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BSTJ 50: 9. November 1971: Restoring the Orthogonality of Two Polarizations in Radio Communication Systems, I. (Chu, T.S.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 50: 9. November 1971: Restoring the Orthogonality of Two Polarizations in Radio Communication Systems, I. (Chu, T.S.)

Restoring the Orthogonality of Iwo Polarizations in Radio Communication, Systems, I By 7.§, CHT, {Macs ened Mark MH) {The teaeamisa sein. wt saatngsyten aften fate atta the oregonaityetaen tr pabeintin aig a dienetih phase tier au a eiforotel alesator, the cethogonaliy ean be recured iy the transformation of Sup vunsrnnoue lliptally policed wae Stato orthggnad polarizations, ‘Making wa of to arthogunal pei sene sinalanconaly ean double the eapasty of a radio eoromiieatinn syste Te malement of hsincaining orthogonality is eesily Tulle stn the tevnamittiog ‘and reeevingaasenas ae lig dhe ears mastiou of each othe. Sometimes sis agnmont ys sable or exeanple, i sae stelle fvazaiestion seem the jr elaane re distibated aeroms the bunt of ohe salle carsurn, Thon eng soleraetion variatoc thin the anter foul wil) give tse to. ermeepoarination pling, Raia extention may us ialeuducesgnieant depaariaation {tho tiger mueromave ferqueneies” Tw praetve Ths Iwo wrthogonal polarizations leaving the transmit are eer tose tlngnal sins Dalamed stawoe or fen oppose ovals polasaed. ves, Whataver bo the eouse ef ulation Ucoeins, toe tee to rentsin orthurmaliry wl malar Seo ba orthogonal ellipse polarized wesw at he enerving terminal. The [ron of this peri ose se Ia of eww oMogonality bp transonming the tie nonortzogunalcligselly pale waves ins ve octogoual Kosar polstnations, The transformation employ 1 ciflerential phase shifter ana derail tteruatu SOB oye weun sven mMeLAHEML sound, SeEIHER ETE ‘Two nonorthogonal alicia poland waver, T and TT, ean be mpucentel by to polanzation elipees with thelr maj ees rented St en arbitrary angle # with eeepect to each otaee aa soi in Ti ‘Treasial ator ond Ay ean be ofthe suze or oppor ign dpe lig on whether the platzat:oa epee are racing i the sume or oposite tioerons. Let ue ind the eepretenations af these to eliptosy poleized wares in the XY eocednates where the X, aad Nysves ae fquntarloekvie rotations of 8, and ge teapeetively fr tho Xe Ge in the wowigieation of Pig. 1 iva nogatiee value) ‘The eaco’ of Ccocksst te eauntereleckwio exelaey pelarzad components for she holism ellines I fxnve ‘where A, 3 positive if the elliptic polazation i minting elosewise fd egative if he ellipsie plevzstion it rotating eaunterlsloie, When the X axis i used at pls forme forthe te elon rola eoniponents this co heoomes we @ Th ratio uf le ¥ womponen to X component for the polation SEs r 1g 1 0 omega ey ily pl seston we: nocosauany 1 wos cigs Li oper 2 hem ® Sobetituting seo 2) ito gin (3) an expen Sr Py aimilia'y we son fad P, for tho polarisation ellipse TE. (aap 0 aye NGS AES A} ot ww T r a © LP ew when A, > 0; (0/2) | Py < afd whew sn 38, >. Tn onter fo canvert as elliptic Polnnston iio linear palueaion the phase difference belwrea the X and. Y components rast ba elimi Dbsted hy a proper diflesasial pase siftgr The edition for sme ansoue (irhformations of to olipee polarizations into tx hear polerizations is TP LP, oF LI bet Pe 6 1 shen eqnaviens ate ceuivalent tn tan LF = tas LP & Subsitucing equations ) ine equation (0), we may the eltion Hew 8 Mth solution for gs , demeh ‘The shove expression fists tho wsination nf the X= Y ours Revapalsiug a phace delay | P, hal cangonentain the Y deelion, Hy hw lpseally polariaed svroe T aad LL aro trensformd nso tivo Zasaniy oasires save LT mal 12 Massared an Dig, 2 for Hecate at LPs hy = 1 Ps The sae betes thet rae palarassons is eta Pt | Pf ten GEE Pe ogy Pai? sya N66 rie nen: sveTES THe TOOMAL, NoRMEER 1A here | P| and | P| ere gion by equations (4), Note that ¢ is not eset a ight nagle. Hirsever, thi angle ean bs change to 4 Fahl wage in the felling mance, Thy < 4/2, nm atlenantign of tn /2) ean be imposed on the components of Land 12 in the diree- fon (hie Deets te gle pa sina in Fig os an gle (Uvte- LBs vic ewpoet tothe X dvetion Ip >? en attenuation of eat tex: be impesad on che components in she ditetion parpeaciol B es shown in Tig, Jb, Tue above osthogonaliaction by diferntial ulonation & the inverse of dopuliaation by attention dus to oblate euindrops.* Obviously diferntial gain may nso provide erhog- nalzetion or depolarization. ‘Tho two oetigusal Knvar polaritione obtained by the above sehr nas oI lige wi the plain nee of the resto, Pel ten o meee cre Tig Onan ay Aeration restos onrionosausny 4 007 Th user to accomplish the align, ome san wie Be pls eifeer properly orieuted se sb io big. t wh hl” and L2" ae autste Fine Ei and L2"-" Tis phe shilter en bo pled i soot Ute immediately afte te AIP, ple ier, The the orientations tf the difeencial phase siflns nd Uh esta! ettenustor eset Se hang semi "The above snalyss sugges ntl for nstoing the orhogonasty of fn patantons see eosin ral of Tie systam, "This metiod taste hoe when the to teri yolaseatioas ate ether lineae breitenen. The diesen pase shifty end the dieentilastemuxtor toot he installed Sn were wowed Treding the antensa It follows frou the rocirosice principle tial she uethogssaily of 80 polvien- tons wil be se preverved hereto transis i evened T the polarization distersone are tee rsing >" praecea eae ments: of lw ays sabene aber: fy resus sw eau sual, ach of whieh wold eeeupy a separa miro Greqdonay band and ‘youl be tousmited on ane the teu attend soletone, The ompeonetov uf anh signal iy the tae ueligernl plsiztiens of the feveiver cen ae mownnel, ‘Hie nanliae ria and phase Aone ot hove ew eomorssvinrnspleely apeeity Liptay glared weve fer nc al ‘Now ellis som own for the sequins lift arenas tion, cee rbsence 0 dihersticsestonueson, a Fae oo ea Dolacisiticss samira argle & will anor a case pasierin 0 Tea S02 73) | Fate manne sith reaped rhe =o ottog Don Few pls latione of the reeves hes ferae vwinieites. ‘The Po 6S Tem arta srs recuse soca, Novae 181 complete eliiaation of erusepolarization coupling will aed a dif Tomtial abiemiator of ta (2). Hever i oftan only neeeary torrie the cmos polaron terrain aysten apeiicatn, wach fe 30 GB. Thea the seyuiced dierati attenuation will be tan (/2)tam y/2} or He ripmwnd eee [Ian SP, — 2/2) | the folersble ros plaraaion, Fr ariounsyniansperdeation of tolerable roa polasinntion, Fig. 5 how the maquina elferential alssion Yer the origin ees polarinvion. Furor, one hve that the Giferentad attenuation only alerts se eamgoneat af exch gna ‘Tae attonastion och il sia in (2s 2) oe ee ED feos (2) when $s les or gcester thax +2. tn the eee oF Weak Een ‘chogeralty the attenuation ef the total signal is appnoximately halt ofthe diferente arzenaaien. ‘reviewer ius called the thors attention (othe practice of uriz, suustable squeeze soeriony fr tke reduction o? crosstalk in the rorae tellelorantenca ejatem, A diferental phase sitter alone may reduce the exes-polarization coupling; towever, the complete eltination of ‘oe plain in genera requests proper eomtinetion a a d= favencal prune sitter and a ferential scrometor ne dosrbed i thia peper re i eas fel a i : Fg, SR tern solic opeton ol ESTOR:NE ORMADEOSSLINY 1 69 ‘The aslo wis to thank A.B. Crawford and BAL Oli for timing daensions SSE eh aS er a iy a8 and lle Dae in” HE os IRE, i, cer

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