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CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS ISSUE Sergio M. Brecher, Diploma Hngincer, 1964 {Hectival Hngineur- ing) University of Boonot Airs, Arguatins, MS, 1968, Ph.D, 1972 Electrical Enuinvcring), Columbia University, Bell Laburatories 1972. Before joining Bell Lahoratores, Mi. Brecher worked in At entina in hightrequeney point-te-print communicstions and in au: omatic eoniul Tor zuclear reactor. At Bell Laboratori, he hae been srorking in wwilehing syste engincering problems for No, 1/14 FSS, Na, 10A TSS, and, more revently, No. § BSS. Member, Siama Xi, TEE, Corrado Dragone, Laurea in 1.2, 1961, Padua University italy; Libera Docensa, 1968, Miniatero dll Publiien sirusione aly}; Bell Laboratories, 1861, Me: Drayane has been engaged in experimental fund theoretical work on raicruwavre antenna aad auld-tate power sources He is ewrrntly cancemed with problems inonlving lest ‘magnetic wave pronagalion wu wivrowave antennas Kai ¥, Hog, BSILE, (ewruma cum laude), 1974, Newark Collage of inginocring, MS, Electrical Rrgincering, 1078, Dr. ge. Se. lee leil glnering) 196, Dr. Rng. Se. (Flectical Rngincering), 1s Coluinbia University, RCA Aato-klecrronis. 1974-17 Hell Lab retores, 1974 Mr Rng has warked on varius aeaas of microwave ituneirisien, sacerrae aimenna analysis and communications satel lites He ie prevenly » memher of the Radia Resear Tahorators suvdying TV transmission through ratlites, Member, IEEE, Sigma Xi, Thus Reta Pi, Fs Kappe No, Phi Bea Sigma Harry G, Haskell, BS. (Fleerical Engincoring) 1956, MS, 1965, tun Phil, 7988, University of California, Berkeley; Univescty of California, 1965-1068; Hell Leborazoriee, 1808; Hutgere Univer 41077-1070, Mr. Haskell wens 9 Kesoorch Avsisnnt al the University of ‘Calfornia Bleetronics Reswurch Laboratory snd s parttime faculty rember of the Department of Eloetneal Easinccring at [eutgers Lat versity At Hell Labunstories, be bs prone hen of Une Radio Com Iunications Research Theaviment, where his mar ences ie tude (clevnion picture coding and Lenatision of digital and analog, finwenacion via microwave radio. Member, IEEE, Phi Beta Kapp, Sigma Xi Marks 5. Mueller, 2. Liploma, 1970, Ph.) (letrnnie Rage seeing), L876, Swise Federal Intituce of Techiology, Zurich, Swite pant trland; Swiso Poderal Institute of Technology, Zurich, 1971-1076; (Gente, Zieh, 1978-1974; Fl Tahoratorig, 1958-1681. Mr. Bfueler ssa teaching and research asistant st the Swiss Wederal Institue of ‘Technology, where he worked in various fields, nctaing filter theory, ac transmiasion, and adaptive signal provesing. Ho was # product specialist with GonTtad for computer contrulled uutomatic test 5 foun, At Bell Laboratrie, he wae « member of the Date ‘Theory Group in the Data Sysceme and ‘Technology Department, aad his Interesca were in data communication. digal signal processing, and sslaptive system, ‘Vonent K Prabiny BLE. (Dist), 192, Indian Intute of Szionce, Bangalore, India SM, 1963, Soi, TAF, Mussachuslbe Irollule of ‘Technology; Bell Laboratories, 1966— Mr. Prabhu hashen concerned ‘with variour theoretic! problenss in soldl-tate microwave devia and itl und upton! eommunieation systems Member, IEEE, Eta Kappa No, Siz Xi, Twa Pets Pi, Commission 6 of USI Irwin W, Sandberg, BEE, 1955, MEE, 1088, and DEE, 1053, Tolveechnie Inaitate of Brooklyn; Bull aboracoris, 1863-". Mr ‘Sundberg has been concerned with analyaia of radar aystems for tnitary defense, synthosix avi smalyis of acdve and came-varying ecworka, several fundamental studies of properties of nonlinear aye- ‘ems, and with vont problema in communication theory and nomerical ‘tuys, His more recent interes include compartmnental models, the ‘theory of digital Mleing, lobalimplice fonction theorems, an fanc- ‘onal expansions Tor nonlinear aystems, Former Vice Choirmun IEEE Group on Ciscut ‘Theory, and Yormor Gnest Réiior TERR. Transac tions on Czeait Theory Special low on Active nd Digital Neeworks, Fellow and member, IEEE, member, American Awcation for che Advancement of Science, Raa Kappa Nu, Sigma Xi, Tau Beta BL, ‘National Academy of Rngiveering Jack Suz, BS.EE, 1855, MSE, 1856, and PhD, 1961, University of Florida; Bell Tahoratories, L961-- Mr. Sala fre worked on remote Tine noneentraters forthe elactronie srtching system. Since 1988 he Jans superviel germp engaged in theoretical stodiea in data com- ‘munications and ia eurzendy a member ofthe Communications Seth- ‘oda Research Department. During the wademie year 1967-08, be was ‘on leave as Profesor of Hletreal Engincering at the Univeraiy of "lords, in Spring, 1961, bo waa «vsiling lecturer we Stanford Univer sity, Member, Sigma Xi ‘2822 THE BELL SYS1EN TECHNICAL JOURNAL, DECEMAER 1981 Tans S, Witsenbauven, PhD. (Blelsieal Engineering), 1966 Mus saehouctis Testis of Tecbaologys Rell Taboraor, 1066— Me ‘Witeerhausen bie been sesociaed with the Université Libr de Bru lee, wich the [oropean Computation Centor, Brusscs, und with the Princston Reaearch Divison of Klectronice Associates At MLLT. bs vane withthe Fleetrnie Systems Laboratory ana Lincoln Laboracary ‘Aworiate and a Herar Fellow Art Hell Lahoratoien, he is arrociated ‘withthe Mathematica and Staleics Reseach Center He eat Senior Fellow at the Trperal College nf Science and Teehmlogy, London, 1992, a Ving Professor at MELT. in 1673, and Vinton Hayes Sanice Fellow at Hareard Universi in 1875-76, le has worked on problems ‘of hybrid comptation, coneval theory, optimization, geomerric ine- ‘uwalities, an other applied mathematical Belde. Aaron D. Wyner, B.S, 1460, Queene College: SLR, 1960, M.S., 1961, Ph, 1989, Columbia Univesity, Hell Lahoracories 1962. Mr. ‘Wyner aa been doing reasaych in vations agpects of information and communication theory and rele! malheralical problems. He ix prevently Head of Te Corsmsnicaons Analysis Rasesrce Departs fone. He sent the yaar 1960-1970 vscing che Department Appied ‘Mathercaties, Weismann Thstitsite of Bence, Rehovot, Teel, atthe Pocalty of Hlectsical Eryinccring, al Technion, Hail Iszel, on & ‘Guggenheim Foundation Followshp, Te has also boon a fll ena part- time facnlly mombor ut Columb Uaivenny xn the Palyteshnk Tnrtitate of Brooklyn, He was chairman of the Metropolitan Now York CChaptar of the IKE Tnfernation Theory Group, moncinle elon of the Group's Trunsctinns, aul et-chaiperson af cwn interatinal symposia. In 1575, he waa president ofthe LNEE Information Theory ‘Group. Fellow, IBEB: member, ASAS. Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappe Na, Sigma Xi CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS ISSUE 2479

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