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BSTJ 50: 8. October 1971: The Transmission Performance of Bell System Toll Connecting Trunks. (Kessler, J.E.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 50: 8. October 1971: The Transmission Performance of Bell System Toll Connecting Trunks. (Kessler, J.E.)

The Transmission Performance of Bell System Toll Connecting Trunks By J. E, KESSLEN 4 syste survey of the pfurnanen of Dell Spat te eoxneting fants wow woven tn 1900, Farias eRe of his sury have been toed tn thor sion ae that ie, Phew pogo the main eee Brea single writing. Tha sampling plon ened mownceaent ysomivese tre discuss Urol. Measurement seats are qretented in deatieutovat form and. eating for fhe tamawun poramaiae raasing %9 Tou, Ieper ion, amsulee wu, entao wnueope delay, PYAR, Ievovmie trio, and pysonl heraaeratce. Seine rex eye tented severely for major Inf et Joey eatporie. “Thy Hell Sytem leptons netwans couse uf honey of tm vision freities wvulable for oopnectizg one euberther un snother ‘These ineude sho lpr ‘rows th eabsendery to choir Lal lolephone cfc, tell eonreoring Teun tum tho send the tll fee, aad ines {oil tore hntiveon these cll fies. Claas, Tae teamiaion per ocwnion of wll soauzetian iy llr! eae pent of tis hl-ap foueeson. Ovens. menaunes oi porarnaner hive been report in ons eaten surveys el the na aes &everaty comple "9 Conner Suemey." Tnero si eombaereal ees for detailed erowledge of te sperite ports of ull ccnnstinns, This information finds hnportan uopliitiene ix tho serting 0° true objectivse for tho-verion Inmate peametors, wd Une eur: bo aims) on fveomputer, a model f the Well Systm ‘eunsmisicn aetxerk, Uy This Pi te paper reports vrais ppline exit of tae trace tetlomasen af val grating ‘uke, aged o7 9 sparemuie anren ‘nidealen i 1065, Todo pions of cis inoraotion Ive hen tow sepa, aad this nee serves bs bring all che results Uogther ine single dennent, Lo the vatlvr' amoledge,thase dts represent am un ams svvrsse mecca, JoumNaL, oewessR rt lie only published etimetes of tll eomnosting trusk perfomanos, Although: the min of fecitise hee olasyad rich tte, etiaoles ‘of paratslon for individual types of Teeny are expented to be wee acably stable, ‘A toll connceting trunk ie dal na ane Leask emaciated oce fas ith al afi Cenaet, 3, 3, oF 1. For pron this paper gock toll ening Krank sonia of The ona ferty fand any ofiee cuisine wih Ue trunk The oie ri sent may be alfenaation pea, hybrit macnnaees, rating ei, Ge, Faure 1 chron the ves types of tall eonneeting trunks used inthe Bell Syste, Tn gonera, a tell oamnectcg ‘run: coasits of switahing equipment nt holh ends snd cransasion taelitis in betvorn. Cansisent ith oir plein 1 Caan taaieson objectives eusiee, uke are roused of a swiceabrough-witeh besis (eee og. 2). ‘Tha encbles fine tose cheae daa in constructing cstimates ‘or overall coanserions 1 tall ollie woaruemants aro made tom # tol tarbocad, master tos: rome, op an outgoing erase (OUT) tour. Ln the end etfeen ch tesing is dona tora amcster test feane oe OGL board. ius, the trac insluces (becider the actual fasty of to-wine of foutine vole {eqoeney eable, or carrer chonnel) the trun: circuit, repesting el Tontwie trminating ete, ard ssitching equipmens, ce "The oll conzsoting trunks in tas aurvey: wave Weesuted for the follwing teonemision pranaeate 1) 1000-e Joes {@) Frequenes response ou cussions ns nas (Gi) Relative envelope detay 9) Message oir nie (0) Impulse ne (8) PAR moter weadinge fo) Harmon's dnention (oa) Level tracking ot compandored facia, All measuzements were mae in both ditetions of transmieeon wish ihe exwoption of imple node, Lt was maawaed only incon bo Uhe la ales, The fequeeay rspors and relative cuvelupe delay were Ieceured at 17 Seequencies Frm 29) hy 3a) Fs. Bull Tabontoioe Pereoanel eaciad out these meveurumgnts, with one person al euch tat of the eal eoneting frst, In sdition to aul meer tinea at uk length tym of switehing, and type of faedity ostd for the toll comneeting Inu war ublained from offen oeonde, such as eieat Zavout ene "There exe many diferent faites in ao oa toll noeling Krank Jn the Bell Spstem. This survey eneountored several sepacabiy ila tiliale types of faslities and, where there te sgullewa suemle resulta ane given forthe ity sbelsen, ‘The sampled population cosine of all he Bell System toll eon- necting true in the eontinental United Stato utd Canad, Although ‘the exact number was aot kun, ie was extinaled Ul Wie were sour S00.000 tol connceting trunks in srvie in 1966 The semple of coll connecting trun of Use survey eonssted of 2rs4 rim neu sree xeeustoHs JOURS, ComDRRR en 150 trunk fram 15 end oiee, ath avin le than 400,000 semua! ‘ontgrng toll messuges (AOT}, und 242 trunks from 25 end foes uc axing mons than 400,00) ATE These 992 tenner were masaured for tose pancetes in both directives, tae ying 758 popmlaion leaaent in the sample, “The sample design eondstod of » tostuge plan with fre atege seontigtion and ‘with the prtmiry niin xlsted ih pubablities Dooportinal to 2 mcasure of ste. (See Tes, 6, 7, or 8 for w general sion of enmapling plara of this type) The primary unite wore ‘Ball Systern ex oftee (cee 8) buildings. These end ofiers were sate ied into evo dijon’ eubpoplatinny noeoediag us the ember of fansual ovtgoing tol! messngre orighating in the end office, This wae done beeuwce 9 pill survey in 10% indicated that lange ent foe buleings uevally ave ehorter tll woaneeting trunke than small ed, ctbce bilcing: The Inge nil feet ale tend ta use voiee-trequeney fable (VI) tll gomnceing ravke antler than esrvier. By trating the popslasion into xy goize that lend Lo ileal horegensiy fone ear more ficiently stn the nanary setimatie ith the sina! preci'un, "The cuntenacon of this rationale wil be. borne ‘out in a Ine rin drconing te physiol ebazacteitie of tll ‘enanting tuna ‘The Fenn athe Tea-stage ample wos a st ofthe 0062 Bell Syatom fexd tien luilings in avovinw om Jazuery 1, 1084, Those end ofce Thultings sera divied sata two subpopulation, aesonlirg to whether they onginetnd 400,000 AOT or not. Prom stratum 1 of end offi Tnilloge wth les chan 4NGM0 AUTEN, 15 end efi buildings wore feleot. Prom strum 2, twenty-five end ofc buidings were soostd, ‘ach end ofcebuiléng ‘saa assigned probability of tlcction propor: ‘nna i te AOTM, Thi weamiee of size had boon used for the ft tage selection of oces ix the earourrently eons tal eanmeeion survey, and prectiality doen ite use wevin for Ube tal connecting trunk surrey. Thore ia » strong errelation between the AOTM. and ‘the mamber of toll connecting trunls in an eal ofier build, The sampling 0 cad fie buildings in eu primers stwsum was performed indepondesly ior the eeco stage of ampli listing of ltl oonneoting trunk in each primary unt ie, the slevted end veiling) waa abtained, For controling the compleaty of the aurvey, a throe-day vist was laze for ese offi, hiv protien! entrain indicated the abity to aneasute co 12 tru in ea ofits, Therefore, where sosible, 12 {ell eomeeting tranks sere hase hy tiupie mitson aammping, inde pendent in each primary uo. Tl entering unl hs neler Ibooome the send tnge ale a He sample dig Te is ssl for nn ent offer baw tons to meee shan one all fee billing iin, the ox ort Me tl lg ea the teat fo toavel ta moro shun oxe building: The wu! uf testing § tu 12 teurlx From eats ei fice waa mas execpt i thuceofice. In ano office, on'y so tl sonnet tke existed end inthe ether to afess preted Uliiu'tiss vee to Kini, the menganerensa tn eeven and five tran "The dats autliscomsisted of wang cetimation foranlas appropvate for the sample design deserbed previouey. ‘Tees formals ld eet rates of poptiation paramctes (2. nieam, varie, standard devi Tins, wad M-psecent cotiderce intervals) boees <n the sample dre, ‘The emiiaas are weigh-ed vo acct for the structure of tbe samp ng plan, Iris staeysion ad seletiom propnecione. to a manne fice, Peobubity romping of his Uy Iie the Uisach advange providing slits af Uys inpsant shaelvistns of the papneton from sshick wo sample, nt Use se ie rnin 9 @antistive smeceure of che suoplis ert or ete of the tell gow erting tran af so ample @ roma iaized of some ofits psec chyruteri'e, Thi sue he ete Tnngth of cho tras, sho tee of eniteknge ab cach erd of the faut, snd the type of flit omni rok rom th fa, in ‘were mae of eunleJergeh dtributin, Calley eames of tll conzecting trunks, and poreertagee of direst eitehing mashinee wd, fut Truk Lenath ‘The ta Foy stibaton esbonm in Wig 8A subtantil ariouat (21 pereont} of the bras re iesling take orang fe the fond flor andl tol fen being f= the sume bling, eae eases te fll eomocting trunk usualy ewes of a -4P pad ad seeing Corpmentfnsuuey wih lr gc "Basialy, tol connecting trunks epan ekort aistanose. Abeut lf the trucks ee seca 10 les log, and only 10 porecnt ofthe trues © A pep sce ong Uns 80 ries, Hove, tate vere Eo tum i tho seme ‘Sot were 151 mils long. ‘hit rela fom inet geogepli routing Shi wed abo SO is to thelr actual eng Ae provunaly mentioned, the eurvey sums had u primary tatifen- tion bars on ta bale tant Large and all offees were sgrifeutly ‘Offerent wich regand eo the tayen nd Tevath othe tll rstreting tunnke assorted wits sem, ‘Those <fferencer ate eneroboraed in Table Fehr shows tee eee lets ara gp 0 Cay ange snd snc often, ‘The eaetropelitaa ofSees Ge lane, ewer 400,000, AON Lead ta uave tal connecting tak ssueh aborter ea U0se in emall offices, and. cher lize voioefoequuney ele lo» rue, ‘gecter degree than the zal ffs. ‘A tang relationstip betwen trial Jengtls end type of aeilty sown fv Tible Ty terme uf tins: seve Teng itarvac, O23, 16-80, and over 80 cule “The estinme percnmage af eae fashsty type used within cach intare ie given, 33 Feeitiy Cometion “The anzape af 2 truss contd many diferent fait, Taose typer appetsiog autclentiy often to be eeimsind reliably nee abown out cosNEeTNe TUNA ar in Table IL. the perentages of th enzoriee of fais ad single types of facia are estilo in Tale TT sng Machines ‘he toll conneeing tease enoounters some eypr af awiteing at ‘bo the end aie (las) ated the oll ees (esas of higher). Ty this sarees we noted the typeof sitehing maine used ut mal nd sf excl val enecting trunk ithe sample. The nlers of the type ff svicehing machine nel srr resaifok by end ote, tll ofc, end Seaton, ant are given iTable TV These were 10 enti: lings sud 68 tll ice bulge st the survey, math eon oll: Dulin ‘avin we thie one type of sscing yen, Tt shoud bo noted chat these numa of swilehing megs are aly the typos a? switching Fost tne Tome sith tae tall connecting ‘wun of this survey. Tet shoul not be taken to cocnrataly erp the distribution of ately vein: in the Mell Spitam, sine the basi pepzlation rlement the wie surpled in this survey sme a tl connecting truns and no: a aviteingreachne, Als, even though che fend oe bulge of the prints strane ny be ele fed 20 sitehizg mcchine, 129 seme com wat be ail of the tol oss, In It eases, all the tranis fom =n end offes Lome on the sae ete ing mee in tho tll office, eur biasing a oeinmtss nt The al le, At tho tal oes tasee ie a szcble amount of site designated ‘as Meiterbourd.” hie eatagor is enn or: tras for ih ‘he traeminson meseusements wee mae tw shlewel, Tenet, Ti aateqoreinelao al swieting, roeendingoonepsting, ond operator coffee trunks (ee Fig. 2), This eaesony does not esnaditute manial Switching, whet all of eustomce's calls to the toll nite have tn De Tuned by an operator at switeward To the tll tees ssoeited with shisclssileation heer shu say svitehing machine. This tye of avitehing wasn would have beca ued ae an alteratis dasa tion co the auitoMluar’ Pwsdbestion, (a fae, operator offee tran may have x amlliled ewitehing mishine appenenany, a Wel a the fitesboand appoarancs,) Tlovorer, since the inforetion rvoorde was to zee the type swtehing etutlly ued By the seeped to fconaeeting trunks of the survey. fhe ssitebbourd deignation a hose Th the cles 5 etd oficesennsatera in this survey about 34 pereent of the trunks utilized stepbeainy switching svete, and 8 percent Bree ama over newest rornNAL, ocxoMEE WL sel No, serosa. These ti tyeticenunt forthe ule of te sith ing meiner in es a the els 8 end of the ssanled tall eonnecting frunls. AL the toll otis, exvesbor lum apstame were used most Sraquewly, fellowed By meprby-etop vient and seitehboards (vith ‘he eondilinas nantionsd above defi switloosds) 443 Froquoney espouse ‘The loss of toll eoonceling trurks wn maraned st 17 frueneic, fom to SA) Fi The mearuremeats wore mae swe thn fitch a alow in Fig 1 At nah frequeney «tone al cBim was ‘anamitzed overt truk enn mamized st tho seeivig ead will 354 Gain and Delay Meawaring Set, ‘Lbiepronodare sna repented for ach directs of setneiision over the trie, inne Whe design of the Snewsuremens nyipment presided messuring nw eater than 31 4B, ches not weve pomsible to meuoure wom trunks ae the higher fe “quencies, This war the sietion ia parevlar on euviee Tallis ‘uch ae N1, ON, snd Lankurt Fer loses grenter than 31 €B, the value Of BLA noe wee. ‘hi provides x eumurvative cataata of che matt ts ie more enti hea may lining, sese readings. Ms, ‘his eft snearrad only HA en SMUD Fs, wal only on come carioe iit “The troqueney rexponse satsties Tor wll uve tol connecting tunis nervy av ait in Table FT sells show tho mont and its timocineed MO-pervane evvliones inert, and an eetiete 0 the Natal devition for exch distributes i ie ensdered, ‘able V tho alu toe Ioee estimates for Ue two types of Zales, eamier tnd yo Srequeney cable eo hy Lal esating trenks. Ie eppeurs “hat the oe seponnas fo aa yp Tlie aze sma tougr out mort of the voincband, wit the eotrer fuition having. a sharper tutta the hgh alse feet, sb Lee Kelton ty 1900 He or the individual (ype of filitins te uf to present the lee relative fo. 1000 Tl Ths enuhies one to abe the lw eharanteristice of the felt self roare relly than examination of the volute ‘Felts of los ds, since deren: has design prneedures ore cneosered ‘meng the many trun Tole VT shows the Joy neative to 1000 Hx for the more eoromynly use earier fais, Table VIT ehows the Ines relative to 1000 Th for che major VF fetes. re cus nHee Ne Hesse one ‘The leew noise i apphed to a varity of elecuical yhesomens, all of whieh are nuwanted Edeisve eaale cma tend to ites with oe trwnvsan a inkirating, ‘Theve ete meni sues 0° wis, come fois mods wud souie et, Manemade alee ia yenenated by power ‘ply Ta, anley eontzets, electrical apparatis, quant'xay, erry ‘ins The enise from aon-anan-miace routes can ori ith or Silhut the systeie ander aczqeuenent, All systems ane proxe Thermal noi from the randers roti a elections esluclre, a5 nel as lo abnesyiieie oletnal sunt, ‘Phe ort of show Torneo” noe depond i past om ths type signal being tonsil over the lophune weieuniestion chase, For anclog epzcetcgnals the tveraye over af the apie s ef pia fonansa, Intersrenee fron may wiveevaroeecontrbuve én chet pe fof ny, vienna Up "ines init noi.” Murer, a sgaale ffor tore severely Tro rise sullage pork (sheer of sors or ong tra dunston’, hi ae eli apate nui.” A ont Drotedur iy used freon lose Io ive porutnetasy aul exch it eported eepacitaly in fie fallow sections, a Aetoge Osu Noise ‘Tie level of ackytouns noon wae meseured sing eh 5A, Nose ‘nating Bet hence, the nemo YA none) with bork Cnet a {Lille iet weighting network. he nove meceurements rere permed for both doveriocs of transminion on far eke a2 meamncemears ‘were mice cating tae normal Rosin dag A minniary of the anise meveured wits Cassnage weighting. and ‘bets fat wrigiing fe chown au Tle VILL in tems of the ean and ile Bh-yeroul soxibdane interval, and stnond deviation, Meinabee fo coecitefncitiea aed grouas of felis are inetuded where there swsce aicions dato for wilul satzie. Troan he nbeorend thin all mtrgorie the shkTTx Au wie level ietighes dr wit Cones wah i singe Pe tek Mal weg Ags de Ua one Toque ey ae ml Coma fining. The lt noise nm voice feqmeney futlitirs wis aig nigher tow an cari, patuble Iewuse ear estes have 2 Inger fniof regutney at ts low ou ofthe frequener bund, below hick sothing ie trawerted he estimates uf Ast ruse were igiiantly sete by the ieee tion uf totais ing abmerved, Abels alts Bawa thie haeasteiscie akosted that averige Mal ike mvs Ineoring 6 2750 Pa wrLL SSIS tuLALaLAN Sout, oeceRER IATL Ue sud office (law 5) was sonsiderly higher aan thas incoming lth elec ea of Ube vrnk, Ral masts fe te panama, 2 veined aa the end ui la noien wie tha tol aon fat nen, tro aires iz Hable IX, The Toren in nee level i moe proaoanesd fin onipetrequaney exble fwiliiee than cn carer faites becouse Ther ie les losedesqueraywergy Irate am corset Tai, father dinetion, det te ation. f etamral ler ‘Sines the sac ulige oie level is higher ft suggerts that is mnie svvvonient ie worse thin that of Pie lll ofiens. ‘ha aoa be de tu sateanecus Joe-feaseney componente (prisaily 60 Hz snd ite Iarizenion gonaentnd hy Tow baliery and other pawar pleats, Rescon- fag tent Iegor us Ive une nee oodasing loads one would expect the Jeger en ifesserata 2} to bare Eto average ui lols thao the voll ul wtiosistran 1. Tela bare wut in Fx 4 whore fe difereaue u? cil 0-8 ie obsemvec. ‘There is further aappor: for theee hyporhos in sompsing the rll ie tt noe of ll enn eshing frupis with ive all lie Ria nce of shene Angell trun (0-825 alles), The rot, wilh Bf-peronat contdesce dite, ie shown in able. Ve da or 84 noite with Comcesnas wezksing were uke anys Vig {OA ni wt SAU ee

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