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BSTJ 50: 3. March 1971: Spreading Resistance Between Constant Potential Surfaces. (Brooks, R.D.; Mattes, H.G.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 50: 3. March 1971: Spreading Resistance Between Constant Potential Surfaces. (Brooks, R.D.; Mattes, H.G.)

Spreading Resistance Between Constant Potential Surface Ty RD. HRODKS and H. G. MATES Aabryeint evece earn 1, 1m We divtne Be ayceung sviiance fora shst of hamapnecus ma tri of ens koe wth ik Samar source ok one ae and th ‘erent clan) ene fhe eatin a pve, and} ale sonrnpalny isk on the bach plove. A cimabint dry pac exam vase te ore neti in weed Baseoy condone 3m i plans of the cones Bresueh eos, 0 ebue oem sell tain te dria al a waneri= ally atpreted fora vance of seme rotten rooting 0 nirnd vending resistance our, Uhe tnt ar used ta evawate the sprouting isitenta onecuntied in a typeat (Lon) soweonsualr mate ‘Thm esi anneiatd wih the sonparaie] eument ow hot se suavicly repastved spurs ed sake ie teceaned to. a8 conceding Tsistane, Caloncnn of spreading reise efzen rayirel mn Che Alglica” ‘crabs somicandietor devices, In pasties, ee: iran] exzcont Dow inte ul lieun Telwors actaee cantack and f backeplae cousaet involves he erlelncion of the obzie preahing, Trsitanne, The heat. fom hetreen a acsive trvzastor ur integrate, fSeeit ane at exernal bext en iewalves a valeation uf Ua here Spreating wesistaree sn he dew artis Aba, en @ given ezasture, The ranean ilnting gigs Hvetly related to sao exec illo sis "To ovsen are eid jo thi yapes. The epesding seelcaace 52 acermirel for wt infuils shel ef hmngevens racerel of uniost, thidkness ho disk eouGnel sour er sert ide al ith enna callocted (9) tn completes miler ‘suck lune, atl iil nt fomespanding ick oa the back slaae, D. 1. Kexoody smnlyzed he rates for cite aptindreal volines but wit: comune bowacury faucitans? He aasume: x constant fie aver the eoaeas wien ane efit spnvaingveseranes rca af she maxinuum xsuperaln (or Duventit on Ue ak, Ta chin paper, we aeeome a onmant eink “hentia! eves the source, Tia amumption cveute ia mise bey ‘nto in the rouree plane because the potential is eee wer DL ot cho sutinee, nod the normal deviative ia woeaiid over the rer of the suriuee Lz the Lining cane of w vlindee wf efiive tains, these appeats to be some diference between Kenredy's reals sid tse presented beeen. This appents 20 bo astecate with Ken Ty's defhiion a senending resistance ia tame of the maximin Uisk po erin, Hoonsrs, Pe nnsarge, i al on the eeepolation curves given by ered [A Gray, ec, cemsdeved certain special eas of the into region wablom with mixed boundary eoncitions she source plus” Tv fret, Lay disposed one of two constnirte, Iitaer (i) there ae ffleion eeperstion aetieen agazte ant sine wo the How dieetulion fle sik emild be taken equal to the ming Sallspuce esse ar (2) the dike wae sill enougt co 22 eaneidesed a point cones Tn csconro, these eansraints again vedaoe the Probl: to one wit & uae yinbaey ovals he nuts plane, Neither eoneteaiat is supose in hie pane Tn This paper, for rach oase, a closed dom iosegre) slut deve which ia nnmericaly integrates for a targe of gomerie alice covlling ina univeneal spreading seestance cores, Po» both fos Hie errs cp-nech the Halfapcoe limit for tek eheete, ané fe career wayusalieally woprow: tke nrfingeg Tell for very thin ace, Finally, Uhe resus ane uve te evaluate ‘he spreading resistances lypie! wf nse eninurtavad i setiomnotar toaknelogg tae geometry wel even of aortas ate give i Fig 1. Bulag La Pet's yuan in spline eoordisabes when te potential wi indoponlent of 9 giver! elad) — J FRIIC, comb he 1 Csi Ax) Jutko a, a ze / anast be doleruind by the dounders condisione x: # = 0. or nocazined boursiny wuncitins ak 2 = 0, #059 ag be fond by inverting the Tuake traneform? Tx she proweah eas, Moeven, Eee raized boundary condition mee: be isposed wy the z= Usureoe, Thus, sentaome ersten m {00h ah, 02 950 : @ |= [rormcsnnn ts + 6 cot 8).h9 ans =o ‘hiss «dow ogee ve [imeem 05086: 7 @ J.D, dechson observes that the sehition of thie eo of euntins i 2 Yasin ta soy = 2 ® Too ives = UE [04 (rans 1 PEs eho ah, 6) st Case 3 Back Pane Groeed Irae Ges case considered, the goed clive Hew enpletey rovtalin ar groundst bse’ plane. The bounéary sorvitiony are fiven in Fig, 2 THis rimctinn le roprezentstive of heat Bow from fn antezrated cious rough st ins) Feud te a can aang at CR. Hig, Plyweal giomesy anf owners een far ean ie 2a rian Une il rnc a choo! cantar Ate = eins. poe vee Li austell Saonte~ coh ie 1 J tedeae, ag so si ths) each bw a vo| Colin he last eves epsalione ane intone, yields secving ow the ities > eat oes ba aven Fi oa hn ey sind ily ayy “ee Case 2Disk on BosePone 6 ‘ihe vase aie the sing worsiie ul id of recs « eoesia wilh Jue seston Aenea 8 “tnase ery sar Cove 1 asin Sole sonfgtration sear by. 8. Le ves 0 spreading resi fewer Ene 2 en be cere tan Case 1 hp sen od el - as 16 lee Wa - an a Meamesinw Suteki Cans © ‘Ve snteerls in equations 114) al HTL ean be ealuate nie ieally fy veshoue aie tatioe AT the unper lit e Gnte ex the 780 aamansvsrin moana soURNA AROK enc apeore | Sexlde ie $-Soredig eace Hy etme dae Sntegoands behave weet the “om tnt, Investigation of the bre havior ofthe integraude over de entre zeage of ilageation, indicated the range ool be eit into these rangers ta Oly 0.1 200, end 00 19 «For the 40010 orange, aul uv > 1 the legal for bh feasts reduce to [Boe ay at i) 1 [sede ro 4s wes evaluated meray on lips] computer sl found to be (0.96432, Thue = 000661 and in independant a 4/ for af & 1. or the 9 Ol rango, te sntegrnce tere relsead By eheir eal, swgement approximations. For = | sewn westeraves ™ en ep ey 0, oo) 1k follows thatthe sm] argument approsimations forthe integrands tee a%u, end aj for Caean | and 2, zespectively, and the velhes of Ihe integrals ove tae range 0 120.1 are a/20e und o/WDe,rospevtvey. ‘This ie good apotonisation Because the integenndn are very Aa funetione of 3 neat = = 0, "Thus for muanerie) purposes, 1 = [OP ae ot 5) ac om] 1 neem oe on [eo P Siam at oom] ‘These results ld for a/ 1. For aft = 0, the balfspner limiting se fo Site and infinite w eam be asd to fad wales for Ry and Res The ress vehi ate} and 4 sor onace Land 2, resgetive'y This seal fll nee ‘Tom Jackson's wos “sing the half-space Hix nal ureying out the mimevies istopra- tiooe for yorioue values of o/s reulle ia Ube waiverel spreading fesbloner euros ven fs Figs. 2 ake 3 2 Anyi Taite for Case I and? As the ratio aw becomes lager the components of Ry and Ry due to ringing broome progreevelysmnler Noplectng ringing Wacrsistanne fo ether ease i ke” oy a 182 “au uta SYSOTACTRORNTCAY.FOCRRAE, SAREE HL Ron = *. es) “The svelte given ia this vertion eon be prevented more elowey in term of eonduseanoss boesuse tke cringing and montane comport toe in panel ana 2" = O ia linear funaton of afin. Let the oe ‘ductanone corcespuning to Ry il Ry be designated G, and Gy, 10 spectively. For sven a and there abl be more Pingo Cae 1 than in Case 2, and ne finging for. Thu for eny ae, >> 9) Also 8 and Ge should anympttieally apenoaat @ as a funetion of e/ ase ulnorcatons are supported by tke curves of 6, G,, and. 6 ‘orntn i given i Big. 4. The diffarenoe of fringing eamparaata for (Cases 1 and'2 are given in Fig- 8. dy and O nee within ope poeent forai 2 1. a Typicat Brample ‘The reales given above have been wed to evalunte sprang rae tancin typeal af thoe> encountered in temicanductorteahnelogs. A TT Softee [ye Sp = of RE aeteore ig, 4 Sure condutuocs wis oud wishes age etneen dak ed verb onl le an Sevoee di ed aed tito bk a ig Speeding seine Ry and oe Lee ster Fed tudeamuy sopra reoynican soem, MARC Jah 10 em sige of eiiom with eimalareontacts wes considered. Kigure 6 ives the calelated R, and, for such a confiurction An investigation was mage to determine the spring resstanoe in 1 shect af boogencous material of usitera thickaoss with a dick fontae:couree on ane aide sd with current eolelad () atthe entire back plane, and (i) aba corespondng disk on the becleplame. These sages were analyved ail evaluated actly by solution of a dual sot Dt integra: mations. Tha metkod represented the boundary conditions fa they physically exis, dn eonizeet to poeviows work, sine, uni vorzel, spreading resistance curve wne presnted fer enoh onse, These curves should be useful in designing devices and analysing matrils, In partionar, the curves sould be wea! to Geteraize eoutuetvity of ‘aboot of remivonduetormorterial ifs thiolrnese i= known Alo, the curves could be uso divesly in tho ealclation of total expucisance snd iringing capacisanoe by rlabelicg the ordinates with «/C aactoad, of Reo end Ler inetons of Or 1. Kewl D, Space, Reeauy Cah Sosa De Tit agra Pea Se 8 Cate 10) aon", Sunbird’ Megowst Me Sad Banting, Soot "Blu baad muclonngd Co Guar A sadn Be Blatl Bectadynamics Now Yee Wie Wey ad Son, 4 wien "ELS Dizon of Bon

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