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BSTJ 60: 10. December 1981: Study of a Time-Compression Technique for TV Transmission Using a Chirp Filter and Envelope Detection. (Eng, K.Y.; Haskell, B.G.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 60: 10. December 1981: Study of a Time-Compression Technique for TV Transmission Using a Chirp Filter and Envelope Detection. (Eng, K.Y.; Haskell, B.G.)

‘Study of a Time-Compression Technique for TV Transmission Using a Chirp Filter and Envelope Detection By KY. ENG and BG. HASKELL (atanascrot reoetved January 19, 1981) We study atime compression far expansion technique for possible aplication in communication signal procesting, ey Broadcast ‘quality Tv transmission through satellites. The method ees a linear Chirp, @ linear dispersive filter realised by surface acoustic wae (devices and an envelope detector. This tacknaque ts heuristic and ean be viewed as a quasistationary model of the Pat wave involved. Numerical results show that excessive distortion is created, and its ‘pplication to 3¥ tranamisnon is nat euitable untess some Kal of ‘quatization ix proved. One such form of equatization ia the chirp transform processor which intolues considerably mare complet. ‘Simpler equalizatiana mey be possible ut.do not seem tobe straight: forward. INTRODUCTION We study time-compression technique motivated hy the longs standing interest in transmitting multiple broadcast-quality color 7 signals through o single sateliy raraponder, 1, usable we band ‘Width of 36 MH in» communieations savellite auch aa COMSTAR, ‘This can be done by the use of frequency division multiplexing (Fm) However, the nonlinearity of the transponder exh eaube serious intel: liiblo crosstalk and intermodlaion interference between the 1 ‘tren unless the satelite power amplifier is backed off substantially. Such a backoff, in vurn, leads to 2 reduction in the downlink earig-to- roise ratio, As a rosul, there exita an optimum (oleoff between the ‘rons unl 9s, which limits the overall ayatem performance, and ‘achieving broadeastatualcy 7Y anemision becomes difficult. 11s posse to Gime compress each eean ine ofa color sgual by aor the nse of tinear chirp, Tine nan envelope tltert. Twa or more time compressed an lines from differen, but tgnchronized, Tv signal ean then be Live maltiplexed together i the tine duvation of an onary TY scan Tive, This coneept of time tcominension muliplering (Rea) is not new."* but recent advances in fast analog-co-digtal converters, digitallo-analog converters and charge-coupled devi have greatly facilitated the implementation of time compression or expansion. However, because of their present limitationt on bandwidth and speed, cime-compression factors for achicrable 1 signals aro only 2 or 3. For largo time compressions, prs redlzable by aurface acoustic wave (24W) technology are prom: ihn candidates because of thet lange tmwe-bandvidth property. [a ‘nition ta high speed, the 2 application alan eoquires extremely high ‘inal fidelity. ‘There aze other applieations on the high-speed time ‘Expansion (or compression) of waveforms where the distortion require- nent is less stringent than the 79 transmission ease. In the specific ‘ave of multiple tranamissions through asinglesrelite transponder, there are many advantages in using TEM, eg, higher treneponder tffiieney, ao intermediation, no crosstalk, possible compatibility ‘vith time division multiplex (ros) operations, ei. ‘The crucial ques- tion is of course, how much distortion the eompreasion/expansion process would intradace on the signals. This paper gives both analysis nd numerical examples that Tustrate the method. "The study revealed that considerable distortion is inroluced by these operations, and its application to broadeast-quality'T transmis sion would requie saw fer performance beyond tho present state of tho urt, However ifthe distortion roquirement can be slated some ‘hot, then the present spprouc is advantageous hecause of ca sim ply. On the other lund i igh signal fedlity is required, then some Kind of equalization ia needled for the present technique. This has ‘olivate the sbady of an extention of the present methen! which is ‘Capable of producing high signal quality with saw flcer requirements ‘within the present slat of the arteven at compression factors of 10 or nore, heat the expense of higher complexity, Thislatter development th not diacaseed. here but is covered im Teof, 0. The remainder of th paper covers the theoretical analyse an computer simulation. How eer, the discussion of either ebjoct by ileal i not adequate forthe omplowe understanding ofthe system. ‘The theoretical nnalysis sta Tisheo that although the basic concepe was dorived. heuristically ‘through physiel ineerpretations cca be vowed as a quasi-stationary fppronimaion to the fime-compression process. The computer sim Intion, on the other hand, provides the quantitative results that lead te the conclusion thet the resuling distortion is excessive for todas’ sao filter parameters 2874 THE BELL SYSTEM TECHINICAL JOURNAL, DECEMBER 1981 N THEORETICAL ANALYSIS In chisseccon, we describe and anatie the proposed compression method using rv as an example. We first deveriben heuristic argument tow the technique iaupposed ta work, We then derive the imple responce of genetal nr—the understanding of whichis important co ‘tho subsoquent analysis and siulation. A brief step-by-step analysis ‘of the compression process is shown, and its result revenls that the Vechnique can be interpreted 8 a quasiatationary approximation of tho chirp signal. The mathematical expresions describing the time compressor are complicated; th, numeral result are obtained using ‘computer simulation ditcusied in Section TM, Various other proper= ties are ala diacuaed, 2.1 A phystes interpretation [A Block diagram is ahown in Fig. 1. The inp signal v(t) consis of successive sean lines, cach with duration of 7) seconds, and the Voluge is binied to be positive It i maltipied symehronouy by & Detiolie chirp signal ee) with w center frequency fx and a chirp sunge of Bf, The instantancous frequency of o(@) weep linearly from (4 —Af/2) to (fo Af/2) over wach sean ine duration 7. The lowest frequency of he chirp sigal is assumed to be much grealer thas the hhghest frequency in the FY signal. The input (0) to the LDF ston an amplitade-ruadulaved chirp waveform, For simplicity, lets restrict four aduencon tou single sean Hine nay (0, 7). tn ths ntorval (0) chinps from (fy = 87,72) to (fo + Bf/2) with the Tv signal the AAA.. TRANSMISSION TME COMPRESSION 2075 cavelope modulation, As for the up, we assume that it has a band sriddh Bf centered at f, wad A> Af “Auwin, forthe purpose of n simple llurration, let us assume that Af = Af; and, over its peatband, the Lov has e constant guin and near group delay characeriatie decreasing from Sr ta vera, where Ar fs the delay dapersion of the :pr. At the time instant ¢ = 0 x() bes fn inctantancons frequency (fo ~Afy/2) and an envelope magnitude Proportional lo v(l). This “envelope piece” ia delayed by’ Ar as it fansite throvgh the 10r. Simiary, at Ty the instamancous frequency of (2) the highest chirp frequency which gives @ =70 delay for the passage through the 15. Th between these to end points, the unvelope of s(f) ie delayed lineasly from Ar vo rer Baquivalonty, the envelope of z(l) over che interval (0, 7) is time compressed fo (dr, 7 in the ior output, An envolope detector is then ueed to retrieve the tme-compresial Tv signal Similar compres: tion occurs for ill the other tean Hines, and as a result tho envelope Aderecor output consis ofa sequence of compresced TY bursts. TT we denote the duration ofeach burl by 7, the vaso (7/1) i ale the time-compmession ratio (rex) Tis emy tn how that, in gonera, for a given st of Z So n,8f, and a nae, 0 ren- (1-884) ® 1 is clear from the sbove description that time expansion is also weible by che ute of an increasing celay characteristic in the LOE, nd in such ease the ter will core 4 Unexpansion ter 122 Impulse response ofa goneral LDF ‘We conser the gurl ease of an iaslied Ln ne shown in Fig. 20, ‘Te banded ofthe luer i Feentered at fa The group delay vavios Tineatly over the passband s shown in the Alagram. ‘The transfer fanction of the fier, sing analyticsigal notation, bs of a /—fom B ef, m= 4 ‘i 2976 THE BELL SYSIEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL, DECEMBER 861 YY YE eo Fe 2 Chacactctice and imps seaperia of a8 20, (9) ‘Tiler Sein. cor Thigate mops where ra ag w 1 is che group delay’ sf aml ju i 4 constant. ‘The inverse Fourier feanaforen of Hf) give the impae sesponse A(t), he deviation for ‘lee given in Appendix A. Neglecting same mal envelope and phase perturbations good approximation (sulficienl or our present consid ‘ration) fer A) ss ma = 0 elsowhere, ° ‘hero the multiplying constant has purvosely been dropped, ad gas constant, A sketch of le) is show in Fig 2 It iy't near cep seavelnem slarting at 1c — &r/3 and ending at va + 41/2, with the Inatancancous Frequency varying ftom fy - Sf/2to y+ A//2 ata chirp rate af a 23 Anaysis of time comeression Tn this analy, we agin reteit our iacusson co a single scam ine ‘TRANSWISSION TME COMPRESSION 2377 for simplicity. We denote thia input acan line by A(t) in Une incerval (017. Referring to Pig 1, the linear chirp signal bs given by soo (6-22 here ia the chirp rare defined by a Pesan] 0s B o and go is # constant, The parametors find Af. are the chip center fequency and deviation, respectively, There are also two implicit eruptions: (jase A: and (i) o> che gba frequency inthe © geal "The LDF input ie the produc of che input Al) and ct, A). fovah ones xonatnas|(so82)eebvvel steno ecto the i ie oar alegeay ater tre teas em cab er sr a Sera wats tb te wage Tn hae ans gi eh Rye ria remem eat ie tela haractert o er 2378 THE BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL, DECEMBER 1981 -* ar ‘Also note in Fig. thatthe delay at f+ r/2s zero a some constr {olay through the device has been rupped for simplicity. Using the reuull of Section 22, the impute responce of the LDF ia . C cowan[re-$r' oi}, ones an co a sewher, C9) ware 6—A//2 add constant. The oul han o> J sta nde -[ afent tn st-a4-hepre-af + conte 8+ ahah fre w4ere |b ae ost n+ or, an where the limits of intagration are defined by Tiamat an, a) 7.4 mint Th, as) rand fe are defined in Fig. nd MO am Sete a | conslant phase term has been dropped in (oy. 12, and we will Delces all unimportant constant mulipliers and phase shite in sub- sequent diseusions. The intogrl of the ascond eosin term in og, (11) fan be dacarded heen of the high frequency eotpenent 2 inthe Intogrand. Therefore, x) becomes [Aeron [ow Fla Oe Ft le we THARSMISSION TIME COMPRESSION 2379 Let un examine the above integral exprocsion carefully. Using unnlytic- signal notation, we rewrite as sin= [A n= 86 . +005] oof] ev pot [are aes sane tes ecm none col en 0 0 saa [se mama Ele}. oseemean an Th the above, note that Als) is slow-moving function while the exponential term contains a highly osuillcory chirp given by the Gerivative of the bracketed argument with respect lo, i, ile) tat AR AG al, DSrs Te. um ‘This can also be oblained hy simply taking the diference of the instantaneous fequencie of x(t) and Ald ~ =) In eq (14). The conve ‘tion intogea involve is ustrated in Fg, 4 where we show (7) and tbs the corresponding is) ata fixed ¢= fe ean be aeen that A) Biviven by an integral over (7, 7,) of linear chirp wavefore al {hip rato of (?— w) nd wich wo envelope modolation AC). Further sore, the chi frequency f insie (Fi, 72) may vanish at some + a8 ‘hown in Fig. 4 In uch case, the value of yf) is dominated by the integral eq, (15) over the sail iterval sarrouading tha, where f goes lo wero, This i, of cour, the well-lmoven quos-stationary ap- proximation. The approximation ia good 3 the chirp rave (— a) fn the interval (Ty, 73) ace large, and Ato) vanietion is slow by com parison, Using thie approximation, at ¢~ ¢ inside che valid interval (Tr act, Ast = kat, as) 2800. THE BFLL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL, DECEMBER +981 ig ¢—tomvesn ta where Ais constant, and rs obtained by solving eg. (1) with fat tozeroand t= 6, ic mB t B ‘This quasi stationary approximation i indeed equivalent to the plny- ical interpretation destined in Secon 21. Ava check, let up derive the Tea from the appreximation sbnve. We knw that Air) is nongero only if0= 7 = 7. The corresponding ¢, ean be solved for using 64 (20), an the end points of & oonetiute che interval 7, Le, W(t h- A TMa) AREA B or(i-8) ov rone(1-£)" ae ea (20) 7 Therefore, sshich agrees with og. (2) with the subatizurions of « and B according TRANSMISSION TME COMPRESSION 2961 to the definition eas (1) and (7), rospectively, See Section 24 for 8 continued diacusson of A(0 "Ta finish our nnalyss of the éime compression, we netum to yin 9, (18) and expand the cosine tm: Ltt) = y4Pe08 2rO{t) — y(chcin 20 (0, 3 where wna aneea[ireacnemnso-a% |e @ and wera nnaaenaecteenee oa} 9 tay nan tng ad tn caren ha att) = Lyn + tio 2) 24 Some fundemntal properties ‘We have just derived mathematical expressions for dhe tme-com- pression process, ‘Thew expressions are too complicalsd for eaxy Incerpretation, However, we have demonstrated thal the technique ‘work if'a quist-stationary approximalion ix made for che chirp ‘waveform. In other words the inscantansuus frajuency of the chip ‘wave could bo ust a If were a tationary carrier frequency in @ leady stato analysis Making such an seeumplion, ic ic sean from oa, (2) that infinite compression, TCR = w,realea i.47 = Af. und Ar ~ Tr (oe= fi). But frown age. (05), (24), and (25), i ie obvinas thatthe OF output afer synchronon detoetion (for @ = f) will ataally become the Fourier ‘fanaform of the input envelope A(), This ean alse be reagnized a the well-known chirp transform of real-time transform’ commonly toed in chirp radar and saW processors ‘Therefore he quané-ationary rode invalid for this case ‘A case thers the quns-siationary approximation clessly holds is hero fim» = and a” 0, ie the erp range i very large ad the Aelay slope ofthe LO i clove to zero, The rat is of course, avery Sight comprission, Le, the TCH br alihtly lnrger than L. Therefore, trthout doing any specie ealelation, we soe thatthe quas-sationary Thoamption i valid, at best, for small Texs, and it lonks dose. Somewiere between ck = 1 and , Sinee our practical applications 2982 THE RELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL, DECEMBER 1981

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