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BSTJ 50: 7. September 1971: Time-Varying Spectra and Linear Transformation. (Liu, S.C.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 50: 7. September 1971: Time-Varying Spectra and Linear Transformation. (Liu, S.C.)

conn @ 2p ange Pa ek Bays Corr Time-Varying Spectra and Linear ‘Transformation By SGT (Otenneilesoed Fehr 91871) (One of the most snmrtant prerequisites for deny the spectrum of a nation. presets that the spina show frmsjon aimply ond Sownnably hen the proces is tanafrmed Uneasy, wd hu lad to Silrtation aot the impactet weapon tats, Presented sy thie paper lve cone nicl roneforh lair far Sagar eel ans Soe ff GH, Page's tinesnrying spotre. Bxpresions etale for aivat aig or wcomercad sanputains af ke tmesnaary 9f the response frost ad it une, the nopanae power spt he ha egy 2 pte, athe upper owas the vaponae shack worn a ee. RM, Lyre! soeencly clubs Tso sire properties fr the spscizum of nonstationary procera, The clientary propertice Inehide. il w qopsiavionary =peetnum should be eorouey define TH) St shoal sorb i eome sense dhe energy dstmbatin over fe quency 20a ne, and) He redous o Uae wdinary epestrum when the provers is sttionsey (Loynee? properties AL, A2, and AB). Both Pogs's instantaneous poner seinun® and MB. Prcstla’s evolu tiamary epectrun’ satisfy these basie require. Another spectrum {etn ion based om the no:‘one of (wostimensional speetz0 arising in Ue onsideration of harmerizablenvonrert® alse satisfy Une Ins ropiinenente witt some qualia. However, fom fs peactieal vex filo od eonalier of «anda vtent reciremest 2 tho werner tees. spcetrant Soul Tranizers spl and rove bly who tor pmoteee ig trenstormed Hucary {pnootcey 48, Loymes)- Teather moods, isput-outpa rele lionships nee resid 20 thas x knowlege of Ue gpeetram of 8 peceess Astermines the speteum ofthe trazsiersed proces. In idition, Uwe 12068 um wou. oerme race, JOURNAL, SmPTRIRER wrt relationships mist bo eultable for cumesical computations, This i beenuse moet vibrntion data ane available in tho cierete fom and the analyeal sluson of must ronsiationsry problems is difcult to blain, Poses in thi paper age come eo trencform zlationahips for nonstationary ocesses using Pag time-varying seta. Consider @ rH! faetion x(t in (=, 29, whieh maybe ether & simple funelion ef @ randem process, or w shod fusion whidh is Gero outede the renge F's [a, 6] for Anite 2 and Dard is Reman integenble In thie aame renge. Tae funtion x(t) is assumed fo have ‘Snive enengy. The punning spectrum of ¢) is defined ac xi = [anew (mien te, 0 ‘whore WP i the imaginary’ unit, The fatentancous power specnum, Fe efi a = 2ei6 Me foxy HANITT whieh 5 oven in oy Tat6) je a nandom: praotee Basing @ Hine Aepondent anlocormdatin function yi, = H[2(@h2t¢ ~ x1] where B fonotes expeation, the ines power aentum of the pease Is understand toe the uveraze of the speten 0” al le sere fane= Gone. Eet8y(t a ~ leet 21] and take the expectation ofboth sider of (), we obtain 24 [Rat emerds o se} is completely defined ey 1), Wan 22) ie eecionary. () redoes to Cie anlar relation As Rolly) = Hes 8s 8.4) = 0), bth independent of ‘ame importa propeliu of Xu pl} a evident fern their Adefnsons ao in onl (6) XG 0) ie Hermitian, i. X dent se popes eanfagate (6) Lev (0 be the energy of 1¢) upto time 6 The function pC can be regarded ws the eongy donsty in ae (0) plane ven by KG, 2), The symbol * Rom [sti far LP Pas wal Le Gi) Bn 0) an 2) Aged om the past hay of 2, bal a th tre {Gn Tintern botnet fe arhalnay tice (dP ine ative oo) lite th sg (i by 2 [lixwa ta dade. “ o} may tace negative value (ee Ref. 2,» 108) 2) dr, tae exergy speetral density of trequeney 29 = exp (tt) aX, 0)/91 = exp (seth XC, wat o We will now prove to deve fro some input-output relaions for 1 simple evel near wean in ler of XTC, and pal, Cones a ine, sencoscereausal ines systere whooe equation ft uation ie given by FH meet ty = 20 o rrith Rocnagenoon nial eondtions 90) = {0} = 0, where 2 < 1.0 fn a, are patie eure repreeenting rspretively the damping and hetnal Froquney ofthe ayers. This aystam hae a ceansfer Funetion between He output y and input given by Mf) ~ (a uP + 2)” tnd corresponding impulse response A) — fexp (act sin pi for e'> where p — (L— Xu, We obtain the folowing result for {ier reapniae parameters 1 Tine Faring Spec of Reeponse Prcees “ing the convoliion intgral an the easual propeny af the syse tem, in, Bld) =O for t= 0, wr seaming the xctation begine at = 0h the sesponse yt) intB) i zivea ia tare of Kil by [ Hott — 9a 2 [mia em ta ” allovng h en of 1, ng pen 8 2 rm matt aun TACUNICAL JOURNAL, SEPTRUEEE UL Ye) = XU Flo) ~ en, ® fd exp (ier) [Mir exp (aed dra fs the ona snvotved in the aypresiation Tit, «) = 26 ao) ‘Notice fzom (8) and (9 that YC) '¥ given hy the double iatewr inthe sy — rs plane of a foaotion firs, r= e(ni)B le) oxp (torr wi over en arte of am equal-iged (rine formed by the Hae ‘in th fr: quedrant. The value of Y(t, w)AP(e) is given Ly the sume falesral over an exvnéed aren from O to ¢ along the ‘ry axie end from Ota ~ clog the » axis ‘Tee eror ey ia given by the {ference of thece tiv ing Tet P{ss) be the Fourier tnusform of 21, the part of z(t) from on, and 2) be the Fourive lanaform of y, the part of y(t) from ‘Fon, Te con be shown that Use moray) in [) ale given Ey exis) = AFL.) — Flu 0) 1 follows foun (8) hs the instantaneous power anecrum of 98) satiny = (OE Poconos + cen on (A ae — 2) = nly La? he, an where {sth error involved inthe wowroximation p(t 0) & a.) | Mia} I Some interening remarks con now be made about ¢yy and aubse- quently bout, whi lewely vlad toy through (12). The eneesy Donde forts} css lm raider se flows. Let the noren of a sebiteeryFunetion Qf} be defined 13 Q [2 = [Pa [Qi | al thon From Parsevas Theorens | igs) Yo = [l,l = [02 2G) [22 end similarly [| Pla, ~ Ize = (Ft lyte) * det, Suppose h(i nte- trublo so that | Ge) | $5 3 bounded, thon it follows fm (20) shat ws a[f" sera} + [fine] oh Ons {= HE ann table fo wie Fis) fy al dbus Omit ond wanes Ph serene sours 2380 ly 0 witht then (1) nests | mp a | —¥ On unifrely in "This result ean also be policed (8) renee whi the Funetion Neve) = 2tedh(o) exp (ier, ~ ier) is legeae in te daneusous Tor mere practical purpoee, we now conser the emiliarSre=- and second-order simple Tivexr systems. ‘Mie running apeleurs of the repence yt} and other pertinent quuntitiee awe given in Table Tix ‘which =, = deesy time of the impulse response h(t) of the fist fover stern aad ry — Dg)? ey tin af 212) af te sacond-order system. From this table it ean be seen thay for Lar: 1/9 rm the ferzor eff} for both systems [given hy the roeoad term in the exe Ihession for Yt, «3 wll be ate. In geceal the same pine , the ror for a sfstom having shoes dreay sme (booed bendidth) ie ‘ater Uthat Saving ng eeay tre (aaere bandwith). Ther Tove ep(t we) for ayers nich @ xt ezeetume «high mpg) 3 stlee-comparel with the" fo igh srsonant ystems ow datsp- fi. This ubservt ‘ion is also eset from fhe Seenping oem apnea ign the expromion of yo forthe see ope eyazom in Table To reamy cases the imapslse resonsee amd tie ups ace oth Sounded fnnelions deed positive ¢ exis such that A? = ahexpmay!l and ciD| 7 dg expimoe!) foe acune positive As Ae Endo Sg Tien Pim fyi, oS ldylomn (ay) fee (ay) |fe (oy — a.) Therefe tes ear ey U. epproacles ero be i se €ineeaste; ardor ortar tive # > f the ror 24 Terrapede ragga nl From if) another wsefal pair of cquutioss seeting te the time erivetves of the pul sd outpe: weaning epetze ca. ne obalned aval at a {1.0} 3 Hs) a aetna _ aX hich in tuum wil [eto she ellowing elationshin becom the ip snd outpst tine histories 2 agg — he 12 Resse Tinw-Hisory and Sowe Lownde sing (18) sad tke anelyne elton fur fC) ws ef) i (8), oain as vam [ @ reas gm dso rds prom) deo E og sovanpaxy 8) rey ay ay manors RESONT mENORSMAT Ter, ieecvanits seems 2a hich relaee the inpul and output time histories Sn terme of the transfer {unetion of the sys2em and che eror Zunstion in. (2) timechiviory uf We sesperae ‘wetion ule) sar elso be zelated tothe tinnehicory of the iow: fonction #12) “hrough the sryple expestinn stony =! [fo tn a eo ain ta th aor etn drag we edt i Nana toc steed We ove 0) ‘he following. Cowles the integral sishuie) =P a6 [ee 8te 0 exp Grd dr 1 follows from the east) property of the systema and Panny ‘wore that [xonoar= 2 [ma xu Difereotining uh vides with repaet to t (1) immedistely follows, ‘We now estable the uppex house tor [p(t\, and. y 0) i terme of tensor eharicteristies of the s7eem aa input spectzam, From (7), Seham'sInoqullyy yi Hach P= aN, us) xO | = BIgIN, in ‘where Bit ie the total exergy ofthe input function (0) up tothe ime # and is given by (8), and 8 = [23 | 5} dr > 0. Pquations (6) and (3) aw alee vali 3 2(9 5 random pravwe, Ue thie eae the ethane sa unin | ed Ty rete by UG "ad BILaio. | sespestively, Fer one spin asitem, A= (Taal), and nist le gla fl [ate deer as 2 Poth Eneray of he Site ‘The otal enemy Bui of the seen deri by (6) ab ime i gen by BAN ~ 512.6 p) Pe us) sivere 22 in Une runing specnuca of aff) — a(t exp hut at ae Trecueney'p. The teetion 119) ean be ruved uz folows, Twling, ‘ovonling tn (1), che tuning Fourier cewacform of both sas of (8) ‘and integzusig By paris, we have 2372 mun HM, SYSMMAE TREHIHEAD JOURN, SRETINSER HTL i+ Ga 1 2a) cap (Ma) LA 4 oy — TG 0 = XG u) in whieh th inital contisions have een uted, Te eennd term on the Tetichand side of the ebore enuation vanishes when essing «= 51 hao pore = Be= iho, pe The Zur, a + (66, + ay] ep -) = XG 8) = AMD. CD ‘Miulkplying (29) and (21) ard dividing the wut by 2, we Dnve Let + a = £120) fom a But le leftehsod ee i th total exergy of he system avd therefore (1) i pore "Tekin, wapeetation of bots view of (1, we obzain tho exported exergy of the spetem subjeted to the ronéom exaation 210) Io + (66, + Ry] ean 499 = XC 8 pro 5 ff tno xmas | nd ~ ial nlldn dn. Fortine amped sem, ae tint es 2», (10) rs colli wh wb thnd si noon with sb rail fens Ccvvrvation. Iie ferent tte thas spe mate aon of nd (21) cam aad to te fair enon Pelton bate Sept nd rapa WO=! f Momo dull sing oer gv by 14 Bonds ow he Shock Spectn “Th shack postr oi 20,68 [a Bs tho maximus ebvolte response Aelia e2 Seo. fap, vl tho displuesmem: xpostram oF Bec, A) = 8 the velocity spectrum. We establith the ier waren arECrR 2378 ‘Tho proof of these relations 4 stesightfoneard, Weite 20, «) (24, s0] exp [—iay(t, wi] i waien the phace engle u(t, u) = =a? [Sit C16 wl |p 8 ad Care Ube uring sie sind oxi Cra form of e(t) Tespectively. Te fllows from (QD) or (21) that ot ew + ine “The above relation lod to 2,1) oxp thas + sod — oul pl B+ des ~ | 24 | exp (Rad) ons [nt — 6.0, Ph = | zit ph esp in [pt — a. 9), ‘nd (28) nnd (28) follow diet. For the ununped systan (A > 01 Ueretore (23) and (28) reduce to on 2 9) = KC Ses 0) Sp [Niland | ar 8a, 0) Sup | XA) be respectively We now coniier the felting moactationary prosees for cir timewenrging apete. 44s uttpicetin Prose sre 0, whore n(0 ie « e:ecionary process with tm atzororclation function Ra(a) snl snot density Sol, and (tie comet decermizistic Iuvlio, ‘The sim depmncerseorelationfinetion ad power spect Who 8) i while aoe ith Ryle) — BG), Ry > 0, then S(t n) = Sie) — 24(t) beearee fequesey independent. When 1) i showly varying wich that alt — 1/2) = Qt) 0/8), then Bete s} = glithRg(a) anal 51, wh = SUIS Lo}. The iain Us U0) i lvally satiowary nal ts power spolram shang with respect fo time not im the suneral supe bot im ie aren eovered with the srasis ony. ort am ants evarese mucasieab JounMAL, SENT 442 Povadio Nonatasionary Proves” Tn thie class of processes, the time depoudent nuLocorerlatin func tio ie given ae Re(G,) = Bfols) exp Clrlt/P) fora eonctent T. Tk enn bo rend shown thst Shed siti), ‘wero Sle} ie the Fourier transform of wr) ad has the property thot Yy(ul % O wd Yule) = Fy(2ek/T — ol Moreover, i ic casy to show that the imo-verying power special density of the spun process y{(} ie also peviogie 9th the same period 2: = (2) exp rT Sia Sn which gy Qo) = Wot Fan AKI — ‘The appliomion ofthe eet of the input-ostoutrelatiuns of See'on TIT to these tao types af sonmatdonary praceees for wither dict lysis oF mametieal eo pletion ia 9 eaeigattorscad exercise “The author eine tw HE J, Tanda Toe help disenssons 1. Lays, RNC 20> Conn fs Sonu foe NonaasnaryProseae,” Hig Masi Sew hc Ra's (he. 2 Pop “lst gatue Pon Spe J pp. Pos, 28, No.1 en sl MR Biot en Sty Po TEE of tl mel sa Get Sn oe oa “Blveteonies,4y No. © (60), pp! HORE 1064. Head

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