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BSTJ 60: 7. September 1981: Digital Signal Processor: Design of the Assembler. (Semmelman, C.L.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 60: 7. September 1981: Digital Signal Processor: Design of the Assembler. (Semmelman, C.L.)

Digital Signal Processor: Design of the Assembler By ¢. L. SEMMELMAN (tonsil receive June 13,1960) In cation to the features normally provided by assemblers, the Aigitl signal processor assembler hanes the moltistatoment er instrustion format required 8 a pipelined machine and provides Several other eapabilites required by the digital signal processor Uirhitectar In deseriBing the monmer in which Phie was accom lished, more attention is devoted to matters of interest to Bw ser of ‘he assembler and les its internal construction. The wee of tex” lorie the purser subvontina i described, and possible future en Fancemente are disinsaed. An example illutrates the digital signa [processor oswmble' input language and ite outputs |. wrropucTION ‘The assembler for the digital signal proceswor (n8rl, as for any proceson, converts programs written in a symbole language into the ‘omeeponding machine language, and provides various convenionce feature for we by the naP programmer "The architecture of the ue? i designed for & maximum speed of ‘operation in aplicstions which differ markedly from those of ordinary ‘computers. Asa raul, the DSP assembler contains features which are Unique eo this ws application. the assembly Tangunge lve, Chis results in a complex programming langunge, which the programmer ‘ust understand thoroughly in order to produce correct and efficient programs The asembler of course, rust neeepl every legal instruction fn this input lenguage and produce machine language roreeaponding to every operation in the DsP repertoire, This language differs from standard assembly lingyinge in vers] major respect, a described below. 1403 1 ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES OF THE DSP AND THEIR EFFECT ON JHE ASSEMBLER DESIGN “The nsw hus a number of unusual architectural features which ae the design of the assembler. Following an averview, thes Features are described froma user's point of vi und (sir eflecix an the assem bers design and operation are discosied. Pov wal! give a move complete description ofthe machine urcilecture 2.1 Overew of BP arentecture ‘The nap contains 024 wands of Ichi wont memony for program Morage nm 128 words of -bit atesnemory for data The processor fontaine a (6. by o-bi imceger matiplier whose nurpu ted neo a {40bi¢ integer accumulator. From there, daue muy be seal wo a 20-bit 1 registr, before being sent to storage or ack to the multiplier for Farther enlelation Tata utare Hed rng bi tr, sth automatic serial parallel eamversionsid external yehronization ‘Tho psp has four kinds of special purpose resisters including five rogisters for inline. aresng nf dts lina sal Dresing, 10 lowed), four rioters for increments al ening, te Tar sein, the Ds ground rules, and others for instruction counting, return Ideas stro, synch anata slats tut, A separa elder is une co Increment the adresses stove inthe indict aeesing registers "The mili, accumulator, w register, and data storege functions tne separately programmed and contrlled by differen fields in the tachi language sora. There sre Gro different clase of instructions fvichmetie and ilar, and they maxe diflerenc une of some of che bits of the nachine language word. The ose ater the value of ane a the instraction elds to chacinguish between the to classes. Arith rmetial instructions occupy only one machine ward and may specity thatthe next machine word contains a numencal value for immediate put to the mulipher Awsilinry insirarbun aasapy two machine swords and bts in the second word farther listings between ai ‘metial suilary and won arithmetical nilaey stcasnes, 22 Pipeline arcitoctra ‘The one “pipeline” refers to the fae thac the progessr hn several hardware components which perform diferent aperations simular fualy and past data fom nne component wo the next as trv ne, In the ost, these components nee a multiplier, an accumulator, the 3 register and memory. Dat Mowe from the multiplier tothe scr lator, then 10 the w register and to morage, sch of the hardware components is under the rommandl of @ specific group of its in the Instruction, which veleets the exact operetion coe perforin wa of the group svalable ta the particular component. Figure 1 shows how the pipeline fuse ns,‘ column orresnna to the hardware compen, rd the coms eo instructions ‘shies re executed sequenciall in ime. Data move diagonally, Hac component fan sceept snd process dala in exch instruction eyete, if commanded, tooo, Although i takes four evles for dats ty rugres araugh all four components the DSP accepta anew inpul ngument and prndices ‘nm output each instruction eyele. Thisinersse Ih data processing speed appreciably. For each instricton, the sazembler mast acvopt up to four state ‘ments one fir each hardware component, a combine the eure sponding hit patterns to form the complete instruction, The sialements ‘re usually writron in the le-tosight sequence down in Fig. a8 this ‘encourages the follwing interpretation: i) Store the present contents of the w or ¥)ruater fe) Roload the W register from the sceurnulacer, (ia) Reload the accumulator using the peewnt contents of the puviuc riser lie) Calenlntoa now product fom the «any argumence specified, An insrueson curing Four such seacetnents sight be otda yw ta po smb-ibuty NON 2.3 Advanced fetches of x and y ldo The x and 3° Gols io w_HSP instruction spay the two inp arguments to iv multiplier, The sources far ve xan da mt he specified in the insirition that in fetched two cyclen before the lnstraction that eperates om the daa. The amemblar accepts the and {source apeciications om the sone lin asthe operation (as shove in the previous example) andl then “skews” Uw: ls unex snd y fields of ‘the inetretion tn instrntions pervious The four statement iatroe: tion shown above wld appear is machine language asin Fig 2. 24 Instruction fatched two eyetes before execution Each instruction ia fetched from read unly memory (Row) Iwo evelon befor it nexcented This allows cme to dacode the remsiaing instruc= tinn fies before exaeution begins, IE his only revlled in a tworevele time delay between fetching un inwirue iu aed executing i, program thurs would be able 0 ignore the delay completely. Tafortonatels, Ihomever, hie delay in execucion azo applies co ump instructions. The two inseueriona that fallow a jump are ulrly in the operating Inardoare when the jump takes effect and Une kh wl affect ineerueciors thac fellow che jump. They nay lifer irom the x and y feds thst woul! I fehl ifthe jump destinacion were reached by normal progracn vounter inceementing. elds x1 and v1 and fields x3 and yin Fig. d Both refer lo the esise operstion instruction located at the destination ‘The current version ofthe assembler cewot determine if there two seve of and » fields should be alike if sey tay be dierent. "Phe Programmer mist wtwwir this question. The assembler teas and Teporte a differance a4 warning sang oth the advanel Fetching af the x and y fielde descibod above and this inalruction fetching in advance of execution vat forme nf Pipelining, nd they erate problems quite unlike those ener in the writing of slarulard assemblers. 1498 THE BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL, SEPTEWSER 1901 oP N Te 25 Other hardware toaturoe ‘The other hardware features mentionell shove cause few probletsa for he wsembler and even eliinate some of the anual anniier fonetions. Input and outpi. ave Intel ay if they neve to srornge Incations The special purpose zeisters appear in the source progeat only s0 be Josded with a constant. When they ane ined lor uur horpnaee a key urd, which also specifier che upptivation, conceals Une ilemiiers, Even statements specifying ailiwetical uocrations do no: have ta Ibe nly me hy suvumbler recognizes the entre ‘xaterient and transite in «sinee bt pattern, Par extn, the is identified as ona key “nord” andl translated int Un bimery nucubor ‘A multiplication statement, euch a4 peered «ity, contains no key words, emt and ibufy, ich Iovome ID ane 198 ‘Maltpicacion ie implied! and there is 10 plate for Uno uruduct to 20 exept into the product register ao i need not he specified, 26 Summary ‘The ungsalarchitecwure ofthe PsP produces some strange resul Il in the asembler operation ania the appearance of eaures programs. The Frequent sof key words unl hw prohibition of aire Addressing cinshine tn nike variable runes almost diseppear from, The source progr The oly use is lo prime regetere for indirect DESIGN OF THE ASSEMBLEN 1487 suldressing. Pipelining lao helps to concual he programmer’ intent ‘As a rel, source progunme are more difiealt 10 read and goed communis are more tmportane than in ies wseebly language pr crams IM, EXTERNAL FEATURES OF THE DSP ASSENBLER In the duels of the assembler, number uf poley questions ‘rete considered and aetled before program wrcing war atarted. Those ‘cisions ae discuased below 4 Environment for development and customer use ‘Because ofthe widespread ute ofthe LINEE™ ine sharing operating ater! et el Tabane no altetbacive wae given veriou eas tration, This choice make it ay for pragvansmers co prepare their Dev scunee language programs ining Uhe (INE text edicor store chem ‘files, and have the usttmbler pick them up fr proceesing, Ascembler Dutpal files van be Tsvedand ecaine for testing wth the CSP ire lator and can be cunverted ta prow oF Root mask formats 12.2 Specll DSP hardware festures "The programmer is ceguied ty plier the individual acarements which sake up an instruction, xo thal he pipeline operations will be performed on che correl cn. The progvantmner must also place jump eatemente properly athe newenbler doesnot advance them. by (0 instructions This ms cousidesed proper ae the programmer mst mn Alesana the offeste of ehe advanced andy el fetes "The mssembler oss advance the x and » fick: for he programmer. ‘Thic reuls in a thors readable 2ouroe program and eliminates ome ouros of pose rene in the assembler input, The wesebter also deduces, for the key waa found, which ofthe various ins.uetion ‘laos and sub-class Ove programmer is using 3.3 Input anguage characteristics “The input language ante resomblox that of the language C. Thit soiee was made becaute ming INP programmers were fair with tac lmguege “To fretate programming for people stho do not now the full nqemonie content of the C-like constructs, a at of threecharaclee Allornates ie avilable, Thus, a prouramnner has the choiee of entering cicher 18 HE BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL, SEPTEMBER 1951 lo mean “the quantity pointed to by the contents ofthe nx registr, \ehich is pose incremented by the conteals of reste 1.” ‘The astembler also provides a limited macro facility. Te permits w single instruction tscrs lo he defined and celled within tho eource Tangnoge input Ale. Argument aubetication is not implemented. For mare elaborate facticies, che programmer may use the Clangusee previncrssor, which allows multiinetruction capability, nesting of ‘iacrg, and argument eubatitution. 2.4 Hanatng of eran “The assembler report each errr in. rsye whith mppearson the ‘ous termina, Each errors clasefed us “fatal” ox "for fniroation,” and, where possible, each message contuins the number of the Tine in ‘he inp le where the error wats eel Any in error wil prevent ‘the writing ofthe ruom programming ile, and no error or combination ‘of errora is eapable of stopping the atcenbler before eveaches che end ‘oF the sure Be, Iv, IMPLEMENTATION POLICIES AND DETAILS "The programing methods decribed here were lected hecause Ly ware convenient in developing the ascembler and led lo goo quality code 47 One-pass assombler ‘Racause ao few variable nemes are expected inthe DSP prog seemed reasonable to tsstmble sm much ofthe program at posable on the fret pass aver the source file, This decision forces the programmer deine ronor Ife calling ther and ro assign variables to was starage befor referring Lo Lhe, whieh appear to he reasonable rstic- tions "The assembler handle labels in che following manner, Wher a labol “steition ie encountered, he assembler puts the memory adress and the current woot across it Tnlul sefetion table. When a abel reference i encounter he rsmnory adres and the Runs Ieation of the reference ate added lo alle of label roferencen AL. the end of the source program file, shy ssacnblor wines the Tad defiition Rom Tcations into the eareepoeving libel rofrnesTocations, Any ace fined references enue fal error 42 Organization of the DSP asaeriver Avery brief descripcion of che assembler is as follows: che eusin vegan calle the parzer, which is a subroutine written by "ex." Te fetuma value ilentilying He Laken fool Control pcs Mieugh then leveln of “atch” statements Ul of cle sehen the bls DESIGN OF THE ASSEMBLER 1480 corresponding to the token are moved into the machine wan, and me Mags are sel or vome table entree made. ‘hese aecions ane repeated until the end ofl i encountered. Then label references te reolved, output files written, and messages written forthe ure ‘The following paragraphs cloborais un Use bret description, but ail give only an overview ofthe ntl. wwe, Tables Though VII in the Appendis show the statemenma which may appear in each class fof inserucion and the tokens which ave permite in ear aalanient, Feference ta these tables may he bell ix reine the following paragraphs 42.1 Token ideniore “The numerical values used to ident the ern are vel raters ‘whote “hundreds” dint identifies n fly of tlns und wine “tens” Eni “unit digcs ineace the meraber of ct family. An wadition to Ue nine of tokens ahown in Appendix A, chere isu ality fay, ‘whose members are sexicolons label detinitions, macro sere, ont fd call, merical valve, comments, nas assignments, dimensions, fand subscripts, Some of these items are described more fully in Uke next ction, 4.22 bility tanetons Several members ofthe willy family are described below. Libel definitions have already heen dizeassed, nd rormnonts, dimensions, tind sulerigte do not need extensive coverage Semicolon. The semivulon is wae wo mask the end of each par instruction, [e appearance intints the clean-up after one instruc- tion nnd the prising required for Uhe met “42.2.2 Macros: start, ond, and call A mactu is dafined as in the following example: (Mnename xy a—p panies) hors ch races signal the sarod f the definicion. At che left Brave, the parser is called (yee Ive macro’ nana, whichis saved in a table, "The etatoment= in the macro are arsemblod in muero Uble location, rather than in theie Girl Rom pesition. The righ brace uses che aseinbly location to rover. w Une trial Row position, ‘Mentioning the name ofthe mero causes che eaved bits to be place {nthe proper pesition ‘The nar prograniner ean add addtional sate tents to she mncro efore the asinicolen eampletes etion on that “42.2. PAM volables. A xan assignment alert peat 8 fle lows: ram Z, ABC, TABLILIO} “Ths ley wor “Rave eases control In go to lack of code where 1490 THE BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOUHINAL, SEI'IEMBER 1981 cench voken is rad. The assembler ads each variable name, it dimen: ‘Sion which defaults co 1 andthe nay location assigned tof, oa table of uas variables, At the semicolon, contro etums tothe nora loop. 42.24 Numbers. Numbert may be used for several differen pur poses: as an immediate valuo to act ex the x inpu to w multiplication, fo build tabla in nox memory, to load a register, us a dimension in ‘ax variable definition or as a subocrpt in RaM variable rforonce ‘Ths, the processing ofa number depends an the concext of it use. 14.2.9 Flags and enor detection methods Fitteen iferent flags ate used in the assembler. Among their usas are recording the presence of « member from each family of tokons, the arithmetical ot suxiary clase of an instruction, nnd whether the Instruction occupies two wos words or one. The flags ure used in tests for comectness of the soures code and in steering the assembler "The teste for errors are quive thorough. They may include some ‘ess for errors which ean never occur, a it was eescr to include the lest than Lo prove the imposaibiey of the err. ‘The parser rules include one which detects any character which snot a letter, a number for one of che specified group of punctuation symbols. When such a character appears, a merenge to the waer ix sent and fatal ere recorded 4.24 The ie “sep.ioting® ‘This fle i the ourpuc medium by which the assembler communi ‘atoe its results w the Be? programmer. A sample of the ourput is “how in Fg, 6, The bles referring te macrog apd labele are prepare iniinlly wx mopacale lik Mea and lacer concatenated with the fle Containing the reminder, This fle ie prepared by rewinding end. ferending the input source program, matching each line vo the assem bed ode v, RESULTS ‘An assembler for usp programs hs been written and functions a8 scribed in the preceding parazraphs The assembler contains about DESIGN OF THE ASSEMBLER 1401 ig. 5-Dietlsg proce aarti cel sey 23500 lines of code nd commente and has heen in use for over 8 year ina wide variety of applications ta output has been used ap input to the simulator progeny, Tans, scaring eompaciiity Vi, FUTURE ENHANCEMENTS Enhancements to che DSP assembler fll into near-future and more remote-time categorie, Pi. 6—Dailal sigs acer is “tie” 1492 THE BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL, SEPTEMBER 1981

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