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BSTJ 60: 3. March 1981: A New Code for Transmission of Ordered Dithered Pictures. (Johnsen, O.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 60: 3. March 1981: A New Code for Transmission of Ordered Dithered Pictures. (Johnsen, O.)

Com 8 Ana tg gh Coen A New Code for Transmission of Ordered Dithered Pictures By 0. JOHNSEN Ctanuscrt receive Saptunber 22, 1980) This paper presents a new predictor for coding dithered pictures. A dithered picture, a two-tone picture which gives the usion of @ ‘ieture with many shades of rey, 8 obtained by comparing the gre Tevet picture nith a postion-dependen! threshold. When the intensity ofa picture element (pe) exconds the threshold, itis classified af tonite; othereiae it black In the new prediction scheme, the color (of peli proce from pels having nearly the same threshold level, "Therefore, the position ofthe pes use for prediction vartes according to the threshold level. Computer simulations shew that prediction terrors ave reduced by 60 percent for certain classes of arigmae, and le entropy is reduced by 20 percent eampared tn the rest obtadned with a preaious predictor. An advantage of this new prediclion scheme is that it appears ta be lees vents lo piture content 1. INTRODUCTION Dithering van image processing technique thal eran two-level cur that givea the lusion of a multilevel piccore by appropriately "ranging the spatial density ofthe two love (usually lack and whice) fon the picture’ The dithering lechnigque consis of comparing a ‘malslevel image with a position-dependent threshold and eetting pols to white when the input signal exceeds che threshold. Othor pels are set to black, The matrix of chresholdvaluos (called tho dither mais) is repeated over the entive picture lo provide the threshold pattern for the whole image "The merit of @ either matrix is judyed from Une quality of its rendition of the orginal piture. A elas of dither matrices of special interest i the orlered dither matices. which use a simple recursion algorithm lo create dither matrices of sire "52" eo nile + 1 Urightness level, In the case ofthe 4 4 mates, Une 16 threshold eves are put the following positions: oe aw Baw 6 sua 8 a wT th 6 The ordered dither matrices have the advantage of rendering ere level pictur with as gond a subjective quality a with empires Wither matrices” Moreover, we thovr that ondeeed dither matrices are espe ‘ally convonicn: for the propose new predictor. Figure {shows three dithered picwres. “Karen,” “Engineer drawing," and “House” that tre itd for corspular simulations. The orginal for these petures sre Dem hy 10 em and were scanned (o generate an array of S12 by 812 pele The pels were digitized with a uniform bit rom ende (256 level). ‘Matrix 1 then becomer 8 18 40108 200 72232 104 36 18 24 160| a 2s 120 21688 [Note that Fis. Ln, b, and ¢ were made from digitising the same originale at wsed in Rafe. 4 and 6 but not from the aatne digitized "Efficiently cuting the bite of the dithered image reduces the data, ‘ate I the pela of che dicheredpictore are sampled in a typieal raster can fashion, the frequent alternations between black and white pela provent the dizcet use of rurlengsh coding, which is an efficient ‘evlundaney roluction acheme.* Others have proposed a modification ta the atraightorward raster scan sampling oF to the dire use of the Picture pela, Juice proposed a ciffrent sernpling onler abit inter: leaving code Necraval et al? devised a predictive coding technique that isan extension of their two-level facsimile ceding achwane.” To both cares, the binary picture containing the interleaved bits or the prodiction erroor ean be olin ran-iength cee, Im Netravalls Coding technique, the predition of the value of «pel (1 whi, black) is made dependent on the values of four neighbor pels as well, 4 to the threshold level. Figure 2 shove the ordered dither matrix of 42) and the prediction that he used. With a dither mate of 16 threshold levels, and « prediction from 4 neighboring pela the prec tion table has 256 possible states. This prediction scheme takes advan- lage ofthe correlation between adjacent pes, but it can only partially ‘exploit the much slonger corrlation dh exists beioreen neighboring pele with the same or ilar thee level "The scheme proposed in this paper predicts « pel according to the 380. THE TLL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL, MARCH 1991 ‘elue of nearly pals ofthe same of similar threshold level. ‘The new predictor gives for two of the three test pictures 50 percent fower predictinn evots compared to fhe previous one, and 10 pereent fower fedictnn erote for the vind cnt picture I PREDICTION PRINCIPLES AND ALGORITHMS. 2.4 Predition piel ‘Apel can bos he predicted from the fllowing information {ed the threshold level af the pel ef (6) the values of the nearest lelzady coded) pels with similar threshold levels ‘We use four revs pels fr prediction and consider piriunes which hhave ton slithered using the 4 4 ordered dither matrix of (2). There tre then 16 threshold levels and sinew ch pel used for prediction hee nly tao passile valvos, 2 slates are defined by all the posible NEW CODE FOR ORDERED CITHERED PICTURES 981 ‘combinntios ofthe predictor nnd ofthe ehreahold level, The predic ‘ode Book concaine 254 bits, each indicating whether the pels pre~ Gictad to be black or white. "The coe book in simply olkained by ntistieal measurement. From these predictions, we generate a nes? pieture where the pes correctly predicted ave pu co “0” while the pels Incorrectly predicted are pu lo." The new picture, called the “error piecure,” can easily be rur-length coded and transmitted efficiently Knowledge of the predicior cole book allows the receiver to recom ternee the original dithored pierure. "The four pele used for prediction (a) the ewo nearest pels with the same threshold level, (©) the nearest pel with tho noxt higher threehold lev, {e) the nearest pel withthe nea lower Unresod level For eater) and (e), when we pels satiety the role at the same time, ‘the pel with the emallast correlation withthe other predietion pels chosen. se, for caso (), i there are no pele with s higher threshold level, a sooond pel with the next lower threshold level ie used for prediction. A similar siturtion ean appear in eae (6), 2.2 Predition algortv Lot thi pl to be predicted Sy, ave potion (ij), where # isthe line number, ji tae position on Ove line, and i and j are increasing flows and tothe right, respectively. The to noureal pels with the ‘ame threshold level naturally have coordinaves (¢— 4;/} sod (&j ~ 4) since a4 4 dither mix i ued ‘To flud che tee other pels ured for prediction, we must look ac the suture ofthe 4 > 4 ordered dither matzx The procedure iscsi in the appendix. We give lere only che result, showing that the ‘hopdinatee ofthe four pela ued forthe prediction nee Pas, faye avin ‘The position of the prediction ye with variable postion is given according to the positon of Si within the dither matrix by NEW CODE FOR ORDERED OIIHERED PICTURES 265 pulad and WS aot ar pice Samer isa assy.” ere |icasce iene doay nay foSy41 feay-1 iaay i 2y foupar gaugar foay tay a reer Figure 3 shows the postin ofthe four pole used for the prediction "Nate that forthe wight ple in he ewe ght rows of the mate The prediction el ich varie potion i These "This new predictar can be called a position-dependent predicror since one ofthe pels used for the prediction is variable. Inthe case ‘where using a postion dependent predictor i undesirable, the predic- lor nee ran be reduced nnd only Tre pels oun he eo Une foe te used in che prediction can be Ged tothe enostsel postion (F— 25). Both cased lead co slight increase in the numberof prediction "Tho came prediction principle can be applied to different dither rmalries nr different sives of mace, bul wth care. For example, ‘oe appling the aame rule tan ordered § x 8 dither matrix, cree ofthe four pels of che predictor are fixed and their locations, compared ta the pel to be predicted, are inthe ame direction but twice aa fer a8 Bat ae ine tr! Reig a the Bae Se ee 384 THE BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL, JOURNAL, MARCH 1811 for 4X 4 mattis, heir enti ae Lins, 2 im, ah inasea “The prediction pel with vaviahle position agsin has the same relative position for the right half of the mattis, che coerdinates boing (i — 4 Ji). Por the other bal, the position is variable, bat often the seme ‘within egch 2x2 submatex. The postion macrx of the prediction pel ‘rth variable position ean be constructed by looking atthe structire fof the 2>¢2 and 4 x 4 aubmnsteies. Tes questionable whether such a predictor xives quod prediction “The pretction is owe made eovording to the wulve of te pels vice a8 fay way, asin the cave of « 1% 4 dither matrix. The error rate i therefore likely to ierease. ‘The beet solution ie to use the sme prediction algortn a for the 4% 4 dither matrin, since the 8 8 [thor muirin composed of four 4 4ither matrices whose threshold levels ans ony ver lightly diferent. The number of prediction error would then be only slightly higher thi i che picture was dithered wrth «4 % A matrix A alight decrosse in prediction errors can be Dbtained by considering all Ureshold levela instead of 16 for fomstracting the predition table. The predierion table would then ontain 1024 states instead of 256 the caso of eshersliller matrices (nonordered) the prediction principle is the ane but, he algorithm ia diferent, since the position Df the nearee pela with similar threshold level changes tn mast cass, ‘ea of the four pels need for prediction would have a variable pecition, thus showing the advantage of wing the ordered dither matrices with this prediction sehume "This prediction scheme can be extended by adding more pela to the predictor, for example, using pls einer to the pel to be prediced, Morlyseereaing the nmber of prediction errors lang aaharp edge 1, SIMULATION RESULTS. ‘Computer simulations ate performed sing the three dither pie tures of Fig. 3.'The results exe compared ta thuve obtained uring the technive proposed by Netravai et Two meaaure of performances fre made: counting the numer of prediction errors and measuring. the fencopy of the minlength staciaion of che picture containinx the prediction errors The entropy is convert in. bis per pel. The un Temgth entropy measured i the classes! runclength entenpy, given for ‘example in Ret 6. ‘able gives the mumber of prediction errors with th: now prsicor. or camyursou, the numberof prediction errors wih The technique i Tet isso given, Compared withthe predictor of Ref 6, the number New CODE FOR ORDTRCD OHTHERED PICTURES 385 of podiion eros i edce hy 5 erent for Karen and “House” thu prcent or "Baphcrng dang” "Table ves the eatropy comport Four entopes ae given ‘The Be is he entopy of he ruben sate tbe prediion civ when sng asa prion ible foreach ple. The Site heats etropy cae where aig petition cable ued for al ue pears he pedicin table Is ptnized othe fm of he tre pice "Pe hr eto he eopy of he rung sain of he prediction aco when he prion err ane deed acorn {Ea otal of er goes ordering) nego ener 4h relton ers ofthe pel of eso filed the ihe i "line fh ear robbs ae high wie they ar put nce ee ‘ie shon their evr robbie we The goes tel wed “Toe fre encopy Se che ane at he later but with a singe prison ale re tre caren Sth entopy remem show tho great improvements ciined ty thine petition cig compare to oe cn on ea orion “Hows” he retin in the eng xoy 2 to 00 pert, ut Hi nit to peront for agieting Sawing” When sings prediction table woe th rection trust i 8 pect for “Kien and “Hone but reaches 10 ferent fr "ngierigtnewing” inthe eae fgnd-had odeing, the decene in entopy wi he nw pedcton thi cope tall ie 7s porn fr laren and“Houn whl saceane Of poren!epear fr Hngaering dang.” Wken a ge pede ton table or ll pare tbe docete Bu pereoot end 17 Percent for “Kes” and “Tous” and 3 percent for “Engineering inna” "Ta ain obltned with de nee pred for “Kare” an Hou se vor ifleent for "gineeing awn can be oxpaned by fhe picareeharsveraice The "Raver ant" leurs eel Ettne pre wth ly esa changas bec he “Engin crowing rapa plese Sncinng mony ne Table |Compariaon of the number of prediction erore Ec HG 386 THE BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL, MARCH 1961 Table tI—Camparison of entropies (in bits/p6) T Rex Per, RiLtieing wibsepnte re 0am 85a ‘Ripteahcigth p-bed of. am am a8 lois (Etsudedoy wise we 0th 8 “Geman ce prin ae " changes in grey level. These steep changes aro well predicted with NNotravali's predictor and therefore practically no improvemonts are buat with the new predictor, ‘An advantage of ehia new technique is that the predictor it awite independent ofthe cbnractrinies of individual pictures. The entropy swith the predicvr aptzized for the um of Ue thrw pelures less than 2 percent higher than with inividua peeditoes fr each picture. ‘With Netravals predictor the entropy is sometime 10 percent higher ‘when the preietor ia optimized fr the sum ofthe three pictures "The nelvantage of using a good-bad ordering is smaller with the new prediczy, the decreaae in entropy’ being aout 10 pereen. We empha ce bun, thatthe good:-bad ordering lends ta nearly eaonoton- ‘ally decreasing runlenath distribution and therefore the Tuna are fazy to onde, while without ordering. the rur-length diribution ‘ery irre, Straightforward ran-length codes can be devised which ‘ode the pictures obtained afer prediction and renmdering with an ‘eMficiensy of about 90 percent, Iv, SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION We have decribed » new predictive coding scheme fr dithered pictures where the pels wed for prediction have variable positions “The proletion it made according tothe value of nearby pls that have ncarly the sire dheeshold level and according to the valuo of the threshold of the pel to be coded. We obtain decrome of 20 0 0 pent fn the rundengeh entropy compared to an warlier prediction feheme in the case of dithered pictures of natural wenes. The bit rate NEW CODE FOR ORDERED DITHERED PIcTUNES 387 is reduced to 0.18 to 0.25 bite/pel. Wo obtain a alightly isher entropy ‘shen w fx the eiton ofthe pele used fr peedition. Tn the ease of _raphical picuues, the entropy is about the same as before. The new prodictor has the advantage of being nearly independent ofthe char felaistirs of Untiidual petures, In tse case af & ending type, the zur length distibutiore ae be used tn propor a ore whe perfor ‘ances should be near those given by the entropy measures. This prediction schame was conceived for images dichered with a 4X 4 fered dithered atts, but can be eaaly applied ta other dither ‘matrices We envision extensions that would improve the performance in region chat have sharp changes in brightness. APPENDIX "The to nearest pels with the same threshold level naturally have coordinates (1~ tj} and (i,j ~ 4 since 04 %4 dither mats is used. ‘To find the two other pels used for prediction, we examine the structure ofthe 4 *'4 ordered dither matrix, Let us aumber the four 2 2 matrices oomtained sn the 4 % 4 dither matrix ns Qs 2 and 3 according 60 he increase in Vir average Uhrsholdl valu, Figure 4 ‘howe Ue relative pou, We must alae semetuber thal Ue 44 ‘matrix is eurounded by identical matrices whose pela can aso be used prediction pos ora pel in submstrix 1, the neighboring pel with the nexL-higher threchol level wil bo in tho seme relative position in submaeie2 with coordinates (i ~ 2: ) "The neighbor with the nexclosrer threshold level willbe in the seme relative position in eubmacri 0 Thet neighbor cn be ether in submatrix 0 of the same 4 <4 matrix or in submacrix (ot the matrix ndjucen: to the right. Both cazes lead to ehe same <dacance from the neighbor to the pel co be predicted, bur the later ‘nse lends to the smallest correlation with che other prediction pela and is therefore chosen, ‘That prediction pel has potion (2 ~ 25/42) ‘Simulany, i the pol to be predieced ia im submatrix 2, the two pels 980 THE BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL, MARCH 1981

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