, All vigtaing data for cll setup and take- lover, well network managerens gmat, are exchanged by ene systema over the signaling links instead of being ent over the voice path. Thus, a continuity check for voice path ussurance (vPA) is ‘conduetod whenever a cota trunk is selected to switch a eal forward. ‘This cheek not only ensures satisfactory transmission path but alo prechides billing for an otherwise undetectable faulty, connection ‘Bebween fourwire switching ofies the ¥Pa check ia performed on Toop basis by connecting a single-frequency transceiver at the righ ating office und Tooping the (ransmission pire at the distant office ‘The eheck is considered auceeseful hen the vr tone received ut the originating office ie within accep cransmssion and Ging Bite, Figure 2showe the vPa choc for the satellite circu, AL the distant office che same notation x(¢ is used for the received and the tranamit- ted signals because ofthe looping configuration. ‘Tho echo canceer at the distant office will detac done tle during the VPa check, Ifthe cho canosler i not diaabled it may partially caneel the ube tone tocording to the last estimate of the echo path impulse response bheenuae ofits continaed canosling property daring double tall There- fore, the introduction of the ect cancer ino the long-dietance lelephone network without proper disabling contol wil have some He FCHOCANCELER 1518 “es Sargon apo po pa OAT AA bal i 1916 THE BELL SYSTEM TECHUCAL JOURNAL, SEPTEMBER 1981 influence on the eis continuity check. Voi path assurance failures trill lower the performance indices ofthe allt offis and yonerate ditional mainvenance actives. Unfortunately since call processing information is oot relly available, no aacafactory solution has been found auch thot the echo canceler can be digabled al tho desired ‘moment. The teriousness uf the echo eanceler effect on the vPa check is seed below by evalusling the probabilities of various possible vents caused by WA failures de to the uze of the echo cancer ‘Section Il describes the circuits nd facilities in the vra path and how they are modeled wathematcally im the derivations given in the ‘Appendicen, Section Ll presents whultie nnd experimencal results and discusses the impact of echo eanccler on Une Com continity check. 1, MODELING OF VPA CHECK. In thie section, the discussion and the derivation will be restricted ta il satelite circuits beonier the renulee can be "The ¥ea chock for ects eae No.4 as offices is a two-step tost in a specified time intarval. The fit step i Wo deeet athe proper receive level th Iransmitted vea tone which is looped back at the distant office, The serond rlep isto atop transmitting the VPA tone land detect its disappearance atthe receiver, AUprowent the specie ‘ime interval for completing the teas sct anywhere between 2(0 9 5 Gepending on the specific fee. Ac the beginning of a VPA check ‘during call atap, the orgmaring procescor ofthe seiiching machine ‘rate cho timer and attaches» 2010Hs eransceiver to the solocted tlle trunk coneureent with tending un wld message Cheough terrestrial cets links identfyine tho trnle to he looped back. ‘The Aistant office, upon recep of tho moswaxe, connects the receive side of ‘he trunk tothe tnnaml nde thergh a 2r0-oss lop. The originating bce checks the lve f the returning tone to verify that transmission Joss ie within accaptabo limits, Tf the returning tone has acceptable level the oriinaling few stone sending the ven tone and verifies that the receiver mesures below a release level. A vra failure is generated if for any reaoon the above sen steps nro not completed fore the timer times out "The specification of che transceiver levee is given in Table 1 Frequent and periodic tests ae performed in sitching ofiea to make sure thatthe transceiver levele are within specification. Table Lalo fives the test requiremens which wre ariter than the specifiation* Since the test only gives paseo fail ndicaton ic ia aarumed chat the various levels (eal are uniformly distributed within tho test limits "Thus, live to each othe, che transmit and the detect levels of the ‘yra tome are aseured to be uniformly dietribuued in (1,1) dB an ECHO CANCELER 1917 ‘Table |—Comman-channel introtice signaling continuity check (-94, ~66) dim, respectively. The release level in Table T ie not ‘modeled since a properly working echo canceler should not affect i In addition tothe transeciver level variations, the VPa tone level is affected by the tmo-eny antolite unk lose the check loop, and the fcho eanoeler at the distant office. The safollite trunk is a class of {nvertallerunks with 0B inserted connected los which is specfiod to bbe normally isteibuted witha standard devieton of eround 0.7 o 08 AR. The chece loop is speci to have a lose of 0 0 dB, ‘This ‘aviation i small and wil bo ignored in the following study. The effect ofthe echo eancolorroquires detailed consideration. In discrete-time notation, Uhe nearend wpeech detector inhibits updating the echo canceler risers at time A if yb 1) >% max stk—I—n} for 015255, Ut) ‘here the notations are given in Pg. L' At an &le sampling ente, On = 127 implies using a 16-ms topped delay line adaptive digital ‘ver to model the echo path, while ©2255 mewn thal onc nea ‘end speech is detected, the detector continues declaring its presence for the hangover time of 52 ms. The factor of one half is based on the ‘esuumption that there willbe atleast a 8 los through the hybrid ‘During the continuity check, che vea tone is leoped back so the near ‘end speech detector finds chat, (1) is satisfied and thus inhibits Updating the registers. The echo eanceler wl partially cancel the yea Dulion ofthe whole telephone network ianot known, The only available BERL data, us shown in Fig. were mono at the Pittsburgh Feionsl Centar in Uhe second Ball of 1978 during the fil evaluation of domestic watelive.” These meusurecaenls are wot inconsistent with revoualy reported echo pach and incecll unk loss Although the lone distribution was derived from che eatimated echo path frequeney reqponae aa averages over SN to IK) Ta, it will be aarumed to be the lose distribution forthe vPa (on, The demily function shown it 1318 THE BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL, SEPTEMBER 1991 To ETAT a Fig. 3 is consatent with » normal diseribution, except the small sucondary peal at about 5B. The following derivation turns out to be inlependent ofthe los ditsbution below 6 ‘The above modeling of the VA path can be used 10 predict eA failures which may generate various kinds of maintenance activities fecting trunks and eazrier groups There ar 12 tromks in each carier froup. I's truck fn a cartier group falls 4 VPA check, the call is Feattempted on another trunk ina different carrier group, while the fiat carrer group is vexaporarly tren nut of service, Several records: ECHO CANCELER 1918 Tater, « secon trunk in the Toekedaut cariar group i rundown selecied and checked for continuiy. Ifthe second trunk aleo fal a Sofeware carrier group alarm (suc) is generated for maintenance accons. Ifthe second trank passes the check, the temporary lockout fn the frst camer group is lensed und the initially failed trunk is rechecked Ii fis wg, w single rank Lockout (tt ts generated for maintenance. The probability of getting a VPA failure is derived in ‘Appendix A. The probability of renerating wn 6 iver ia Appendie 1B. The probability of generating seu cannot be analyzed since the to failed trunks which share identical facilities fom the awitehing afficos to tho eatallitecarch seations may be dependent. ‘hus, only the Upper and the iver bounds of The probally of rea are oboe i Appentix ©. li, DISCUSSION OF RESULTS lures 410 7 show the results obtained in the appendivcs, During thw UPA chock, the estimated ache 2) in Fig. 2 is aso 1 ing Trequency tore at 2010 Fh, Tee amplitude aval phase deperd on the ZEPRE of the last eal. Por the woracnse, 6 my select on the Teoped back tone (0) varkes from 83 dR he toes add vont tively) to 6 dB Gi the tones add dexcuccively). With the. Rem. distsibuton given in Wig. , the effec of the echo canceler on aay VF4 tone level follows the density function shown in Wig, 4, Thi denaty has a mean value slighty larger thom zu; Ubal is, Ue expected effect the erho eanceler isto ineveate the tan Tove lightly. "This fc sis + Poobaiiy Coe ano of eof ie alr nthe Ea tae 1920 THE BELL SYSTEM TECIINICAL JOURNAL, SEPTEMBER 1981 ‘ube expected sinoe che resultant za ont contains the powers of wn Sinaacids2(@) and #() with random relative phases as opposel to the Single sinusoid 0) without the echo cancclr. However, the reducing ‘fect om the vea tone level hus a gresr impact because it can be at large aa ~6 dB. This is evident in Fi. 5, which shows that sing echo ‘anceler appreciably increases the probability of va failure. However, ECHO CANCELER 1321 i Bes i i i / iy. 6 Pray of lea sd the caleulations assume chat all cienits are working property and ‘wiehout outside interferences. Votre path msmurance fallures ext be ‘generated by carrier glitch, fading, and many ather causes. Tiitel sumpling performed during the spring of 1980 in several No. 4 uss ‘offices not equipped with an echo eanceler yielded ven fallure rates ranging from 0.5 % 10" to 2.7 % 20", with a sample mean of 5.0 % 10-"! "Thece are of che same order of magnitude af the caleulated probability of vea failure with echo eanceler, suming the satellite trunk standard deviation ia between 0.7 to 08 dB, Therefore, if the 1922. THE BELL SYSTEM TEGHNICAL JOURNAL, SEPTEMBER 1081

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