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BSTJ 50: 4. April 1971: Some Extensions of the Innovations Theorem. (Kailath, Thomas) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 50: 4. April 1971: Some Extensions of the Innovations Theorem. (Kailath, Thomas)

Some Extensions of the Innovations Theorem* By THOMAS KSILArH Macuser esived Don 4 Consider ae observes procter that ie the suse of a Wiener nae rose ant he integral Of not wesetsny gaunian sige! prose The inurvations ywacesn ie defied an tha diforme between the obaeroed proceae and the integra o the caused iinuna-moun-aguere- fovor extiwate uf the signal proces. Then x} the intogral of the x= ected slaw of te abeotute grits of hs vipa ponean ie ite, toe alow that the iaawontions proces elie @ Wiener process, The present sontions are a sbstontiag swooning af howe previnay ted te bok the integral of the signa! variance had tobe fnte. Fhe Ineo Serle 4 obtained by weing cease recent result ia watiagale {Boor how vent ata ana vs tm stor snr rays who he Ter prcen mplaced by 0 parton ie wating ‘We shall be concsmnes with stochaetc proces of the form ay sd tav, ie, X= [a+ wi0, OStET A where wi} He Wiener proces ih Ewin) ~ 0, Blwitetes) — mini @t fal 262) i ok eoesscily asian praceee toh shat, or every (2), 0S7 Za a ETE ok, purely she aig Burhans Decne of the Ae ef Ea ecg i el a To ed Buco ater Teta i tad ogc fo ct Trip, Stanfont Carry ney FTAtnCr all sie we byw ayonettble ae Cf, Toe ay i ue 1488 phere ef] denotes the stsallst xigom-feld generated by [+] sd ‘lowing KI, te myn wil bo wn to denote stetiston! n= ‘dependence, In our eter wor,’ weal ascumed that 2[lwrase © ‘Tale assumption not only enabled ws lo define the conditioned ex- pestation Exo |B) but sls co conclude Ub. 2}, and (fas well ae Ie} and a have finite integrals a, Then in Appenlix [of Re. 1 snd independently i Reis, 2 through 4, the following result was proved TTheoron 1: Unter the acesnptions (0) srongh (2), process {0 5.1 where wy ® © 6 = a - [sa ost is a Wiener proces, relate 0 to sipma-flde 3, generated by YC) ‘ores o-) hast wena ntti asthe ariginal Wiener press ‘The reasons Tor the nazie “inaovatione” ad some appcatiors of sho conte are teuoud in Res, 1 through chore, 99 chal ste eal no: pareue bet here, Our in Jn relening the conditions unter whieh the cheoeem is trae. tieulir we shall show thar the cunion (4) csm be sepl weaker conten ef \woiace a “Thies @enbetantel relaxation of (4), sinoe row we van even conser ceases io whien e(-) aged nol have dite variance ant need not be Sstuaceintograble in Cy textuplae nf tie ere ans cory a Sd for fussian 2/-), ey Reh 6) ‘Nevertheles, even sis -weakening 3 no: the lee! yasble. Saab claim soem surpcsing, wher Co hogit wth, the standard eons {oes ef. Doab') of conditional expeetstion require that BhiOl < a Tn our probe, however, La Shepp hus pointed out by exaunple that cen this eondiion on 2(-) ie nob always nosesaey Ia Shepp's cexaanple, INNOVATIONS THERREN, 1489 vn a Cauchy distributed syedom variable, Independeat of wf), ‘Taan ike came U9 veriiy Si vi-] ne Wedd below by equation (8) can be isd tn elie. the inmeenne poocees o(-), even thonzh B |} | dove wot enish. Nevestndes, tye theorers show tat [re [ro ~ 5 Join ae [ex [100 — Spin a 1 is true (ane there isa genetelized definition of eondiioual exoes> tation (sec, 1, ps 2 Ret Uthat ean be asd when hot exil ue snuck secs in which couation (8) te cs deinision ard Tie mere gsners) preblem of eying to cefize #11 tinder just ve sssauptons (1) through (8) requires farther invest ration, 89 such for the wecunpsion (4). To eee that ecustion (3) is also aot always neecssary, we can let cit) — wif), 0 t By using the seclts of Ref 6, it ean be ehown chat even in tals exse swe can define variable 21+] sush that the proess vi-1 of equation (6) i atta Wier pers. Having deen such example hewever, Tet ue quote pascsely the ras that we een ofave, The ti: ao ® Theor 8 Uncen the assanpions (U-(8} ant (2), the seomvntons proces fu, & defined by ajution (0), d= @ Wiexer proces with the ome satisies a2 (+), sides extending the range of applicability of the innovations pn ses, Thooem 2 is f itoret, st least to ur, boeuuee of the relatively chnigucs used ta prove. Thus Tacovem I wee provee iz Hei. 1 ings uartingale thectem of Lévy sat Dook teh p84 of Ref tthe efce: thet a scnsinaous-pats, Bsite-vrionee mening wt condsonal variene» eouel to ¢muat bea Wione:prosces, The asp tion (4) tha: waa sade in Theor Lexabled ue, wish some expel tion! ta establish the fnite-varienre and eorditional variance proper Lier Tn'Thrarens 2, the process 21-1 any stelf hove ante variamee tnd we canna nly apply the theorem of Léey and Dabh. Fortue however, some recent desclopments in martingale theory, dus ce TL Kenite and §. Watanabe ona to B. Meyer; hve provided feneralized conn of the Lévy-DDecrheeisa thst we can net to proee Theorem 2. ca in diet with les compution than was seecea Ref, 1 Jor Thooean 1, Moreave, the aesule in Reis, 1 throash 12 have sugested aur srond resi, wien m saetineides the Ast one 49 tun ort svereNe mactsueAt JOUREAL, SERIE eT Thermem 2: Lat de = 2d + dM, where af as ate #3 aL, © and A) Hea sure imegabie marhingas, Tom Hole}, Sy Ply shore ay = sto — fri te, 209 = Ble Jon, vo ly epuareintepraie martingale with quadate variation the same ee dt of 'P. Brow! as obrainl the aeeue of Theorem 8 under the stronger Inypothesse thst Bl(-31" is intogmble avd M() ie eoatinuous.” special frau of Therein wae obtained eclar by uso of ares of oul (Sev 14D of Hat. 7) Uhl & continueus squereincngrale rartingsle [310, ,) aatishsing sar — at jaa ~ 24] [eng Pear anh fem be wise a sochastie intepral with rospost Wo a Wiener droves, Th after norde sie hls e to exten equation (1) by llowin: # storhastieeceicint fe ds we may sete thal Rani sta Watanabe hare abons thot x (loely) equesuintyrails rartingele fe Wienor process eam aig br writtes asa stochastic inleyra ‘Finally we way tsase thatthe prof of Thoorem 8 aso viel the followin, Consitery 4: Theoren 8 reminw valid if hypothesis (7) % replaced by £0) exideand f"H0 6t < ao) [Note Uns condition (7) guevantess (10), 20» just for vontitionsl ex pectatons with respect to Ur sigmarfclds “6, goamralnd by de = Pode, bat with respect ls any Zarlly of gmt: j; elesnly the eundition (7) ie too stromg end das not, xe we abo nosed earlier, fexplit the spacial nature of owe penbler. We huve as yel fond no ‘eis om st) simpler yo (7) that will imply (20). T seems tha “pha sl bo ncoded isn eondition om 2) rather se 2(-) and MU) eparstely. Infact, we say observe the: in el our extrples fin the Tinos below (7, the proce) 9 absolutely continue with respect toa Wisuor process; however, 2 have nol yet word out sll the fmplicatione of absolute gout. ssovamtens sauna 401 for the and the Wa shall begin ri one dafsitions sme enenen fotlowing material are the paper of Kuniia and Watanahs one and leotare antes of Meyer All cur eandom voriles will be defiell on « probity space (0,09, Wershll also sanime thet we hove an intersing nd gh coontincous family, ah, 0 ST of subsigensiee of, each fntnining all the aul! vets; we shall rte My = A rmoses {AU }} will he elsd an Tqemartgale or « aquarée inogahte martingale iF AI) Nas a. tghecotinaons saple path and EMG 0) < © and FIG 0) (@] = Mies) very Lemartngale (41, ol} a2 astoclated wich fe cm Snereasig function, aller hy wusatie saviation (BEI, Mies], that ean be salulated ws fo, pW of Rel. 121 11,270, = en, Eisttan He guy where tly fo, oo fel fs any partition of (0 and rhe samvergeree the wart is 19, 3 nthe nom [A? =A |. Whew APC hae Sontinioss cael The ajuletic variation is often woven 2, AP, and ean be iderified es the unigue isteasing process such, That proces APLC) — API), Mi) i a martingale A postive random vrigble (0) i elle m typ te i for every £5 Mh the event (ofa) 32) Belong to, dep ly apn tHe Mary up bo ‘A esunple oa atopning tae ie the Gat tine (305) xzends a given level. AE important property cf © sopping time je that If PT) ie a mariingsle proorss, then the "stopped proces (A>) is also a mar- tingle A process AU u), OS £ ST, is sid co be {eons oe Le rmarsngele, or logoly equareintegrable mactngals,® Where exes ocquencs of stapping tases 7. S vz o> noreasing ta T such thas ‘the Hopped proceesa ar all foont-aaous) Lemarings The uniqe Maye, at 1 ha hows te Nl ghana ari sg.evataboe, fap Paco! hn thon ne cre gone "Tamia i rnd Mise) forthe ups ng "Ferns t'nseaton 4 2% = rin(s Bi Hoe tw mua stonene couHeat soreest, APM 71 foontinuous) inoreaing function lithe [BHA] al be eed the fnvetion usweialad with the Toe! Ermattiagale M, or of, che ‘avadratie varistion of A 21 Faomale "The 1S intogral 10 = [toe (0 os) of 0-505 7 for every fusune ineneents af w(- 5 °) snd can he dane aa eotinnons fet Sch that >) independent ef [Mynnce as aay 1 in ain 4) ob aLf ites Pal] < «ws then the 108 intemal (9 ie an Ezamaringale and its queue varia wot = tat) ~ [P60 By defining fine [ted it {5 empty, we se thal the Te intageal usdor equation (12) ie aloys «continous Teeal Lormurtingsle, with easdratie varacon ato, 0 fe, [ress 2 Pen of Theorem 9 We nova tnt that, with 293 — 20) — #0, 0 = vty ~ fade = [309 te + MO is mvrtngalesoative to Une lds {5,] besause for + < 4 eNoVETIONE THRORTIE 1488, soul seo [mn 1a ae RCO — 6), B50 | (0 de + ACO! [5., wHo + fous A as ‘Tr inforehonge of # J and the integrals jetted by Pubin's theorem and the aesusptin (7) ‘Now doing & atquauoe of S;-mesewrale rtoping times by T= lint 180, a Saar 5) Sines wlth < 29 aa, he (5) ines tn T. Also iis ela Bath, for each wItAy) 1 a aquarecintegrshie martingale. Therefore, g10) is a Toceiy squavr-integrable martingale. T find its quadvatie varavon, swe frstrhow Unt [aGar), sara - (ueAT A, s0ATQL us) “To obtaiz aquttion (16), we ute the detiniion (12), che fae: that [Fr] 3 area fora eastinoous process of hose wataton, sd the unoqualty Etetien aeons DLP se] + E ate — aneor Finally by Uedkng Lento nity, we wed ut La, oO} - LO, ML OE ee T. "This complete the moat ef Theoten 8. 128 Prof of Theorem 2 When AE) fx @ Wiener pointes is nimteatio variation i &, To ‘beain Theorem 2 foun Theesn 3, we gay tae atheerts of Lévy end Don (S60 p- AB of Refs 3h, as axcenda ye Rusia ard Watanabe [See p. 217 of Ref. 10). thal e-rontinnmas locally senene-integreble smartingsle wish quadtatiovaristion ¢ mast be « Wiener proces Tei teresting to point ot that the Kivia-Watanate prot af the extended real ales wociderably singer Una the original proof = cause the new proof utilizes the powerfal now tele of the stochastic Integral for Lemurtinsalee and the 100 diferential rule for such processes 1404 name aul, sveHINE rEDHEAL soUAMAL, APRTL 107 14 Prof of Covalars + We nove that hypothesis {IN} ages 0 enure thas pf) 38 Hite, co that the {T) of esuaton (15) are wl defined and tend te 7, also te ensure Sia qlta7,) is square-ileyrable martingale, These free ensentil ingedienls ofthe prook of Theorem 3 "The present vider eandivions under whieh wwe have bees able to tsleilish the innovations rsll will, of cour, exten? the range of problems in which the ‘mnevacions exe weed. In parieulae, we have Expvio! Theorem 2 20 shee that m genera ikelhood-ratio Jor Te, dover in Rl 5, for pivssetes eying reustions 11} throug ovale valid equacien (4) ie replace yy the wecker contin het fe) dt < one and JB [algae 1 Hah 7c re alo Rab, rm Hen Sa Webel, EL A “Bxinacign in Cuatinuaus-Time Xontinoar Syeaie" PhD. Bhatialo, Duty Tena Hausesy, Suto Unves, Boe ford, Calif, Jus Fas loin to Bue gy act pei Pee a en Ra Tis canes Moriah, cs Wale eS ahhen BOLT fitter Catan Poets” ‘hh, Hge ae Naa gr Boy SR, apa oR Prats New Yo They 188. Bh Ly haa eomee TERE Mr 'Bialip PRo my: Yas Non ck CTH vo, Regi ad, Wotaea, "Oe Sure Terie Mastin” Nawowe a Ming ‘Frobabaity asd’ Aston, Walthem, Moss Bhisiell Buvk Co eae Sa "| Rein Cine tetas Coens, al, saad, Go ¥ i rsa Made Ney Dao wih eee ‘Wire and Hele eae Ht St peo

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