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CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS ISSUE John Augoson, Civlingenise (lectrcal Engineering), 1986, Tech: nical University of Denmark: M.A Se. (Slectrical Engineering), 195, University of Toronto; Bell Laboratories, 1958—. Mr. Aagenen was involved in early work on media characterization for © mllimetar ‘waveguide communications project. Later he worked in the area of Ccompucerized data acquiscon and analysis, Other activities include ‘characterization and fault location techniques for coaxial eable. Most recently he has been engaged in softwar: development for mierocon pter-consrolled facity terminal syatenie F. dames Angelo, Je, BS.EE, 1990, North Carolina State Uni- versicy: SM, 1948, Se, 1952, Massachusetts Tstite of Technology: Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, 1958-1968; Bell Laboratories, 1868. Throughout hit career, Mr. Angelo has been concerned pric sarily with the analysis and design of eloctronic cieuits. In recent years, he bas been engaged in the preparation of tutorial documenta tion for integrated sleetronie eieuits of various kinda, both analog and Agta, and thee appleatons, Memes, Tas Beta Py Bla Kappa Nu, Sigma Xi; Seniow Member, IEEE. Frank K. Barber, BS. 1974, MS. (Rlectical Engineering), 1996, Lshigh University; Bll Laboratones 1976—, At Bell Laboratariea Me Barbar has designed metal oxide temiconductor static and dynamic memories He bat also designod memory sactions for microprocessor Inogeatul circuits, and is eurronty designing an Mos static, dual-port at. Member, Ta Bela Pi, Bla Kapn No ‘Thomas J. Bartoli BS, (Blectrenl Engineering), 1974, Lafayette Cllege: Bell Laboratories, 1985— Since joining Bell Laboratories, Mr ‘artali bas becn involved in the design of digital bipolar intograced ézeuts, For the past four yours, he Is ben involved in the design of figital meal-oxide semiconductor very-largescale-integration cleus or digital signal processing applications. David A. Berkey, BILE, 1961, ond Ph.D. (Applied Physic), 1066, Cornell University; Bell Laboratories, 1988, Sco 1975, Mr. Beckley thas been uypervsor of Electroacoustics and Acoustic Signal Processing Jn the Acoustics Research Deparment. His research has included ‘work on nenlinear speech procesing, hearing, echo suppression, and hands-free telephone conferencing Roy B. Blake,sdr., HS.EL, 1940, North Carolina State University, MSE, 1962, Duke Univenity; Bell Laboretriea, 1900—. In his carly work Mr. Blakw was engaged in the design of various hixh- ‘mrlormance digital magnetic reenrding device. He thon spent several sears engaged in tsintennnce nnd diagnostic software desig for lange ‘computer ayetema, He is currenily supervisor af « group respuosible Torche analysis and desin of both vie ae data transmission systems ver setalliceables, Member, Pla Kappa Nu, Tau Beta Pi. James R, Boddic, HSER, 1971, Auburn University: SM. und EE, 1973, Massachinetts Inbiute of Technology; PhD. (leciical Engineering) 1976, Aubum Univesity; Bll Laboratories, 1976, Mr. ode joined Tall Tahorateriae as a Poat-Loctural Fellow in the Acoustics Rrstarch Deparemene where he implemented a dlereverher fon algorithm on aq array processor. In 1877, he became a member Of the technical staf n the Signal Processing und Trveqrated Circuit Design Department. He was a architect and circuit designe forthe dtl signtl proceso integrated circuit. In February, 1860, he became supervisor ofthe Digital Sgnal Prucssing Group Anthony C, Rolling, A.B. Physics and Mathematics), 1965, Piet. fr College; PhD. (Phytiesi, 197 Virginia Palyvechnic tive; Bell Laboratories, 1970. Mi, Bolling is numhor ofthe Pacey Terminal Exploratory Tevelopment Department. Hia eal work concerned tnulpical sles nf Soice-Fequency trunstission systems Since 187% his interest has been inthe explorsvory development of new types of ioofrequeney eanemiccion systems Milorad K. Burie, Dipl. Fg, 1971, University of Belgrade, Yugo shavia; MSELE, 1975, PhD., 1978, University of Minnesots; Bell Laboratories, 1778, Mr, Buri haz dane rescare in nonlinear system ‘theory, digital signal processing, and cempuler architectures fr ree time speech procesing. His curent interests include algorithms for ‘erg-lange-seale integration stuccues in sponch processing and pat ‘tem recognition Steven P. Cordray, HS, (Bnyimsring Phosies), 1977, University of Oklahoma: M.S. (Bletrical Eraineering), 1979, California Institue ff Technologs; Bell Laboratories, 1098-2061. Mr. Cordray has rom pleted work on « mieroprocestorcontrelled cast set. Thu Lest se ix fesigned to access digital pubwerode modulated sigals on digital ‘ransision faites, He snow employed by Schlumberger. Member, "Tan Hota Pi 1704 THE BELL SYSTEM /EGLINCAL JOURNAL, SEPTEMBER 1981 Ronald E, Crachiere, #5. (Hletrral Engineering), 1867, Misa koe School of Engineering: MS, 1966, und Ph.D. (Eleccrical Ri neering), 1973, Massachusetts Tetile of Technology; Bell Labora tories, 1974.— Mr. Cruchiere was employed hy Raytheon Company {rom 1968 to 1870, In 1970, he rotarmed tothe Maeachuscts Insite ff Technology to euntinue graduate acdies forthe doctorate and, at the same time, he became 4 member of the Research Talwratory of [Electronica At Bell Laboralorien, he jined the Acoustics Rreearch Department where he has heen ineulved in researc in decimacion and interpolation. aub-ban and transfer costing of speech, andthe wi urement of digital speech quality, In 1876, he received the TREE “Acoustics, Speech, nd Signal Proeossing (ASSP) Avrard for his paper fon decimation and inwrpolation vf digital signals. Mr. Crochiere i Secretary Trowsurce of ASSP's visony Connmitiee and a member of its Terhmital Comvaitton on Digital Signal Processing, He served for ‘mo years ms technical editor on dial signal processing for ASSP Travanctions Gobind T. Daryanani, BSEE, 1963, Caleutta Universit MSBP, 168, Virginie Polysechnie Tesitute: PRD.E, 1969, Mich igan State University; Bell Laboratories, IO—. Mz. Daryanani has ‘worked on acive filters, dgial sina processor, an lightwave com ‘uniestious syseras, He is currensly supervisor of the Lightwave ‘Creuits Group and response for Ins development of reencrators fd pica ee ts Ismail. Kldumiati, BSE, 1952, Alexandria University, Reypt MSEE. 1960; MS. 1968, PLD. (Physics), 1970, Universicy of Mich- ‘gan; Boll Leboratorie, 1972. filly, Mr, Eldamiat worked on the fault-locating syscem of the TEM high-speed digital transmission sys. tum. Prom 1974 to 1976, he worked on high-epeed bipolar integrated sireuits Between 1977 and 1978, be ovas an atchitect al ecu Alesigner far the RELLMAC-¢™™ mierocomputer, En duly, 178, he Joined he Digital Sigaal Processing Group, wher hw worked on the design ofthe digital signal processor family. He i currently supervisor ofthe Digital MOS Cieuits Group Robert L. Farah, BSE, MSR.E, 1977, Polytechnic tncituie of New York: Bll Laboratories 1977—, Mz Farah initially worked on the desin of gical ltrs for wee ns mqualizers and echo cancelers for rmetalle spodal service cireuite Subeeqwonty, be develoned laboraiory test assem he ely of digial abd apled data filers, Presently, he is engegel in lowelit-rate voice studies. Meunier, Pa eka Pi E13 Kappa Nu, CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS SSuE_ 1705 David 1. Favin, SME, 1952, Massachusetts Insitute of Tech nology: BSF, 1950, University of Pennsylvania; Bell ‘Telephone Laboratories 1952—, Mr, Favin haa designed transmision measuring equipment inehiding microwave sweepers; envelopeaieay distortion Inenwuring sets impulse tite meararing tees, wee) microprocessor Controlled, FFT-based measuring eyetoms He holds 22 patents, Mem ber, Pta Kappa Nu, Sigma Pei, Tau Dela Pi James L. Flanagan, BS, (Electrical Engineering), 1888, Misi snp Seave Univenitys MS. 1950, Se, 165, Massachusetts Instibute Of Technology, Bell Taboratoriee, 1987. Mr Flanagan is Head, Acoustics Research Department. Ie has project responsibilities for igial voice encoding, apeecl seongnitinn and synthesis, lero lie spon, and transducers. Member. National Acsieny of Engi- news Ronald L, Freyman, AT. (Aworiate Electrial Technology, 1962. Pennsylvania Seate University: Aatro-Blecronies Division of RCA Corporation, 1962-1968 Hell Tahoratories, 868—. Mr. Preyman vrorked in mwetabonide semivomluctor design and customer service Drgonizetiona before he wax negmed to the digital signal processor proien Renato N. Gadens,Injeniero Civil Hlocticis, 1960, Universidad, de Chiles MSIE, 1962, University of Pitsburgh; PLD. (Electrical Bnginering), 1972, Liiversiey of California at Los Angeles. Mr. Gatien: has dane research wl teaching on ncwork theory, automatic Coniral ay applied to clecrie machines, und computer-aided design [Atlee jomning Bell Lalratores in 1979, he ws enaged in sensivity ‘alysis and design of ative filter, and the developmnent of soRwnre for testing mieroprocessor ryatems, More reeenly, he becart inier= fated in igi sgval processing ad wi a member of de Lear Use conceived, fein and tested the xia signal processor. Mr. Gadenz is pretenty@ member of local stafFin the Sigal Processing and Integrated Citcuit Design Deynrtment. Member. IEEE, TREE CAS Society Jack A, Grant, Centfcste (Electronics Industrial Technology 1468, Ward Technical Tneitute; AAS, [Bletronice Engineering Tesh nologs 1974, County Collegeof Morr, B.S. (Flectonies Basincoring: ‘Techrology), 1977, Tventon Stats College; Bell Laboratori, 1968 ‘Mr. Grant init worked in che military ystems ares uni 1969. He then send four years ince L SAP, Mineman LOBM. electronic 1706 1HE BELL SYSTEM TECHMICAL JOURNAL, SEPTEMRER 1951 maintenance. Heturning co Bell Lahoratories in 1972, he came involved im digital intagrated cicuite including evaluation, design, eli, tea ier lenig, and lic and iming simulation. Member, TEER. Noggchally S. Jayant, B.Sc. (Physics and Mathemaries), 1982, Myrore University; BE., 165, and Ph.D, (Rlecries! Communication Engineering) 197 Indian Inttute of Seicnco, Bangalore; Research Associate at Slanfont University, 1297-1968; ell Laborstvies, 1965. Mr, Jayant was. visting scientist a the Indian Institute of Science 1972 and 1975. He has worked in the field of digital coding and ‘tanamission of waveform, with special reference to ral xpeech ‘communicetiona, He is also editor of the IEEE Reprint. Rook, Wave jarm Quantization and Coding. James D, Johnston, 8. (lectresl Engineering, 1975, and MS, (Electrical Engineering, 1976, Camogie. Mellon University Bell Lab coralares,10TB—. Me, Johnaion ina meaber of the Avausties Research DDeparcmenc. His research interests inchide wide and narrow band width waveform coding techniques, fsa snl digital processors, Anslog-to-igicel ond digital-to-analog techniques, the beluvier of ‘ulaptation mechanisms in adaptive pulee-eode modulation apd adap- tive dierent! putseeode modulstion. and analog cicuit design. He has published in TEE Trans. Commun, inthe J. of Audio Bug. Soe In conference Yecors ofthe Tat. Coton Commun, and Int Conf. 0 Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, and in IEE Bleetron. Late ‘Member, Audio En Soe. Jack Kane, B.S. (Faineerny), 1988, University of California, Loe Angeles: MAS, (Electrical Engineering), 1969, Stanford Univers: Hell LLaborerories, 1968. From 1000 to 1971 Mr. Kane worked! with the US. Publi Health Service, National Institace af Health, Rethesta, ‘MD. In 1971 he orumed to Hell Laboratories, where he was involved until 1976, From 1076 o 1978, Mr. Kane was involved in catalog metal- oxide semiconductor (0s) memory design. Since 1976, he has een favolved in evslom Moa Lt design, Present, Me. Kane i eupervisar ‘fan tat design group. Member, Tau Be 13, IEEE. Robert N. Kershaw, AT. (Bleelronic Technology), 196%, Temple University: BS. (Blecrical Bagincering) 1963, Lafayette College: M.S, (leetrical Bngincering|, 1972, Lehigh University, Bell Laboratories 1863 In his curly work, Mr. Kershaw was involved with developing CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS ISSUE 1707 ‘magnetic materials and magnesie memory desies. From 1968-1970, ‘Mz, Kerchaw was with Leeds and Nordhrup where he design inst entation systems. He relurned co Bell Laboratories in 1970 and designed disilal bipolar custom integrated cteuits, as wel as digital dos integrated circuits for the digital signal processor. He is currently {aupervisor in the Silicon Inteprated Circuit Design Depariment. ‘Member, Bus Kappa Nu, Tau Beta Fi, Phi Bets Kappa. Joseph Kohut, A.A 8, 1962, Capitol Intinteof Technology; Fair leigh-Dickinyon University 1865-1987; Bell Laboratories, 1952—. At Ball Laboratories, Mz, Kohut has worked on undervater systems and in television spatems. Hy x presently working in acoustics research in the design af haxdware for syndhedzing epooch and musi. Carol A. MoGonegal, B.A. (Mathematics) inson Univerity, MLS. (Computer Seienee}, 1877, ‘Technology; Bell Laboratories, 1967 —. Ms. McGonegal isa member Gf the Acmsties Research Dersrrmenc where she has worked on problems in digital filter design, digital spooch processing, computer Yolee responae, and speaker verifeation Joseph P. Olive, BS. ond MS. (Physi), 1464, Universi of Chicago, PRD. (Physies), 1968, University of Chicngiy M.A. (Musi Composition, 1962, Univesity of Chicag; Bell Laboratories, 1969— I-P. Olives work at Bell Laboratories hus conten on various prob lems of speech synthesis, Nadia Suchs, B.S. (Electrical Engineering), 1978, Polytechnic In stitute of New York, MSE. (Bloctrical Engineering), 1979, Prineston University; Bell Laboratories, 1974. Mrs. Sache has worked on ‘various applictions of digital signal proceing Charles L, Semmelman, BLE, BSe. (Physic), 1998, Ohio State University: Bell Telephone Taboratris, 1840-1942 and 1848 Signal ‘Corps Kngineerng Laburatories, 1942-1946, Mr, Sommeliman has been ‘engoged inthe dsign of ters and equalizers and supervised a group ‘which developed computer prograns for the analysis, symhesiy and ‘optimization of transmission networks and systoms, Ho is eureentiy tergaged in high-level simulation and compiler development. Associate, Signa Xi Member, Tau Beta P, Fla Kappa No, Pi Mu Bpeilon, Sigma Prima. 4708 TIE RELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL, SEPTEMBER 1901 slohn $. Thompeon, SRE. 1962, BSF.P. 1863, Lehigh Unive. iss MSEE, 165, PhD, 1967, University of Rochester, Rel Labo. Mr. Thompson har heen invalver in research on sIurithms end archilecsie for digital signal process and on py Jems in cighal switching and signal encoding. Ie is curently engaged in sities of digital techniques amall business communication ae ‘eons, Member, Bes Kappa Nu, Twa Hata Dy, Phi Meta apps, Signa IEEE, James Tow, RS, 1060, M.S. (Flectricel Kngineering), 1962, ant PhD. (hectic Baginoering! 165, Universcy of California, Berkeley Tell Laboratories, 1360—. Mr. Tow has been concrred wich compnter. sided network analysis and design and with the implememation of practical active flues for telecrmnmenieation systema He i current fnjrged in the application of digital signal processing teebnigue 1s signaling aystems. Member, wa, Bea Kopp Ne, Pi Beta Kappa, John W. Upton, BS. (Blctrcal Kagineeting), 1974, Ceruoge ‘Mellon University; Western Bleetsis, 1971-1972, Dell Laboritures 1972. AL Waster Blecrie, Me. Upton worked on the development ff the processor unit of the CLA-1 computer aed by the Safeguard Srstem, Sines joining the Acouares Rissarch Depiriwent st Bell Talwmlries he has designed computer interfaces aml suppor: equi tent. His present work involes the datign af micrepruceci-bneed ‘hardware for digital signal processing. Member, TEER. Stephen M, Walters, RE, 1974, Aulnam University M. PhD, (Elecineal Engineering), 1977, Viginia Polytachnie Insite and Suate Universcy; Bell Laboratories, 1477, At Hell Laboratories DMs, Wallens has been engaged in dasign nnd davelopmnent of the digi Skowl procsstor nse) ond ict supporting develaymneat aytem, ‘aMWTATE, He is presently supervinr of the Peripheral Control Gro concern] with digital trina forthe No, 4 Esa, Member, IEEE, Phi Kappa Phi, Bea Kappe Nu, Sigma Xi David P. Yarkgitie, BS, (Matbemati), 1877, Carnegie-Mellon University; M.S. lecrcal-Rismadicel Enyincoring!, 19%, Camegin: ‘Melinn University; Mell Lahoraories, 970 Vie. Yorsgtis ine waked on Algal signal processor programs to perform sii processing CONIMIBUTORS TO THE IESUE 1708

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