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BSTJ 50: 7. September 1971: TH-3 Microwave Radio System: Power System . (Balicki, J.F.; Chun, P.S.; Salvo, F.J.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 50: 7. September 1971: TH-3 Microwave Radio System: Power System . (Balicki, J.F.; Chun, P.S.; Salvo, F.J.)

‘TH-3 Microwave Radio System: Power System By J. &. BALICRY, P. 8. CHUN, and FJ. SALVO. Muon sees: Me 8, WD iis paper toeriber THT pos noeelengreae tae dls canes, 1) avrajenen's, paniadaly the (Ose design yon! ‘ar the TIE rug nylon was ta ure or adapt as iach a6 pose, ex sing D-8 porcsing nerengernets. A number oF Hrowee-telato! TDR felis, squiirg ele av un ehenge for THES no, inolodad Ure —Wecat regulator, the ears —24-voll. attr hilent, and de disi¥buion aa! redinsailsiagexouneing areagement, ‘Theos rem will na: a deensce hove, as tbey have Been domed in ian ecilier paper? On Ive ashor and, te 6-GHY, te'-warh, RE oxtput power okjsetove Jor THA tesjived € new TWT, coded the 4684, nd fo cetosiate TW powwr supply saa Cire Does iS "The traveling- uve ie powsned ky 4 d-to-de consul whi provisin all electrode voltages required for che 461A TWT. These Requirement, shown is Table T, Hess «general Senevemt increase in leroy Hghievltage and eter levela over corseeponding TH-1 wud TD TW Te meuleing om a Vigher ursecurated onyepowe shieetve, "The nominal evilching frequency of the TW converter 28 Kits, whrieae 3 lis ie set in TD, Consert over posable perstnnel an= hoyance and feign a! tae sodble Trequency, a8 well Mew cist to Dian the existing TD-3 fenetore ad hour ny in contain the hiher- ys conversion siteuitsy of TH-3, required emnverter operation in fhe okraonie aoe. 2296 “SISAITATADTE ANHAAG LANE—L + mL esr Hn oa A floc: diaetom of 8 seto-de onnveiter is shown in Fig. 1. The nominal —2iseull Salery volloge ul i regulated and lero upprosisaely —17 vols by che hates regulator und applied to tae Bhklde ecuore-wave orcllator, Thoee wqaace-mare ostpute ane pro- ie from the 23-K eseilaor, OF Those, em seeve ne emo, transistor basodsive siznile to the ulcer inverter aot dix Inverter, repentvely, while the thie output ie weeifed and filtered te provide Tujovelt de heater volta forthe TWT. The hescar expat voltage i a masie of the vltsgr imptessed on the osellater, ani Ue th heer tga vole ie fein) “Pie ela ionehip sed terndvantege during ths Baamante tatters greeny, iverea" et Help collewing expoly turon, when tue hecter -wgator output Wellags is Pilly he a2 20.5 voles resulting in a bester ante weltezt of 91 volte de, During ths interval, the high healer vollege feaares that (2) the WT cathode iso tnperatine linited whew Dig vag aye applied, amd {f) the high eathae temporncme ves to reaelivarr he worn, fis lenathesing the eathode liste, At the end of the eathode prchexs intaval, the eleecenie tne deny telsy TD eulauntioay “Toloes the hesterrepulatr oute 20 —17 rts, Swnvhy Tanering the THT heslnr voltage teem BA volte co 735 ols. Bath hee er vstout sotagr levels ure adjustable over amel nes, show alastment beeome tsar "Phe seuarerare vsti collage fom the 24-KTTs osellaterearnot le sed oecly ax base drive the collenlar and helix fverer, Charge etorage in the hn=> rvion canon power switching transistor: to sistentiyexhibie longer tusr-o ines th save anes “Chie tose eoulition eamnsonly refered to as Semate-chroveh!” ta occur ‘nan iaverar even iy sapnte-wve begs eve, Swntthsthrong” i= "lines ne The everlayoing in time ofthe collet: currents ef the ox fing and eftsping evil ne Uranatore ul iv afton the major ene UT exoeesve inverts emtehing loss ase cove Talure Th onler lo prevent “pith finoagh” sang netwenke are ponoal in Ue Taw ‘rive pati wo the roller a Tali ives "The base-ive chaning network npyesrig within dhe Saxe box fof Fig. 2 opezstce in the following manners Assume thet tamsstor (QU io, tat Q2 Gon, wal that the olvity af sede winding, {67 on teanstonmner TH hs jst eurutate, with ternal 5 20m positive will sport tn tesanal 7. A les ensoen, Zl bean Dowie fe indvetod on Fig, 2. Soe the cane of LHe sok atavasee at thie Soe, windings 1-2 anal et nee aqui ty emit es 2 exesto-one Lranconmer, Hesee, a esirest cqunl ha 27 rss sialon Ton 238 ‘aso OPO PHL 50 wasp om Be sow evens 2239 te show. By transformer aeton,23¢ stn of the vokago drops weroee RB ard CRP sparing evo wind get oF LY wll 0 spoons foros Winding 1-2 of Ll, with terminal 2 positive with respect to ‘terminal 1. Tao polasty of this voltage such a to reece Ue for want voltage apssaiayaneoes he Dasornie jomeion af Ql si ie ‘et, proper choice 0° civeult parameter vahies perils 1's faaars weltage la be sme hee Ua ba. aecezaey us tae QL ot Tie mare, barealree rare QT ean i whet se Tong se the core SOFT ronan ance, Casey witdoldi the ama-an af QL xt ‘tr tke tomo of (2. Upon eaturuian et Ll, hownvr, tear sforri fetion eosaee anc QU ie ven on, ita base drive ourent ‘evel being foram? by rsstnr R2. To tn ea in te proven on of eitebe Lough," the buse regu of Es ul-going transistor is quickly sep ie of stored change oy the tamediate application of a revese-is voltage co ite bace-miterFunetion through a iow-iupedancs path. Le Fig. 2 this arocpout cerent leaves cerminal bof TJ, ener the emitter, find Ieaver the Inve of ei-going traneetor (2, neees tnoegh CR in the forward dinwtion, and rete to teemingl 7 of 1. On sleraste hulfcycles, the nse drive shaping action it reverse, delaying the turn-on of Q2 ond ecelerating the bane of QL ‘As sen in Fig fy lie —24-vat balry vole ie iaverted bo yield lwo 28-KH squerecwtve aus frm Ti eller inverter Th Bet ‘output, afer seetidoution se Sltering results inthe wnrerulsced TWD. folleier-tovesthole voltage of IR2% volts de, nominal. Size the TW tollesereletece i operated x arcu potential, thie clleiorsopply 2240 NE WELT, SATIN TRO. TOEREAL, SPORE lfectively biases the TWP calhove electrode — 1825 vote do from ground. The sceond square-wave aatput, after tification and flter- fing, results in an uaregulted de volage which i jolted from the sony input by vireae of eho eollecar snventer transformer, Az eich, {hie vlkage ra be tefoeneed tn and pesinelynepolted above the —1826-veleeathede polemiat by sean of Ube belie regutor, aftr whieh iis inert By Hs hele ewer co yield emo 25-KIT2 eusre- ‘wave outpsts. "The fist of tne i ecified amt flava to produce minal elx ‘output votige of AIUD valle de, measured with rspedt to the THT fvthade,-Auoritie mula af tie wage fe flerted by veturning 1 fraction of ie to the belix regular. A potentiometer, yceesible Crom the front panel of che eomester, permite continuous adjustment 0! the resumed voltage trseron thus peraitting vontinuoes ebustment 0 {Oe etic enspat voltage aves the range 3600 to 4460 vats de "Tie ecco 26-LeTovlgt or he bukser ie deliver the nego eanply which sis « eoctimnourly sastchle opt welts etre gece and S00 vel de, ie wellgy de eaied yr een of falestaliatontacafornen again tn the comets: rene pane: tnd operated at sie ous i Ue isos. of afoty. By ctacking this Scjustable voli upon isle pi sTanysed a #4 eats ce above the bel aueput vole, Sho ane wala vollgy "x proce This voltage iseoutinucuely adyustable Betws AD sa 880 volte de above the helix enepat vallage, unsure! we risieel in shy TOT cathode "The AB1A ‘PWT is provides with oul im the vielnity f the eethode strsecare to aid jn the bmprovement e:-sube mois Bgure, Am unr lates! 24 volte, derived from Stared avery, powses this col 2 Eaguinoont Desig Keguivomenta for PHS TW Concerter "Ve physios) design of sho TIL TWT eoaverier, shown in Fig 3, similar to that ofthe TLD nasi sytem TW eoertor (ae Re 11 Alespte higher TH-8 vokeges ana rcuter eat disipution, The THB fenverlarslevigh Teenrporates mzebanien) operating techniques and Alval uit, mounting arrngements amalar vo thoee ofthe TTB won verter, Several physoe] desi simiriiee Belwron Ube THB and TD ‘vavertens include: 22 Vee of DieCas Pants ‘The Sr pe die enstings, which provide for unit Itching, com- ‘pene mounting, ard earring, have eomuun usage a present Wester owns. svenmar En Fig $THS ctode esneree leetrc production of TT aun LLL-1 unite. The evant y 6° Une fontarel eppesennes between TD-B and THA is relly apace foce Fg sand Wet 1 na Phaenaot of Hay Votiow Cougimeme AM Inghevoltage components are shouted ow isuhcoe ards 0: epoxy fainted wiring pares, The lowed a7 ceupanest placement feoaeidels Ta. arly selume levels Wut led dees for Seer ei operation, ne Peraoonss Proteins Foros TBrenuse of the high potently peor the nechaaieal cuntigirstion A lwe sipphy rose czaute peseenaed olen on vathes Uae amply relying an eperatiag inecmetions. Rrmava’ of thy leftasnd nit wit sin down ha converter and joucic The necesary geeese to the PWT snd espply Hsterrasnceions. he left sit ores? he Tigh Than tie ase prevent Se sole semeva, tant eng a pose incenlock, urcher incenocking ie orowided by mens of «wired interlele loop passing thimigh the asee'ntalonmmctars uf thy elt- and te hen unite ard che TWP, contra ol) eoicgns noseesay far afety mutt be tulle before the suroly ea be excise Several gpa design tewirsnmns wonqee to tke FH-@ TWT converter ine 2202 Tw BEL SrOTEAL EEULAIESL, OUR SPEER TTT 2a Now HiphVetage Componente High-voltage gis obklled capustors prnvide adtitional output ‘noise mpprsesion aad reduce Poise rairements. New mea eapa ‘ors arc ual fo proide rain-uni high-wltaze Glerirg, A miniature igh-veltege vacua ray ie ust Lo provide exatdowa sequentng aan hi eanevton inning Manan TW and Spy ‘singe plugin type pvonectar ae aed on TD-3 i nat anpropcts or HS use Hae The Ler mp vat-age. The high-volsege conte of the TITS earverter ate angrpale! in lwo vollegy tote nd the rollage leo! ifeense mica eseh grecp ie snnimal. Tre oxuuezclly senile juiekeciewinest eontectam are, thereon, trloquate forthe sppieuticn, 228 RF Piesiny Requivd te Rosse Conner Renrated Noi LF illee vempenents, weiek arc enelesed in e mucmotal housing inside the TTT-R pnoverterFramemenk, provide saldsinnd loving the convener onlouts In Te TWET, Th leeds from the RIP bux tic TTWT ete abileed by ma metol maser La mninae nets pekup sa Tone ‘Phe gain wou phave vararvintny af Ge TRCT vezy with the Beixe vealhovie avd enpo-toatiae vellaaes ruta by Lhe covert. ‘Thersioe, ang seo aoiee preset on te eli emé ave lade ea vote dhe nieromare ear being aap! fe ky he TT. The gle nnwovrs iv the TH baseband whieh evans the O8- to LOMAS feng ane “te woniliaty ehause! whieh epime the TT- to. 12-MF ange, Tous! hesmenits af the norma! 2s eunercerweiteh ng fronioney were iUinlly fino vomgaout he ezine buscbucd runiliayy ¢kaumel, ae tone avcuinareale oxo speried at cho ovpat bf che PM weciver ans age basen i Bi. ‘yo bese retanls ary omnlgrd ta redsse convertersenerat tones co geveptable Teves Pet the Vols av aver Ice are heave fiovm’ since tae lads diets aeak TTT gain, Well over 100 Ul ff filtering lee tesoughoat the calire Saaeand Soqcecey range is teed eres etch of fee leads cn che valve le. Senna, erat far is caployed Fo ynsves nee rom be indie onte the howe Iteond leds, Magrviesioléing 38 nest both tho eouce 1 Ya [Mu-netal eane ate ua uc” rtnfoomers, As seas im Scction owas svennae ry Fix oe magseman or «sige omer meta at he out of he wal hive se 2.36, the final stages of leg for al levels arent a meta box and the oa cables whieh rane. ys he THT are ede with se temetal caver. Toes showed that this enver wee tesla m= Pertent tones igh ae 16-08 over reguiconeate were found wen he caver was remuves ‘Addtioaal's, induced tones ate cin ived through te reduction: of toast tonr on Teds ocr that We eritenlcx-to-athode and nadewiawes ioe pains While tons a the eolleetr, hese, eo, and imtarlock leeds do not circly rogalate the misromse eatir, they fan ancien Lones i ore eitiea Hd snes they ar run in the same fables woe for the his, anode, and sethode. ads For eau, rater extensive Gleing is routed es the interlock Toop whic Fe fn elwoen the converer aac TWE for eafety punposes tnd hich tarries the taner gent. Withont this anes eset! sequiremente by 0 mich ae 8 dB at 8 MH, wad by ue muh as 12 4B Hn the Le to 12-MEle auxiliary channel eal a Negi Reseance Character ofthe TW ‘The de-to-de converter was designed tu aveamenalte the dye negative resistance toen Isang into the bolls cathe frmivals of the TT. A somewhat typical TWT FV charareristic ie sbowa in Wig. 5, Inecaility, weuling iv 8 eyeton coelaion, will opcur sinless ‘he converter output rsntener ese thon the mbeolitemaghitue of the TWT's dynamic nezntive seeiance BoA en ares svete TBeMSOAL TOMMY, AFPOIOKIDR 1 5 A. smal sate tinea smaris et bee by eng he eeipnoeal ot the rig of the PWT J-¥ chazeotsisti nsw dymarsie ue napus, yo. The conveer-IWL aon neal ier ancl be Wale Using Fig. 8 Fra = Hoforouve yoann in engustor (8 Oievele voleage exe Astor aint) Heliceathode voll: a WT tvmninals “A = Opencaup we of bis engl ‘her lonp itp uprscane ef te converter = AC Tupmlanoe betwors the x-catiode terninels of the Conventional tinear feedback analysis of the model shows in Fix 6 ‘vos the fllowing gain equsion: Ve ve o By Blackms's Irpetance? Relationskip Bom = 8 Tae

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