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BSTJ 50: 9. November 1971: A Microwave Feed-Forward Experiment. (Seidel, H.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 50: 9. November 1971: A Microwave Feed-Forward Experiment. (Seidel, H.)

A Microwave Foed-Forward Experiment. by H. SEIDEL Cs si Agi 1,02) Hw vgs fore frsd anto! weve applied fo « 4 67 sow ty, nd Bethe TD va rat ep, rey of seeing eitorinn to «sunt fa tax fro Hh 9 sige ots, oud sieaustieg 22 anion, ii nin ne 08 ees is ts yg ot seco Mur auotenment, Thee ret ml use trencoa ieee, 286 fh BEE we waited SCA0TIe oe emu atrtion sbehaoreite sree in Sainte "TL paper dverihos an sxocrnentalsenneave axpltio designed sound the Western Flier 431A seaschageneys tubo, whisk oymrsier swith evermoly ln ralulnie.peoduets ever 30-MF wie tis ‘oor sharv, Tha sepetimen eis noid wir cence Fe exdilty of mash amplisere for Hol savy wk x maepoet of Theirs imoasing the obeanel eapoety 0” mioweeave radio {scram by poste tae se single ego AME me Tor than DMC ‘his url pat a 6 camtng ort ty explore and lot feat front tent ones welgues, Fonltwes a eane contra w25 twighsaed By Lad 8, Bln 1921" 6 yoyanrane by asvseal yours vo his tors fanous accompli oe feedbae eontrsl leigh ei ys eis, oma ww posses? abd seas aval only te he context ef Mell vinsit” 1th fused ohe te Ble come ff todbaek sl fvi-foroanh since sim He peso gabon fa U8 Patent 2502-718 sauce in 1352 to WD Tonks wine estecet Mobil’ Hots to smiemiraves ming trv sie thes nd echer micron ve hw fo pill rsuncn ws. AP siugosed, there ne furdarerkal Witenes RO ule os nen eRRENORAG FM, ERE TT lu the wee pasonted her, peimasiy wich veepect unequal emp Ulssioe, wel tie explct-equalvation of sgaal path taming: Newer Shoes the Tare his hae be ntaince yor eatmeucy, eae “itinntelyto developments parael to tases pesextad bere, probabl Telfrota ons ta tee aifsrenee af sressres tpunning ‘vont yours. ‘Tbe eeentl tetas of teedtored i staal freon fro eet ine imitations waich rious Lit the apoliaton of megatv Teoahceke ct high sroqurstice. IL Seidl, TL I Resricr, ad A. ¥. Frist,” ia 1057, demousteated the eopabiliton of deedcoreard velow apglied to VIE ampiters Tmo separatahigherowsr amine, fe perfing ete 25d 6 MAY rd The ati tens 2 nl DATs, wee re te sone dymaania mangos of weil vse 100 AB, tdi einai aires sina ine cree al fede Th 1960, tae antioe canzonetated the eamabilites of teedtornesd conte is ipuowing an sxatng Lt coesal cable deteibutios amp cx "Thin sven, the “oattont af GH traeteon and fredbars a, feldse a ANA impervemens af tanduletion produete eros th entice ange of 02 to 0 Rlllge 7 Dol bendvidth. 2 tae funeturs. the finilutive svidenen made elear thn waith aid eagsabuity of tod forwasd congo, cad iatarest ore in fe applesility to mennea 1: parfiecarinterem in microwaves fe sho distarion of he pow butput stego ofa uo sig openers Tes wel non thee ara fumpression toreer w oqusney swaluiion, or PCM, we fill ator freeones redusict medion seinen sa eerie eine medal tion that weuld be otborsse produced. eluate fre uonoy patios toa, Hewsreny wot alate slllstoting, Shien seh 8 ee handy neues in Crag of este nnadeningcomvenmfeation na, Trader shoar cinta, sin sided mcculetion i an a Iosctive peepee: senimieg Thay ladon, ci eal te power state ligitstioa tka wecudas it, Har sample, che affe, of aUreqh Anctuetine on wiceban szgle sideband trenemion fs, ue vel, ute fralnsted, hota with eeepe! fa facing and seein, Neverthe, |¥ one ssaniee the cotinan: linieaie. te be ower sige eompivssion and, assuming genoallysoneptale sige love, tale seatste. cath Inerta, ete, fgrtees wish a seeunsphon of HIM) ezine witiin x vo-stlle cheno, inowrty sequyemenes for the power slego mny be educed. Tor the Westere Kletrir 401A taveliaeceve tut, the ever sueurstisn powcr stage urce in the TD syem, caleulotin shows x rayuined inpawarnent ia mecustioa product uo bebwon ann feawan coNeRe gst Awl 37 Tse divengsnoe theca murs eee wn ieee of phase decoreltion introduced auto chinerder Satenndoatin sveumoation by transposing Crngding? masierganape at vacons sites Moxy the Pansnision rate. ‘Ta ahaw the azsapney 9 fecorvanl freed independent of aulary tevaniqnee, it se the puspese of thia fener: to akow that diserion redustion omid be armnmplied Injord he higher, 47 4B, ge ‘Tn make the Hnerity weniersents rarie'y questiteize, let a imusuatarily view tye Hetnitin 1 the istrnnsluetion means MGS, Ms dened Hh ser of doses relative t9 one mwa Bewhich one wll Fad n Punter wot of the form A= TE = Tile se gnlifer sing Fee ses, 8, Beal Cont a Flite HLA sratngese abe bas ay MIR ing — 78 ochst 947-18 impenvemect ecrrsponds to an MA value ot —195 ‘Further spocietion on the expenment we3 thet cach tone in the isikowoer Fternsnlztion tet tar tebe ant ta Q2alRin aa fv, and Ther the overall spate war ton vo eaturae Fully Belo EB Teal iw ie symirlin of 22 Pw pr tone the roe Daision thie shone iteruenllntiss producia wil be 3 322 Dr BB AR, soos hw — l2ketRan er, ‘Tzeafore, i eas the abjonine Df Hig West to ceduew thikonler internation below —39 Bin with the spetied tee lo ent sion. Aad spesignion reqae ge he ik Bye oon be soberly inorazed Tees the tebe SA values ajith, A A A we abl shoe, tae various amples objectives ve besa met Tine ie w oun shady ef atnsoherin ofees npr single widsband nutans The wore pea a 2 alent a ie valuation ocho Tole cf low-distortign ampli ill “orm a hase fue the detorminatar a” fealty af sing eideband tncnemigion in morse ean lay rate hs bale of ths poser cantina fn ne following Hors sai Th Booker Toho east ia uf erd-boanl nsnlare ncinge, Why in tony spe repeats infonalay wouinn? iy Bele 4 id 5 iH dns contain sow iron tle ann of 483 anaes af & Iralenged nsion, Rituien 4 felansval syste high interes by aie cons ratins onal Zul sdeetanding fe te res a oibiliy of arninoeorefealforward ample eauins, ements, s dernmtswion nf wanpalible ar vaielenee of rious menuware Advices interaeiag ia fesly some pacven, The very axistenoe ff individual ssvies capable af satiivieg their sete fonctions 2889 cate vas svsimas omer FORGE, UME TL sours be davedigeel at then Use Fabrecion murs be eben to be predictable Whi we wulug lo sepsxste, Devine Cheines and Experiments Rewuls ie Sei TO aad TV, we caxnot lean « folly favovlal spin Thi lee of drsign i the last analy, am operational proce: in Ut is eision ust take te teal astm fperace acceptably, ua ts cu un be enn emvengeliy, Sa eval fain etl geet pure of the pros a evign ele ‘Sect V earzmaizes che varie oslo the aly a sous ssbis,prohtrble ara fur farhue ives radelorwand corel, ex me tae i, kay ee mejor dhe etornies UC reenguies tine ow and. srovides appropriate y adage outa erent 6) Uinoris determined seletive wo tho sourve with eae suvxeive Hage of grow. therens not al axing wny easnulaies inet ff error othe cunt, ar abil lw sean bee with en ever nerning wel ut lo Tesi i rempsring Top ank apt, aloes over the turds: sont Meine Het input nel akon sree snwranecen eens feed, Grerufore, wok uy ah” aie eozpaxicon. La pst, Shey ene avidly iwnttunsonn Hf rleviog speed a ar fates thom, Iie flighty ystan, Deon epee ens te pnb, oof, an nw falar dee, bul ov Ty £3 a mec of making ‘he evnstnw penton offedbnek aeeptatle. we were to engunize t eysten 1" ren contol hie «id a foree fale roqulcaent of sinllanety, not only would she pooblem. of tbrionbing aero uns Time daviees cxapoean, but 40 wetid tho eats probes 0" aabvity another que of the canseucuas of eompuring ireomnrabie rset Using tar net fecture lied Zor feedforvued, ‘se reegatee ‘ho cdasuster of trace dime m foxning « proper urn Como, Fa er chan eomagurelapt witk ouput, we form delayed refers Jin input whore che sims delay employed vets tamu for thy reais ins Thome Ee sais Ut Ts anion desing fee this ine np oll dee. Choi a the nn whe falaved ivr i nade though «setting omer howe coming Lae i asin On gui ayplfer Tolerrng Ps sa ier Pato with the delet elena, we frre se ern nl tie to the snalifier outs Panesar oso ose Jn having both the ampiier output sal the aeter component of she output io fe properly rernelt the aounes hae an Ccogruted system. Thermsvlynanical’y tne ino dinrder added to themystern by the anpliier singe th eter Gouri proves the mesa terverie on lo levee el wi urdu in the ample cciput. This includes amplier distortion, undesited variation ia the tromsfer funetion, aad therm nist. Ln the sense of dil,” the input signal ivrmaion ennsitutes a negative ely” aud we may fenploy Ht to ool the noise tempeeatnce of the amplifier, As inated fn the soeond foocune of fed forwntd, iespostive of omplaity as the syatem grows, we may fous back agai alsin 1 thi negative futropy to keep the rytem a cool in noise teperstune se we my ‘ish Having determized err, the nest step in the proses is to remove the extor present in the empifd autpot. Ike prooses i, sentially fe of subtraccicn, implemented throug «time compatible irsevferanae tens. The deteted ere nel and ought ack to igi trot levels ts emplierettput, Daraythe tau etd of aw ales tion, both te signal aud eer i the ampliteroutpat are appropsitely dala, so chct the error af the main emperor ad the arpa Akt eros may olde rd aniblate in the ne. combining coupe. Tr ammplfsing she drinsied eran, ela segrate e smnrot i tooneg of che thental ose sal dios nf the even anger fs that oreo enmeeton it nat pervert. Further te annihilation af the ‘ginal eon isimpeieet cee of wall ease tin pert Hon within the mor cane inbeveenirter Toop. While snuck reduesd, the rsedual sonore Aste and eianetoness may requis frcater reuetion. Treating ths to lps comeing the cor tection Sage as aa algorithm proves, we mit ropa that proses srbstrarly dy ead tr nopliior atv sed of erties) anaher ‘isorloap ert ewetng sage. There i earn cero prod by multstging sine we touch bul othe original signal, for teferene, each sige ‘Two simplified feed-forward error control stems exe shown in Fig. 1 following the liner of deserigtion grin abmve. Liga: Is shows 1 Auglesiaye eureetion stem, where the lems stag pes Bch fv eeear dieting layy wy eeror revi inetdon Toon. Th ti figure, we abetact the common panoes produce by reepectively equal time delays. Tao main angler 's eharzterzed bya emall relative cormples ctor, &. ‘The susiliary amlsice, refered to at times us the rhs simpler, othe eusseetion sampler, a8 ehecueterinnl Dy BSBA Tuy MLL see ARONA SoERRA, SOMMER ates con 6 fa velative errr « Both of shee quantisies ago mal: ana we find the Gatput ty five as neato evcuaccndor aallzes, onal, testvel Figure Ih stows a uve-atage octorser eystom in: whieh che enste Just stage ie winbedded au qaceand stage fo another tenloop exsle of easeetion, The scot-ororesror ote org sin mage air 5 non rendered by th seoond ge alan shirdonier ere oii an dente esion ofthe moshaning of te eeoecarealaion eeu 22 Theol Nove Th ts use hore aka pw stage ours amplifier, thera nolan re tuirements om the nmlier se aes se even at high evel Neverthe, sithont apmwoprinte eatin, cherwal oie eo ine iulverondly. breome 2 nsjor prabler ina multistage fd-foreant system. The erux ofthe matter lies inthe specie meats by whieh we xtrut inforotion fom the orginal soure. Lf sampling at cneh foreeion slage depleos signal nergy vail, genie evel neues and the reference les ts quality ae an information ouree, To understand zh tarsal neve arports, lst ue ealeusts the observa naive eystem with ideal error caueclission ‘A fesd-lormerdearceetion stage i zone in ig. 2 with ace souzeen evmenaeeann eon 286, wth. hers inulaed, The nenmsans sige sue Oe, Uys fy wemearnt tho inadant. pation’ wf the ee sue, srepreively, ue waveled tarmcnation of Use iuput eouples 8", cha nfrre! input wate of the tain amples, wl the refered ixpu: net af te anelinry amp, AT sr rune ial operation of both iterfermeter Ini, we may Immediately aseoune the lle af Uy sane i i hosed ull mee aration fn the final expt, Coieavaval ye sue eoncemed. ly will He blackbody aca, (yaa th rsiary amplee wae, Fs A turn “io tw bl-bp ll he tle in ell chet Fine Selle [TS] — 1 Leck of ennyniio Whoo €, and U. proces fforthor celta thn Te (0.403) =U Let e cbti-url tine eorsicerstions stom ¢ , asd Ge in al that fo.ows, stem tht. fume an i farael By tho dala esr var "To within thar Hin, tho ingereramety ents on tbs Tes uF Tig, Vase a flows. SESEA + Sa = 4 a SSR + SIPSH =u a ‘These two suussions ners ma aaapicaive in eleustion, Tey ann, implicit, shal esher Gat Gs esslaivele, may 2 disabied athe Tie ine ‘oa cerorminer. Wall ne teeing ature tleetivey, clean or gain esceulaton aid ila Gy lars enletion Tor everall gen we 86, m0 “Tee onuplers in Vig. Vane all dive) wa Rormuad stating, having, the ytd venetian, WS95 TE MLL vasa qensieAT osm, NORBERT 00 Be Me Su Sq 0 0 Sy Su OO. TRecare of sie Jushen win ly sie the Susteren ta itz apie wd (sys 1 1 819) eorfaneion #1 (8, we usin ring 0), sve olin dita ats i Aopen "Phe bn iain be Fe AGRE A HSE MROR. an gan wing skull da sown in he Ans, wr Bad 2 ess + esi Whe cltve mite tenn, of Uke Gea emp se vin ave errs of he aan apr Be = Tie ho 6 eter aur tema, ait ” where the rovagnilin is mele what | Sit" © — [8¢) 8 farther ‘atau Hobe fn a0 Ve tee um Ish 18 PLS ’ "Vhs tll site: design probles may be understse ns ronnie Teton (9) and (MN. Wa esas afer to lve tow ie of the rnin Tiers wie geese Tt he epee ed 7 the eu-conWaa eosin 2387 amplifier output 50 that | SH" ard | Sk | mus: be qusntitise lose to ait. Rutan (10) stats tha oma yale of [S/n th eed of lege maiz ample guy Gy» to Nelda spocfieg aster wai 6 If howevsr, | 83" were muade tee lares, [8°] would nsher, eur. espunding.s, sitew hw Lv metsix elaente shane the complete sower flow of te eoupler Sty significant reduetion of |S | ralvs the neve temperature of the atenh, by rntue of (0), ao tha ite value rust ho guns ‘The nike rosoncliaton with excessively lange main amplifier gain requiremants is a2 fllewa, Main arpifier rnin det wot eer into the final system noise temperstane in pineiple, for an iden ctor faneclling system. ‘This holds in practier, ae well, peuvlling main fmplifer noise is ot allows to aciave that vel wh nn mene ‘eth the dagnee of erneilation in the lst stage. In contrasting & rmltitage erstom, therefore, we would allow tke onder of 6 dB nose inerense por stage by making 8 |" eortspond to about 6 dl, up tur he List stage, lasing about 7/Als gain per etege in the pres, TTor the Int stago, teeing all previous sages ar aie, nog, main amplifier o seven the prmees, easing Lie lial ayeten noige tem perature to wietad fat of the let autny vanlier by about 1B, but osing 6 4B of gsin “Euston (8) permila & sinole, weful auproximation. “'yplelly, [80°F deviates by lees than I poreexe ftom units ad 8! is wall Joe than unics. 7, on the o:ter head, may range anywhere from a silue of $ oF in practi! spaenn to el beyond HOOD, A good ap pveimton fe 2) fe 1? sr vik sates th the noi tmperatare of « well-sinoeled feed forsand yer in iver hy the nin temperature of the fal suxiary smpliier Tine the ennai Toe fo Une eferenee ith produced by the reference couple. ay 4.3 Csieia for I ste Wor Hanes ooh stage of sornetion requites tre autsafioitee balance The Js, cenesponding to {l}, sets te svendards “or phase and gh of the matin aunpliie, wile thr arcond, orn. to (2, cancels the imbalance presets proceeding em the fea, Runiaally, the fist -oop comparison eoupler ancl time dela closely appreciates Ue ansicr pepertce of tae main amplifier, eo thet the ezeor signal DAR Tu oes shox netCAE FOUMNAL, SOMEONE due to sal toaster fasetion perorltion i small TT she standards ‘of cousin ge ad time delay ere in cll rear, the atin woul porate io aligatly diene stwulinéa, With ite concequenze ctzer fam © araiewhee Sight avornae power noeration of the amsliaey rir ‘Ahersstively, invrmoi'aties cod thermal nie are rlotively iechorwat sich respec lo The veleeaer sigaa, 90 thas they form iar products of fe Fir ilerfoenetes lop independent o the pression ofits bolnnos with respeet ta the eahstent parse Ie sgl Tis the wood intevtoomneer Top Balance whieh is extcal fn eanecling thew proven Fn te stp ‘The relative precbone of tao tw interferometry: ats, (1) aul (@)y ne tne ewe roan eatrels diferent peimpetives i ayaten, devign Given medeeats gmc range ofthe fal ausar aampier the fist Toop tauet only possom hal ogre of eanetltion to avai ‘any subssnntal maniferterions of mosiacnrity in Ube asliaes ampli. On the otter hand, the entire gure of ment of the fed-forwand eo tovtrat ays in eleng Lieut iapmvemnt resides i she preicon alan oe eeeaneinereumies Ip. Nor thie loop gpeeates in oiasively light loedod frsio, the potent.al for maintaining precise binge ie gpl, As oe bal! show, sane design effort is exuded torearde maining « Caarindependeat asallense ef hi balance rough the we of euslary corse. 2 Pit-Stays Poo Witkin a feelorwand merous etn we aaa ack sceeptabe choices of microwave tmplier mess af wroommedating relatives: Tesye tine delays couplers tpl’ ta the needs of precision intr feconsetey,adjurtaent meu fr erp, adplivecontolers to maintain fimeindstendent operation, she. The adjetive “acceptable” suggests fot only the wo of deviers vyuble af aneting ster teenies! ob- jectives but implies objotives ax well, of ultimste reprodneiiity, ume marital sompeet pekaging. ‘While, nthe lenge loom, sol think of rierowave ioe of maay ofthe vonnpiente non a tbo austin svete, atration Fsiveompurs nih tw frimodiats reeds of «fest densnstetion ‘The wierownse eacerinent, therefore, was perferzed entity vith svvexnice wid einai eeouiey ta proved> Zor ons of rnd iention, Ti govoral, a wis lnone eneesperdenee axsts bute a se

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