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BSTJ 50: 2. February 1971: The Picturephone System: Transmission Plan. (Brown, H.E.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 50: 2. February 1971: The Picturephone System: Transmission Plan. (Brown, H.E.)

The Picturephone® System: ‘Transmission Plan By HK, BROWN (laste secned eta 3 0) An énportant ep in preparing fo nation, ewitehd, ideo tephone service Ge the formation of @ teamanseion plan [orth widen and audio [portion of tha natoork, The trenamission plan dow inthis paper Features dial trasamsanion for the loartaul portion ofthe network ond ‘onlag trawemiesio forthe feel portion, los fa the easton. Th p= ormence ofeach ofthe eomponrats of te network dat i, wation opsip~ crt, lea! oops, srunky ot mace, fa discussed for the netcor ae #32 apace lobe conrad intaly and 8 ik mip evo trough the 1870s. ‘The sinnal standards ana performance objectives for the overetl yee deus in previous pipers were srived cc chrough wrer‘ee fof mbjective teal and system studs whieh inceated that the re- lant pictore quality would br aveetable to the veor. Given the fend-te-cul transnission objectives, The inter in formuletingw tree tnision slan for the network ln etike a balance between the ooet fd perforce of ceeh of the compenan:s: the staion eupment, Tops lea evitching wud Ussing, and longa swing md nk ing, Impairments erp allactel Ia ch of these components sue: that te overall col ofthe service ie winimzed, taking iso account that the loop connceing the ration equipnent o the local cantza fice is hormolly dedicate! lo a single eastomer, whereas the switching exoi>- nen and truoks are dazed by hovered or perhaps thousands of eu ‘omer. ‘An orderly deverintion of the trammision plan starts with the itching hierarchy" hich will closely resemble thal of the tee ‘hone nelwonk. ‘The wlkimate number of switching lve inthe hier {60 num nm, sre0me TROMteAL. FOCANAL, FERGCARY 1871 ‘rehy wil depend on the relative eoxt of switching and transniasan equipment and the number of subcribers connected tothe network, A ‘the network grows and the trafic betwoon various evitching nodes {ncreses high usage or direct trunks Will be used Ia whet follows, the hereby ie desribed aa itis capeatad to develop in the mid-ta-late reventin Difterenor below tema the lwork in Ue initial yeary of ervioe aro noted where appropriate, ‘A call may be viewed as eneauntering three major pieces of the network: Ue digital portion and lwo Tees analog arese, one ab ech, od of « connotion (Fig. 1). For the intial years, the digital portion Will consist sulatly of troncmission feaitia, La, ewitehing of the ‘ideo or audio signal in digital form (hitsteam switohing) is not ‘cavisoned, Decoding and recoding to ewitch th video egnal in analog hens 9 OE ELAS 2) Su ante fess) Crane sen (ass 9} ‘ig, _Aetrephone network, mansion Fran 358 form ie not permitted singe the noice that would result from multiple ‘nealing and decadinge of the vgnal would exosed the nosoalloce- ton diameze’ in Section 2, Bosse the noise irkrodoved hy multiple cncodingas end devodings exceeds the amount allosted, a network plea. Joes boom formlsted whieh unos bilstrsara vwitdhox rather then anal, ‘ila fr the Tong-hwul poron of the netwosk, The plan requires that the video signal, once it has been encoded, be transnitied al wile in digital farm until St reaaea @ pont where ican be de= ‘codod and delivered ta ite final destina on point over analog tactic, Initially, the andio chennel, which contains the Voie, sigusling snd ‘supervision iniermation, wil be tranamitted ae soporte signal over ‘ny axe of 9 numberof Tnlltes steady expablo of transmitting these sianala. In the mid-1070s, withthe advent of bitetragra enitehes, the landio channel iy expected vo bs encoded and multiplexed with the ‘nooded video sigaal to predace a eompaste digital signal. Digital tearwssion over analog snd digital facie is attractive for long-hasl texramision of the video and audio signal for several reason (9) Virwly all of the inpaivment in the transmission Tink ‘owns inthe terminal equipmeat es th eign ie converied from anslog to digital and from digital to snslog Very little impairment is intro- Awe in the tranarision path; enc, tho performsnes of the digital portion of the network it teentially inlependest uf ditanee. (3) Digital faction now boing develope are expected to compote cecuom- ienlly with anwlng tele for woiee srvice and be sigfeantly cluaper for Piclarenhone ervice singe tho video signal requires the tquivalent eapacity of fewer voice channel on the digital facilis! Although & bil rate of 6312 Mbjs will be uscd intially for transatting the video information in dig form, the potential es to reduce the bit rato hy & Saetor af fram uno to four. A reduction of thie magnitude appotrs powible thraugh the use of redundency- Femoval techniques diring eteesting which fake advantage of th sai- lavity between sussesive nes ex irae of video information." "The interface beoxren the anslog az dsital portions ofthe nebwork i throush aa A/T) eonverter called rodee’ (for codor-docoder)* ‘Te inital servo eodoe supa the incoming analog video signal at ‘the Nyquist mite of uboat vo megeamples/s and encodes the ampli tudes of the diflerences beteen matoenive samples into thre-bit Dinery codes, The reeutant bit rato, ineuding mizeelianeoue bits for framing end moaitenane, is 612 Mb/s This tate a the ame aa that ofthe 12 digital ropentored line." ‘The T2 line, wiih wllae wine paisa equipped with zegsnerstive 86am mm svarex mocmnAs sound, YmNANT 107. repeaters, Ia a digit) facility designed for ditanoes up to eaverul Dbundred ‘miles. Tts mejor application in he Picturephons network vill be na feodoe betwoun th bitcream snvches pleated to be Sutto- Ae io fanuro years end the Jongh! aves, end as sbore-baut trunks where tho distance exeeede thet permitted for anslog transmis~ Ty the initia years, two eysteme will bo evullable for transmitting the digalized Plcturophone signal over long-haul fullities, The fist uuise the TD-2 miecoweveralio relay ayatam. Termine] equpzent, Gesignatod MR, scultiplense theeo 6:312-Mb/s coded Pleturephone tiganle into a 202-M/sbeeaeam, Hach 20.2-MB/ebitetenm i r= rite over & single madin channel. There is ans channel for exoh Uioeton of tranemizton. The eetond eyatern will mako uso of the To tosnial eabla eater system,” In this ayetane, L-Mawiargroup Digs (LMD} terens} equipment riplexe two &812-Mb/s coded Pic- frephone signala into a 1329-Mlb/e bistromm euitable for tnnsmni sion over any one of the six mastergroups on a I-4 eoexial ual ia 9 ‘able. Thu, one pair of cosxialn will be capable of tranemitiing 12 ‘two-way Picturephone sgnala. In both systems, dita sogenors tion vill be required--about every 400 miles along the zouto for the TD-2 yatom and cbout every 400 mile forthe Ld eyatam. “Tas local analog <rea (LAA) is defined as that portion of cho ne!- ‘work which ia wholly interonneocable by snslog iacities (Fig. 1) 1 comprices the customer’ elatnn et, Joon, end alee, toll centr short-haul trunks and eodeo, Figure 1 illuserates two ways in which tho codeo may he used. Tn the LAA on the left of Fig. 1, the codee is betwors he ral canter and the next higher level in tho hieratehy. ‘Tn the uwo LAAs on tbe right of Fi. 1, the code is between the end fotos end the call center, In which ease the toll center would wile ' bileirein site, Other eleronves are porables for example, the dee could be pact of w digital high-usage trunk group to sn office Jina distant LAA, Figute 2 shows Mosiratve onal aren eonfigalins Tn the enrly yeane of ecviee, 40 leop the est of the Toe) ams cuipment low, mnxioam use of exiting plant will be made. This ‘voids the placement of expensive now eable plant for the exelasive tse of Pisturephone verve. Furl, the use of existing plant evoide ‘he long lead time required to onder and install new enble plant nn res the telephine compan the ably to respond rapidly tw no service regutee, Por the loop ie? mil sho-ichoal Url, thie Emplice busobene video transmission on peicod cabo, the same typo cable that ure yea th oll enter could be a bistewam ald and would be omar puto he lpr fle aero mansion 2149) 356 soy aemnege \ Grr core tease Dreiser fa ig, "tne Soa are cotgurains, is used for providing ‘clephone servive, with equalizers placed st regular izerene along the ea Titaly, ie eulivers desighet for the ope will eso be us for foes trunks, There equalizers can be usod on underground cable of fy ange frown 16 2 26 gauge. Aerial eable it nol permisted with ‘his design for twa reasons Fnet, diumal chines inthe lempersbre of veri! euble revll in escemire gain and phase deviations from fist enim end linea phage vereua fseaueney. Severs, che signal love fon the onble snot high enough to override intererenee from browteas, racio tetione 356 num am SreFIDC THOLNGGAL JOURRAL, FERECARY 172 ‘Tho ute of the loop equalizer for trunks in the initial years hes ssveral advantages, Among. thom ie tho ability af the equeizer to handle many gauzes which gives the engincer planning the Tal analog fren the ability to pick from the available cabliche one that best [es his needa, ‘This is of prime imporeance in the initial years when, on underground cable, the Teck of temperatuce equalization wl limit frank length to only few miles on 22-gaugr call the prevslent sauge in tha trvak networe Tho ability to use T6-pauge eabie onthe ther hand, permite teonk length several times thse possible with 22 guuge, Another advantage is Liab engineering, inwallcion, and ‘maintenance pasonnel eneounteroniy one basie desig of exble equa ier. This equipment permita development of « modestly sized serving ares of about sc mile in diameter” “Extensive expansion af the cavioe ia planned and ie expeated tobe ‘ade possible by the avaiebiity of « seannd generation of lnop sal trunk eaqaliere for Toal area Aramvmivion. ‘These equalisere will ‘ake advantege of antomatie tmparatue conpenantion and inoreaned ynamie range, enabling. analog trensmision on aersl kad wnder ‘round cable over an a7e8 up fo ubout 48 miles in diameter? This eeeard peneration of equelizere for Toop wil employ dfernt Aevigae than thowe for trons Zor everal reawzra, One ie thatthe ele Tocation of impairments tote loop is wo thee short loops will aot reaqire autorasie tempertturo compensttion. This avoids tho coste involved in providing and maintaining the more complex equipment ‘sociated with automstic tomperature compensation. Another is that The onst of tho trunks ia chezed among mary wecres hence, more fepbietieted cireity, capeble of a higher level o: performen jurfied. Second. gereration cruake will employ equalirers epaced et Intervels up to 0 kit, nth automatic emperstare ootapensetion in forary equalizor,regorless of the legs of the trunk, ‘The provioan sestions brit autlined the enitshing hierarchy for the Picorephove uetwarke an the role of the rxnsmiaion Falities ‘het will be usod to interconnect the switching machines. Planaing ‘a network and allocating impairments to ite indvidanl components require thet the network be reviewed ae it might ultimataly be eon figured Ths, ¢ description of «mature network hes been ineludet pe il for mack ngp and fur ley of ssl TRAC hee el lo and phon SS a alg nie. suanenussion mL ar in Section II, In the early yea, the network will have fewer eviteh~ ing loves, not all the eering acess wil be infereonnecte, loops and trunks will be shor: and the eure for the mnst purty will be ‘conoentrated with feiny low denwity im the downtorm arese of mi citien Tilly, only enalog satehing zascinet will be available. The Alloowon of impairments claeasted tm cho ec'‘ons to follow is con- Sele with the netwerk ae ik iv exgacted “o dovlop initely end se tis expeoted to he nkimacely configured. 1: recognises that future fgeneritons of eigen wi have exxaded capaliliy for trans rising Pistsrphone sgnalh at. baseband or paired cable, Also, 5b ecoguiros that coding of Plcturephone siganle bi rls less thea. (312 Mb/s is probable inthe fstaee and should beve oonsiderahle impact on the cost of longchau! transmission "The allocation of impairments, se given hore, represents « nepabol in azo of the best balance besnten the cast and performance of euch ‘of the components of the nelwork. ‘These allcetions are eontinnally being reviewad se expecienee i ysiaed end advanots are mace in techrology "The end-to-end tretsmision cljewlives for the video porsion of the Pickanphowe network ave ciseased in « eoxapanion ertile# These objeetivee were allootad te the compoxente of the netnork in such fb way 28 to ito that they wi. wifora be ezeeedee. fro re hac ne Iaeert of the eannestions) even ot be lougeet caxnoction. ‘Tht it fccomplished by fret stubs, tha confgurstin of the longest on= nedion and then arortiniyg the endeto-esa cbjowive to wach component ‘The inparinents of interest may be divided into two eatogrie: howe astviated with the digital Portion uf the network: and those smociated with the analog portion of the notworle (Fis. 1) The digital portion of the netwovie wil bo considered Grst, ‘The ‘maximum length connection (his porlion is assumed ta consist of 4500 rniles of digital traamnsion Tueices snd Len passes through Ditetresm evitehes, Thin permit eight bitetveam evitehes in tandem, sth two passes Ciro lve of them for aperetor-honeled ells. Thus, the netwose i congue in 9 hiere vier! rien wth n tonnes ‘vforintareiy servos when and wire rived to meek Ge demand ‘Diglal tranision com aot che cunkty of the vie signal by Irzodacing evors ast tzsing jitter. Kivere sre introdveod mt rogeners- tion points along, tar tranamisscn path where noi, inlerferanoe from plser in achasek Line rata, snd coviations in the pulea poitins tomb Yo eanse che regeierslre Lo Telly rescoduee the informe 358 mun anes, seeOmar mmomToAL FOMRNAL, FRENGARY ort tion in pestioalar pulse alos. ‘Timing jitter octure whon the time betmeen adjacent pulse positions is altered due ta imperfect timing eonvery in the regenera ‘The plan for the digital portion of the network assumes the avsila- Diliy of geal ehanne'shlwoon allo? Cie malor ete in the mid Allee 197, Those ciglaleanee ae being deigna to tanzmit ‘number of difernt sigs in action to Picturephono signals: for ‘eammple, vole, date and tclevsin, Sine Pistrephone signals ene not coniolizg inthe establishment of objectives fr Use digital hanes, oom it [ef to llocata some of the overall impairment allowed for ‘Picturephona serve tothe bitsteam seitaher. The emer rate alloca tion for the digital portion af the Picturaphowe netore is shown in ‘Table I. The eror rato is sllocetad to two clases of tranzmission Jilin, chor- and long-bou!, and to the bittream switshing me- shines, Ina companion paper? itis gfvan that en eror rate af 10 ‘Tanun IFanon Rare Attocsmtow enn ra Diora Pomrios OF aR ‘Nurwous ‘Shorea fetes are Bate Rar Has | taper eran of nein enh i cine dg bi Bey meet ina ‘rene ara ae stg ale Bel eee oy ey is tse metre, Po ate tf of Si Sarat ker" Yr Fg, raat at me mis ee the else on be eterptted peat ie ue fea yo ly rpg red cts, {Ghetay etalon om be step pene ine 52 pe itech eer sa be vagally o's pace gal ‘Eee Bless

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