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BSTJ 50: 8. October 1971: Some Considerations on the Application of the Volterra Representation or Nonlinear Networks to Adaptive Echo Cancellers. (Thomas, E.J.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 50: 8. October 1971: Some Considerations on the Application of the Volterra Representation or Nonlinear Networks to Adaptive Echo Cancellers. (Thomas, E.J.)

Some Considerations on the Application of the Volterra Representation of Nonlinear Networks to Adaptive Echo Caneellers By FJ. THOMAS, Mawes ered Oe L810) {In this popes we wpa th Foster representation of mac ‘othe echo contest prem und propane a generalied lap eck cnczler lebich ammpensais fr nonbvear so pata, We prove Dat the prepooat ec canator emg wn ues te echo bs ora ont ally te sent sther amplicons forte agen ‘The Voliers fmesioneh cypecset lian of a nonlinear system is csenlisution of the wall Kagwn ransu'ubion integral se for linear Fesbea, The valiivy lives "or tar Volterra tule) eae suleie lly wale Ta be satiny -tnas prt apaliestions Te Cis papoe we apply tie Folin mpmesentation 19 The ere cer rol pian end propeco 4 sqsraliae!alapeie ee eater whe Soumsstee fp oalzcor elsy vate, We preve thn the proposes (cares ler eouvens uni reser t32 ee ko ath the eecnoe (swat, We also suggrsh ier apolieatons Jor ibe aise echo soe presence For linear sveare i i well Sonn that Eis impulse rons ae bletely cetermisce the inal walt geletonsbip The eunpue sige, DUD) ts fuseionally mle] bv 838 input, 4), by ae ronson Enea) vio [att =a © Uehete A(t isthe system Smpuleeaeeporse. ITs Iman Gemenstrsted by other inveslignims™ lace nemcneas system, wine mutoua do 2708 tite meus sveruae sectsiene sucusat, Geran 1nd rob depend on he fase ps, obey a mre general functional vel ‘sonship wo =m + [raat = tn 4 fh [lve ceaet mint dra wide. afte "Ths ie an estesion of Che fiiae inersei repreaentation of smemiorvless acne even aad srovides for theater ta have rrtmory. I i appseable 9 all roainearavatens woe ous pend or che remote ons la soeta'aly sil exten. Bor example 5s sot applone ta iyeornie wn willing rates. The ene Ufa) sin fet olin’ Uy Voller aud aa sells Veltonra faze- tional The els, ns}, 0% apneraly eal Valter Kernel or tie spetomm Cok ws cer cnarema wth one a" asa tie following: (6) he sano ing rexpons, Meni ‘Toe spe istoue e Fanblte t fi) Tie ape isle a Fal, Pon [tbs snaPes Bowsse uf Te ty teat 2) he fer Ene, ° ato [Fo hind Ete eek We will now generalize the acaptive echo eanceller proposal by Sendhi” t9 anos the eahe of a nonlinear acke pati for which the Vilerrs representation ‘= applicable ssaenion kona canons 209 Sineo the Voltorm Kesnals are eguare legal: we may repsesent them hy am inaensional yoneralzee Fourier svi * gos PP) Bled, where (TWEIJ* is an orionneina! aot sorplete ia Ube £2 apace. The oasis of (6) ae gen coe eee een) PtoOhted By We will ume thatthe high! ules nowtineariy is of order N Then substi (3) into (81 we obtain EEE a Paleaett = ade [rate — ab Eadnaett eoreed it 8, be eovesen talon a shorthand not etre tian, Ww sot wo fe ne 005 To (Becomes wo EEGs * aw ‘Naw ood tne syste sows, a0 Hig. 2, TL contains A subst Mesignated by the ila names, Teter having hes of early Dthonormal imu sgens |1',()} and the xe of cutpims | 7 ERB plete (0 ar th pln npn fre a 2800 rp uuu evoren sacusieaL Joya, ocivoLe TL saris gona eoyenttem sn tue to the input zi} ane womans to ell tee subeystorn, Schsystom piducer the vuljnl of ty hrsy ten ene st a Hime, Subsystem 2 froduce il geeks siietons of the produce of the fltervatte fale ero at fine fe, we ed subayetem MT prods al psi tomlin ofthe itr enepecs taken at Ui Se Every onal bap of every subsystem Eee umeinted wilh it two Truliplior aod wn integer euunected in sho eowfgnontion shew in Big. L for ony throe ys, Ober qnonties paxtaast to tho discussion bole one ala dein ie ix. 1 "We wil num shaw thas the tap quive, Gel, f the ayeun ooueerge to the xenemliaed Fouszer ealiernse Cj. af (1) and, coneequeat Usk #25 emnvenges 19 p19 thuv che residual clu, (3, vanities firs ao Raff = 0, — Os aa by snesection, Uke pation ymvoming the gai of a the cage hpi bate MEO wage, mE Ede wt a9} Fo (125 2 tat Hinge. Aas vs as aw SRE py gg CO ' a RE a Aplin 14 ud 161 te abi ado sett a EE laldmema ate a5 Suraing aver all the Laps hie Uap ester, and over the sulgtors, pele SS ym KE EROmm a) [Note tat2 the rightchard ee of (17) de always meguive or xo. Ta hm 0 we Ma 202 MULL Sve amULaNL JRA, oCKomR Ie7 Als mete tha wos EB Dewee as, ‘Thos, se ‘ours & manegatve faneton, whose deivetive is eae worgenive, aaa eunclle Leak §(0 wenee Be noninercasing. I ie sdnctiy dastensing wherever 3, 20 general ay Since every tera in yi) Ie oni've, we fuer cone that $0 fee pa, ey Aplin (20) te (12) we se shat Fmt 0 = eg PMN, en ‘The ne uve shut (nt Ue Lap gaa converge to the eaceraired Pousor euufiens ut Byinyy +0", ayy Whe is wank weet out to "The svener ean no doubt appresase hot suing (IT) for anything teu the fink, valve cull be Mell and oud only be vobd for 5 specific rid). The svletivs ‘ur even a vey ample irpat aval may Dot be seuesale, We will ros adlenpLeuch an ane-vais here. However, ftom (17) e ace hah le Inst te make | the euieker the eho vanishes. Uowaver, [ein be ciate ails range bees uring eallcing paniod:* wl eauco divergence prblews nslvis cms» inlees oul sign yf). When diy pala precet equation (17) The poe brew ass i], meer in frou 2e writen Sigang thang i alo one whan bor eenicn ia n tlesbone com cin ie pring anol 2808 4 Darien — 21K (EERO an, we.) si |wol EE kuoews es) a "The mane ngumest wel Ife then ee tin (E Dat y= em (Of eourey, bef shis Hit Je ourked one etasstelly independent fssurptien woud no longar Se valid, but at least we may eoneluce hab ceaversence will tal plist wil the nee pewor becomes com pareble io the whan seer ‘There ars severel chee diel secociated wit she enbo een- pelle Heal that me epestenio the teb-erder Volterra kernel by em Sp" fold “aint summation [equation i. Ubviowey, rue a ey tam fs to ss inferentes, eons. inlide ey ance nuber of ements tnd 6} cam ely bo noprorizated by fo Taleo en wwheve tie Jane Ered ass posible for an abuts deer. on ‘Birthermone, evo if the J's ane small the astra shown in Figs requires lerge nuriber of sotnponents, However, one point may not ‘be obviozs It ean hr soma tba is Veltova keels are nymetrieal.* ae rou it ry be verti thal aT the Cj. 820 equ Tor any Dermutarion of w xpi set of rmbees fy yoo. g For example, Can = Ce tome Po} ee weLL erat zacusHeAL Jouma, oomowe oo Singo tho act of gains, Gu for sy vombinution ofa spel st of inegers #1. aze the aosul of tho mame phywieal openations, ony fone tap ironed to eenouns forall nach tarts, For example, eonsidor The wy tpn Haat, Eo Fig. = [eon — 5018 t= fom ges). tin ‘The eonwitution of Gy, and Gy tops toward $0 is given by 90) In = Gusta + Papcasy — (Gig ~ ane — Wane ‘lou, che Gy wal iy taps may Deep yw nae ta Any wo fof tape, Gracy for ony portntation of « apeice set of numbers, fy vei, cae Ke rophinsl yo ingle th Ts euniernbly eae. ho total number of tape eyed atin, thee Although ye tes stata he ci ennai ane mug be aol ler ana." pale tee ey ri Delo 481 Chmprnantir fr a Nonlinear Syne Accom thet we wish to Hnwarize the nonlinear system shown in Fig. 1, ase thes the zeulting cutpu, 2), ean be expreced by the Tineueeanvovatin integral, [Unioase = rode ea He adaptise aystom of Fig. 1 onverge Jong enough x0 th dhe tombone of tie ot (0 (0)} ea be fonsierod to equil the earesponding mombers of the st |C,! equi tion (21). ARer oregon, tie moambers of tue web (Ge) any freed ‘toaero while the member ofthe sot (G,).j # Lane xed atthe values ‘dsenmnined provinnly. Ate Tort the compensated oat will atiey saquation (25), anaerie ge errs 206 aaah near Syton Synievier SSuppoee one wisest ssi the electrical shameosisties of » non Tinea erotem hie east be Bena inthe Laboratory. le eoakd Hho thia by mating inp ouput tape rooming ofthe ayetem and ws these at pal lan semper simlstnn of The alate spscem of Fig. 1A good chuiee of an inp signal would be white nko or sry Inher easily generated browllad signs. hy alloting the simultion to convogge ad then (xg te tap grins Gat hel final value, the tina chacueterisse et identi, ‘Thon it en he determined Inns Fie ie ayer wil Setar for aay eabitears mpot hy anplyng this ine: to the computor simnJation seh te tap gue ded ar the veslesnmained prvionss "The Volterrn resentation ik rise cto of characterising nonlinear apstens with memory wten the witpas oes not depend ox the infiice past. It 58 « gonralastion of tho convelition Tnegesh tel in Tinea analyse, an sun Fear eareopts muy be estenbed Using une Vollara representation, we hove propane x generates, fdaplive acho canes. expeble of renlsaar compensttion. dike Sevancage af she proposed cea eanes ie ie eomp.es:y, Th puns OF these wow be gry cnmnoed iF an fin meas e! mee fring the Vellora konels 9° i ungnaw: pobwork coud be fou "The auchor av! oter Tesearehers ate pereans working town. this fd and cover ees have ben stoposed, ‘To date, sinfortnstely, they’ all suger fom the complet problem, ts Rae al a sh Nir A at 2 cap 4 eosin, Neer Sutra Te Re le 2 a echt anh ere ese Wl 6 ware voli Tere usin Tae ste md Soe, 10 SE NP AGRE cag BR, SeNoe 8 eh "ie EI Be Se, Fagnwaud lil, i: Preaie a, Te TAREE SMe thon Nem Yeks MEG 8 4 Hetty, Maaco: Brow, Val 2, Bicker Tromemuostd Mention, Oe one Wp oh Te nd a ae er Karl a Ne

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