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BSTJ 50: 2. February 1971: The Picturephone System: Key Telephone Systems. (Daskalakis, A.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 50: 2. February 1971: The Picturephone System: Key Telephone Systems. (Daskalakis, A.)

‘The Picturephone* Syste Key ‘Telephone Systems My A. DASKALAKIS ‘oust era Ona 21, 180) Initiliy, Vietuophone™ sore wi amet to 0 lege eto of boy lephone eytons (KES) Dat vot cat ubieriert 6 Anne motte tccnet Pitarephine Cental Ofice or Prise ranch Bachange (°BX) Tina af wold ar fo Petatepkoue intrcns, ddtbon-cnferance expabalily will go Be vaante, Jn she paper, Pcturophune RPS opaation, opie sd coma, and physical chavasteiatics ave decried. A kay telephone system (CTS) ia « eustomer-eontoled svitcing system which permis var of» stating sat for mere dex oue Central (ico, Private Besach Escherge (PINK) or intoroom Tine By switching from one lire to another. Generally eptukin, eusiomers ean sigoel fom oe sation 2 another, anefer ols bebween ration, hole a all on ave Tne while Lalling an another, ené sonverssetmeen st tions without meking uae of» Central Uiiee (CO! or PBX linat Plebwryione rv alsa ne dimension to key sylema in hat now video aswell ae sid ewitching mom tale place to aonmest one Pi- birephone tation at to a cutcbor of Pitwrephone CO ax PBX lines oF “Five Key eystem sorvics wil ho offered for Picturphone service:* ‘vo Central Oioe or ISX lino serves (x inleeam serviees an on tuli-orecanieenee stzviee. Tho line cezvions will peril (@) boca! feetwitey acces to. one Piclunephane CO or TRX ng and (8) Saved aosese of one ino by s nimbur of bosy/errotary groups, The fist of thse sarvices i rferred to as singe-group line service wile Ube second ie referred to as multigroup line srviea, The intereom services Wil consist of () a singleink Pirephone iotercom thut Heelies mead to 0 “Line? @ 5088 rum rm, svnrmne rmnTrca POCHEAL, HOMOARY 107 will provide dia! survive for up Wo ven stations on one xudio/video nk and (fi) » multiline Pictureyhono inlereom that wil provide texviee for mxinue of 27 stations en thc cudio/video links. Add- ‘on-nonferencing wil he aveilable Between oles or one Tine and one fnereom eeation, ‘A Pouch-Tonc® telephone cet und a speskerphone aro an inherent part of the Piotuephone station’ nnd one ray be used for normal “alephone calling, iciaeyphone serving ix provided as an adjunct to epalar telephone serves, tho only retention being the provision for Toush-Tone rignoling, Key arstem Tine trvies interface with the erring Central Offer or PBX over thos cable pars: one palr for ‘sadio cemmunientione val wo pairs for video, ‘rom a aubecribr's point of view, calls can be place either on a ‘video or studio base ia all of the key vervites mentioned aimply by oreeeding (or nat) the ealled number wilh the 3 digi, Tneoming Pleturephone’ ella age distinguished by x tone ringer (bell Far teloe phone) end a red line lamp (white for leephore). Normal hey system Tam Mashing retee axe weed to inoue wold, ringing and busy. A logle 2ed and whive lap assembly ied nde each ine button for visa esting 2a Goneral single Group werice a fended to serve braafaoreary arrange: swunte And genrta smoltaneoue eudio wove to both witcions, Howe rer, Vdhe acces ig provided on a reach bain and if both boss wid seecstary ate o-oo on the stn Tne, aly the bass ell Ive a viden eazaestion. Mlultigroup Line serviewallowa a number of bos/seerolary gramps to sha one Pizturepkens Kin, The Bit eletion swith 2 group to esse Ue Line will led out all oshar groupe ‘a8 Single hop Service "The bode dgeun in Fig. 1 shows s typical key eytam line install tion. single Tine ptked tp by a boss gad a eoreary i shown; how tren, aditional Tite mey be ennnected to & station by adding line ‘Grote video evite wad a video cable equalize por lise. ‘To iluctrate che operlion of this svvic, incoming and oatgoing video ale wll be desribed, Telephone calls follow stendard KTS prasee aus will therefor net be discussed. On an ineoming Picture= Phone call, the CO or PBX appli ke Viloo Supervisory Signed soy meurrnon stems 60 i | JL Vig. L-Slesoap Mencvntone ine cece. (VSS) to the incoming wdan pair es Least 100 ms before apply siasing fo the audio pair. After dctostiog VS anc within cho 100-ms inerval, the eablo equslier evilebs the Line eneul ito the vigeo rade, When singing is detected by Ue line cnet, « dntineive ing {tone ringer) and e lacking ed lnnp alot the station user. Whex tho call is anewerod, singiyg brea, se ro lamp gas saucy sad the ideo vwiteh extend the video and lymenose signed to the ealled Preturephone sation. thecal s placed on hold te in ret pro- vinlor winking rod Iniap te (he Telephone a ‘Tho video evite ie telease in the hold state resulting in w blank sercen to both parties Tipen re-entezing the connostion, video 2 wall ar silo forming ‘tons may be sontinued ‘When a station is placed of-haok t erizinato a Peturephone eal, the line eivouit fights tho corresponding whice Iam inthe wy Phe (Bouton iv depretnd folowet iy he teephore number of the Called etaion, When the CO or PRX “eles Uae video eall has been tiled, a burst of VS ie ot to the video eable equalier, The apne incr coramand the line el fo the videw made; te line creat in ‘ua avitehes the upp in the telephuze se fom stead wie ta steady ted. The spetem goes idle whan al tions are on-hook. "A video loopback’ is provided between the tranamit and reesive fro rae mm. crerme Tecmo JOURNAL, FEBRUARY 127. pairs of the line ne he exble equate civ, This loopback 5 eon bested whan che syetom is ile ad is removed when the Tine exit is in the video mode and a station ie of-eak. Onoo remove, he oop beak will et be eesonneetad unt the spam eile, VSB no. being reorived andl all stations on-howk. Tals logic allows e video signal 0 ‘be Leanamiled cbrough the evstamur lyop fos ‘anemicion tating * {ealko prevents « person frotneotng mel the penoon to whe he js ralling goes onenook. In the ent of peaes failure, either at the Tine ere, ue ecble equalize, ur the station ect, leaped is removed %o prevent the CO or PBX fror: completing vido calle vo thet line. 2 Multigroup Serise Muligroup PYelurephone line service was designed to provide shared-line service to a aumber of boee/seretery groupe. The enull= iroup eystam ce shown in Fig. ?ullse ine cial,» exble qualior, fod e common control and lockout eituit Ie shows bose/ecertary ‘groups one through nine shaving one Picturephone line. In tis ust tion, seaetaree heve video aeosse; however, audio-nly service may he proved for cearetarce. When eny ove greup (station) is wing the lie, ova devin tall oer groupe (talons), Any Picturephone soup that inadverwently goes of-buok on & Kae Ute ie in use will -ecivo a bney tone. Poisson of Uc Tine en be eonsfrred ro anocher sooap by placing the ine ox old and uiough exteral signing rote, ireeting another roup i pics up the line. Mukisroup equip~ sunt aerangements wil allow up ls wn Piotarphine groupe ta share ainda line. Tf sho secretary withia a group is equipped with a Piturephone station, single-groap rules apply. That iy, Ue eusomer maw choose hierarchical video onder for the two Piclwrephone ststione but both stations within the group have auio access, Teoming and outgoing vale, ineofar ce distinctive audible end ‘vial shgoling and ell completion are eoneermed, ere ftndled the sane Way atin eingle-group Picturephone eeice with one exception ‘That i, on incoming calls one group (ston) will usually be desie- nated ob the attend group end all inoming oul wil rng end Sach ‘the attendant location. Ding zinging, the lamp associated wi ‘ash line is lighted ctondy ot all nossttendunt stations, HZ a zon ‘llordant station goes of-hoote duvingvinging, it will reeive © ny tone. When the atlendent detennines the station to whieh the elling party wlibes to bo connected, she mey placa the incoming eall am bald fg, through extemal signaling mesna, sdvise the proper station lo FR map uuu svoun seoenen, roman, ramocaRY 2an pick up the lis, When te wee station pie wp the cull will be ‘eanetemed fo the! station and tae attend as Wel aval er hge groupe vrll be loned out ‘An optional Diseet Stavion Seletion (D35)_erangement ean bo vided for the attendant to adie steton of an incoming Pictore- ‘hone cll. With this orange, che atlendant operates the proper DSR bunton hich activates « Boeing re lamp and audible tone nye inal seeciatad wit the Piturephone line to be picked up by ‘hat station, Ae ahve, when the ation pieke up, the eal! sll be trwralera wa thealtedant sl be Tock ot ‘Am applionen of Malignsap ecrvieo i given in Pig. & Te shows thaws bors/sereury groans sharing tro Pesto ney Fattaries hee ascio only!” A lulton appestenee per ‘ino e roouinsl = each Malina 1 tho prineipal rer af group 13 of hook on Lin, the lap teceeiated vith the ine in tna wll Light steady at sacl alion ape Prarance in all chee groups. Teither « aroup 2 or gry Station goes ‘chon on the some line Ih sation will rocive a busy tone If the fcrelany in group 1 gpm of-heok, she will gat audio aces 10 that Pietntophone ine 4 Gora ‘Toro “ype of Piturephone interom sorvlees wi he fered to handle eneeoncer witching needs: single Tink anil milks servic. Single nk cervite i intended forthe small weer and wil aerommodats ‘onazinum of fn stations, Malik inerear series i imo athe Tages user aid wl serve 2 ragmum of 97 etnbions on xian of iver inks, AL basin ey talepoae fnsures are provided on asc ofthe lwo evotoms; fey Piskep, Bold ianps, ablibe signals, ad-en-eons Terenea, ee Tntereor eervi is entirely snparace ftom che ospe of line a-vise oecn, Hor estaple, aatgns ving aocss to the sig’ Tink itereom fan hove ether anglo-greap or rulligem Piturephone line service te vlephone-only line saree. A button appesranee is requtel a ote Selva tase hn agceas #0 am inéeroom, Single Link Introom Soses ‘This servi provides private intoreommunicating on «3 plus one-igtdiling basis among a group often or ces taions, semi er all OF whith are equipped far Picturophone cervoe. Singe-Enk intercom dey uauess STETIE sm Tig, 3-Netiemup Piers one Te sroo—appasin servo is ynovide by the units show in Px. 4, eonsisting ofa tation Seek ges sat, esnton eoge, to allow areas ta one stetion and tlude al thine, cone anc lamp wool ntl Pouck-Tone dal receiv sn equipzen: "The ovignetion alternation of walle follow the procedares de- seribed Jor line vervives isofa™ a5 dialing ené ele ton alerting are fensemed. If» cull in proxrere, she intrsom line lea will light sly ab all stetios Raving inerrom aoces IE station gow o-ho0k, ile neal is n progr, Lut eatin wll vive Dory tone ‘The basie cone ofthe ang. Prlnsaphono intercom i the 182 Ais eelevive istercom (endo onlr} prowtly avilable te the Sel Video etching, lockout, swerve features have been added to result in ¢ complete Petarvphnnc inlerrom syste. "The features ef the suglelink intereom are privoey, system busy tone, bold, boss) secretary bridging of one inlorom line appearance, sation hunting fomn 2 primary to 2 eovondazy shen sho primary is Dory on another Tine, aud lion conieseacing Rotary da] note for andivealyatstons ‘re pormtid ‘When stlion is place of-hook: to orisinte ell the ettion and omnmoa toniml civ ate seized, preventing other stations from Cvignatiog a eal on she ictereom, ‘Ta steon se eontete toa haters Feat eirvuih and to the temineted video path, The calling ration 7 ‘tive diel tone and all tations eracive a seesay white lamp signal. 1 Std mae aa extant wreNDIOKT, ToDRSAT, MEMEO 171 comm "ager | the 3 dip icicle, ndionting a Pieturephone cul i being pec, ‘the lemps change vo steady ve ‘Usan completion of cling, the common cortro) cireit rakes a ‘busy test of the called party. Ifthe called parby ie bosy on anatler Tin, busy tone is rete to the ealling station; if the elled prey i ite raging ie soplied. Whe tbe alle wlavion anewers, the ealled splay ani ie Ged! ON, te video wate are commenced together oper tctsmitlerstnreeiver fashion, and Whe ringer ix seid, ‘The yale senens in Une busy stale ual die Ise eatin placed on oak ‘On an established intercom all, ne of the talking pentce may choose to anawer an insoming ell ow a Line while Ue other inarcom party remedies ul-hook, Aiter answering. te insole tay then retar to cho itoreom ax Ton we she ule pty reno hook, ‘Thosefre,inteneem uscrsaze provided a ucans for holding an inter- om eal ‘Boss/seeretary bridging of one inercom line xppearanos and ste ion Tunting from a pritsary 29 @ scrondary when abe primary ie bury on another fine sre suo key system featares and will not be owered here. "The opsional feature af add-on-eanfrence, which i ‘avalnble with Uhe singlectinke Peeurephone intercom, js denise in Section TY. 132 Mulltink Intvoom Service ‘This aystem is ialealel ly fil the inaecommunication needs of uetomere mho range in sie froma thowe who eam be served by tho tea- ation singe-link Pcturephone intrcurn to tow who require a Pizturepione PBX bt co not require full PRX fealure* The multi Tike iteteom is conamen coutzl syetam designed to provide com nuneasions to a maximum of 27 stations ¢folares tompleve privacy, Serves telepione ax well as Beterephone equippod sation, a ean be ‘onuipped for cider lwo of three intaxcommumienting Tinks. Stendand Iityspsiem fecinressieh a Fo, oes/eeersary bridging of one nter= ‘ome line, and sation hualing rom x gwinary toa ssondary wes the mary ie buy om another Line are proviced un an optional basi. CO te PEX Lines een bo conceal ls provide aio addon and video tensor inv the intaream,. an System Orpanication ‘Figure 5 Se bck diagram of ie mln syetem, Ie conse of a sete: control and register, up Wo thawe Lak eizeuila, o cute mari, fod a eto ene oe vaeh station 576 mR aveTmMe TECHNICAL JOUESAL, MIMUARY WML ‘The register contains the tlc ofthe systema logic and consis of & Toueh-Tone roacver,w srleriorviroil and a Tole stew for con- trolling the eystem, ‘Tho link viexit performs the funotions of eall supervision and selective siaaling, ‘The station cieuit eomneets the tations to the eyrm and controls tho functions of ideo, mp and nger switching. The ewitchmastrixconnoete eloted tations ta Bele ‘neu and lose out all other stations 22 System Operation past Teephoce Calls, Rofesing to Wig, f, whoa a station gos of hooky the regina sine and prevent ther atone from arignadng ‘nll ot this time, ‘The rier fener She esling ation a alo ‘oables eile Lin, The caabled Link enues the operation ofthe matsix ferompoink associated arith the ealing party. AL thin point, Ch eling party tip wn ring Tel re ern la Un ele Tae eile fhroush the matrix aout. Tones (Gal tne, ringbank, sation Dory and porrnanont gaa! ere tenemitted by tho Hak tothe osanosted station, "The Tink eieuit suplie loop curren, datcterotory dil pulses and ropeate dal pules fo the zepstar. If Foueh-Tane dialing i involved is roquied to cxginete Pictrepkons calle, the tones aro eapucitivaly ‘pled to the relates, ‘Upon completion of dling cho ogister moker w busy test of the called party. Ifthe called party ix bony, bu tono will be returned to the caling party. If the called party i ile the erompoint usoiated swith the elled sation an dhe state! Tins will be agente. Tho Terixge will bo release from the mabled Tink waking thavelable to Ipaslewaother el. Ringiag and vinybaek tou will now be spoled by fhe tink one. fer the ealled eta anewer, the dink wil rmtin it the bury state unl the lst statin i placed ex-hook. ‘542 Ploturphone Calis, Picturephone calls are originated in the same fashion of telephone calls wits the additional requirement of preceding the called momber with tho digit, Tao register detcte the digt and eigaale the Link which in rm nts the ation cir nto ‘the Pltureptone modo (2, rod lap, tune ringer). Tho viewing path ‘through the evitch matrix is sonteeled by enh etnéioneireit im mck ‘ray 28 to connoct tho tranittr and rerivets oF tho ealing and Called partie in Iransnttesnatever entiation in hath ditions When both the collin und eniled parties have fen wnneeld to the trrtch matrix, the Tink ere muse prevent aditonsl stations from being added in» Lctarephone mode wo cho existing bxparty cal ‘Third and fourth partes ena be added, audio only, to wn existing ell

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