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BSTJ 50: 7. September 1971: TH-3 Microwave Radio System: Microwave Transmitter and Receiver . (Hamori, A.; Jensen, R.M.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 50: 7. September 1971: TH-3 Microwave Radio System: Microwave Transmitter and Receiver . (Hamori, A.; Jensen, R.M.)

‘TH-3 Microwave Radio System: Microwave ‘Transmitter and Rec By A, HAMORI and I ML JENSEN (ace essed Mera 187) Ie features and performance of « O-GH travaniler ant recier are Aeecrbed in this paper. Me syatom atectives of 41 ABrne) for $000 males ft rivet lomo derive 2 the pein paper ave pal 10 the tovign, Wil the exceplina vf he val toweling abe ta ep cat ll ai eat ‘The microwave trsaamittor aul rvosivercorsitate the bese units of fa mein avster. They ponvice she gain azesssary to compensete for [be lcaeusaion lose of the staticztestation ai pat and. the soleriity eeeuive® ta Koen the ratio cauoue.s propeey eepewe. Sines mary af shew ties may be conaetes ia sazie, cath cast eet cliagent Userinal noise, enoeeodnieion none, alerted ‘squairation requirsmetts im onGer to satinfy the overall syeen ob ‘All the cquipnont reqiced for teapemitting and reeciving © {requency-nedulaled 6GFe siya) is eantsined In one bay, ineluding ‘he ebsannel separate and coming tes as shorn in Fi. 1. The radio bays gre mounted side-by-side with dee, wavexuide conmee- ‘ona at the tap of wich bythe wry wel (out WRe 158, With the esteption of the tcwvulingwave tube, all ieile are lid ate; only a 24-velt upp is required for primary de power. "Tro types of have, kin ston wad reponiny an rate, The main station lng erteis infepeadert teanemiter asd receiver ute, The eosos for (iis ie iuelratal Fig. 2. bv main etetion A the treme tniter servee Tie WE destin whe tae roesiver in the aeme radio buy serves KAW, Av tiem nung oF mgiatonave werk oh the feaneiter re fines lw une n? x pntactan chan! oy we WE, DUR mp ance everest mpesTEAL JOUNMAL, saeraonie® IL Gee Tehes F* fron Sa sauces rosa 98) RRERIER aun AFreeion without a fe tie RAW sigection, Thi inmprorse the fverall syotem reeblity unl wsnove rinceneaee robles. TH ase wats rrvives on sraamattersly bye pestle. These buys wan shen oe Fellysouipoed aha bart “fs the repeat stations, however, he trenatter aru cecetee” 9° sho ane np sive he auno dotior of Haramieses, Sve eve fan aceaniage in idependence Eee, vom uf Lie eens taneons sve cerned Lcding "04 shor sao by ‘A sporiel deezare uf the hay ie the wse of directional wavegide filles for shane! sepacion win) cou binavier. The zac e Uvee fillers vuily neineer the rnmaber 9: wavesaice ecxponeate tad Glsincses thy nord foe Ayes or ivaalnm. Associated wth tho Feeerowave flov'ng is enather new fv lve: niermwave delay quel ation ‘The equlatio= of RUC Blers a RT 3 Tare accurate ne Const cham she raconel LP equizabu ‘i mpdalatore rv us‘ilanowd Gage diede) aad wide ube exeape ‘tou uf Bits edjnetiene tes lain re “oning acysstmets. TWO Tork access i gravid ip the nse of ser a liveeFonal Ber or sivaulator "Thee mitre ‘otegnetecccwuile are used im ouch nie by. Witt she exuption of the madaliton, THVT, £ltere, mierowaer gow itor and ne io} ull scree site ae reste Ue aod iret, The rertribntce arealy ww Wie svupleiyy of the dia bey Aes is Zain el amriee reauyly ted ia ule sielar systems. THs nporowh cox std is inewnced ie pee of a Chores comple mg impeos baby ‘he Iny een 3e equipaed wita eae upornl onmpeneats for a nvquence inlesed ausily chanel wale leserbed i a later oper ig i ot oan ve 2100 uy wea werarun aunseay voce, S902 FT 1 AFbneoaee Praseniner re black dingrum cf tke sigpsl pasion 2 the truism fn Fig. 8. The inprs ea toquary-modulied 70-MITs dual et 7 AAR whic enswes Frwy ar FM teva tare or from a pe fecding zai meses. hie signs ie apoliod to faa IF Tater spi= fehiek removes eveenilly ull waglitacie moduli en Une ms ‘the tmaraite: modulate. ‘The limiter wnplider bus tnotker ou:pst whica ls ues! 2y che njle itor unit The mecemitor enlator™ converts the TO-MILx IF signs! ino the teunemistee mucrontve sg nal by modclecing che transmicter microwave ourcie: (TNC wes sxalad by tie mleomave greretor ext accsinced cecaitry we coe fevibeé Tater. The TMU power apatia co tae modslntor ie 118 di, "Tim sure ine206 "vomivare noise in a name soe a0 SE BLL Wher tht mole. apyreaniye Ie mise level correponding to <n open ancl Cromtcml soe wn s@ Wy Hi fu! gelm af dhe eee) fan ose! volage fx applied 2a the tromsnitler muna dike bin [Atthianer operating [rant the eBsieaey of the mesllator e dosreweed do cht the trawler outgel hops 29 ub, eulliaone Co provanc acjarsnr ehancal ‘ateriecence, Tia squeleh fatietor aap procuces Telay conse elgute, delayed ty 4 arcends, to indionte the operation Of the ani for emoce obeaerstion, Tae dey i ntanded to adzinate ‘ye eation hich igh he associate. with normal fading satiety, ave op fines ane 0" lt: dn ‘he trunemstter modular vutput passer through & portion o? the riecoxine distrisulion miyork! whieh oma. am iolatar 'y the Sgnal pat before & eoureits ta fe susbrler snieromave eebwork Stee the TLL microwave surcce e alway loewced 70 lls Below the signs, the czeui tunction of thiv networks lo ps che sper Slshardl othe medsiator etd velo the lower adelaide all other Shurione ontonrs, Lsia zatwock contrane ha? 239 tas taaoamicr faletines. The not aecive eect ig tz sigod pact ie the TWP Shorv ye PWT oan eoatebe tn she repeatr irtarten by cenaring, Taplituce sunllaon int eve metals, voy ira 0 Seine ea pr cnc ce gl Fee SEP URI Couto aie Mladars leet sagas an ance 221 imines #°Vsontees of ADM froma he sual? "The signal pte this nist 'aq regliginte ABE because of the Hinitar ard the inepaiionn Vonks af che wansite” nleln or. The Bandpses Slke-* hu- tour, Iam vsly Arriah Gao: inline AYE inte ths eal. "To clonoa nH, tl dlay cistron 6° the tanemiter mierownre Srhatie is saad by oan Rb blag roualars whick fe factory vel ‘The TW inpt-acuwork oe 4 witewaee fntegrata iro whieh pevlirns a srien of fimetioue. Mist proves a aned masta forse Framanister wieuwave network ty cee ul om ila. [ala con laine en atteatar fur e lng, 'e pt gover of the TWT to ~7 Bim, This tenuatcr coms’ 6° a cimolatar wie ots axe yw Iooninated in em adjustnble swan irh end an exerraal suvowids leyvina ion, Tae istnien Ines 0 ne wlencalor te the return lace tule caljascble tara, Wh He extemal teminaion erence ford to mismacet l-ninatel, oe Havaineee Tacealetor tpt invilale at that pert fr esing, Fal y, Lhe signa! levee tke network. thoual # roluceleseght were pore wih mates wtb ema Sayul gout wi the TWT, A. buen delerlu nerces an 2 meaitor for the cameniter malubeor nts and is tanned by Un hey ete ie srl 2202 am nena svete anearvtedt sem, SAPS 71 ‘The sewvuling ways tao iw peso, Reena packaged cube ‘The tube ovtnut Bs w nemine! 340.5 Bm with « siniwun gait of BRE AB. Tae ule '3 Well. conalant gin by sejuatng tho asi Dovtage Shove Hs aynehonmass alae. hie merating paint provides Tawar Pert) nyu i lest AMeluePM orvvtson Hou af Tae ie syece oporated c+ marin gui, ws syrchroouus voles. The tars rusien ebpe, bowover, is ant Ht, Ihe [soar slope omponent i typieclly ~001 aB/Mlie. This ie eclerchle since Inear slope does {nk movil th esgssnevdlasion snertion® ‘The pezeholie and fie epee ate ght hat te Say Saal would be iveled $3 Tautsaing Hs Unpsiicion saspe wauld ‘parse tho faezmal edke ions then i sla ines she age “nonmleton. Canaeneenti, the cal, impedance ef thy Labe is melee: Dy a tuner ie Le ENT Chulgw sverk tn rosie enon stg pee. Thy alr ese siren ler The TIT pose” supp's? ie 8 de-ode eosvevter uperusing frou the Bievul: eapely Th pavembioe wT Uke suthagee nae yr Hee tbs, The cube voller current ie aumllune! ssternally os the bey ereving paral ‘The THT crspat network’ br mene intgoueed eine ater lw HecTWPP inpat network; 3 etommn the ane fonetioss th“ recat of privlirg attenuation and ter. eset, Allein on pee ter in she nietwor fy used to snopes harmonic of the ontput Up ne eu 30 IR, The nye ctx ala onane te Bowes iter boone i pet ul sheen hing, ni eorve eo nein, there Tho expat power tnaitos 9 stnected to hath the meter aaa slam peels Lue gine al aac ami, he (ee totter pork in soe jl when: eo highe ever aticnuator van be wltecked ser tol supees, This to He pint ‘ehrae the autpat power ie TO mace | 140 dino, The egal then enters the enn consbining ter? Ths ea deena sitar eosaisting of a veamolemen'ary benipass ane kardstap filer. The owpt signal Pacts tag the stloase selon lbts enooualating Le Ral vl ivy: equinal iv de Suncmitien, The other sadio-ehanre signee fms throu Uke ards seclins ily a tye he FR 2nd ombine rich the buy watp x hs eormun apa ut Tae voramon foninue port poseen’s a goed sons la eal Toquenete nem the whore erin and ae ena be eomaeeter im tances with uther simile Titers tured ty olie~ sas slave or comet! ly lhe spteraa aysten. The delay dicurtion of vhess Utes is eouelized in the aazveeding ceoevers, ‘nossa 989 AEERIVER is 2 Afiorncase Revwitr “Wun slaves te bck diagram of the seeiver. ‘The signal ents le reviver from: ae anteena warnevite a from the proeedig bay eons: the ehwnol eeparating actvecl.’ hie network conse of ttirsetional flier, sila tothe clare eombining ler, and a ware- fzide clay susiner, This iter kus more selectivity than che ene in the trans oe to paotet the reeiver Irom isarference caused by bor channel. The delay equsliner tix the delay ehape of bth he ebuncel xeparating Alice sa the proveng tranemitter chenael combining files. The equlizer F azcaced withthe channel seat ing filter hossuse this flr bee ahout eign az mach delay sbepe ns the hanael esbining Aker. The test rovtes port (@ remevable ‘wavugidh mvt) Je the reformer poirt where the seceive sizml over on = aoninal leg path ie —28 dBi, The reciver madulaos! eosives the izput signal ehrovgh an isolator aod another dzeetonil Mlle=* ‘The purpose of fis filter fo combine Uw reeived signal gd Ie seelser microwave eartie. "The very narcow bandpass filter is lve to the RIC, thus sprees fg the noice idcbunls ant other epee signals The complementary pandereject Alter in the egnal peta ertenuetce Ue RMIC bul dove ‘ob interfere wi th eesivedeigaal, The reeiver adulhcue eomsers ff Bae | ss lm men es o) wee fam __ ig, |-Mrersve rier Bk sar. 2124 sy anu evArR SEOMSCAL JOURNAL, the mica signa inte a 70-MHe UY signal. ‘The maerersve tage signet 2 30 Me oe he is gh quate Tae mod Tnlor te ebsucbed hy the ‘salar aber 0° the filler, To eeLeve a Tow woe dure, the motulater uses Gas Seholsky bussir dic ‘The TUM untprt of the low-noise preanphfon ix —13 Bon with the sins) RF spat sod vacies withthe recived szaal puwer, The IP bandpase fiver’ that follows the preamphiior provides eddtionel fuettivity st the adjacent ebeanel Srequeneies wl at the IE har- mmoring. Two filter designe cre availble for chis papese, the 1014A Fer Ter segue woe ad te T0089 filler whieh hae weseterseletivie ts fhe adhucens ctanncle Tae lator Alter centaibuse more to iaior- moda wise ene 12 Wel wy when “he signaltoalerrt iaarcbsigoarabg ie Ie [aw 22-6. ste lay input Te may becur when both chentele are on the smo polétiektion ot on oon verging routes, "Vine TF lay sian rstaes the cela ehape of ehanzel separat- ing aul combining necnorks of her channels orate between thie acho bay aod the antevis The delay elope equaliser ie Bel srlsled after overal ayer meamueeenls sve own prone. Thin eal inee ie svalable with fe dierent slopes main, frm 05 40 “04 ny bills ‘The TR rain amplifer® oporutss at « nomical 22D goin with 10-6Rim outont, ‘Te buslein AGC envi votes the guia to fellow S0a1K Sales or IN4IB uptedas withont output power reriation. ‘The ‘iferencal absolute delay bovween tae zalio ehunaele em the same te cam be equated by the wie of appsuocate Tenge uf IF eable at the outout of che TF main amnlifien, A pod tlds out the euble Loss ta obtain —7-lBin TF outa, a sasee Carter Bisson Dod tie microwtys miciver a! Stausnitter modulator nase lovally-evercted nierowaveeaeree, The THA frequorey plum plscee the mocsver an trite tryocroios 2520 WH mpi wy toioes ta easier te alg’s 10 MH below Ue sig. Ax explant tarlir x eoniunelion with Py, 2, the main station aaniene and Teecivers operate independently snd thenskom require independent Iniewivave ariay gevonatars, Iv the repeaters, however, a single Iniecowave geneotor js shared boowcen the teenemitler ema receiver of she suaue buy, Beene of thexesienenese the oro tyes of bay Srodlsenssu wopssitly, smascntrren AND MRO a5 at Repeater Boy ‘The speater bay iinnnsave dstibucion eens i obo in Fig 6 “The mierowave generate” i eryrtal-portolled ab about 125 METe sud prosncee « nominal LGH ontnat ae 120 dm, ‘his onal i ‘ivltiplieg by the &GHs vararor raukiplicr* to obtain the dered onstritter mnioromave eon feequeney. The microwave eueier Slvr tecked “othe output of rhe ruinier 3 2equirec dor removing npventod 300 a IOND-MéLlaeicesnels around che TMC waist are trverated es harmonies oF {se ‘ower iveney portions ete multe per einin "The output of the misrowve eavier illor may pe shrough the towiliary hone) sedulstor which plseonodsles the TMC os Aeseribed inn follow’ pape” The reciver woremave carrie unis. be wlsinal from tho TMC singe theee ie only we miconers gexerstr in reper ay. The feieney difrrren eueen tLe TAIC ape RMIC ic 252.01 MB (Ue difezenee between the trasmister ung ereever sgaale). Whether the TTMO or the RMC ic higher depends on the bay being a low-high oF Iighcinw revester ‘Thi irequeney shift is aeeomplicied by «sbi modulator Sb eres sini f cee a J Stee 2, eee Flca ig SMisoosss cari btn (opal bo, 2128 ne wen averox OMEN. JOURNAL, STEERER 71 ‘The distribusion of che TMC ts performed by the miowsve se tuition nouns ‘The TMC tar the teanemicer modular ix ‘adjuied or +18 GB, and the omalning earrine power fs appt to the shift modultor. Deth the tranemitter and bide moduletar ane single-diede modulators whieh regu w vireulnlor to eepaewte the Ticronave input and output signals Ix addition, other sieulators fry eel ition Ho prove waletion bee thw trensniti a SHR neditatne wid to tarninale tho unwanted sidebascs odo Imodulstrs rubseled rm Uhei> Uaupase ors AL Tae ennsnier Imoduletor thie fer i fi trusamitier microwave aetwork, on ab the eile modultor the sleonvity i provided y the bandpass serion ofthe rvceiver microwave fle Detorcrs ave provided in both the wironave we twierowave aistriaution retworks for power reonterirg. or aod in the baa Main Sition Bay ‘Aa elated above, the ‘TMU andl RMC for the rosin station trans: mites ane reeves are generat independently. Buch soureo eoniets Sita 1-GHa generator and « Gills muitipher wih the associated tnicroceve caries Hlter, a3 sbown ia Wig 6 TREE a Re Kame Pepe fa Qa Bi QP ig, (-Miooneve ean dates Cnn sain ay

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