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BSTJ 60: 1. January 1981: An Overflow System in Which Queuing Takes Precedence. (Morrison, J.A.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 60: 1. January 1981: An Overflow System in Which Queuing Takes Precedence. (Morrison, J.A.)

THE BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL ‘An Overflow System In Which Queuing Takes Precedence By JA, MORRISON (aeanuscrit rain Jay 9.1980) When calls offered to a primary group of trunka find all of them ‘bury, provisions are often made for these calls t0 overflow fo other groups of trunks, Suoh traffic overflow systems have been of interest for a tong time, bul recently overflow systems Unat allow for some ‘alls tbe queued have deen of importance. In this paper we analyze € traf overflow systam with queuing, which consists of a primary luda secondary grog. The spnlem uaich we consider here differs Irom the two eyetoms wre investigated earlier, in that no overflow fram the primany tthe seconslory tx permitted if there is a watling pace tvutlatte im the primary quave Ae cith the earlier invstigations we adapt an analytical approach which considerably reduces the dimen- ‘ions ofthe problem, and simplifies the calzulation of various steady tate quanutties of interest. Our rests include expressions jor the lowe probabilities, the average teiting times inthe queues, al the ‘average number of demands ia service in each group. 1. iTRoDUCTION In this paper a particlar overflow system with quouing is analyze. “The eyolem consist of tro group primary and a secondary, with ne servere und gs waiting spaces which receive demands from indepen- ent Poison sources S, with arrival yates Ak > O, f= 1 and 2 reapectvely, an depicted in Fig. |. The aevie times of the demands treindependent, nd exponentially distributed with mean service rate ISO Mall servers inthe socnvlay are husy when a demand trom ‘Sp arrives, the demand is quoued if one of the qs waiting spaces is Naa Is onic arene fanny 218 rime svailable,othorwiso i is lost (blocked and cloared from the system). Demands waiting in the secondary quous enter service (in some prescribed order) as servers in the secondary bocome fre. Teall my servers in Use primary are buy when a demand from Sy amvves, the demand i queued in the primary, if one of the gy waiting spaces is available. No overflow is permitted from the primary queue, 0 that demand in the primary quewe most wait for server in the primary to become free, all n: wervers in he primary ary busy and all g, waiting spaces ure occupied. when u demand from S) arrives. the demand is served inthe secondary, if cere isn free server and there fare na cemands walking in the secondary queue, otherwise ies lost. ‘The overflow system deocribed ahve differs fom he tw aystes which we investigated earn," in that no avertiow from the primary to the scoondary is permitted if there is a waiting space avallable in the primary queue. Thi reition was one mvoked by Anderson.’ Th the bvo systtas investigated earlier, arriving calls can overflow when. the primary quoue isnot fll. The system considered in thie paper is ‘a particular cae ofthe one considered by Rah which wns curmposed fof two queue, one of which i allowed Wo overflow vo Uie other under spociied conditions involving the quove lengths. He obuained some ‘numerical aulutions using Gauss-Seidel erwton tchaigue, bul none ofthese correspond to the paccularsprtam that we ate considering He also developed en approximate procedure for analyzing hia system, bd on the use of the Interrupted Poison Process. Here wo analyze the overfnay system ting technique analogous ‘to the one introduced inthe earlier paper! Lec py denoce the steady state probabilicy that there are { demands in the primary and j demands in the secondary cither in service or waiting. These probs- Iii sain a se of generale birtearvl-denth equations which lake the form of patil difference eyualions connecting neighboring states, We earry out an analysis that reduces the dimensions of the problem, which may be eonsderahle in cases of incest. ‘The basie Xechnigue isto aeparata variables in tha region away from a eesti boundary of sate space. This leads tn an eigenvalue probln far the separation constant. "The eigenvalues ate rnnis of polynornial uae tion. The probabilities p, are then represented in ter of the corre sponding eigenfonctions: The constant eoetlicints in these represen lations arv determined from the boundary conditions and the normal: {tation eanition that tho sam ofthe probnbilitia is unity, Various steady-state quantities are of interest, which may be ex: pressed in term ofthe probehiliie "The quantities include the lose {er blocking) probebilities, the average waiting times in the queues, and the average number of demands in serve in each group, These ‘quantities may be expressed directly in terms of the constant cneff- ‘ents which occur in the representaions for the probabilities, ‘Thus {2 THE BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL, JANUARY 1081 the sloudy slate quantities of interest may be calculated dirty svithoat having to eslclate the probes py. Here again the reduc~ {ion i the dimensions ofthe proiem is valuable. ‘Only the theoretical results ure prowentod inthis paper. Numerical results will be presented in a forcheoming paper by Kaufman, Seery, and Morrion.° Result wll be give there forthe Lo overflow systems ‘onridered previously, based on the euier analysis as wel as forthe System considered inthis paper. Section If dlcusees the representation of the probabilities p, in ‘erms of the eigenfunctions, aa Uhe houndary and normalization Cousens, Varin ateady-atat quantities of interest re calculated in Section II, The appendix gives proweries of the eigenfunctions. ‘We assume throughout thw analyse that gy 2 1, since the system considered in this paper, and the two syatems analyzed earlier, are dential if gy ~ 0) tey if there is no primary quoue. However, che results ofthis paper rode to those obtained ean if gy =O. Tis Tange, or even infinite, an alternate analysis, analogous Uo that pre sented for the other two systems," ray be cared out forthe present System, bur we do nol pursue tha here 1. REPRESENTATION AND BOUNDARY CONDITIONS We let pu, denote the steady-state probebilty that there are i demands in the primary ani j demands in the secondar, ether in service or waiting. These probs ata a set of generalized birth Snd-ceath equations” which may be derived in a straightforward tanner, We define the trafic intensities = an(h ich , “Then the birdhand-death equations are Jet. pura) + al ~ Ba) + intima) + mint nlTP eu = Snes ay 4 (1 Blan ‘OVERFLOW WHERE OUEUING TAKES PREGEDENCE 3 $A Ba dmin(é +1, mens + — Sadi + Amaia (6 for 0 si =h, 0 j= hs The normalization condition is Dp cc) For i x fy the variables in () may be separated, and there are solutions ofthe form a, where [ay + mingé,m) + pay = ai ~ dala + mint #2, mdaien (7) forO-sis hy and [eth = dg) # mina ~ 68: a(t — Bolen + (1~ Balin + 1nd, rom (0), (a4 i+ pla, ~ an ~ Selans + (1+ Haus, o for 0 =< my ~ 1, The solution of (0) may be expresoed in terms of PPisson- Charlie” polynomials. We here denote the solution of (8) for Which a: = 1 by (eq). The properties of sp, a) which we will nsed sro given in the appendix ‘We assume that ¢, = 1. Then, from (7, lat olar= aes + meen ao) for 7 hy nnd pnw separation coment. He for m =k, ~ 1. The solution of (10) may be expressed in tans of ‘Chebyshev pelyncmials of che second kind Ui} Ii convenient co rine (nomen) m w= (2) ee o “The appendix gives the properties of thew functions that we need We role here, however, that Un(s) © 1 and U(x) = 0, From (9), (10), (62), und (64, with a suitable normalization, follows chat (2)'sman ontsn - rey (EY Toso. ainty so 030m (Next, from (8}, a (4) MB= alt Foes ++ Moy) for 02 j= m~ 1 Te follows from (5 that fis proportional to 4-9, 0) for = j= Alo, 4 THE BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL, JANUARY 1981 Los ~ dy) + me~ ADB) = aes # md Bien, 4) for = 7s fb, Comeeponding to (11), we define wo (2) u(t) ” 0) = Yo le) — War. 08) “The appendix gives che proper of hese functions that we need It follows om (0) and (2) thats proporinal to gf) for ne = 1= dehe ‘Consequently, we take _ [olcmasantod, Os Jsne 10 (eee weiiem an We aio define where pai) = Saf ta AP 03) “This equation may be written inthe form salt ~ obo) ~ tyr ~ pp a, io] =O. “The expresion in the square brackets in (19) polynomial in 9 of dogree by = ne + glu was shown’ thi ile zeros ave positive and fistinet,aid we denote them hy fm m= Ly oon, hy, Wy lv let po =. follows that we may represent the probe min Ue fr E eatdendsi-Pmadtalonls 0 peal 2) E, cumbia -Pme tbhnd, meh for 0.2 i= hy, where (a) is defined in (2), and the constants 6g are 10 be determined remains to satisfy the boundary conditions corresponding to i = ‘yin (6) a8 well as the normalization condition (6). we ta f= hyn (Gh, we obtain Cast as tm FAR mPa (ait OT = BedPAG + FU Upson OD foros jem—1, ohm + mh ePhpin + eH adPHned + all = ByPHnre (2B) ‘OVERFLOW WHERE QUEUING TAKES PRECEDENCE 5 and, if ge 1, [ealt = 5) + mst dns 0.06). t EPas vb RAL ~ BaP yn, (3) form +1sjhe TF we substitue (20) neo 21), afeer reduction with the help of the recurrence relations inthe append, we ind that clr +p a) ~ Sy + Py Ay foalf-Pe 89 + efSaDm lon) ~ 5 ln, )By, ADaN 641 ~ Pm 3) Anlen) = 0, (24) or 0:= me — 1, Aloo ro (23), iis found that E, Cobain (+ Ps 80nd =, AL + om 01, lo AP) = 0,25) formy+1= j= hy lemay be shown thatthe houndary condition (22) in rodundans, as it en be exproted. ‘Thus the constants cn are deter- mined by (24) an (25) only to within x ltipleative coneane, which iedetermined from the normalization endition (8) rom (20), withthe help of (16), (19), (62), and (58), i is found that Spy — emi, a0) ~ tact ai%q AO), (26) for0 = i= hy But, fom (12) and (65), ozizm, en cs Hence, from (26) and (27). with the help of (67), (58), and (65), the normalization condition (s) implies that oC, a8 0) ~ 8, a, a8, (0) [5002 aN) ~ Gill eof = 1 28) Once the constants ive been devermined, the steady atace prob abilities py, may be calculated Irom (20), We reruark chat the number (6. THE BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL, JANUARY 1961 of eonstanca to be determined ix ouly £1 + 1, whereas the nomber of probabilities py i Uh + Ike Uh UU, SOME STEADY-STATE qUANTMES ‘We proceed now tw the calculation of various steady. stato quantities of inert, ‘These quantities are depited in the diagram of Fig ‘which indicates the mean flowrtates. Te lass probabilities By andl La sre givon by LS rn bam S Pity em) and the probabiiies chat demand from the primiry, or secondavy, sourve i queued on arrival are aE km & aad E Ere om The probability that a demand smiving from the primary source ig Men ren neti OVERFLOW WHFRE QUELING TAKES PRECEDENCE 7 overflows Gimmedively) is Days Since the mean service rae ia, the mean departure rate frm the primary queue to the primary servers in Renn XS pw (32) while che mean deparcure vate ftom the secondary queue to the secondary servers it Res = mail ~ Bad SE Be (a3) "The average number of demands inthe primary and secondary queues EW-mipn VAY YG- man (ae ‘leo, the average number of dewanda in service in the two groupe ane A= EE ming mia, = EE minty mada, 6) ‘Now, according o Lil's Ubeoremythewveruge numberof domands in queving eyacem ix equal to the wveragu rate of arrival of demande to that ater tines the average Lime apent in that aystem. Lf we apply thie vesule to the primary and secondary queues, we find thae the ‘average waiting times ofthe demand mhich ate queued in the primary (ria the cecondary axe given by l= 0, 36) ‘heorem tothe primary and secondary groups + hita= 0 6m “The stendy state quantices of interact may be expressed in term of the constants cq with the help of the representations in (20), From (23) ie is found, with the help of (12) and (18, that r= J ealta(oa, #3800) ~ 8, lm 8M, lbe] iaiepm defo 8 18 THE GEL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL, JANUARY 1901 We define fe), 00) el) ~ soe oe] Ist 0 @) from (25). Then, om (80) ito found, with the help of (26), 27), and (65), that = deta, a0 (0) ~ 1h ) “Moreover, fom (29) and (21) i flows that Ltd de, 0, a 1 from (32) it follows that Ry, = XQ. as isto be expected, since in the steady state the moan deperturo rato fom the queue i equal to the mean arrival rat to ‘We detine auer= fare (8s VE EVO. EFL Gay Ya@ed, E21 “Then, from (4, with the help of (26), (27, and (8), ite found that v= ds 0, 08, (2) co Alun, from (36), with che help of (5), (58), (58), and (65, it fellows cane ernay be vii, with the help of (29), (67), and (65), that (41) and (4) ure consistent with (87). "The explicitness of the expressions for the quantities in (0), (41), (43), ana (44) is due to the fact that these ‘quantcies are nt affeced by the secondary. This, ofcourse, is nol the ‘ase forthe lees probability Z, which is given by (38). (Next, from (28), since jal = 1, ik found, with che help of (201 and (63), lt Tam Seatal-pm allel + 95 0 loa) a +400 =}. ay, AL + bm Oy, lanl. (8) Alo, from (8, with che help of (6) and (68) i follows chat ame — F catecsl2 = hm dele! [lL F be Ohba) — See + Oy a fant (66) OVERFLOW WHERE QUEUING TAKES PRECEDENCE 9 In view of (98), (1), (48), and (46), the second relationship in (37 provides a usef numerical cesk. ‘We now define nape mis he an fe sum on fin (3), we obtain (l= Ba) nde erm = a form +15 Ilo ramaiten med ons se =r Hom (28 ant oa ow “Then from (90) and (i), with he help of (63), we obtain = [%a0) ~ Ta, 1) and z= AQ is to be expected. Also, from (94) an (42), it follows that 52) ‘Thie completes the calculation of expressions for the steady-state quanton of interest. 1V. ACKNOWLEDGMENT ‘The author ia grateful to G.M. Anderson for bringing this problem to his attention APPENDIX ‘We defn a0, a) by the xecurrne relation (as 14 NO, a) = alt dol Pa) + EF Da, a sik a) = 3) fori =0,1, +, Thus ss, a) isa polynomial of degres nin both A and t,and it may be related to a Poeeon-Charir polynomial.” However, se pve here the properties of (4 which we sll need. An explicit Formula i aa) = y Oe Lt on 10. THEBELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL, JANUARY’ 1863

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