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BSTJ 60: 7. September 1981: Digital Signal Processor: Power Measurements. (Favin, D.L.; Yorkgitis, D.P.; Cordray, S.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 60: 7. September 1981: Digital Signal Processor: Power Measurements. (Favin, D.L.; Yorkgitis, D.P.; Cordray, S.)

Digital Signal Processor: Power Measurements By S. CORDRAY, DB. L. FAVIN, and D. P. YORKGITIS (Menecigt ocmvod January 7 1981) Power meararenent fundamental to transmission quality testing ‘This mansurement need is extend ln signals represented by digital bit stmams, Accurate and precise mesurementa oer a AaB range have been maite using the digital signal processor. One algorithm thot has heen used measures the power of five longs sample se ‘quences, A serandl algorih yields periodically updated power mere Srements of infndels dang ample sequences, but with slightly in Created mansurnment ripple and frequenee restrietan. Thewretial ‘tpwettiona for memsurement caritton de te feed-langth meastre nents of notse power are also ascusset The messurement of power ia fondamental to transmission quaicy testing, Puwor measuremena of single tones, puch as che sulla tank, arr nat bo adjust tramamsion level. Mutiple-tone power sicnsremens are abel in nonlinear distortion testing. Hxazyples of Dower measurements of bendlimiced noe age retnrn-lons sa C veaige wished noise measurements Thir paper gives an overview, asses the theoreti accuracy sad precision of dig nese power measurements, and presents some eralte us Uhe digital sgl provessor (ne) ASSO fo making power sensurements The meusurement of power will be presented following the block diygraor af Fgc 1. Shue the Hncensing signal ie generally encoded for Tic compresiom, the sgnal samples Here must be decoded 20 lias somes /™ Salt a ae ‘ape ee ZX cama em The decoded digital signal is scaled and pasted chrough « digital arate a i ca ah mar neice tt teh se Tinta pe kaye yah wich Ea canteen ana a aC Run, ap whens 2 wveraging ierval, 0 = analog geal, Sul = the poweredenety epectram, ate Fi = autocorrelation function a ero lag, Le, the de component oft “The res integral ing, (1) is implemenced as n Fig. 1: the second, ax in Fig, 2, Implementation of ce latter is not scursed in this pape. “To comute the frst integral, the semple valves must be squared. 28 indicated in Fig. 1. Two diferent sethuek wf deleraning the power Jrorn the square i were use "Tan fist metho isthe stmnightforwaed spprogeh, HF the incoming 1674 THE BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL, SEPTEMBER 1301 eae Minn on eteae ernen a re deans an oa in ee at ee gan Aes Ii, THEORETICAL PRECISION OF NOISE POWER MEASUREMENTS In this section the rise power mestureent precision that ‘theoretically possible by digitl power measurements presented.” POWER MEAGUREVENTS. 1678, Consider the fini ut of rise samples ns, ms, -..ms-y- The ae passer sof these N samples is express w » has aan See a hein oer 7) be we ea eat teal ye TASTE at 10g? tn ong? ca, ‘whte Pacis any reference power? The following analysis ascumes that the nose ia Gatun, bul resus ate in ost cases applicable to other types of noite (oie, auinlvny or coding noise) ‘Arwume the noiso sample nj to De an independent, zeru-mean, Gaussian roreors variable sith finite variance a! Then Py(N) is an x estimate of of, with expected value = NT? 6 (op Ret, 2), To the accuracy required for the ma program, B,(N) is effectively an unbiased totimate fr 97> 100, Fora ive dy, eq becomes PAM gig ° cM toe, <i © AO PAM < oO, o Now ifthe probability density function fla) of Pal) ean he found, then the prohability PY) of aciafying the inequality (5) is <a}-[ kode 1p Appendix A che density function is derived along with tho proba- bility: The role Pika can = [Sa ” where 1676. THE BELL SYSTEM TECIINIGAL JOURNAL, SEPTEMBER 1951 Pan o 10 oe 7 Whog fp , N> an b= SOW — ENT, and - RTT, = TW or a graphical representation of eq (8) see Fig. 2. For example, with 4500 samplos the probability thatthe nose power measurement preci son is within +2 dR is 8 poreont. To meet standard specifications for noise and signal power measurements: N was chosen to be 40, Yielding a precision of 10 dB. 1v, TEST RESULTS ‘The abilicy to messure power precisely with both the wa and se schemes can be nen by comparing BA and nou measurements with ‘the aomal signaltowquanticig noise vation (suns) of ideally-encoded sine waves a¢ levels ranging from 3 to ~64 dBm. Such encoded ine ‘waves have inheront quanthing noise frequency ecmponents acrose the soiceband range of frequencies To make se measurement, che (Crrotched and C-messge filters are generally used. POWER MEAGUREMENTS 1677 ‘The C-notehed filer i actully two cascaded fers, each imple- mented with three casraded, scond-order sections. The fat ier, tho (Comessage filler has approximately unity gai frm 100D <0 2500 Fa, tied ie attenuation increnes gradually on either side ofthe passband 0.54.7 4B at 60 Hl to 18.7 dB at d800 He. The vecond fiver, the hotch filter, fs designed for wanton nf more than 50 dB trom S88 ina Ha. The frequency reso uf Ue digital C-notehod filer was Inetaured by both the RAM weasutetient ontine And hy an snelog power meter. The rene, inited by quantizing nice, appear i Fig 4 “To determine the xR uf ae encoded signal between 1004 and 1020, Ha, the Cmossage weighted meamarement muget be subtracted from the Conotched menmureient. Hy means ofa real-time developmental fool the parstare, st mesaurement were made with the BA and ENP Prograns using ideal, encoded sine waves al 10154625 Ha. The ua and at? measurements yickded a any of 9.3 dB, which was within the theoretical nol power measurement precision, In. Fig. 5, che BA Gerive sms ace plotted against the actnl NR Tn order to retain significant bits at low power levels, the programs swore motified when the tot signal powers Wore below ~27 dBm. After [Hovlnear conversion, sample values fro signsls above ~27 dim in Dower were divide! hy 4, while sample values fromm signals below ~27 fhm in pawer were multiplied by 8 ‘The new can be programmed co ‘hoose the appropriate cain “Racauee of quantizing nose, the maximum sw je approxima a 4B, Thos the nusiinum ast in Fig 3s comparable to the quaetizing ise Noor of Fi 4 P — sessmnw wtaanacarmmnnes Se a 41678 THE BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL, SEPTEMBER 1981 i Ay i ‘Two reliablo methods for measuring power with che bse have been presented: the BA upproach, and che usw approach. Roth of the lpptoaches, when eramined mathematically, have no significant bias in their expected values. ‘The accuracy, theefnr, is at goo the sigtal samples representing the signals being messured. “The precision of signal power, noise power, and SND moasuraments were investigated. Digital signal processing measurements of those parameters showed that: {ib Te general, signal power messuremente were precise to withia, o1aB. (ia) With appropriate scaling, sxx measurements were proche 19 thin 0.6 a over 6-di range (iti) Block-averauing noise power measurements all ell within the coca Fite Tithe Ri program, feu in the range 8D to 2090 Ha vilded measurement ripple less than 40.1 dF, anl frequencies ia the range ‘50 to 8070 He yielded ripples leas than 40.2 dB, Those measuremente ‘were made wich an au convolution having a 8 ent wl 2.489 Ha, Horrever chese ripples were about tie as large a Une measurement ripples from the Ba progrst, ‘Twa advaneages of ue over ua are compactness of code nnd ally to update « measurement LS times soften. Prequel updating may ‘id in identifying particular types of problems and, hence, ald in robles svetonalization APPENDIX A Tn he fllowiey analysing, the prafebiiy densicy function of Pa) is prevented and sed Lo Fl, in compulatle For, Use probability that the ae noise power P(N} ia within some 5, (in dB) of the nine “Recall the definition of se noise pore: pu -2 {As a result of assumptions hat nis 2evo-min, Gass random ‘ariable with fnile varus othe probity denlly function of BAN) tsce Ref is 0) = ae i as UNV TN — 13/2] ® which ea ohi-aquare derily, Herc, the probity PC ) hal PAN) in-wichin , of the actual noise power is (poms ava <a a (ae Using the satittion # = Ven orn 2a ning 23 — soto 2", <6} Por N > 8, this probability can be expressed in term ofthe nena protic integral? [ Pal <o}ef a) og 0 me Pa where to SIOPRN aaa 1680 THE SELL SYSIEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL, SEPTEMBER 1981 and he ay iq, (8) ond Fig 9 in Une tux fll Derivation of EMP ‘The result of passing an analog signal») hrough wn analog Seer with impulse rorponse gis Pf), where Pin [sta 09) Let be the sampling period ofthe digital signal y(n, or yn for ‘short The rele of passing y(n) chrougl dlghal filer with impulse response hl) is Pin), where Pin) ~ 3 y4onin — 2, us) ‘An analog, istonder, lowpass iter wes — ‘where7 ie the time constanc of te ter Such filler has AB cutaft feQan) "He Ifthe impulse invariance Ain) = gin is ured to form an euivalent digital ter the corresponding impulee responce bs a n=O, a where 1 is the sampling period. Because of sampling, aliasing ix Tntredared, bat che effects ofthe aliaged components are uegligile i the eutt!fequenes is low. For ease in notation, lt m ~ Yr, From cx. (14) wl (18), Pw Eyunnin a, Pn) = 3 vile on rove this a simple recursive relationship for Pin can he develope POWER MEASUREMENTS 1681 Pint be Mya TA 45) Ponte" Pin) + Ayn $0 43) Ivey, (19), should be chosen to ensure unity gin at de. To determine Ale she ‘which implies that P02) i a geamolric series Pini ab 3 ey hich approaches L for n apnmsching infinity if = 1 ~ e, ‘The EMP power measurement Pin} ean, Unus, he abcained by the recursion formals Pin) =e Pln = e LeMy, 23) where me = Tr Ifthe range of the sind power to be measured is lange and no awlomatic gain control is £0 be used, then some double precision Urichmetic hes ta he done to aave the Weaslsgificant ita resulting fom sums and products. In particu, the result of squaring the inpt amples nearly doubles the numberof sgnficanc bits in the accumu- Tator. Therefore, all ite remulting from sang should be saved. In ‘nition, sate whic fllown che aquaring, sould beimplemonted with Alouble precision. "This implementation is fasicaved by repeesenting e°*, which is nearly unity for a low cutoff fraqueney, by I~ 2", where # is an integer. The time constane + ik re oPint 2") wn 19 ma; and the 3-dB eulolf i 2.80 Ha, which yields For R= 97 1082 THE BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL, SEPTEMBER 108

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