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BSTJ 50: 3. March 1971: Number and Duration of Fades at 6 and 4 GHz. (Vigants, Arvids) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 50: 3. March 1971: Number and Duration of Fades at 6 and 4 GHz. (Vigants, Arvids)

Number and Duration of Fades at 6 and 4 GHz By ARVIDS VIGANTS, (aSacusit mitre! Nowe 8, We presol in thke paper exporimental and therein! reolte the numer of fede, aera wvatiors of fades, and the probabity dtr butions of fe dations fer Hncefaightmerewovetrarwmanim én the Band ite mut. Both fading f single simale ond sinrdionne fading of pice of sigala within each ofthe Aco band ace trated. Th experimental routs are based on dla obra ix 148 an Obi, Bathe ‘alia dear of He manor and erage davon of fade te Based fon a thoy sn hick paira of ejnale ave fated as correlated random Sviahlen tal ave jinty Rayiigh atte, The dorotions of dp fadae ‘of singe signa tend 0 be lopermally dtribted. A probably dix ‘nation of the duration of wimutensous jade, wokich ogres wih expei= ‘ania do, ios fom te lope erbaton ung whew rode Microwave ‘cannnision on line-of-sight redio-elay links is aoted by the lower atumnephere. Wen stmoepherie eatin port l= pati propagation, Hoe one fone a teeiving actennn cua ie 3980 Fically zero for sewn ns a tine, Such deep fader are raze evens, Bul, they” ere sulleently ‘mumerone to catwo yrobiens in Migh- perforin enmnmmuniation eyetme, ‘These in a vereinty to teding that other etuees of outages and performane degzedation do not pores, Far exemple, exlastphia Cquipment folhine may oF may net oosur during the projec life of the equipment on a eonmsnivation link. Oa the edber her, come smmer tt fol, one can state ith 2ome aazoranco the: fading will foaur en oernin links ins particular microneve eudio-rlny system, "The nub of ier vl wh durations ofthe fades have a sivost bonring or nyse performance, Previous investigations of fexueney 816 ree ta evermecacares some, Mame Yt Aiverigy at Bell Leborataies™* end erports on extensive Brits unl lpanceetexperiazente dell ostly ob facedepth dierioutions. The ‘vallaie information on fae duration distebutions ie rudimantary." ‘Avcart of 4 erat ark? con‘ining it, boc expesnental and Ueorclival, to dewribe he Tunlienensl property of Kne-of-cight triemavave shal we wil present resus on the numberof fas, the average daraions of fey, ard Ihe probability dauhations of fede durations, Both fading of snee sigoals und siultancous Fating Gt privy of signals wishin w frgnaney hd wll be Lette, Thon recisal desertion of fading boing fur from exmolee, wo will put ‘major amphatis an experimental date Dap fis taraly neous irihanously e€ 40 feeqnneion when Ue termueney separation lecunesTager Cian a Tew (ene of MH We ‘CL show Uhue Pie experimented result ean be deeribed in ferme of ‘Codd ir wih he sigons at the Avo Croquacn ry teat as comolaed random vasibles thas are jointly Ravleigh distdbuted. We vl nso cho that che observed average fade curctions “allow rom ‘this model. The advantage of the Mayleigh model i that it contsioe only a sll aueaber of parnctere, Durations of deep fades tene to be lognormally drcibuted. Win the durations nee normalizes to their mes, the distribution becomes independent of fede cept. We will show that a hetzinto model ean be tow to deseribe how the chunatione of eimiltanacua fades of to sie= 2a are related to fade duratians of sage sgnsle. The model pevite tranefrmation of the logncrreal disthution into dlitsibution for the dratinns af simaneo fer. "The final section of Lie work canna cranny af the eine ness of feouaney-diverity and space-diversityseceyon. The wea summarized inthis soeton may be of partiuler interest to readers who ‘need marteriea!valuce far divetrity, reliahili, ae inleerenoe ale Intions, "The mms prevented eve are bused ox expermatel data obtained at Weal Ueity, Ohia Trey, the has data consist of mensuremesta Gt neivel pines for sigeals at varios frequencies on e 28S-tile ph, Tho seamen pow for euch eit, which wee apele modu Inte, was constant. The renter frqionece ofthe signal in the 6-GH and £-Gllxz bands ave listed ‘0 Table 1. Tho rrosived poser ior exch fignal wee sampled five times second, coaverinl to toil! sexe, sewmen 07 ranme a7 ‘Tams T Laer or Freavenenns rnd recorded in digital form for aubsmuuent eomuuter processing, fn ‘he abser2e of fading ho roneding rat sas ese than Us aupling aie). The data wor obtuine during « B8duy period fa 1986 (July 22 wo Sopcember 28). The time covered by the data ie 526 % 10" curds. We sefer othe 526 % 10" eesonds ae ch tet period. ‘Daria eomouterprocesing, the reesived power foreach signal was rommiligd to its vahio ia the aheenew of fading. The nate et alues ae conolad by 20 Jog i whore che aubserps © ideatiiee a Frwqueney in abe T (ube data in the ov. arwuey. bands il) be discus gepasslys Usze eed he no eonfuren abo which of the tno bans sugerist rece to). Av tonacsqcnee of the normalisae ion che vallage everiones Fy nee nity the wheence of ei ‘To iavetne simolancoos Sains e ainals av tre Srequeneite, an tonya ening the Trg tho fo envelopes, By, = mex {8} a was oorntnied in dhe rampoier diving the pravneding of the data Fitleen such nvelows wen: worse in ench of the emo bands ‘Pheae are Taved in Taow TT al THD Tie freq exparations af i Table TT have Iver ois! to the rurrst nvltsle ot 80 MMi ‘The urameler gy datue Tale, will he oso i the deserption af siclteneo Tung ‘An latine pete 0 fig 98 shown in Big. 1 A signal ies lo le ef fepth 20 le Fel ox ervelape becenzes le aan 1, We refer folee of Ry s¢ sialtareous fue, Wo Emit our diene slo ta Tas der tt 20 a8; tha i fo values of Ls that ae ess an sont, SIR som may sven acuta sou anon Ie ‘Tasos Lier or Fuvgcency Pais av mux Gls Bano age Hes e ‘The number of fates af éepth 20 tog 1 €B ie aml to, by denon, the number of times an envelope ereecea Lin sn upwurd direction (eer Fig, 1). The data on tie foe he si sguale in che @GTTa band tevd he oven sig i the 4GHfe lnc ate ennrarize in lg, 2 td 3 respectively, The date seater, bu cho overall impression i fat ‘the number of fadas ie proportional we L, Least-equares Gling of lice vnenee ov vanes sto 2) ram seny evereoe rucusieay sounay, tances 7) ig. Suma of hy mam of den tt sri ofthe even ingle cigs EERE Badan Metra it Pa with shia dependence on Z to the data givie the following for the rakes of fen im the er pind FAO Ti the GAGs ana ) 2 = A070, inthe GH band. ® ‘As ua example, we ote tat Vin tho (Lx hand averages to rush fone a0 cB fade per day during the tet period "The averege duvetioon of fades were obtaited by taking the total tome spent Bet of piven cepa? a living this by he wi ber of fade of that depth. The resulting data are ahosra in Fig. 4 for the fix ignaln in che O-CITEx ard and in Fig, 6 Sr the eoven signals inthe 4-GHn band, Th average draloue are roughly penpontinal ta 1. Leset-aquace lines with this dependence 1: Red ta the data are (6) ~ $90 L sennde, inthe HCH bana, w (2) ~ 4081 sesnnds, inthe CH bane, 6 where w demos face duration (ate Fig. 1), and whe the tnaskets Hlnote"averages. The fk of mqustion (4) ty the pointe ia Fi 4 is Teter tha that af eqoatn (6) le the points 50 Fig 5, Th pints in Tig 4 sve based on « Texeer mambor of chserestions thia thos in svvateea oF panes om rg el naa the de deni the Tig, 5, [tis shorefore possible Vint in Fig, 5 we ate being to ae thy efeets af nll scmple sar, We will ume Sha thin ined ‘pt renter emphasis on she eC da i te sisequra nals, ‘Tae date shew tear averaze face dhowsione in Ue —40 dB range foe of the onier f auroras hs lise dives eating system pe “ora walrolatns, where it has been sssumed, at vine, that deep Fules have Huentins ee ander a wies (Seton 21 sn Ref, 10) "Tee etal tice spent in ik Ube pale ¥ whie ia propor tional 20 L*, The obearved bebvior of fadeslept distributions for ‘ip dacs ie incced this? which caggets comparzon uf Lae exper ‘nena aesuis fo tomlin! ross Tor Raleigh ditributed warable ‘The sheorstien)expnessione for the mur of flew sal Ue average Fle skosona exon the eace of Seep Ses be) bbs 01 ¢ “6 1h, ke; o 822 tun mu. sverme macau, oun, waeoH eT ¥ ah 1 eae Ti. § Sunt of the ence ade duro oe eve sl in wwe Fics ba (tain of cereal ae 08 here the dimensionless faa 7 is proportions tothe amount of time dling which almosplerie conitions low enlist peopagation; Js the lst period (5.28 % 10" eovords in uur caves lhe quandty &, ‘ebioh fas the dimensions of neers ume, poopoetional 20 the spectal idl of the Mucuallons af R."The theories! equstions (0) And (2) slerly the sasusing of Use woefiients in equations (2) trough (5). Nuncerical vanes for the arametens r at ¢ e8n be ‘blaine! nally from a compatisoof the onficen, Hoeven, t ‘raier with ath Tenth and other nagsanelers” We wail aol Esse hie here, Ineo she variability of Tuling rom pach to pa ie a top in ie Simultaneous fadee ure fede of Ry (ose Fig, 1) ‘The experimental result on the tombe of eimulneoun fades ene chown in Figs. 62220 B24 cw SYSHAACHYCHMNEAL JOURNAL, sane BT Hig 12—-Nemberof fee tet ond (ban BE HO Nemper fe fren fat roy (CCHS bac Mig Netter of fe ofa eral (GS ba if bute of fc et poriog (LL Ed

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