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BSTJ 50: 3. March 1971: Television Coding Using Two-Dimensional Spatial Prediction. (Connor, D.J.; Pease, R.F.W.; Scholes, W.G.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 50: 3. March 1971: Television Coding Using Two-Dimensional Spatial Prediction. (Connor, D.J.; Pease, R.F.W.; Scholes, W.G.)

Television Coding Using Two- Dimensional Spatial Prediction y D. J. CONNOR, RF. W. PEASE and W, G. SCHOLES ‘iain sed September 9,170) Three clacton of aiferentil cuter» Rave Boen built which enplot the ronimensional spatial correation present in Eeleision pictures The thor cansee are dicinawshed aaconting 0 the Lcebniqne weed to protit the velee af the pistons clament (pe) ty be ose £0 the Sst lars, the prediction is thy onfuc of the previous climent along the Sen tive averaged with ene oF mare elements iv the previous line {of the same fete), Fe the ewomdl nas, the prediction te Ge exw of the value of the previous pel withthe lat elemant ciference in the previous Bne_ Tr the Third elas, the traneilter and reeciver ebooks Ue preston jvom either the previnw element cr some cembination of the previous element vith the elements in the prviows tive. The Choice is baved ov diferances yonows! Driuten cements alend Caer Phaow nee nowisble both a the toasamtter and rece, 40 ho ecicn information need be fransuited. Ip the aboenen of Iran Inston errs, the pitures resin om ol three classes of coder fre weave inno aver thone in whock only the prewons leant Shged as a pred-tim, In pavtielar, vertical ond sloping edges are thom well dened. Phe affect af a traneissien ert ox a vingle frame ofthe reviged pieturs ct oarc “e fhe fst clean cf coder Bu i mouch more viable fhe second anf tind claces Anlonsty corelation in iclvision petures extends both horinntally and vertieiy."* For a auember of wood neasace, mest sretenl pein. five enecdere save exploited ly) Ive horagntslecmolatien:* @) Im a novintersos system, acces 40 the vertinlly adjacent Petre clement (al) regis some ate line of information {about 8000 bits for Broudews TW or 2.000 bits for Picture 100 ea asz4 avetenCTrontout soma, wae ent hone® Sorvien). Ine 2:1 interiasedapten, fl pls Tne st by stored 10" bit for braseast or 250,000 for Pasture hone Zersior|. 1 aevest tn hn verily anger pl fn the ime fe ia desined, a tine of storage i required, (4a) Mort telbvsion systems, including Ptturephone Service, ue an inesaoed sean. Because of the storgo problem, sowee to the ‘rtcaly adjacent pl in tho smo Geld ie mos praca. Hom ‘ever, this pel Se about twice ae fer aay (epataly) fom the terol pel ae ia the previous pel in the sama faa Kine. ‘The ‘erteal comeation of intensity within Fld ie thos ler than the orignal eoreaton, (28) Stasctical studios of telovision peturce suggested thot or linow? praitve encoding very Kite oxtea redundaney gould be removed by exotin the veri] eorrelion se well ws the Torizontl eortlation.”” Give these rasan hy Ti a che af wertially adjacent pls in various prieive ening chremee? Fie, in reoenk yeas the eat ‘of storage hae fallen deamatinl'y kd hone the exit remy re- ‘sired for moring one line ist scious objection, At present, juod-bis line store using MOS shift resisters ooste about 890000 land fie on ove pitted eirenit hassel enmtaonig 0 cnelintine sash ‘ager Potuce eas shoul be ch lower {les a $100.0) "To counter the second and third points above leew conser fr rmorint the operation of w differenti wuantioer. A dierent quem itor prow the value 0” the rumen pel by ming informal Dat Tus alrendy beet tnnsited, ‘The diserepuncy etoreen the uncaded lus ena tho prodiction ia quantized und waded to the predielion to form the waded value ofthe eurunt po ‘Mos: practical differential quentiaew which make use of the horizontal eorclatios of intensieynraduce piwzes of ererally weeest~ ble quality, except for sherp vertical ar dingorel edges. Theos are blur and have an nnn "isynes" The problem in the pmaio= Terentia] quantizer be no way! "ancioating” « verseal the prediction i: makes i gross in sor at those [Hy raling ua of information fom the oreo line ici posible to ancsipate the veel edges ard mos: of the diagonal orcs. To std ‘this poeiility, we have built and/or simulated on a computer a aum- ber of €iflerentie] quuatizors, Theee codes cnn be éivded into th classes which ave distinguished ty the way in whieh the information srumiAL DIREIRESTIAL coDES 1061 from the previa Hine is used to “antvipale” or predict the value nf the exrrent pel. Tn Fig te give Ibs diagram of the pele eer thr acre The Bet elaes of cove, the prediction ie the evarege of the vane af the previous ply As wil ls Yale of one ot mor ef “ne wetcely ‘ssjavne pele, gn DW cll tis “averaged prin” Th te econ lass of sader, the pratition is the aum of anil the seed Fos‘zonal slr differere or slap orseen elements oe previmis line, eg, Cor | (D — Bh. Thie hve boon ealled “planar predie- These frst exo ches uf wes use Hnearpredition eis the jv liction few linen sin of peviogay eae intensities. Te third elas of fader tt x nontinenepreietinn in thatthe eheier of prediction move {2 signel-depenlent. "The precieion gan be etaer tor some Tina ombincton of 4, 2, anor D The shoin is dapeadeat on the mage Intade ef intensity ifle-rnrsn etosen she pre isthe previous eo] tuciehborhood! of the curren pel, X. "Tht class of coder can be eae "optional prodetion.” (R. F. Grakiem ae propose and sisted senne coer of This tsp Tn tne following sections wr deseube the patielae coders we have luk and give some eewnples of processed pices We alga include A iseneiot of she ellen. ts stamieior rte for Ue varios comme rates. "The soan format ie sinilar co thet use in Pietosephone Service: ‘there re B71 seins with a 2 inerlne, 248 clements pee Tne ad 1 fraaae vate 30 Te “a stheincie uf general difercelal urtiaee thar uses nforsmtion from the provatigg line fe give tn Tig. 2. Toe quitiver sharaccerie= tice ate shown an Table [The partnular coder to deserted below fier only 1 Fe Kaplememiee wf hie prerbetor. Note Ow with te tiwenf sign predic thse are ence it ders. "For eomparzon, me chase ae a rferenee aw element-oder (ie, Ue Ti. ting af ita Sere felt mae Se ou 1062 eam sene sverme rzouieu. soURN, ARCH 167 sod fstab tego Te ew'4'B, © and reer tke nee Weare value o? pl A is sei as e prediction) eving the sume cuensiser characteritionas above, Although it might be argued that 3 would make mare sens: 9 optimize the quantsing secle Zor ouch type of Draditin, we found (at the subjedvely opium quantiing eesle varied us zoueh with pietre contents with pilin abralegy. For rnosteaynsicents, themstors, wo woe one quentizing aeale; 1 few reaulls on varying the cussing seal ue, however, aso deserted ia the next eestion In che subjective wets, the 5 Snob by § inch raster wae viewed ‘hoongh a polersing seen from a distance of 30 inches in a roem faving average office inination (20 foot candles}. Twn ses wore bweds (elm model Reed, "Poneloe,” with a Grape Ielgronnd (Tg Sa); and (i) a phningeaphie slice, "Raven," (Rig. 8). In this opp of codes the prodiction i formed by adsing tke value of pel d vo the vaire oi some combination of the pel 8, C ae. There favre tere built end tested; the predictions used ‘wee: i) (A Dy/2, LA + C72, (8) [A (C1 D)/2|/2. Pigure de abo w ‘ggram ofthe ercangement used to cst coder (2) Th the absence of channel ero, the deslayed picture at the: ran ‘amu 1Eevcooen Ceanscrumerice Tapot Taree ee ee) Soran mmremmaiee came 1053 ler iste ame ae at the eeeiver® sa hese only the trapemitte ap wae it fr tas wal we tt Th comparison wil she soferonve onde. all shes ef Les eadaes ge snateanty tmpsoved ewiion the ers! ene moe a the loping ledges. Horszontal_edgse acl shose sloping slightly mand appes bueed ir eonpason Ach the sti es encesed by the ebavent fivles, However is sac hrring whieh is ebjetively mse ess Snir than she “edge buses” wes go ve seme ges ex faved oe tae else eader. The geancKee noi in pitners encoded Swi the everasad prolicion eodene a= aseeeiated uote with high Yorucal spat) feequeneiee than swith high hoeental spatial tre- Tuuences This wffeh t9 be expel brane the releisely Meee Yoreal stop sve wil fell ie move Sroquent use of le iarger tnd fr aeurate] quate differ signal in regions conteiing vertical dew’, Ts pictuce aese wita ro dicelicnal peeps, che muse level Je about te sure ns with fe element exer, Sarne absereor, however, swentiones thts 3 apoio! lo les hgher fceueney nis. Nn comune aasang she everegrd praietion” eadar2, (1 and snywated prefers v6 (4) sine they wave eke to dey’ sly end rlges with sunller psig rye than wa Ui). This 8 ade Slanite sizes ¢1 reeeree af eH 3a thar poedieion yeu st Sch edges ne an sipale, There wae very Bt eo chnnae “ace Fhiers in} aad it sd ow Wo easran ext subyeetve teste in which TERI onsale! gn! sight alld obsetvens were ase slate poe Tienes bermesn peetes sli tel lag coder i: sa the zefeteno finien With "Petco, al whit of the abil and seven ot te eight tiakiled obeorrem prefewe se pitune givan by weer G1 Wath Pi taa =| a! Wig, 8 Semen viewer eae see Presope and 2) Kae aren," ll subjests prover the pietune given by coder 11. (Phe ‘killed shacrve all ematkel on the better ee rendition of the were fa] svipes in Kacevs nse 4 bs ce squantizng sale Js mace comer, fees aprewesteauign of wert) erges ste ptr from the Feference coe bu: she gra ular nog st receaos, Ith eituahion, rth der (1) he couprison Zee Gun caer preerale "The wlmnent coder and ecors (7), (8) ond (were simulated on a DDP.22E cempter eystoun Only’ ¢ single Tame wes provesed ie eis ont pees tw jag fre Us fee noise. I the fst set of fxperiunns the magiise of 12 0Teence oeteeen he anginal pie tie (ood os eghs-int POM and picts from the above comers stor dinplayed. Figures Sa and Sh shore the diecrspaney bebween the PCM ened pituce wud petres coded with the element eoder sn oder ii} seapectivey. (gures Se and dare Zor coders discuseed Fig 4 Mage of tte once ise ae BL Cae ah the retonte o, thy codes (UAE DAP ip prodstion (9 oder GME B TESST ln Ca Spa pretenses 1058 Te ners srene eos JOUENAL, aaNet 101 below.) As explo che when rodee show diferncea along verti- cal and diagore] edges. The average prediotion coer, on Une other Tandy gave sliferenoes ciety along horizontal edges. Coder (5) seer to show Uh least diaeepaney from the eight-bit eoded picture ‘Sor sbective rnroveuene aaa realined by ehoosing coder (8) over coder i) in the experimensal mace ‘We al invertigated on the computer the ffcet of transmission errs om single fame ofthe rseive piozue, It has been suggeied tht bovause che average previeion ealers mle use of ffurtntion fron ne provi Tne ae rll from previews ple on the entvent Tine he fleck an eto" on sulmequen les wend be serians, Haw ever Beoase the predievon wa average, the lel of ie etror decay ‘petty, For example, consider the fleet of an exor of 6 quantum levels in coder i). This ere toute in the arty’ of inns errr alk: in Table TE, Note Uae lh effet: of the erur decays rapidly hth hosizanally and diagerat'y, but mere slowly vereaiy. Also, he spasal derivative of the ereor pattern ie sma except sear the covignal error This Tack show uly reduce the visibility of Uke ettor pater, Ta aot, the pitcurs yeraced om he eemputer showed hat tun sions ero (ex ehange of sizn on the outer level} conuted Jw pettera tha: eos soared veble, Contzas: the ssbilty of the errore ix Pigs. Ga and b. The picture i Fig, a was code with the refers envir. The ppt dark live ‘Fae esuced by a partive-tomnegaive sign ehnge in an outer quantser level. The lower light line rela Tow a nepativesta-postive so shange in the thin? quandsce les. ‘The Mental igpe of err are esean! in he peune in Fig. 6b whieh wae onda with coder (8). The ‘rrr in the outar quartzer ‘evel ie vieible asa small black dota the tuts connor of tho left-hand eye. Tha error in the third quantizer evel appenre ot «white elreals Coward the rekt end of che upper lip Tn any event, the ezors are Far les visible than the equivalent errre In Fig. ba ‘Two ooders were built and tested. The prodictone ured were (ie) A+ (C~ Band 0) A+ (D— B72, Piguce 4b} shove a ahe- mai for eo (x). Both colors showed improvement ovar the reference ear, but not cover the vores in the previous seston In parloula, the planus pre= ‘ction encoders gave rise to “edge-busynass” un edges sloping apr 1057 0H amaeuk sveret meemsreen. sores, ame un worl crore Tigao fe) a4 (rath cai fet re rare Soa SMe RT ee Le AER ME nee eh de dtc Th Sethe en ee ok “in en“ eet rok 5 ove, Easien A sig al tata yh Baal Savy te le ee Wl Tw alti, eer se gers ee at pubes (les sling Hs ih, {Coombe sn pe sussing to lee If af 2 in ig Vaal nee Asad ¥ whos (© ~ Ri = — Be =a Toe values of A es and A= UF) 24/2 sll otk be poe pewone of (che exsa £2 tea lament coder but woree thap (4 “+ Di/2. Als, an edge putes between A ara x and hesween D cad C, taco A+ ei) oll he n goon edietion of © ‘Tae siesepanuy becvsen t2a pietne eocet af eigat-it PCM and ther seed witt piles f21 show Fy Fis. Se Altri on the erage, Uhe siiuuze shove “ve Wterpantios us he eqvialene

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