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BSTJ 50: 8. October 1971: Optical Modulation at High Information Rates. (White, Gerard) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 50: 8. October 1971: Optical Modulation at High Information Rates. (White, Gerard)

Optical Modulation at High Information Rates Py GERARD WHITE aie popec devin an optical! million acer with «dewanatratad Information ste af 1 Gh Tae nodule shee empl on laronir Iutipleving fecha 10 obtain the hugh San vae fow fows 250-3 hanele Bilt stain betwee Lae aa aed the igor Gactionic ens bs aebiged wing meingacare tyre medultor ftrusare. General conaieretinns in ana sapdtaton syste are alo Sretoe (vr of the rani problems in ng onsing is that of inuerdueing be Aoecon ino faving technoogiee: Tae prose is particularly sever fe beer eommusieations viens share solid ste eleetrenies is Lo Ire interface mich opie This esha, at this technalgien nteraer tha the sary hogee of wopoasking she Shean Weaver mcormat tates af lose? apstems huer Iwo ited, Whi wleeto-opbe erysals hove Ieen set to have modulation zsachenisms operating mn exces: of 10 GHe wr shotadezectore ich gin-buixinihoroduets of {he over of 100 GH have bio ptezuacd? laser eomrneacions fjstems, co far, have demazstroted is oabon rates significantly lest “han the eapabilties of arse components, Sgaiieast iv the bande Wilh misavon of demonetreted scr wommunications svsteris have Ih the ounee's om sei eats ein perTarmance® apocet by Us owes svete ed, i ystieular, the modulator, In th per en bniesl modulation sehetbe is deserted iw wish eystem variations tin! subeytara eowfguenons have been wleptel in en atm 22 Fes ube mover sii porturnene sccunrotzente sp thst eystem ine oretion ral capabiies appmaeh the barat enpaiiies of the fploveleelinis teansdacers ‘The ster deserbed, using an argon Tose, Tex lemonstrated information wate of 1 Gl/e and some 2008 ur as, sNeEEW weUIeAT JouNRAL, eoxoLA 37 eehiiques for proving ps tis ste re pops. Tabontad ps vem nie levels ave observa nsw wu la St may epi to transmit w nulievel tspe code wich could at lest eriple the infor- ‘Tie paper, olfle desestbing state of the ert wile in side boswidl optical coramnications, also provides emenial maiter a fonneetion with gueral onsiderstions ithe ayetem design and eval= rustian. The peper is divided bacioa!iy into four srtions, namely: (8) ryatem eourierstione av: waivanetmngemete i which Tie sowa Tose vavstione in somewhat standard opie configurations ean ses ina high formatinn sate mde shes (3) Inertia, shiek ie mainly soiceried wih the prebicing of elit terion eseen he eln'zon ini cn the option egnal th tel agave we Toadulaarn; (8) lene ete whieh serine how the Gy Binary pulse code modulation (PCM) siguals exe generated by gating and multplesing proces; and (01 system petformares, wilh feral retcazks on eebasl and extrapolaced performer set, Various snechanisme exist “er ipreesing ‘informacion onto. Hxht Deus izclueng acousta-optic,* agheta-ontie! ana elect2o-opie," to rmention but 2 fox. Applied to laser beams, electro-optic interaedions have proved nos wisespvad, and in particular, the linear Pokal ‘Moe whirh is exhibited iy monn dielrvieeegstal, Thc effect es Gov eleteraelésinlucad perbinlations of she natural biesRgenee of Certain eet vesting chosen the point group dn se a ith niobuie and lihiuss tanalate* Lithia uibate's edeceptibility to voticaly ‘induced inkomogenstion ta the netural Siefrngecee™ at relatively “ww ootical beam powers sakes i use ae 2 modulate reeticedl ad, in Ui application, tba teatalato hes been used A fun of mort for TATa0, when used ee em eletro-optie moduitor isthe FalFwnve vlog this she valtage required to indice phase retomdance of IS) degroes eure eumsonerie oF de bow ia the frdinery anc exiewordivary divrGons. The values desived Sra Ue ‘element Fx and fy ofthe elctro-opsie censor a fey Lire — ral ad where ag and x are the rofuctive indices expeieneed by ordinary ‘i extraardinary competent: ef the besza respectively, The felor ef ¥ formes seuuLanow 2600 el ¢ and a sing uke width and Tenth of the erst exportvely. orn value watength wal to 40,6 a, the hellowave vole for LiTWOy is 1120 vale for the wits fwpact ret ess, Whie lange aajuet niu anllator vos ean be Prepared, eo as to reduce the voltage required for 8 ceradiac phase rlewlance, he vale of voltage is stul High enough to erento severe petformaressemande on moduler driving situ in eymetae whic Fely on an Monenf” type aiedalater owt, Chay, a pata! modula tior selene wil tein these standards but such w exstom ie aot Implemen-eé. Tt iy pe-ine at this ooint 2p coneidor some of the probleme in roalixny patio! modulation seheme> and at the seme tise dieeuee wane o Ue ages, Conair faz bisie open! nistew rho iw Fig, 1. Ite easy ta chow that che modulated optical power, Tq. at the detntor, ie related to the apse smocalarar vote aed ube ative paw eetalance bf che bous vompments ince: az whe modulator by ei t Fig cto Ress atin on ats 2 Spa nde ear Y6I0 me mt aver eeemeKt TouRMSAD, SonORER 271 whore 1, is dhe toit. bexia yowor al Ue saaulntor fosuming 260 Insets) snd «isthe retaationsntrduced by Ue uatorl bneringence a the e-petel. Clearly, mexinim har romdalaion per nt orale tion vetage is ebraineé when cho # ead che y cempasente af the beam dae eq i ample nv aljustt Tor =/2 eer ab the ane lyger. At thie otiva Vas and a ervte) aspee ato uf 60 «sal gual beem mo:ulatos depth ot & perent per elt cen be ebsanee. With such an arrangement satifgctory modalstion dep of sppeesi= rately 20 to 30 percent ean he ebssiaed wich just e for valte of alton potential Tn en setualeystem ip whieh Ue modulated beam i detect via 8 photedesretor whic: ia eoup'ed into @ taxemission structure of haruolarinto isin Zy th nylon (safer “anion iene a the aiferentel rato of montion potential uw» potential apronting, esos the ctypattrinerussion ine! for quae sual sign mode 0 operasion is denied ‘rom equation (2) as Boy Le We 7 Fete a where ¢ ie the electron chongo, iis Pluck's constant, and ¢ the ssloticy of hight, The azove relsionehip, haeod on the fenertion of cone hole-leetrs pair per photon, seeumee rro optical Joeees antl a 10-percent quart Teeny mn the Rotadeceter ane works av £0 fe appnamately 0. yz wall of Tedca power, Cleat, Ligh Ina ‘ones will enhance thr agent teense function eosEeins, equation 0; Bosmrver nt x imam? ey pray duced inonsogeaeiies lo the fiveitagnee of une eyslel In ae exjerimemal eyete an Upper limis of appeaximacey 80 mW is waste which gover transfer tein voeficiest of M013 (vet allowing for tennsmission loses) hush Jor «modulation nal of several vl's resus ia eabfuetory uipat ampitude, Savefactory gpl amplitude levee within the ster, of eos, end a Tn ale sige Levels in hia eect, the proseace of tle eonpesitun in a Tre-uming Iserr aseten. results ina vor noisy ehatnel. Two salutions to thie problem are Evailablo; wove king! aut elalon turing.” Mode lacing efeo= fEvely“oeks che longue] sales af te laer yen a ta of ‘optical ples et he Crequeney scparation of the longicudinal mode, 2) where {ia the length of Che bus eas, Cex! vom Yong salons iseorparating modelorked “sere offer sore acvan:age tued have been soeesallydemonateatd Medelacket Taser e- ent somenion aan teams offer the anally fs aeear: of very narrow pales of wth ively sroportiora” to Es osrilaton outed uf he Taser which far eeelt 2 pubas of il few piaseernds A disulvaniag of the mods-locked alow ie ube? optimam modal ion éaptis and sttisilary ee ane deGnision n> nol compat ble ‘vith lns-voltege mocilaton sine, im genera, tie sirable it chose fystame to supply a mzdnataanpotencal whieh is a eubeiaate) Feae= Ton of she halowave reteadation paved. One futher dicadvanage of mo-Tocked negime inane lasers is the seatively low repetition rates of he aptiea plats: Ibis repeilinn weve i elated to the fee favency separa of the longitudinal voles, r/2l and. at shot Fesnnatar spacings (rine! for high pulse repetition rates the gain OT jasevus lees i ieiclent 9 stain ezilations. Whila lovh igus exist for efleetively Hnerewing Whe petition xate by, for Seample, mulivleing® aF harmon pping of the modeooked fr faveney" neither ieluique ix a well cetabliced Taboratoey practice find the japlomenesion af araronably tig rales (ne, 1 GFR) is ot, fe prvsent, conenien:y reali TRelaive noice immcusity www be ebtained wath ax etalon tuser by Uiectivey solsting one pure upiesl Frauenes from the Gaussian Tine etsivctign, ‘hie obtsel oe snturning the ersanant poles of the lesen ap teat only one vmjupate past bee ntain the Ineo i tunve." Tae conse teen of “> typ of operation ie that ome ene fettion je eerily litnated at: foun meio matte ie observe to be less thn 3 perveat of she total besos wir. With sth le noise posers low mud degths ean be utite aeepessle and x parti! hslation sexeme rulitySmperpente "There 2 no eles oplinins 49 the ehuler vf a parvicular optical frojiemey an a eystem euerier While edrantagzone neduetone nthe imovllator lloweve volte ea be saved with shoror wavelengths Teauaivon {1)], the qvsatn evieney of the detector is in general redtee uh lise alongs Ge, ene ROD asa for Si). Poeusing Fequirntets me tlaxed seme wil shorter wavelengths sinee fharoner ditacionlimitd six ane obtained for a given fnrfel acosny angie Tiere is oto yoy saint evidence for mn aptirnare svavelenety from the etangpoint uf wpieally inducee ehangrs 9 the Tirviringenee, Tie absogpin nes w)TiTaDy ate spsced sve that, for gaseove veer spe frequen, Hie etal is que transparen: ari ho cuits af faueney is ass deterined hy available powere Troy sh veto nee eystens, To ie afer under @iseusion wn ion 2612 ee REEL sraMM AMT RICAK JKR, BCTONSH 18H luser (argon) epeating a= 486 ne: Eas heen fourd convenient. This vwavelznsth ie somewhst iwlow the eharscleriaio peck in quantond oie or silison phhtcltetoes (0 an), Ink verte quate lon eficiences af 08 AF ew sil be obtained Cling for oqiew) cummaniesions systems has so far recived Jie attention. Tn the past the uae of moce-ockes lasers ae given prefernee to 8 binary BCML coding technique. Reoent studs!” tea- fate that polaratton multiplexed, phase shift eying, or pul potion rmodvieton may be more appropriate to epee! communications wys- tome from e tronmssion standpoint. Probleme sll remain in mple- menting theee mocilntion seenes. woven, feueneymodultion scheme fer space applivaions fus ceceatly been decribed" which hows promise for potentislly win humdveiths. Beene of eke ace ‘eentagte of regenerion, PEM systems ape lunaetive end in lowe hoise channels qultevel avstens eam be eassidened. ‘The present systeat uses a binary type PCM eong schemo byt 3 rohly adapt ie m9 anulsleve with Ie ineease in complescy. ‘The ateal anrargemen: weed i of a fei conventional marae employing a type at Senarinnt cemngermatan an aber in Pig. 2 ‘The argon Tacer provides a ingle frequency ousput af approximately ‘a0 wn plane polaziseel in the wertion!circeton, Tt x easy to abo Tala nesters eandiion for seeing optim: modulation is tha the beam be rtewanly polasard at se analyaer plate. The conse- ‘quoute ofa et oF Fightchard polaization stao is meuly to indice 2 180-dogree phase inversion of the devectes eletncal cial. Tae Greulrly polaieed stale can be obtained Uy storing that the opie fry stl extmerdinary beer eampanese arsplitades are equal With tee meessare eelative phase roterdance. This is uebioved by a 45- Alege sting of the quarterwnve plne with indent bear plane polaiaed at an angle 0/2 which ie meld Wy dhe halt-wave read formes sumamon 2a ion plete. This pasticular arrange en be esily checked tye reference to lie Possuat-spbese® Under these conditions, the and femaponente uf he san are ivan By #.- asin (t—4) ne wasn(t +l * “ ‘Tae exes angle @/2, 3 sels ls vompenaate for the rane birofringence of the LiT0) eval, The clvri-Fel@-indueed per. trations ofthe natura hinfingeaee of the moduler ra canslae to perurbations of the relative pha reaction ofthe x and y som nents of che exiting beam 10 preduce a mulation of te beam tlptisy state, Colimabion of the Tans is provided to permit distant, franeaission, The anlvaer rie plaed bafore or aiter collimation Viepending on whetho ite desir to cranemit amplitude or polaron: tion state tanduation, at Uae movie the beam modulation is eon ‘ert Uo an eletres! signal vig he silicon alate photedeteetor "The avelazchig mela wien posies a signal gain of ony 2 oF 3 de 1 the sigh optiee! ewer let Th a detect operating at low Joel, Teeuling From, son exuttle, gazeaphere attomsasion of the hear, Ich hig gaine sinald Loe pesab.e, This ip « desirable fotre of the ava the deterter in shat i provivts w ling ar sutomatio {in vcs the sigral ‘ifiient focusing of the or for low-loss transmission though the mecilator este is nuporant. Ta problem eum be dealt wt fin number of way aad ote vib is given By Reel wel T5* in tonne of the conforal paraoelere ioe optimum clearance. Another proach is (o cousnler the prevent trsnamision ef power :hrough the ro! Consider a od of eielar cvs serton, as shown in Fig. do, vith an iit Gastssan boson ih eld distsbnron given by Ba Re a © lhe a inthe wid of the beam at the 1/e points. The intensity Aisebtion, 8 cherefore given hy a ‘The total ges i the eo © Tei comptes fom o »u cove ewe ene, SoHE LO > . oo “ aa tawe wdewk- ideas bese i eS) Motaatsrcoosganeze, wih reduces to Los =* ® 4-39 Non, forthe eaw of the cee ens section to we ean compte the su dimen for Breen. pseor asin Tom oe( 2") hie, efter a poraretie substivcion, eduees to eh ier de, ® fo tte am Th siue nner, re sare puoi ense uf equ ess eeetio sed {Fig ap eez be decit 9th, serie ue ats 2816 Wale, again after a pararetieecbettatien, reduces ta anf [eer macan an Law 0% Clearly, the reuley struc i sone sent from the standpoint of power transmission; Howeern, the penetioal problem of epplving ‘igor coansvoreeeletse Held probs ts ws Tn matehing the optical brsm to the madulator ul, most power Joss, de to ditensiooalltitations, will ake plnce at the feos of the thon eto best espenson, Kogeiik hiss analyve che expe fon of focused Gian Iwate in sone detail Figure 3b shows & ypieal beara wis t the focus puinl. The equations governing the Doom parsnotas ins Wiratin fila ease ee wok a3 of 25) ae wo [1 (22). as fron which the confocs!povomior, fs iene a the dstanse ‘rom the phese frome zeit nine oe, Paes ‘The bam exjaninn ease completa epesiid, fora given wave lengt, in ferme af far fd iteartion angle, ®, wie is, af eoure the forssing eae hall pls Por the ease ofa collimated heat inci hen nthe les, #8 sen be 8, = ati, ero isthe Boos midine t the lene aa #4 the lens foc eng Tie enti “otal” win the apt of Geen atin tee see's hana er mace ea tte fe ath Be 2818 roe mu exon mucuueal souANAL, VorouM 871 aroens onsnustegsby mnehes ae SY ae rf is a tH ail sii. Sea hE pe, era 8 x Sa rik tat Fle Bes gt of mudlator a 8 teesion of eng conn ang TS aa 22 aes ‘enueian (14; tay oe wged 2p cleulae che eam raciue at fuses of 9 nod of lng L for ¢ given 0. Tais haw Leen deve “ar the este of {Sai rom xe 4 — 682.8 rm an the res ar presen in Figs da, td resrsively- For rach rasta rs it, x ler apa torte ange is in-eaee. Thi optim angle irs the sutze eoufoeal pararmcer con the uyper alien} ux Ropes analy Theanine fon the right gives che neoresary eed ere svtioa Jor @eperent opie Powor transmission in accordance with equation (12). ven for tho ese Df the Linch od with an sepect ratio 0: 10, 9 wid range of tuewing fone angles are permit for high opties! power teananission. In Penoical eases, clea Tor High-ficnsy Lnaamision Hough the Tod are easily met and other erteria asume importance, Ti incerest= ing to note thatthe ears fur eearamse fn Figs ta aad apalesee for all tod length a tone angle Iw thar 1.5 alia, To, In thie case, the tranamissan of eptca! power becemes relatively inde pn of theo Teg One other eitrior:uporkanh iu bea mulching is cat of son- nsiquenear inthe Seem planation face acrore the width of the ‘beam, Thi eres ce net of the dering path lengths experoer Ly the various portions of the Sci i ube na, Coir the wavefront

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