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BSTJ 50: 3. March 1971: The Energy and General Translation Force of Cylindrical Magnetic Domains. (Thiele, A.A.; Bobeck, A.H.; Della Torre, E. ; Gianola, U.F.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 50: 3. March 1971: The Energy and General Translation Force of Cylindrical Magnetic Domains. (Thiele, A.A.; Bobeck, A.H.; Della Torre, E. ; Gianola, U.F.)

THE BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Tae Wark Near The Energy and General Translation Force of Cylindrical Magnetie Domains By A. A.TIIIELE, A. HRORFCK, F DBLLA TORRE,’ and UL RGTANORA Stammipt vind Over F190) 1 thie paper we compute the change is the enevay of w foray vwoxnetioed wmiezal plaeiet roduren by the intradvetinn of « cutie rica! domain. Difreatinn of the energy expression sible the leanvational fores produced by gendirate im plate thickness, mateint conpsiton, temperature, Phe fore expressions provi @ mea for hese narameters om the margins af f the gradient produced forces to fied Soe tes pons etsy spc TR sing raul ave prevented in bath graphical ad tabular form ‘Magnetron svt, donna in unico elatle:s have ecoeat'y rveived qouniderable ation? = ‘The thvary of he sate wabil-ye: ove Sma? ad is eppheation Ty mere! des doves! ave ow Sarno in peevietspepen. ‘This paper is coxserned willy Je lierslaiona Saree setirg bn the leaned thes eel an evi pean nore and lagi devices emstoying 712 rue mau svsnine wen sioa, goes, waKON ToT 1a most device spplientions,aylindrieal domains a propagated by raciens in the applied fel Cyreslomaiza may, bowser, be propagate iy praients io any ofthe indeper de paramere whieh {termine she iota dovinneasegy, Taste parmnrene ze: che applet fio Hy the pnts erro, By fa saturation magne: zation, M, tod the wa eretey deusky oy. The dorian sada, vy, is r08 4m Invlegendeat pausntes for Zmravae in equim but i ewes ‘ones the alter pacasietace are epee) ‘Te gradient ix ae amd Wy iney be procugel by snmestin gsden:s, sin qtadiente or “me Dovaane gradin:s, Compan ot troknese gradivesa ey Be ued to provide foroee which tre Condon: af postion only, whi temperate tr stein eraens way Ie ms fo poovide ine variable fees. The tranlational foro in ubtsined by diorentation of the ‘otal domain energy expression with respeet to pasion, under the wssump ‘on thatthe eredienls in Une donia parameters whieh proce the ‘raneadional force ace sulleeatly amall thet the domain remeing fdzeulae and ete; wonstqueny the enengy expression remains vali Sinee this method of eomputing the force i independent of Ue te tall stoess pecan whic prslue the domain mieten, mo estimate bf the shape distorting lotlenes 6” th varies parameter is obuaims! que ting the sim of the raneletiunel fonees un she diag force pices “he soneral velily squason, ard exsyparing che magsiudes of the ~arious fore: vied tier efeot undies apertion, ‘The energy change procueed by the intzaduetion ofa single laced circular 180° domain into an in’wite plaia of uwiax‘al raagpetic tern hie, ie otherwise uniformly mags! along, the average pave normal (the? axis) fs wow esloalatod. Soch » demain eonfigurs- tom is how in Fig I. The acungptions and notation of Kets 3,4 and [are naintined exepe tl we dinain poxemetars h 2 My ey 2d ry rte allowed Uo be Tunetions of position on the ple. Ta pusticul, the following is eeeame in the acodel: tho wall fas odie ith, the wall is everywhow alle othe 2 axis, end the wall enor Aenity is inepelent 0 wall aventabon or survasure. The values uf all parameters ave asetines 29 vazy sufieiertly slowly tha: chey say bo tepecented fy thelr eeavaragel voluee tthe ester of the ere omen, Adclienally, che azplial field ie eeweaertad by Ss © eam ponent, if since cine the asscmnplivis seated sore only aie goat Donent into-nels wil tl sarin, nana Maeset4e wna ma sense of "The toed sheage in the onecey ofthe eystam Gus to the 9 As cylindnea! demain Tbe Deate, 42Attath — Seb ear reOnse. a) 4 this expres the fret term, the wll eneney, i the product of the wall energy density and the wal ance; the eecond tern, the applied field inteacion energy, ie the producl af Uae magnetization edange 24,, the typed fel and the damvain volume: aval the thi tern, tne inna seagueostate energy, iv the negative of Be inrgral of Ihe eenerlne si naactotae forge of Le. The inennel nate netotate <nrgy funtion, TE2y'hy is therelnee dened as onsn = f°" Pate @ ware Flak is ube farce Cunetion defined hy equntons $8 one 198 of et 8 The loner init f the inegral £2) lun so Ua When Ha plate is aniferuly tuggnetied y= 0, che dain energy expres (2) ie ero, Varous closed form and power svie roprsentatios of a/b) sxe given in the appendix of this paper, This fuaetion, which is plowed in Fig. 2 us a faretin of the diameter-tnhilonos rato, {/h, ad is tshutaed in Table T, has Gre wernt forme AOE 10 to 2G) +8G)]. fxn om “Fe nso rcn of she appt sisuneed in coro detail in Seetion IV "Ta domi energy per smit mall Jeo ie le}. Bes coo jr of Ue £ fanetion was Eqfod — CeMEN — FQN) o ‘bere 1 = strife the ekursetaiaio macaral langt, where the sppled fk! hus heen eliminated using Use eoulibviar, condition? * and where leeNptest, Maes FOI6 NAN ne i ig iB Ye ‘Bo te ee eSbe 285) BEESES: TS wmaniz eretesemucemicat Joma, MANGE nL “The inet J hes the axympcocie forse Q-4-20)+ +20] elt bo ai) sai) - The function J(d/l, the normalized total magnetostatic energy per ‘ é 4@), fxn 6) nit wa gt ie plteed in Hig. 3 logelir with che fore fonction F(d/h) nt the stbility fanetone S472) and S(a/A) which fave the aymptotie forme wlih ber oo aap 1fay a -2G) BG). i ( [Namerisal vale ofall how notions are given is ‘be I. ines fom the Miguie we the asymptetie forts of the faretions (0), 18) and (9), JC/K) Tes rghiy micway (we respect to dara ties) betmeen (4/8) and Ss @/h} and sacs the wort for domain sabiicy ie S,1d/A) > Uh > SiC0/R), chen platelet of arbiteary ‘hikaewe may alway Se bee wh shal the ncvetion ofa comet Fig, She marwrnvace nan gen rit well enh finn J the Lacoste fas ftction, Fae The neorettaie seatey archon, Rnd By Sdom of Usuiewiesteabisthes ri reduce sicher ¢ positive, oF noxntive, oF wero eng in the eotal trevey. The eres ‘enlian, PUd/2, one aloe i he Ste so Tat the bce felesyiiding these eonetions maybe coterie, he vaes nf Um eunelore ce! its fells uf sero wnt’ decermized owing Pig So Table L egotber wes i) ane I5r are awl hegre wil Cae fitehied prvvieus. Tn the ease of a domain having tas predered tiotenionse? 1h = O50 ane d/h — 200 eornespandine toe £> ce eld oP Hyfe24, = 0270), chen J120001 = 12492. Since J hey equal 0 {he oral energy is eeanly av, Unde che prefered oltione an! ina plate iy which Away — 160 Clause and ¢— 10 Inierosy the absolute value né the wal euergy and the total mag netastaie cncrey change are cach upprusimatsly 02 tines the est ene af Ue eet [Nei the ere in Er’ aot be ee Fed as set energy and mopnetadtetio eontributins ease the uulign eondion Was used eliminate the applied eld] "The can tonal fore i> given by Fe vB, 118 mer gens enero mearvrew soma, ase (8) (Bo Mare desea Ve 0) Ta hia expression H, A, and ne a ein independ ‘Fviables (neti of positing on the platelet) andy fa dependent finction of thaw rarable determived by the equilib condition ( Since the fundareatal equilib enaition i (350 eos ~ Oy the lst term in enue (0) ay be dropped. Hvaluating the remain ing term ring eauaions (1) and (2) yields = —Deeree | 230 oerh — Gea f AarhOeM F/I A Mae AI VIE [erbh — ADEM IR DITA, = ersve, an Blinineting the applied fila vain the equilibrium eondktion (5) and reeraning yelde Baw QWQeaF| Uh — RAPOIVID EUR — We NTH A OLARTVANLI, ~ AYNTenfe.y n=l) ~~ lf) ae 80 +f 20) mb. Ber aw oil) am fen, «sg ni oi ws Bed i +bt@Tolt. 5 4 ea, sy +h Q fas 059 enim taieiae asain ne Ligure 4 saows pls of Fy, Py mul P= Pe Znetons of the wort fuged domain dhameess. Numer sl value af tari duetieey ane i hea in Tate T. From che Sigize and the aoyrapti for of (Th {B), 18 wu 114s, is ses that the tunotons are sine se he Soli aunt Ph are gaeater thea Slats lm Hse paetien a2 Teel eine SyL4/P) 2 13h Sei) se me Ma fe fy ea ble nwo lve iekess graces ao aus ou goadies onerbations tthe fetes are ste Eseetice 2 tho gradient while he deld gradient aud wa |v sy sadist eontrondione wo Ue ae fare in ree dren uppity tte palit "The value vleall wae af the tems ir. cowaton (22) esl bat saecetroals 1 Head [no defined the olz9%2 ar lipo nn ut Beles eeeectivey Un Piswnsoni a grace fe ze soe eb sree ths stab ey dite re"naan rocahly ler Ref the Freese thuecc on a domain fae whack «ik — 2, be — 1 VR = ly ~ B16, (yet trons an Ag’, ~ 100 Gs x apsraaimately B10 thas WH nueh theokive derve meearenens volt pesly be azned oul, € nore levine sper foro ates ines the fealsoeing of (1° yoaiontsagaicst greens fu he oer pw ies Avthe prone tia “toe mesure nena have beer. sompszed. ew ther Ihe srestions of Eze api 4M gradient eyes be sll energy tion fenee, ge Dinos sr fone hae heen vee, Te gu of che 1 pendent. toes fs were 43 eveseay dwhe ypertinn, TE ta He FO) turns. sven TRNAS, SRE en ‘The sien of oy nant Fores we choral csog «tuse-v.une seat sna ample of Sta, oeTbyal ely. Aetordicg to che dca of TC. Tove st ream vampavetie she yell aneage camoexature eeeicient fn epproximesely °1.49¢/C" axe the mepazizction = only ely theming “clon of envetnline, The on etalien Troe Lie doe nates in thie waters], ard av ghartwed thet the domairs mere fH rn Igoe ye merce cams ions oe aad. The sien of Ure My goulont noe see cent ine a leer roves in a saints of Gag, BrsOy, earn. Ts this maceriel 30, Fnemaage ae Se rare ennai elle Te TL energy soprosimacly seman The 3 3 secrvad Ua ube Comains moved or ion frre tv nina ed “easné eglone am neict. The fre suc ane uel pe SF nes in we lesa a ls ov tang thelbnk acct slate! when rears: Tien eth yy ve expla spervat J say “oe mmr eae Te ign Ske ‘our the Lada ers ore won DPPH ext The tre toe toirg rw comean cojjang er orm colons in equten 88 0f Ret 8 i dr by p> faa [Eas Zon] a8 sei Hic the wall oon society ae te wall on itty pateg” ant obama ne 03 ane te dean fowee (IG) sive the vel waqsati on at ocbervise Seip ‘vanagating dona, > encer boi tae-weee stn i thin caste, {Vi ees tae Ud lle gration ie ie Te same ie to ann areseilise Ty way errvenal tp acta Kel Lege faseueTarm sa hal ee magnon teas expres seme a To ruin nn saunter aire eve ve a ed Lp Che ARorain Phamien, GS — BAGH, Thee Lene sasunsedne‘e veoty ‘sjuatior. ah ag ae nett eo ae ve a-A[E al] am - fb afs)], are

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