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BSTJ 50: 2. February 1971: The Picturephone System: Central Office Switching. (Burgess, P.N.; Stickel, J.E.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 50: 2. February 1971: The Picturephone System: Central Office Switching. (Burgess, P.N.; Stickel, J.E.)

‘The Picturephone” System: Central Office Switching By P..N. BURGESS and J. E, STICKEL (Semneit msnval Scene 28, 10) Cental ofre etching of Patarophone wells sequived te design of aa eviomated neem’ expat of iting Largs number of widebont signals Gn em analog Bois, We desert in thx pap the dvetopment of smiling Blan tha ells arth infarction of ary enafomers f assy rants Gnd ofthe wom ne tayesithinacorplaieteaumsion limite. We aso die on ezplanatin of the ranaminioneonuratce onthe physical design Of the coil afin nator Allzough devin have Boer developed to switeh engl: band swicth sents they have bee lini tna amall umber of inputs and Dutpute Also, the hpial conteels for thie ceviees have been realively imple. ‘ive ‘evelopment cseerbed in this etale ie the fist auto- inated, rmo-sealesostening syst digned to swteh nngp numbers of wideband rgoals on an entlog hivis We dinars the networt and foxtols aided Wo the No.6 erossba> sntching eystem that entble a fitting evitchingeystem to proves nls from Pitwrophone tations 5 well ne Lelepnes 1a Design Plotophy ioturophane sevice i inten} to be 21 extension of basic tele- pone serve sacher than x rears tr communication pclae. ‘is feck ino inpertack capietions in all f tke Bell System, pectcalaly in the design of exihing systems. As gush, the wideband switching tystem developed for Pictureplone acevie wlzes the existing tele- hone plant ae such a4 posible. Clessly this design method is Teatonable ov an cearorsie stendpsint since x largo cumbor of visting telephone swching funetions—registzation of dial digits, ‘horging all supervision, sgnsling—sre also ueoded for Pietwephone 584 ry mney, svarme racriC JOURRRE, FeMEUARY eT fitehing, Thie philowophy ssn implice a tural exaneion of the fandant aumbering plan; Uisreore, © Pictanphone customer can receive both Picturephane wn telephone eas on the same number. ‘The only difference Sateen dialing © Picturephone wall and. telo- hone eall is thot the dialed digile for a Pictasphona call will be wetted with the 12th Pouel-Ton stton designated (E)-+ "The No. § croesbar eye was chosen tho svitahing machine to provide initial earrioe dor Piclarephone customers. That system is Widely available throughow. wos ofthe major metrpolian areas i the Calted States, It ie argue on common coatrol busis ad, toca af i inborent Geils, can add nee servies sich of Picture phone calling, Foturo develaymente wil provide thin exit in eetranie seiching sys, 1 Application ‘The eyeiom to be deserted it eapabe of serving ns Joo wishing rystem by handling Pictrephone call to and from (¥) individual Lines, (8) oontrox Ties, (6) PEX evitebing eystams maxi for Pleticephone ervice, seule) Bell System operntor. The oen- tv ines, ithe termingted dzectiy ia tho conta ofes (eorex CO) fof on an amoeisted PBX {orntrex CU), willbe able to roosive deol iratialet (DID) eal, to oruinate aromatics y-idencided-oubwacd dined {AIOD) celle, and 4o ley four- of Hve-digt intercom calls, "Tranafer features for snltex CO customers wl be provided ‘ma Iter development. ‘in addition, the eetem will trve 68 6 toll and tandem machine boy awitahing cull betwen Pictwrephone interofice trunks on an analog basi vr ewirema PuaN TOR No, 5 enoEsmAR 21 Central Ofer Switching Network "The evitebing plan ia infoenced by tho eeesien) interface with tie Picturophone it, Tha interface tx preseatod over thee pine of wires; one for the biedimetional wutio signals, aod che hor fro for the video truneinit wml rrvive signals. The sudo. pair pitched by the existing No, 5 exomhar two-lce nelwork, while the ‘video pairs are switened by a now four-wire network, cacetialy ia parallel with the audio netmore (see ig. 1). For eotral purpoees, this ‘how ewitohing network, ene the widehand Tink (WBE), is asocinted with the tmaswire network jn» deinive manner. On the He wide of the omer, often sw irene sas = {BE atta ns | _ |S wa ti Sting, = wise ete ih; WIRES ~ ite network, the Piturophone sttion’s adie appeerenee onthe twe-wire eto in assoeeted diet on a one-for-one basis with the video fppearunce or the WAL. Whenever the Pisturephone stetion ie ine valved in a Pitwrephone eal, one peth 'sevitebes throws cho audio network he aucio apgeazacse, and ancther ie aitaed through the WE ve the aseicted video appetremee. Ifa Pleturephona steton Js invalved in a ‘elephone call, cnly ie audia porion ie awitched rough the ace. 505 urn ma, everest neLaAuUAG JOURNAL, seMRUARY Jt (On the frank sie of th wetwork, the seme essoeiaton prineiple olds se that every andi trmle with appearance onthe 2vo-wire etwore har 1 atmeialed video trunk: With en appearance on the WEL, Intevofioe Pictwreptone ells to thod wie video wreaks an! their sere eouaterper. Tho contol 's ranged so that theee aul ‘nunks are never ured for telepkene eas ‘With thie eniceking plum, tav probably of a Plturephene eal Ini lew i neater than or egal w ti of teleshona call snes 1 Picturophone cn! ie routed reugh two siting networks rier than one. Although The tun netwineea are not stohistionly indepen hn, the sepontence is aiallbosause the sitehed ehansala are ‘elected inlepesntely. Tn yartiouge, # Pend Py ore the probabil ‘tet of @ particular input Being blocked in the wntio ant video net~ Work, respectively, and Pie the probably thas « Pikarephone call Jy bloc through thie af, then Peo 1= (= Pa = Poy A 1d Pe Pe hPa = Pe Poll = PO. Sines Peel Pee Pat ly ‘The probehifly of « Péetwaptone opll boing blocked shoulé not be sSgnifeantly above te blocking probably of « selene cal Heres, Pe should be signideantly amelie thea Pa, and the WBI shoald be ‘early nonblocking "Lae above sequiremente have baon eetisied by using 4 Uheewstage aecorle hick bas nearly wll Uno expested. locking ix the Ses eepe. Since the sceond and thind sages approximate a Clos nonbloccing rework, the blocking is navel gro thvougk these stage. By allowing fcencentreion im the art soy of up (0 8:1, the tlephose company hus the flexibility of wong Wie Blocking in the nctwork by line reansigmment, The netwack oun be provided with a minimum of 100 ‘trunk terminations and bs uxparble, in 100-tank termination ino ‘ments oto 490-trmin oa ie, Mork! stlies have indicate thet, fa the early years of service, a notwork with 400 turk terminsle it ceguate, Foe ear nf the fous snes, a 4:1 ur 8:1 Tine cononiraion tis is availie, ‘The reewnek topology ie eiown ia Tig. 2, end verb’ Uelow whine N= T,2,5, wr "The ft alaye consi of TA widchaxd “ino Links, eee line link having tex cnipute and ay 9° 8) inputa for a maximum of 3209 Hines eaermi ore evry aot Fig 2 Widlund aout tebe ‘The second stage, the milabard junetor Tink stage, omnes of 10 jevurvwitea groupe, each group having JW tate gl UM onto ‘The did stage, the ‘wideband crunk link etazo, eouisiy ui 108 rope, cash baring tau ixpute aus em outta, Ths packaging of ein ‘guipmeat and its impact ox the canal aie oor plan as it ube ‘he fruaemienion eharavririess explain: in Sertion WL “rhe cen outputs horizons of «Tne Tn are ven over the leat juaelar wwe! grup he ius Maarzorils) fon seo seit group are apron needy our she walebannd (our G03 “The networeeonfiineson pravies tom path oleten any inp a8 ny auvput 22 Ramcte Suitbicg Neteork A prime earbilas lur ely Bisurephone sarsion ie the cntzes boasiness eatin, EW he ill ercly foe ray, maz eal te ner eraamene un Khe national Plctsophena acto grows, ae will Tniit'y we votso Tate Deovertage a calle within che eosananty ff alee on He a ens prea, IT the WEL were Lae enls trtehing satwotc provide in th ewicehing plan, every cll beimeeD {ao siecios within he eastener grep Ee, ‘ntereom alls) would Svulvt fn arlsof krssiivian Fae ties batman the evoiner and ‘he eancral efi, By pucwiding switching netnoe atthe eumamar's restive, ln idle tien a inlervin eal ean be eile Entirely wh tie connate oni, ue grin Cie Uencmaision facilities net Inthe etetones ar this of cll. The widsband reanuce switely {WRRA) wae dane ona i we Te arrange 585 cue ay sree veewraat sormaL, maumeaRY 10r to oviteh just the video signala, ene moto Ube oontrol” of the WORS is in che centre! fee, The audio for cult etalon We ell apiccbed at the conta of spying thet no modifestions are uacoxry fort ‘wleting wndio ‘aslves slzeudy provid Uy eentex CO arrangements, As e consequence of pooriding the WERS ner he atsoroere, © re ‘inced maetinr of trnemierion links ate srorided Between the cara] fies and the eng of the WEES. Taetefore, dhe WRRS ean also fuveion een sailing, eyremuraine ior Plsturephone wer “The WHIRS is erranged aa ine stage enecshar network wit 80 ingle aed a) wtp ‘The mys acces the ideo trans, wl avive pits fm ue Péctavune sation aad the outous cither tonnest direst 20 the WL 90 ce to pride video so Past 1 the Pietrvphone network e emer en intoa-reote ete ‘ce. “These (rks curser Ue ewe video camnnstion an P¥etureptone insereom eal ie problems of ore, imptee nit, inention lone, and eres in q lange ale TMs batch svitel ng nesmenk presented an singran” challenge to ce withing ayumi designers. 1n addition to providing « saisfaslory transmission path, 32 mecrork bad to be Praciest from a mantfatorig, installation ane manigeaunce steil- hak. hie selon in slevale! to dirtnsion of haw thet conatrainsa Inirneod he teeing phpeiral sonfgarstion 0: the ache. ‘Figure 8 ayes The wileband ne-work in tema of the ectaal appa twee alae in rvtahing the Picursokora ral, Flach line link ean Stn of ten or fone MO-ortial, Wns lee", sR-Riee ooesbar eRihes, tech S4y F398 ie, Te june swite groupe each have up 2 eh trons rvs, Wie dew ine ie Ua, aed eae trunk aah fron hes ona tan-verial, tan-erel, ax-wise exonbar enite, 20) in % Oy in, Reyardlne othe method of equzncent peckaging, the dis le Uvugh Ube wide veloc He an angneciate art of the Piceienpone signet wavelenath and the trenemzeion characteristics a tho twitching network tus be nonsidered. To eontzel fhe tran asian curators, the widened neowune we deve within Ube feoeseints impose? by an overillsrenemiason fvel plan for analog fselites, "chit ad he Pra ans: ghee ton oad Ate i alten ef lotantin ne tz esa nail ee eon cxcuane wuniaw see it a Fond Phew "The overal level pla alates thaw eatpue af any eable eine ssh Inet the seme trensriesion “reel. ‘Tie roerrsee point Zero Pistasnnhese Trateasion Level Poi {0 PTLP} is detood ws the tj of the centzal oboe -ogp cysalizor inthe erection of :ransmise on faa tae station out te the wna lie. Begining atthe cteiun fet equalizer, shows in the overcT.evel plan, Fig 4 sec subscunt foqalier eespensives (ors y-imeingtrapsinission pack and ile eu fn ie editor ta beat 0 PTLD. As Tong as cho wena degzedation in thie proeeding path ie reagonably sone:zat end predictable, zhe ql fers nec nw wily Ted gain ané phase ebaracteistics (xed eqzetiser. "The Pictrephone eviteing network ‘evel pn er No, 5 ewshar, shown in Fig. 6 nur satin’y the eamae ranemision roquements ‘he oeral level ln This plan was pa=ieululy ciel to isplement Wrthin tao cour oes since any of he wc $200 Por ana Tinee cout’ rowiner 29 a5y of the 400 wicebwad Unuaks, This scant ‘hee tho vacialiow in trazamisooa degradation emong the pach (yom moka sve TACHA JOUNKALy HHHRUART 107 through the wideband network hed to he within the tolerance allowed in 0 PLP. To scoomplich this, aaitional tvevominion constraints ‘were impoosd invemal bo the centalofiee, Lhewecoerain sil allow ‘xed uatizem (eater than dymaric aquelizers) ta be wise Th Udit, walle baling ul both Plctcephone Lace nn Ammen ie Sreuivod. The lor plan and patie be'ancing requiremenss ace wise Ged by the wee of a widebend uileibting *aree (NHL loeated © fied elotriend dienes between the ecble equaliaae and Lae eeehing capspmont, ‘by line eae semsianmenb wi:out equslices readjust nea, th irpul (BY an wuloi. (88) levels atthe WEDW axe seed 1 Transmission Cable Length Redietions on Wideband Networt Suarting at any of th enble oqunliucrs shown in Fig. 8 tho ctive Aistunoe fo tke WISDY ie fves o0 Put he trasmiccion Lae is eenrtant fd ena to th oes of 190 feet of alle, Tie uistvaen, choeen because of th anticipated sizeof eablo equalizers end expected eratral office pace valley, reprecnts the longest hin rom from an oqunl oe to the WEDIC For equlinem elser lp the WHDR, the 350-0 path say be » combination of elie uitloula CHO} sud neta ewble ‘The Tevel of 51 ie thorefiee equal to 0 PTEP mina the cranemison fo (0f $90 fet uf exe, The datace fom the WBDF through the itching eto nd bunk Wo the WED ie 320 fest with an allowable vatatinn Of 50 ‘owt. This nonin distanos and wariation mae ebocen aftr a ‘uly of Unvleot was mace, consdaring the followings (2) Cost aud practica! init of grin snd phaco compensation in the fixed ecules. (i) Central afc space ovailebilty for the wideband actwore (6). tim enbleditaner paable chro netwne hha 2 aime of BAD eosebar suites. sdbornir POLE pe en ye D> mean ONZE Big 4 Oren tea vio lee ya. cess, opsien swmeAINE on eae BORE BP ER Eos Fig, 6_Pitrophone airing mesma vel “This total stance was spit inl to Woot sctions, ome with 4ovfect varioton, and the othor with & £1000! variation. The level [BB atthe wideband trunk 1 riot 100 fot of central fice eal "The () shows is Fig. 6 ts wr co icentifs the addtional shaped los contribution by the evishing netwars over tht of euhle alone, The Shaping ie equal to the digeenoe hetwoon 1020 feet of cable end < inal path throwgh the wideband wwvehisg wetvork. Tae shaping ie rimenlly consiouted by te lof the altel cables (bridge ape) fn the ridebas junctor lis, TT wewmpenaated, the caping wold renult in vido eee (gheete) on the Piauraphone secon, ‘The mid ted to make these eabes ss srt-and oniform as possibie is expins? fn Beotion 82. 2 an mri, svetmse mocmoan sovRNat, FEBRUARY 18 Since the network must switch intrenice and operstor eal the ‘ranks must be at the eausuision midpoint, lovel 82, to sci tho level plan. Figure enmmarizes the loses in tnma of oat loss of ‘tn offs eable fom 0 PETP. ‘Tao wideband lie ak (WBLL) appearance of ewo-way and operator trunks pases through tae WDE and a tandem cable equalize to reeetablt O PILP before i extere the wideband networc, These sppecrances tominate dicetiy on the WLDI' to take advantage of the era asigament lexbiity ered, ‘1a Tronamiaton Reststons Due to Vidco Empaioments In addition to tho distance restrictions imposed on the central fice equipment to satis the level lan, « Emit on the magnitude of the video ipairments—sebo, ryndema roi, impulsn noite, eroeiale and power hus—is required 20 stay within the allowable overall loc al= Tosttions® Buch of these impuinzents hus e perticees effet ox the physical design of the wideband meter 2 nstenee, « exblo equalizer compunsstes ‘or some average (ro- ‘quency saeperse ad the cchavatnz ispuiement ef ary other path will Aspen on ow ie devitee com tka verge serperse. Eckowe in the ilaing fe, £5 exs:sined easier, exe caused primarily by them Din of rabies necegeny lo iniaionest the vaviaws juretor sith sroupe. Figure & shows cela sate? ge faretion of tke mum ara lengtv brid tape. "Tho shaded rgien ofthis igure shewa the aiow- blo ocho tating af the enitching efce wea function of only uzeqal- ined bridge tape, and essumcs perfet oqualization of beth central tiGee onble an svitshes, Sino dh allgewion of echo i based ox tn sverege pot, it ie necessary to Keep the number of bridge tana slong the path conetant, as rhort ae possible, and at fixed distance ‘tom the eable equalizer, "Noi impuictnents rvul rom energy in the paths that, control relays aod eros willie being fred Hevo the wile pains, wad for: wide clocriol current fuctuavions in the Datlery and ground Feedere coupling Unrough Lie feunwvonk sto the video pe. To slny within the note alfestina, all wiley enblee are epaated by a lnuet tre inchos fom congo) cates wun they mun paralcl ta each theron s framne nc ane sun st cp euch etter where the 2” rie mom apaeing eannet be mcistained. Als, eantact protection deviers leeriee RC stents) exe ennneelad elween grou and the video vtch consoles in once to reduce the offer of Fgh neray trane= fens, Ballery snd round Teedere for dhe wideband netwack are

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